Effects.h revision 5baf2af52cd186633b7173196c1e4a4cd3435f22
3** Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project
5** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7** You may obtain a copy of the License at
9**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15** limitations under the License.
19    #error This header file should only be included from AudioFlinger.h
22//--- Audio Effect Management
24// EffectModule and EffectChain classes both have their own mutex to protect
25// state changes or resource modifications. Always respect the following order
26// if multiple mutexes must be acquired to avoid cross deadlock:
27// AudioFlinger -> ThreadBase -> EffectChain -> EffectModule
29// The EffectModule class is a wrapper object controlling the effect engine implementation
30// in the effect library. It prevents concurrent calls to process() and command() functions
31// from different client threads. It keeps a list of EffectHandle objects corresponding
32// to all client applications using this effect and notifies applications of effect state,
33// control or parameter changes. It manages the activation state machine to send appropriate
34// reset, enable, disable commands to effect engine and provide volume
35// ramping when effects are activated/deactivated.
36// When controlling an auxiliary effect, the EffectModule also provides an input buffer used by
37// the attached track(s) to accumulate their auxiliary channel.
38class EffectModule : public RefBase {
40    EffectModule(ThreadBase *thread,
41                    const wp<AudioFlinger::EffectChain>& chain,
42                    effect_descriptor_t *desc,
43                    int id,
44                    int sessionId);
45    virtual ~EffectModule();
47    enum effect_state {
48        IDLE,
49        RESTART,
50        STARTING,
51        ACTIVE,
52        STOPPING,
53        STOPPED,
54        DESTROYED
55    };
57    int         id() const { return mId; }
58    void process();
59    void updateState();
60    status_t command(uint32_t cmdCode,
61                     uint32_t cmdSize,
62                     void *pCmdData,
63                     uint32_t *replySize,
64                     void *pReplyData);
66    void reset_l();
67    status_t configure();
68    status_t init();
69    effect_state state() const {
70        return mState;
71    }
72    uint32_t status() {
73        return mStatus;
74    }
75    int sessionId() const {
76        return mSessionId;
77    }
78    status_t    setEnabled(bool enabled);
79    status_t    setEnabled_l(bool enabled);
80    bool isEnabled() const;
81    bool isProcessEnabled() const;
83    void        setInBuffer(int16_t *buffer) { mConfig.inputCfg.buffer.s16 = buffer; }
84    int16_t     *inBuffer() { return mConfig.inputCfg.buffer.s16; }
85    void        setOutBuffer(int16_t *buffer) { mConfig.outputCfg.buffer.s16 = buffer; }
86    int16_t     *outBuffer() { return mConfig.outputCfg.buffer.s16; }
87    void        setChain(const wp<EffectChain>& chain) { mChain = chain; }
88    void        setThread(const wp<ThreadBase>& thread) { mThread = thread; }
89    const wp<ThreadBase>& thread() { return mThread; }
91    status_t addHandle(EffectHandle *handle);
92    size_t disconnect(EffectHandle *handle, bool unpinIfLast);
93    size_t removeHandle(EffectHandle *handle);
95    const effect_descriptor_t& desc() const { return mDescriptor; }
96    wp<EffectChain>&     chain() { return mChain; }
98    status_t         setDevice(audio_devices_t device);
99    status_t         setVolume(uint32_t *left, uint32_t *right, bool controller);
100    status_t         setMode(audio_mode_t mode);
101    status_t         setAudioSource(audio_source_t source);
102    status_t         start();
103    status_t         stop();
104    void             setSuspended(bool suspended);
105    bool             suspended() const;
107    EffectHandle*    controlHandle_l();
109    bool             isPinned() const { return mPinned; }
110    void             unPin() { mPinned = false; }
111    bool             purgeHandles();
112    void             lock() { mLock.lock(); }
113    void             unlock() { mLock.unlock(); }
114    bool             isOffloadable() const
115                        { return (mDescriptor.flags & EFFECT_FLAG_OFFLOAD_SUPPORTED) != 0; }
116    status_t         setOffloaded(bool offloaded, audio_io_handle_t io);
117    bool             isOffloaded() const;
119    void             dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
122    friend class AudioFlinger;      // for mHandles
123    bool                mPinned;
125    // Maximum time allocated to effect engines to complete the turn off sequence
126    static const uint32_t MAX_DISABLE_TIME_MS = 10000;
128    EffectModule(const EffectModule&);
129    EffectModule& operator = (const EffectModule&);
131    status_t start_l();
132    status_t stop_l();
133    status_t remove_effect_from_hal_l();
135mutable Mutex               mLock;      // mutex for process, commands and handles list protection
136    wp<ThreadBase>      mThread;    // parent thread
137    wp<EffectChain>     mChain;     // parent effect chain
138    const int           mId;        // this instance unique ID
139    const int           mSessionId; // audio session ID
140    const effect_descriptor_t mDescriptor;// effect descriptor received from effect engine
141    effect_config_t     mConfig;    // input and output audio configuration
142    effect_handle_t  mEffectInterface; // Effect module C API
143    status_t            mStatus;    // initialization status
144    effect_state        mState;     // current activation state
145    Vector<EffectHandle *> mHandles;    // list of client handles
146                // First handle in mHandles has highest priority and controls the effect module
147    uint32_t mMaxDisableWaitCnt;    // maximum grace period before forcing an effect off after
148                                    // sending disable command.
