1//===- NaryReassociate.cpp - Reassociate n-ary expressions ----------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This pass reassociates n-ary add expressions and eliminates the redundancy
11// exposed by the reassociation.
13// A motivating example:
15//   void foo(int a, int b) {
16//     bar(a + b);
17//     bar((a + 2) + b);
18//   }
20// An ideal compiler should reassociate (a + 2) + b to (a + b) + 2 and simplify
21// the above code to
23//   int t = a + b;
24//   bar(t);
25//   bar(t + 2);
27// However, the Reassociate pass is unable to do that because it processes each
28// instruction individually and believes (a + 2) + b is the best form according
29// to its rank system.
31// To address this limitation, NaryReassociate reassociates an expression in a
32// form that reuses existing instructions. As a result, NaryReassociate can
33// reassociate (a + 2) + b in the example to (a + b) + 2 because it detects that
34// (a + b) is computed before.
36// NaryReassociate works as follows. For every instruction in the form of (a +
37// b) + c, it checks whether a + c or b + c is already computed by a dominating
38// instruction. If so, it then reassociates (a + b) + c into (a + c) + b or (b +
39// c) + a and removes the redundancy accordingly. To efficiently look up whether
40// an expression is computed before, we store each instruction seen and its SCEV
41// into an SCEV-to-instruction map.
43// Although the algorithm pattern-matches only ternary additions, it
44// automatically handles many >3-ary expressions by walking through the function
45// in the depth-first order. For example, given
47//   (a + c) + d
48//   ((a + b) + c) + d
50// NaryReassociate first rewrites (a + b) + c to (a + c) + b, and then rewrites
51// ((a + c) + b) + d into ((a + c) + d) + b.
53// Finally, the above dominator-based algorithm may need to be run multiple
54// iterations before emitting optimal code. One source of this need is that we
55// only split an operand when it is used only once. The above algorithm can
56// eliminate an instruction and decrease the usage count of its operands. As a
57// result, an instruction that previously had multiple uses may become a
58// single-use instruction and thus eligible for split consideration. For
59// example,
61//   ac = a + c
62//   ab = a + b
63//   abc = ab + c
64//   ab2 = ab + b
65//   ab2c = ab2 + c
67// In the first iteration, we cannot reassociate abc to ac+b because ab is used
68// twice. However, we can reassociate ab2c to abc+b in the first iteration. As a
69// result, ab2 becomes dead and ab will be used only once in the second
70// iteration.
72// Limitations and TODO items:
74// 1) We only considers n-ary adds and muls for now. This should be extended
75// and generalized.
79#include "llvm/Analysis/AssumptionCache.h"
80#include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.h"
81#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
82#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
83#include "llvm/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
84#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
85#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
86#include "llvm/IR/PatternMatch.h"
87#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
88#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
89#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
90#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Local.h"
91using namespace llvm;
92using namespace PatternMatch;
94#define DEBUG_TYPE "nary-reassociate"
96namespace {
97class NaryReassociate : public FunctionPass {
99  static char ID;
101  NaryReassociate(): FunctionPass(ID) {
102    initializeNaryReassociatePass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
103  }
105  bool doInitialization(Module &M) override {
106    DL = &M.getDataLayout();
107    return false;
108  }
109  bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override;
111  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
112    AU.addPreserved<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>();
113    AU.addPreserved<ScalarEvolutionWrapperPass>();
114    AU.addPreserved<TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass>();
115    AU.addRequired<AssumptionCacheTracker>();
116    AU.addRequired<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>();
117    AU.addRequired<ScalarEvolutionWrapperPass>();
118    AU.addRequired<TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass>();
119    AU.addRequired<TargetTransformInfoWrapperPass>();
120    AU.setPreservesCFG();
121  }
124  // Runs only one iteration of the dominator-based algorithm. See the header
125  // comments for why we need multiple iterations.
126  bool doOneIteration(Function &F);
128  // Reassociates I for better CSE.
129  Instruction *tryReassociate(Instruction *I);
131  // Reassociate GEP for better CSE.
132  Instruction *tryReassociateGEP(GetElementPtrInst *GEP);
133  // Try splitting GEP at the I-th index and see whether either part can be
134  // CSE'ed. This is a helper function for tryReassociateGEP.
135  //
136  // \p IndexedType The element type indexed by GEP's I-th index. This is
137  //                equivalent to
138  //                  GEP->getIndexedType(GEP->getPointerOperand(), 0-th index,
139  //                                      ..., i-th index).
