SkOTTable_OS_2_V4.h revision 3258a5348beb721ee47fbe8928d78b0bf0fed5bd
2 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#ifndef SkOTTable_OS_2_V4_DEFINED
9#define SkOTTable_OS_2_V4_DEFINED
11#include "SkEndian.h"
12#include "SkIBMFamilyClass.h"
13#include "SkOTTableTypes.h"
14#include "SkPanose.h"
15#include "SkTypedEnum.h"
17#pragma pack(push, 1)
19struct SkOTTableOS2_V4 {
20    SK_OT_USHORT version;
21    static const SK_OT_USHORT VERSION = SkTEndian_SwapBE16(4);
23    SK_OT_SHORT xAvgCharWidth;
24    struct WeightClass {
25        SK_TYPED_ENUM(Value, SK_OT_USHORT,
26            ((Thin, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(100)))
27            ((ExtraLight, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(200)))
28            ((Light, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(300)))
29            ((Normal, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(400)))
30            ((Medium, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(500)))
31            ((SemiBold, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(600)))
32            ((Bold, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(700)))
33            ((ExtraBold, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(800)))
34            ((Black, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(900)))
35            SK_SEQ_END,
36        SK_SEQ_END)
37        SK_OT_USHORT value;
38    } usWeightClass;
39    struct WidthClass {
40        SK_TYPED_ENUM(Value, SK_OT_USHORT,
41            ((UltraCondensed, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(1)))
42            ((ExtraCondensed, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(2)))
43            ((Condensed, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(3)))
44            ((SemiCondensed, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(4)))
45            ((Medium, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(5)))
46            ((SemiExpanded, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(6)))
47            ((Expanded, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(7)))
48            ((ExtraExpanded, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(8)))
49            ((UltraExpanded, SkTEndian_SwapBE16(9)))
50            SK_SEQ_END,
51        (value)SK_SEQ_END)
52    } usWidthClass;
53    union Type {
54        struct Field {
55            //8-15
56            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
57                NoSubsetting,
58                Bitmap,
59                Reserved10,
60                Reserved11,
61                Reserved12,
62                Reserved13,
63                Reserved14,
64                Reserved15)
65            //0-7
66            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
67                Reserved00,
68                Restricted,
69                PreviewPrint,
70                Editable,
71                Reserved04,
72                Reserved05,
73                Reserved06,
74                Reserved07)
75        } field;
76        struct Raw {
77            static const SK_OT_USHORT Installable = 0;
78            static const SK_OT_USHORT RestrictedMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<1>::value;
79            static const SK_OT_USHORT PreviewPrintMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<2>::value;
80            static const SK_OT_USHORT EditableMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<3>::value;
81            static const SK_OT_USHORT NoSubsettingMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<8>::value;
82            static const SK_OT_USHORT BitmapMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<9>::value;
83            SK_OT_USHORT value;
84        } raw;
85    } fsType;
86    SK_OT_SHORT ySubscriptXSize;
87    SK_OT_SHORT ySubscriptYSize;
88    SK_OT_SHORT ySubscriptXOffset;
89    SK_OT_SHORT ySubscriptYOffset;
90    SK_OT_SHORT ySuperscriptXSize;
91    SK_OT_SHORT ySuperscriptYSize;
92    SK_OT_SHORT ySuperscriptXOffset;
93    SK_OT_SHORT ySuperscriptYOffset;
94    SK_OT_SHORT yStrikeoutSize;
95    SK_OT_SHORT yStrikeoutPosition;
96    SkIBMFamilyClass sFamilyClass;
97    SkPanose panose;
98    union UnicodeRange {
99        struct Field {
100            //l0 24-31
101            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
102                Thai,
103                Lao,
104                Georgian,
105                Balinese,
106                HangulJamo,
107                LatinExtendedAdditional,
108                GreekExtended,
109                GeneralPunctuation)
110            //l0 16-23
111            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
112                Bengali,
113                Gurmukhi,
114                Gujarati,
115                Oriya,
116                Tamil,
117                Telugu,
118                Kannada,
119                Malayalam)
120            //l0 8-15
121            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
122                Coptic,
123                Cyrillic,
124                Armenian,
125                Hebrew,
126                Vai,
127                Arabic,
128                NKo,
129                Devanagari)
130            //l0 0-7
131            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
132                BasicLatin,
133                Latin1Supplement,
134                LatinExtendedA,
135                LatinExtendedB,
136                IPAExtensions,
137                SpacingModifierLetters,
138                CombiningDiacriticalMarks,
139                GreekAndCoptic)
141            //l1 24-31
142            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
143                Hangul,
144                NonPlane0,
145                Phoenician,
146                CJKUnifiedIdeographs,
147                PrivateUseArea,
148                CJKCompatibilityIdeographs,
149                AlphabeticPresentationForms,