149    uint32_t mDisableWaitCnt;       // current process() calls count during disable period.
150    bool     mSuspended;            // effect is suspended: temporarily disabled by framework
151    bool     mOffloaded;            // effect is currently offloaded to the audio DSP
154// The EffectHandle class implements the IEffect interface. It provides resources
155// to receive parameter updates, keeps track of effect control
156// ownership and state and has a pointer to the EffectModule object it is controlling.
157// There is one EffectHandle object for each application controlling (or using)
158// an effect module.
159// The EffectHandle is obtained by calling AudioFlinger::createEffect().
160class EffectHandle: public android::BnEffect {
163    EffectHandle(const sp<EffectModule>& effect,
164            const sp<AudioFlinger::Client>& client,
165            const sp<IEffectClient>& effectClient,
166            int32_t priority);
167    virtual ~EffectHandle();
169    // IEffect
170    virtual status_t enable();
171    virtual status_t disable();
172    virtual status_t command(uint32_t cmdCode,
173                             uint32_t cmdSize,
174                             void *pCmdData,
175                             uint32_t *replySize,
176                             void *pReplyData);
177    virtual void disconnect();
179            void disconnect(bool unpinIfLast);
181    virtual sp<IMemory> getCblk() const { return mCblkMemory; }
182    virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data,
183            Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags);
186    // Give or take control of effect module
187    // - hasControl: true if control is given, false if removed
188    // - signal: true client app should be signaled of change, false otherwise
189    // - enabled: state of the effect when control is passed
190    void setControl(bool hasControl, bool signal, bool enabled);
191    void commandExecuted(uint32_t cmdCode,
192                         uint32_t cmdSize,
193                         void *pCmdData,
194                         uint32_t replySize,
195                         void *pReplyData);
196    void setEnabled(bool enabled);
197    bool enabled() const { return mEnabled; }
199    // Getters
200    int id() const { return mEffect->id(); }
201    int priority() const { return mPriority; }
202    bool hasControl() const { return mHasControl; }
203    sp<EffectModule> effect() const { return mEffect; }
204    // destroyed_l() must be called with the associated EffectModule mLock held
205    bool destroyed_l() const { return mDestroyed; }
207    void dump(char* buffer, size_t size);
210    friend class AudioFlinger;          // for mEffect, mHasControl, mEnabled
211    EffectHandle(const EffectHandle&);
212    EffectHandle& operator =(const EffectHandle&);
214    sp<EffectModule> mEffect;           // pointer to controlled EffectModule
215    sp<IEffectClient> mEffectClient;    // callback interface for client notifications
216    /*const*/ sp<Client> mClient;       // client for shared memory allocation, see disconnect()
217    sp<IMemory>         mCblkMemory;    // shared memory for control block
218    effect_param_cblk_t* mCblk;         // control block for deferred parameter setting via
219                                        // shared memory
220    uint8_t*            mBuffer;        // pointer to parameter area in shared memory
221    int mPriority;                      // client application priority to control the effect
222    bool mHasControl;                   // true if this handle is controlling the effect
223    bool mEnabled;                      // cached enable state: needed when the effect is
224                                        // restored after being suspended
225    bool mDestroyed;                    // Set to true by destructor. Access with EffectModule
226                                        // mLock held
229// the EffectChain class represents a group of effects associated to one audio session.
230// There can be any number of EffectChain objects per output mixer thread (PlaybackThread).
231// The EffecChain with session ID 0 contains global effects applied to the output mix.
232// Effects in this chain can be insert or auxiliary. Effects in other chains (attached to
233// tracks) are insert only. The EffectChain maintains an ordered list of effect module, the
234// order corresponding in the effect process order. When attached to a track (session ID != 0),
235// it also provide it's own input buffer used by the track as accumulation buffer.
236class EffectChain : public RefBase {
238    EffectChain(const wp<ThreadBase>& wThread, int sessionId);
239    EffectChain(ThreadBase *thread, int sessionId);
240    virtual ~EffectChain();
242    // special key used for an entry in mSuspendedEffects keyed vector
243    // corresponding to a suspend all request.
