/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mtp; import android.annotation.IntDef; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder; import android.provider.DocumentsContract.Document; import android.provider.DocumentsContract.Root; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Class containing MtpDatabase constants. */ class MtpDatabaseConstants { static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 5; static final String DATABASE_NAME = "database"; static final int FLAG_DATABASE_IN_MEMORY = 1; static final int FLAG_DATABASE_IN_FILE = 0; /** * Table representing documents including root documents. */ static final String TABLE_DOCUMENTS = "Documents"; /** * Table containing additional information only available for root documents. * The table uses same primary keys with corresponding documents. */ static final String TABLE_ROOT_EXTRA = "RootExtra"; /** * Table containing last boot count. */ static final String TABLE_LAST_BOOT_COUNT = "LastBootCount"; /** * 'FROM' closure of joining TABLE_DOCUMENTS and TABLE_ROOT_EXTRA. */ static final String JOIN_ROOTS = createJoinFromClosure( TABLE_DOCUMENTS, TABLE_ROOT_EXTRA, Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID, Root.COLUMN_ROOT_ID); static final String COLUMN_DEVICE_ID = "device_id"; static final String COLUMN_STORAGE_ID = "storage_id"; static final String COLUMN_OBJECT_HANDLE = "object_handle"; static final String COLUMN_PARENT_DOCUMENT_ID = "parent_document_id"; static final String COLUMN_DOCUMENT_TYPE = "document_type"; static final String COLUMN_ROW_STATE = "row_state"; static final String COLUMN_MAPPING_KEY = "mapping_key"; /** * Value for TABLE_LAST_BOOT_COUNT. * Type: INTEGER */ static final String COLUMN_VALUE = "value"; /** * The state represents that the row has a valid object handle. */ static final int ROW_STATE_VALID = 0; /** * The state represents that the rows added at the previous cycle and need to be updated with * fresh values. * The row may not have valid object handle. External application can still fetch the documents. * If the external application tries to fetch object handle, the provider resolves pending * documents with invalidated documents ahead. */ static final int ROW_STATE_INVALIDATED = 1; /** * The documents are of device/storage that are disconnected now. The documents are invisible * but their document ID will be reuse when the device/storage is connected again. */ static final int ROW_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 2; @IntDef(value = { DOCUMENT_TYPE_DEVICE, DOCUMENT_TYPE_STORAGE, DOCUMENT_TYPE_OBJECT }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) public @interface DocumentType {} /** * Document that represents a MTP device. */ static final int DOCUMENT_TYPE_DEVICE = 0; /** * Document that represents a MTP storage. */ static final int DOCUMENT_TYPE_STORAGE = 1; /** * Document that represents a MTP object. */ static final int DOCUMENT_TYPE_OBJECT = 2; static final String SELECTION_DOCUMENT_ID = Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID + " = ?"; static final String SELECTION_ROOT_ID = Root.COLUMN_ROOT_ID + " = ?"; static final String QUERY_CREATE_DOCUMENTS = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_DOCUMENTS + " (" + Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + COLUMN_DEVICE_ID + " INTEGER," + COLUMN_STORAGE_ID + " INTEGER," + COLUMN_OBJECT_HANDLE + " INTEGER," + COLUMN_PARENT_DOCUMENT_ID + " INTEGER," + COLUMN_ROW_STATE + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + COLUMN_DOCUMENT_TYPE + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + COLUMN_MAPPING_KEY + " STRING," + Document.COLUMN_MIME_TYPE + " TEXT NOT NULL," + Document.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME + " TEXT NOT NULL," + Document.COLUMN_SUMMARY + " TEXT," + Document.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFIED + " INTEGER," + Document.COLUMN_ICON + " INTEGER," + Document.COLUMN_FLAGS + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + Document.COLUMN_SIZE + " INTEGER);"; static final String QUERY_CREATE_ROOT_EXTRA = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_ROOT_EXTRA + " (" + Root.COLUMN_ROOT_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + Root.COLUMN_FLAGS + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + Root.COLUMN_AVAILABLE_BYTES + " INTEGER," + Root.COLUMN_CAPACITY_BYTES + " INTEGER," + Root.COLUMN_MIME_TYPES + " TEXT NOT NULL);"; static final String QUERY_CREATE_LAST_BOOT_COUNT = "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_LAST_BOOT_COUNT + " (value INTEGER NOT NULL);"; /** * Map for columns names to provide DocumentContract.Root compatible columns. * @see SQLiteQueryBuilder#setProjectionMap(Map) */ static final Map COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS; static { COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS = new HashMap<>(); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put(Root.COLUMN_ROOT_ID, TABLE_ROOT_EXTRA + "." + Root.COLUMN_ROOT_ID); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put(Root.COLUMN_FLAGS, TABLE_ROOT_EXTRA + "." + Root.COLUMN_FLAGS); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put( Root.COLUMN_ICON, TABLE_DOCUMENTS + "." + Document.COLUMN_ICON + " AS " + Root.COLUMN_ICON); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put( Root.COLUMN_TITLE, TABLE_DOCUMENTS + "." + Document.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME + " AS " + Root.COLUMN_TITLE); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put( Root.COLUMN_SUMMARY, TABLE_DOCUMENTS + "." + Document.COLUMN_SUMMARY + " AS " + Root.COLUMN_SUMMARY); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put( Root.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID, TABLE_DOCUMENTS + "." + Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID + " AS " + Root.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put( Root.COLUMN_AVAILABLE_BYTES, TABLE_ROOT_EXTRA + "." + Root.COLUMN_AVAILABLE_BYTES); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put( Root.COLUMN_CAPACITY_BYTES, TABLE_ROOT_EXTRA + "." + Root.COLUMN_CAPACITY_BYTES); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put( Root.COLUMN_MIME_TYPES, TABLE_ROOT_EXTRA + "." + Root.COLUMN_MIME_TYPES); COLUMN_MAP_ROOTS.put(COLUMN_DEVICE_ID, COLUMN_DEVICE_ID); } private static String createJoinFromClosure( String table1, String table2, String column1, String column2) { return table1 + " LEFT JOIN " + table2 + " ON " + table1 + "." + column1 + " = " + table2 + "." + column2; } }