2 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.content.pm;
19import android.os.Parcel;
20import android.os.Parcelable;
23 * Overall information about the contents of a package.  This corresponds
24 * to all of the information collected from AndroidManifest.xml.
25 */
26public class PackageInfo implements Parcelable {
27    /**
28     * The name of this package.  From the <manifest> tag's "name"
29     * attribute.
30     */
31    public String packageName;
33    /**
34     * The names of any installed split APKs for this package.
35     */
36    public String[] splitNames;
38    /**
39     * The version number of this package, as specified by the <manifest>
40     * tag's {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifest_versionCode versionCode}
41     * attribute.
42     */
43    public int versionCode;
45    /**
46     * The version name of this package, as specified by the <manifest>
47     * tag's {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifest_versionName versionName}
48     * attribute.
49     */
50    public String versionName;
52    /**
53     * The revision number of the base APK for this package, as specified by the
54     * <manifest> tag's
55     * {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifest_revisionCode revisionCode}
56     * attribute.
57     */
58    public int baseRevisionCode;
60    /**
61     * The revision number of any split APKs for this package, as specified by
62     * the <manifest> tag's
63     * {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifest_revisionCode revisionCode}
64     * attribute. Indexes are a 1:1 mapping against {@link #splitNames}.
65     */
66    public int[] splitRevisionCodes;
68    /**
69     * The shared user ID name of this package, as specified by the <manifest>
70     * tag's {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifest_sharedUserId sharedUserId}
71     * attribute.
72     */
73    public String sharedUserId;
75    /**
76     * The shared user ID label of this package, as specified by the <manifest>
77     * tag's {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifest_sharedUserLabel sharedUserLabel}
78     * attribute.
79     */
80    public int sharedUserLabel;
82    /**
83     * Information collected from the <application> tag, or null if
84     * there was none.
85     */
86    public ApplicationInfo applicationInfo;
88    /**
89     * The time at which the app was first installed.  Units are as
90     * per {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}.
91     */
92    public long firstInstallTime;
94    /**
95     * The time at which the app was last updated.  Units are as
96     * per {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}.
97     */
98    public long lastUpdateTime;
100    /**
101     * All kernel group-IDs that have been assigned to this package.
102     * This is only filled in if the flag {@link PackageManager#GET_GIDS} was set.
103     */
104    public int[] gids;
106    /**
107     * Array of all {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestActivity
108     * <activity>} tags included under <application>,
109     * or null if there were none.  This is only filled in if the flag
110     * {@link PackageManager#GET_ACTIVITIES} was set.
111     */
112    public ActivityInfo[] activities;
114    /**
115     * Array of all {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestReceiver
116     * <receiver>} tags included under <application>,
117     * or null if there were none.  This is only filled in if the flag
118     * {@link PackageManager#GET_RECEIVERS} was set.
119     */
120    public ActivityInfo[] receivers;
122    /**
123     * Array of all {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestService
124     * <service>} tags included under <application>,
125     * or null if there were none.  This is only filled in if the flag
126     * {@link PackageManager#GET_SERVICES} was set.
127     */
128    public ServiceInfo[] services;
130    /**
131     * Array of all {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestProvider
132     * <provider>} tags included under <application>,
133     * or null if there were none.  This is only filled in if the flag
134     * {@link PackageManager#GET_PROVIDERS} was set.
135     */
136    public ProviderInfo[] providers;
138    /**
139     * Array of all {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestInstrumentation
140     * <instrumentation>} tags included under <manifest>,
141     * or null if there were none.  This is only filled in if the flag
142     * {@link PackageManager#GET_INSTRUMENTATION} was set.
143     */
144    public InstrumentationInfo[] instrumentation;
146    /**
147     * Array of all {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestPermission
148     * <permission>} tags included under <manifest>,
149     * or null if there were none.  This is only filled in if the flag
150     * {@link PackageManager#GET_PERMISSIONS} was set.
151     */
152    public PermissionInfo[] permissions;
154    /**
155     * Array of all {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestUsesPermission
156     * <uses-permission>} tags included under <manifest>,
157     * or null if there were none.  This is only filled in if the flag
158     * {@link PackageManager#GET_PERMISSIONS} was set.  This list includes
159     * all permissions requested, even those that were not granted or known
160     * by the system at install time.
161     */
162    public String[] requestedPermissions;
164    /**
165     * Array of flags of all {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestUsesPermission
166     * <uses-permission>} tags included under <manifest>,
167     * or null if there were none.  This is only filled in if the flag
168     * {@link PackageManager#GET_PERMISSIONS} was set.  Each value matches
169     * the corresponding entry in {@link #requestedPermissions}, and will have
170     * the flag {@link #REQUESTED_PERMISSION_GRANTED} set as appropriate.
