hwcRects.cpp revision 734d8d898c6b0b315e431b231cc6759514da361b
2 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
18 * Hardware Composer Rectangles
19 *
20 * Synopsis
21 *   hwcRects [options] (graphicFormat displayFrame [attributes],)...
22 *     options:
23 *       -D #.## - End of test delay
24 *       -v Verbose");
25 *
26 *      graphic formats:
27 *        RGBA8888 (reference frame default)
28 *        RGBX8888
29 *        RGB888
30 *        RGB565
31 *        BGRA8888
32 *        RGBA5551
33 *        RGBA4444
34 *        YV12
35 *
36 *      displayFrame
37 *        [left, top, right, bottom]
38 *
39 *      attributes:
40 *        transform: none | fliph | flipv | rot90 | rot180 | rot270
41 *        blend: none | premult | coverage
42 *        color: [0.##, 0.##, 0.##]
43 *        alpha: 0.##
44 *        sourceDim: [width, height]
45 *        sourceCrop: [left, top, right, bottom]
46 *
47 *      Example:
48 *        # White YV12 rectangle, with overlapping turquoise
49 *        #  RGBA8888 rectangle at 30%% (alpha: 0.7) transparency
50 *        hwcRects -v -D 30.0 \
51 *          YV12 [50, 80, 200, 300] transform: none \
52 *            color: [1.0, 0.5, 0.5], \
53 *          RGBA8888 [100, 150, 300, 400] blend: coverage \
54 *            color: [0.251, 0.878, 0.816] alpha: 0.7 \
55 *            sourceDim: [50, 60] sourceCrop: [5, 8, 12, 15]
56 *
57 * Description
58 *   Constructs a Hardware Composer (HWC) list of frames from
59 *   command-line specified parameters.  Then sends it to the HWC
60 *   be rendered.  The intended purpose of this tool is as a means to
61 *   reproduce and succinctly specify an observed HWC operation, with
62 *   no need to modify/compile a program.
63 *
64 *   The command-line syntax consists of a few standard command-line
65 *   options and then a description of one or more frames.  The frame
66 *   descriptions are separated from one another via a comma.  The
67 *   beginning of a frame description requires the specification
68 *   of the graphic format and then the display frame rectangle where
69 *   the frame will be displayed.  The display frame rectangle is
70 *   specified as follows, with the right and bottom coordinates being
71 *   exclusive values:
72 *
73 *     [left, top, right, bottom]
74 *
75 *   After these two required parameters each frame description can
76 *   specify 1 or more optional attributes.  The name of each optional
77 *   attribute is preceded by a colon.  The current implementation
78 *   then requires white space after the colon and then the value of
79 *   the attribute is specified.  See the synopsis section above for
80 *   a list of attributes and the format of their expected value.
81 */
83#include <algorithm>
84#include <assert.h>
85#include <cerrno>
86#include <cmath>
87#include <cstdlib>
88#include <ctime>
89#include <istream>
90#include <libgen.h>
91#include <list>
92#include <sched.h>
93#include <sstream>
94#include <stdint.h>
95#include <string.h>
96#include <unistd.h>
98#include <sys/syscall.h>
99#include <sys/types.h>
100#include <sys/wait.h>
102#include <EGL/egl.h>
103#include <EGL/eglext.h>
104#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
105#include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>
107#include <ui/FramebufferNativeWindow.h>
108#include <ui/GraphicBuffer.h>
109#include <ui/EGLUtils.h>
111#define LOG_TAG "hwcColorEquivTest"
112#include <utils/Log.h>
113#include <testUtil.h>
115#include <hardware/hwcomposer.h>
117#include <glTestLib.h>
118#include <hwc/hwcTestLib.h>
120using namespace std;
121using namespace android;
123// Defaults
124const bool defaultVerbose = false;
125const float defaultEndDelay = 2.0; // Default delay after rendering graphics