150                ArabicPresentationFormsA)
151            //l1 16-23
152            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
153                CJKSymbolsAndPunctuation,
154                Hiragana,
155                Katakana,
156                Bopomofo,
157                HangulCompatibilityJamo,
158                PhagsPa,
159                EnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths,
160                CJKCompatibility)
161            //l1 8-15
162            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
163                ControlPictures,
164                OpticalCharacterRecognition,
165                EnclosedAlphanumerics,
166                BoxDrawing,
167                BlockElements,
168                GeometricShapes,
169                MiscellaneousSymbols,
170                Dingbats)
171            //l1 0-7
172            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
173                SuperscriptsAndSubscripts,
174                CurrencySymbols,
175                CombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbols,
176                LetterlikeSymbols,
177                NumberForms,
178                Arrows,
179                MathematicalOperators,
180                MiscellaneousTechnical)
182            //l2 24-31
183            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
184                MusicalSymbols,
185                MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols,
186                PrivateUse,
187                VariationSelectors,
188                Tags,
189                Limbu,
190                TaiLe,
191                NewTaiLue)
192            //l2 16-23
193            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
194                Khmer,
195                Mongolian,
196                Braille,
197                Yi,
198                Tagalog_Hanunoo_Buhid_Tagbanwa,
199                OldItalic,
200                Gothic,
201                Deseret)
202            //l2 8-15
203            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
204                Thaana,
205                Sinhala,
206                Myanmar,
207                Ethiopic,
208                Cherokee,
209                UnifiedCanadianSyllabics,
210                Ogham,
211                Runic)
212            //l2 0-7
213            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
214                CombiningHalfMarks,
215                CJKCompatibilityForms,
216                SmallFormVariants,
217                ArabicPresentationFormsB,
218                HalfwidthAndFullwidthForms,
219                Specials,
220                Tibetan,
221                Syriac)
223            //l3 24-31
224            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
225                PhaistosDisc,
226                Carian_Lycian_Lydian,
227                DominoTiles_MahjongTiles,
228                Reserved123,
229                Reserved124,
230                Reserved125,
231                Reserved126,
232                Reserved127)
233            //l3 16-23
234            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
235                Sundanese,
236                Lepcha,
237                OlChiki,
238                Saurashtra,
239                KayahLi,
240                Rejang,
241                Cham,
242                AncientSymbols)
243            //l3 8-15
244            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
245                OldPersian,
246                Shavian,
247                Osmanya,
248                CypriotSyllabary,
249                Kharoshthi,
250                TaiXuanJingSymbols,
251                Cuneiform,
252                CountingRodNumerals)
253            //l3 0-7
254            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
255                Buginese,
256                Glagolitic,
257                Tifinagh,
258                YijingHexagramSymbols,
259                SylotiNagri,
260                LinearB_AegeanNumbers,
261                AncientGreekNumbers,
262                Ugaritic)
263        } field;
264        struct Raw {
265            struct l0 {
266                static const SK_OT_ULONG BasicLatinMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<0>::value;
267                static const SK_OT_ULONG Latin1SupplementMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<1>::value;
268                static const SK_OT_ULONG LatinExtendedAMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<2>::value;
269                static const SK_OT_ULONG LatinExtendedBMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<3>::value;
270                static const SK_OT_ULONG IPAExtensionsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<4>::value;
271                static const SK_OT_ULONG SpacingModifierLettersMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<5>::value;
272                static const SK_OT_ULONG CombiningDiacriticalMarksMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<6>::value;
273                static const SK_OT_ULONG GreekAndCopticMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<7>::value;
274                static const SK_OT_ULONG CopticMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<8>::value;
275                static const SK_OT_ULONG CyrillicMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<9>::value;
276                static const SK_OT_ULONG ArmenianMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<10>::value;
277                static const SK_OT_ULONG HebrewMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<11>::value;
278                static const SK_OT_ULONG VaiMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<12>::value;
279                static const SK_OT_ULONG ArabicMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<13>::value;
280                static const SK_OT_ULONG NKoMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<14>::value;
