1// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "src/json-stringifier.h"
7#include "src/conversions.h"
8#include "src/lookup.h"
9#include "src/messages.h"
10#include "src/objects-inl.h"
11#include "src/utils.h"
13namespace v8 {
14namespace internal {
16// Translation table to escape Latin1 characters.
17// Table entries start at a multiple of 8 and are null-terminated.
18const char* const JsonStringifier::JsonEscapeTable =
19    "\\u0000\0 \\u0001\0 \\u0002\0 \\u0003\0 "
20    "\\u0004\0 \\u0005\0 \\u0006\0 \\u0007\0 "
21    "\\b\0     \\t\0     \\n\0     \\u000b\0 "
22    "\\f\0     \\r\0     \\u000e\0 \\u000f\0 "
23    "\\u0010\0 \\u0011\0 \\u0012\0 \\u0013\0 "
24    "\\u0014\0 \\u0015\0 \\u0016\0 \\u0017\0 "
25    "\\u0018\0 \\u0019\0 \\u001a\0 \\u001b\0 "
26    "\\u001c\0 \\u001d\0 \\u001e\0 \\u001f\0 "
27    " \0      !\0      \\\"\0     #\0      "
28    "$\0      %\0      &\0      '\0      "
29    "(\0      )\0      *\0      +\0      "
30    ",\0      -\0      .\0      /\0      "
31    "0\0      1\0      2\0      3\0      "
32    "4\0      5\0      6\0      7\0      "
33    "8\0      9\0      :\0      ;\0      "
34    "<\0      =\0      >\0      ?\0      "
35    "@\0      A\0      B\0      C\0      "
36    "D\0      E\0      F\0      G\0      "
37    "H\0      I\0      J\0      K\0      "
38    "L\0      M\0      N\0      O\0      "
39    "P\0      Q\0      R\0      S\0      "
40    "T\0      U\0      V\0      W\0      "
41    "X\0      Y\0      Z\0      [\0      "
42    "\\\\\0     ]\0      ^\0      _\0      "
43    "`\0      a\0      b\0      c\0      "
44    "d\0      e\0      f\0      g\0      "
45    "h\0      i\0      j\0      k\0      "
46    "l\0      m\0      n\0      o\0      "
47    "p\0      q\0      r\0      s\0      "
48    "t\0      u\0      v\0      w\0      "
49    "x\0      y\0      z\0      {\0      "
50    "|\0      }\0      ~\0      \177\0      "
51    "\200\0      \201\0      \202\0      \203\0      "
52    "\204\0      \205\0      \206\0      \207\0      "
53    "\210\0      \211\0      \212\0      \213\0      "
54    "\214\0      \215\0      \216\0      \217\0      "
55    "\220\0      \221\0      \222\0      \223\0      "
56    "\224\0      \225\0      \226\0      \227\0      "
57    "\230\0      \231\0      \232\0      \233\0      "
58    "\234\0      \235\0      \236\0      \237\0      "
59    "\240\0      \241\0      \242\0      \243\0      "
60    "\244\0      \245\0      \246\0      \247\0      "
61    "\250\0      \251\0      \252\0      \253\0      "
62    "\254\0      \255\0      \256\0      \257\0      "
63    "\260\0      \261\0      \262\0      \263\0      "
64    "\264\0      \265\0      \266\0      \267\0      "
65    "\270\0      \271\0      \272\0      \273\0      "
66    "\274\0      \275\0      \276\0      \277\0      "
67    "\300\0      \301\0      \302\0      \303\0      "
68    "\304\0      \305\0      \306\0      \307\0      "
69    "\310\0      \311\0      \312\0      \313\0      "
70    "\314\0      \315\0      \316\0      \317\0      "
71    "\320\0      \321\0      \322\0      \323\0      "
72    "\324\0      \325\0      \326\0      \327\0      "
73    "\330\0      \331\0      \332\0      \333\0      "
74    "\334\0      \335\0      \336\0      \337\0      "
75    "\340\0      \341\0      \342\0      \343\0      "
76    "\344\0      \345\0      \346\0      \347\0      "
77    "\350\0      \351\0      \352\0      \353\0      "
78    "\354\0      \355\0      \356\0      \357\0      "
79    "\360\0      \361\0      \362\0      \363\0      "
80    "\364\0      \365\0      \366\0      \367\0      "
81    "\370\0      \371\0      \372\0      \373\0      "
82    "\374\0      \375\0      \376\0      \377\0      ";
84JsonStringifier::JsonStringifier(Isolate* isolate)
85    : isolate_(isolate), builder_(isolate), gap_(nullptr), indent_(0) {
86  tojson_string_ = factory()->toJSON_string();
87  stack_ = factory()->NewJSArray(8);
90MaybeHandle<Object> JsonStringifier::Stringify(Handle<Object> object,
91                                               Handle<Object> replacer,
92                                               Handle<Object> gap) {
93  if (!InitializeReplacer(replacer)) return MaybeHandle<Object>();
94  if (!gap->IsUndefined(isolate_) && !InitializeGap(gap)) {
95    return MaybeHandle<Object>();