171     */
172    public int[] requestedPermissionsFlags;
174    /**
175     * Flag for {@link #requestedPermissionsFlags}: the requested permission
176     * is required for the application to run; the user can not optionally
177     * disable it.  Currently all permissions are required.
178     *
179     * @removed We do not support required permissions.
180     */
181    public static final int REQUESTED_PERMISSION_REQUIRED = 1<<0;
183    /**
184     * Flag for {@link #requestedPermissionsFlags}: the requested permission
185     * is currently granted to the application.
186     */
187    public static final int REQUESTED_PERMISSION_GRANTED = 1<<1;
189    /**
190     * Array of all signatures read from the package file. This is only filled
191     * in if the flag {@link PackageManager#GET_SIGNATURES} was set. A package
192     * must be singed with at least one certificate which is at position zero.
193     * The package can be signed with additional certificates which appear as
194     * subsequent entries.
195     *
196     * <strong>Note:</strong> Signature ordering is not guaranteed to be
197     * stable which means that a package signed with certificates A and B is
198     * equivalent to being signed with certificates B and A. This means that
199     * in case multiple signatures are reported you cannot assume the one at
200     * the first position to be the same across updates.
201     */
202    public Signature[] signatures;
204    /**
205     * Application specified preferred configuration
206     * {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestUsesConfiguration
207     * &lt;uses-configuration&gt;} tags included under &lt;manifest&gt;,
208     * or null if there were none. This is only filled in if the flag
209     * {@link PackageManager#GET_CONFIGURATIONS} was set.
210     */
211    public ConfigurationInfo[] configPreferences;
213    /**
214     * Features that this application has requested.
215     *
216     * @see FeatureInfo#FLAG_REQUIRED
217     */
218    public FeatureInfo[] reqFeatures;
220    /**
221     * Groups of features that this application has requested.
222     * Each group contains a set of features that are required.
223     * A device must match the features listed in {@link #reqFeatures} and one
224     * or more FeatureGroups in order to have satisfied the feature requirement.
225     *
226     * @see FeatureInfo#FLAG_REQUIRED
227     */
228    public FeatureGroupInfo[] featureGroups;
230    /**
231     * Constant corresponding to <code>auto</code> in
232     * the {@link android.R.attr#installLocation} attribute.
233     * @hide
234     */
235    public static final int INSTALL_LOCATION_UNSPECIFIED = -1;
237    /**
238     * Constant corresponding to <code>auto</code> in the
239     * {@link android.R.attr#installLocation} attribute.
240     */
241    public static final int INSTALL_LOCATION_AUTO = 0;
243    /**
244     * Constant corresponding to <code>internalOnly</code> in the
245     * {@link android.R.attr#installLocation} attribute.
246     */
247    public static final int INSTALL_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ONLY = 1;
249    /**
250     * Constant corresponding to <code>preferExternal</code> in the
251     * {@link android.R.attr#installLocation} attribute.
252     */
253    public static final int INSTALL_LOCATION_PREFER_EXTERNAL = 2;
255    /**
256     * The install location requested by the package. From the
257     * {@link android.R.attr#installLocation} attribute, one of
260     */
261    public int installLocation = INSTALL_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ONLY;
263    /** @hide */
264    public boolean isStub;
266    /** @hide */
267    public boolean coreApp;
269    /** @hide */
270    public boolean requiredForAllUsers;
272    /** @hide */
273    public String restrictedAccountType;
275    /** @hide */
276    public String requiredAccountType;
278    /**
279     * What package, if any, this package will overlay.
280     *
281     * Package name of target package, or null.
282     * @hide
283     */
284    public String overlayTarget;
286    /** @hide */
287    public int overlayPriority;
290    /**
291     * Flag for use with {@link #overlayFlags}. Marks the overlay as static, meaning it cannot
292     * be enabled/disabled at runtime.
293     * @hide
294     */
295    public static final int FLAG_OVERLAY_STATIC = 1 << 1;
297    /**
298     * Flag for use with {@link #overlayFlags}. Marks the overlay as trusted (not 3rd party).
299     * @hide
300     */
301    public static final int FLAG_OVERLAY_TRUSTED = 1 << 2;
303    /**
304     * Modifiers that affect the state of this overlay. See {@link #FLAG_OVERLAY_STATIC},
305     * {@link #FLAG_OVERLAY_TRUSTED}.