281                static const SK_OT_ULONG DevanagariMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<15>::value;
282                static const SK_OT_ULONG BengaliMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<16>::value;
283                static const SK_OT_ULONG GurmukhiMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<17>::value;
284                static const SK_OT_ULONG GujaratiMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<18>::value;
285                static const SK_OT_ULONG OriyaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<19>::value;
286                static const SK_OT_ULONG TamilMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<20>::value;
287                static const SK_OT_ULONG TeluguMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<21>::value;
288                static const SK_OT_ULONG KannadaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<22>::value;
289                static const SK_OT_ULONG MalayalamMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<23>::value;
290                static const SK_OT_ULONG ThaiMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<24>::value;
291                static const SK_OT_ULONG LaoMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<25>::value;
292                static const SK_OT_ULONG GeorgianMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<26>::value;
293                static const SK_OT_ULONG BalineseMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<27>::value;
294                static const SK_OT_ULONG HangulJamoMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<28>::value;
295                static const SK_OT_ULONG LatinExtendedAdditionalMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<29>::value;
296                static const SK_OT_ULONG GreekExtendedMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<30>::value;
297                static const SK_OT_ULONG GeneralPunctuationMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<31>::value;
298            };
299            struct l1 {
300                static const SK_OT_ULONG SuperscriptsAndSubscriptsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<32 - 32>::value;
301                static const SK_OT_ULONG CurrencySymbolsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<33 - 32>::value;
302                static const SK_OT_ULONG CombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbolsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<34 - 32>::value;
303                static const SK_OT_ULONG LetterlikeSymbolsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<35 - 32>::value;
304                static const SK_OT_ULONG NumberFormsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<36 - 32>::value;
305                static const SK_OT_ULONG ArrowsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<37 - 32>::value;
306                static const SK_OT_ULONG MathematicalOperatorsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<38 - 32>::value;
307                static const SK_OT_ULONG MiscellaneousTechnicalMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<39 - 32>::value;
308                static const SK_OT_ULONG ControlPicturesMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<40 - 32>::value;
309                static const SK_OT_ULONG OpticalCharacterRecognitionMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<41 - 32>::value;
310                static const SK_OT_ULONG EnclosedAlphanumericsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<42 - 32>::value;
311                static const SK_OT_ULONG BoxDrawingMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<43 - 32>::value;
312                static const SK_OT_ULONG BlockElementsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<44 - 32>::value;
313                static const SK_OT_ULONG GeometricShapesMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<45 - 32>::value;
314                static const SK_OT_ULONG MiscellaneousSymbolsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<46 - 32>::value;
315                static const SK_OT_ULONG DingbatsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<47 - 32>::value;
316                static const SK_OT_ULONG CJKSymbolsAndPunctuationMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<48 - 32>::value;
317                static const SK_OT_ULONG HiraganaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<49 - 32>::value;
318                static const SK_OT_ULONG KatakanaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<50 - 32>::value;
319                static const SK_OT_ULONG BopomofoMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<51 - 32>::value;
320                static const SK_OT_ULONG HangulCompatibilityJamoMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<52 - 32>::value;
321                static const SK_OT_ULONG PhagsPaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<53 - 32>::value;
322                static const SK_OT_ULONG EnclosedCJKLettersAndMonthsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<54 - 32>::value;
323                static const SK_OT_ULONG CJKCompatibilityMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<55 - 32>::value;
324                static const SK_OT_ULONG HangulMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<56 - 32>::value;
325                static const SK_OT_ULONG NonPlane0Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<57 - 32>::value;
326                static const SK_OT_ULONG PhoenicianMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<58 - 32>::value;
327                static const SK_OT_ULONG CJKUnifiedIdeographsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<59 - 32>::value;
328                static const SK_OT_ULONG PrivateUseAreaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<60 - 32>::value;