96  }
97  Result result = SerializeObject(object);
98  if (result == UNCHANGED) return factory()->undefined_value();
99  if (result == SUCCESS) return builder_.Finish();
100  DCHECK(result == EXCEPTION);
101  return MaybeHandle<Object>();
104bool IsInList(Handle<String> key, List<Handle<String> >* list) {
105  // TODO(yangguo): This is O(n^2) for n properties in the list. Deal with this
106  // if this becomes an issue.
107  for (const Handle<String>& existing : *list) {
108    if (String::Equals(existing, key)) return true;
109  }
110  return false;
113bool JsonStringifier::InitializeReplacer(Handle<Object> replacer) {
114  DCHECK(property_list_.is_null());
115  DCHECK(replacer_function_.is_null());
116  Maybe<bool> is_array = Object::IsArray(replacer);
117  if (is_array.IsNothing()) return false;
118  if (is_array.FromJust()) {
119    HandleScope handle_scope(isolate_);
120    List<Handle<String> > list;
121    Handle<Object> length_obj;
123        isolate_, length_obj,
124        Object::GetLengthFromArrayLike(isolate_, replacer), false);
125    uint32_t length;
126    if (!length_obj->ToUint32(&length)) length = kMaxUInt32;
127    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
128      Handle<Object> element;
129      Handle<String> key;
131          isolate_, element, Object::GetElement(isolate_, replacer, i), false);
132      if (element->IsNumber() || element->IsString()) {
134            isolate_, key, Object::ToString(isolate_, element), false);
135      } else if (element->IsJSValue()) {
136        Handle<Object> value(Handle<JSValue>::cast(element)->value(), isolate_);
137        if (value->IsNumber() || value->IsString()) {
139              isolate_, key, Object::ToString(isolate_, element), false);
140        }
141      }
142      if (key.is_null()) continue;
143      if (!IsInList(key, &list)) list.Add(key);
144    }
145    property_list_ = factory()->NewUninitializedFixedArray(list.length());
146    for (int i = 0; i < list.length(); i++) {
147      property_list_->set(i, *list[i]);
148    }
149    property_list_ = handle_scope.CloseAndEscape(property_list_);
150  } else if (replacer->IsCallable()) {
151    replacer_function_ = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(replacer);
152  }
153  return true;
156bool JsonStringifier::InitializeGap(Handle<Object> gap) {
157  DCHECK_NULL(gap_);
158  HandleScope scope(isolate_);
159  if (gap->IsJSValue()) {
160    Handle<Object> value(Handle<JSValue>::cast(gap)->value(), isolate_);
161    if (value->IsString()) {
162      ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate_, gap,
163                                       Object::ToString(isolate_, gap), false);
164    } else if (value->IsNumber()) {
165      ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate_, gap, Object::ToNumber(gap),
166                                       false);
167    }
168  }
170  if (gap->IsString()) {
171    Handle<String> gap_string = Handle<String>::cast(gap);
172    if (gap_string->length() > 0) {
173      int gap_length = std::min(gap_string->length(), 10);
174      gap_ = NewArray<uc16>(gap_length + 1);
175      String::WriteToFlat(*gap_string, gap_, 0, gap_length);
176      for (int i = 0; i < gap_length; i++) {
177        if (gap_[i] > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) {
178          builder_.ChangeEncoding();
179          break;
180        }
181      }
182      gap_[gap_length] = '\0';
183    }
184  } else if (gap->IsNumber()) {
185    int num_value = DoubleToInt32(gap->Number());
186    if (num_value > 0) {
187      int gap_length = std::min(num_value, 10);
188      gap_ = NewArray<uc16>(gap_length + 1);
189      for (int i = 0; i < gap_length; i++) gap_[i] = ' ';
190      gap_[gap_length] = '\0';
191    }
192  }
193  return true;
196MaybeHandle<Object> JsonStringifier::ApplyToJsonFunction(Handle<Object> object,
197                                                         Handle<Object> key) {
198  HandleScope scope(isolate_);
199  LookupIterator it(object, tojson_string_,
200                    LookupIterator::PROTOTYPE_CHAIN_SKIP_INTERCEPTOR);
201  Handle<Object> fun;
202  ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate_, fun, Object::GetProperty(&it), Object);
203  if (!fun->IsCallable()) return object;
205  // Call toJSON function.
