Lines Matching refs:Int

29     Int(*writeVideoPacket)(UChar *buf, Int nbytes_required);   /*write video packet out */
31 Int bufferSize; /*total bitstream buffer size in bytes */
32 Int byteCount; /*how many bytes already encoded*/
34 Int bitLeft; /*number of bits left in "word" */
36 Int oBSize; /* length of overrun buffer */
46 Int frame; /* frame number */
47 Int volID; /* Layer number */
48 //Int timeStamp; /* Vop TimeStamp in msec */
51 Int width; /* Width (multiple of 16) */
52 Int height; /* Height (multiple of 16) */
53 Int pitch; /* Pitch (differs from width for UMV case) */
54 Int padded; /* flag whether this frame has been padded */
57 Int predictionType; /* VOP prediction type */
58 Int timeInc; /* VOP time increment (relative to last mtb) */
59 Int vopCoded;
60 Int roundingType;
61 Int intraDCVlcThr;
62 Int quantizer; /* VOP quantizer */
63 Int fcodeForward; /* VOP dynamic range of motion vectors */
64 Int fcodeBackward; /* VOP dynamic range of motion vectors */
65 Int refSelectCode; /* enhancement layer reference select code */
68 Int gobNumber;
69 Int gobFrameID;
70 Int temporalRef; /* temporal reference, roll over at 256 */
71 Int temporalInterval; /* increase every 256 temporalRef */
77 Int volID; /* VOL identifier (for tracking) */
78 Int shortVideoHeader; /* shortVideoHeader mode */
79 Int GOVStart; /* Insert GOV Header */
80 Int timeIncrementResolution; /* VOL time increment */
81 Int nbitsTimeIncRes; /* number of bits for time increment */
82 Int timeIncrement; /* time increment */
83 Int moduloTimeBase; /* internal decoder clock */
84 Int prevModuloTimeBase; /* in case of pre-frameskip */
86 Int fixedVopRate;
90 Int width; /* Width */
91 Int height; /* Height */
94 Int ResyncMarkerDisable; /* VOL Disable Resynch Markers */
95 Int useReverseVLC; /* VOL reversible VLCs */
96 Int dataPartitioning; /* VOL data partitioning */
99 Int quantPrecision; /* Quantizer precision */
100 Int quantType; /* MPEG-4 or H.263 Quantization Type */
103 Int loadIntraQuantMat; /* Load intra quantization matrix */
104 Int loadNonIntraQuantMat; /* Load nonintra quantization matrix */
105 Int iqmat[64]; /* Intra quant.matrix */
106 Int niqmat[64]; /* Non-intra quant.matrix */
110 Int scalability; /* VOL scalability (flag) */
111 Int scalType; /* temporal = 0, spatial = 1, both = 2 */
113 Int refVolID; /* VOL id of reference VOL */
114 Int refSampDir; /* VOL resol. of ref. VOL */
115 Int horSamp_n; /* VOL hor. resampling of ref. VOL given by */
116 Int horSamp_m; /* sampfac = hor_samp_n/hor_samp_m */
117 Int verSamp_n; /* VOL ver. resampling of ref. VOL given by */
118 Int verSamp_m; /* sampfac = ver_samp_n/ver_samp_m */
119 Int enhancementType; /* VOL type of enhancement layer */
122 Int nMBPerRow, nMBPerCol; /* number of MBs in each row & column */
123 Int nTotalMB;
124 Int nBitsForMBID; /* how many bits required for MB number? */
127 Int nMBinGOB; /* number of MBs in GOB, 05/22/00 */
128 Int nGOBinVop; /* number of GOB in Vop 05/22/00 */
133 Int mb_x; /* X coordinate */
134 Int mb_y; /* Y coordinate */
140 Int run[64]; /* Runlength */
141 Int level[64]; /* Abs(level) */
142 Int s[64]; /* sign level */
156 Int x; /* half-pel resolution x component */
157 Int y; /* half-pel resolution y component */
158 Int sad; /* SAD */
173 //Int Width; /* Input Width */
174 //Int Height; /* Input Height */
179 Int nLayers;
180 Int LayerWidth[4]; /* Encoded Width */
181 Int LayerHeight[4]; /* Encoded Height */
183 Int LayerBitRate[4]; /* Encoded BitRate */
184 Int LayerMaxBitRate[4]; /* Maximum Encoded BitRate */
186 Int LayerMaxMbsPerSec[4]; /* Maximum mbs per second, according to the specified profile and level */
187 Int LayerMaxBufferSize[4]; /* Maximum buffer size, according to the specified profile and level */
193 Int QuantType[4]; /* H263, MPEG2 */
194 Int InitQuantBvop[4];
195 Int InitQuantPvop[4];
196 Int InitQuantIvop[4];
197 Int ResyncPacketsize;
199 Int RoundingType;
200 Int IntraDCVlcThr;
206 Int IntraPeriod; /* Intra update period */
207 Int Refresh; /* Number of MBs refresh in each frame */
222 Int GOB_Header_Interval; /* Enable encoding GOB header in H263_WITH_ERR_RES and SHORT_HERDER_WITH_ERR_RES */