140  GetElementPtrInst *tryReassociateGEPAtIndex(GetElementPtrInst *GEP,
141                                              unsigned I, Type *IndexedType);
142  // Given GEP's I-th index = LHS + RHS, see whether &Base[..][LHS][..] or
143  // &Base[..][RHS][..] can be CSE'ed and rewrite GEP accordingly.
144  GetElementPtrInst *tryReassociateGEPAtIndex(GetElementPtrInst *GEP,
145                                              unsigned I, Value *LHS,
146                                              Value *RHS, Type *IndexedType);
148  // Reassociate binary operators for better CSE.
149  Instruction *tryReassociateBinaryOp(BinaryOperator *I);
151  // A helper function for tryReassociateBinaryOp. LHS and RHS are explicitly
152  // passed.
153  Instruction *tryReassociateBinaryOp(Value *LHS, Value *RHS,
154                                      BinaryOperator *I);
155  // Rewrites I to (LHS op RHS) if LHS is computed already.
156  Instruction *tryReassociatedBinaryOp(const SCEV *LHS, Value *RHS,
157                                       BinaryOperator *I);
159  // Tries to match Op1 and Op2 by using V.
160  bool matchTernaryOp(BinaryOperator *I, Value *V, Value *&Op1, Value *&Op2);
162  // Gets SCEV for (LHS op RHS).
163  const SCEV *getBinarySCEV(BinaryOperator *I, const SCEV *LHS,
164                            const SCEV *RHS);
166  // Returns the closest dominator of \c Dominatee that computes
167  // \c CandidateExpr. Returns null if not found.
168  Instruction *findClosestMatchingDominator(const SCEV *CandidateExpr,
169                                            Instruction *Dominatee);
170  // GetElementPtrInst implicitly sign-extends an index if the index is shorter
171  // than the pointer size. This function returns whether Index is shorter than
172  // GEP's pointer size, i.e., whether Index needs to be sign-extended in order
173  // to be an index of GEP.
174  bool requiresSignExtension(Value *Index, GetElementPtrInst *GEP);
176  AssumptionCache *AC;
177  const DataLayout *DL;
178  DominatorTree *DT;
179  ScalarEvolution *SE;
180  TargetLibraryInfo *TLI;
181  TargetTransformInfo *TTI;
182  // A lookup table quickly telling which instructions compute the given SCEV.
183  // Note that there can be multiple instructions at different locations
184  // computing to the same SCEV, so we map a SCEV to an instruction list.  For
185  // example,
186  //
187  //   if (p1)
188  //     foo(a + b);
189  //   if (p2)
190  //     bar(a + b);
191  DenseMap<const SCEV *, SmallVector<WeakVH, 2>> SeenExprs;
193} // anonymous namespace
195char NaryReassociate::ID = 0;
196INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(NaryReassociate, "nary-reassociate", "Nary reassociation",
197                      false, false)
203INITIALIZE_PASS_END(NaryReassociate, "nary-reassociate", "Nary reassociation",
204                    false, false)
206FunctionPass *llvm::createNaryReassociatePass() {
207  return new NaryReassociate();
210bool NaryReassociate::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
211  if (skipFunction(F))
212    return false;
214  AC = &getAnalysis<AssumptionCacheTracker>().getAssumptionCache(F);
215  DT = &getAnalysis<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>().getDomTree();
216  SE = &getAnalysis<ScalarEvolutionWrapperPass>().getSE();
217  TLI = &getAnalysis<TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass>().getTLI();
218  TTI = &getAnalysis<TargetTransformInfoWrapperPass>().getTTI(F);
220  bool Changed = false, ChangedInThisIteration;
221  do {
222    ChangedInThisIteration = doOneIteration(F);
223    Changed |= ChangedInThisIteration;
224  } while (ChangedInThisIteration);
225  return Changed;
228// Whitelist the instruction types NaryReassociate handles for now.
229static bool isPotentiallyNaryReassociable(Instruction *I) {
230  switch (I->getOpcode()) {
231  case Instruction::Add:
232  case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
233  case Instruction::Mul:
234    return true;
235  default:
236    return false;
237  }
240bool NaryReassociate::doOneIteration(Function &F) {
241  bool Changed = false;
242  SeenExprs.clear();
243  // Process the basic blocks in pre-order of the dominator tree. This order
244  // ensures that all bases of a candidate are in Candidates when we process it.