206  if (key->IsSmi()) key = factory()->NumberToString(key);
207  Handle<Object> argv[] = {key};
208  ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate_, object,
209                             Execution::Call(isolate_, fun, object, 1, argv),
210                             Object);
211  return scope.CloseAndEscape(object);
214MaybeHandle<Object> JsonStringifier::ApplyReplacerFunction(
215    Handle<Object> value, Handle<Object> key, Handle<Object> initial_holder) {
216  HandleScope scope(isolate_);
217  if (key->IsSmi()) key = factory()->NumberToString(key);
218  Handle<Object> argv[] = {key, value};
219  Handle<JSReceiver> holder = CurrentHolder(value, initial_holder);
221      isolate_, value,
222      Execution::Call(isolate_, replacer_function_, holder, 2, argv), Object);
223  return scope.CloseAndEscape(value);
226Handle<JSReceiver> JsonStringifier::CurrentHolder(
227    Handle<Object> value, Handle<Object> initial_holder) {
228  int length = Smi::cast(stack_->length())->value();
229  if (length == 0) {
230    Handle<JSObject> holder =
231        factory()->NewJSObject(isolate_->object_function());
232    JSObject::AddProperty(holder, factory()->empty_string(), initial_holder,
233                          NONE);
234    return holder;
235  } else {
236    FixedArray* elements = FixedArray::cast(stack_->elements());
237    return Handle<JSReceiver>(JSReceiver::cast(elements->get(length - 1)),
238                              isolate_);
239  }
242JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::StackPush(Handle<Object> object) {
243  StackLimitCheck check(isolate_);
244  if (check.HasOverflowed()) {
245    isolate_->StackOverflow();
246    return EXCEPTION;
247  }
249  int length = Smi::cast(stack_->length())->value();
250  {
251    DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
252    FixedArray* elements = FixedArray::cast(stack_->elements());
253    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
254      if (elements->get(i) == *object) {
255        AllowHeapAllocation allow_to_return_error;
256        Handle<Object> error =
257            factory()->NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kCircularStructure);
258        isolate_->Throw(*error);
259        return EXCEPTION;
260      }
261    }
262  }
263  JSArray::SetLength(stack_, length + 1);
264  FixedArray::cast(stack_->elements())->set(length, *object);
265  return SUCCESS;
268void JsonStringifier::StackPop() {
269  int length = Smi::cast(stack_->length())->value();
270  stack_->set_length(Smi::FromInt(length - 1));
273template <bool deferred_string_key>
274JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::Serialize_(Handle<Object> object,
275                                                    bool comma,
276                                                    Handle<Object> key) {
277  StackLimitCheck interrupt_check(isolate_);
278  Handle<Object> initial_value = object;
279  if (interrupt_check.InterruptRequested() &&
280      isolate_->stack_guard()->HandleInterrupts()->IsException(isolate_)) {
281    return EXCEPTION;
282  }
283  if (object->IsJSReceiver()) {
285        isolate_, object, ApplyToJsonFunction(object, key), EXCEPTION);
286  }
287  if (!replacer_function_.is_null()) {
289        isolate_, object, ApplyReplacerFunction(object, key, initial_value),
