revision e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937
1e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew Lehmer## WALT Android App Privacy Policy
2e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew Lehmer
3e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew LehmerThis file is required in order to comply with Google Play requirements for apps using sensitive permissions:
4e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew Lehmer
5e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew Lehmer
6e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew LehmerWALT app processes all data locally on the Android device and does not transmit any information via the Internet,
7e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew Lehmerunless you explicitly opt-in to upload test logs and results to our server in the app settings 
8e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew Lehmer(when such functionality becomes available).
9e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew Lehmer
10e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew LehmerIf you choose to opt-in to uploading the logs, please note that the logs can (and likely will) become publicly available to all.
11e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew Lehmer
12e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew LehmerWALT app needs the Internet permission on ChromeOS devices where USB is not available to Android apps 
13e76dcf96b0c451e46cddfa695de8feeb92533937Andrew Lehmerand a TCP bridge is used instead.