245  for (auto Node = GraphTraits<DominatorTree *>::nodes_begin(DT);
246       Node != GraphTraits<DominatorTree *>::nodes_end(DT); ++Node) {
247    BasicBlock *BB = Node->getBlock();
248    for (auto I = BB->begin(); I != BB->end(); ++I) {
249      if (SE->isSCEVable(I->getType()) && isPotentiallyNaryReassociable(&*I)) {
250        const SCEV *OldSCEV = SE->getSCEV(&*I);
251        if (Instruction *NewI = tryReassociate(&*I)) {
252          Changed = true;
253          SE->forgetValue(&*I);
254          I->replaceAllUsesWith(NewI);
255          // If SeenExprs constains I's WeakVH, that entry will be replaced with
256          // nullptr.
257          RecursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(&*I, TLI);
258          I = NewI->getIterator();
259        }
260        // Add the rewritten instruction to SeenExprs; the original instruction
261        // is deleted.
262        const SCEV *NewSCEV = SE->getSCEV(&*I);
263        SeenExprs[NewSCEV].push_back(WeakVH(&*I));
264        // Ideally, NewSCEV should equal OldSCEV because tryReassociate(I)
265        // is equivalent to I. However, ScalarEvolution::getSCEV may
266        // weaken nsw causing NewSCEV not to equal OldSCEV. For example, suppose
267        // we reassociate
268        //   I = &a[sext(i +nsw j)] // assuming sizeof(a[0]) = 4
269        // to
270        //   NewI = &a[sext(i)] + sext(j).
271        //
272        // ScalarEvolution computes
273        //   getSCEV(I)    = a + 4 * sext(i + j)
274        //   getSCEV(newI) = a + 4 * sext(i) + 4 * sext(j)
275        // which are different SCEVs.
276        //
277        // To alleviate this issue of ScalarEvolution not always capturing
278        // equivalence, we add I to SeenExprs[OldSCEV] as well so that we can
279        // map both SCEV before and after tryReassociate(I) to I.
280        //
281        // This improvement is exercised in @reassociate_gep_nsw in nary-gep.ll.
282        if (NewSCEV != OldSCEV)
283          SeenExprs[OldSCEV].push_back(WeakVH(&*I));
284      }
285    }
286  }
287  return Changed;
290Instruction *NaryReassociate::tryReassociate(Instruction *I) {
291  switch (I->getOpcode()) {
292  case Instruction::Add:
293  case Instruction::Mul:
294    return tryReassociateBinaryOp(cast<BinaryOperator>(I));
295  case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
296    return tryReassociateGEP(cast<GetElementPtrInst>(I));
297  default:
298    llvm_unreachable("should be filtered out by isPotentiallyNaryReassociable");
299  }
302static bool isGEPFoldable(GetElementPtrInst *GEP,
303                          const TargetTransformInfo *TTI) {
304  SmallVector<const Value*, 4> Indices;
305  for (auto I = GEP->idx_begin(); I != GEP->idx_end(); ++I)
306    Indices.push_back(*I);
307  return TTI->getGEPCost(GEP->getSourceElementType(), GEP->getPointerOperand(),
308                         Indices) == TargetTransformInfo::TCC_Free;
311Instruction *NaryReassociate::tryReassociateGEP(GetElementPtrInst *GEP) {
312  // Not worth reassociating GEP if it is foldable.
313  if (isGEPFoldable(GEP, TTI))
314    return nullptr;
316  gep_type_iterator GTI = gep_type_begin(*GEP);
317  for (unsigned I = 1, E = GEP->getNumOperands(); I != E; ++I) {
318    if (isa<SequentialType>(*GTI++)) {
319      if (auto *NewGEP = tryReassociateGEPAtIndex(GEP, I - 1, *GTI)) {
320        return NewGEP;
321      }
322    }
323  }
324  return nullptr;
327bool NaryReassociate::requiresSignExtension(Value *Index,
328                                            GetElementPtrInst *GEP) {
329  unsigned PointerSizeInBits =
330      DL->getPointerSizeInBits(GEP->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace());
331  return cast<IntegerType>(Index->getType())->getBitWidth() < PointerSizeInBits;
334GetElementPtrInst *
335NaryReassociate::tryReassociateGEPAtIndex(GetElementPtrInst *GEP, unsigned I,
336                                          Type *IndexedType) {
337  Value *IndexToSplit = GEP->getOperand(I + 1);
338  if (SExtInst *SExt = dyn_cast<SExtInst>(IndexToSplit)) {
339    IndexToSplit = SExt->getOperand(0);
340  } else if (ZExtInst *ZExt = dyn_cast<ZExtInst>(IndexToSplit)) {
341    // zext can be treated as sext if the source is non-negative.