290        EXCEPTION);
291  }
293  if (object->IsSmi()) {
294    if (deferred_string_key) SerializeDeferredKey(comma, key);
295    return SerializeSmi(Smi::cast(*object));
296  }
298  switch (HeapObject::cast(*object)->map()->instance_type()) {
299    case HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE:
301      if (deferred_string_key) SerializeDeferredKey(comma, key);
302      return SerializeHeapNumber(Handle<HeapNumber>::cast(object));
303    case ODDBALL_TYPE:
304      switch (Oddball::cast(*object)->kind()) {
305        case Oddball::kFalse:
306          if (deferred_string_key) SerializeDeferredKey(comma, key);
307          builder_.AppendCString("false");
308          return SUCCESS;
309        case Oddball::kTrue:
310          if (deferred_string_key) SerializeDeferredKey(comma, key);
311          builder_.AppendCString("true");
312          return SUCCESS;
313        case Oddball::kNull:
314          if (deferred_string_key) SerializeDeferredKey(comma, key);
315          builder_.AppendCString("null");
316          return SUCCESS;
317        default:
318          return UNCHANGED;
319      }
320    case JS_ARRAY_TYPE:
321      if (deferred_string_key) SerializeDeferredKey(comma, key);
322      return SerializeJSArray(Handle<JSArray>::cast(object));
323    case JS_VALUE_TYPE:
324      if (deferred_string_key) SerializeDeferredKey(comma, key);
325      return SerializeJSValue(Handle<JSValue>::cast(object));
326    case SYMBOL_TYPE:
327      return UNCHANGED;
328    default:
329      if (object->IsString()) {
330        if (deferred_string_key) SerializeDeferredKey(comma, key);
331        SerializeString(Handle<String>::cast(object));
332        return SUCCESS;
333      } else {
334        DCHECK(object->IsJSReceiver());
335        if (object->IsCallable()) return UNCHANGED;
336        // Go to slow path for global proxy and objects requiring access checks.
337        if (deferred_string_key) SerializeDeferredKey(comma, key);
338        if (object->IsJSProxy()) {
339          return SerializeJSProxy(Handle<JSProxy>::cast(object));
340        }
341        return SerializeJSObject(Handle<JSObject>::cast(object));
342      }
343  }
346  return UNCHANGED;
349JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::SerializeJSValue(
350    Handle<JSValue> object) {
351  String* class_name = object->class_name();
352  if (class_name == isolate_->heap()->String_string()) {
353    Handle<Object> value;
355        isolate_, value, Object::ToString(isolate_, object), EXCEPTION);
356    SerializeString(Handle<String>::cast(value));
357  } else if (class_name == isolate_->heap()->Number_string()) {
358    Handle<Object> value;
359    ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate_, value, Object::ToNumber(object),
360                                     EXCEPTION);
361    if (value->IsSmi()) return SerializeSmi(Smi::cast(*value));
362    SerializeHeapNumber(Handle<HeapNumber>::cast(value));
363  } else if (class_name == isolate_->heap()->Boolean_string()) {
364    Object* value = JSValue::cast(*object)->value();
365    DCHECK(value->IsBoolean());
366    builder_.AppendCString(value->IsTrue(isolate_) ? "true" : "false");
367  } else {
368    // ES6 step 10.c, serialize as an ordinary JSObject.