127const uint32_t   defaultFormat = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888;
128const int32_t    defaultTransform = 0;
129const uint32_t   defaultBlend = HWC_BLENDING_NONE;
130const ColorFract defaultColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
131const float      defaultAlpha = 1.0; // Opaque
132const HwcTestDim defaultSourceDim(1, 1);
133const struct hwc_rect defaultSourceCrop = {0, 0, 1, 1};
134const struct hwc_rect defaultDisplayFrame = {0, 0, 100, 100};
136// Defines
137#define MAXCMD               200
138#define CMD_STOP_FRAMEWORK   "stop 2>&1"
139#define CMD_START_FRAMEWORK  "start 2>&1"
141// Macros
142#define NUMA(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a [0])) // Num elements in an array
144// Local types
145class Rectangle {
147    Rectangle() : format(defaultFormat), transform(defaultTransform),
148                  blend(defaultBlend), color(defaultColor),
149                  alpha(defaultAlpha), sourceDim(defaultSourceDim),
150                  sourceCrop(defaultSourceCrop),
151                  displayFrame(defaultDisplayFrame) {};
153    uint32_t     format;
154    uint32_t     transform;
155    int32_t      blend;
156    ColorFract   color;
157    float        alpha;
158    HwcTestDim   sourceDim;
159    struct hwc_rect   sourceCrop;
160    struct hwc_rect   displayFrame;
162    sp<GraphicBuffer> texture;
165// Globals
166list<Rectangle> rectangle;
167static const int texUsage = GraphicBuffer::USAGE_HW_TEXTURE |
168        GraphicBuffer::USAGE_SW_WRITE_RARELY;
169static hwc_composer_device_t *hwcDevice;
170static EGLDisplay dpy;
171static EGLSurface surface;
172static EGLint width, height;
174// Function prototypes
175static Rectangle parseRect(string rectStr);
176void init(void);
177void printSyntax(const char *cmd);
179// Command-line option settings
180static bool verbose = defaultVerbose;
181static float endDelay = defaultEndDelay;
184 * Main
185 *
186 * Performs the following high-level sequence of operations:
187 *
188 *   1. Parse command-line options
189 *
190 *   2. Stop framework
191 *
192 *   3. Initialization
193 *
194 *   4. Parse frame descriptions
195 *
196 *   5. Create HWC list from frame descriptions
197 *
198 *   6. Have HWC render the list description of the frames
199 *
200 *   7. Delay for amount of time given by endDelay
201 *
202 *   8. Start framework
203 */
205main(int argc, char *argv[])
207    int     rv, opt;
208    char   *chptr;
209    bool    error;
210    string  str;
211    char cmd[MAXCMD];
213    // Parse command line arguments
214    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "D:v?h")) != -1) {
215        switch (opt) {
216          case 'D': // End of test delay
217            endDelay = strtod(optarg, &chptr);
218            if ((*chptr != '\0') || (endDelay < 0.0)) {
219                testPrintE("Invalid command-line specified end of test delay "
220                           "of: %s", optarg);
221                exit(1);
222            }
223            break;
225          case 'v': // Verbose
226            verbose = true;
227            break;
229          case 'h': // Help
230          case '?':
231          default:
232            printSyntax(basename(argv[0]));
233            exit(((optopt == 0) || (optopt == '?')) ? 0 : 2);
234        }
235    }
237    // Stop framework
238    rv = snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s", CMD_STOP_FRAMEWORK);
239    if (rv >= (signed) sizeof(cmd) - 1) {
240        testPrintE("Command too long for: %s", CMD_STOP_FRAMEWORK);
241        exit(3);
242    }
243    testExecCmd(cmd);
244    testDelay(1.0); // TODO - needs means to query whether asyncronous stop
245                    // framework operation has completed.  For now, just wait
246                    // a long time.
