/* * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.conscrypt; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.AlgorithmParametersSpi; import java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec; import java.security.spec.InvalidParameterSpecException; import java.security.spec.MGF1ParameterSpec; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.crypto.spec.OAEPParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.PSource; /** * AlgorithmParameters implementation for OAEP. The only supported encoding format is ASN.1, * as specified in RFC 4055 section 4.1. * * @hide */ @Internal public class OAEPParameters extends AlgorithmParametersSpi { private static final Map OID_TO_NAME = new HashMap(); private static final Map NAME_TO_OID = new HashMap(); static { OID_TO_NAME.put("", "SHA-1"); OID_TO_NAME.put("2.16.840.", "SHA-224"); OID_TO_NAME.put("2.16.840.", "SHA-256"); OID_TO_NAME.put("2.16.840.", "SHA-384"); OID_TO_NAME.put("2.16.840.", "SHA-512"); for (Map.Entry entry : OID_TO_NAME.entrySet()) { NAME_TO_OID.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } } private static final String MGF1_OID = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8"; private static final String PSPECIFIED_OID = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.9"; private OAEPParameterSpec spec = OAEPParameterSpec.DEFAULT; @Override protected void engineInit(AlgorithmParameterSpec algorithmParameterSpec) throws InvalidParameterSpecException { if (algorithmParameterSpec instanceof OAEPParameterSpec) { this.spec = (OAEPParameterSpec) algorithmParameterSpec; } else { throw new InvalidParameterSpecException("Only OAEPParameterSpec is supported"); } } @Override protected void engineInit(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { long readRef = 0; long seqRef = 0; try { readRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_init(bytes); seqRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_sequence(readRef); String hash = "SHA-1"; String mgfHash = "SHA-1"; PSource.PSpecified pSpecified = PSource.PSpecified.DEFAULT; if (NativeCrypto.asn1_read_next_tag_is(seqRef, 0)) { long hashRef = 0; try { hashRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_tagged(seqRef); hash = getHashName(hashRef); } finally { NativeCrypto.asn1_read_free(hashRef); } } if (NativeCrypto.asn1_read_next_tag_is(seqRef, 1)) { long mgfRef = 0; long mgfSeqRef = 0; try { mgfRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_tagged(seqRef); mgfSeqRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_sequence(mgfRef); String mgfOid = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_oid(mgfSeqRef); if (!mgfOid.equals(MGF1_OID)) { throw new IOException("Error reading ASN.1 encoding"); } mgfHash = getHashName(mgfSeqRef); if (!NativeCrypto.asn1_read_is_empty(mgfSeqRef)) { throw new IOException("Error reading ASN.1 encoding"); } } finally { NativeCrypto.asn1_read_free(mgfSeqRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_read_free(mgfRef); } } if (NativeCrypto.asn1_read_next_tag_is(seqRef, 2)) { long pSourceRef = 0; long pSourceSeqRef = 0; try { pSourceRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_tagged(seqRef); pSourceSeqRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_sequence(pSourceRef); String pSourceOid = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_oid(pSourceSeqRef); if (!pSourceOid.equals(PSPECIFIED_OID)) { throw new IOException("Error reading ASN.1 encoding"); } pSpecified = new PSource.PSpecified( NativeCrypto.asn1_read_octetstring(pSourceSeqRef)); if (!NativeCrypto.asn1_read_is_empty(pSourceSeqRef)) { throw new IOException("Error reading ASN.1 encoding"); } } finally { NativeCrypto.asn1_read_free(pSourceSeqRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_read_free(pSourceRef); } } if (!NativeCrypto.asn1_read_is_empty(seqRef) || !NativeCrypto.asn1_read_is_empty(readRef)) { throw new IOException("Error reading ASN.1 encoding"); } this.spec = new OAEPParameterSpec(hash, "MGF1", new MGF1ParameterSpec(mgfHash), pSpecified); } finally { NativeCrypto.asn1_read_free(seqRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_read_free(readRef); } } @Override protected void engineInit(byte[] bytes, String format) throws IOException { if ((format == null) || format.equals("ASN.1")) { engineInit(bytes); } else { throw new