Lines Matching refs:GL_INVALID_OPERATION

90 	ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the reserved buffer object name 0 is bound to target.");
93 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
111 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the reserved buffer object name 0 is bound to target.");
114 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
117 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the buffer object being updated is mapped.");
122 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
172 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the combination of format and type is unsupported.");
174 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
210 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the combination of format and type is unsupported.");
212 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
224 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated by ReadnPixels if the buffer size required to store the requested data is larger than bufSize.");
226 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
228 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
249 ctx.beginSection("Unsupported combinations of format and type will generate an GL_INVALID_OPERATION error.");
251 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
253 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
255 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
257 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
259 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
261 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
289 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if currently bound framebuffer format is incompatible with format and type.");
296 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
303 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
310 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
321 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
326 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING is non-zero, the read framebuffer is complete, and the value of GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS for the read framebuffer is greater than zero.");
352 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
726 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if zero is bound to readtarget or writetarget.");
729 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
734 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
739 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the buffer object bound to either readtarget or writetarget is mapped.");
742 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
747 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
788 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the GL is bound to a draw framebuffer and DrawBuffers is supplied with BACK or COLOR_ATTACHMENTm where m is greater than or equal to the value of MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS.");
791 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
793 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
796 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the GL is bound to the default framebuffer and n is not 1.");
799 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
802 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the GL is bound to the default framebuffer and the value in bufs is one of the GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTn tokens.");
805 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
808 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the GL is bound to a framebuffer object and the ith buffer listed in bufs is anything other than GL_NONE or GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTSi.");
811 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
813 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
857 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if zero is bound to target.");
860 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
863 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the buffer bound to target is not mapped, or is mapped without the GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT flag.");
867 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
870 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
914 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the buffer is already in a mapped state.");
918 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
922 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if neither GL_MAP_READ_BIT or GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT is set.");
924 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
927 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if length is 0");
929 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
934 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
937 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
940 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
943 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT is set and GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT is not set.");
945 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
992 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if src is GL_BACK or if src is GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTm where m is greater than or equal to the value of GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS.");
994 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
996 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1001 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1006 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the current framebuffer is the default framebuffer and mode is not GL_NONE or GL_BACK.");
1009 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1012 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the current framebuffer is a named framebuffer and mode is not GL_NONE or GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi.");
1015 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1032 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the buffer data store is already in an unmapped state.");
1034 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1128 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if renderbuffer is neither 0 nor the name of an existing renderbuffer object.");
1130 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1133 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if zero is bound to target.");
1136 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1167 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if texture is neither 0 nor the name of an existing texture object.");
1172 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if zero is bound to target.");
1175 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1179 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated by if texture is a buffer texture.");
1181 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1250 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if texture is neither 0 nor the name of an existing texture object.");
1252 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1255 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if textarget and texture are not compatible.");
1257 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1259 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1261 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1263 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1269 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if zero is bound to target.");
1272 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1278 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if texture is the name of a buffer texture.");
1284 ctx.expectError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1389 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if mask contains any of the GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT or GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT and filter is not GL_NEAREST.");
1391 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1393 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1395 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1398 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if mask contains GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT and read buffer format is incompatible with draw buffer format.");
1405 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1411 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1420 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1423 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if filter is GL_LINEAR and the read buffer contains integer data.");
1431 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1434 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if mask contains GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT or GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT and the source and destination depth and stencil formats do not match.");
1439 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1441 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1477 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the source and destination buffers are identical.");
1481 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1515 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the value of GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS for the draw buffer is greater than zero.");
1519 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1522 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS for the read buffer is greater than zero and the formats of draw and read buffers are not identical.");
1526 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1529 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS for the read buffer is greater than zero and the source and destination rectangles are not defined with the same (X0, Y0) and (X1, Y1) bounds.");
1533 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1589 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if texture is non-zero and not the name of a 3D texture or 2D array texture, 2D multisample array texture or cube map array texture.");
1591 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1593 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1611 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if zero is bound to target.");
1614 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1659 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if texture is the name of a buffer texture.");
1661 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1703 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if attachments contains GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTm and m is greater than or equal to the value of GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS.");
1705 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1752 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if attachments contains GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTm and m is greater than or equal to the value of GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS.");
1754 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1804 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if samples is greater than the maximum number of samples supported for internalformat.");
1806 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1827 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if samples is greater than the maximum number of samples supported for internalformat. (Unsigned integer format)");
1829 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1954 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if either object is a texture and the texture is not complete.");
1956 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1958 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1960 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1970 ctx.beginSection("GL_INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the source and destination internal formats are not compatible.");
1972 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
1974 ctx.expectError (GL_INVALID_OPERATION);