package org.robolectric.shadows; import static org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow.newInstanceOf; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.robolectric.Shadows; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implements; @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) @Implements(value = HttpResponseCache.class, callThroughByDefault = false) public class ShadowHttpResponseCache { private static final Object LOCK = new Object(); static ShadowHttpResponseCache installed = null; private HttpResponseCache originalObject; private File directory; private long maxSize; private int requestCount = 0; private int hitCount = 0; private int networkCount = 0; @Implementation public static HttpResponseCache install(File directory, long maxSize) { HttpResponseCache cache = newInstanceOf(HttpResponseCache.class); ShadowHttpResponseCache shadowCache = Shadows.shadowOf(cache); shadowCache.originalObject = cache; = directory; shadowCache.maxSize = maxSize; synchronized (LOCK) { installed = shadowCache; return cache; } } @Implementation public static HttpResponseCache getInstalled() { synchronized (LOCK) { return (installed != null) ? installed.originalObject : null; } } @Implementation public long maxSize() { return maxSize; } @Implementation public long size() { return 0; } @Implementation public void close() { synchronized (LOCK) { installed = null; } } @Implementation public void delete() { close(); } @Implementation public int getHitCount() { return hitCount; } @Implementation public int getNetworkCount() { return networkCount; } @Implementation public int getRequestCount() { return requestCount; } @Implementation public CacheResponse get(URI uri, String requestMethod, Map> requestHeaders) { requestCount += 1; networkCount += 1; // Always pretend we had a cache miss and had to fall back to the network. return null; } @Implementation public CacheResponse put(URI uri, URLConnection urlConnection) { // Do not cache any data. All requests will be a miss. return null; } }