329                static const SK_OT_ULONG CJKCompatibilityIdeographsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<61 - 32>::value;
330                static const SK_OT_ULONG AlphabeticPresentationFormsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<62 - 32>::value;
331                static const SK_OT_ULONG ArabicPresentationFormsAMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<63 - 32>::value;
332            };
333            struct l2 {
334                static const SK_OT_ULONG CombiningHalfMarksMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<64 - 64>::value;
335                static const SK_OT_ULONG CJKCompatibilityFormsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<65 - 64>::value;
336                static const SK_OT_ULONG SmallFormVariantsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<66 - 64>::value;
337                static const SK_OT_ULONG ArabicPresentationFormsBMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<67 - 64>::value;
338                static const SK_OT_ULONG HalfwidthAndFullwidthFormsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<68 - 64>::value;
339                static const SK_OT_ULONG SpecialsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<69 - 64>::value;
340                static const SK_OT_ULONG TibetanMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<70 - 64>::value;
341                static const SK_OT_ULONG SyriacMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<71 - 64>::value;
342                static const SK_OT_ULONG ThaanaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<72 - 64>::value;
343                static const SK_OT_ULONG SinhalaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<73 - 64>::value;
344                static const SK_OT_ULONG MyanmarMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<74 - 64>::value;
345                static const SK_OT_ULONG EthiopicMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<75 - 64>::value;
346                static const SK_OT_ULONG CherokeeMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<76 - 64>::value;
347                static const SK_OT_ULONG UnifiedCanadianSyllabicsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<77 - 64>::value;
348                static const SK_OT_ULONG OghamMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<78 - 64>::value;
349                static const SK_OT_ULONG RunicMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<79 - 64>::value;
350                static const SK_OT_ULONG KhmerMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<80 - 64>::value;
351                static const SK_OT_ULONG MongolianMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<81 - 64>::value;
352                static const SK_OT_ULONG BrailleMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<82 - 64>::value;
353                static const SK_OT_ULONG YiMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<83 - 64>::value;
354                static const SK_OT_ULONG Tagalog_Hanunoo_Buhid_TagbanwaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<84 - 64>::value;
355                static const SK_OT_ULONG OldItalicMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<85 - 64>::value;
356                static const SK_OT_ULONG GothicMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<86 - 64>::value;
357                static const SK_OT_ULONG DeseretMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<87 - 64>::value;
358                static const SK_OT_ULONG MusicalSymbolsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<88 - 64>::value;
359                static const SK_OT_ULONG MathematicalAlphanumericSymbolsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<89 - 64>::value;
360                static const SK_OT_ULONG PrivateUseMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<90 - 64>::value;
361                static const SK_OT_ULONG VariationSelectorsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<91 - 64>::value;
362                static const SK_OT_ULONG TagsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<92 - 64>::value;
363                static const SK_OT_ULONG LimbuMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<93 - 64>::value;
364                static const SK_OT_ULONG TaiLeMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<94 - 64>::value;
365                static const SK_OT_ULONG NewTaiLueMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<95 - 64>::value;
366            };
367            struct l3 {
368                static const SK_OT_ULONG BugineseMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<96 - 96>::value;
369                static const SK_OT_ULONG GlagoliticMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<97 - 96>::value;
370                static const SK_OT_ULONG TifinaghMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<98 - 96>::value;
371                static const SK_OT_ULONG YijingHexagramSymbolsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<99 - 96>::value;
372                static const SK_OT_ULONG SylotiNagriMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<100 - 96>::value;
373                static const SK_OT_ULONG LinearB_AegeanNumbersMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<101 - 96>::value;
374                static const SK_OT_ULONG AncientGreekNumbersMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<102 - 96>::value;
375                static const SK_OT_ULONG UgariticMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<103 - 96>::value;
376                static const SK_OT_ULONG OldPersianMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<104 - 96>::value;
377                static const SK_OT_ULONG ShavianMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<105 - 96>::value;
378                static const SK_OT_ULONG OsmanyaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<106 - 96>::value;
379                static const SK_OT_ULONG CypriotSyllabaryMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<107 - 96>::value;
