// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License /** ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2001-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.iterator; import java.text.CharacterIterator; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk; import com.ibm.icu.text.ReplaceableString; import com.ibm.icu.text.UCharacterIterator; import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16; /** * @author ram * * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment": * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates. * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class TestUCharacterIterator extends TestFmwk{ // constructor ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor */ public TestUCharacterIterator() { } // public methods -------------------------------------------------- /** * Testing cloning */ @Test public void TestClone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { UCharacterIterator iterator = UCharacterIterator.getInstance("testing"); UCharacterIterator cloned = (UCharacterIterator)iterator.clone(); int completed = 0; while (completed != UCharacterIterator.DONE) { completed = iterator.next(); if (completed != cloned.next()) { errln("Cloned operation failed"); } } } public void getText(UCharacterIterator iterator, String result){ /* test getText */ char[] buf= new char[1]; for(;;){ try{ iterator.getText(buf); break; }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e){ buf = new char[iterator.getLength()]; } } if(result.compareTo(new String(buf,0,iterator.getLength()))!=0){ errln("getText failed for iterator"); } } /** * Testing iteration */ @Test public void TestIteration() { UCharacterIterator iterator = UCharacterIterator.getInstance( ITERATION_STRING_); UCharacterIterator iterator2 = UCharacterIterator.getInstance( ITERATION_STRING_); iterator.setToStart(); if (iterator.current() != ITERATION_STRING_.charAt(0)) { errln("Iterator failed retrieving first character"); } iterator.setToLimit(); if (iterator.previous() != ITERATION_STRING_.charAt( ITERATION_STRING_.length() - 1)) { errln("Iterator failed retrieving last character"); } if (iterator.getLength() != ITERATION_STRING_.length()) { errln("Iterator failed determining begin and end index"); } iterator2.setIndex(0); iterator.setIndex(0); int ch = 0; while (ch != UCharacterIterator.DONE) { int index = iterator2.getIndex(); ch = iterator2.nextCodePoint(); if (index != ITERATION_SUPPLEMENTARY_INDEX) { if (ch != iterator.next() && ch != UCharacterIterator.DONE) { errln("Error mismatch in next() and nextCodePoint()"); } } else { if (UTF16.getLeadSurrogate(ch) != iterator.next() || UTF16.getTrailSurrogate(ch) != iterator.next()) { errln("Error mismatch in next and nextCodePoint for " + "supplementary characters"); } } } iterator.setIndex(ITERATION_STRING_.length()); iterator2.setIndex(ITERATION_STRING_.length()); while (ch != UCharacterIterator.DONE) { int index = iterator2.getIndex(); ch = iterator2.previousCodePoint(); if (index != ITERATION_SUPPLEMENTARY_INDEX) { if (ch != iterator.previous() && ch != UCharacterIterator.DONE) { errln("Error mismatch in previous() and " + "previousCodePoint()"); } } else { if (UTF16.getLeadSurrogate(ch) != iterator.previous() || UTF16.getTrailSurrogate(ch) != iterator.previous()) { errln("Error mismatch in previous and " + "previousCodePoint for supplementary characters"); } } } } //Tests for new API for utf-16 support @Test public void TestIterationUChar32() { String text="\u0061\u0062\ud841\udc02\u20ac\ud7ff\ud842\udc06\ud801\udc00\u0061"; int c; int i; { UCharacterIterator iter = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(text); String iterText = iter.getText(); if (!iterText.equals(text)) errln("iter.getText() failed"); iter.setIndex(1); if (iter.currentCodePoint() != UTF16.charAt(text,1)) errln("Iterator didn't start out in the right place."); iter.setToStart(); c=iter.currentCodePoint(); i=0; i=iter.moveCodePointIndex(1); c=iter.currentCodePoint(); if(c != UTF16.charAt(text,1) || i!=1) errln("moveCodePointIndex(1) didn't work correctly expected "+ hex(c) +" got "+hex(UTF16.charAt(text,1)) + " i= " + i); i=iter.moveCodePointIndex(2); c=iter.currentCodePoint(); if(c != UTF16.charAt(text,4) || i!=4) errln("moveCodePointIndex(2) didn't work correctly expected "+ hex(c) +" got "+hex(UTF16.charAt(text,4)) + " i= " + i); i=iter.moveCodePointIndex(-2); c=iter.currentCodePoint(); if(c != UTF16.charAt(text,1) || i!