/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.wifi.aware; import android.hardware.wifi.V1_0.NanStatusType; import android.net.wifi.aware.IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback; import android.net.wifi.aware.PublishConfig; import android.net.wifi.aware.SubscribeConfig; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import libcore.util.HexEncoding; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Manages the state of a single Aware discovery session (publish or subscribe). * Primary state consists of a callback through which session callbacks are * executed as well as state related to currently active discovery sessions: * publish/subscribe ID, and MAC address caching (hiding) from clients. */ public class WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState { private static final String TAG = "WifiAwareDiscSessState"; private static final boolean VDBG = false; // STOPSHIP if true /* package */ boolean mDbg = false; private static int sNextPeerIdToBeAllocated = 100; // used to create a unique peer ID private final WifiAwareNativeApi mWifiAwareNativeApi; private int mSessionId; private byte mPubSubId; private IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback mCallback; private boolean mIsPublishSession; private boolean mIsRangingEnabled; private final long mCreationTime; static class PeerInfo { PeerInfo(int instanceId, byte[] mac) { mInstanceId = instanceId; mMac = mac; } int mInstanceId; byte[] mMac; @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("instanceId ["); sb.append(mInstanceId).append(", mac=").append(HexEncoding.encode(mMac)).append("]"); return sb.toString(); } } private final SparseArray mPeerInfoByRequestorInstanceId = new SparseArray<>(); public WifiAwareDiscoverySessionState(WifiAwareNativeApi wifiAwareNativeApi, int sessionId, byte pubSubId, IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback callback, boolean isPublishSession, boolean isRangingEnabled, long creationTime) { mWifiAwareNativeApi = wifiAwareNativeApi; mSessionId = sessionId; mPubSubId = pubSubId; mCallback = callback; mIsPublishSession = isPublishSession; mIsRangingEnabled = isRangingEnabled; mCreationTime = creationTime; } public int getSessionId() { return mSessionId; } public int getPubSubId() { return mPubSubId; } public boolean isPublishSession() { return mIsPublishSession; } public boolean isRangingEnabled() { return mIsRangingEnabled; } public long getCreationTime() { return mCreationTime; } public IWifiAwareDiscoverySessionCallback getCallback() { return mCallback; } /** * Return the peer information of the specified peer ID - or a null if no such peer ID is * registered. */ public PeerInfo getPeerInfo(int peerId) { return mPeerInfoByRequestorInstanceId.get(peerId); } /** * Destroy the current discovery session - stops publishing or subscribing * if currently active. */ public void terminate() { mCallback = null; if (mIsPublishSession) { mWifiAwareNativeApi.stopPublish((short) 0, mPubSubId); } else { mWifiAwareNativeApi.stopSubscribe((short) 0, mPubSubId); } } /** * Indicates whether the publish/subscribe ID (a HAL ID) corresponds to this * session. * * @param pubSubId The publish/subscribe HAL ID to be tested. * @return true if corresponds to this session, false otherwise. */ public boolean isPubSubIdSession(int pubSubId) { return mPubSubId == pubSubId; } /** * Modify a publish discovery session. * * @param transactionId Transaction ID for the transaction - used in the * async callback to match with the original request. * @param config Configuration of the publish session. */ public boolean updatePublish(short transactionId, PublishConfig config) { if (!mIsPublishSession) { Log.e(TAG, "A SUBSCRIBE session is being used to publish"); try { mCallback.onSessionConfigFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "updatePublish: RemoteException=" + e); } return false; } boolean success = mWifiAwareNativeApi.publish(transactionId, mPubSubId, config); if (!success) { try { mCallback.onSessionConfigFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "updatePublish onSessionConfigFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } } return success; } /** * Modify a subscribe discovery session. * * @param transactionId Transaction ID for the transaction - used in the * async callback to match with the original request. * @param config Configuration of the subscribe session. */ public boolean updateSubscribe(short transactionId, SubscribeConfig config) { if (mIsPublishSession) { Log.e(TAG, "A PUBLISH session is being used to subscribe"); try { mCallback.onSessionConfigFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "updateSubscribe: RemoteException=" + e); } return false; } boolean success = mWifiAwareNativeApi.subscribe(transactionId, mPubSubId, config); if (!success) { try { mCallback.onSessionConfigFail(NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "updateSubscribe onSessionConfigFail(): RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } } return success; } /** * Send a message to a peer which is part of a discovery session. * * @param transactionId Transaction ID for the transaction - used in the * async callback to match with the original request. * @param peerId ID of the peer. Obtained through previous communication (a * match indication). * @param message Message byte array to send to the peer. * @param messageId A message ID provided by caller to be used in any * callbacks related to the message (success/failure). */ public boolean sendMessage(short transactionId, int peerId, byte[] message, int messageId) { PeerInfo peerInfo = mPeerInfoByRequestorInstanceId.get(peerId); if (peerInfo == null) { Log.e(TAG, "sendMessage: attempting to send a message to an address which didn't " + "match/contact us"); try { mCallback.onMessageSendFail(messageId, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "sendMessage: RemoteException=" + e); } return false; } boolean success = mWifiAwareNativeApi.sendMessage(transactionId, mPubSubId, peerInfo.mInstanceId, peerInfo.mMac, message, messageId); if (!success) { try { mCallback.onMessageSendFail(messageId, NanStatusType.INTERNAL_FAILURE); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "sendMessage: RemoteException=" + e); } return false; } return success; } /** * Callback from HAL when a discovery occurs - i.e. when a match to an * active subscription request or to a solicited publish request occurs. * Propagates to client if registered. * * @param requestorInstanceId The ID used to identify the peer in this * matched session. * @param peerMac The MAC address of the peer. Never propagated to client * due to privacy concerns. * @param serviceSpecificInfo Information from the discovery advertisement * (usually not used in the match decisions). * @param matchFilter The filter from the discovery advertisement (which was * used in the match decision). * @param rangingIndication Bit mask indicating the type of ranging event triggered. * @param rangeMm The range to the peer in mm (valid if rangingIndication specifies ingress * or egress events - i.e. non-zero). */ public void onMatch(int requestorInstanceId, byte[] peerMac, byte[] serviceSpecificInfo, byte[] matchFilter, int rangingIndication, int rangeMm) { int peerId = getPeerIdOrAddIfNew(requestorInstanceId, peerMac); try { if (rangingIndication == 0) { mCallback.onMatch(peerId, serviceSpecificInfo, matchFilter); } else { mCallback.onMatchWithDistance(peerId, serviceSpecificInfo, matchFilter, rangeMm); } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "onMatch: RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } } /** * Callback from HAL when a message is received from a peer in a discovery * session. Propagated to client if registered. * * @param requestorInstanceId An ID used to identify the peer. * @param peerMac The MAC address of the peer sending the message. This * information is never propagated to the client due to privacy * concerns. * @param message The received message. */ public void onMessageReceived(int requestorInstanceId, byte[] peerMac, byte[] message) { int peerId = getPeerIdOrAddIfNew(requestorInstanceId, peerMac); try { mCallback.onMessageReceived(peerId, message); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.w(TAG, "onMessageReceived: RemoteException (FYI): " + e); } } private int getPeerIdOrAddIfNew(int requestorInstanceId, byte[] peerMac) { for (int i = 0; i < mPeerInfoByRequestorInstanceId.size(); ++i) { PeerInfo peerInfo = mPeerInfoByRequestorInstanceId.valueAt(i); if (peerInfo.mInstanceId == requestorInstanceId && Arrays.equals(peerMac, peerInfo.mMac)) { return mPeerInfoByRequestorInstanceId.keyAt(i); } } int newPeerId = sNextPeerIdToBeAllocated++; PeerInfo newPeerInfo = new PeerInfo(requestorInstanceId, peerMac); mPeerInfoByRequestorInstanceId.put(newPeerId, newPeerInfo); if (VDBG) { Log.v(TAG, "New peer info: peerId=" + newPeerId + ", peerInfo=" + newPeerInfo); } return newPeerId; } /** * Dump the internal state of the class. */ public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("AwareSessionState:"); pw.println(" mSessionId: " + mSessionId); pw.println(" mIsPublishSession: " + mIsPublishSession); pw.println(" mPubSubId: " + mPubSubId); pw.println(" mPeerInfoByRequestorInstanceId: [" + mPeerInfoByRequestorInstanceId + "]"); } }