342    if (isKnownNonNegative(ZExt->getOperand(0), *DL, 0, AC, GEP, DT))
343      IndexToSplit = ZExt->getOperand(0);
344  }
346  if (AddOperator *AO = dyn_cast<AddOperator>(IndexToSplit)) {
347    // If the I-th index needs sext and the underlying add is not equipped with
348    // nsw, we cannot split the add because
349    //   sext(LHS + RHS) != sext(LHS) + sext(RHS).
350    if (requiresSignExtension(IndexToSplit, GEP) &&
351        computeOverflowForSignedAdd(AO, *DL, AC, GEP, DT) !=
352            OverflowResult::NeverOverflows)
353      return nullptr;
355    Value *LHS = AO->getOperand(0), *RHS = AO->getOperand(1);
356    // IndexToSplit = LHS + RHS.
357    if (auto *NewGEP = tryReassociateGEPAtIndex(GEP, I, LHS, RHS, IndexedType))
358      return NewGEP;
359    // Symmetrically, try IndexToSplit = RHS + LHS.
360    if (LHS != RHS) {
361      if (auto *NewGEP =
362              tryReassociateGEPAtIndex(GEP, I, RHS, LHS, IndexedType))
363        return NewGEP;
364    }
365  }
366  return nullptr;
369GetElementPtrInst *NaryReassociate::tryReassociateGEPAtIndex(
370    GetElementPtrInst *GEP, unsigned I, Value *LHS, Value *RHS,
371    Type *IndexedType) {
372  // Look for GEP's closest dominator that has the same SCEV as GEP except that
373  // the I-th index is replaced with LHS.
374  SmallVector<const SCEV *, 4> IndexExprs;
375  for (auto Index = GEP->idx_begin(); Index != GEP->idx_end(); ++Index)
376    IndexExprs.push_back(SE->getSCEV(*Index));
377  // Replace the I-th index with LHS.
378  IndexExprs[I] = SE->getSCEV(LHS);
379  if (isKnownNonNegative(LHS, *DL, 0, AC, GEP, DT) &&
380      DL->getTypeSizeInBits(LHS->getType()) <
381          DL->getTypeSizeInBits(GEP->getOperand(I)->getType())) {
382    // Zero-extend LHS if it is non-negative. InstCombine canonicalizes sext to
383    // zext if the source operand is proved non-negative. We should do that
384    // consistently so that CandidateExpr more likely appears before. See
385    // @reassociate_gep_assume for an example of this canonicalization.
386    IndexExprs[I] =
387        SE->getZeroExtendExpr(IndexExprs[I], GEP->getOperand(I)->getType());
388  }
389  const SCEV *CandidateExpr = SE->getGEPExpr(
390      GEP->getSourceElementType(), SE->getSCEV(GEP->getPointerOperand()),
391      IndexExprs, GEP->isInBounds());
393  Value *Candidate = findClosestMatchingDominator(CandidateExpr, GEP);
394  if (Candidate == nullptr)
395    return nullptr;
397  IRBuilder<> Builder(GEP);
398  // Candidate does not necessarily have the same pointer type as GEP. Use
399  // bitcast or pointer cast to make sure they have the same type, so that the
400  // later RAUW doesn't complain.
401  Candidate = Builder.CreateBitOrPointerCast(Candidate, GEP->getType());
402  assert(Candidate->getType() == GEP->getType());
404  // NewGEP = (char *)Candidate + RHS * sizeof(IndexedType)
405  uint64_t IndexedSize = DL->getTypeAllocSize(IndexedType);
406  Type *ElementType = GEP->getResultElementType();
407  uint64_t ElementSize = DL->getTypeAllocSize(ElementType);
408  // Another less rare case: because I is not necessarily the last index of the
409  // GEP, the size of the type at the I-th index (IndexedSize) is not
410  // necessarily divisible by ElementSize. For example,
411  //
412  // #pragma pack(1)
413  // struct S {
414  //   int a[3];
415  //   int64 b[8];
416  // };
417  // #pragma pack()
418  //
419  // sizeof(S) = 100 is indivisible by sizeof(int64) = 8.
420  //
421  // TODO: bail out on this case for now. We could emit uglygep.
