Lines Matching defs:degree

152     /* a degree list */
153 IndexType hash ; /* hash value, if col is not in a degree list */
154 IndexType prev ; /* previous column in degree list, if col is in a */
155 /* degree list (but not at the head of a degree list) */
159 IndexType degree_next ; /* next column, if col is in a degree list */
172 IndexType degree ; /* number of principal & non-principal columns in row */
305 * \brief Computes a column ordering using the column approximate minimum degree ordering
336 IndexType max_deg ; /* maximum row degree */
644 Row [row] = Row [row].length ;
695 each column, and places all columns in the degree lists. Not user-callable.
711 IndexType *p_max_deg /* maximum row degree */
719 IndexType deg ; /* degree of a row or column */
729 IndexType max_deg ; /* maximum row degree */
730 IndexType next_col ; /* Used to add to degree list.*/
778 Row [*cp++] ;
789 deg = Row [r] ;
799 /* keep track of max degree of remaining rows */
835 /* add row's external degree */
836 score += Row [row] - 1 ;
867 /* === Initialize degree lists ========================================== */
880 /* only add principal columns to degree lists */
917 /* === Return number of remaining columns, and max row degree =========== */
932 degree ordering method. Not user-callable.
947 IndexType max_deg, /* Maximum row degree */
1001 /* make sure degree list isn't empty */
1006 /* get pivot column from head of minimum degree list */
1128 /* === Approximate degree computation =============================== */
1130 /* Here begins the computation of the approximate degree. The column */
1135 /* external degree). */
1168 /* === Remove column from degree list =========================== */
1208 COLAMD_ASSERT (Row [row] <= max_deg) ;
1209 set_difference = Row [row] ;
1307 /* degree list "hash" is non-empty, use prev (shared3) of */
1308 /* first column in degree list as head of hash bucket */
1314 /* degree list "hash" is empty, use head as hash bucket */
1326 /* The approximate external column degree is now computed. */
1368 /* retrieve score so far and add on pivot row's degree. */
1370 /* row's degree was reduced due to mass elimination). */
1378 /* make the score the external degree of the union-of-rows */
1388 /* === Place column back in degree list ========================= */
1417 Row [pivot_row] = pivot_row_degree ;
1521 The columns under consideration are currently *not* in the degree lists,
1527 if head [h] is >= 0, then head [h] contains a degree list, so:
1529 head [h] is the first column in degree bucket h.
1532 otherwise, the degree list is empty, and:
1543 just been computed in the approximate degree computation.
1553 IndexType head [], /* head of degree lists and hash buckets */
1571 IndexType head_column ; /* first column in hash bucket or degree list */
1673 /* corresponding degree list "hash" is not empty */
1678 /* corresponding degree list "hash" is empty */