1# Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
4"""Download images from Cloud Storage."""
6from __future__ import print_function
8import ast
9import os
11import test_flag
13from cros_utils import command_executer
15GS_UTIL = 'chromium/tools/depot_tools/gsutil.py'
18class MissingImage(Exception):
19  """Raised when the requested image does not exist in gs://"""
22class MissingFile(Exception):
23  """Raised when the requested file does not exist in gs://"""
26class RunCommandExceptionHandler(object):
27  """Handle Exceptions from calls to RunCommand"""
29  def __init__(self, logger_to_use, log_level, cmd_exec, command):
30    self.logger = logger_to_use
31    self.log_level = log_level
32    self.ce = cmd_exec
33    self.cleanup_command = command
35  def HandleException(self, _, e):
36    # Exception handler, Run specified command
37    if self.log_level != 'verbose' and self.cleanup_command is not None:
38      self.logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % self.cleanup_command)
39    if self.cleanup_command is not None:
40      _ = self.ce.RunCommand(self.cleanup_command)
41    # Raise exception again
42    raise e
45class ImageDownloader(object):
46  """Download images from Cloud Storage."""
48  def __init__(self, logger_to_use=None, log_level='verbose', cmd_exec=None):
49    self._logger = logger_to_use
50    self.log_level = log_level
51    self._ce = cmd_exec or command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(
52        self._logger, log_level=self.log_level)
54  def GetBuildID(self, chromeos_root, xbuddy_label):
55    # Get the translation of the xbuddy_label into the real Google Storage
56    # image name.
57    command = ('cd ~/trunk/src/third_party/toolchain-utils/crosperf; '
58               "python translate_xbuddy.py '%s'" % xbuddy_label)
59    _, build_id_tuple_str, _ = self._ce.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(chromeos_root,
60                                                                command)
61    if not build_id_tuple_str:
62      raise MissingImage("Unable to find image for '%s'" % xbuddy_label)
64    build_id_tuple = ast.literal_eval(build_id_tuple_str)
65    build_id = build_id_tuple[0]
67    return build_id
69  def DownloadImage(self, chromeos_root, build_id, image_name):
70    if self.log_level == 'average':
71      self._logger.LogOutput('Preparing to download %s image to local '
72                             'directory.' % build_id)
74    # Make sure the directory for downloading the image exists.
75    download_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot/tmp', build_id)
76    image_path = os.path.join(download_path, 'chromiumos_test_image.bin')
77    if not os.path.exists(download_path):
78      os.makedirs(download_path)
80    # Check to see if the image has already been downloaded.  If not,
81    # download the image.
82    if not os.path.exists(image_path):
83      gsutil_cmd = os.path.join(chromeos_root, GS_UTIL)
84      command = '%s cp %s %s' % (gsutil_cmd, image_name, download_path)
86      if self.log_level != 'verbose':
87        self._logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % command)
88      status = self._ce.RunCommand(command)
89      downloaded_image_name = os.path.join(download_path,
90                                           'chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz')
91      if status != 0 or not os.path.exists(downloaded_image_name):
92        raise MissingImage('Cannot download image: %s.' % downloaded_image_name)
94    return image_path
96  def UncompressImage(self, chromeos_root, build_id):
97    # Check to see if the file has already been uncompresssed, etc.
98    if os.path.exists(
99        os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot/tmp', build_id,
100                     'chromiumos_test_image.bin')):
101      return
103    # Uncompress and untar the downloaded image.
104    download_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot/tmp', build_id)
105    command = ('cd %s ; tar -Jxf chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz ' % download_path)
106    # Cleanup command for exception handler
107    clean_cmd = ('cd %s ; rm -f chromiumos_test_image.bin ' % download_path)
108    exception_handler = RunCommandExceptionHandler(self._logger, self.log_level,
109                                                   self._ce, clean_cmd)
110    if self.log_level != 'verbose':
111      self._logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % command)
112      print('(Uncompressing and un-tarring may take a couple of minutes...'
113            'please be patient.)')
114    retval = self._ce.RunCommand(
115        command, except_handler=exception_handler.HandleException)
116    if retval != 0:
117      if self.log_level != 'verbose':
118        self._logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % clean_cmd)
119        print('(Removing file chromiumos_test_image.bin.)')
120      # Remove partially uncompressed file
121      _ = self._ce.RunCommand(clean_cmd)
122      # Raise exception for failure to uncompress
123      raise MissingImage('Cannot uncompress image: %s.' % build_id)
125    # Remove compressed image
126    command = ('cd %s ; rm -f chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz; ' % download_path)
127    if self.log_level != 'verbose':
128      self._logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % command)
129      print('(Removing file chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz.)')
130    # try removing file, its ok to have an error, print if encountered
131    retval = self._ce.RunCommand(command)
132    if retval != 0:
133      print('(Warning: Could not remove file chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz .)')
135  def DownloadSingleAutotestFile(self, chromeos_root, build_id,
136                                 package_file_name):
137    # Verify if package files exist
138    status = 0
139    gs_package_name = ('gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s/%s' %
140                       (build_id, package_file_name))
141    gsutil_cmd = os.path.join(chromeos_root, GS_UTIL)
142    if not test_flag.GetTestMode():
143      cmd = '%s ls %s' % (gsutil_cmd, gs_package_name)
144      status = self._ce.RunCommand(cmd)
145    if status != 0:
146      raise MissingFile('Cannot find autotest package file: %s.' %
147                        package_file_name)
149    if self.log_level == 'average':
150      self._logger.LogOutput('Preparing to download %s package to local '
151                             'directory.' % package_file_name)
153    # Make sure the directory for downloading the package exists.