380                static const SK_OT_ULONG KharoshthiMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<108 - 96>::value;
381                static const SK_OT_ULONG TaiXuanJingSymbolsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<109 - 96>::value;
382                static const SK_OT_ULONG CuneiformMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<110 - 96>::value;
383                static const SK_OT_ULONG CountingRodNumeralsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<111 - 96>::value;
384                static const SK_OT_ULONG SundaneseMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<112 - 96>::value;
385                static const SK_OT_ULONG LepchaMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<113 - 96>::value;
386                static const SK_OT_ULONG OlChikiMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<114 - 96>::value;
387                static const SK_OT_ULONG SaurashtraMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<115 - 96>::value;
388                static const SK_OT_ULONG KayahLiMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<116 - 96>::value;
389                static const SK_OT_ULONG RejangMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<117 - 96>::value;
390                static const SK_OT_ULONG ChamMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<118 - 96>::value;
391                static const SK_OT_ULONG AncientSymbolsMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<119 - 96>::value;
392                static const SK_OT_ULONG PhaistosDiscMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<120 - 96>::value;
393                static const SK_OT_ULONG Carian_Lycian_LydianMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<121 - 96>::value;
394                static const SK_OT_ULONG DominoTiles_MahjongTilesMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<122 - 96>::value;
395            };
396            SK_OT_ULONG value[4];
397        } raw;
398    } ulUnicodeRange;
399    SK_OT_CHAR achVendID[4];
400    union Selection {
401        struct Field {
402            //8-15
403            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
404                WWS,
405                Oblique,
406                Reserved10,
407                Reserved11,
408                Reserved12,
409                Reserved13,
410                Reserved14,
411                Reserved15)
412            //0-7
413            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
414                Italic,
415                Underscore,
416                Negative,
417                Outlined,
418                Strikeout,
419                Bold,
420                Regular,
421                UseTypoMetrics)
422        } field;
423        struct Raw {
424            static const SK_OT_USHORT ItalicMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<0>::value;
425            static const SK_OT_USHORT UnderscoreMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<1>::value;
426            static const SK_OT_USHORT NegativeMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<2>::value;
427            static const SK_OT_USHORT OutlinedMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<3>::value;
428            static const SK_OT_USHORT StrikeoutMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<4>::value;
429            static const SK_OT_USHORT BoldMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<5>::value;
430            static const SK_OT_USHORT RegularMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<6>::value;
431            static const SK_OT_USHORT UseTypoMetricsMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<7>::value;
432            static const SK_OT_USHORT WWSMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<8>::value;
433            static const SK_OT_USHORT ObliqueMask = SkOTSetUSHORTBit<9>::value;
434            SK_OT_USHORT value;
435        } raw;
436    } fsSelection;
437    SK_OT_USHORT usFirstCharIndex;
438    SK_OT_USHORT usLastCharIndex;
439    //version0
440    SK_OT_SHORT sTypoAscender;
441    SK_OT_SHORT sTypoDescender;
442    SK_OT_SHORT sTypoLineGap;
443    SK_OT_USHORT usWinAscent;
444    SK_OT_USHORT usWinDescent;
445    //version1
446    union CodePageRange {
447        struct Field {
448            //l0 24-31
449            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
450                Reserved24,
451                Reserved25,
452                Reserved26,
453                Reserved27,
454                Reserved28,
455                MacintoshCharacterSet,
456                OEMCharacterSet,
457                SymbolCharacterSet)
458            //l0 16-23
459            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
460                Thai_874,
461                JISJapan_932,
462                ChineseSimplified_936,
463                KoreanWansung_949,
464                ChineseTraditional_950,
465                KoreanJohab_1361,
466                Reserved22,
467                Reserved23)
468            //l0 8-15
469            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
470                Vietnamese,
471                Reserved09,
472                Reserved10,
473                Reserved11,
474                Reserved12,
475                Reserved13,
476                Reserved14,
477                Reserved15)
478            //l0 0-7
479            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
480                Latin1_1252,
481                Latin2EasternEurope_1250,
482                Cyrillic_1251,
483                Greek_1253,
484                Turkish_1254,
485                Hebrew_1255,
486                Arabic_1256,
487                WindowsBaltic_1257)
489            //l1 24-31
490            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
491                IBMTurkish_857,
492                IBMCyrillic_855,
