/* GENERATED SOURCE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License /* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2001-2013, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* */ package android.icu.dev.test.bidi; import java.util.Arrays; import android.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk; import android.icu.impl.Utility; import android.icu.lang.UCharacter; import android.icu.text.Bidi; import android.icu.text.BidiRun; import android.icu.util.VersionInfo; import android.icu.testsharding.MainTestShard; /** * A base class for the Bidi test suite. * * @author Lina Kemmel, Matitiahu Allouche */ @MainTestShard public class BidiFmwk extends TestFmwk { protected static final char[] charFromDirProp = { /* L R EN ES ET AN CS B S WS ON */ 0x61, 0x5d0, 0x30, 0x2f, 0x25, 0x660, 0x2c, 0xa, 0x9, 0x20, 0x26, /* LRE LRO AL RLE RLO PDF NSM BN */ 0x202a, 0x202d, 0x627, 0x202b, 0x202e, 0x202c, 0x308, 0x200c, /* FSI LRI RLI PDI */ 0x2068, 0x2066, 0x2067, 0x2069 /* new in Unicode 6.3/ICU 52 */ }; static { initCharFromDirProps(); } private static void initCharFromDirProps() { final VersionInfo ucd401 = VersionInfo.getInstance(4, 0, 1, 0); VersionInfo ucdVersion = VersionInfo.getInstance(0, 0, 0, 0); /* lazy initialization */ if (ucdVersion.getMajor() > 0) { return; } ucdVersion = UCharacter.getUnicodeVersion(); if (ucdVersion.compareTo(ucd401) >= 0) { /* Unicode 4.0.1 changes bidi classes for +-/ */ /* change ES character from / to + */ charFromDirProp[TestData.ES] = 0x2b; } } protected boolean assertEquals(String message, String expected, String actual, String src, String mode, String option, String level) { if (expected == null || actual == null) { return super.assertEquals(message, expected, actual); } if (expected.equals(actual)) { return true; } errln(""); errcontln(message); if (src != null) { errcontln("source : \"" + Utility.escape(src) + "\""); } errcontln("expected : \"" + Utility.escape(expected) + "\""); errcontln("actual : \"" + Utility.escape(actual) + "\""); if (mode != null) { errcontln("reordering mode : " + mode); } if (option != null) { errcontln("reordering option : " + option); } if (level != null) { errcontln("paragraph level : " + level); } return false; } protected static String valueOf(int[] array) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(array.length * 4); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { result.append(' '); result.append(array[i]); } return result.toString(); } private static final String[] modeDescriptions = { "REORDER_DEFAULT", "REORDER_NUMBERS_SPECIAL", "REORDER_GROUP_NUMBERS_WITH_R", "REORDER_RUNS_ONLY", "REORDER_INVERSE_NUMBERS_AS_L", "REORDER_INVERSE_LIKE_DIRECT", "REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL" }; protected static String modeToString(int mode) { if (mode < Bidi.REORDER_DEFAULT || mode > Bidi.REORDER_INVERSE_FOR_NUMBERS_SPECIAL) { return "INVALID"; } return modeDescriptions[mode]; } private static final short SETPARA_MASK = Bidi.OPTION_INSERT_MARKS | Bidi.OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS | Bidi.OPTION_STREAMING; private static final String[] setParaDescriptions = { "OPTION_INSERT_MARKS", "OPTION_REMOVE_CONTROLS", "OPTION_STREAMING" }; protected static String spOptionsToString(int option) { return optionToString(option, SETPARA_MASK, setParaDescriptions); } private static final int MAX_WRITE_REORDERED_OPTION = Bidi.OUTPUT_REVERSE; private static final int REORDER_MASK = (MAX_WRITE_REORDERED_OPTION << 1) - 1; private static final String[] writeReorderedDescriptions = { "KEEP_BASE_COMBINING", // 1 "DO_MIRRORING", // 2 "INSERT_LRM_FOR_NUMERIC", // 4 "REMOVE_BIDI_CONTROLS", // 8 "OUTPUT_REVERSE" // 16 }; public static String wrOptionsToString(int option) { return optionToString(option, REORDER_MASK, writeReorderedDescriptions); } public static String optionToString(int option, int mask, String[] descriptions) { StringBuffer desc = new StringBuffer(50); if ((option &= mask) == 0) { return "0"; } desc.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; option > 0; i++, option >>= 1) { if ((option & 1) != 0) { if (desc.length() > 0) { desc.append(" | "); } desc.append(descriptions[i]); } } return desc.toString(); } static final String columnString = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; static final char[] columns = columnString.toCharArray(); private static final int TABLE_SIZE = 256; private static boolean tablesInitialized = false; private static char[] pseudoToUChar; private static char[] UCharToPseudo; /* used for Unicode chars < 0x0100 */ private static char[] UCharToPseud2; /* used for Unicode chars >=0x0100 */ static void buildPseudoTables() /* The rules for pseudo-Bidi are as follows: - [ == LRE - ] == RLE - { == LRO - } == RLO - ^ == PDF - @ == LRM - & == RLM - A-F == Arabic Letters 0631-0636 - G-V == Hebrew letters 05d7-05ea - W-Z == Unassigned RTL 08d0-08d3 - 0-5 == western digits 0030-0035 - 6-9 == Arabic-Indic digits 0666-0669 - ` == Combining Grave Accent 0300 (NSM) - ~ == Delete 007f (BN) - | == Paragraph Separator 2029 (B) - _ == Info Separator 1 001f (S) All other characters represent themselves as Latin-1, with the corresponding Bidi properties. */ { int i; char uchar; char c; /* initialize all tables to unknown */ pseudoToUChar = new char[TABLE_SIZE]; UCharToPseudo = new char[TABLE_SIZE]; UCharToPseud2 = new char[TABLE_SIZE]; for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) { pseudoToUChar[i] = 0xFFFD; UCharToPseudo[i] = '?'; UCharToPseud2[i] = '?'; } /* initialize non letters or digits */ pseudoToUChar[ 0 ] = 0x0000; UCharToPseudo[0x00] = 0 ; pseudoToUChar[' '] = 0x0020; UCharToPseudo[0x20] = ' '; pseudoToUChar['!'] = 0x0021; UCharToPseudo[0x21] = '!'; pseudoToUChar['"'] = 0x0022; UCharToPseudo[0x22] = '"'; pseudoToUChar['#'] = 0x0023; UCharToPseudo[0x23] = '#'; pseudoToUChar['$'] = 0x0024; UCharToPseudo[0x24] = '$'; pseudoToUChar['%'] = 0x0025; UCharToPseudo[0x25] = '%'; pseudoToUChar['\'']= 0x0027; UCharToPseudo[0x27] = '\''; pseudoToUChar['('] = 0x0028; UCharToPseudo[0x28] = '('; pseudoToUChar[')'] = 0x0029; UCharToPseudo[0x29] = ')'; pseudoToUChar['*'] = 0x002A; UCharToPseudo[0x2A] = '*'; pseudoToUChar['+'] = 0x002B; UCharToPseudo[0x2B] = '+'; pseudoToUChar[','] = 0x002C; UCharToPseudo[0x2C] = ','; pseudoToUChar['-'] = 0x002D; UCharToPseudo[0x2D] = '-'; pseudoToUChar['.'] = 0x002E; UCharToPseudo[0x2E] = '.'; pseudoToUChar['/'] = 0x002F; UCharToPseudo[0x2F] = '/'; pseudoToUChar[':'] = 0x003A; UCharToPseudo[0x3A] = ':'; pseudoToUChar[';'] = 0x003B; UCharToPseudo[0x3B] = ';'; pseudoToUChar['<'] = 0x003C; UCharToPseudo[0x3C] = '<'; pseudoToUChar['='] = 0x003D; UCharToPseudo[0x3D] = '='; pseudoToUChar['>'] = 0x003E; UCharToPseudo[0x3E] = '>'; pseudoToUChar['?'] = 0x003F; UCharToPseudo[0x3F] = '?'; pseudoToUChar['\\']= 0x005C; UCharToPseudo[0x5C] = '\\'; /* initialize