154    download_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot/tmp', build_id)
155    package_path = os.path.join(download_path, package_file_name)
156    if not os.path.exists(download_path):
157      os.makedirs(download_path)
159    # Check to see if the package file has already been downloaded.  If not,
160    # download it.
161    if not os.path.exists(package_path):
162      command = '%s cp %s %s' % (gsutil_cmd, gs_package_name, download_path)
164      if self.log_level != 'verbose':
165        self._logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % command)
166      status = self._ce.RunCommand(command)
167      if status != 0 or not os.path.exists(package_path):
168        raise MissingFile('Cannot download package: %s .' % package_path)
170  def UncompressSingleAutotestFile(self, chromeos_root, build_id,
171                                   package_file_name, uncompress_cmd):
172    # Uncompress file
173    download_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot/tmp', build_id)
174    command = ('cd %s ; %s %s' %
175               (download_path, uncompress_cmd, package_file_name))
177    if self.log_level != 'verbose':
178      self._logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % command)
179      print('(Uncompressing autotest file %s .)' % package_file_name)
180    retval = self._ce.RunCommand(command)
181    if retval != 0:
182      raise MissingFile('Cannot uncompress file: %s.' % package_file_name)
183    # Remove uncompressed downloaded file
184    command = ('cd %s ; rm -f %s' % (download_path, package_file_name))
185    if self.log_level != 'verbose':
186      self._logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % command)
187      print('(Removing processed autotest file %s .)' % package_file_name)
188    # try removing file, its ok to have an error, print if encountered
189    retval = self._ce.RunCommand(command)
190    if retval != 0:
191      print('(Warning: Could not remove file %s .)' % package_file_name)
193  def VerifyAutotestFilesExist(self, chromeos_root, build_id, package_file):
194    # Quickly verify if the files are there
195    status = 0
196    gs_package_name = ('gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s/%s' %
197                       (build_id, package_file))
198    gsutil_cmd = os.path.join(chromeos_root, GS_UTIL)
199    if not test_flag.GetTestMode():
200      cmd = '%s ls %s' % (gsutil_cmd, gs_package_name)
201      if self.log_level != 'verbose':
202        self._logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % cmd)
203      status = self._ce.RunCommand(cmd)
204      if status != 0:
205        print('(Warning: Could not find file %s )' % gs_package_name)
206        return 1
207    # Package exists on server
208    return 0
210  def DownloadAutotestFiles(self, chromeos_root, build_id):
211    # Download autest package files (3 files)
212    autotest_packages_name = ('autotest_packages.tar')
213    autotest_server_package_name = ('autotest_server_package.tar.bz2')
214    autotest_control_files_name = ('control_files.tar')
216    download_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot/tmp', build_id)
217    # Autotest directory relative path wrt chroot
218    autotest_rel_path = os.path.join('/tmp', build_id, 'autotest_files')
219    # Absolute Path to download files
220    autotest_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chroot/tmp', build_id,
221                                 'autotest_files')
223    if not os.path.exists(autotest_path):
224      # Quickly verify if the files are present on server
225      # If not, just exit with warning
226      status = self.VerifyAutotestFilesExist(chromeos_root, build_id,
227                                             autotest_packages_name)
228      if status != 0:
229        default_autotest_dir = '~/trunk/src/third_party/autotest/files'
230        print('(Warning: Could not find autotest packages .)\n'
231              '(Warning: Defaulting autotest path to %s .' %
232              default_autotest_dir)
233        return default_autotest_dir
235      # Files exist on server, download and uncompress them
236      self.DownloadSingleAutotestFile(chromeos_root, build_id,
237                                      autotest_packages_name)
238      self.DownloadSingleAutotestFile(chromeos_root, build_id,
239                                      autotest_server_package_name)
240      self.DownloadSingleAutotestFile(chromeos_root, build_id,
241                                      autotest_control_files_name)
243      self.UncompressSingleAutotestFile(chromeos_root, build_id,
244                                        autotest_packages_name, 'tar -xvf ')
245      self.UncompressSingleAutotestFile(chromeos_root, build_id,
246                                        autotest_server_package_name,
247                                        'tar -jxvf ')
248      self.UncompressSingleAutotestFile(chromeos_root, build_id,
249                                        autotest_control_files_name,
250                                        'tar -xvf ')
251      # Rename created autotest directory to autotest_files
252      command = ('cd %s ; mv autotest autotest_files' % download_path)
253      if self.log_level != 'verbose':
254        self._logger.LogOutput('CMD: %s' % command)
255        print('(Moving downloaded autotest files to autotest_files)')
256      retval = self._ce.RunCommand(command)
257      if retval != 0:
258        raise MissingFile('Could not create directory autotest_files')
260    return autotest_rel_path
262  def Run(self, chromeos_root, xbuddy_label, autotest_path):
263    build_id = self.GetBuildID(chromeos_root, xbuddy_label)
264    image_name = ('gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz'
265                  % build_id)
267    # Verify that image exists for build_id, before attempting to
268    # download it.
269    status = 0
270    if not test_flag.GetTestMode():
271      gsutil_cmd = os.path.join(chromeos_root, GS_UTIL)
272      cmd = '%s ls %s' % (gsutil_cmd, image_name)
273      status = self._ce.RunCommand(cmd)
274    if status != 0:
275      raise MissingImage('Cannot find official image: %s.' % image_name)
277    image_path = self.DownloadImage(chromeos_root, build_id, image_name)
278    self.UncompressImage(chromeos_root, build_id)
280    if self.log_level != 'quiet':
281      self._logger.LogOutput('Using image from %s.' % image_path)
283    if autotest_path == '':
284      autotest_path = self.DownloadAutotestFiles(chromeos_root, build_id)
286    return image_path, autotest_path