/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.print; import static com.android.internal.util.dump.DumpUtils.writeComponentName; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.content.Context; import android.print.PageRange; import android.print.PrintAttributes; import android.print.PrintDocumentInfo; import android.print.PrintJobId; import android.print.PrintJobInfo; import android.print.PrinterCapabilitiesInfo; import android.print.PrinterId; import android.print.PrinterInfo; import android.service.print.MarginsProto; import android.service.print.MediaSizeProto; import android.service.print.PageRangeProto; import android.service.print.PrintAttributesProto; import android.service.print.PrintDocumentInfoProto; import android.service.print.PrintJobInfoProto; import android.service.print.PrinterCapabilitiesProto; import android.service.print.PrinterIdProto; import android.service.print.PrinterInfoProto; import android.service.print.ResolutionProto; import com.android.internal.util.dump.DualDumpOutputStream; /** * Utilities for dumping print related proto buffer */ public class DumpUtils { /** * Write a {@link PrinterId} to a proto. * * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param printerId The printer id to write */ public static void writePrinterId(@NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PrinterId printerId) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); writeComponentName(proto, "service_name", PrinterIdProto.SERVICE_NAME, printerId.getServiceName()); proto.write("local_id", PrinterIdProto.LOCAL_ID, printerId.getLocalId()); proto.end(token); } /** * Write a {@link PrinterCapabilitiesInfo} to a proto. * * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param cap The capabilities to write */ public static void writePrinterCapabilities(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PrinterCapabilitiesInfo cap) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); writeMargins(proto, "min_margins", PrinterCapabilitiesProto.MIN_MARGINS, cap.getMinMargins()); int numMediaSizes = cap.getMediaSizes().size(); for (int i = 0; i < numMediaSizes; i++) { writeMediaSize(context, proto, "media_sizes", PrinterCapabilitiesProto.MEDIA_SIZES, cap.getMediaSizes().get(i)); } int numResolutions = cap.getResolutions().size(); for (int i = 0; i < numResolutions; i++) { writeResolution(proto, "resolutions", PrinterCapabilitiesProto.RESOLUTIONS, cap.getResolutions().get(i)); } if ((cap.getColorModes() & PrintAttributes.COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME) != 0) { proto.write("color_modes", PrinterCapabilitiesProto.COLOR_MODES, PrintAttributesProto.COLOR_MODE_MONOCHROME); } if ((cap.getColorModes() & PrintAttributes.COLOR_MODE_COLOR) != 0) { proto.write("color_modes", PrinterCapabilitiesProto.COLOR_MODES, PrintAttributesProto.COLOR_MODE_COLOR); } if ((cap.getDuplexModes() & PrintAttributes.DUPLEX_MODE_NONE) != 0) { proto.write("duplex_modes", PrinterCapabilitiesProto.DUPLEX_MODES, PrintAttributesProto.DUPLEX_MODE_NONE); } if ((cap.getDuplexModes() & PrintAttributes.DUPLEX_MODE_LONG_EDGE) != 0) { proto.write("duplex_modes", PrinterCapabilitiesProto.DUPLEX_MODES, PrintAttributesProto.DUPLEX_MODE_LONG_EDGE); } if ((cap.getDuplexModes() & PrintAttributes.DUPLEX_MODE_SHORT_EDGE) != 0) { proto.write("duplex_modes", PrinterCapabilitiesProto.DUPLEX_MODES, PrintAttributesProto.DUPLEX_MODE_SHORT_EDGE); } proto.end(token); } /** * Write a {@link PrinterInfo} to a proto. * * @param context The context used to resolve resources * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param info The printer info to write */ public static void writePrinterInfo(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PrinterInfo info) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); writePrinterId(proto, "id", PrinterInfoProto.ID, info.getId()); proto.write("name", PrinterInfoProto.NAME, info.getName()); proto.write("status", PrinterInfoProto.STATUS, info.getStatus()); proto.write("description", PrinterInfoProto.DESCRIPTION, info.getDescription()); PrinterCapabilitiesInfo cap = info.getCapabilities(); if (cap != null) { writePrinterCapabilities(context, proto, "capabilities", PrinterInfoProto.CAPABILITIES, cap); } proto.end(token); } /** * Write a {@link PrintAttributes.MediaSize} to a proto. * * @param context The context used to resolve resources * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param mediaSize The media size to write */ public static void writeMediaSize(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PrintAttributes.MediaSize mediaSize) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); proto.write("id", MediaSizeProto.ID, mediaSize.getId()); proto.write("label", MediaSizeProto.LABEL, mediaSize.getLabel(context.getPackageManager())); proto.write("height_mils", MediaSizeProto.HEIGHT_MILS, mediaSize.getHeightMils()); proto.write("width_mils", MediaSizeProto.WIDTH_MILS, mediaSize.getWidthMils()); proto.end(token); } /** * Write a {@link PrintAttributes.Resolution} to a proto. * * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param res The resolution to write */ public static void writeResolution(@NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PrintAttributes.Resolution res) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); proto.write("id", ResolutionProto.ID, res.getId()); proto.write("label", ResolutionProto.LABEL, res.getLabel()); proto.write("horizontal_DPI", ResolutionProto.HORIZONTAL_DPI, res.getHorizontalDpi()); proto.write("veritical_DPI", ResolutionProto.VERTICAL_DPI, res.getVerticalDpi()); proto.end(token); } /** * Write