1"""Bastionification utility.
3A bastion (for another object -- the 'original') is an object that has
4the same methods as the original but does not give access to its
5instance variables.  Bastions have a number of uses, but the most
6obvious one is to provide code executing in restricted mode with a
7safe interface to an object implemented in unrestricted mode.
9The bastionification routine has an optional second argument which is
10a filter function.  Only those methods for which the filter method
11(called with the method name as argument) returns true are accessible.
12The default filter method returns true unless the method name begins
13with an underscore.
15There are a number of possible implementations of bastions.  We use a
16'lazy' approach where the bastion's __getattr__() discipline does all
17the work for a particular method the first time it is used.  This is
18usually fastest, especially if the user doesn't call all available
19methods.  The retrieved methods are stored as instance variables of
20the bastion, so the overhead is only occurred on the first use of each
23Detail: the bastion class has a __repr__() discipline which includes
24the repr() of the original object.  This is precomputed when the
25bastion is created.
28from warnings import warnpy3k
29warnpy3k("the Bastion module has been removed in Python 3.0", stacklevel=2)
30del warnpy3k
32__all__ = ["BastionClass", "Bastion"]
34from types import MethodType
37class BastionClass:
39    """Helper class used by the Bastion() function.
41    You could subclass this and pass the subclass as the bastionclass
42    argument to the Bastion() function, as long as the constructor has
43    the same signature (a get() function and a name for the object).
45    """
47    def __init__(self, get, name):
48        """Constructor.
50        Arguments:
52        get - a function that gets the attribute value (by name)
53        name - a human-readable name for the original object
54               (suggestion: use repr(object))
56        """
57        self._get_ = get
58        self._name_ = name
60    def __repr__(self):
61        """Return a representation string.
63        This includes the name passed in to the constructor, so that
64        if you print the bastion during debugging, at least you have
65        some idea of what it is.
67        """
68        return "<Bastion for %s>" % self._name_
70    def __getattr__(self, name):
71        """Get an as-yet undefined attribute value.
73        This calls the get() function that was passed to the
74        constructor.  The result is stored as an instance variable so
75        that the next time the same attribute is requested,
76        __getattr__() won't be invoked.
78        If the get() function raises an exception, this is simply
79        passed on -- exceptions are not cached.
81        """
82        attribute = self._get_(name)
83        self.__dict__[name] = attribute
84        return attribute
87def Bastion(object, filter = lambda name: name[:1] != '_',
88            name=None, bastionclass=BastionClass):
89    """Create a bastion for an object, using an optional filter.
91    See the Bastion module's documentation for background.
93    Arguments:
95    object - the original object
96    filter - a predicate that decides whether a function name is OK;
97             by default all names are OK that don't start with '_'
98    name - the name of the object; default repr(object)
99    bastionclass - class used to create the bastion; default BastionClass
101    """
103    raise RuntimeError, "This code is not secure in Python 2.2 and later"
105    # Note: we define *two* ad-hoc functions here, get1 and get2.
106    # Both are intended to be called in the same way: get(name).
107    # It is clear that the real work (getting the attribute
108    # from the object and calling the filter) is done in get1.
109    # Why can't we pass get1 to the bastion?  Because the user
110    # would be able to override the filter argument!  With get2,
111    # overriding the default argument is no security loophole:
112    # all it does is call it.
113    # Also notice that we can't place the object and filter as
114    # instance variables on the bastion object itself, since
115    # the user has full access to all instance variables!
117    def get1(name, object=object, filter=filter):
118        """Internal function for Bastion().  See source comments."""
119        if filter(name):
120            attribute = getattr(object, name)
121            if type(attribute) == MethodType:
122                return attribute
123        raise AttributeError, name
125    def get2(name, get1=get1):
126        """Internal function for Bastion().  See source comments."""
127        return get1(name)
129    if name is None:
130        name = repr(object)
131    return bastionclass(get2, name)
134def _test():
135    """Test the Bastion() function."""
136    class Original:
137        def __init__(self):
138            self.sum = 0
139        def add(self, n):
140            self._add(n)
141        def _add(self, n):
142            self.sum = self.sum + n
143        def total(self):
144            return self.sum
145    o = Original()
146    b = Bastion(o)
147    testcode = """if 1:
148    b.add(81)
149    b.add(18)
150    print "b.total() =", b.total()
151    try:
152        print "b.sum =", b.sum,
153    except:
154        print "inaccessible"
155    else:
156        print "accessible"
157    try:
158        print "b._add =", b._add,
159    except:
160        print "inaccessible"
161    else:
162        print "accessible"
163    try:
164        print "b._get_.func_defaults =", map(type, b._get_.func_defaults),
165    except:
166        print "inaccessible"
167    else:
168        print "accessible"
169    \n"""
170    exec testcode
171    print '='*20, "Using rexec:", '='*20
172    import rexec
173    r = rexec.RExec()
174    m = r.add_module('__main__')
175    m.b = b
176    r.r_exec(testcode)
179if __name__ == '__main__':
180    _test()