223 Int SearchRange; /* Search range for 16x16 motion vector */
224 Int MemoryUsage; /* Amount of memory allocated */
225 Int GetVolHeader[2]; /* Flag to check if Vol Header has been retrieved */
226 Int BufferSize[2]; /* Buffer Size for Base and Enhance Layers */
227 Int ProfileLevel[2]; /* Profile and Level for encoding purposes */
229 Int maxFrameSize; /* maximum frame size(bits) for H263/Short header mode, k*16384 */
230 Int profile_table_index; /* index for profile and level tables given the specified profile and level */
237 // Int (*SAD_MB_HalfPel)(UChar *ref,UChar *blk,Int dmin_lx,Int xh,Int yh,void *extra_info);
238 Int(*SAD_MB_HalfPel[4])(UChar*, UChar*, Int, void *);
239 Int(*SAD_Blk_HalfPel)(UChar *ref, UChar *blk, Int dmin, Int lx, Int rx, Int xh, Int yh, void *extra_info);
240 Int(*SAD_Macroblock)(UChar *ref, UChar *blk, Int dmin_lx, void *extra_info);
241 Int(*SAD_Block)(UChar *ref, UChar *blk, Int dmin, Int lx, void *extra_info);
242 Int(*SAD_MB_PADDING)(UChar *ref, UChar *blk, Int dmin, Int lx, void *extra_info); /*, 4/21/01 */
243 void (*ComputeMBSum)(UChar *cur, Int lx, MOT *mot_mb);
244 void (*ChooseMode)(UChar *Mode, UChar *cur, Int lx, Int min_SAD);
245 void (*GetHalfPelMBRegion)(UChar *cand, UChar *hmem, Int lx);
246 void (*blockIdct)(Int *block);
255 Int QP;
256 Int actual_bits;
264 Int target_bits; /* target bits for current frame, = rc->T */
265 Int actual_bits; /* actual bits for current frame obtained after encoding, = rc->Rc*/
266 Int QP; /* quantization level for current frame, = rc->Qc*/
267 Int prev_QP; /* quantization level for previous frame */
268 Int prev_prev_QP; /* quantization level for previous frame before last*/
270 Int bitrate; /* bitrate for current frame */
273 Int nRe_Quantized; /* control variable for multipass encoding, */
279 Int encoded_frames; /* counter for all encoded frames */
280 Int re_encoded_frames; /* counter for all multipass encoded frames*/
281 Int re_encoded_times; /* counter for all times of multipass frame encoding */
285 Int framePos; /* specific position in previous multiple frames*/
286 Int frameRange; /* number of overall previous multiple frames */
287 Int samplesPerFrame[30]; /* number of samples per frame, 30->30fps */
291 Int counter_BTsrc; /* BT = Bit Transfer, bit transfer from low motion frames or less complicatedly compressed frames */
292 Int counter_BTdst; /* BT = Bit Transfer, bit transfer to scene change frames or high motion frames or more complicatedly compressed frames */
294 Int diff_counter; /* diff_counter = -diff_counter_BTdst, or diff_counter_BTsrc */
301 Int overlapped_win_size; /* transition period of time */
302 Int encoded_frames_prev; /* previous encoded_frames */
310 Int abs_dif_mad_avg;
312 Int offsetArray[16];
313 Int offsetRef[16];
323 Int numberOfLayers; /* Number of Layers */
341 Int oBSize; /* size of allocated overrun buffer */
343 Int dc_scalar_1; /*dc scalar for Y block */
344 Int dc_scalar_2; /*dc scalar for U, V block*/
363 Int nrmlz_th[48]; /* Threshold for fast SAD calculation using HTFM */
377 Int zeroMV; /* flag for zero MV */
379 Int usePrevQP; /* flag for intraDCVlcThreshold switch decision */
380 Int QP_prev; /* use for DQUANT calculation */
381 Int *acPredFlag; /* */
389 Int header_bits; /* header bits in frmae */
401 Int relLayerCodeTime[4];/* Next coding time for each Layer relative to highest layer */
404 Int currLayer; /* Current frame layer */
405 Int mbnum; /* Macroblock number */
409 Int tempRefSelCode;
410 Int end_of_buf; /* end of bitstream buffer flag */
411 Int slice_coding; /* flag for slice based coding */
412 Int totalSAD; /* So far total SAD for a frame */
413 Int numIntra; /* So far number of Intra MB */
414 Int offset; /* So far MB offset */
415 Int ind_x, ind_y; /* So far MB coordinate */
416 Int collect;
417 Int hp_guess;
453 Void(*BlockDCT8x8)(Int *, Int *, UChar *, UChar *, Int, Int);
454 Void(*BlockDCT8x8Intra)(Int *, Int *, UChar *, UChar *, Int, Int);
455 Void(*BlockDCT8x8wSub)(Int *, Int *, UChar *, UChar *, Int, Int);
464 Int QPx2 ;
465 Int QP;
466 Int QPdiv2;
467 Int QPx2plus;
468 Int Addition;