IOException("Unsupported format: " + format); } } private static String getHashName(long hashRef) throws IOException { long hashSeqRef = 0; try { hashSeqRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_sequence(hashRef); String hashOid = NativeCrypto.asn1_read_oid(hashSeqRef); if (!NativeCrypto.asn1_read_is_empty(hashSeqRef)) { NativeCrypto.asn1_read_null(hashSeqRef); } if (!NativeCrypto.asn1_read_is_empty(hashSeqRef) || !OID_TO_NAME.containsKey(hashOid)) { throw new IOException("Error reading ASN.1 encoding"); } return OID_TO_NAME.get(hashOid); } finally { NativeCrypto.asn1_read_free(hashSeqRef); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected T engineGetParameterSpec(Class aClass) throws InvalidParameterSpecException { if ((aClass != null) && aClass == OAEPParameterSpec.class) { return (T) spec; } else { throw new InvalidParameterSpecException("Unsupported class: " + aClass); } } @Override protected byte[] engineGetEncoded() throws IOException { long cbbRef = 0; long seqRef = 0; try { cbbRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_write_init(); seqRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_write_sequence(cbbRef); // Implementations are prohibited from writing the default value for any of the fields if (!spec.getDigestAlgorithm().equals("SHA-1")) { long hashRef = 0; long hashParamsRef = 0; try { hashRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_write_tag(seqRef, 0); hashParamsRef = writeAlgorithmIdentifier( hashRef, NAME_TO_OID.get(spec.getDigestAlgorithm())); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_null(hashParamsRef); } finally { NativeCrypto.asn1_write_flush(seqRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(hashParamsRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(hashRef); } } MGF1ParameterSpec mgfSpec = (MGF1ParameterSpec) spec.getMGFParameters(); if (!mgfSpec.getDigestAlgorithm().equals("SHA-1")) { long mgfRef = 0; long mgfParamsRef = 0; long hashParamsRef = 0; try { mgfRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_write_tag(seqRef, 1); mgfParamsRef = writeAlgorithmIdentifier(mgfRef, MGF1_OID); hashParamsRef = writeAlgorithmIdentifier( mgfParamsRef, NAME_TO_OID.get(mgfSpec.getDigestAlgorithm())); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_null(hashParamsRef); } finally { NativeCrypto.asn1_write_flush(seqRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(hashParamsRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(mgfParamsRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(mgfRef); } } PSource.PSpecified pSource = (PSource.PSpecified) spec.getPSource(); if (pSource.getValue().length != 0) { long pSourceRef = 0; long pSourceParamsRef = 0; try { pSourceRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_write_tag(seqRef, 2); pSourceParamsRef = writeAlgorithmIdentifier(pSourceRef, PSPECIFIED_OID); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_octetstring(pSourceParamsRef, pSource.getValue()); } finally { NativeCrypto.asn1_write_flush(seqRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(pSourceParamsRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(pSourceRef); } } return NativeCrypto.asn1_write_finish(cbbRef); } catch (IOException e) { NativeCrypto.asn1_write_cleanup(cbbRef); throw e; } finally { NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(seqRef); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(cbbRef); } } @Override protected byte[] engineGetEncoded(String format) throws IOException { if ((format == null) || format.equals("ASN.1")) { return engineGetEncoded(); } throw new IOException("Unsupported format: " + format); } /** * Writes an ASN.1 AlgorithmIdentifier structure into container, which looks like *
     *   PARAMS (based on the particular algorithm)
* This method returns a reference to the sequence such that the params may be added to it. * The reference needs to be freed with asn1_write_free once it's used. */ private static long writeAlgorithmIdentifier(long container, String oid) throws IOException { long seqRef = 0; try { seqRef = NativeCrypto.asn1_write_sequence(container); NativeCrypto.asn1_write_oid(seqRef, oid); } catch (IOException e) { NativeCrypto.asn1_write_free(seqRef); throw e; } return seqRef; } @Override protected String engineToString() { return "Conscrypt OAEP AlgorithmParameters"; } }