369    return SerializeJSObject(object);
370  }
371  return SUCCESS;
374JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::SerializeSmi(Smi* object) {
375  static const int kBufferSize = 100;
376  char chars[kBufferSize];
377  Vector<char> buffer(chars, kBufferSize);
378  builder_.AppendCString(IntToCString(object->value(), buffer));
379  return SUCCESS;
382JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::SerializeDouble(double number) {
383  if (std::isinf(number) || std::isnan(number)) {
384    builder_.AppendCString("null");
385    return SUCCESS;
386  }
387  static const int kBufferSize = 100;
388  char chars[kBufferSize];
389  Vector<char> buffer(chars, kBufferSize);
390  builder_.AppendCString(DoubleToCString(number, buffer));
391  return SUCCESS;
394JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::SerializeJSArray(
395    Handle<JSArray> object) {
396  HandleScope handle_scope(isolate_);
397  Result stack_push = StackPush(object);
398  if (stack_push != SUCCESS) return stack_push;
399  uint32_t length = 0;
400  CHECK(object->length()->ToArrayLength(&length));
401  DCHECK(!object->IsAccessCheckNeeded());
402  builder_.AppendCharacter('[');
403  Indent();
404  uint32_t i = 0;
405  if (replacer_function_.is_null()) {
406    switch (object->GetElementsKind()) {
407      case FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS: {
408        Handle<FixedArray> elements(FixedArray::cast(object->elements()),
409                                    isolate_);
410        StackLimitCheck interrupt_check(isolate_);
411        while (i < length) {
412          if (interrupt_check.InterruptRequested() &&
413              isolate_->stack_guard()->HandleInterrupts()->IsException(
414                  isolate_)) {
415            return EXCEPTION;
416          }
417          Separator(i == 0);
418          SerializeSmi(Smi::cast(elements->get(i)));
419          i++;
420        }
421        break;
422      }
423      case FAST_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS: {
424        // Empty array is FixedArray but not FixedDoubleArray.
425        if (length == 0) break;
426        Handle<FixedDoubleArray> elements(
427            FixedDoubleArray::cast(object->elements()), isolate_);
428        StackLimitCheck interrupt_check(isolate_);
429        while (i < length) {
430          if (interrupt_check.InterruptRequested() &&
431              isolate_->stack_guard()->HandleInterrupts()->IsException(
432                  isolate_)) {
433            return EXCEPTION;
434          }
435          Separator(i == 0);
436          SerializeDouble(elements->get_scalar(i));
437          i++;
438        }
439        break;
440      }
441      case FAST_ELEMENTS: {
442        Handle<Object> old_length(object->length(), isolate_);
443        while (i < length) {
444          if (object->length() != *old_length ||
445              object->GetElementsKind() != FAST_ELEMENTS) {
446            // Fall back to slow path.
447            break;
448          }
449          Separator(i == 0);
450          Result result = SerializeElement(
451              isolate_,
452              Handle<Object>(FixedArray::cast(object->elements())->get(i),
453                             isolate_),
454              i);
455          if (result == UNCHANGED) {
456            builder_.AppendCString("null");
457          } else if (result != SUCCESS) {
458            return result;
459          }
460          i++;
461        }
462        break;
463      }
464      // The FAST_HOLEY_* cases could be handled in a faster way. They resemble
465      // the non-holey cases except that a lookup is necessary for holes.
466      default:
467        break;
468    }
469  }
470  if (i < length) {
471    // Slow path for non-fast elements and fall-back in edge case.
472    Result result = SerializeArrayLikeSlow(object, i, length);
473    if (result != SUCCESS) return result;
474  }
475  Unindent();
476  if (length > 0) NewLine();
477  builder_.AppendCharacter(']');
478  StackPop();
479  return SUCCESS;
482JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::SerializeArrayLikeSlow(
483    Handle<JSReceiver> object, uint32_t start, uint32_t length) {
484  // We need to write out at least two characters per array element.
485  static const int kMaxSerializableArrayLength = String::kMaxLength / 2;
486  if (length > kMaxSerializableArrayLength) {
487    isolate_->Throw(*isolate_->factory()->NewInvalidStringLengthError());
488    return EXCEPTION;
489  }
490  for (uint32_t i = start; i < length; i++) {
491    Separator(i == 0);
492    Handle<Object> element;
494        isolate_, element, JSReceiver::GetElement(isolate_, object, i),
495        EXCEPTION);
496    Result result = SerializeElement(isolate_, element, i);
497    if (result == SUCCESS) continue;
498    if (result == UNCHANGED) {
499      // Detect overflow sooner for large sparse arrays.
