/* * ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, obfuscation, and preverification * of Java bytecode. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Eric Lafortune (eric@graphics.cornell.edu) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package proguard.optimize.evaluation; import proguard.classfile.*; import proguard.classfile.attribute.*; import proguard.classfile.attribute.visitor.*; import proguard.classfile.instruction.*; import proguard.classfile.instruction.visitor.InstructionVisitor; import proguard.classfile.util.SimplifiedVisitor; import proguard.evaluation.value.*; /** * This AttributeVisitor analyzes the liveness of the variables in the code * attributes that it visits, based on partial evaluation. * * @author Eric Lafortune */ public class LivenessAnalyzer extends SimplifiedVisitor implements AttributeVisitor, InstructionVisitor, ExceptionInfoVisitor { //* private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /*/ private static boolean DEBUG = true; //*/ private static final int MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE = 64; private final PartialEvaluator partialEvaluator; private long[] isAliveBefore = new long[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH]; private long[] isAliveAfter = new long[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH]; private long[] isCategory2 = new long[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH]; // Fields acting as global temporary variables. private boolean checkAgain; private long alive; /** * Creates a new LivenessAnalyzer. */ public LivenessAnalyzer() { this(new PartialEvaluator()); } /** * Creates a new LivenessAnalyzer that will use the given partial evaluator. * It will run this evaluator on every code attribute that it visits. */ public LivenessAnalyzer(PartialEvaluator partialEvaluator) { this.partialEvaluator = partialEvaluator; } /** * Returns whether the instruction at the given offset has ever been * executed during the partial evaluation. */ public boolean isTraced(int instructionOffset) { return partialEvaluator.isTraced(instructionOffset); } /** * Returns whether the specified variable is alive before the instruction * at the given offset. */ public boolean isAliveBefore(int instructionOffset, int variableIndex) { return variableIndex >= MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE || (isAliveBefore[instructionOffset] & (1L << variableIndex)) != 0; } /** * Sets whether the specified variable is alive before the instruction * at the given offset. */ public void setAliveBefore(int instructionOffset, int variableIndex, boolean alive) { if (variableIndex < MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE) { if (alive) { isAliveBefore[instructionOffset] |= 1L << variableIndex; } else { isAliveBefore[instructionOffset] &= ~(1L << variableIndex); } } } /** * Returns whether the specified variable is alive after the instruction * at the given offset. */ public boolean isAliveAfter(int instructionOffset, int variableIndex) { return variableIndex >= MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE || (isAliveAfter[instructionOffset] & (1L << variableIndex)) != 0; } /** * Sets whether the specified variable is alive after the instruction * at the given offset. */ public void setAliveAfter(int instructionOffset, int variableIndex, boolean alive) { if (variableIndex < MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE) { if (alive) { isAliveAfter[instructionOffset] |= 1L << variableIndex; } else { isAliveAfter[instructionOffset] &= ~(1L << variableIndex); } } } /** * Returns whether the specified variable takes up two entries after the * instruction at the given offset. */ public boolean isCategory2(int instructionOffset, int variableIndex) { return variableIndex < MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE && (isCategory2[instructionOffset] & (1L << variableIndex)) != 0; } /** * Sets whether the specified variable takes up two entries after the * instruction at the given offset. */ public void setCategory2(int instructionOffset, int variableIndex, boolean category2) { if (variableIndex < MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE) { if (category2) { isCategory2[instructionOffset] |= 1L << variableIndex; } else { isCategory2[instructionOffset] &= ~(1L << variableIndex); } } } // Implementations for AttributeVisitor. public void visitAnyAttribute(Clazz clazz, Attribute attribute) {} public void visitCodeAttribute(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute) { // DEBUG = // clazz.getName().equals("abc/Def") && // method.getName(clazz).equals("abc"); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Liveness analysis: "+clazz.getName()+"."+method.getName(clazz)+method.getDescriptor(clazz)); } // Initialize the global arrays. initializeArrays(codeAttribute); // Evaluate the method. partialEvaluator.visitCodeAttribute(clazz, method, codeAttribute); int codeLength = codeAttribute.u4codeLength; int variablesSize = codeAttribute.u2maxLocals; // We'll only really analyze the first 64 variables. if (variablesSize > MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE) { variablesSize = MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE; } // Mark liveness blocks, as many times as necessary. do { checkAgain = false; alive = 0L; // Loop over all traced instructions, backward. for (int offset = codeLength - 1; offset >= 0; offset--) { if (partialEvaluator.isTraced(offset)) { // Update the liveness based on the branch targets. InstructionOffsetValue branchTargets = partialEvaluator.branchTargets(offset); if (branchTargets != null) { // Update the liveness right after the branch instruction. alive = combinedLiveness(branchTargets); } // Merge the current liveness. alive |= isAliveAfter[offset]; // Update the liveness after the instruction. isAliveAfter[offset] = alive; // Update the current liveness based on the instruction. codeAttribute.instructionAccept(clazz, method, offset, this); // Merge the current liveness. alive |= isAliveBefore[offset]; // Update the liveness before the instruction. if ((~isAliveBefore[offset] & alive) != 0L) { isAliveBefore[offset] = alive; // Do we have to check again after this loop? checkAgain |= offset < maxOffset(partialEvaluator.branchOrigins(offset)); } } } // Account for the liveness at the start of the exception