package jdiff; import java.util.*; import*; /** * Emit HTML files for the supporting infrastructure for the HTML report. * Examples are stylesheets, help files, frame files. * * See the file LICENSE.txt for copyright details. * @author Matthew Doar, */ public class HTMLFiles { /** Constructor. */ public HTMLFiles(HTMLReportGenerator h) { h_ = h; } /** The HTMLReportGenerator instance used to write HTML. */ private HTMLReportGenerator h_ = null; /** * Emit the top-level changes.html frames file where everything starts. */ public void emitTopLevelFile(String tln, APIDiff apiDiff) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tln); h_.reportFile = new PrintWriter(fos); // Write out the HTML header h_.writeStartHTMLHeaderWithDate(); // Write out the title String oldAPIName = "Old API"; if (apiDiff.oldAPIName_ != null) oldAPIName = apiDiff.oldAPIName_; String newAPIName = "New API"; if (apiDiff.newAPIName_ != null) newAPIName = apiDiff.newAPIName_; if (h_.windowTitle == null) h_.writeHTMLTitle("API Differences between " + oldAPIName + " and " + newAPIName); else h_.writeHTMLTitle(h_.windowTitle); // Note that the stylesheet is in the same directory h_.writeStyleSheetRef(true); h_.writeText(""); // Note that the top-level frame file doesn't have the BODY tag h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); // Convert filenames to web links String tlfLink = h_.reportFileName + "/jdiff_topleftframe" + h_.reportFileExt; String allDiffsLink = h_.reportFileName + "/alldiffs_index_all" + h_.reportFileExt; String csnLink = h_.reportFileName + "/" + h_.reportFileName + "-summary" + h_.reportFileExt; h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText("<h2>"); h_.writeText("Frame Alert"); h_.writeText("</h2>\n"); h_.writeText("<p>"); h_.writeText("This document is designed to be viewed using the frames feature. If you see this message, you are using a non-frame-capable web client."); h_.writeText("<br>"); h_.writeText("Link to <a href=\"" + csnLink + "\" target=\"_top\">Non-frame version.</A>"); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.reportFile.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("IO Error while attempting to create " + tln); System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /** Emit a frame with all the links to the index files. */ public void emitTopLeftFile(String tlf) { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tlf); h_.reportFile = new PrintWriter(fos); h_.writeStartHTMLHeader(); h_.writeHTMLTitle("Android API Version Differences"); h_.writeStyleSheetRef(); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText(" Select a Diffs Index:
All Differences
By Package
By Class
By Constructor
By Method
By Field
"); h_.writeHTMLFooter(); h_.reportFile.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("IO Error while attempting to create " + tlf); System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /** Emit the help file. */ public void emitHelp(String fullReportFileName, APIDiff apiDiff) { String helpFileName = fullReportFileName + JDiff.DIR_SEP + "jdiff_help" + h_.reportFileExt; try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(helpFileName); h_.reportFile = new PrintWriter(fos); h_.writeStartHTMLHeader(); h_.writeHTMLTitle("JDiff Help"); h_.writeStyleSheetRef(); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); // Write a customized navigation bar for the help page h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); // The right hand side title h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(""); // Links for frames and no frames h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(" "); // Always have a link to the Javadoc files h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(" "); if (!Diff.noDocDiffs) { h_.writeText(" "); } if (h_.doStats) { h_.writeText(" "); } h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText(" "); h_.writeText("
" + apiDiff.newAPIName_ + "  Overview   Package   Class  Text Changes  Statistics   Help 
"); h_.writeText("
Generated by
"); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText(" FRAMES  "); h_.writeText("  NO FRAMES
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText (""); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("

JDiff Documentation

"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("JDiff is a Javadoc doclet which generates a report of the API differences between two versions of a product. It does not report changes in Javadoc comments, or changes in what a class or method does. "); h_.writeText("This help page describes the different parts of the output from JDiff."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText(" See the reference page in the source for JDiff for information about how to generate a report like this one."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("The indexes shown in the top-left frame help show each type of change in more detail. The index \"All Differences\" contains all the differences between the APIs, in alphabetical order. "); h_.writeText("These indexes all use the same format:"); h_.writeText(""); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("You can always tell when you are reading a JDiff page, rather than a Javadoc page, by the color of the index bar and the color of the background. "); h_.writeText("Links which take you to a Javadoc page are always in a typewriter font. "); h_.writeText("Just like Javadoc, all interface names are in italic, and class names are not italicized. Where there are multiple entries in an index with the same name, the heading for them is also in italics, but is not a link."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("


"); h_.writeText("This is a link to the top-level Javadoc page for the new version of the product."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("