500      if (builder_.HasOverflowed()) return EXCEPTION;
501      builder_.AppendCString("null");
502    } else {
503      return result;
504    }
505  }
506  return SUCCESS;
509JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::SerializeJSObject(
510    Handle<JSObject> object) {
511  HandleScope handle_scope(isolate_);
512  Result stack_push = StackPush(object);
513  if (stack_push != SUCCESS) return stack_push;
515  if (property_list_.is_null() &&
516      object->map()->instance_type() > LAST_CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_RECEIVER &&
517      object->HasFastProperties() &&
518      Handle<JSObject>::cast(object)->elements()->length() == 0) {
519    DCHECK(object->IsJSObject());
520    DCHECK(!object->IsJSGlobalProxy());
521    Handle<JSObject> js_obj = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
522    DCHECK(!js_obj->HasIndexedInterceptor());
523    DCHECK(!js_obj->HasNamedInterceptor());
524    Handle<Map> map(js_obj->map());
525    builder_.AppendCharacter('{');
526    Indent();
527    bool comma = false;
528    for (int i = 0; i < map->NumberOfOwnDescriptors(); i++) {
529      Handle<Name> name(map->instance_descriptors()->GetKey(i), isolate_);
530      // TODO(rossberg): Should this throw?
531      if (!name->IsString()) continue;
532      Handle<String> key = Handle<String>::cast(name);
533      PropertyDetails details = map->instance_descriptors()->GetDetails(i);
534      if (details.IsDontEnum()) continue;
535      Handle<Object> property;
536      if (details.location() == kField && *map == js_obj->map()) {
537        DCHECK_EQ(kData, details.kind());
538        FieldIndex field_index = FieldIndex::ForDescriptor(*map, i);
539        property = JSObject::FastPropertyAt(js_obj, details.representation(),
540                                            field_index);
541      } else {
543            isolate_, property, Object::GetPropertyOrElement(js_obj, key),
544            EXCEPTION);
545      }
546      Result result = SerializeProperty(property, comma, key);
547      if (!comma && result == SUCCESS) comma = true;
548      if (result == EXCEPTION) return result;
549    }
550    Unindent();
551    if (comma) NewLine();
552    builder_.AppendCharacter('}');
553  } else {
554    Result result = SerializeJSReceiverSlow(object);
555    if (result != SUCCESS) return result;
556  }
557  StackPop();
558  return SUCCESS;
561JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::SerializeJSReceiverSlow(
562    Handle<JSReceiver> object) {
563  Handle<FixedArray> contents = property_list_;
564  if (contents.is_null()) {
566        isolate_, contents,
567        KeyAccumulator::GetKeys(object, KeyCollectionMode::kOwnOnly,
568                                ENUMERABLE_STRINGS,
569                                GetKeysConversion::kConvertToString),
570        EXCEPTION);
571  }
572  builder_.AppendCharacter('{');
573  Indent();
574  bool comma = false;
575  for (int i = 0; i < contents->length(); i++) {
576    Handle<String> key(String::cast(contents->get(i)), isolate_);
577    Handle<Object> property;
578    ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate_, property,
579                                     Object::GetPropertyOrElement(object, key),
580                                     EXCEPTION);
581    Result result = SerializeProperty(property, comma, key);
582    if (!comma && result == SUCCESS) comma = true;
583    if (result == EXCEPTION) return result;
584  }
585  Unindent();
586  if (comma) NewLine();
587  builder_.AppendCharacter('}');
588  return SUCCESS;
591JsonStringifier::Result JsonStringifier::SerializeJSProxy(
592    Handle<JSProxy> object) {
593  HandleScope scope(isolate_);
594  Result stack_push = StackPush(object);
595  if (stack_push != SUCCESS) return stack_push;
596  Maybe<bool> is_array = Object::IsArray(object);
597  if (is_array.IsNothing()) return EXCEPTION;
598  if (is_array.FromJust()) {
599    Handle<Object> length_object;
601        isolate_, length_object,
602        Object::GetLengthFromArrayLike(isolate_, object), EXCEPTION);
603    uint32_t length;
604    if (!length_object->ToUint32(&length)) {
605      // Technically, we need to be able to handle lengths outside the
606      // uint32_t range. However, we would run into string size overflow
607      // if we tried to stringify such an array.
