package annotator; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import plume.*; import annotator.find.Insertion; import annotator.find.TreeFinder; import annotator.Source; import annotator.Source.CompilerException; import annotator.specification.IndexFileSpecification; import annotator.specification.Specification; import com.sun.source.tree.*; import com.sun.source.util.TreePath; import*; /** * This is the main class for the annotator, which inserts annotations in * Java source code. It takes as input * * Use the --help option for full usage details. *

* * Annotations that are not for the specified Java files are ignored. */ public class Main { public static final String INDEX_UTILS_VERSION = "Annotation file utilities: insert-annotations-to-source v3.0"; /** Directory in which output files are written. */ @Option("-d Directory in which output files are written") public static String outdir = "annotated/"; /** * If true, overwrite original source files (making a backup first). * Furthermore, if the backup files already exist, they are used instead * of the .java files. This behavior permits a user to tweak the .jaif * file and re-run the annotator. *

* * Note that if the user runs the annotator with --in-place, makes edits, * and then re-runs the annotator with this --in-place option, those * edits are lost. Similarly, if the user runs the annotator twice in a * row with --in-place, only the last set of annotations will appear in * the codebase at the end. *

* * To preserve changes when using the --in-place option, first remove the * backup files. Or, use the -d . option, which makes (and * reads) no backup, instead of --in-place. */ @Option("-i Overwrite original source files") public static boolean in_place = false; @Option("-h Print usage information and exit") public static boolean help = false; @Option("-a Abbreviate annotation names") public static boolean abbreviate = true; @Option("-c Insert annotations in comments") public static boolean comments = false; @Option("-o Omit given annotation") public static String omit_annotation; @Option("-v Verbose (print progress information)") public static boolean verbose; @Option("Debug (print debug information)") public static boolean debug = false; // Implementation details: // 1. The annotator partially compiles source // files using the compiler API (JSR-199), obtaining an AST. // 2. The annotator reads the specification file, producing a set of // annotator.find.Insertions. Insertions completely specify what to // write (as a String, which is ultimately translated according to the // keyword file) and how to write it (as annotator.find.Criteria). // 3. It then traverses the tree, looking for nodes that satisfy the // Insertion Criteria, translating the Insertion text against the // keyword file, and inserting the annotations into the source file. /** * Runs the annotator, parsing the source and spec files and applying * the annotations. */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (verbose) { System.out.println(INDEX_UTILS_VERSION); } Options options = new Options("Main [options] ann-file... java-file...", Main.class); String[] file_args = options.parse_and_usage (args); if (debug) { TreeFinder.debug = true; } if (help) { options.print_usage(); System.exit(0); } if (in_place && outdir != "annotated/") { // interned options.print_usage("The --outdir and --in-place options are mutually exclusive."); System.exit(1); } if (file_args.length < 2) { options.print_usage("Supplied %d arguments, at least 2 needed%n", file_args.length); System.exit(1); } // The insertions specified by the annotation files. List insertions = new ArrayList(); // The Java files into which to insert. List javafiles = new ArrayList(); for (String arg : file_args) { if (arg.endsWith(".java")) { javafiles.add(arg); } else if (arg.endsWith(".jaif")) { try { Specification spec = new IndexFileSpecification(arg); List parsedSpec = spec.parse(); if (verbose || debug) { System.out.printf("Read %d annotations from %s%n", parsedSpec.size(), arg); } if (omit_annotation != null) { List filtered = new ArrayList(parsedSpec.size()); for (Insertion insertion : parsedSpec) { if (! omit_annotation.equals(insertion.getText())) { filtered.add(insertion); } } parsedSpec = filtered; if (verbose || debug) { System.out.printf("After filtering: %d annotations from %s%n", parsedSpec.size(), arg); } } insertions.addAll(parsedSpec); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { System.err.println("File not found: " + arg); System.exit(1); } else { throw e; } } catch (FileIOException e) { System.err.println("Error while parsing annotation file " + arg); if (e.getMessage() != null) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } else { throw new Error("Unrecognized file extension: " + arg); } } if (debug) { System.out.printf("%d insertions, %d .java files%n", insertions.size(), javafiles.size()); } if (debug) { System.out.printf("Insertions:%n"); for (Insertion insertion : insertions) { System.out.printf(" %s%n", insertion); } } for (String javafilename : javafiles) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Processing " + javafilename); } File javafile = new File(javafilename); File outfile; File unannotated = new File(javafilename + ".unannotated"); if (in_place) { // It doesn't make sense to check timestamps; // if the .java.unannotated file exists, then just use it. // A user can rename that file back to just .java to cause the // .java file to be read. if (unannotated.exists()) { if (verbose) { System.out.printf("Renaming %s to %s%n", unannotated, javafile); } boolean success = unannotated.renameTo(javafile); if (! success) { throw new Error(String.format("Failed renaming %s to %s", unannotated, javafile)); } } outfile = javafile; } else { String baseName; if (javafile.isAbsolute()) { baseName = javafile.getName(); } else { baseName = javafile.getPath(); } outfile = new File(outdir, baseName); } Set imports = new LinkedHashSet(); String fileLineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator"); Source src; // Get the source file, and use it to obtain parse