"); h_.writeText("The overview is the top-level summary of what was removed, added and changed between versions."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("


"); h_.writeText("This is a link to the package containing the current changed class or interface."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("


"); h_.writeText("This is highlighted when you are looking at the changed class or interface."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("

Text Changes

"); h_.writeText("This is a link to the top-level index of all documentation changes for the current package or class. "); h_.writeText("If it is not present, then there are no documentation changes for the current package or class. "); h_.writeText("This link can be removed entirely by not using the -docchanges option."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("


"); h_.writeText("This is a link to a page which shows statistics about the changes between the two APIs."); h_.writeText("This link can be removed entirely by not using the -stats option."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("


"); h_.writeText("A link to this Help page for JDiff."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("


"); h_.writeText("These links take you to the previous and next changed package or class."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("

Frames/No Frames

"); h_.writeText("These links show and hide the HTML frames. All pages are available with or without frames."); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeText("

Complex Changes

"); h_.writeText("There are some complex changes which can occur between versions, for example, when two or more methods with the same name change simultaneously, or when a method or field is moved into or from a superclass. "); h_.writeText("In these cases, the change will be seen as a removal and an addition, rather than as a change. Unexpected removals or additions are often part of one of these type of changes. "); h_.writeText("
"); h_.writeHTMLFooter(); h_.reportFile.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("IO Error while attempting to create " + helpFileName); System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /** Emit the external stylesheet file. */ public void emitStylesheet() { String stylesheetFileName = "stylesheet-jdiff.css"; if (h_.outputDir != null) stylesheetFileName = h_.outputDir + JDiff.DIR_SEP + stylesheetFileName; try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(stylesheetFileName); h_.reportFile = new PrintWriter(fos); h_.writeText(); h_.writeText("/* (" + JDiff.jDiffLocation + ") */"); //h_.writeText("/* on " + new Date() + " */"); h_.writeText(); h_.writeText("div.and-diff-id {border: 1px solid #eee;position:relative;float:right;clear:both;padding:0px;}"); h_.writeText("table.diffspectable {border:1px;padding:0px;margin:0px;}"); h_.writeText(".diffspechead {background-color:#eee;}"); h_.writeText(".diffspectable tr {border:0px;padding:0px;}"); h_.writeText(".diffspectable td {background-color:eee;border:0px;font-size:90%;font-weight:normal;padding:0px;padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px;text-align:center;color:777;}"); h_.writeText("td.diffvalueold {color:orange;background-color:white;border:0px;font-size:80%;font-style:normal;text-align:left;padding:0px;padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px;line-height:.95em;}"); h_.writeText("td.diffvaluenew {color:green;background-color:white;border:0px;font-size:80%;font-weight:normal;text-align:left;padding:0px;padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px;line-height:.95em;}"); h_.writeText("td.diffvalue {color:444;background-color:white;border:0px;font-size:80%;font-weight:normal;text-align:left;padding:0px;padding-left:1px;padding-right:1px;line-height:.95em;}"); h_.writeText("td.diffspec {background-color:white;border:0px;font-size:80%;font-weight:normal;padding:1px;color:444;text-align:right;padding-right:.5em;line-height:.95em;}"); h_.writeText("tt {font-size:11pt;font-family:monospace;}"); h_.writeText(".indexHeader {"); h_.writeText(" font-size:96%;"); h_.writeText(" line-height:.8em;}"); h_.writeText(".jdiffIndex td {"); h_.writeText(" font-size:96%;"); h_.writeText(" xline-height:.8em;"); h_.writeText(" padding:2px;"); h_.writeText(" padding-left:1em;}"); h_.writeText(".indexText {"); h_.writeText(" font-size:100%;"); h_.writeText(" padding-left:1em;}"); h_.writeText("#indexTableCaption {"); h_.writeText(" font-size:96%;"); h_.writeText(" margin-top:.25em;"); h_.writeText(" margin-bottom:0;"); h_.writeText(" }"); h_.writeText(".hiddenlink {"); h_.writeText(" font-size:96%;"); h_.writeText(" line-height:.8em;"); h_.writeText(" text-decoration:none;}"); h_.writeText("a {"); h_.writeText(" text-decoration:none;}"); h_.writeText("a:hover {"); h_.writeText(" text-decoration:underline;}"); h_.writeText(".indexBox {"); h_.writeText(" border: 1px solid red;"); h_.writeText(" margin:1em 0 0 0;}"); h_.writeText(".letterIndexHead {"); h_.writeText(" font-size: 1.5em;font-weight:9;"); h_.writeText(" margin:0 0 0em 0;"); h_.writeText(" border: 1px solid red;}"); h_.reportFile.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("IO Error while attempting to create " + stylesheetFileName); System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } }