/* * Copyright 2007 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.mockftpserver.core.session; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.SocketTimeoutException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mockftpserver.core.MockFtpServerException; import org.mockftpserver.core.command.Command; import org.mockftpserver.core.socket.StubServerSocket; import org.mockftpserver.core.socket.StubServerSocketFactory; import org.mockftpserver.core.socket.StubSocket; import org.mockftpserver.core.socket.StubSocketFactory; import org.mockftpserver.core.util.AssertFailedException; import org.mockftpserver.test.AbstractTest; /** * Tests for the DefaultSession class * * @version $Revision$ - $Date$ * * @author Chris Mair */ public final class DefaultSessionTest extends AbstractTest { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DefaultSessionTest.class); private static final String DATA = "sample data 123"; private static final int PORT = 197; private static final String NAME1 = "name1"; private static final String NAME2 = "name2"; private static final Object VALUE = "value"; private DefaultSession session; private ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream; private Map commandHandlerMap; private StubSocket stubSocket; private InetAddress clientHost; /** * Perform initialization before each test * * @see org.mockftpserver.test.AbstractTest#setUp() */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); commandHandlerMap = new HashMap(); outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); session = createDefaultSession(""); clientHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); } /** * @see org.mockftpserver.test.AbstractTest#tearDown() */ protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } /** * Test the Constructor when the control socket is null */ public void testConstructor_NullControlSocket() { try { new DefaultSession(null, commandHandlerMap); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the Constructor when the command handler Map is null */ public void testConstructor_NullCommandHandlerMap() { try { new DefaultSession(stubSocket, null); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the setClientDataPort() method */ public void testSetClientDataPort() { StubSocket stubSocket = createTestSocket(""); StubSocketFactory stubSocketFactory = new StubSocketFactory(stubSocket); session.socketFactory = stubSocketFactory; session.setClientDataPort(PORT); session.setClientDataHost(clientHost); session.openDataConnection(); assertEquals("data port", PORT, stubSocketFactory.requestedDataPort); } /** * Test the setClientDataPort() method after the session was in passive data mode */ public void testSetClientDataPort_AfterPassiveConnectionMode() throws IOException { StubServerSocket stubServerSocket = new StubServerSocket(PORT); StubServerSocketFactory stubServerSocketFactory = new StubServerSocketFactory(stubServerSocket); session.serverSocketFactory = stubServerSocketFactory; session.switchToPassiveMode(); assertFalse("server socket closed", stubServerSocket.isClosed()); assertNotNull("passiveModeDataSocket", session.passiveModeDataSocket); session.setClientDataPort(PORT); // Make sure that any passive mode connection info is cleared out assertTrue("server socket closed", stubServerSocket.isClosed()); assertNull("passiveModeDataSocket should be null", session.passiveModeDataSocket); } /** * Test the setClientHost() method */ public void testSetClientHost() throws Exception { StubSocket stubSocket = createTestSocket(""); StubSocketFactory stubSocketFactory = new StubSocketFactory(stubSocket); session.socketFactory = stubSocketFactory; session.setClientDataHost(clientHost); session.openDataConnection(); assertEquals("client host", clientHost, stubSocketFactory.requestedHost); } /** * Test the openDataConnection(), setClientDataPort() and setClientDataHost() methods */ public void testOpenDataConnection() { StubSocket stubSocket = createTestSocket(""); StubSocketFactory stubSocketFactory = new StubSocketFactory(stubSocket); session.socketFactory = stubSocketFactory; // Use default client data port session.setClientDataHost(clientHost); session.openDataConnection(); assertEquals("data port", DefaultSession.DEFAULT_CLIENT_DATA_PORT, stubSocketFactory.requestedDataPort); assertEquals("client host", clientHost, stubSocketFactory.requestedHost); // Set client data port explicitly session.setClientDataPort(PORT); session.setClientDataHost(clientHost); session.openDataConnection(); assertEquals("data port", PORT, stubSocketFactory.requestedDataPort); assertEquals("client host", clientHost, stubSocketFactory.requestedHost); } /** * Test the OpenDataConnection method, when in passive mode and no incoming connection is * initiated */ public void testOpenDataConnection_PassiveMode_NoConnection() throws IOException { StubServerSocket stubServerSocket = new StubServerSocket(PORT); StubServerSocketFactory stubServerSocketFactory = new StubServerSocketFactory(stubServerSocket); session.serverSocketFactory = stubServerSocketFactory; session.switchToPassiveMode(); try { session.openDataConnection(); fail("Expected MockFtpServerException"); } catch (MockFtpServerException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); assertSame("cause", SocketTimeoutException.class, expected.getCause().getClass()); } } /** * Test the OpenDataConnection method, when the clientHost has not been set */ public void testOpenDataConnection_NullClientHost() { try { session.openDataConnection(); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the readData() method */ public void testReadData() { StubSocket stubSocket = createTestSocket(DATA); session.socketFactory = new StubSocketFactory(stubSocket); session.setClientDataHost(clientHost); session.openDataConnection(); byte[] data = session.readData(); LOG.info("data=[" + new String(data) + "]"); assertEquals("data", DATA.getBytes(), data); } /** * Test the readData() method after switching to passive mode */ public void testReadData_PassiveMode() throws IOException { StubSocket stubSocket = createTestSocket(DATA); StubServerSocket