package; /** * A simple {@link} base class with default (usually noop) implementations * of non essential methods that allows the caller to specify an exact width/height. Typicaly use cases look something * like this: *
 * Glide.load("")
 *      .asBitmap()
 *      .fitCenter()
 *      .into(new SimpleTarget(250, 250) {
 *          {@literal @Override}
 *          public void onResourceReady(Bitmap resource, GlideAnimation glideAnimation) {
 *              // Do something with bitmap here.
 *          }
 *      });
 * }
* * @param The type of resource that this target will receive. */ public abstract class SimpleTarget extends BaseTarget { private final int width; private final int height; /** * Constructor for the target that assumes you will have called * {@link com.bumptech.glide.GenericRequestBuilder#override(int, int)} on the request builder this target is given * to. * *

* Requests that load into this target will throw an {@link java.lang.IllegalArgumentException} if * {@link com.bumptech.glide.GenericRequestBuilder#override(int, int)} was not called on the request builder. *

*/ public SimpleTarget() { this(-1, -1); } /** * Constructor for the target that takes the desired dimensions of the decoded and/or transformed resource. * * @param width The width in pixels of the desired resource. * @param height The height in pixels of the desired resource. */ public SimpleTarget(int width, int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } /** * Immediately calls the given callback with the sizes given in the constructor. * * @param cb {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public final void getSize(SizeReadyCallback cb) { if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Width and height must both be > 0, but given width: " + width + " and" + " height: " + height + ", either provide dimensions in the constructor or call override()"); } cb.onSizeReady(width, height); } }