248    init();
250    // Parse rectangle descriptions
251    int numOpen = 0; // Current number of unmatched <[
252    string rectDesc(""); // String description of a single rectangle
253    while (optind < argc) {
254        string argNext = string(argv[optind++]);
256        if (rectDesc.length()) { rectDesc += ' '; }
257        rectDesc += argNext;
259        // Count number of opening <[ and matching >]
260        // At this point not worried about an opening character being
261        // matched by it's corresponding closing character.  For example,
262        // "<1.0, 2.0]" is incorrect because the opening < should be matched
263        // with a closing >, instead of the closing ].  Such errors are
264        // detected when the actual value is parsed.
265        for (unsigned int n1 = 0; n1 < argNext.length(); n1++) {
266            switch(argNext[n1]) {
267              case '[':
268              case '<':
269                numOpen++;
270                break;
272              case ']':
273              case '>':
274                numOpen--;
275                break;
276            }
278            // Error anytime there is more closing then opening characters
279            if (numOpen < 0) {
280                testPrintI("Mismatched number of opening <[ with "
281                           "closing >] in: %s", rectDesc.c_str());
282                exit(4);
283            }
284        }
286        // Description of a rectangle is complete when all opening
287        // <[ are closed with >] and the string ends with a comma or
288        // there are no more args.
289        if ((numOpen == 0) && rectDesc.length()
290            && ((rectDesc[rectDesc.length() - 1] == ',')
291                || (optind == argc))) {
292            // Remove trailing comma if it is present
293            if (rectDesc[rectDesc.length() - 1] == ',') {
294                rectDesc.erase(rectDesc.length() - 1);
295            }
297            // Parse string description of rectangle
298            Rectangle rect = parseRect(rectDesc);
300            // Add to the list of rectangles
301            rectangle.push_back(rect);
303            // Prepare for description of another rectangle
304            rectDesc = string("");
305        }
306    }
308    // Create list of frames
309    hwc_layer_list_t *list;
310    list = hwcTestCreateLayerList(rectangle.size());
311    if (list == NULL) {
312        testPrintE("hwcTestCreateLayerList failed");
313        exit(5);
314    }
316    hwc_layer_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[0];
317    for (std::list<Rectangle>::iterator it = rectangle.begin();
318         it != rectangle.end(); ++it, ++layer) {
319        layer->handle = it->texture->handle;
320        layer->blending = it->blend;
321        layer->transform = it->transform;
322        layer->sourceCrop = it->sourceCrop;
323        layer->displayFrame = it->displayFrame;
325        layer->visibleRegionScreen.numRects = 1;
326        layer->visibleRegionScreen.rects = &layer->displayFrame;
327    }
329    // Perform prepare operation
330    if (verbose) { testPrintI("Prepare:"); hwcTestDisplayList(list); }
331    hwcDevice->prepare(hwcDevice, list);
332    if (verbose) {
333        testPrintI("Post Prepare:");
334        hwcTestDisplayListPrepareModifiable(list);
335    }
337    // Turn off the geometry changed flag
338    list->flags &= ~HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED;
340    // Perform the set operation(s)
341    if (verbose) {testPrintI("Set:"); }
342    if (verbose) { hwcTestDisplayListHandles(list); }
343    hwcDevice->set(hwcDevice, dpy, surface, list);
345    testDelay(endDelay);
347    // Start framework
348    rv = snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s", CMD_START_FRAMEWORK);
349    if (rv >= (signed) sizeof(cmd) - 1) {
350        testPrintE("Command too long for: %s", CMD_START_FRAMEWORK);
351        exit(6);
352    }
353    testExecCmd(cmd);
355    return 0;
358// Parse string description of rectangle and add it to list of rectangles
359// to be rendered.