trees. try { // fileLineSep is set here so that exceptions can be caught fileLineSep = UtilMDE.inferLineSeparator(javafilename); src = new Source(javafilename); } catch (CompilerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } for (CompilationUnitTree tree : src.parse()) { // Create a finder, and use it to get positions. TreeFinder finder = new TreeFinder(tree); if (debug) { finder.debug = true; } SetMultimap positions = finder.getPositions(tree, insertions); // Apply the positions to the source file. if (debug) { System.err.printf("%d positions in tree for %s%n", positions.size(), javafilename); } Set positionKeysUnsorted = positions.keySet(); Set positionKeysSorted = new TreeSet(new TreeFinder.ReverseIntegerComparator()); positionKeysSorted.addAll(positionKeysUnsorted); for (Integer pos : positionKeysSorted) { List toInsertList = new ArrayList(positions.get(pos)); Collections.reverse(toInsertList); assert pos >= 0 : "pos is negative: " + pos + " " + toInsertList.get(0) + " " + javafilename; for (Insertion iToInsert : toInsertList) { String toInsert = iToInsert.getText(); if (! toInsert.startsWith("@")) { throw new Error("Insertion doesn't start with '@': " + toInsert); } if (abbreviate) { Pair ps = removePackage(toInsert); if (ps.a != null) { imports.add(ps.a); } toInsert = ps.b; } if (comments) { toInsert = "/*" + toInsert + "*/"; } // Possibly add whitespace after the insertion boolean gotSeparateLine = false; if (iToInsert.getSeparateLine()) { int indentation = 0; while ((pos - indentation != 0) // horizontal whitespace && (src.charAt(pos-indentation-1) == ' ' || src.charAt(pos-indentation-1) == '\t')) { indentation++; } if ((pos - indentation == 0) // horizontal whitespace || (src.charAt(pos-indentation-1) == '\f' || src.charAt(pos-indentation-1) == '\n' || src.charAt(pos-indentation-1) == '\r')) { toInsert = toInsert + fileLineSep + src.substring(pos-indentation, pos); gotSeparateLine = true; } } // Possibly add a leading space before the insertion if ((! gotSeparateLine) && (pos != 0)) { char precedingChar = src.charAt(pos-1); if (! (Character.isWhitespace(precedingChar) // No space if it's the first formal or generic parameter || precedingChar == '(' || precedingChar == '<')) { toInsert = " " + toInsert; } } // If it's already there, don't re-insert. This is a hack! // Also, I think this is already checked when constructing the // innertions. int precedingTextPos = pos-toInsert.length()-1; if (precedingTextPos >= 0) { String precedingTextPlusChar = src.getString().substring(precedingTextPos, pos); // System.out.println("Inserting " + toInsert + " at " + pos + " in code of length " + src.getString().length() + " with preceding text '" + precedingTextPlusChar + "'"); if (toInsert.equals(precedingTextPlusChar.substring(0, toInsert.length())) || toInsert.equals(precedingTextPlusChar.substring(1))) { if (debug) { System.out.println("Already present, skipping"); } continue; } } // add trailing whitespace if (! gotSeparateLine) { toInsert = toInsert + " "; } src.insert(pos, toInsert); if (debug) { System.out.println("Post-insertion source: " + src.getString()); } } } } // insert import statements { if (debug) { System.out.println(imports.size() + " imports to insert"); for (String classname : imports) { System.out.println(" " + classname); } } Pattern importPattern = Pattern.compile("(?m)^import\\b"); Pattern packagePattern = Pattern.compile("(?m)^package\\b.*;(\\n|\\r\\n?)"); int importIndex = 0; // default: beginning of file String srcString = src.getString(); Matcher m; m = importPattern.matcher(srcString); if (m.find()) { importIndex = m.start(); } else { // if (debug) { // System.out.println("Didn't find import in " + srcString); // } m = packagePattern.matcher(srcString); if (m.find()) { importIndex = m.end(); } } String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator"); for (String classname : imports) { String toInsert = "import " + classname + ";" + fileLineSep; src.insert(importIndex, toInsert); importIndex += toInsert.length(); } } // Write the source file. try { if (in_place) { if (verbose) { System.out.printf("Renaming %s to %s%n", javafile, unannotated); } boolean success = javafile.renameTo(unannotated); if (! success) { throw new Error(String.format("Failed renaming %s to %s", javafile, unannotated)); } } else { outfile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(outfile); if (verbose) { System.out.printf("Writing %s%n", outfile); } src.write(output); output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Problem while writing file " + outfile); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } } /// /// Utility methods /// public static String pathToString(TreePath path) { if (path == null) return "null"; return treeToString(path.getLeaf()); } public static String treeToString(Tree node) { String asString = node.toString(); String oneLine = firstLine(asString); return "\"" + oneLine + "\""; } /** * Return the first non-empty line of the string, adding an ellipsis * (...) if the string was truncated. */ public static String firstLine(String s) { while (s.startsWith("\n")) { s = s.substring(1); } int newlineIndex = s.indexOf('\n'); if (newlineIndex == -1) { return s; } else { return s.substring(0, newlineIndex) + "..."; } } /** * Removes the leading package. * * @return given it returns the pair * {, @bar(baz) }. */ public static Pair removePackage(String s) { int nameEnd = s.indexOf("("); if (nameEnd == -1) { nameEnd = s.length(); } int dotIndex = s.lastIndexOf(".", nameEnd); if (dotIndex != -1) { String packageName = s.substring(0, nameEnd); if (packageName.startsWith("@")) { return Pair.of(packageName.substring(1), "@" + s.substring(dotIndex + 1)); } else { return Pair.of(packageName, s.substring(dotIndex + 1)); } } else { return Pair.of((String)null, s); } } /** * Separates the annotation class from its arguments. * * @return given @foo(bar) it returns the pair { @foo, (bar) }. */ public static Pair removeArgs(String s) { int pidx = s.indexOf("("); return (pidx == -1) ? Pair.of(s, (String)null) : Pair.of(s.substring(0, pidx), s.substring(pidx)); } }