422  if (IndexedSize % ElementSize != 0)
423    return nullptr;
425  // NewGEP = &Candidate[RHS * (sizeof(IndexedType) / sizeof(Candidate[0])));
426  Type *IntPtrTy = DL->getIntPtrType(GEP->getType());
427  if (RHS->getType() != IntPtrTy)
428    RHS = Builder.CreateSExtOrTrunc(RHS, IntPtrTy);
429  if (IndexedSize != ElementSize) {
430    RHS = Builder.CreateMul(
431        RHS, ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, IndexedSize / ElementSize));
432  }
433  GetElementPtrInst *NewGEP =
434      cast<GetElementPtrInst>(Builder.CreateGEP(Candidate, RHS));
435  NewGEP->setIsInBounds(GEP->isInBounds());
436  NewGEP->takeName(GEP);
437  return NewGEP;
440Instruction *NaryReassociate::tryReassociateBinaryOp(BinaryOperator *I) {
441  Value *LHS = I->getOperand(0), *RHS = I->getOperand(1);
442  if (auto *NewI = tryReassociateBinaryOp(LHS, RHS, I))
443    return NewI;
444  if (auto *NewI = tryReassociateBinaryOp(RHS, LHS, I))
445    return NewI;
446  return nullptr;
449Instruction *NaryReassociate::tryReassociateBinaryOp(Value *LHS, Value *RHS,
450                                                     BinaryOperator *I) {
451  Value *A = nullptr, *B = nullptr;
452  // To be conservative, we reassociate I only when it is the only user of (A op
453  // B).
454  if (LHS->hasOneUse() && matchTernaryOp(I, LHS, A, B)) {
455    // I = (A op B) op RHS
456    //   = (A op RHS) op B or (B op RHS) op A
457    const SCEV *AExpr = SE->getSCEV(A), *BExpr = SE->getSCEV(B);
458    const SCEV *RHSExpr = SE->getSCEV(RHS);
459    if (BExpr != RHSExpr) {
460      if (auto *NewI =
461              tryReassociatedBinaryOp(getBinarySCEV(I, AExpr, RHSExpr), B, I))
462        return NewI;
463    }
464    if (AExpr != RHSExpr) {
465      if (auto *NewI =
466              tryReassociatedBinaryOp(getBinarySCEV(I, BExpr, RHSExpr), A, I))
467        return NewI;
468    }
469  }
470  return nullptr;
473Instruction *NaryReassociate::tryReassociatedBinaryOp(const SCEV *LHSExpr,
474                                                      Value *RHS,
475                                                      BinaryOperator *I) {
476  // Look for the closest dominator LHS of I that computes LHSExpr, and replace
477  // I with LHS op RHS.
478  auto *LHS = findClosestMatchingDominator(LHSExpr, I);
479  if (LHS == nullptr)
480    return nullptr;
482  Instruction *NewI = nullptr;
483  switch (I->getOpcode()) {
484  case Instruction::Add:
485    NewI = BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(LHS, RHS, "", I);
486    break;
487  case Instruction::Mul:
488    NewI = BinaryOperator::CreateMul(LHS, RHS, "", I);
489    break;
490  default:
491    llvm_unreachable("Unexpected instruction.");
492  }
493  NewI->takeName(I);
494  return NewI;
497bool NaryReassociate::matchTernaryOp(BinaryOperator *I, Value *V, Value *&Op1,
498                                     Value *&Op2) {
499  switch (I->getOpcode()) {
500  case Instruction::Add:
501    return match(V, m_Add(m_Value(Op1), m_Value(Op2)));
502  case Instruction::Mul:
503    return match(V, m_Mul(m_Value(Op1), m_Value(Op2)));
504  default:
505    llvm_unreachable("Unexpected instruction.");
506  }
507  return false;
510const SCEV *NaryReassociate::getBinarySCEV(BinaryOperator *I, const SCEV *LHS,
511                                           const SCEV *RHS) {
512  switch (I->getOpcode()) {
513  case Instruction::Add:
514    return SE->getAddExpr(LHS, RHS);
515  case Instruction::Mul:
516    return SE->getMulExpr(LHS, RHS);
517  default:
518    llvm_unreachable("Unexpected instruction.");
519  }
520  return nullptr;
523Instruction *
524NaryReassociate::findClosestMatchingDominator(const SCEV *CandidateExpr,
525                                              Instruction *Dominatee) {
526  auto Pos = SeenExprs.find(CandidateExpr);
527  if (Pos == SeenExprs.end())
528    return nullptr;
530  auto &Candidates = Pos->second;
531  // Because we process the basic blocks in pre-order of the dominator tree, a
532  // candidate that doesn't dominate the current instruction won't dominate any
533  // future instruction either. Therefore, we pop it out of the stack. This
534  // optimization makes the algorithm O(n).
535  while (!Candidates.empty()) {
536    // Candidates stores WeakVHs, so a candidate can be nullptr if it's removed
537    // during rewriting.
538    if (Value *Candidate = Candidates.back()) {
539      Instruction *CandidateInstruction = cast<Instruction>(Candidate);
540      if (DT->dominates(CandidateInstruction, Dominatee))
541        return CandidateInstruction;
542    }
543    Candidates.pop_back();
544  }
545  return nullptr;