stubServerSocket = new StubServerSocket(PORT, stubSocket); StubServerSocketFactory stubServerSocketFactory = new StubServerSocketFactory(stubServerSocket); session.serverSocketFactory = stubServerSocketFactory; session.switchToPassiveMode(); session.openDataConnection(); byte[] data = session.readData(); LOG.info("data=[" + new String(data) + "]"); assertEquals("data", DATA.getBytes(), data); } /** * Test the closeDataConnection() method */ public void testCloseDataConnection() { StubSocket stubSocket = createTestSocket(DATA); session.socketFactory = new StubSocketFactory(stubSocket); session.setClientDataHost(clientHost); session.openDataConnection(); session.closeDataConnection(); assertTrue("client data socket should be closed", stubSocket.isClosed()); } /** * Test the switchToPassiveMode() method */ public void testSwitchToPassiveMode() throws IOException { StubServerSocket stubServerSocket = new StubServerSocket(PORT); StubServerSocketFactory stubServerSocketFactory = new StubServerSocketFactory(stubServerSocket); session.serverSocketFactory = stubServerSocketFactory; assertNull("passiveModeDataSocket starts out null", session.passiveModeDataSocket); int port = session.switchToPassiveMode(); assertSame("passiveModeDataSocket", stubServerSocket, session.passiveModeDataSocket); assertEquals("port", PORT, port); } /** * Test the getServerHost() method */ public void testGetServerHost() { assertEquals("host", DEFAULT_HOST, session.getServerHost()); } /** * Test the getClientHost() method when the session is not yet started */ public void testGetClientHost_NotRunning() { assertNull("null", session.getClientHost()); } /** * Test the parseCommand() method */ public void testParseCommand() { Command command = session.parseCommand("LIST"); assertEquals("command name", "LIST", command.getName()); assertEquals("command parameters", EMPTY, command.getParameters()); command = session.parseCommand("USER user123"); assertEquals("command name", "USER", command.getName()); assertEquals("command parameters", array("user123"), command.getParameters()); command = session.parseCommand("PORT 127,0,0,1,17,37"); assertEquals("command name", "PORT", command.getName()); assertEquals("command parameters", new String[] { "127", "0", "0", "1", "17", "37" }, command .getParameters()); } /** * Test the parseCommand() method, passing in an empty command String */ public void testParseCommand_EmptyCommandString() { try { session.parseCommand(""); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the sendData() method, as well as the openDataConnection() and closeDataConnection() */ public void testSendData() { StubSocket stubSocket = createTestSocket("1234567890 abcdef"); session.socketFactory = new StubSocketFactory(stubSocket); session.setClientDataHost(clientHost); session.openDataConnection(); session.sendData(DATA.getBytes(), DATA.length()); LOG.info("output=[" + outputStream.toString() + "]"); assertEquals("output", DATA, outputStream.toString()); } /** * Test the SendData() method, passing in a null byte[] */ public void testSendData_Null() { try { session.sendData(null, 1); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the SendReply(int,String) method, passing in an invalid reply code */ public void testSendReply_InvalidReplyCode() { try { session.sendReply(-66, "text"); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the getAttribute() and setAttribute() methods */ public void testGetAndSetAttribute() { assertNull("name does not exist yet", session.getAttribute(NAME1)); session.setAttribute(NAME1, VALUE); session.setAttribute(NAME2, null); assertEquals("NAME1", VALUE, session.getAttribute(NAME1)); assertNull("NAME2", session.getAttribute(NAME2)); assertNull("no such name", session.getAttribute("noSuchName")); } /** * Test the getAttribute() method, passing in a null name */ public void testGetAttribute_Null() { try { session.getAttribute(null); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the setAttribute() method, passing in a null name */ public void testSetAttribute_NullName() { try { session.setAttribute(null, VALUE); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the removeAttribute() */ public void testRemoveAttribute() { session.removeAttribute("noSuchName"); // do nothing session.setAttribute(NAME1, VALUE); session.removeAttribute(NAME1); assertNull("NAME1", session.getAttribute(NAME1)); } /** * Test the removeAttribute() method, passing in a null name */ public void testRemoveAttribute_Null() { try { session.removeAttribute(null); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the getAttributeNames() */ public void testGetAttributeNames() { assertEquals("No names yet", Collections.EMPTY_SET, session.getAttributeNames()); session.setAttribute(NAME1, VALUE); assertEquals("1", Collections.singleton(NAME1), session.getAttributeNames()); session.setAttribute(NAME2, VALUE); assertEquals("2", set(NAME1, NAME2), session.getAttributeNames()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal Helper Methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create and return a DefaultSession object that reads from an InputStream with the specified * contents and writes to the predefined outputStrean ByteArrayOutputStream. Also, save the * StubSocket being used in the stubSocket attribute. * * @param inputStreamContents - the contents of the input stream * @return the DefaultSession */ private DefaultSession createDefaultSession(String inputStreamContents) { stubSocket = createTestSocket(inputStreamContents); return new DefaultSession(stubSocket, commandHandlerMap); } /** * Create and return a StubSocket that reads from an InputStream with the specified contents and * writes to the predefined outputStrean ByteArrayOutputStream. * * @param inputStreamContents - the contents of the input stream * @return the StubSocket */ private StubSocket createTestSocket(String inputStreamContents) { InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputStreamContents.getBytes()); StubSocket stubSocket = new StubSocket(inputStream, outputStream); stubSocket._setLocalAddress(DEFAULT_HOST); return stubSocket; } }