cpuctl_test04.c revision 37aed20773b801a903517a7ef896176d0d93a4ef
2/*                                                                            */
3/* Copyright (c) International Business Machines  Corp., 2007                 */
4/*                                                                            */
5/* This program is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify      */
6/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       */
7/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or          */
8/* (at your option) any later version.                                        */
9/*                                                                            */
10/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            */
11/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of            */
13/* the GNU General Public License for more details.                           */
14/*                                                                            */
15/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          */
16/* along with this program;  if not, write to the Free Software               */
17/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA    */
18/*                                                                            */
22/*                                                                            */
23/* File:        cpuctl_test04.c                                               */
24/*                                                                            */
25/* Description: This is a c program that tests the cpucontroller fairness of  */
26/*              scheduling the tasks according to their group shares. This    */
27/*              testcase tests the ability of the cpu controller to provide   */
28/*              fairness for share values (absolute).                         */
29/*                                                                            */
30/* Total Tests: 2                                                             */
31/*                                                                            */
32/* Test 09:     Heavy stress test with nice value change                      */
33/* Test 10:     Heavy stress test (effect of heavy group on light group)      */
34/*                                                                            */
35/* Test Name:   cpu_controller_test04                                         */
36/*                                                                            */
37/* Test Assertion                                                             */
38/*              Please refer to the file cpuctl_testplan.txt                  */
39/*                                                                            */
40/* Author:      Sudhir Kumar skumar@linux.vnet.ibm.com                        */
41/*                                                                            */
42/* History:                                                                   */
43/* Created-     20/12/2007 -Sudhir Kumar <skumar@linux.vnet.ibm.com>          */
44/*                                                                            */
47/* Standard Include Files */
48#include <unistd.h>
49#include <math.h>
50#include <signal.h>
51#include <stdio.h>
52#include <stdlib.h>
53#include <string.h>
54#include <sys/resource.h>
55#include <sys/syscall.h>
56#include <sys/time.h>
57#include <sys/types.h>
58#include <sys/stat.h>
59#include <fcntl.h>
60#include <time.h>
61#include <unistd.h>
63#include "../libcontrollers/libcontrollers.h"
64#include "test.h"		/* LTP harness APIs*/
66#define TIME_INTERVAL	200	/* Time interval in seconds*/
67#define NUM_INTERVALS	2       /* How many iterations of TIME_INTERVAL */
69extern int Tst_count;
70char *TCID = "cpu_controller_test06";
71int TST_TOTAL = 2;
72pid_t scriptpid;
73char path[] = "/dev/cpuctl";
75extern void
78	kill (scriptpid, SIGUSR1);/* Inform the shell to do cleanup*/
79	tst_exit ();		  /* Report exit status*/
82int timer_expired = 0;
84int main(int argc, char* argv[])
87	int test_num, task_num, len, num_cpus;	/* Total time = TIME_INTERVAL *num_cpus in the machine */
88	char mygroup[FILENAME_MAX], mytaskfile[FILENAME_MAX];
89	char mysharesfile[FILENAME_MAX], ch;
90	/* Following variables are to capture parameters from script*/
91	char *group_num_p, *mygroup_p, *script_pid_p, *num_cpus_p, *test_num_p, *task_num_p;
92	int mygroup_num,	        /* A number attached with a group*/
93		fd,          	        /* A descriptor to open a fifo for synchronized start*/
94		counter =0; 	 	/* To take n number of readings*/
95	double total_cpu_time,  	/* Accumulated cpu time*/
96		delta_cpu_time,  	/* Time the task could run on cpu(s) (in an interval)*/
97		prev_cpu_time=0;
98	double exp_cpu_time;            /* Expected time in % as obtained by shares calculation */
99	struct rusage cpu_usage;
100	unsigned long int mygroup_shares;
101	time_t current_time, prev_time, delta_time;