360static Rectangle parseRect(string rectStr)
362    int rv;
363    string str;
364    bool   error;
365    istringstream in(rectStr);
366    const struct hwcTestGraphicFormat *format;
367    Rectangle rect;
368    struct hwc_rect hwcRect;
370    // Graphic Format
371    in >> str;
372    if (!in) {
373        testPrintE("Error parsing format from: %s", rectStr.c_str());
374        exit(20);
375    }
376    format = hwcTestGraphicFormatLookup(str.c_str());
377    if (format == NULL) {
378        testPrintE("Unknown graphic format in: %s", rectStr.c_str());
379        exit(21);
380    }
381    rect.format = format->format;
383    // Display Frame
384    rect.displayFrame = hwcTestParseHwcRect(in, error);
385    if (error) {
386        testPrintE("Invalid display frame in: %s", rectStr.c_str());
387        exit(22);
388    }
390    // Set default sourceDim and sourceCrop based on size of display frame.
391    // Default is source size equal to the size of the display frame, with
392    // the source crop being the entire size of the source frame.
393    rect.sourceDim = HwcTestDim(rect.displayFrame.right
394                                     - rect.displayFrame.left,
395                                 rect.displayFrame.bottom
396                                     - rect.displayFrame.top);
397    rect.sourceCrop.left = 0;
398    rect.sourceCrop.top = 0;
399    rect.sourceCrop.right = rect.sourceDim.width();
400    rect.sourceCrop.bottom = rect.sourceDim.height();
402    // Optional settings
403    while ((in.tellg() < (streampos) in.str().length())
404           && (in.tellg() != (streampos) -1)) {
405        string attrName;
407        in >> attrName;
408        if (in.eof()) { break; }
409        if (!in) {
410            testPrintE("Error reading attribute name in: %s",
411                       rectStr.c_str());
412            exit(23);
413        }
415        // Transform
416        if (attrName == "transform:") { // Transform
417            string str;
419            in >> str;
420            if (str == "none") {
421                rect.transform = 0;
422            } else if (str == "fliph") {
423                rect.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H;
424            } else if (str == "flipv") {
425                rect.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V;
426            } else if (str == "rot90") {
427                rect.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90;
428            } else if (str == "rot180") {
429                rect.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_180;
430            } else if (str == "rot270") {
431                rect.transform = HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_270;
432            } else {
433                testPrintE("Unknown transform of \"%s\" in: %s", str.c_str(),
434                           rectStr.c_str());
435                exit(24);
436            }
437        } else if (attrName == "blend:") { // Blend
438            string str;
440            in >> str;
441            if (str == string("none")) {
442                rect.blend = HWC_BLENDING_NONE;
443            } else if (str == "premult") {
444                rect.blend = HWC_BLENDING_PREMULT;
445            } else if (str == "coverage") {
446                rect.blend = HWC_BLENDING_COVERAGE;
447            } else {
448                testPrintE("Unknown blend of \"%s\" in: %s", str.c_str(),
449                           rectStr.c_str());
450                exit(25);
451            }
452        } else if (attrName == "color:") { // Color
453            rect.color = hwcTestParseColor(in, error);
454            if (error) {
455                testPrintE("Error parsing color in: %s", rectStr.c_str());
456                exit(26);
457            }
458        } else if (attrName == "alpha:") { // Alpha
459            in >> rect.alpha;
460            if (!in) {
461                testPrintE("Error parsing value for alpha attribute in: %s",
462                           rectStr.c_str());
463                exit(27);
464            }
465        } else if (attrName == "sourceDim:") { // Source Dimension
466           rect.sourceDim = hwcTestParseDim(in, error);
467            if (error) {
468                testPrintE("Error parsing source dimenision in: %s",
469                           rectStr.c_str());