608      isolate_->Throw(*isolate_->factory()->NewInvalidStringLengthError());
609      return EXCEPTION;
610    }
611    builder_.AppendCharacter('[');
612    Indent();
613    Result result = SerializeArrayLikeSlow(object, 0, length);
614    if (result != SUCCESS) return result;
615    Unindent();
616    if (length > 0) NewLine();
617    builder_.AppendCharacter(']');
618  } else {
619    Result result = SerializeJSReceiverSlow(object);
620    if (result != SUCCESS) return result;
621  }
622  StackPop();
623  return SUCCESS;
626template <typename SrcChar, typename DestChar>
627void JsonStringifier::SerializeStringUnchecked_(
628    Vector<const SrcChar> src,
629    IncrementalStringBuilder::NoExtend<DestChar>* dest) {
630  // Assert that uc16 character is not truncated down to 8 bit.
631  // The <uc16, char> version of this method must not be called.
632  DCHECK(sizeof(DestChar) >= sizeof(SrcChar));
634  for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++) {
635    SrcChar c = src[i];
636    if (DoNotEscape(c)) {
637      dest->Append(c);
638    } else {
639      dest->AppendCString(&JsonEscapeTable[c * kJsonEscapeTableEntrySize]);
640    }
641  }
644template <typename SrcChar, typename DestChar>
645void JsonStringifier::SerializeString_(Handle<String> string) {
646  int length = string->length();
647  builder_.Append<uint8_t, DestChar>('"');
648  // We make a rough estimate to find out if the current string can be
649  // serialized without allocating a new string part. The worst case length of
650  // an escaped character is 6.  Shifting the remainin string length right by 3
651  // is a more pessimistic estimate, but faster to calculate.
652  int worst_case_length = length << 3;
653  if (builder_.CurrentPartCanFit(worst_case_length)) {
654    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
655    Vector<const SrcChar> vector = string->GetCharVector<SrcChar>();
656    IncrementalStringBuilder::NoExtendBuilder<DestChar> no_extend(
657        &builder_, worst_case_length);
658    SerializeStringUnchecked_(vector, &no_extend);
659  } else {
660    FlatStringReader reader(isolate_, string);
661    for (int i = 0; i < reader.length(); i++) {
662      SrcChar c = reader.Get<SrcChar>(i);
663      if (DoNotEscape(c)) {
664        builder_.Append<SrcChar, DestChar>(c);
665      } else {
666        builder_.AppendCString(&JsonEscapeTable[c * kJsonEscapeTableEntrySize]);
667      }
668    }
669  }
671  builder_.Append<uint8_t, DestChar>('"');
674template <>
675bool JsonStringifier::DoNotEscape(uint8_t c) {
676  return c >= '#' && c <= '~' && c != '\\';
679template <>
680bool JsonStringifier::DoNotEscape(uint16_t c) {
681  return c >= '#' && c != '\\' && c != 0x7f;
684void JsonStringifier::NewLine() {
685  if (gap_ == nullptr) return;
686  builder_.AppendCharacter('\n');
687  for (int i = 0; i < indent_; i++) builder_.AppendCString(gap_);
690void JsonStringifier::Separator(bool first) {
691  if (!first) builder_.AppendCharacter(',');
692  NewLine();
695void JsonStringifier::SerializeDeferredKey(bool deferred_comma,
696                                           Handle<Object> deferred_key) {
697  Separator(!deferred_comma);
698  SerializeString(Handle<String>::cast(deferred_key));
699  builder_.AppendCharacter(':');
700  if (gap_ != nullptr) builder_.AppendCharacter(' ');
703void JsonStringifier::SerializeString(Handle<String> object) {
704  object = String::Flatten(object);
705  if (builder_.CurrentEncoding() == String::ONE_BYTE_ENCODING) {
706    if (object->IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath()) {
707      SerializeString_<uint8_t, uint8_t>(object);
708    } else {
709      builder_.ChangeEncoding();
710      SerializeString(object);
711    }
712  } else {
713    if (object->IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath()) {
714      SerializeString_<uint8_t, uc16>(object);
715    } else {
716      SerializeString_<uc16, uc16>(object);
717    }
718  }
721}  // namespace internal
722}  // namespace v8