handlers. codeAttribute.exceptionsAccept(clazz, method, this); } while (checkAgain); // Loop over all instructions, to mark variables that take up two entries. for (int offset = 0; offset < codeLength; offset++) { if (partialEvaluator.isTraced(offset)) { // Loop over all variables. for (int variableIndex = 0; variableIndex < variablesSize; variableIndex++) { // Is the variable alive and a category 2 type? if (isAliveBefore(offset, variableIndex)) { Value value = partialEvaluator.getVariablesBefore(offset).getValue(variableIndex); if (value != null && value.isCategory2()) { // Mark it as such. setCategory2(offset, variableIndex, true); // Mark the next variable as well. setAliveBefore(offset, variableIndex + 1, true); setCategory2( offset, variableIndex + 1, true); } } // Is the variable alive and a category 2 type? if (isAliveAfter(offset, variableIndex)) { Value value = partialEvaluator.getVariablesAfter(offset).getValue(variableIndex); if (value != null && value.isCategory2()) { // Mark it as such. setCategory2(offset, variableIndex, true); // Mark the next variable as well. setAliveAfter(offset, variableIndex + 1, true); setCategory2( offset, variableIndex + 1, true); } } } } } if (DEBUG) { // Loop over all instructions. for (int offset = 0; offset < codeLength; offset++) { if (partialEvaluator.isTraced(offset)) { long aliveBefore = isAliveBefore[offset]; long aliveAfter = isAliveAfter[offset]; long category2 = isCategory2[offset]; // Print out the liveness of all variables before the instruction. for (int variableIndex = 0; variableIndex < variablesSize; variableIndex++) { long variableMask = (1L << variableIndex); System.out.print((aliveBefore & variableMask) == 0L ? '.' : (category2 & variableMask) == 0L ? 'x' : '*'); } // Print out the instruction itself. System.out.println(" "+ InstructionFactory.create(codeAttribute.code, offset).toString(offset)); // Print out the liveness of all variables after the instruction. for (int variableIndex = 0; variableIndex < variablesSize; variableIndex++) { long variableMask = (1L << variableIndex); System.out.print((aliveAfter & variableMask) == 0L ? '.' : (category2 & variableMask) == 0L ? 'x' : '='); } System.out.println(); } } } } // Implementations for InstructionVisitor. public void visitAnyInstruction(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, Instruction instruction) {} public void visitVariableInstruction(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, VariableInstruction variableInstruction) { int variableIndex = variableInstruction.variableIndex; if (variableIndex < MAX_VARIABLES_SIZE) { long livenessMask = 1L << variableIndex; // Is it a load instruction or a store instruction? if (variableInstruction.isLoad()) { // Start marking the variable before the load instruction. alive |= livenessMask; } else { // Stop marking the variable before the store instruction. alive &= ~livenessMask; // But do mark the variable right after the store instruction. isAliveAfter[offset] |= livenessMask; } } } public void visitConstantInstruction(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, ConstantInstruction constantInstruction) { // Special case: variable 0 ('this') in an initializer has to be alive // as long as it hasn't been initialized. if (offset == partialEvaluator.superInitializationOffset()) { alive |= 1L; } } // Implementations for ExceptionInfoVisitor. public void visitExceptionInfo(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo) { // Are any variables alive at the start of the handler? long alive = isAliveBefore[exceptionInfo.u2handlerPC]; if (alive != 0L) { // Set the same liveness flags for the entire try block. int startOffset = exceptionInfo.u2startPC; int endOffset = exceptionInfo.u2endPC; for (int offset = startOffset; offset < endOffset; offset++) { if (partialEvaluator.isTraced(offset)) { if ((~(isAliveBefore[offset] & isAliveAfter[offset]) & alive) != 0L) { isAliveBefore[offset] |= alive; isAliveAfter[offset] |= alive; // Check again after having marked this try block. checkAgain = true; } } } } } // Small utility methods. /** * Initializes the global arrays. */ private void initializeArrays(CodeAttribute codeAttribute) { int codeLength = codeAttribute.u4codeLength; // Create new arrays for storing information at each instruction offset. if (isAliveBefore.length < codeLength) { isAliveBefore = new long[codeLength]; isAliveAfter = new long[codeLength]; isCategory2 = new long[codeLength]; } else { for (int index = 0; index < codeLength; index++) { isAliveBefore[index] = 0L; isAliveAfter[index] = 0L; isCategory2[index] = 0L; } } } /** * Returns the combined liveness mask of the variables right before the * specified instruction offsets. */ private long combinedLiveness(InstructionOffsetValue instructionOffsetValue) { long alive = 0L; int count = instructionOffsetValue.instructionOffsetCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { alive |= isAliveBefore[instructionOffsetValue.instructionOffset(index)]; } return alive; } /** * Returns the minimum offset from the given instruction offsets. */ private int minOffset(Value instructionOffsets) { return minOffset(instructionOffsets, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Returns the minimum offset from the given instruction offsets. */ private int minOffset(Value instructionOffsets, int minOffset) { if (instructionOffsets != null) { InstructionOffsetValue instructionOffsetValue = instructionOffsets.instructionOffsetValue(); int count = instructionOffsetValue.instructionOffsetCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { int offset = instructionOffsetValue.instructionOffset(index); if (minOffset > offset) { minOffset = offset; } } } return minOffset; } /** * Returns the maximum offset from the given instruction offsets. */ private int maxOffset(Value instructionOffsets) { return maxOffset(instructionOffsets, Integer.MIN_VALUE); } /** * Returns the maximum offset from the given instruction offsets. */ private int maxOffset(Value instructionOffsets, int maxOffset) { if (instructionOffsets != null) { InstructionOffsetValue instructionOffsetValue = instructionOffsets.instructionOffsetValue(); int count = instructionOffsetValue.instructionOffsetCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { int offset = instructionOffsetValue.instructionOffset(index); if (maxOffset < offset) { maxOffset = offset; } } } return maxOffset; } }