102	unsigned int fmyshares, num_tasks;/* f-> from file. num_tasks is tasks in this group*/
103	struct sigaction newaction, oldaction;
104	/* Signal handling for alarm*/
105	sigemptyset (&newaction.sa_mask);
106	newaction.sa_handler = signal_handler_alarm;
107	newaction.sa_flags=0;
108	sigaction (SIGALRM, &newaction, &oldaction);
110	/* Collect the parameters passed by the script */
111	group_num_p	= getenv("GROUP_NUM");
112	mygroup_p	= getenv("MYGROUP");
113	script_pid_p 	= getenv("SCRIPT_PID");
114	num_cpus_p 	= getenv("NUM_CPUS");
115	test_num_p 	= getenv("TEST_NUM");
116	task_num_p 	= getenv("TASK_NUM");
117	/* Check if all of them are valid */
118	if ((test_num_p != NULL) && (((test_num =atoi(test_num_p)) <= 10) && ((test_num =atoi(test_num_p)) >= 9)))
119	{
120		if ((group_num_p != NULL) && (mygroup_p != NULL) && \
121			(script_pid_p != NULL) && (num_cpus_p != NULL) && (task_num_p != NULL))
122		{
123			mygroup_num	 = atoi(group_num_p);
124			scriptpid	 = atoi(script_pid_p);
125			num_cpus	 = atoi (num_cpus_p);
126			task_num	 = atoi (task_num_p);
127			sprintf(mygroup,"%s", mygroup_p);
128		}
129		else
130		{
131			tst_brkm (TBROK, cleanup, "Invalid other input parameters\n");
132		}
133	}
134	else
135	{
136		tst_brkm (TBROK, cleanup, "Invalid test number passed\n");
137	}
139	mygroup_shares = mygroup_num + 1;	/* Min shares value currently is 2 */
140	sprintf(mytaskfile, "%s", mygroup);
141	strcat (mytaskfile,"/tasks");
142	sprintf(mysharesfile, "%s", mygroup);
143	strcat (mysharesfile,"/cpu.shares");
144	/* Need some technique so as only 1 task per grp writes to shares file */
145	if (test_num == 9)
146		write_to_file (mysharesfile, "w", mygroup_shares);    /* Write the shares of the group*/
148	write_to_file (mytaskfile, "a", getpid());    /* Assign the task to it's group*/
150	fd = open ("./myfifo", 0);
151	if (fd == -1)
152	{
153		tst_brkm (TBROK, cleanup, "Could not open fifo for synchronization");
154	}
156	read (fd, &ch, 1);	         /* To block all tasks here and fire them up at the same time*/
158	/*
159	 * We now calculate the expected % cpu time of this task by getting
160	 * it's group's shares, the total shares of all the groups and the
161	 * number of tasks in this group.
162	 */
163	FLAG = 0;
164	total_shares = 0;
165	shares_pointer = &total_shares;
166	len = strlen (path);
167	if (!strncpy (fullpath, path, len))
168		tst_brkm (TBROK, cleanup, "Could not copy directory path %s ", path);
170	if (scan_shares_files() != 0)
171		tst_brkm (TBROK, cleanup, "From function scan_shares_files in %s ", fullpath);
173	/* return val: -1 in case of function error, else 2 is min share value */
174	if ((fmyshares = read_shares_file(mysharesfile)) < 2)
175		tst_brkm (TBROK, cleanup, "in reading shares files  %s ", mysharesfile);
177	if ((read_file (mytaskfile, GET_TASKS, &num_tasks)) < 0)
178		tst_brkm (TBROK, cleanup, "in reading tasks files  %s ", mytaskfile);
180	exp_cpu_time = (double)(fmyshares * 100) /(total_shares * num_tasks);
182	prev_time = time (NULL);	 /* Note down the time*/
184	while (1)
185	{
186		/* Need to run some cpu intensive task, which also frequently checks the timer value*/
187		double f = 274.345, mytime;	/*just a float number to take sqrt*/
188		alarm (TIME_INTERVAL);
189		timer_expired = 0;
190		while (!timer_expired)	/* Let the task run on cpu for TIME_INTERVAL*/
191			f = sqrt (f*f); /* Time of this operation should not be high otherwise we can
192					 * exceed the TIME_INTERVAL to measure cpu usage
193					 */
194		current_time = time (NULL);
195		delta_time = current_time - prev_time;	/* Duration in case its not exact TIME_INTERVAL*/
197		getrusage (0, &cpu_usage);
198		total_cpu_time = (cpu_usage.ru_utime.tv_sec + cpu_usage.ru_utime.tv_usec * 1e-6 + /* user time*/
199				cpu_usage.ru_stime.tv_sec + cpu_usage.ru_stime.tv_usec * 1e-6) ;  /* system time*/
200		delta_cpu_time = total_cpu_time - prev_cpu_time;
202		prev_cpu_time = total_cpu_time;
203		prev_time = current_time;
205		/* calculate % cpu time each task gets */
206		if (delta_time > TIME_INTERVAL)
207			mytime =  (delta_cpu_time * 100) / (delta_time * num_cpus);
208		else
209			mytime =  (delta_cpu_time * 100) / (TIME_INTERVAL * num_cpus);
211                fprintf (stdout,"Grp:-%3d task-%3d:CPU TIME{calc:-%6.2f(s)i.e. %6.2f(%%) exp:-%6.2f(%%)}\
212with %3u shares in %lu (s) INTERVAL\n",mygroup_num, task_num, delta_cpu_time, mytime,\
213exp_cpu_time, fmyshares, delta_time);
215		counter++;
217		if (counter >= NUM_INTERVALS)	 /* Take n sets of readings for each shares value*/
218		{
219		switch (test_num)
220			{
221			case 9:			/* Test 09 */
222				exit (0);	/* This task is done with its job*/
223				break;
224			case 10:			/* Test 10 */
225				exit (0);		/* This task is done with its job*/
226				break;
227			default:
228				tst_brkm (TBROK, cleanup, "Invalid test number passed\n");
229				break;
231			}	/* end switch*/
232		}	/* end if*/
233        }	/* end while*/
234}	/* end main*/