244    static const int        kKeyForSuspendAll = 0;
246    // minimum duration during which we force calling effect process when last track on
247    // a session is stopped or removed to allow effect tail to be rendered
248    static const int        kProcessTailDurationMs = 1000;
250    void process_l();
252    void lock() {
253        mLock.lock();
254    }
255    void unlock() {
256        mLock.unlock();
257    }
259    status_t addEffect_l(const sp<EffectModule>& handle);
260    size_t removeEffect_l(const sp<EffectModule>& handle);
262    int sessionId() const { return mSessionId; }
263    void setSessionId(int sessionId) { mSessionId = sessionId; }
265    sp<EffectModule> getEffectFromDesc_l(effect_descriptor_t *descriptor);
266    sp<EffectModule> getEffectFromId_l(int id);
267    sp<EffectModule> getEffectFromType_l(const effect_uuid_t *type);
268    bool setVolume_l(uint32_t *left, uint32_t *right);
269    void setDevice_l(audio_devices_t device);
270    void setMode_l(audio_mode_t mode);
271    void setAudioSource_l(audio_source_t source);
273    void setInBuffer(int16_t *buffer, bool ownsBuffer = false) {
274        mInBuffer = buffer;
275        mOwnInBuffer = ownsBuffer;
276    }
277    int16_t *inBuffer() const {
278        return mInBuffer;
279    }
280    void setOutBuffer(int16_t *buffer) {
281        mOutBuffer = buffer;
282    }
283    int16_t *outBuffer() const {
284        return mOutBuffer;
285    }
287    void incTrackCnt() { android_atomic_inc(&mTrackCnt); }
288    void decTrackCnt() { android_atomic_dec(&mTrackCnt); }
289    int32_t trackCnt() const { return android_atomic_acquire_load(&mTrackCnt); }
291    void incActiveTrackCnt() { android_atomic_inc(&mActiveTrackCnt);
292                               mTailBufferCount = mMaxTailBuffers; }
293    void decActiveTrackCnt() { android_atomic_dec(&mActiveTrackCnt); }
294    int32_t activeTrackCnt() const { return android_atomic_acquire_load(&mActiveTrackCnt); }
296    uint32_t strategy() const { return mStrategy; }
297    void setStrategy(uint32_t strategy)
298            { mStrategy = strategy; }
300    // suspend effect of the given type
301    void setEffectSuspended_l(const effect_uuid_t *type,
302                              bool suspend);
303    // suspend all eligible effects
304    void setEffectSuspendedAll_l(bool suspend);
305    // check if effects should be suspend or restored when a given effect is enable or disabled
306    void checkSuspendOnEffectEnabled(const sp<EffectModule>& effect,
307                                          bool enabled);
309    void clearInputBuffer();
311    // At least one non offloadable effect in the chain is enabled
312    bool isNonOffloadableEnabled();
315    void dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
318    friend class AudioFlinger;  // for mThread, mEffects
319    EffectChain(const EffectChain&);
320    EffectChain& operator =(const EffectChain&);
322    class SuspendedEffectDesc : public RefBase {
323    public:
324        SuspendedEffectDesc() : mRefCount(0) {}
326        int mRefCount;
327        effect_uuid_t mType;
328        wp<EffectModule> mEffect;
329    };
331    // get a list of effect modules to suspend when an effect of the type
332    // passed is enabled.
333    void                       getSuspendEligibleEffects(Vector< sp<EffectModule> > &effects);
335    // get an effect module if it is currently enable
336    sp<EffectModule> getEffectIfEnabled(const effect_uuid_t *type);
337    // true if the effect whose descriptor is passed can be suspended
338    // OEMs can modify the rules implemented in this method to exclude specific effect
339    // types or implementations from the suspend/restore mechanism.
340    bool isEffectEligibleForSuspend(const effect_descriptor_t& desc);
342    void clearInputBuffer_l(sp<ThreadBase> thread);
344    wp<ThreadBase> mThread;     // parent mixer thread
345    Mutex mLock;                // mutex protecting effect list
346    Vector< sp<EffectModule> > mEffects; // list of effect modules
347    int mSessionId;             // audio session ID
348    int16_t *mInBuffer;         // chain input buffer
349    int16_t *mOutBuffer;        // chain output buffer
351    // 'volatile' here means these are accessed with atomic operations instead of mutex
352    volatile int32_t mActiveTrackCnt;    // number of active tracks connected
353    volatile int32_t mTrackCnt;          // number of tracks connected
355    int32_t mTailBufferCount;   // current effect tail buffer count
356    int32_t mMaxTailBuffers;    // maximum effect tail buffers
357    bool mOwnInBuffer;          // true if the chain owns its input buffer
358    int mVolumeCtrlIdx;         // index of insert effect having control over volume
359    uint32_t mLeftVolume;       // previous volume on left channel
360    uint32_t mRightVolume;      // previous volume on right channel
361    uint32_t mNewLeftVolume;       // new volume on left channel
362    uint32_t mNewRightVolume;      // new volume on right channel
363    uint32_t mStrategy; // strategy for this effect chain
364    // mSuspendedEffects lists all effects currently suspended in the chain.
365    // Use effect type UUID timelow field as key. There is no real risk of identical
366    // timeLow fields among effect type UUIDs.
367    // Updated by updateSuspendedSessions_l() only.
368    KeyedVector< int, sp<SuspendedEffectDesc> > mSuspendedEffects;