Lines Matching refs:bias

239     /* read gyro self test scale used to calculate factory cal bias later */
260 /* mFactoryGyBias contains bias values that will be used for device offset */
270 LOGE("HAL:could not open factory gyro calibrated bias");
277 /* mGyroBias contains bias values that will be used for framework */
278 /* mGyroChipBias contains bias values that will be used for dmp */
281 LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL: gyro x dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_gyro_x_dmp_bias);
282 LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL: gyro y dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_gyro_y_dmp_bias);
283 LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL: gyro z dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_gyro_z_dmp_bias);
289 LOGE("HAL:could not open gyro DMP calibrated bias");
318 /* read accel self test scale used to calculate factory cal bias later */
339 /* mFactoryAccelBias contains bias values that will be used for device offset */
349 LOGE("HAL:could not open factory accel calibrated bias");
356 /* mAccelBias contains bias that will be used for dmp */
358 LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:accel x dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_accel_x_dmp_bias);
359 LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:accel y dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_accel_y_dmp_bias);
360 LOGV_IF(EXTRA_VERBOSE, "HAL:accel z dmp bias path: %s", mpu.in_accel_z_dmp_bias);
366 LOGE("HAL:could not open accel DMP calibrated bias");
2238 /* apply accel/gyro bias to DMP bias */
2240 /* postcondition: bias is applied upon masterEnable(1) */
2659 memcpy(s->uncalibrated_gyro.bias, mGyroBias, sizeof(mGyroBias));
2660 LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA,"HAL:gyro bias data : %+f %+f %+f -- %lld - %d",
2661 s->uncalibrated_gyro.bias[0], s->uncalibrated_gyro.bias[1],
2662 s->uncalibrated_gyro.bias[2], s->timestamp, update);
2725 //TODO: need to handle uncalib data and bias for 3rd party compass
2750 memcpy(s->uncalibrated_magnetic.bias, mCompassBias, sizeof(mCompassBias));
2751 LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "HAL:compass bias data: %+f %+f %+f -- %lld - %d",
2752 s->uncalibrated_magnetic.bias[0], s->uncalibrated_magnetic.bias[1],
2753 s->uncalibrated_magnetic.bias[2], s->timestamp, update);
4403 long bias[3], temp, temp_slope[3];
4404 inv_get_mpl_gyro_bias(bias, &temp);
4411 (float)bias[0] / 65536.f / 16.384f,
4412 (float)bias[1] / 65536.f / 16.384f,
4413 (float)bias[2] / 65536.f / 16.384f,
4485 /* if bias was applied to DMP bias,
4486 set status bits to disable gyro bias cal */
4489 LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA && ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:input dmp bias is used");
4506 /* if bias was applied to DMP bias,
4507 set status bits to disable gyro bias cal */
4510 LOGV_IF(INPUT_DATA && ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL:input dmp bias is used");
4526 /* if bias was applied to DMP bias,
4527 set status bits to disable gyro bias cal */
4531 "HAL:input dmp bias is used");
5033 LOGE("HAL:Error reading gyro bias");
5040 "HAL:pre-scaled bias: X:Y:Z (%ld, %ld, %ld)",
5048 "HAL:scaled bias: X:Y:Z (%ld, %ld, %ld)",
5441 // DMP uses these bias values
5446 // MPU uses these bias values
5543 long bias[3];
5551 inv_get_compass_bias(bias);
5552 inv_convert_to_body(orient, bias, compassBias);
5553 LOGV_IF(HANDLER_DATA, "Mpl Compass Bias (HW unit) %ld %ld %ld", bias[0], bias[1], bias[2]);
5580 /* set bias from factory cal file to MPU offset (in chip frame)
5638 long bias[3];
5644 inv_convert_to_body(orient, mGyroChipBias, bias);
5646 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE && INPUT_DATA, "Mpl Gyro Bias (HW unit) (body) %ld %ld %ld", bias[0], bias[1], bias[2]);
5655 mGyroBias[i] = (float) (bias[i] * temp / (1<<16) / 180 * M_PI);
5698 long bias[3];
5705 inv_get_gyro_bias_dmp_units(bias);
5709 bias[0], mpu.in_gyro_x_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
5710 if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_x_dmp_bias_fd, bias[0]) < 0) {
5715 bias[1], mpu.in_gyro_y_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
5716 if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_y_dmp_bias_fd, bias[1]) < 0) {
5721 bias[2], mpu.in_gyro_z_dmp_bias, getTimestamp());
5722 if(write_attribute_sensor_continuous(gyro_z_dmp_bias_fd, bias[2]) < 0) {
5804 /* set accel bias obtained from MPL
5805 bias is scaled by 65536 from MPL
5806 DMP expects: bias * 536870912 / 2^30 = bias / 2 (in body frame)
5813 LOGV_IF(ENG_VERBOSE, "HAL: setAccelBias - accel bias not available");