470                exit(28);
471            }
472        } else if (attrName == "sourceCrop:") { // Source Crop
473            rect.sourceCrop = hwcTestParseHwcRect(in, error);
474            if (error) {
475                testPrintE("Error parsing source crop in: %s",
476                           rectStr.c_str());
477                exit(29);
478            }
479        } else { // Unknown attribute
480            testPrintE("Unknown attribute of \"%s\" in: %s", attrName.c_str(),
481                       rectStr.c_str());
482            exit(30);
483        }
484    }
486    // Validate
487    if (((uint32_t) rect.sourceCrop.left >= rect.sourceDim.width())
488        || ((uint32_t) rect.sourceCrop.right > rect.sourceDim.width())
489        || ((uint32_t) rect.sourceCrop.top >= rect.sourceDim.height())
490        || ((uint32_t) rect.sourceCrop.bottom > rect.sourceDim.height())) {
491        testPrintE("Invalid source crop in: %s", rectStr.c_str());
492        exit(31);
493    }
494    if ((rect.displayFrame.left >= width)
495        || (rect.displayFrame.right > width)
496        || (rect.displayFrame.top >= height)
497        || (rect.displayFrame.bottom > height)) {
498        testPrintE("Invalid display frame in: %s", rectStr.c_str());
499        exit(32);
500    }
501    if ((rect.alpha < 0.0) || (rect.alpha > 1.0)) {
502        testPrintE("Invalid alpha in: %s", rectStr.c_str());
503        exit(33);
504    }
506    // Create source texture
507    rect.texture = new GraphicBuffer(rect.sourceDim.width(),
508                                     rect.sourceDim.height(),
509                                     rect.format, texUsage);
510    if ((rv = rect.texture->initCheck()) != NO_ERROR) {
511        testPrintE("source texture initCheck failed, rv: %i", rv);
512        testPrintE("  %s", rectStr.c_str());
514    }
516    // Fill with uniform color
517    hwcTestFillColor(rect.texture.get(), rect.color, rect.alpha);
518    if (verbose) {
519        testPrintI("    buf: %p handle: %p format: %s width: %u height: %u "
520                   "color: %s alpha: %f",
521                   rect.texture.get(), rect.texture->handle, format->desc,
522                   rect.sourceDim.width(), rect.sourceDim.height(),
523                   string(rect.color).c_str(), rect.alpha);
524    }
526    return rect;
529void init(void)
531    // Seed pseudo random number generator
532    // Needed so that the pad areas of frames are filled with a deterministic
533    // pseudo random value.
534    srand48(0);
536    hwcTestInitDisplay(verbose, &dpy, &surface, &width, &height);
538    hwcTestOpenHwc(&hwcDevice);
541void printSyntax(const char *cmd)
543    testPrintE("  %s [options] (graphicFormat displayFrame [attributes],)...",
544               cmd);
545    testPrintE("    options:");
546    testPrintE("      -D End of test delay");
547    testPrintE("      -v Verbose");
548    testPrintE("");
549    testPrintE("    graphic formats:");
550    for (unsigned int n1 = 0; n1 < NUMA(hwcTestGraphicFormat); n1++) {
551        testPrintE("      %s", hwcTestGraphicFormat[n1].desc);
552    }
553    testPrintE("");
554    testPrintE("    displayFrame");
555    testPrintE("      [left, top, right, bottom]");
556    testPrintE("");
557    testPrintE("    attributes:");
558    testPrintE("      transform: none | fliph | flipv | rot90 | rot180 "
559               " | rot270");
560    testPrintE("      blend: none | premult | coverage");
561    testPrintE("      color: [0.##, 0.##, 0.##]");
562    testPrintE("      alpha: 0.##");
563    testPrintE("      sourceDim: [width, height]");
564    testPrintE("      sourceCrop: [left, top, right, bottom]");
565    testPrintE("");
566    testPrintE("    Example:");
567    testPrintE("      # White YV12 rectangle, with overlapping turquoise ");
568    testPrintE("      #  RGBA8888 rectangle at 30%% (alpha: 0.7) transparency");
569    testPrintE("      %s -v -D 30.0 \\", cmd);
570    testPrintE("        YV12 [50, 80, 200, 300] transform: none \\");
571    testPrintE("          color: [1.0, 0.5, 0.5], \\");
572    testPrintE("        RGBA8888 [100, 150, 300, 400] blend: coverage \\");
573    testPrintE("          color: [0.251, 0.878, 0.816] alpha: 0.7 \\");
574    testPrintE("          sourceDim: [50, 60] sourceCrop: [5, 8, 12, 15]");