specially used characters */ pseudoToUChar['`'] = 0x0300; UCharToPseud2[0x00] = '`'; /* NSM */ pseudoToUChar['@'] = 0x200E; UCharToPseud2[0x0E] = '@'; /* LRM */ pseudoToUChar['&'] = 0x200F; UCharToPseud2[0x0F] = '&'; /* RLM */ pseudoToUChar['_'] = 0x001F; UCharToPseudo[0x1F] = '_'; /* S */ pseudoToUChar['|'] = 0x2029; UCharToPseud2[0x29] = '|'; /* B */ pseudoToUChar['['] = 0x202A; UCharToPseud2[0x2A] = '['; /* LRE */ pseudoToUChar[']'] = 0x202B; UCharToPseud2[0x2B] = ']'; /* RLE */ pseudoToUChar['^'] = 0x202C; UCharToPseud2[0x2C] = '^'; /* PDF */ pseudoToUChar['{'] = 0x202D; UCharToPseud2[0x2D] = '{'; /* LRO */ pseudoToUChar['}'] = 0x202E; UCharToPseud2[0x2E] = '}'; /* RLO */ pseudoToUChar['~'] = 0x007F; UCharToPseudo[0x7F] = '~'; /* BN */ /* initialize western digits */ for (i = 0, uchar = 0x0030; i < 6; i++, uchar++) { c = columns[i]; pseudoToUChar[c] = uchar; UCharToPseudo[uchar & 0x00ff] = c; } /* initialize Hindi digits */ for (i = 6, uchar = 0x0666; i < 10; i++, uchar++) { c = columns[i]; pseudoToUChar[c] = uchar; UCharToPseud2[uchar & 0x00ff] = c; } /* initialize Arabic letters */ for (i = 10, uchar = 0x0631; i < 16; i++, uchar++) { c = columns[i]; pseudoToUChar[c] = uchar; UCharToPseud2[uchar & 0x00ff] = c; } /* initialize Hebrew letters */ for (i = 16, uchar = 0x05D7; i < 32; i++, uchar++) { c = columns[i]; pseudoToUChar[c] = uchar; UCharToPseud2[uchar & 0x00ff] = c; } /* initialize Unassigned code points */ for (i = 32, uchar = 0x08D0; i < 36; i++, uchar++) { c = columns[i]; pseudoToUChar[c] = uchar; UCharToPseud2[uchar & 0x00ff] = c; } /* initialize Latin lower case letters */ for (i = 36, uchar = 0x0061; i < 62; i++, uchar++) { c = columns[i]; pseudoToUChar[c] = uchar; UCharToPseudo[uchar & 0x00ff] = c; } tablesInitialized = true; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static String pseudoToU16(String input) /* This function converts a pseudo-Bidi string into a char string. It returns the char string. */ { int len = input.length(); char[] output = new char[len]; int i; if (!tablesInitialized) { buildPseudoTables(); } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) output[i] = pseudoToUChar[input.charAt(i)]; return new String(output); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static String u16ToPseudo(String input) /* This function converts a char string into a pseudo-Bidi string. It returns the pseudo-Bidi string. */ { int len = input.length(); char[] output = new char[len]; int i; char uchar; if (!tablesInitialized) { buildPseudoTables(); } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { uchar = input.charAt(i); output[i] = uchar < 0x0100 ? UCharToPseudo[uchar] : UCharToPseud2[uchar & 0x00ff]; } return new String(output); } void errcont(String message) { msg(message, ERR, false, false); } void errcontln(String message) { msg(message, ERR, false, true); } void printCaseInfo(Bidi bidi, String src, String dst) { int length = bidi.getProcessedLength(); byte[] levels = bidi.getLevels(); char[] levelChars = new char[length]; byte lev; int runCount = bidi.countRuns(); errcontln("========================================"); errcontln("Processed length: " + length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { lev = levels[i]; if (lev < 0) { levelChars[i] = '-'; } else if (lev < columns.length) { levelChars[i] = columns[lev]; } else { levelChars[i] = '+'; } } errcontln("Levels: " + new String(levelChars)); errcontln("Source: " + src); errcontln("Result: " + dst); errcontln("Direction: " + bidi.getDirection()); errcontln("paraLevel: " + Byte.toString(bidi.getParaLevel())); errcontln("reorderingMode: " + modeToString(bidi.getReorderingMode())); errcontln("reorderingOptions: " + spOptionsToString(bidi.getReorderingOptions())); errcont("Runs: " + runCount + " => logicalStart.length/level: "); for (int i = 0; i < runCount; i++) { BidiRun run; run = bidi.getVisualRun(i); errcont(" " + run.getStart() + "." + run.getLength() + "/" + run.getEmbeddingLevel()); } errcont("\n"); } static final String mates1 = "<>()[]{}"; static final String mates2 = "><)(][}{"; static final char[] mates1Chars = mates1.toCharArray(); static final char[] mates2Chars = mates2.toCharArray(); boolean matchingPair(Bidi bidi, int i, char c1, char c2) { if (c1 == c2) { return true; } /* For REORDER_RUNS_ONLY, it would not be correct to check levels[i], so we use the appropriate run's level, which is good for all cases. */ if (bidi.getLogicalRun(i).getDirection() == 0) { return false; } for (int k = 0; k < mates1Chars.length; k++) { if ((c1 == mates1Chars[k]) && (c2 == mates2Chars[k])) { return true; } } return false; } boolean checkWhatYouCan(Bidi bidi, String src, String dst) { int i, idx, logLimit, visLimit; boolean testOK, errMap, errDst; char[] srcChars = src.toCharArray(); char[] dstChars = dst.toCharArray(); int[] visMap = bidi.getVisualMap(); int[] logMap = bidi.getLogicalMap(); testOK = true; errMap = errDst = false; logLimit = bidi.getProcessedLength(); visLimit = bidi.getResultLength(); if (visLimit > dstChars.length) { visLimit = dstChars.length; } char[] accumSrc = new char[logLimit]; char[] accumDst = new char[visLimit]; Arrays.fill(accumSrc, '?'); Arrays.fill(accumDst, '?'); if (logMap.length != logLimit) { errMap = true; } for (i = 0; i < logLimit; i++) { idx = bidi.getVisualIndex(i); if (idx != logMap[i]) { errMap = true; } if (idx == Bidi.MAP_NOWHERE) { continue; } if (idx >= visLimit) { continue; } accumDst[idx] = srcChars[i]; if (!matchingPair(bidi, i, srcChars[i], dstChars[idx])) { errDst = true; } } if (errMap) { if (testOK) { printCaseInfo(bidi, src, dst); testOK = false; } errln("Mismatch between getLogicalMap() and getVisualIndex()"); errcont("Map :" + valueOf(logMap)); errcont("\n"); errcont("Indexes:"); for (i = 0; i < logLimit; i++) { errcont(" " + bidi.getVisualIndex(i)); } errcont("\n"); } if (errDst) { if (testOK) { printCaseInfo(bidi, src, dst); testOK = false; } errln("Source does not map to Result"); errcontln("We got: " + new String(accumDst)); } errMap = errDst = false; if (visMap.length != visLimit) { errMap = true; } for (i = 0; i < visLimit; i++) { idx = bidi.getLogicalIndex(i); if (idx != visMap[i]) { errMap = true; } if (idx == Bidi.MAP_NOWHERE) { continue; } if (idx >= logLimit) { continue; } accumSrc[idx] = dstChars[i]; if (!matchingPair(bidi, idx, srcChars[idx], dstChars[i])) { errDst = true; } } if (errMap) { if (testOK) { printCaseInfo(bidi, src, dst); testOK = false; } errln("Mismatch between getVisualMap() and getLogicalIndex()"); errcont("Map :" + valueOf(visMap)); errcont("\n"); errcont("Indexes:"); for (i = 0; i < visLimit; i++) { errcont(" " + bidi.getLogicalIndex(i)); } errcont("\n"); } if (errDst) { if (testOK) { printCaseInfo(bidi, src, dst); testOK = false; } errln("Result does not map to Source"); errcontln("We got: " + new String(accumSrc)); } return testOK; } }