=1) errln("moveCodePointIndex(-2) didn't work correctly expected "+ hex(c) +" got "+hex(UTF16.charAt(text,1)) + " i= " + i); iter.setToLimit(); i=iter.moveCodePointIndex(-2); c=iter.currentCodePoint(); if(c != UTF16.charAt(text,(text.length()-3)) || i!=(text.length()-3)) errln("moveCodePointIndex(-2) didn't work correctly expected "+ hex(c) +" got "+hex(UTF16.charAt(text,(text.length()-3)) ) + " i= " + i); iter.setToStart(); c = iter.currentCodePoint(); i = 0; //testing first32PostInc, nextCodePointPostInc, setTostart i = 0; iter.setToStart(); c =iter.next(); if(c != UTF16.charAt(text,i)) errln("first32PostInc failed. Expected->"+hex(UTF16.charAt(text,i))+" Got-> "+hex(c)); if(iter.getIndex() != UTF16.getCharCount(c) + i) errln("getIndex() after first32PostInc() failed"); iter.setToStart(); i=0; if (iter.getIndex() != 0) errln("setToStart failed"); logln("Testing forward iteration..."); do { if (c != UCharacterIterator.DONE) c = iter.nextCodePoint(); if(c != UTF16.charAt(text,i)) errln("Character mismatch at position "+i+", iterator has "+hex(c)+", string has "+hex(UTF16.charAt(text,i))); i+=UTF16.getCharCount(c); if(iter.getIndex() != i) errln("getIndex() aftr nextCodePointPostInc() isn't working right"); c = iter.currentCodePoint(); if( c!=UCharacterIterator.DONE && c != UTF16.charAt(text,i)) errln("current() after nextCodePointPostInc() isn't working right"); } while (c!=UCharacterIterator.DONE); c=iter.nextCodePoint(); if(c!= UCharacterIterator.DONE) errln("nextCodePointPostInc() didn't return DONE at the beginning"); } } class UCharIterator { public UCharIterator(int[] src, int len, int index){ s=src; length=len; i=index; } public int current() { if(i0) { return s[--i]; } else { return -1; } } public int getIndex() { return i; } private int[] s; private int length, i; } @Test public void TestPreviousNext(){ // src and expect strings char src[]={ UTF16.getLeadSurrogate(0x2f999), UTF16.getTrailSurrogate(0x2f999), UTF16.getLeadSurrogate(0x1d15f), UTF16.getTrailSurrogate(0x1d15f), 0xc4, 0x1ed0 }; // iterators UCharacterIterator iter1 = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(new ReplaceableString(new String(src))); UCharacterIterator iter2 = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(src/*char array*/); UCharacterIterator iter3 = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(new StringCharacterIterator(new String(src))); UCharacterIterator iter4 = UCharacterIterator.getInstance(new StringBuffer(new String(src))); previousNext(iter1); previousNext(iter2); previousNext(iter3); previousNext(iter4); getText(iter1,new String(src)); getText(iter2,new String(src)); getText(iter3,new String(src)); /* getCharacterIterator */ CharacterIterator citer1 = iter1.getCharacterIterator(); CharacterIterator citer2 = iter2.getCharacterIterator(); CharacterIterator citer3 = iter3.getCharacterIterator(); if(citer1.first() !=iter1.current()){ errln("getCharacterIterator for iter1 failed"); } if(citer2.first() !=iter2.current()){ errln("getCharacterIterator for iter2 failed"); } if(citer3.first() !=iter3.current()){ errln("getCharacterIterator for iter3 failed"); } /* Test clone() && moveIndex()*/ try{ UCharacterIterator clone1 = (UCharacterIterator)iter1.clone(); UCharacterIterator clone2 = (UCharacterIterator)iter2.clone(); UCharacterIterator clone3 = (UCharacterIterator)iter3.clone(); if(clone1.moveIndex(3)!=iter1.moveIndex(3)){ errln("moveIndex for iter1 failed"); } if(clone2.moveIndex(3)!=iter2.moveIndex(3)){ errln("moveIndex for iter2 failed"); } if(clone3.moveIndex(3)!=iter3.moveIndex(3)){ errln("moveIndex for iter1 failed"); } }catch (Exception e){ errln("could not clone the iterator"); } } public void previousNext(UCharacterIterator iter) { int expect[]={ 0x2f999, 0x1d15f, 0xc4, 0x1ed0 }; // expected src indexes corresponding to expect indexes int expectIndex[]={ 0,0, 1,1, 2, 3, 4 //needed }; // initial indexes into the src and expect strings final int SRC_MIDDLE=4; final int EXPECT_MIDDLE=2; // movement vector // - for previous(), 0 for current(), + for next() // not const so that we can terminate it below for the error message String moves="0+0+0--0-0-+++0--+++++++0--------"; UCharIterator iter32 = new UCharIterator(expect, expect.length, EXPECT_MIDDLE); int c1, c2; char m; // initially set the indexes into the middle of the strings iter.setIndex(SRC_MIDDLE); // move around and compare the iteration code points with // the expected ones int movesIndex =0; while(movesIndex