493                Latin2_852,
494                MSDOSBaltic_775,
495                Greek_737,
496                Arabic_708,
497                WELatin1_850,
498                US_437)
499            //l1 16-23
500            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
501                IBMGreek_869,
502                MSDOSRussian_866,
503                MSDOSNordic_865,
504                Arabic_864,
505                MSDOSCanadianFrench_863,
506                Hebrew_862,
507                MSDOSIcelandic_861,
508                MSDOSPortuguese_860)
509            //l1 8-15
510            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
511                Reserved40,
512                Reserved41,
513                Reserved42,
514                Reserved43,
515                Reserved44,
516                Reserved45,
517                Reserved46,
518                Reserved47)
519            //l1 0-7
520            SK_OT_BYTE_BITFIELD(
521                Reserved32,
522                Reserved33,
523                Reserved34,
524                Reserved35,
525                Reserved36,
526                Reserved37,
527                Reserved38,
528                Reserved39)
529        } field;
530        struct Raw {
531            struct l0 {
532                static const SK_OT_ULONG Latin1_1252Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<0>::value;
533                static const SK_OT_ULONG Latin2EasternEurope_1250Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<1>::value;
534                static const SK_OT_ULONG Cyrillic_1251Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<2>::value;
535                static const SK_OT_ULONG Greek_1253Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<3>::value;
536                static const SK_OT_ULONG Turkish_1254Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<4>::value;
537                static const SK_OT_ULONG Hebrew_1255Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<5>::value;
538                static const SK_OT_ULONG Arabic_1256Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<6>::value;
539                static const SK_OT_ULONG WindowsBaltic_1257Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<7>::value;
540                static const SK_OT_ULONG Vietnamese_1258Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<8>::value;
541                static const SK_OT_ULONG Thai_874Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<16>::value;
542                static const SK_OT_ULONG JISJapan_932Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<17>::value;
543                static const SK_OT_ULONG ChineseSimplified_936Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<18>::value;
544                static const SK_OT_ULONG KoreanWansung_949Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<19>::value;
545                static const SK_OT_ULONG ChineseTraditional_950Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<20>::value;
546                static const SK_OT_ULONG KoreanJohab_1361Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<21>::value;
547                static const SK_OT_ULONG MacintoshCharacterSetMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<29>::value;
548                static const SK_OT_ULONG OEMCharacterSetMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<30>::value;
549                static const SK_OT_ULONG SymbolCharacterSetMask = SkOTSetULONGBit<31>::value;
550            };
551            struct l1 {
552                static const SK_OT_ULONG IBMGreek_869Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<48 - 32>::value;
553                static const SK_OT_ULONG MSDOSRussian_866Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<49 - 32>::value;
554                static const SK_OT_ULONG MSDOSNordic_865Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<50 - 32>::value;
555                static const SK_OT_ULONG Arabic_864Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<51 - 32>::value;
556                static const SK_OT_ULONG MSDOSCanadianFrench_863Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<52 - 32>::value;
557                static const SK_OT_ULONG Hebrew_862Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<53 - 32>::value;
558                static const SK_OT_ULONG MSDOSIcelandic_861Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<54 - 32>::value;
559                static const SK_OT_ULONG MSDOSPortuguese_860Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<55 - 32>::value;
560                static const SK_OT_ULONG IBMTurkish_857Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<56 - 32>::value;
561                static const SK_OT_ULONG IBMCyrillic_855Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<57 - 32>::value;
562                static const SK_OT_ULONG Latin2_852Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<58 - 32>::value;
563                static const SK_OT_ULONG MSDOSBaltic_775Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<59 - 32>::value;
564                static const SK_OT_ULONG Greek_737Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<60 - 32>::value;
565                static const SK_OT_ULONG Arabic_708Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<61 - 32>::value;
566                static const SK_OT_ULONG WELatin1_850Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<62 - 32>::value;
567                static const SK_OT_ULONG US_437Mask = SkOTSetULONGBit<63 - 32>::value;
568            };
569            SK_OT_ULONG value[2];
570        } raw;
571    } ulCodePageRange;
572    //version2
573    SK_OT_SHORT sxHeight;
574    SK_OT_SHORT sCapHeight;
575    SK_OT_USHORT usDefaultChar;
576    SK_OT_USHORT usBreakChar;
577    SK_OT_USHORT usMaxContext;
580#pragma pack(pop)
583SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(SkOTTableOS2_V4) == 96, sizeof_SkOTTableOS2_V4_not_96);