306     * @hide
307     */
308    public int overlayFlags;
310    public PackageInfo() {
311    }
313    @Override
314    public String toString() {
315        return "PackageInfo{"
316            + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))
317            + " " + packageName + "}";
318    }
320    @Override
321    public int describeContents() {
322        return 0;
323    }
325    @Override
326    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int parcelableFlags) {
327        dest.writeString(packageName);
328        dest.writeStringArray(splitNames);
329        dest.writeInt(versionCode);
330        dest.writeString(versionName);
331        dest.writeInt(baseRevisionCode);
332        dest.writeIntArray(splitRevisionCodes);
333        dest.writeString(sharedUserId);
334        dest.writeInt(sharedUserLabel);
335        if (applicationInfo != null) {
336            dest.writeInt(1);
337            applicationInfo.writeToParcel(dest, parcelableFlags);
338        } else {
339            dest.writeInt(0);
340        }
341        dest.writeLong(firstInstallTime);
342        dest.writeLong(lastUpdateTime);
343        dest.writeIntArray(gids);
344        dest.writeTypedArray(activities, parcelableFlags | Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES);
345        dest.writeTypedArray(receivers, parcelableFlags | Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES);
346        dest.writeTypedArray(services, parcelableFlags | Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES);
347        dest.writeTypedArray(providers, parcelableFlags | Parcelable.PARCELABLE_ELIDE_DUPLICATES);
348        dest.writeTypedArray(instrumentation, parcelableFlags);
349        dest.writeTypedArray(permissions, parcelableFlags);
350        dest.writeStringArray(requestedPermissions);
351        dest.writeIntArray(requestedPermissionsFlags);
352        dest.writeTypedArray(signatures, parcelableFlags);
353        dest.writeTypedArray(configPreferences, parcelableFlags);
354        dest.writeTypedArray(reqFeatures, parcelableFlags);
355        dest.writeTypedArray(featureGroups, parcelableFlags);
356        dest.writeInt(installLocation);
357        dest.writeInt(isStub ? 1 : 0);
358        dest.writeInt(coreApp ? 1 : 0);
359        dest.writeInt(requiredForAllUsers ? 1 : 0);
360        dest.writeString(restrictedAccountType);
361        dest.writeString(requiredAccountType);
362        dest.writeString(overlayTarget);
363        dest.writeInt(overlayPriority);
364        dest.writeInt(overlayFlags);
365    }
367    public static final Parcelable.Creator<PackageInfo> CREATOR
368            = new Parcelable.Creator<PackageInfo>() {
369        @Override
370        public PackageInfo createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
371            return new PackageInfo(source);
372        }
374        @Override
375        public PackageInfo[] newArray(int size) {
376            return new PackageInfo[size];
377        }
378    };
380    private PackageInfo(Parcel source) {
381        packageName = source.readString();
382        splitNames = source.createStringArray();
383        versionCode = source.readInt();
384        versionName = source.readString();
385        baseRevisionCode = source.readInt();
386        splitRevisionCodes = source.createIntArray();
387        sharedUserId = source.readString();
388        sharedUserLabel = source.readInt();
389        int hasApp = source.readInt();
390        if (hasApp != 0) {
391            applicationInfo = ApplicationInfo.CREATOR.createFromParcel(source);
392        }
393        firstInstallTime = source.readLong();
394        lastUpdateTime = source.readLong();
395        gids = source.createIntArray();
396        activities = source.createTypedArray(ActivityInfo.CREATOR);
397        receivers = source.createTypedArray(ActivityInfo.CREATOR);
398        services = source.createTypedArray(ServiceInfo.CREATOR);
399        providers = source.createTypedArray(ProviderInfo.CREATOR);
400        instrumentation = source.createTypedArray(InstrumentationInfo.CREATOR);
401        permissions = source.createTypedArray(PermissionInfo.CREATOR);
402        requestedPermissions = source.createStringArray();
403        requestedPermissionsFlags = source.createIntArray();
404        signatures = source.createTypedArray(Signature.CREATOR);
405        configPreferences = source.createTypedArray(ConfigurationInfo.CREATOR);
406        reqFeatures = source.createTypedArray(FeatureInfo.CREATOR);
407        featureGroups = source.createTypedArray(FeatureGroupInfo.CREATOR);
408        installLocation = source.readInt();
409        isStub = source.readInt() != 0;
410        coreApp = source.readInt() != 0;
411        requiredForAllUsers = source.readInt() != 0;
412        restrictedAccountType = source.readString();
413        requiredAccountType = source.readString();
414        overlayTarget = source.readString();
415        overlayPriority = source.readInt();
416        overlayFlags = source.readInt();
418        // The component lists were flattened with the redundant ApplicationInfo
419        // instances omitted.  Distribute the canonical one here as appropriate.
420        if (applicationInfo != null) {
421            propagateApplicationInfo(applicationInfo, activities);
422            propagateApplicationInfo(applicationInfo, receivers);
423            propagateApplicationInfo(applicationInfo, services);
424            propagateApplicationInfo(applicationInfo, providers);
425        }
426    }
428    private void propagateApplicationInfo(ApplicationInfo appInfo, ComponentInfo[] components) {
429        if (components != null) {
430            for (ComponentInfo ci : components) {
431                ci.applicationInfo = appInfo;
432            }
433        }
434    }