a {@link PrintAttributes.Margins} to a proto. * * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param margins The margins to write */ public static void writeMargins(@NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PrintAttributes.Margins margins) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); proto.write("top_mils", MarginsProto.TOP_MILS, margins.getTopMils()); proto.write("left_mils", MarginsProto.LEFT_MILS, margins.getLeftMils()); proto.write("right_mils", MarginsProto.RIGHT_MILS, margins.getRightMils()); proto.write("bottom_mils", MarginsProto.BOTTOM_MILS, margins.getBottomMils()); proto.end(token); } /** * Write a {@link PrintAttributes} to a proto. * * @param context The context used to resolve resources * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param attributes The attributes to write */ public static void writePrintAttributes(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PrintAttributes attributes) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); PrintAttributes.MediaSize mediaSize = attributes.getMediaSize(); if (mediaSize != null) { writeMediaSize(context, proto, "media_size", PrintAttributesProto.MEDIA_SIZE, mediaSize); proto.write("is_portrait", PrintAttributesProto.IS_PORTRAIT, attributes.isPortrait()); } PrintAttributes.Resolution res = attributes.getResolution(); if (res != null) { writeResolution(proto, "resolution", PrintAttributesProto.RESOLUTION, res); } PrintAttributes.Margins minMargins = attributes.getMinMargins(); if (minMargins != null) { writeMargins(proto, "min_margings", PrintAttributesProto.MIN_MARGINS, minMargins); } proto.write("color_mode", PrintAttributesProto.COLOR_MODE, attributes.getColorMode()); proto.write("duplex_mode", PrintAttributesProto.DUPLEX_MODE, attributes.getDuplexMode()); proto.end(token); } /** * Write a {@link PrintDocumentInfo} to a proto. * * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param info The info to write */ public static void writePrintDocumentInfo(@NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PrintDocumentInfo info) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); proto.write("name", PrintDocumentInfoProto.NAME, info.getName()); int pageCount = info.getPageCount(); if (pageCount != PrintDocumentInfo.PAGE_COUNT_UNKNOWN) { proto.write("page_count", PrintDocumentInfoProto.PAGE_COUNT, pageCount); } proto.write("content_type", PrintDocumentInfoProto.CONTENT_TYPE, info.getContentType()); proto.write("data_size", PrintDocumentInfoProto.DATA_SIZE, info.getDataSize()); proto.end(token); } /** * Write a {@link PageRange} to a proto. * * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param range The range to write */ public static void writePageRange(@NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PageRange range) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); proto.write("start", PageRangeProto.START, range.getStart()); proto.write("end", PageRangeProto.END, range.getEnd()); proto.end(token); } /** * Write a {@link PrintJobInfo} to a proto. * * @param context The context used to resolve resources * @param proto The proto to write to * @param idName Clear text name of the proto-id * @param id The proto-id of the component name * @param printJobInfo The print job info to write */ public static void writePrintJobInfo(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull DualDumpOutputStream proto, String idName, long id, @NonNull PrintJobInfo printJobInfo) { long token = proto.start(idName, id); proto.write("label", PrintJobInfoProto.LABEL, printJobInfo.getLabel()); PrintJobId printJobId = printJobInfo.getId(); if (printJobId != null) { proto.write("print_job_id", PrintJobInfoProto.PRINT_JOB_ID, printJobId.flattenToString()); } int state = printJobInfo.getState(); if (state >= PrintJobInfoProto.STATE_CREATED && state <= PrintJobInfoProto.STATE_CANCELED) { proto.write("state", PrintJobInfoProto.STATE, state); } else { proto.write("state", PrintJobInfoProto.STATE, PrintJobInfoProto.STATE_UNKNOWN); } PrinterId printer = printJobInfo.getPrinterId(); if (printer != null) { writePrinterId(proto, "printer", PrintJobInfoProto.PRINTER, printer); } String tag = printJobInfo.getTag(); if (tag != null) { proto.write("tag", PrintJobInfoProto.TAG, tag); } proto.write("creation_time", PrintJobInfoProto.CREATION_TIME, printJobInfo.getCreationTime()); PrintAttributes attributes = printJobInfo.getAttributes(); if (attributes != null) { writePrintAttributes(context, proto, "attributes", PrintJobInfoProto.ATTRIBUTES, attributes); } PrintDocumentInfo docInfo = printJobInfo.getDocumentInfo(); if (docInfo != null) { writePrintDocumentInfo(proto, "document_info", PrintJobInfoProto.DOCUMENT_INFO, docInfo); } proto.write("is_canceling", PrintJobInfoProto.IS_CANCELING, printJobInfo.isCancelling()); PageRange[] pages = printJobInfo.getPages(); if (pages != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { writePageRange(proto, "pages", PrintJobInfoProto.PAGES, pages[i]); } } proto.write("has_advanced_options", PrintJobInfoProto.HAS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS, printJobInfo.getAdvancedOptions() != null); proto.write("progress", PrintJobInfoProto.PROGRESS, printJobInfo.getProgress()); CharSequence status = printJobInfo.getStatus(context.getPackageManager()); if (status != null) { proto.write("status", PrintJobInfoProto.STATUS, status.toString()); } proto.end(token); } }