/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.net.ConnectivityManager; import android.net.NetworkInfo; import android.net.NetworkStats; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PersistableBundle; import android.os.Registrant; import android.os.RegistrantList; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.Settings; import android.telecom.ConferenceParticipant; import android.telecom.TelecomManager; import android.telecom.VideoProfile; import android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager; import android.telephony.DisconnectCause; import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils; import android.telephony.PreciseDisconnectCause; import android.telephony.Rlog; import android.telephony.ServiceState; import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.telephony.ims.ImsCallProfile; import android.telephony.ims.ImsReasonInfo; import android.telephony.ims.ImsStreamMediaProfile; import android.telephony.ims.ImsSuppServiceNotification; import android.telephony.ims.feature.ImsFeature; import android.telephony.ims.feature.MmTelFeature; import android.telephony.ims.stub.ImsConfigImplBase; import android.telephony.ims.stub.ImsRegistrationImplBase; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import com.android.ims.ImsCall; import com.android.ims.ImsConfig; import com.android.ims.ImsConfigListener; import com.android.ims.ImsEcbm; import com.android.ims.ImsException; import com.android.ims.ImsManager; import com.android.ims.ImsMultiEndpoint; import com.android.ims.ImsUtInterface; import com.android.ims.MmTelFeatureConnection; import com.android.ims.internal.IImsCallSession; import com.android.ims.internal.IImsVideoCallProvider; import com.android.ims.internal.ImsVideoCallProviderWrapper; import com.android.ims.internal.VideoPauseTracker; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.internal.os.SomeArgs; import com.android.internal.telephony.Call; import com.android.internal.telephony.CallStateException; import com.android.internal.telephony.CallTracker; import com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException; import com.android.internal.telephony.CommandsInterface; import com.android.internal.telephony.Connection; import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneInternalInterface; import com.android.internal.telephony.SubscriptionController; import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyProperties; import com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DataEnabledSettings; import com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.SuppServiceNotification; import com.android.internal.telephony.metrics.TelephonyMetrics; import com.android.internal.telephony.nano.TelephonyProto.ImsConnectionState; import com.android.internal.telephony.nano.TelephonyProto.TelephonyCallSession; import com.android.internal.telephony.nano.TelephonyProto.TelephonyCallSession.Event.ImsCommand; import com.android.server.net.NetworkStatsService; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * {@hide} */ public class ImsPhoneCallTracker extends CallTracker implements ImsPullCall { static final String LOG_TAG = "ImsPhoneCallTracker"; static final String VERBOSE_STATE_TAG = "IPCTState"; public interface PhoneStateListener { void onPhoneStateChanged(PhoneConstants.State oldState, PhoneConstants.State newState); } public interface SharedPreferenceProxy { SharedPreferences getDefaultSharedPreferences(Context context); } public interface PhoneNumberUtilsProxy { boolean isEmergencyNumber(String number); } private static final boolean DBG = true; // When true, dumps the state of ImsPhoneCallTracker after changes to foreground and background // calls. This is helpful for debugging. It is also possible to enable this at runtime by // setting the IPCTState log tag to VERBOSE. private static final boolean FORCE_VERBOSE_STATE_LOGGING = false; /* stopship if true */ private static final boolean VERBOSE_STATE_LOGGING = FORCE_VERBOSE_STATE_LOGGING || Rlog.isLoggable(VERBOSE_STATE_TAG, Log.VERBOSE); private MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities mMmTelCapabilities = new MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities(); private TelephonyMetrics mMetrics; private boolean mCarrierConfigLoaded = false; private final MmTelFeatureListener mMmTelFeatureListener = new MmTelFeatureListener(); private class MmTelFeatureListener extends MmTelFeature.Listener { @Override public void onIncomingCall(IImsCallSession c, Bundle extras) { if (DBG) log("onReceive : incoming call intent"); if (mImsManager == null) return; try { // Network initiated USSD will be treated by mImsUssdListener boolean isUssd = extras.getBoolean(ImsManager.EXTRA_USSD, false); if (isUssd) { if (DBG) log("onReceive : USSD"); mUssdSession = mImsManager.takeCall(c, extras, mImsUssdListener); if (mUssdSession != null) { mUssdSession.accept(ImsCallProfile.CALL_TYPE_VOICE); } return; } boolean isUnknown = extras.getBoolean(ImsManager.EXTRA_IS_UNKNOWN_CALL, false); if (DBG) { log("onReceive : isUnknown = " + isUnknown + " fg = " + mForegroundCall.getState() + " bg = " + mBackgroundCall.getState()); } // Normal MT/Unknown call ImsCall imsCall = mImsManager.takeCall(c, extras, mImsCallListener); ImsPhoneConnection conn = new ImsPhoneConnection(mPhone, imsCall, ImsPhoneCallTracker.this, (isUnknown ? mForegroundCall : mRingingCall), isUnknown); // If there is an active call. if (mForegroundCall.hasConnections()) { ImsCall activeCall = mForegroundCall.getFirstConnection().getImsCall(); if (activeCall != null && imsCall != null) { // activeCall could be null if the foreground call is in a disconnected // state. If either of the calls is null there is no need to check if // one will be disconnected on answer. boolean answeringWillDisconnect = shouldDisconnectActiveCallOnAnswer(activeCall, imsCall); conn.setActiveCallDisconnectedOnAnswer(answeringWillDisconnect); } } conn.setAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall(mAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall); addConnection(conn); setVideoCallProvider(conn, imsCall); TelephonyMetrics.getInstance().writeOnImsCallReceive(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getSession()); if (isUnknown) { mPhone.notifyUnknownConnection(conn); } else { if ((mForegroundCall.getState() != ImsPhoneCall.State.IDLE) || (mBackgroundCall.getState() != ImsPhoneCall.State.IDLE)) { conn.update(imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State.WAITING); } mPhone.notifyNewRingingConnection(conn); mPhone.notifyIncomingRing(); } updatePhoneState(); mPhone.notifyPreciseCallStateChanged(); } catch (ImsException e) { loge("onReceive : exception " + e); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } @Override public void onVoiceMessageCountUpdate(int count) { if (mPhone != null && mPhone.mDefaultPhone != null) { if (DBG) log("onVoiceMessageCountChanged :: count=" + count); mPhone.mDefaultPhone.setVoiceMessageCount(count); } else { loge("onVoiceMessageCountUpdate: null phone"); } } } private BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals(CarrierConfigManager.ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED)) { int subId = intent.getIntExtra(PhoneConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID); if (subId == mPhone.getSubId()) { cacheCarrierConfiguration(subId); log("onReceive : Updating mAllowEmergencyVideoCalls = " + mAllowEmergencyVideoCalls); } } else if (TelecomManager.ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT_DIALER.equals(intent.getAction())) { mDefaultDialerUid.set(getPackageUid(context, intent.getStringExtra( TelecomManager.EXTRA_CHANGE_DEFAULT_DIALER_PACKAGE_NAME))); } } }; //***** Constants static final int MAX_CONNECTIONS = 7; static final int MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_CALL = 5; private static final int EVENT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO = 18; private static final int EVENT_RESUME_BACKGROUND = 19; private static final int EVENT_DIAL_PENDINGMO = 20; private static final int EVENT_EXIT_ECBM_BEFORE_PENDINGMO = 21; private static final int EVENT_VT_DATA_USAGE_UPDATE = 22; private static final int EVENT_DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED = 23; private static final int EVENT_GET_IMS_SERVICE = 24; private static final int EVENT_CHECK_FOR_WIFI_HANDOVER = 25; private static final int EVENT_ON_FEATURE_CAPABILITY_CHANGED = 26; private static final int EVENT_SUPP_SERVICE_INDICATION = 27; private static final int TIMEOUT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO = 500; // Initial condition for ims connection retry. private static final int IMS_RETRY_STARTING_TIMEOUT_MS = 500; // ms // Ceiling bitshift amount for service query timeout, calculated as: // 2^mImsServiceRetryCount * IMS_RETRY_STARTING_TIMEOUT_MS, where // mImsServiceRetryCount ∊ [0, CEILING_SERVICE_RETRY_COUNT]. private static final int CEILING_SERVICE_RETRY_COUNT = 6; private static final int HANDOVER_TO_WIFI_TIMEOUT_MS = 60000; // ms //***** Instance Variables private ArrayList mConnections = new ArrayList(); private RegistrantList mVoiceCallEndedRegistrants = new RegistrantList(); private RegistrantList mVoiceCallStartedRegistrants = new RegistrantList(); public ImsPhoneCall mRingingCall = new ImsPhoneCall(this, ImsPhoneCall.CONTEXT_RINGING); public ImsPhoneCall mForegroundCall = new ImsPhoneCall(this, ImsPhoneCall.CONTEXT_FOREGROUND); public ImsPhoneCall mBackgroundCall = new ImsPhoneCall(this, ImsPhoneCall.CONTEXT_BACKGROUND); public ImsPhoneCall mHandoverCall = new ImsPhoneCall(this, ImsPhoneCall.CONTEXT_HANDOVER); // Hold aggregated video call data usage for each video call since boot. // The ImsCall's call id is the key of the map. private final HashMap mVtDataUsageMap = new HashMap<>(); private volatile NetworkStats mVtDataUsageSnapshot = null; private volatile NetworkStats mVtDataUsageUidSnapshot = null; private final AtomicInteger mDefaultDialerUid = new AtomicInteger(NetworkStats.UID_ALL); private ImsPhoneConnection mPendingMO; private int mClirMode = CommandsInterface.CLIR_DEFAULT; private Object mSyncHold = new Object(); private ImsCall mUssdSession = null; private Message mPendingUssd = null; ImsPhone mPhone; private boolean mDesiredMute = false; // false = mute off private boolean mOnHoldToneStarted = false; private int mOnHoldToneId = -1; private PhoneConstants.State mState = PhoneConstants.State.IDLE; private int mImsServiceRetryCount; private ImsManager mImsManager; private ImsUtInterface mUtInterface; private Call.SrvccState mSrvccState = Call.SrvccState.NONE; private boolean mIsInEmergencyCall = false; private boolean mIsDataEnabled = false; private int pendingCallClirMode; private int mPendingCallVideoState; private Bundle mPendingIntentExtras; private boolean pendingCallInEcm = false; private boolean mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = false; private ImsCall mCallExpectedToResume = null; private boolean mAllowEmergencyVideoCalls = false; private boolean mIgnoreDataEnabledChangedForVideoCalls = false; private boolean mIsViLteDataMetered = false; private boolean mAlwaysPlayRemoteHoldTone = false; /** * Listeners to changes in the phone state. Intended for use by other interested IMS components * without the need to register a full blown {@link android.telephony.PhoneStateListener}. */ private List mPhoneStateListeners = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Carrier configuration option which determines if video calls which have been downgraded to an * audio call should be treated as if they are still video calls. */ private boolean mTreatDowngradedVideoCallsAsVideoCalls = false; /** * Carrier configuration option which determines if an ongoing video call over wifi should be * dropped when an audio call is answered. */ private boolean mDropVideoCallWhenAnsweringAudioCall = false; /** * Carrier configuration option which determines whether adding a call during a video call * should be allowed. */ private boolean mAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall = true; /** * Carrier configuration option which determines whether to notify the connection if a handover * to wifi fails. */ private boolean mNotifyVtHandoverToWifiFail = false; /** * Carrier configuration option which determines whether the carrier supports downgrading a * TX/RX/TX-RX video call directly to an audio-only call. */ private boolean mSupportDowngradeVtToAudio = false; /** * Stores the mapping of {@code ImsReasonInfo#CODE_*} to {@code PreciseDisconnectCause#*} */ private static final SparseIntArray PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP = new SparseIntArray(); static { PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_ILLEGAL_STATE, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_ILLEGAL_STATE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_INTERNAL_ERROR, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_INTERNAL_ERROR); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_IMS_SERVICE_DOWN, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_IMS_SERVICE_DOWN); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NO_PENDING_CALL, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_NO_PENDING_CALL); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_ENDED_BY_CONFERENCE_MERGE, PreciseDisconnectCause.NORMAL); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_POWER_OFF, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_POWER_OFF); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_LOW_BATTERY, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_LOW_BATTERY); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NETWORK_NO_SERVICE, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_NETWORK_NO_SERVICE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NETWORK_NO_LTE_COVERAGE, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_NETWORK_NO_LTE_COVERAGE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NETWORK_ROAMING, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_NETWORK_ROAMING); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NETWORK_IP_CHANGED, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_NETWORK_IP_CHANGED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NOT_REGISTERED, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_NOT_REGISTERED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_EXCEEDED, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_MAX_CALL_EXCEEDED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_DECLINE, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_CALL_DECLINE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_VCC_ON_PROGRESSING, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_CALL_VCC_ON_PROGRESSING); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_RESOURCE_RESERVATION_FAILED, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_CALL_RESOURCE_RESERVATION_FAILED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_CS_RETRY_REQUIRED, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_CALL_CS_RETRY_REQUIRED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_VOLTE_RETRY_REQUIRED, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_CALL_VOLTE_RETRY_REQUIRED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_TERMINATED, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_CALL_TERMINATED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_HO_NOT_FEASIBLE, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOCAL_HO_NOT_FEASIBLE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_TIMEOUT_1XX_WAITING, PreciseDisconnectCause.TIMEOUT_1XX_WAITING); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_TIMEOUT_NO_ANSWER, PreciseDisconnectCause.TIMEOUT_NO_ANSWER); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_TIMEOUT_NO_ANSWER_CALL_UPDATE, PreciseDisconnectCause.TIMEOUT_NO_ANSWER_CALL_UPDATE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_FDN_BLOCKED, PreciseDisconnectCause.FDN_BLOCKED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_REDIRECTED, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_REDIRECTED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_BAD_REQUEST, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_BAD_REQUEST); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_FORBIDDEN, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_FORBIDDEN); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_NOT_FOUND, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_NOT_FOUND); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_NOT_SUPPORTED, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_NOT_SUPPORTED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_TEMPRARILY_UNAVAILABLE, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_TEMPRARILY_UNAVAILABLE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_BAD_ADDRESS, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_BAD_ADDRESS); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_BUSY, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_BUSY); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_REQUEST_CANCELLED, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_REQUEST_CANCELLED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_NOT_REACHABLE, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_NOT_REACHABLE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_CLIENT_ERROR, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_CLIENT_ERROR); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_SERVER_TIMEOUT, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_SERVER_TIMEOUT); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_SERVER_ERROR, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_SERVER_ERROR); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_USER_REJECTED, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_USER_REJECTED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_GLOBAL_ERROR, PreciseDisconnectCause.SIP_GLOBAL_ERROR); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_EMERGENCY_TEMP_FAILURE, PreciseDisconnectCause.EMERGENCY_TEMP_FAILURE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_EMERGENCY_PERM_FAILURE, PreciseDisconnectCause.EMERGENCY_PERM_FAILURE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_MEDIA_INIT_FAILED, PreciseDisconnectCause.MEDIA_INIT_FAILED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_MEDIA_NO_DATA, PreciseDisconnectCause.MEDIA_NO_DATA); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_MEDIA_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, PreciseDisconnectCause.MEDIA_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_MEDIA_UNSPECIFIED, PreciseDisconnectCause.MEDIA_UNSPECIFIED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_TERMINATED, PreciseDisconnectCause.USER_TERMINATED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_NOANSWER, PreciseDisconnectCause.USER_NOANSWER); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_IGNORE, PreciseDisconnectCause.USER_IGNORE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_DECLINE, PreciseDisconnectCause.USER_DECLINE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOW_BATTERY, PreciseDisconnectCause.LOW_BATTERY); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_BLACKLISTED_CALL_ID, PreciseDisconnectCause.BLACKLISTED_CALL_ID); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_TERMINATED_BY_REMOTE, PreciseDisconnectCause.USER_TERMINATED_BY_REMOTE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_NOT_SUPPORTED, PreciseDisconnectCause.UT_NOT_SUPPORTED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, PreciseDisconnectCause.UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED, PreciseDisconnectCause.UT_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_NETWORK_ERROR, PreciseDisconnectCause.UT_NETWORK_ERROR); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_CB_PASSWORD_MISMATCH, PreciseDisconnectCause.UT_CB_PASSWORD_MISMATCH); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_ECBM_NOT_SUPPORTED, PreciseDisconnectCause.ECBM_NOT_SUPPORTED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_MULTIENDPOINT_NOT_SUPPORTED, PreciseDisconnectCause.MULTIENDPOINT_NOT_SUPPORTED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_CALL_DROP_IWLAN_TO_LTE_UNAVAILABLE, PreciseDisconnectCause.CALL_DROP_IWLAN_TO_LTE_UNAVAILABLE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE, PreciseDisconnectCause.ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_CALL_PULL_OUT_OF_SYNC, PreciseDisconnectCause.CALL_PULL_OUT_OF_SYNC); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_CALL_END_CAUSE_CALL_PULL, PreciseDisconnectCause.CALL_PULLED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SUPP_SVC_FAILED, PreciseDisconnectCause.SUPP_SVC_FAILED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SUPP_SVC_CANCELLED, PreciseDisconnectCause.SUPP_SVC_CANCELLED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SUPP_SVC_REINVITE_COLLISION, PreciseDisconnectCause.SUPP_SVC_REINVITE_COLLISION); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_IWLAN_DPD_FAILURE, PreciseDisconnectCause.IWLAN_DPD_FAILURE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_EPDG_TUNNEL_ESTABLISH_FAILURE, PreciseDisconnectCause.EPDG_TUNNEL_ESTABLISH_FAILURE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_EPDG_TUNNEL_REKEY_FAILURE, PreciseDisconnectCause.EPDG_TUNNEL_REKEY_FAILURE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_EPDG_TUNNEL_LOST_CONNECTION, PreciseDisconnectCause.EPDG_TUNNEL_LOST_CONNECTION); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CALLS_REACHED, PreciseDisconnectCause.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CALLS_REACHED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_REMOTE_CALL_DECLINE, PreciseDisconnectCause.REMOTE_CALL_DECLINE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DATA_LIMIT_REACHED, PreciseDisconnectCause.DATA_LIMIT_REACHED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DATA_DISABLED, PreciseDisconnectCause.DATA_DISABLED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_WIFI_LOST, PreciseDisconnectCause.WIFI_LOST); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_RADIO_OFF, PreciseDisconnectCause.RADIO_OFF); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_NO_VALID_SIM, PreciseDisconnectCause.NO_VALID_SIM); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_RADIO_INTERNAL_ERROR, PreciseDisconnectCause.RADIO_INTERNAL_ERROR); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_NETWORK_RESP_TIMEOUT, PreciseDisconnectCause.NETWORK_RESP_TIMEOUT); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_NETWORK_REJECT, PreciseDisconnectCause.NETWORK_REJECT); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_RADIO_ACCESS_FAILURE, PreciseDisconnectCause.RADIO_ACCESS_FAILURE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_RADIO_LINK_FAILURE, PreciseDisconnectCause.RADIO_LINK_FAILURE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_RADIO_LINK_LOST, PreciseDisconnectCause.RADIO_LINK_LOST); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_RADIO_UPLINK_FAILURE, PreciseDisconnectCause.RADIO_UPLINK_FAILURE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_RADIO_SETUP_FAILURE, PreciseDisconnectCause.RADIO_SETUP_FAILURE); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_RADIO_RELEASE_NORMAL, PreciseDisconnectCause.RADIO_RELEASE_NORMAL); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_RADIO_RELEASE_ABNORMAL, PreciseDisconnectCause.RADIO_RELEASE_ABNORMAL); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_ACCESS_CLASS_BLOCKED, PreciseDisconnectCause.ACCESS_CLASS_BLOCKED); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_NETWORK_DETACH, PreciseDisconnectCause.NETWORK_DETACH); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_1, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_1); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_2, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_2); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_3, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_3); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_4, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_4); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_5, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_5); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_6, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_6); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_7, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_7); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_8, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_8); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_9, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_9); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_10, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_10); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_11, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_11); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_12, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_12); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_13, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_13); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_14, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_14); PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.append(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_OEM_CAUSE_15, PreciseDisconnectCause.OEM_CAUSE_15); } /** * Carrier configuration option which determines whether the carrier wants to inform the user * when a video call is handed over from WIFI to LTE. * See {@link CarrierConfigManager#KEY_NOTIFY_HANDOVER_VIDEO_FROM_WIFI_TO_LTE_BOOL} for more * information. */ private boolean mNotifyHandoverVideoFromWifiToLTE = false; /** * Carrier configuration option which determines whether the carrier supports the * {@link VideoProfile#STATE_PAUSED} signalling. * See {@link CarrierConfigManager#KEY_SUPPORT_PAUSE_IMS_VIDEO_CALLS_BOOL} for more information. */ private boolean mSupportPauseVideo = false; /** * Carrier configuration option which defines a mapping from pairs of * {@link ImsReasonInfo#getCode()} and {@link ImsReasonInfo#getExtraMessage()} values to a new * {@code ImsReasonInfo#CODE_*} value. * * See {@link CarrierConfigManager#KEY_IMS_REASONINFO_MAPPING_STRING_ARRAY}. */ private Map, Integer> mImsReasonCodeMap = new ArrayMap<>(); /** * TODO: Remove this code; it is a workaround. * When {@code true}, forces {@link ImsManager#updateImsServiceConfig(boolean)} to * be called when an ongoing video call is disconnected. In some cases, where video pause is * supported by the carrier, when {@link #onDataEnabledChanged(boolean, int)} reports that data * has been disabled we will pause the video rather than disconnecting the call. When this * happens we need to prevent the IMS service config from being updated, as this will cause VT * to be disabled mid-call, resulting in an inability to un-pause the video. */ private boolean mShouldUpdateImsConfigOnDisconnect = false; /** * Default implementation for retrieving shared preferences; uses the actual PreferencesManager. */ private SharedPreferenceProxy mSharedPreferenceProxy = (Context context) -> { return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); }; /** * Default implementation for determining if a number is an emergency number. Uses the real * PhoneNumberUtils. */ private PhoneNumberUtilsProxy mPhoneNumberUtilsProxy = (String string) -> { return PhoneNumberUtils.isEmergencyNumber(string); }; // Callback fires when ImsManager MMTel Feature changes state private MmTelFeatureConnection.IFeatureUpdate mNotifyStatusChangedCallback = new MmTelFeatureConnection.IFeatureUpdate() { @Override public void notifyStateChanged() { try { int status = mImsManager.getImsServiceState(); log("Status Changed: " + status); switch (status) { case ImsFeature.STATE_READY: { startListeningForCalls(); break; } case ImsFeature.STATE_INITIALIZING: // fall through case ImsFeature.STATE_UNAVAILABLE: { stopListeningForCalls(); break; } default: { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Unexpected State!"); } } } catch (ImsException e) { // Could not get the ImsService, retry! retryGetImsService(); } } @Override public void notifyUnavailable() { retryGetImsService(); } }; @VisibleForTesting public interface IRetryTimeout { int get(); } /** * Default implementation of interface that calculates the ImsService retry timeout. * Override-able for testing. */ @VisibleForTesting public IRetryTimeout mRetryTimeout = () -> { int timeout = (1 << mImsServiceRetryCount) * IMS_RETRY_STARTING_TIMEOUT_MS; if (mImsServiceRetryCount <= CEILING_SERVICE_RETRY_COUNT) { mImsServiceRetryCount++; } return timeout; }; //***** Events //***** Constructors public ImsPhoneCallTracker(ImsPhone phone) { this.mPhone = phone; mMetrics = TelephonyMetrics.getInstance(); IntentFilter intentfilter = new IntentFilter(); intentfilter.addAction(CarrierConfigManager.ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED); intentfilter.addAction(TelecomManager.ACTION_CHANGE_DEFAULT_DIALER); mPhone.getContext().registerReceiver(mReceiver, intentfilter); cacheCarrierConfiguration(mPhone.getSubId()); mPhone.getDefaultPhone().registerForDataEnabledChanged( this, EVENT_DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED, null); mImsServiceRetryCount = 0; final TelecomManager telecomManager = (TelecomManager) mPhone.getContext().getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE); mDefaultDialerUid.set( getPackageUid(mPhone.getContext(), telecomManager.getDefaultDialerPackage())); long currentTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); mVtDataUsageSnapshot = new NetworkStats(currentTime, 1); mVtDataUsageUidSnapshot = new NetworkStats(currentTime, 1); // Send a message to connect to the Ims Service and open a connection through // getImsService(). sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_GET_IMS_SERVICE); } /** * Test-only method used to mock out access to the shared preferences through the * {@link PreferenceManager}. * @param sharedPreferenceProxy */ @VisibleForTesting public void setSharedPreferenceProxy(SharedPreferenceProxy sharedPreferenceProxy) { mSharedPreferenceProxy = sharedPreferenceProxy; } /** * Test-only method used to mock out access to the phone number utils class. * @param phoneNumberUtilsProxy */ @VisibleForTesting public void setPhoneNumberUtilsProxy(PhoneNumberUtilsProxy phoneNumberUtilsProxy) { mPhoneNumberUtilsProxy = phoneNumberUtilsProxy; } private int getPackageUid(Context context, String pkg) { if (pkg == null) { return NetworkStats.UID_ALL; } // Initialize to UID_ALL so at least it can be counted to overall data usage if // the dialer's package uid is not available. int uid = NetworkStats.UID_ALL; try { uid = context.getPackageManager().getPackageUid(pkg, 0); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { loge("Cannot find package uid. pkg = " + pkg); } return uid; } private void getImsService() throws ImsException { if (DBG) log("getImsService"); mImsManager = ImsManager.getInstance(mPhone.getContext(), mPhone.getPhoneId()); // Adding to set, will be safe adding multiple times. If the ImsService is not active yet, // this method will throw an ImsException. mImsManager.addNotifyStatusChangedCallbackIfAvailable(mNotifyStatusChangedCallback); // Wait for ImsService.STATE_READY to start listening for calls. // Call the callback right away for compatibility with older devices that do not use states. mNotifyStatusChangedCallback.notifyStateChanged(); } private void startListeningForCalls() throws ImsException { mImsServiceRetryCount = 0; mImsManager.open(mMmTelFeatureListener); mImsManager.addRegistrationCallback(mImsRegistrationCallback); mImsManager.addCapabilitiesCallback(mImsCapabilityCallback); mImsManager.setConfigListener(mImsConfigListener); mImsManager.getConfigInterface().addConfigCallback(mConfigCallback); // Get the ECBM interface and set IMSPhone's listener object for notifications getEcbmInterface().setEcbmStateListener(mPhone.getImsEcbmStateListener()); if (mPhone.isInEcm()) { // Call exit ECBM which will invoke onECBMExited mPhone.exitEmergencyCallbackMode(); } int mPreferredTtyMode = Settings.Secure.getInt( mPhone.getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.PREFERRED_TTY_MODE, Phone.TTY_MODE_OFF); mImsManager.setUiTTYMode(mPhone.getContext(), mPreferredTtyMode, null); ImsMultiEndpoint multiEndpoint = getMultiEndpointInterface(); if (multiEndpoint != null) { multiEndpoint.setExternalCallStateListener( mPhone.getExternalCallTracker().getExternalCallStateListener()); } //Set UT interface listener to receive UT indications. mUtInterface = getUtInterface(); if (mUtInterface != null) { mUtInterface.registerForSuppServiceIndication(this, EVENT_SUPP_SERVICE_INDICATION, null); } if (mCarrierConfigLoaded) { mImsManager.updateImsServiceConfig(true); } } private void stopListeningForCalls() { resetImsCapabilities(); // Only close on valid session. if (mImsManager != null) { try { mImsManager.getConfigInterface().removeConfigCallback(mConfigCallback); } catch (ImsException e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "stopListeningForCalls: unable to remove config callback."); } mImsManager.close(); } } public void dispose() { if (DBG) log("dispose"); mRingingCall.dispose(); mBackgroundCall.dispose(); mForegroundCall.dispose(); mHandoverCall.dispose(); clearDisconnected(); if (mUtInterface != null) { mUtInterface.unregisterForSuppServiceIndication(this); } mPhone.getContext().unregisterReceiver(mReceiver); mPhone.getDefaultPhone().unregisterForDataEnabledChanged(this); removeMessages(EVENT_GET_IMS_SERVICE); } @Override protected void finalize() { log("ImsPhoneCallTracker finalized"); } //***** Instance Methods //***** Public Methods @Override public void registerForVoiceCallStarted(Handler h, int what, Object obj) { Registrant r = new Registrant(h, what, obj); mVoiceCallStartedRegistrants.add(r); } @Override public void unregisterForVoiceCallStarted(Handler h) { mVoiceCallStartedRegistrants.remove(h); } @Override public void registerForVoiceCallEnded(Handler h, int what, Object obj) { Registrant r = new Registrant(h, what, obj); mVoiceCallEndedRegistrants.add(r); } @Override public void unregisterForVoiceCallEnded(Handler h) { mVoiceCallEndedRegistrants.remove(h); } public int getClirMode() { if (mSharedPreferenceProxy != null && mPhone.getDefaultPhone() != null) { SharedPreferences sp = mSharedPreferenceProxy.getDefaultSharedPreferences( mPhone.getContext()); return sp.getInt(Phone.CLIR_KEY + mPhone.getDefaultPhone().getPhoneId(), CommandsInterface.CLIR_DEFAULT); } else { loge("dial; could not get default CLIR mode."); return CommandsInterface.CLIR_DEFAULT; } } public Connection dial(String dialString, int videoState, Bundle intentExtras) throws CallStateException { ImsPhone.ImsDialArgs dialArgs = new ImsPhone.ImsDialArgs.Builder() .setIntentExtras(intentExtras) .setVideoState(videoState) .setClirMode(getClirMode()) .build(); return dial(dialString, dialArgs); } public synchronized Connection dial(String dialString, ImsPhone.ImsDialArgs dialArgs) throws CallStateException { boolean isPhoneInEcmMode = isPhoneInEcbMode(); boolean isEmergencyNumber = mPhoneNumberUtilsProxy.isEmergencyNumber(dialString); int clirMode = dialArgs.clirMode; int videoState = dialArgs.videoState; if (DBG) log("dial clirMode=" + clirMode); if (isEmergencyNumber) { clirMode = CommandsInterface.CLIR_SUPPRESSION; if (DBG) log("dial emergency call, set clirModIe=" + clirMode); } // note that this triggers call state changed notif clearDisconnected(); if (mImsManager == null) { throw new CallStateException("service not available"); } if (!canDial()) { throw new CallStateException("cannot dial in current state"); } if (isPhoneInEcmMode && isEmergencyNumber) { handleEcmTimer(ImsPhone.CANCEL_ECM_TIMER); } // If the call is to an emergency number and the carrier does not support video emergency // calls, dial as an audio-only call. if (isEmergencyNumber && VideoProfile.isVideo(videoState) && !mAllowEmergencyVideoCalls) { loge("dial: carrier does not support video emergency calls; downgrade to audio-only"); videoState = VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY; } boolean holdBeforeDial = false; // The new call must be assigned to the foreground call. // That call must be idle, so place anything that's // there on hold if (mForegroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE) { if (mBackgroundCall.getState() != ImsPhoneCall.State.IDLE) { //we should have failed in !canDial() above before we get here throw new CallStateException("cannot dial in current state"); } // foreground call is empty for the newly dialed connection holdBeforeDial = true; // Cache the video state for pending MO call. mPendingCallVideoState = videoState; mPendingIntentExtras = dialArgs.intentExtras; switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive(); } ImsPhoneCall.State fgState = ImsPhoneCall.State.IDLE; ImsPhoneCall.State bgState = ImsPhoneCall.State.IDLE; mClirMode = clirMode; synchronized (mSyncHold) { if (holdBeforeDial) { fgState = mForegroundCall.getState(); bgState = mBackgroundCall.getState(); //holding foreground call failed if (fgState == ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE) { throw new CallStateException("cannot dial in current state"); } //holding foreground call succeeded if (bgState == ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING) { holdBeforeDial = false; } } mPendingMO = new ImsPhoneConnection(mPhone, checkForTestEmergencyNumber(dialString), this, mForegroundCall, isEmergencyNumber); mPendingMO.setVideoState(videoState); if (dialArgs.rttTextStream != null) { log("dial: setting RTT stream on mPendingMO"); mPendingMO.setCurrentRttTextStream(dialArgs.rttTextStream); } } addConnection(mPendingMO); if (!holdBeforeDial) { if ((!isPhoneInEcmMode) || (isPhoneInEcmMode && isEmergencyNumber)) { dialInternal(mPendingMO, clirMode, videoState, dialArgs.intentExtras); } else { try { getEcbmInterface().exitEmergencyCallbackMode(); } catch (ImsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CallStateException("service not available"); } mPhone.setOnEcbModeExitResponse(this, EVENT_EXIT_ECM_RESPONSE_CDMA, null); pendingCallClirMode = clirMode; mPendingCallVideoState = videoState; pendingCallInEcm = true; } } updatePhoneState(); mPhone.notifyPreciseCallStateChanged(); return mPendingMO; } boolean isImsServiceReady() { if (mImsManager == null) { return false; } return mImsManager.isServiceReady(); } /** * Caches frequently used carrier configuration items locally. * * @param subId The sub id. */ private void cacheCarrierConfiguration(int subId) { CarrierConfigManager carrierConfigManager = (CarrierConfigManager) mPhone.getContext().getSystemService(Context.CARRIER_CONFIG_SERVICE); if (carrierConfigManager == null || !SubscriptionController.getInstance().isActiveSubId(subId)) { loge("cacheCarrierConfiguration: No carrier config service found" + " " + "or not active subId = " + subId); mCarrierConfigLoaded = false; return; } PersistableBundle carrierConfig = carrierConfigManager.getConfigForSubId(subId); if (carrierConfig == null) { loge("cacheCarrierConfiguration: Empty carrier config."); mCarrierConfigLoaded = false; return; } mCarrierConfigLoaded = true; mAllowEmergencyVideoCalls = carrierConfig.getBoolean(CarrierConfigManager.KEY_ALLOW_EMERGENCY_VIDEO_CALLS_BOOL); mTreatDowngradedVideoCallsAsVideoCalls = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_TREAT_DOWNGRADED_VIDEO_CALLS_AS_VIDEO_CALLS_BOOL); mDropVideoCallWhenAnsweringAudioCall = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_DROP_VIDEO_CALL_WHEN_ANSWERING_AUDIO_CALL_BOOL); mAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_ALLOW_ADD_CALL_DURING_VIDEO_CALL_BOOL); mNotifyVtHandoverToWifiFail = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_NOTIFY_VT_HANDOVER_TO_WIFI_FAILURE_BOOL); mSupportDowngradeVtToAudio = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_SUPPORT_DOWNGRADE_VT_TO_AUDIO_BOOL); mNotifyHandoverVideoFromWifiToLTE = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_NOTIFY_HANDOVER_VIDEO_FROM_WIFI_TO_LTE_BOOL); mIgnoreDataEnabledChangedForVideoCalls = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_IGNORE_DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED_FOR_VIDEO_CALLS); mIsViLteDataMetered = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_VILTE_DATA_IS_METERED_BOOL); mSupportPauseVideo = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_SUPPORT_PAUSE_IMS_VIDEO_CALLS_BOOL); mAlwaysPlayRemoteHoldTone = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_ALWAYS_PLAY_REMOTE_HOLD_TONE_BOOL); String[] mappings = carrierConfig .getStringArray(CarrierConfigManager.KEY_IMS_REASONINFO_MAPPING_STRING_ARRAY); if (mappings != null && mappings.length > 0) { for (String mapping : mappings) { String[] values = mapping.split(Pattern.quote("|")); if (values.length != 3) { continue; } try { Integer fromCode; if (values[0].equals("*")) { fromCode = null; } else { fromCode = Integer.parseInt(values[0]); } String message = values[1]; int toCode = Integer.parseInt(values[2]); addReasonCodeRemapping(fromCode, message, toCode); log("Loaded ImsReasonInfo mapping : fromCode = " + fromCode == null ? "any" : fromCode + " ; message = " + message + " ; toCode = " + toCode); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { loge("Invalid ImsReasonInfo mapping found: " + mapping); } } } else { log("No carrier ImsReasonInfo mappings defined."); } } private void handleEcmTimer(int action) { mPhone.handleTimerInEmergencyCallbackMode(action); switch (action) { case ImsPhone.CANCEL_ECM_TIMER: break; case ImsPhone.RESTART_ECM_TIMER: break; default: log("handleEcmTimer, unsupported action " + action); } } private void dialInternal(ImsPhoneConnection conn, int clirMode, int videoState, Bundle intentExtras) { if (conn == null) { return; } if (conn.getAddress()== null || conn.getAddress().length() == 0 || conn.getAddress().indexOf(PhoneNumberUtils.WILD) >= 0) { // Phone number is invalid conn.setDisconnectCause(DisconnectCause.INVALID_NUMBER); sendEmptyMessageDelayed(EVENT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO, TIMEOUT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO); return; } // Always unmute when initiating a new call setMute(false); int serviceType = mPhoneNumberUtilsProxy.isEmergencyNumber(conn.getAddress()) ? ImsCallProfile.SERVICE_TYPE_EMERGENCY : ImsCallProfile.SERVICE_TYPE_NORMAL; int callType = ImsCallProfile.getCallTypeFromVideoState(videoState); //TODO(vt): Is this sufficient? At what point do we know the video state of the call? conn.setVideoState(videoState); try { String[] callees = new String[] { conn.getAddress() }; ImsCallProfile profile = mImsManager.createCallProfile(serviceType, callType); profile.setCallExtraInt(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_OIR, clirMode); // Translate call subject intent-extra from Telecom-specific extra key to the // ImsCallProfile key. if (intentExtras != null) { if (intentExtras.containsKey(android.telecom.TelecomManager.EXTRA_CALL_SUBJECT)) { intentExtras.putString(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_DISPLAY_TEXT, cleanseInstantLetteringMessage(intentExtras.getString( android.telecom.TelecomManager.EXTRA_CALL_SUBJECT)) ); } if (conn.hasRttTextStream()) { profile.mMediaProfile.mRttMode = ImsStreamMediaProfile.RTT_MODE_FULL; } if (intentExtras.containsKey(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_IS_CALL_PULL)) { profile.mCallExtras.putBoolean(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_IS_CALL_PULL, intentExtras.getBoolean(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_IS_CALL_PULL)); int dialogId = intentExtras.getInt( ImsExternalCallTracker.EXTRA_IMS_EXTERNAL_CALL_ID); conn.setIsPulledCall(true); conn.setPulledDialogId(dialogId); } // Pack the OEM-specific call extras. profile.mCallExtras.putBundle(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_OEM_EXTRAS, intentExtras); // NOTE: Extras to be sent over the network are packed into the // intentExtras individually, with uniquely defined keys. // These key-value pairs are processed by IMS Service before // being sent to the lower layers/to the network. } ImsCall imsCall = mImsManager.makeCall(profile, callees, mImsCallListener); conn.setImsCall(imsCall); mMetrics.writeOnImsCallStart(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getSession()); setVideoCallProvider(conn, imsCall); conn.setAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall(mAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall); } catch (ImsException e) { loge("dialInternal : " + e); conn.setDisconnectCause(DisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED); sendEmptyMessageDelayed(EVENT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO, TIMEOUT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO); retryGetImsService(); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } /** * Accepts a call with the specified video state. The video state is the video state that the * user has agreed upon in the InCall UI. * * @param videoState The video State * @throws CallStateException */ public void acceptCall (int videoState) throws CallStateException { if (DBG) log("acceptCall"); if (mForegroundCall.getState().isAlive() && mBackgroundCall.getState().isAlive()) { throw new CallStateException("cannot accept call"); } if ((mRingingCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.WAITING) && mForegroundCall.getState().isAlive()) { setMute(false); boolean answeringWillDisconnect = false; ImsCall activeCall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); ImsCall ringingCall = mRingingCall.getImsCall(); if (mForegroundCall.hasConnections() && mRingingCall.hasConnections()) { answeringWillDisconnect = shouldDisconnectActiveCallOnAnswer(activeCall, ringingCall); } // Cache video state for pending MT call. mPendingCallVideoState = videoState; if (answeringWillDisconnect) { // We need to disconnect the foreground call before answering the background call. mForegroundCall.hangup(); try { ringingCall.accept(ImsCallProfile.getCallTypeFromVideoState(videoState)); } catch (ImsException e) { throw new CallStateException("cannot accept call"); } } else { switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive(); } } else if (mRingingCall.getState().isRinging()) { if (DBG) log("acceptCall: incoming..."); // Always unmute when answering a new call setMute(false); try { ImsCall imsCall = mRingingCall.getImsCall(); if (imsCall != null) { imsCall.accept(ImsCallProfile.getCallTypeFromVideoState(videoState)); mMetrics.writeOnImsCommand(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getSession(), ImsCommand.IMS_CMD_ACCEPT); } else { throw new CallStateException("no valid ims call"); } } catch (ImsException e) { throw new CallStateException("cannot accept call"); } } else { throw new CallStateException("phone not ringing"); } } public void rejectCall () throws CallStateException { if (DBG) log("rejectCall"); if (mRingingCall.getState().isRinging()) { hangup(mRingingCall); } else { throw new CallStateException("phone not ringing"); } } private void switchAfterConferenceSuccess() { if (DBG) log("switchAfterConferenceSuccess fg =" + mForegroundCall.getState() + ", bg = " + mBackgroundCall.getState()); if (mBackgroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING) { log("switchAfterConferenceSuccess"); mForegroundCall.switchWith(mBackgroundCall); } } public void switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive() throws CallStateException { if (DBG) log("switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive"); if (mRingingCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.INCOMING) { throw new CallStateException("cannot be in the incoming state"); } if (mForegroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE) { ImsCall imsCall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); if (imsCall == null) { throw new CallStateException("no ims call"); } // Swap the ImsCalls pointed to by the foreground and background ImsPhoneCalls. // If hold or resume later fails, we will swap them back. boolean switchingWithWaitingCall = !mBackgroundCall.getState().isAlive() && mRingingCall != null && mRingingCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.WAITING; mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = true; if (switchingWithWaitingCall) { mCallExpectedToResume = mRingingCall.getImsCall(); } else { mCallExpectedToResume = mBackgroundCall.getImsCall(); } mForegroundCall.switchWith(mBackgroundCall); // Hold the foreground call; once the foreground call is held, the background call will // be resumed. try { imsCall.hold(); mMetrics.writeOnImsCommand(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getSession(), ImsCommand.IMS_CMD_HOLD); // If there is no background call to resume, then don't expect there to be a switch. if (mCallExpectedToResume == null) { log("mCallExpectedToResume is null"); mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = false; } } catch (ImsException e) { mForegroundCall.switchWith(mBackgroundCall); throw new CallStateException(e.getMessage()); } } else if (mBackgroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING) { resumeWaitingOrHolding(); } } public void conference() { ImsCall fgImsCall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); if (fgImsCall == null) { log("conference no foreground ims call"); return; } ImsCall bgImsCall = mBackgroundCall.getImsCall(); if (bgImsCall == null) { log("conference no background ims call"); return; } if (fgImsCall.isCallSessionMergePending()) { log("conference: skip; foreground call already in process of merging."); return; } if (bgImsCall.isCallSessionMergePending()) { log("conference: skip; background call already in process of merging."); return; } // Keep track of the connect time of the earliest call so that it can be set on the // {@code ImsConference} when it is created. long foregroundConnectTime = mForegroundCall.getEarliestConnectTime(); long backgroundConnectTime = mBackgroundCall.getEarliestConnectTime(); long conferenceConnectTime; if (foregroundConnectTime > 0 && backgroundConnectTime > 0) { conferenceConnectTime = Math.min(mForegroundCall.getEarliestConnectTime(), mBackgroundCall.getEarliestConnectTime()); log("conference - using connect time = " + conferenceConnectTime); } else if (foregroundConnectTime > 0) { log("conference - bg call connect time is 0; using fg = " + foregroundConnectTime); conferenceConnectTime = foregroundConnectTime; } else { log("conference - fg call connect time is 0; using bg = " + backgroundConnectTime); conferenceConnectTime = backgroundConnectTime; } String foregroundId = ""; ImsPhoneConnection foregroundConnection = mForegroundCall.getFirstConnection(); if (foregroundConnection != null) { foregroundConnection.setConferenceConnectTime(conferenceConnectTime); foregroundConnection.handleMergeStart(); foregroundId = foregroundConnection.getTelecomCallId(); } String backgroundId = ""; ImsPhoneConnection backgroundConnection = findConnection(bgImsCall); if (backgroundConnection != null) { backgroundConnection.handleMergeStart(); backgroundId = backgroundConnection.getTelecomCallId(); } log("conference: fgCallId=" + foregroundId + ", bgCallId=" + backgroundId); try { fgImsCall.merge(bgImsCall); } catch (ImsException e) { log("conference " + e.getMessage()); } } public void explicitCallTransfer() { //TODO : implement } public void clearDisconnected() { if (DBG) log("clearDisconnected"); internalClearDisconnected(); updatePhoneState(); mPhone.notifyPreciseCallStateChanged(); } public boolean canConference() { return mForegroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE && mBackgroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING && !mBackgroundCall.isFull() && !mForegroundCall.isFull(); } public boolean canDial() { boolean ret; String disableCall = SystemProperties.get( TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_DISABLE_CALL, "false"); ret = mPendingMO == null && !mRingingCall.isRinging() && !disableCall.equals("true") && (!mForegroundCall.getState().isAlive() || !mBackgroundCall.getState().isAlive()); return ret; } public boolean canTransfer() { return mForegroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE && mBackgroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING; } //***** Private Instance Methods private void internalClearDisconnected() { mRingingCall.clearDisconnected(); mForegroundCall.clearDisconnected(); mBackgroundCall.clearDisconnected(); mHandoverCall.clearDisconnected(); } private void updatePhoneState() { PhoneConstants.State oldState = mState; boolean isPendingMOIdle = mPendingMO == null || !mPendingMO.getState().isAlive(); if (mRingingCall.isRinging()) { mState = PhoneConstants.State.RINGING; } else if (!isPendingMOIdle || !mForegroundCall.isIdle() || !mBackgroundCall.isIdle()) { // There is a non-idle call, so we're off the hook. mState = PhoneConstants.State.OFFHOOK; } else { mState = PhoneConstants.State.IDLE; } if (mState == PhoneConstants.State.IDLE && oldState != mState) { mVoiceCallEndedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants( new AsyncResult(null, null, null)); } else if (oldState == PhoneConstants.State.IDLE && oldState != mState) { mVoiceCallStartedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants ( new AsyncResult(null, null, null)); } if (DBG) { log("updatePhoneState pendingMo = " + (mPendingMO == null ? "null" : mPendingMO.getState()) + ", fg= " + mForegroundCall.getState() + "(" + mForegroundCall.getConnections().size() + "), bg= " + mBackgroundCall .getState() + "(" + mBackgroundCall.getConnections().size() + ")"); log("updatePhoneState oldState=" + oldState + ", newState=" + mState); } if (mState != oldState) { mPhone.notifyPhoneStateChanged(); mMetrics.writePhoneState(mPhone.getPhoneId(), mState); notifyPhoneStateChanged(oldState, mState); } } private void handleRadioNotAvailable() { // handlePollCalls will clear out its // call list when it gets the CommandException // error result from this pollCallsWhenSafe(); } private void dumpState() { List l; log("Phone State:" + mState); log("Ringing call: " + mRingingCall.toString()); l = mRingingCall.getConnections(); for (int i = 0, s = l.size(); i < s; i++) { log(l.get(i).toString()); } log("Foreground call: " + mForegroundCall.toString()); l = mForegroundCall.getConnections(); for (int i = 0, s = l.size(); i < s; i++) { log(l.get(i).toString()); } log("Background call: " + mBackgroundCall.toString()); l = mBackgroundCall.getConnections(); for (int i = 0, s = l.size(); i < s; i++) { log(l.get(i).toString()); } } //***** Called from ImsPhone /** * Set the TTY mode. This is the actual tty mode (varies depending on peripheral status) */ public void setTtyMode(int ttyMode) { if (mImsManager == null) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "ImsManager is null when setting TTY mode"); return; } try { mImsManager.setTtyMode(ttyMode); } catch (ImsException e) { loge("setTtyMode : " + e); retryGetImsService(); } } /** * Sets the UI TTY mode. This is the preferred TTY mode that the user sets in the call * settings screen. */ public void setUiTTYMode(int uiTtyMode, Message onComplete) { if (mImsManager == null) { mPhone.sendErrorResponse(onComplete, getImsManagerIsNullException()); return; } try { mImsManager.setUiTTYMode(mPhone.getContext(), uiTtyMode, onComplete); } catch (ImsException e) { loge("setUITTYMode : " + e); mPhone.sendErrorResponse(onComplete, e); retryGetImsService(); } } public void setMute(boolean mute) { mDesiredMute = mute; mForegroundCall.setMute(mute); } public boolean getMute() { return mDesiredMute; } public void sendDtmf(char c, Message result) { if (DBG) log("sendDtmf"); ImsCall imscall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); if (imscall != null) { imscall.sendDtmf(c, result); } } public void startDtmf(char c) { if (DBG) log("startDtmf"); ImsCall imscall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); if (imscall != null) { imscall.startDtmf(c); } else { loge("startDtmf : no foreground call"); } } public void stopDtmf() { if (DBG) log("stopDtmf"); ImsCall imscall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); if (imscall != null) { imscall.stopDtmf(); } else { loge("stopDtmf : no foreground call"); } } //***** Called from ImsPhoneConnection public void hangup (ImsPhoneConnection conn) throws CallStateException { if (DBG) log("hangup connection"); if (conn.getOwner() != this) { throw new CallStateException ("ImsPhoneConnection " + conn + "does not belong to ImsPhoneCallTracker " + this); } hangup(conn.getCall()); } //***** Called from ImsPhoneCall public void hangup (ImsPhoneCall call) throws CallStateException { if (DBG) log("hangup call"); if (call.getConnections().size() == 0) { throw new CallStateException("no connections"); } ImsCall imsCall = call.getImsCall(); boolean rejectCall = false; if (call == mRingingCall) { if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) log("(ringing) hangup incoming"); rejectCall = true; } else if (call == mForegroundCall) { if (call.isDialingOrAlerting()) { if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) { log("(foregnd) hangup dialing or alerting..."); } } else { if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) { log("(foregnd) hangup foreground"); } //held call will be resumed by onCallTerminated } } else if (call == mBackgroundCall) { if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) { log("(backgnd) hangup waiting or background"); } } else { throw new CallStateException ("ImsPhoneCall " + call + "does not belong to ImsPhoneCallTracker " + this); } call.onHangupLocal(); try { if (imsCall != null) { if (rejectCall) { imsCall.reject(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_DECLINE); mMetrics.writeOnImsCommand(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getSession(), ImsCommand.IMS_CMD_REJECT); } else { imsCall.terminate(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_TERMINATED); mMetrics.writeOnImsCommand(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getSession(), ImsCommand.IMS_CMD_TERMINATE); } } else if (mPendingMO != null && call == mForegroundCall) { // is holding a foreground call mPendingMO.update(null, ImsPhoneCall.State.DISCONNECTED); mPendingMO.onDisconnect(); removeConnection(mPendingMO); mPendingMO = null; updatePhoneState(); removeMessages(EVENT_DIAL_PENDINGMO); } } catch (ImsException e) { throw new CallStateException(e.getMessage()); } mPhone.notifyPreciseCallStateChanged(); } void callEndCleanupHandOverCallIfAny() { if (mHandoverCall.mConnections.size() > 0) { if (DBG) log("callEndCleanupHandOverCallIfAny, mHandoverCall.mConnections=" + mHandoverCall.mConnections); mHandoverCall.mConnections.clear(); mConnections.clear(); mState = PhoneConstants.State.IDLE; } } /* package */ void resumeWaitingOrHolding() throws CallStateException { if (DBG) log("resumeWaitingOrHolding"); try { if (mForegroundCall.getState().isAlive()) { //resume foreground call after holding background call //they were switched before holding ImsCall imsCall = mForegroundCall.getImsCall(); if (imsCall != null) { imsCall.resume(); mMetrics.writeOnImsCommand(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getSession(), ImsCommand.IMS_CMD_RESUME); } } else if (mRingingCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.WAITING) { //accept waiting call after holding background call ImsCall imsCall = mRingingCall.getImsCall(); if (imsCall != null) { imsCall.accept( ImsCallProfile.getCallTypeFromVideoState(mPendingCallVideoState)); mMetrics.writeOnImsCommand(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getSession(), ImsCommand.IMS_CMD_ACCEPT); } } else { //Just resume background call. //To distinguish resuming call with swapping calls //we do not switch calls.here //ImsPhoneConnection.update will chnage the parent when completed ImsCall imsCall = mBackgroundCall.getImsCall(); if (imsCall != null) { imsCall.resume(); mMetrics.writeOnImsCommand(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getSession(), ImsCommand.IMS_CMD_RESUME); } } } catch (ImsException e) { throw new CallStateException(e.getMessage()); } } public void sendUSSD (String ussdString, Message response) { if (DBG) log("sendUSSD"); try { if (mUssdSession != null) { mUssdSession.sendUssd(ussdString); AsyncResult.forMessage(response, null, null); response.sendToTarget(); return; } if (mImsManager == null) { mPhone.sendErrorResponse(response, getImsManagerIsNullException()); return; } String[] callees = new String[] { ussdString }; ImsCallProfile profile = mImsManager.createCallProfile( ImsCallProfile.SERVICE_TYPE_NORMAL, ImsCallProfile.CALL_TYPE_VOICE); profile.setCallExtraInt(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_DIALSTRING, ImsCallProfile.DIALSTRING_USSD); mUssdSession = mImsManager.makeCall(profile, callees, mImsUssdListener); } catch (ImsException e) { loge("sendUSSD : " + e); mPhone.sendErrorResponse(response, e); retryGetImsService(); } } public void cancelUSSD() { if (mUssdSession == null) return; try { mUssdSession.terminate(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_TERMINATED); } catch (ImsException e) { } } private synchronized ImsPhoneConnection findConnection(final ImsCall imsCall) { for (ImsPhoneConnection conn : mConnections) { if (conn.getImsCall() == imsCall) { return conn; } } return null; } private synchronized void removeConnection(ImsPhoneConnection conn) { mConnections.remove(conn); // If not emergency call is remaining, notify emergency call registrants if (mIsInEmergencyCall) { boolean isEmergencyCallInList = false; // if no emergency calls pending, set this to false for (ImsPhoneConnection imsPhoneConnection : mConnections) { if (imsPhoneConnection != null && imsPhoneConnection.isEmergency() == true) { isEmergencyCallInList = true; break; } } if (!isEmergencyCallInList) { mIsInEmergencyCall = false; mPhone.sendEmergencyCallStateChange(false); } } } private synchronized void addConnection(ImsPhoneConnection conn) { mConnections.add(conn); if (conn.isEmergency()) { mIsInEmergencyCall = true; mPhone.sendEmergencyCallStateChange(true); } } private void processCallStateChange(ImsCall imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State state, int cause) { if (DBG) log("processCallStateChange " + imsCall + " state=" + state + " cause=" + cause); // This method is called on onCallUpdate() where there is not necessarily a call state // change. In these situations, we'll ignore the state related updates and only process // the change in media capabilities (as expected). The default is to not ignore state // changes so we do not change existing behavior. processCallStateChange(imsCall, state, cause, false /* do not ignore state update */); } private void processCallStateChange(ImsCall imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State state, int cause, boolean ignoreState) { if (DBG) { log("processCallStateChange state=" + state + " cause=" + cause + " ignoreState=" + ignoreState); } if (imsCall == null) return; boolean changed = false; ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn == null) { // TODO : what should be done? return; } // processCallStateChange is triggered for onCallUpdated as well. // onCallUpdated should not modify the state of the call // It should modify only other capabilities of call through updateMediaCapabilities // State updates will be triggered through individual callbacks // i.e. onCallHeld, onCallResume, etc and conn.update will be responsible for the update conn.updateMediaCapabilities(imsCall); if (ignoreState) { conn.updateAddressDisplay(imsCall); conn.updateExtras(imsCall); maybeSetVideoCallProvider(conn, imsCall); return; } changed = conn.update(imsCall, state); if (state == ImsPhoneCall.State.DISCONNECTED) { changed = conn.onDisconnect(cause) || changed; //detach the disconnected connections conn.getCall().detach(conn); removeConnection(conn); } if (changed) { if (conn.getCall() == mHandoverCall) return; updatePhoneState(); mPhone.notifyPreciseCallStateChanged(); } } private void maybeSetVideoCallProvider(ImsPhoneConnection conn, ImsCall imsCall) { android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider connVideoProvider = conn.getVideoProvider(); if (connVideoProvider != null || imsCall.getCallSession().getVideoCallProvider() == null) { return; } try { setVideoCallProvider(conn, imsCall); } catch (RemoteException e) { loge("maybeSetVideoCallProvider: exception " + e); } } /** * Adds a reason code remapping, for test purposes. * * @param fromCode The from code, or {@code null} if all. * @param message The message to map. * @param toCode The code to remap to. */ @VisibleForTesting public void addReasonCodeRemapping(Integer fromCode, String message, Integer toCode) { mImsReasonCodeMap.put(new Pair<>(fromCode, message), toCode); } /** * Returns the {@link ImsReasonInfo#getCode()}, potentially remapping to a new value based on * the {@link ImsReasonInfo#getCode()} and {@link ImsReasonInfo#getExtraMessage()}. * * See {@link #mImsReasonCodeMap}. * * @param reasonInfo The {@link ImsReasonInfo}. * @return The remapped code. */ @VisibleForTesting public int maybeRemapReasonCode(ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { int code = reasonInfo.getCode(); Pair toCheck = new Pair<>(code, reasonInfo.getExtraMessage()); Pair wildcardToCheck = new Pair<>(null, reasonInfo.getExtraMessage()); if (mImsReasonCodeMap.containsKey(toCheck)) { int toCode = mImsReasonCodeMap.get(toCheck); log("maybeRemapReasonCode : fromCode = " + reasonInfo.getCode() + " ; message = " + reasonInfo.getExtraMessage() + " ; toCode = " + toCode); return toCode; } else if (mImsReasonCodeMap.containsKey(wildcardToCheck)) { // Handle the case where a wildcard is specified for the fromCode; in this case we will // match without caring about the fromCode. int toCode = mImsReasonCodeMap.get(wildcardToCheck); log("maybeRemapReasonCode : fromCode(wildcard) = " + reasonInfo.getCode() + " ; message = " + reasonInfo.getExtraMessage() + " ; toCode = " + toCode); return toCode; } return code; } /** * Maps an {@link ImsReasonInfo} reason code to a {@link DisconnectCause} cause code. * The {@link Call.State} provided is the state of the call prior to disconnection. * @param reasonInfo the {@link ImsReasonInfo} for the disconnection. * @param callState The {@link Call.State} prior to disconnection. * @return The {@link DisconnectCause} code. */ @VisibleForTesting public int getDisconnectCauseFromReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo, Call.State callState) { int cause = DisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; int code = maybeRemapReasonCode(reasonInfo); switch (code) { case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_ALTERNATE_EMERGENCY_CALL: return DisconnectCause.IMS_SIP_ALTERNATE_EMERGENCY_CALL; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_BAD_ADDRESS: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_NOT_REACHABLE: return DisconnectCause.NUMBER_UNREACHABLE; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_BUSY: return DisconnectCause.BUSY; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_TERMINATED: return DisconnectCause.LOCAL; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_ENDED_BY_CONFERENCE_MERGE: return DisconnectCause.IMS_MERGED_SUCCESSFULLY; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_DECLINE: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_REMOTE_CALL_DECLINE: // If the call has been declined locally (on this device), or on remotely (on // another device using multiendpoint functionality), mark it as rejected. return DisconnectCause.INCOMING_REJECTED; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_TERMINATED_BY_REMOTE: return DisconnectCause.NORMAL; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_FORBIDDEN: return DisconnectCause.SERVER_ERROR; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_REDIRECTED: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_BAD_REQUEST: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_USER_REJECTED: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_GLOBAL_ERROR: return DisconnectCause.SERVER_ERROR; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_NOT_FOUND: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_SERVER_ERROR: return DisconnectCause.SERVER_UNREACHABLE; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NETWORK_ROAMING: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NETWORK_IP_CHANGED: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_IMS_SERVICE_DOWN: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NOT_REGISTERED: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NETWORK_NO_LTE_COVERAGE: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_NETWORK_NO_SERVICE: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_VCC_ON_PROGRESSING: return DisconnectCause.OUT_OF_SERVICE; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_TIMEOUT_1XX_WAITING: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_TIMEOUT_NO_ANSWER: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_TIMEOUT_NO_ANSWER_CALL_UPDATE: return DisconnectCause.TIMED_OUT; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_POWER_OFF: return DisconnectCause.POWER_OFF; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_LOW_BATTERY: case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOW_BATTERY: { if (callState == Call.State.DIALING) { return DisconnectCause.DIAL_LOW_BATTERY; } else { return DisconnectCause.LOW_BATTERY; } } case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_CALL_BARRED: return DisconnectCause.CALL_BARRED; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_FDN_BLOCKED: return DisconnectCause.FDN_BLOCKED; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_IMEI_NOT_ACCEPTED: return DisconnectCause.IMEI_NOT_ACCEPTED; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE: return DisconnectCause.ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_CALL_END_CAUSE_CALL_PULL: return DisconnectCause.CALL_PULLED; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CALLS_REACHED: return DisconnectCause.MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CALLS_REACHED; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DATA_DISABLED: return DisconnectCause.DATA_DISABLED; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DATA_LIMIT_REACHED: return DisconnectCause.DATA_LIMIT_REACHED; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_WIFI_LOST: return DisconnectCause.WIFI_LOST; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_ACCESS_CLASS_BLOCKED: return DisconnectCause.IMS_ACCESS_BLOCKED; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_EMERGENCY_TEMP_FAILURE: return DisconnectCause.EMERGENCY_TEMP_FAILURE; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_EMERGENCY_PERM_FAILURE: return DisconnectCause.EMERGENCY_PERM_FAILURE; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_USSD: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_USSD; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_SS: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_SS; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL_VIDEO: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL_VIDEO; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DIAL_VIDEO_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_VIDEO_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DIAL_VIDEO_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL_VIDEO: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_VIDEO_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL_VIDEO; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DIAL_VIDEO_MODIFIED_TO_SS: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_VIDEO_MODIFIED_TO_SS; case ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DIAL_VIDEO_MODIFIED_TO_USSD: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_VIDEO_MODIFIED_TO_USSD; default: } return cause; } private int getPreciseDisconnectCauseFromReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { return PRECISE_CAUSE_MAP.get(maybeRemapReasonCode(reasonInfo), PreciseDisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED); } /** * @return true if the phone is in Emergency Callback mode, otherwise false */ private boolean isPhoneInEcbMode() { return mPhone != null && mPhone.isInEcm(); } /** * Before dialing pending MO request, check for the Emergency Callback mode. * If device is in Emergency callback mode, then exit the mode before dialing pending MO. */ private void dialPendingMO() { boolean isPhoneInEcmMode = isPhoneInEcbMode(); boolean isEmergencyNumber = mPendingMO.isEmergency(); if ((!isPhoneInEcmMode) || (isPhoneInEcmMode && isEmergencyNumber)) { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_DIAL_PENDINGMO); } else { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_EXIT_ECBM_BEFORE_PENDINGMO); } } /** * Listen to the IMS call state change */ private ImsCall.Listener mImsCallListener = new ImsCall.Listener() { @Override public void onCallProgressing(ImsCall imsCall) { if (DBG) log("onCallProgressing"); mPendingMO = null; processCallStateChange(imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State.ALERTING, DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED); mMetrics.writeOnImsCallProgressing(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession()); } @Override public void onCallStarted(ImsCall imsCall) { if (DBG) log("onCallStarted"); if (mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls) { // If we put a call on hold to answer an incoming call, we should reset the // variables that keep track of the switch here. if (mCallExpectedToResume != null && mCallExpectedToResume == imsCall) { if (DBG) log("onCallStarted: starting a call as a result of a switch."); mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = false; mCallExpectedToResume = null; } } mPendingMO = null; processCallStateChange(imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE, DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED); if (mNotifyVtHandoverToWifiFail && !imsCall.isWifiCall() && imsCall.isVideoCall() && isWifiConnected()) { // Schedule check to see if handover succeeded. sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(EVENT_CHECK_FOR_WIFI_HANDOVER, imsCall), HANDOVER_TO_WIFI_TIMEOUT_MS); } mMetrics.writeOnImsCallStarted(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession()); } @Override public void onCallUpdated(ImsCall imsCall) { if (DBG) log("onCallUpdated"); if (imsCall == null) { return; } ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { processCallStateChange(imsCall, conn.getCall().mState, DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED, true /*ignore state update*/); mMetrics.writeImsCallState(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession(), conn.getCall().mState); } } /** * onCallStartFailed will be invoked when: * case 1) Dialing fails * case 2) Ringing call is disconnected by local or remote user */ @Override public void onCallStartFailed(ImsCall imsCall, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { if (DBG) log("onCallStartFailed reasonCode=" + reasonInfo.getCode()); if (mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls) { // If we put a call on hold to answer an incoming call, we should reset the // variables that keep track of the switch here. if (mCallExpectedToResume != null && mCallExpectedToResume == imsCall) { if (DBG) log("onCallStarted: starting a call as a result of a switch."); mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = false; mCallExpectedToResume = null; } } if (mPendingMO != null) { // To initiate dialing circuit-switched call if (reasonInfo.getCode() == ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_CS_RETRY_REQUIRED && mBackgroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.IDLE && mRingingCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.IDLE) { mForegroundCall.detach(mPendingMO); removeConnection(mPendingMO); mPendingMO.finalize(); mPendingMO = null; mPhone.initiateSilentRedial(); return; } else { mPendingMO = null; ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); Call.State callState; if (conn != null) { callState = conn.getState(); } else { // Need to fall back in case connection is null; it shouldn't be, but a sane // fallback is to assume we're dialing. This state is only used to // determine which disconnect string to show in the case of a low battery // disconnect. callState = Call.State.DIALING; } int cause = getDisconnectCauseFromReasonInfo(reasonInfo, callState); if(conn != null) { conn.setPreciseDisconnectCause( getPreciseDisconnectCauseFromReasonInfo(reasonInfo)); } processCallStateChange(imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State.DISCONNECTED, cause); } mMetrics.writeOnImsCallStartFailed(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession(), reasonInfo); } } @Override public void onCallTerminated(ImsCall imsCall, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { if (DBG) log("onCallTerminated reasonCode=" + reasonInfo.getCode()); ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); Call.State callState; if (conn != null) { callState = conn.getState(); } else { // Connection shouldn't be null, but if it is, we can assume the call was active. // This call state is only used for determining which disconnect message to show in // the case of the device's battery being low resulting in a call drop. callState = Call.State.ACTIVE; } int cause = getDisconnectCauseFromReasonInfo(reasonInfo, callState); if (DBG) log("cause = " + cause + " conn = " + conn); if (conn != null) { android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider videoProvider = conn.getVideoProvider(); if (videoProvider instanceof ImsVideoCallProviderWrapper) { ImsVideoCallProviderWrapper wrapper = (ImsVideoCallProviderWrapper) videoProvider; wrapper.removeImsVideoProviderCallback(conn); } } if (mOnHoldToneId == System.identityHashCode(conn)) { if (conn != null && mOnHoldToneStarted) { mPhone.stopOnHoldTone(conn); } mOnHoldToneStarted = false; mOnHoldToneId = -1; } if (conn != null) { if (conn.isPulledCall() && ( reasonInfo.getCode() == ImsReasonInfo.CODE_CALL_PULL_OUT_OF_SYNC || reasonInfo.getCode() == ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_TEMPRARILY_UNAVAILABLE || reasonInfo.getCode() == ImsReasonInfo.CODE_SIP_FORBIDDEN) && mPhone != null && mPhone.getExternalCallTracker() != null) { log("Call pull failed."); // Call was being pulled, but the call pull has failed -- inform the associated // TelephonyConnection that the pull failed, and provide it with the original // external connection which was pulled so that it can be swapped back. conn.onCallPullFailed(mPhone.getExternalCallTracker() .getConnectionById(conn.getPulledDialogId())); // Do not mark as disconnected; the call will just change from being a regular // call to being an external call again. cause = DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED; } else if (conn.isIncoming() && conn.getConnectTime() == 0 && cause != DisconnectCause.ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE) { // Missed if (cause == DisconnectCause.NORMAL) { cause = DisconnectCause.INCOMING_MISSED; } else { cause = DisconnectCause.INCOMING_REJECTED; } if (DBG) log("Incoming connection of 0 connect time detected - translated " + "cause = " + cause); } } if (cause == DisconnectCause.NORMAL && conn != null && conn.getImsCall().isMerged()) { // Call was terminated while it is merged instead of a remote disconnect. cause = DisconnectCause.IMS_MERGED_SUCCESSFULLY; } mMetrics.writeOnImsCallTerminated(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession(), reasonInfo); if(conn != null) { conn.setPreciseDisconnectCause(getPreciseDisconnectCauseFromReasonInfo(reasonInfo)); } processCallStateChange(imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State.DISCONNECTED, cause); if (mForegroundCall.getState() != ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE) { if (mRingingCall.getState().isRinging()) { // Drop pending MO. We should address incoming call first mPendingMO = null; } else if (mPendingMO != null) { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_DIAL_PENDINGMO); } } if (mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls) { if (DBG) { log("onCallTerminated: Call terminated in the midst of Switching " + "Fg and Bg calls."); } // If we are the in midst of swapping FG and BG calls and the call that was // terminated was the one that we expected to resume, we need to swap the FG and // BG calls back. if (imsCall == mCallExpectedToResume) { if (DBG) { log("onCallTerminated: switching " + mForegroundCall + " with " + mBackgroundCall); } mForegroundCall.switchWith(mBackgroundCall); } // This call terminated in the midst of a switch after the other call was held, so // resume it back to ACTIVE state since the switch failed. log("onCallTerminated: foreground call in state " + mForegroundCall.getState() + " and ringing call in state " + (mRingingCall == null ? "null" : mRingingCall.getState().toString())); if (mForegroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING || mRingingCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.WAITING) { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_RESUME_BACKGROUND); mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = false; mCallExpectedToResume = null; } } if (mShouldUpdateImsConfigOnDisconnect) { // Ensure we update the IMS config when the call is disconnected; we delayed this // because a video call was paused. if (mImsManager != null) { mImsManager.updateImsServiceConfig(true); } mShouldUpdateImsConfigOnDisconnect = false; } } @Override public void onCallHeld(ImsCall imsCall) { if (DBG) { if (mForegroundCall.getImsCall() == imsCall) { log("onCallHeld (fg) " + imsCall); } else if (mBackgroundCall.getImsCall() == imsCall) { log("onCallHeld (bg) " + imsCall); } } synchronized (mSyncHold) { ImsPhoneCall.State oldState = mBackgroundCall.getState(); processCallStateChange(imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING, DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED); // Note: If we're performing a switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive, the call to // processCallStateChange above may have caused the mBackgroundCall and // mForegroundCall references below to change meaning. Watch out for this if you // are reading through this code. if (oldState == ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE) { // Note: This case comes up when we have just held a call in response to a // switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive. We now need to resume the background call. // The EVENT_RESUME_BACKGROUND causes resumeWaitingOrHolding to be called. if ((mForegroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING) || (mRingingCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.WAITING)) { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_RESUME_BACKGROUND); } else { //when multiple connections belong to background call, //only the first callback reaches here //otherwise the oldState is already HOLDING if (mPendingMO != null) { dialPendingMO(); } // In this case there will be no call resumed, so we can assume that we // are done switching fg and bg calls now. // This may happen if there is no BG call and we are holding a call so that // we can dial another one. mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = false; } } else if (oldState == ImsPhoneCall.State.IDLE && mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls) { // The other call terminated in the midst of a switch before this call was held, // so resume the foreground call back to ACTIVE state since the switch failed. if (mForegroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING) { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_RESUME_BACKGROUND); mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = false; mCallExpectedToResume = null; } } } mMetrics.writeOnImsCallHeld(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession()); } @Override public void onCallHoldFailed(ImsCall imsCall, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { if (DBG) log("onCallHoldFailed reasonCode=" + reasonInfo.getCode()); synchronized (mSyncHold) { ImsPhoneCall.State bgState = mBackgroundCall.getState(); if (reasonInfo.getCode() == ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_CALL_TERMINATED) { // disconnected while processing hold if (mPendingMO != null) { dialPendingMO(); } } else if (bgState == ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE) { mForegroundCall.switchWith(mBackgroundCall); if (mPendingMO != null) { mPendingMO.setDisconnectCause(DisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED); sendEmptyMessageDelayed(EVENT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO, TIMEOUT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO); } } mPhone.notifySuppServiceFailed(Phone.SuppService.HOLD); } mMetrics.writeOnImsCallHoldFailed(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession(), reasonInfo); } @Override public void onCallResumed(ImsCall imsCall) { if (DBG) log("onCallResumed"); // If we are the in midst of swapping FG and BG calls and the call we end up resuming // is not the one we expected, we likely had a resume failure and we need to swap the // FG and BG calls back. if (mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls) { if (imsCall != mCallExpectedToResume) { // If the call which resumed isn't as expected, we need to swap back to the // previous configuration; the swap has failed. if (DBG) { log("onCallResumed : switching " + mForegroundCall + " with " + mBackgroundCall); } mForegroundCall.switchWith(mBackgroundCall); } else { // The call which resumed is the one we expected to resume, so we can clear out // the mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls flag. if (DBG) { log("onCallResumed : expected call resumed."); } } mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = false; mCallExpectedToResume = null; } processCallStateChange(imsCall, ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE, DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED); mMetrics.writeOnImsCallResumed(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession()); } @Override public void onCallResumeFailed(ImsCall imsCall, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { if (mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls) { // If we are in the midst of swapping the FG and BG calls and // we got a resume fail, we need to swap back the FG and BG calls. // Since the FG call was held, will also try to resume the same. if (imsCall == mCallExpectedToResume) { if (DBG) { log("onCallResumeFailed : switching " + mForegroundCall + " with " + mBackgroundCall); } mForegroundCall.switchWith(mBackgroundCall); if (mForegroundCall.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING) { sendEmptyMessage(EVENT_RESUME_BACKGROUND); } } //Call swap is done, reset the relevant variables mCallExpectedToResume = null; mSwitchingFgAndBgCalls = false; } mPhone.notifySuppServiceFailed(Phone.SuppService.RESUME); mMetrics.writeOnImsCallResumeFailed(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession(), reasonInfo); } @Override public void onCallResumeReceived(ImsCall imsCall) { if (DBG) log("onCallResumeReceived"); ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { if (mOnHoldToneStarted) { mPhone.stopOnHoldTone(conn); mOnHoldToneStarted = false; } conn.onConnectionEvent(android.telecom.Connection.EVENT_CALL_REMOTELY_UNHELD, null); } boolean useVideoPauseWorkaround = mPhone.getContext().getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_useVideoPauseWorkaround); if (useVideoPauseWorkaround && mSupportPauseVideo && VideoProfile.isVideo(conn.getVideoState())) { // If we are using the video pause workaround, the vendor IMS code has issues // with video pause signalling. In this case, when a call is remotely // held, the modem does not reliably change the video state of the call to be // paused. // As a workaround, we will turn on that bit now. conn.changeToUnPausedState(); } SuppServiceNotification supp = new SuppServiceNotification(); // Type of notification: 0 = MO; 1 = MT // Refer SuppServiceNotification class documentation. supp.notificationType = 1; supp.code = SuppServiceNotification.CODE_2_CALL_RETRIEVED; mPhone.notifySuppSvcNotification(supp); mMetrics.writeOnImsCallResumeReceived(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession()); } @Override public void onCallHoldReceived(ImsCall imsCall) { ImsPhoneCallTracker.this.onCallHoldReceived(imsCall); } @Override public void onCallSuppServiceReceived(ImsCall call, ImsSuppServiceNotification suppServiceInfo) { if (DBG) log("onCallSuppServiceReceived: suppServiceInfo=" + suppServiceInfo); SuppServiceNotification supp = new SuppServiceNotification(); supp.notificationType = suppServiceInfo.notificationType; supp.code = suppServiceInfo.code; supp.index = suppServiceInfo.index; supp.number = suppServiceInfo.number; supp.history = suppServiceInfo.history; mPhone.notifySuppSvcNotification(supp); } @Override public void onCallMerged(final ImsCall call, final ImsCall peerCall, boolean swapCalls) { if (DBG) log("onCallMerged"); ImsPhoneCall foregroundImsPhoneCall = findConnection(call).getCall(); ImsPhoneConnection peerConnection = findConnection(peerCall); ImsPhoneCall peerImsPhoneCall = peerConnection == null ? null : peerConnection.getCall(); if (swapCalls) { switchAfterConferenceSuccess(); } foregroundImsPhoneCall.merge(peerImsPhoneCall, ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE); try { final ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(call); log("onCallMerged: ImsPhoneConnection=" + conn); log("onCallMerged: CurrentVideoProvider=" + conn.getVideoProvider()); setVideoCallProvider(conn, call); log("onCallMerged: CurrentVideoProvider=" + conn.getVideoProvider()); } catch (Exception e) { loge("onCallMerged: exception " + e); } // After merge complete, update foreground as Active // and background call as Held, if background call exists processCallStateChange(mForegroundCall.getImsCall(), ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE, DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED); if (peerConnection != null) { processCallStateChange(mBackgroundCall.getImsCall(), ImsPhoneCall.State.HOLDING, DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED); } // Check if the merge was requested by an existing conference call. In that // case, no further action is required. if (!call.isMergeRequestedByConf()) { log("onCallMerged :: calling onMultipartyStateChanged()"); onMultipartyStateChanged(call, true); } else { log("onCallMerged :: Merge requested by existing conference."); // Reset the flag. call.resetIsMergeRequestedByConf(false); } logState(); } @Override public void onCallMergeFailed(ImsCall call, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { if (DBG) log("onCallMergeFailed reasonInfo=" + reasonInfo); // TODO: the call to notifySuppServiceFailed throws up the "merge failed" dialog // We should move this into the InCallService so that it is handled appropriately // based on the user facing UI. mPhone.notifySuppServiceFailed(Phone.SuppService.CONFERENCE); // Start plumbing this even through Telecom so other components can take // appropriate action. ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(call); if (conn != null) { conn.onConferenceMergeFailed(); conn.handleMergeComplete(); } } /** * Called when the state of IMS conference participant(s) has changed. * * @param call the call object that carries out the IMS call. * @param participants the participant(s) and their new state information. */ @Override public void onConferenceParticipantsStateChanged(ImsCall call, List participants) { if (DBG) log("onConferenceParticipantsStateChanged"); ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(call); if (conn != null) { conn.updateConferenceParticipants(participants); } } @Override public void onCallSessionTtyModeReceived(ImsCall call, int mode) { mPhone.onTtyModeReceived(mode); } @Override public void onCallHandover(ImsCall imsCall, int srcAccessTech, int targetAccessTech, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { if (DBG) { log("onCallHandover :: srcAccessTech=" + srcAccessTech + ", targetAccessTech=" + targetAccessTech + ", reasonInfo=" + reasonInfo); } // Only consider it a valid handover to WIFI if the source radio tech is known. boolean isHandoverToWifi = srcAccessTech != ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN && srcAccessTech != ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN && targetAccessTech == ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN; if (isHandoverToWifi) { // If we handed over to wifi successfully, don't check for failure in the future. removeMessages(EVENT_CHECK_FOR_WIFI_HANDOVER); } ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { // Only consider it a handover from WIFI if the source and target radio tech is known. boolean isHandoverFromWifi = srcAccessTech == ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN && targetAccessTech != ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN && targetAccessTech != ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN; if (isHandoverFromWifi && imsCall.isVideoCall()) { if (mNotifyHandoverVideoFromWifiToLTE && mIsDataEnabled) { if (conn.getDisconnectCause() == DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED) { log("onCallHandover :: notifying of WIFI to LTE handover."); conn.onConnectionEvent( TelephonyManager.EVENT_HANDOVER_VIDEO_FROM_WIFI_TO_LTE, null); } else { // Call has already had a disconnect request issued by the user or is // in the process of disconnecting; do not inform the UI of this as it // is not relevant. log("onCallHandover :: skip notify of WIFI to LTE handover for " + "disconnected call."); } } if (!mIsDataEnabled && mIsViLteDataMetered) { // Call was downgraded from WIFI to LTE and data is metered; downgrade the // call now. downgradeVideoCall(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_WIFI_LOST, conn); } } } else { loge("onCallHandover :: connection null."); } mMetrics.writeOnImsCallHandoverEvent(mPhone.getPhoneId(), TelephonyCallSession.Event.Type.IMS_CALL_HANDOVER, imsCall.getCallSession(), srcAccessTech, targetAccessTech, reasonInfo); } @Override public void onCallHandoverFailed(ImsCall imsCall, int srcAccessTech, int targetAccessTech, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { if (DBG) { log("onCallHandoverFailed :: srcAccessTech=" + srcAccessTech + ", targetAccessTech=" + targetAccessTech + ", reasonInfo=" + reasonInfo); } mMetrics.writeOnImsCallHandoverEvent(mPhone.getPhoneId(), TelephonyCallSession.Event.Type.IMS_CALL_HANDOVER_FAILED, imsCall.getCallSession(), srcAccessTech, targetAccessTech, reasonInfo); boolean isHandoverToWifi = srcAccessTech != ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN && targetAccessTech == ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN; ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null && isHandoverToWifi) { log("onCallHandoverFailed - handover to WIFI Failed"); // If we know we failed to handover, don't check for failure in the future. removeMessages(EVENT_CHECK_FOR_WIFI_HANDOVER); if (mNotifyVtHandoverToWifiFail) { // Only notify others if carrier config indicates to do so. conn.onHandoverToWifiFailed(); } } } @Override public void onRttModifyRequestReceived(ImsCall imsCall) { ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { conn.onRttModifyRequestReceived(); } } @Override public void onRttModifyResponseReceived(ImsCall imsCall, int status) { ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { conn.onRttModifyResponseReceived(status); if (status == android.telecom.Connection.RttModifyStatus.SESSION_MODIFY_REQUEST_SUCCESS) { conn.startRttTextProcessing(); } } } @Override public void onRttMessageReceived(ImsCall imsCall, String message) { ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { conn.onRttMessageReceived(message); } } /** * Handles a change to the multiparty state for an {@code ImsCall}. Notifies the associated * {@link ImsPhoneConnection} of the change. * * @param imsCall The IMS call. * @param isMultiParty {@code true} if the call became multiparty, {@code false} * otherwise. */ @Override public void onMultipartyStateChanged(ImsCall imsCall, boolean isMultiParty) { if (DBG) log("onMultipartyStateChanged to " + (isMultiParty ? "Y" : "N")); ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { conn.updateMultipartyState(isMultiParty); } } }; /** * Listen to the IMS call state change */ private ImsCall.Listener mImsUssdListener = new ImsCall.Listener() { @Override public void onCallStarted(ImsCall imsCall) { if (DBG) log("mImsUssdListener onCallStarted"); if (imsCall == mUssdSession) { if (mPendingUssd != null) { AsyncResult.forMessage(mPendingUssd); mPendingUssd.sendToTarget(); mPendingUssd = null; } } } @Override public void onCallStartFailed(ImsCall imsCall, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { if (DBG) log("mImsUssdListener onCallStartFailed reasonCode=" + reasonInfo.getCode()); onCallTerminated(imsCall, reasonInfo); } @Override public void onCallTerminated(ImsCall imsCall, ImsReasonInfo reasonInfo) { if (DBG) log("mImsUssdListener onCallTerminated reasonCode=" + reasonInfo.getCode()); removeMessages(EVENT_CHECK_FOR_WIFI_HANDOVER); if (imsCall == mUssdSession) { mUssdSession = null; if (mPendingUssd != null) { CommandException ex = new CommandException(CommandException.Error.GENERIC_FAILURE); AsyncResult.forMessage(mPendingUssd, null, ex); mPendingUssd.sendToTarget(); mPendingUssd = null; } } imsCall.close(); } @Override public void onCallUssdMessageReceived(ImsCall call, int mode, String ussdMessage) { if (DBG) log("mImsUssdListener onCallUssdMessageReceived mode=" + mode); int ussdMode = -1; switch(mode) { case ImsCall.USSD_MODE_REQUEST: ussdMode = CommandsInterface.USSD_MODE_REQUEST; break; case ImsCall.USSD_MODE_NOTIFY: ussdMode = CommandsInterface.USSD_MODE_NOTIFY; break; } mPhone.onIncomingUSSD(ussdMode, ussdMessage); } }; private final ImsRegistrationImplBase.Callback mImsRegistrationCallback = new ImsRegistrationImplBase.Callback() { @Override public void onRegistered( @ImsRegistrationImplBase.ImsRegistrationTech int imsRadioTech) { if (DBG) log("onImsConnected imsRadioTech=" + imsRadioTech); mPhone.setServiceState(ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE); mPhone.setImsRegistered(true); mMetrics.writeOnImsConnectionState(mPhone.getPhoneId(), ImsConnectionState.State.CONNECTED, null); } @Override public void onRegistering( @ImsRegistrationImplBase.ImsRegistrationTech int imsRadioTech) { if (DBG) log("onImsProgressing imsRadioTech=" + imsRadioTech); mPhone.setServiceState(ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE); mPhone.setImsRegistered(false); mMetrics.writeOnImsConnectionState(mPhone.getPhoneId(), ImsConnectionState.State.PROGRESSING, null); } @Override public void onDeregistered(ImsReasonInfo imsReasonInfo) { if (DBG) log("onImsDisconnected imsReasonInfo=" + imsReasonInfo); resetImsCapabilities(); mPhone.setServiceState(ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE); mPhone.setImsRegistered(false); mPhone.processDisconnectReason(imsReasonInfo); mMetrics.writeOnImsConnectionState(mPhone.getPhoneId(), ImsConnectionState.State.DISCONNECTED, imsReasonInfo); } @Override public void onSubscriberAssociatedUriChanged(Uri[] uris) { if (DBG) log("registrationAssociatedUriChanged"); mPhone.setCurrentSubscriberUris(uris); } }; private final ImsFeature.CapabilityCallback mImsCapabilityCallback = new ImsFeature.CapabilityCallback() { @Override public void onCapabilitiesStatusChanged(ImsFeature.Capabilities config) { if (DBG) log("onCapabilitiesStatusChanged: " + config); SomeArgs args = SomeArgs.obtain(); args.arg1 = config; // Remove any pending updates; they're already stale, so no need to process // them. removeMessages(EVENT_ON_FEATURE_CAPABILITY_CHANGED); obtainMessage(EVENT_ON_FEATURE_CAPABILITY_CHANGED, args).sendToTarget(); } }; private ImsConfigListener.Stub mImsConfigListener = new ImsConfigListener.Stub() { @Override public void onGetFeatureResponse(int feature, int network, int value, int status) {} @Override public void onSetFeatureResponse(int feature, int network, int value, int status) { mMetrics.writeImsSetFeatureValue(mPhone.getPhoneId(), feature, network, value); } @Override public void onGetVideoQuality(int status, int quality) {} @Override public void onSetVideoQuality(int status) {} }; private final ImsConfigImplBase.Callback mConfigCallback = new ImsConfigImplBase.Callback() { @Override public void onConfigChanged(int item, int value) { sendConfigChangedIntent(item, Integer.toString(value)); } @Override public void onConfigChanged(int item, String value) { sendConfigChangedIntent(item, value); } // send IMS_CONFIG_CHANGED intent for older services that do not implement the new callback // interface. private void sendConfigChangedIntent(int item, String value) { log("sendConfigChangedIntent - [" + item + ", " + value + "]"); Intent configChangedIntent = new Intent(ImsConfig.ACTION_IMS_CONFIG_CHANGED); configChangedIntent.putExtra(ImsConfig.EXTRA_CHANGED_ITEM, item); configChangedIntent.putExtra(ImsConfig.EXTRA_NEW_VALUE, value); if (mPhone != null && mPhone.getContext() != null) { mPhone.getContext().sendBroadcast(configChangedIntent); } } }; public ImsUtInterface getUtInterface() throws ImsException { if (mImsManager == null) { throw getImsManagerIsNullException(); } ImsUtInterface ut = mImsManager.getSupplementaryServiceConfiguration(); return ut; } private void transferHandoverConnections(ImsPhoneCall call) { if (call.mConnections != null) { for (Connection c : call.mConnections) { c.mPreHandoverState = call.mState; log ("Connection state before handover is " + c.getStateBeforeHandover()); } } if (mHandoverCall.mConnections == null ) { mHandoverCall.mConnections = call.mConnections; } else { // Multi-call SRVCC mHandoverCall.mConnections.addAll(call.mConnections); } if (mHandoverCall.mConnections != null) { if (call.getImsCall() != null) { call.getImsCall().close(); } for (Connection c : mHandoverCall.mConnections) { ((ImsPhoneConnection)c).changeParent(mHandoverCall); ((ImsPhoneConnection)c).releaseWakeLock(); } } if (call.getState().isAlive()) { log ("Call is alive and state is " + call.mState); mHandoverCall.mState = call.mState; } call.mConnections.clear(); call.mState = ImsPhoneCall.State.IDLE; } /* package */ void notifySrvccState(Call.SrvccState state) { if (DBG) log("notifySrvccState state=" + state); mSrvccState = state; if (mSrvccState == Call.SrvccState.COMPLETED) { transferHandoverConnections(mForegroundCall); transferHandoverConnections(mBackgroundCall); transferHandoverConnections(mRingingCall); } } //****** Overridden from Handler @Override public void handleMessage (Message msg) { AsyncResult ar; if (DBG) log("handleMessage what=" + msg.what); switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO: if (mPendingMO != null) { mPendingMO.onDisconnect(); removeConnection(mPendingMO); mPendingMO = null; } mPendingIntentExtras = null; updatePhoneState(); mPhone.notifyPreciseCallStateChanged(); break; case EVENT_RESUME_BACKGROUND: try { resumeWaitingOrHolding(); } catch (CallStateException e) { if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) { loge("handleMessage EVENT_RESUME_BACKGROUND exception=" + e); } } break; case EVENT_DIAL_PENDINGMO: dialInternal(mPendingMO, mClirMode, mPendingCallVideoState, mPendingIntentExtras); mPendingIntentExtras = null; break; case EVENT_EXIT_ECBM_BEFORE_PENDINGMO: if (mPendingMO != null) { //Send ECBM exit request try { getEcbmInterface().exitEmergencyCallbackMode(); mPhone.setOnEcbModeExitResponse(this, EVENT_EXIT_ECM_RESPONSE_CDMA, null); pendingCallClirMode = mClirMode; pendingCallInEcm = true; } catch (ImsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); mPendingMO.setDisconnectCause(DisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED); sendEmptyMessageDelayed(EVENT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO, TIMEOUT_HANGUP_PENDINGMO); } } break; case EVENT_EXIT_ECM_RESPONSE_CDMA: // no matter the result, we still do the same here if (pendingCallInEcm) { dialInternal(mPendingMO, pendingCallClirMode, mPendingCallVideoState, mPendingIntentExtras); mPendingIntentExtras = null; pendingCallInEcm = false; } mPhone.unsetOnEcbModeExitResponse(this); break; case EVENT_VT_DATA_USAGE_UPDATE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; ImsCall call = (ImsCall) ar.userObj; Long usage = (long) ar.result; log("VT data usage update. usage = " + usage + ", imsCall = " + call); if (usage > 0) { updateVtDataUsage(call, usage); } break; case EVENT_DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.result instanceof Pair) { Pair p = (Pair) ar.result; onDataEnabledChanged(p.first, p.second); } break; case EVENT_GET_IMS_SERVICE: try { getImsService(); } catch (ImsException e) { loge("getImsService: " + e); retryGetImsService(); } break; case EVENT_CHECK_FOR_WIFI_HANDOVER: if (msg.obj instanceof ImsCall) { ImsCall imsCall = (ImsCall) msg.obj; if (!imsCall.isWifiCall()) { // Call did not handover to wifi, notify of handover failure. ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { conn.onHandoverToWifiFailed(); } } } break; case EVENT_ON_FEATURE_CAPABILITY_CHANGED: { SomeArgs args = (SomeArgs) msg.obj; try { ImsFeature.Capabilities capabilities = (ImsFeature.Capabilities) args.arg1; handleFeatureCapabilityChanged(capabilities); } finally { args.recycle(); } break; } case EVENT_SUPP_SERVICE_INDICATION: { ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; ImsPhoneMmiCode mmiCode = new ImsPhoneMmiCode(mPhone); try { mmiCode.setIsSsInfo(true); mmiCode.processImsSsData(ar); } catch (ImsException e) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Exception in parsing SS Data: " + e); } break; } } } /** * Update video call data usage * * @param call The IMS call * @param dataUsage The aggregated data usage for the call */ private void updateVtDataUsage(ImsCall call, long dataUsage) { long oldUsage = 0L; if (mVtDataUsageMap.containsKey(call.uniqueId)) { oldUsage = mVtDataUsageMap.get(call.uniqueId); } long delta = dataUsage - oldUsage; mVtDataUsageMap.put(call.uniqueId, dataUsage); log("updateVtDataUsage: call=" + call + ", delta=" + delta); long currentTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); int isRoaming = mPhone.getServiceState().getDataRoaming() ? 1 : 0; // Create the snapshot of total video call data usage. NetworkStats vtDataUsageSnapshot = new NetworkStats(currentTime, 1); vtDataUsageSnapshot.combineAllValues(mVtDataUsageSnapshot); // Since the modem only reports the total vt data usage rather than rx/tx separately, // the only thing we can do here is splitting the usage into half rx and half tx. // Uid -1 indicates this is for the overall device data usage. vtDataUsageSnapshot.combineValues(new NetworkStats.Entry( NetworkStatsService.VT_INTERFACE, -1, NetworkStats.SET_FOREGROUND, NetworkStats.TAG_NONE, NetworkStats.METERED_YES, isRoaming, NetworkStats.DEFAULT_NETWORK_YES, delta / 2, 0, delta / 2, 0, 0)); mVtDataUsageSnapshot = vtDataUsageSnapshot; // Create the snapshot of video call data usage per dialer. combineValues will create // a separate entry if uid is different from the previous snapshot. NetworkStats vtDataUsageUidSnapshot = new NetworkStats(currentTime, 1); vtDataUsageUidSnapshot.combineAllValues(mVtDataUsageUidSnapshot); // The dialer uid might not be initialized correctly during boot up due to telecom service // not ready or its default dialer cache not ready. So we double check again here to see if // default dialer uid is really not available. if (mDefaultDialerUid.get() == NetworkStats.UID_ALL) { final TelecomManager telecomManager = (TelecomManager) mPhone.getContext().getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE); mDefaultDialerUid.set( getPackageUid(mPhone.getContext(), telecomManager.getDefaultDialerPackage())); } // Since the modem only reports the total vt data usage rather than rx/tx separately, // the only thing we can do here is splitting the usage into half rx and half tx. vtDataUsageUidSnapshot.combineValues(new NetworkStats.Entry( NetworkStatsService.VT_INTERFACE, mDefaultDialerUid.get(), NetworkStats.SET_FOREGROUND, NetworkStats.TAG_NONE, NetworkStats.METERED_YES, isRoaming, NetworkStats.DEFAULT_NETWORK_YES, delta / 2, 0, delta / 2, 0, 0)); mVtDataUsageUidSnapshot = vtDataUsageUidSnapshot; } @Override protected void log(String msg) { Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "[ImsPhoneCallTracker] " + msg); } protected void loge(String msg) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "[ImsPhoneCallTracker] " + msg); } /** * Logs the current state of the ImsPhoneCallTracker. Useful for debugging issues with * call tracking. */ /* package */ void logState() { if (!VERBOSE_STATE_LOGGING) { return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Current IMS PhoneCall State:\n"); sb.append(" Foreground: "); sb.append(mForegroundCall); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(" Background: "); sb.append(mBackgroundCall); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(" Ringing: "); sb.append(mRingingCall); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(" Handover: "); sb.append(mHandoverCall); sb.append("\n"); Rlog.v(LOG_TAG, sb.toString()); } @Override public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("ImsPhoneCallTracker extends:"); super.dump(fd, pw, args); pw.println(" mVoiceCallEndedRegistrants=" + mVoiceCallEndedRegistrants); pw.println(" mVoiceCallStartedRegistrants=" + mVoiceCallStartedRegistrants); pw.println(" mRingingCall=" + mRingingCall); pw.println(" mForegroundCall=" + mForegroundCall); pw.println(" mBackgroundCall=" + mBackgroundCall); pw.println(" mHandoverCall=" + mHandoverCall); pw.println(" mPendingMO=" + mPendingMO); //pw.println(" mHangupPendingMO=" + mHangupPendingMO); pw.println(" mPhone=" + mPhone); pw.println(" mDesiredMute=" + mDesiredMute); pw.println(" mState=" + mState); pw.println(" mMmTelCapabilities=" + mMmTelCapabilities); pw.println(" mDefaultDialerUid=" + mDefaultDialerUid.get()); pw.println(" mVtDataUsageSnapshot=" + mVtDataUsageSnapshot); pw.println(" mVtDataUsageUidSnapshot=" + mVtDataUsageUidSnapshot); pw.flush(); pw.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); try { if (mImsManager != null) { mImsManager.dump(fd, pw, args); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (mConnections != null && mConnections.size() > 0) { pw.println("mConnections:"); for (int i = 0; i < mConnections.size(); i++) { pw.println(" [" + i + "]: " + mConnections.get(i)); } } } @Override protected void handlePollCalls(AsyncResult ar) { } /* package */ ImsEcbm getEcbmInterface() throws ImsException { if (mImsManager == null) { throw getImsManagerIsNullException(); } ImsEcbm ecbm = mImsManager.getEcbmInterface(); return ecbm; } /* package */ ImsMultiEndpoint getMultiEndpointInterface() throws ImsException { if (mImsManager == null) { throw getImsManagerIsNullException(); } try { return mImsManager.getMultiEndpointInterface(); } catch (ImsException e) { if (e.getCode() == ImsReasonInfo.CODE_MULTIENDPOINT_NOT_SUPPORTED) { return null; } else { throw e; } } } public boolean isInEmergencyCall() { return mIsInEmergencyCall; } public boolean isVolteEnabled() { boolean isRadioTechLte = getImsRegistrationTech() == ImsRegistrationImplBase.REGISTRATION_TECH_LTE; return isRadioTechLte && mMmTelCapabilities.isCapable( MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VOICE); } public boolean isVowifiEnabled() { boolean isRadioTechIwlan = getImsRegistrationTech() == ImsRegistrationImplBase.REGISTRATION_TECH_IWLAN; return isRadioTechIwlan && mMmTelCapabilities.isCapable( MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VOICE); } public boolean isVideoCallEnabled() { return mMmTelCapabilities.isCapable(MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_VIDEO); } @Override public PhoneConstants.State getState() { return mState; } private int getImsRegistrationTech() { if (mImsManager != null) { return mImsManager.getRegistrationTech(); } return ImsRegistrationImplBase.REGISTRATION_TECH_NONE; } private void retryGetImsService() { // The binder connection is already up. Do not try to get it again. if (mImsManager.isServiceAvailable()) { return; } // remove callback so we do not receive updates from old ImsServiceProxy when switching // between ImsServices. mImsManager.removeNotifyStatusChangedCallback(mNotifyStatusChangedCallback); //Leave mImsManager as null, then CallStateException will be thrown when dialing mImsManager = null; // Exponential backoff during retry, limited to 32 seconds. loge("getImsService: Retrying getting ImsService..."); removeMessages(EVENT_GET_IMS_SERVICE); sendEmptyMessageDelayed(EVENT_GET_IMS_SERVICE, mRetryTimeout.get()); } private void setVideoCallProvider(ImsPhoneConnection conn, ImsCall imsCall) throws RemoteException { IImsVideoCallProvider imsVideoCallProvider = imsCall.getCallSession().getVideoCallProvider(); if (imsVideoCallProvider != null) { // TODO: Remove this when we can better formalize the format of session modify requests. boolean useVideoPauseWorkaround = mPhone.getContext().getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_useVideoPauseWorkaround); ImsVideoCallProviderWrapper imsVideoCallProviderWrapper = new ImsVideoCallProviderWrapper(imsVideoCallProvider); if (useVideoPauseWorkaround) { imsVideoCallProviderWrapper.setUseVideoPauseWorkaround(useVideoPauseWorkaround); } conn.setVideoProvider(imsVideoCallProviderWrapper); imsVideoCallProviderWrapper.registerForDataUsageUpdate (this, EVENT_VT_DATA_USAGE_UPDATE, imsCall); imsVideoCallProviderWrapper.addImsVideoProviderCallback(conn); } } public boolean isUtEnabled() { return mMmTelCapabilities.isCapable(MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities.CAPABILITY_TYPE_UT); } /** * Given a call subject, removes any characters considered by the current carrier to be * invalid, as well as escaping (using \) any characters which the carrier requires to be * escaped. * * @param callSubject The call subject. * @return The call subject with invalid characters removed and escaping applied as required. */ private String cleanseInstantLetteringMessage(String callSubject) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(callSubject)) { return callSubject; } // Get the carrier config for the current sub. CarrierConfigManager configMgr = (CarrierConfigManager) mPhone.getContext().getSystemService(Context.CARRIER_CONFIG_SERVICE); // Bail if we can't find the carrier config service. if (configMgr == null) { return callSubject; } PersistableBundle carrierConfig = configMgr.getConfigForSubId(mPhone.getSubId()); // Bail if no carrier config found. if (carrierConfig == null) { return callSubject; } // Try to replace invalid characters String invalidCharacters = carrierConfig.getString( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_CARRIER_INSTANT_LETTERING_INVALID_CHARS_STRING); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(invalidCharacters)) { callSubject = callSubject.replaceAll(invalidCharacters, ""); } // Try to escape characters which need to be escaped. String escapedCharacters = carrierConfig.getString( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_CARRIER_INSTANT_LETTERING_ESCAPED_CHARS_STRING); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(escapedCharacters)) { callSubject = escapeChars(escapedCharacters, callSubject); } return callSubject; } /** * Given a source string, return a string where a set of characters are escaped using the * backslash character. * * @param toEscape The characters to escape with a backslash. * @param source The source string. * @return The source string with characters escaped. */ private String escapeChars(String toEscape, String source) { StringBuilder escaped = new StringBuilder(); for (char c : source.toCharArray()) { if (toEscape.contains(Character.toString(c))) { escaped.append("\\"); } escaped.append(c); } return escaped.toString(); } /** * Initiates a pull of an external call. * * Initiates a pull by making a dial request with the {@link ImsCallProfile#EXTRA_IS_CALL_PULL} * extra specified. We call {@link ImsPhone#notifyUnknownConnection(Connection)} which notifies * Telecom of the new dialed connection. The * {@code PstnIncomingCallNotifier#maybeSwapWithUnknownConnection} logic ensures that the new * {@link ImsPhoneConnection} resulting from the dial gets swapped with the * {@link ImsExternalConnection}, which effectively makes the external call become a regular * call. Magic! * * @param number The phone number of the call to be pulled. * @param videoState The desired video state of the pulled call. * @param dialogId The {@link ImsExternalConnection#getCallId()} dialog id associated with the * call which is being pulled. */ @Override public void pullExternalCall(String number, int videoState, int dialogId) { Bundle extras = new Bundle(); extras.putBoolean(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_IS_CALL_PULL, true); extras.putInt(ImsExternalCallTracker.EXTRA_IMS_EXTERNAL_CALL_ID, dialogId); try { Connection connection = dial(number, videoState, extras); mPhone.notifyUnknownConnection(connection); } catch (CallStateException e) { loge("pullExternalCall failed - " + e); } } private ImsException getImsManagerIsNullException() { return new ImsException("no ims manager", ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_ILLEGAL_STATE); } /** * Determines if answering an incoming call will cause the active call to be disconnected. *

* This will be the case if * {@link CarrierConfigManager#KEY_DROP_VIDEO_CALL_WHEN_ANSWERING_AUDIO_CALL_BOOL} is * {@code true} for the carrier, the active call is a video call over WIFI, and the incoming * call is an audio call. * * @param activeCall The active call. * @param incomingCall The incoming call. * @return {@code true} if answering the incoming call will cause the active call to be * disconnected, {@code false} otherwise. */ private boolean shouldDisconnectActiveCallOnAnswer(ImsCall activeCall, ImsCall incomingCall) { if (activeCall == null || incomingCall == null) { return false; } if (!mDropVideoCallWhenAnsweringAudioCall) { return false; } boolean isActiveCallVideo = activeCall.isVideoCall() || (mTreatDowngradedVideoCallsAsVideoCalls && activeCall.wasVideoCall()); boolean isActiveCallOnWifi = activeCall.isWifiCall(); boolean isVoWifiEnabled = mImsManager.isWfcEnabledByPlatform() && mImsManager.isWfcEnabledByUser(); boolean isIncomingCallAudio = !incomingCall.isVideoCall(); log("shouldDisconnectActiveCallOnAnswer : isActiveCallVideo=" + isActiveCallVideo + " isActiveCallOnWifi=" + isActiveCallOnWifi + " isIncomingCallAudio=" + isIncomingCallAudio + " isVowifiEnabled=" + isVoWifiEnabled); return isActiveCallVideo && isActiveCallOnWifi && isIncomingCallAudio && !isVoWifiEnabled; } /** * Get aggregated video call data usage since boot. * * @param perUidStats True if requesting data usage per uid, otherwise overall usage. * @return Snapshot of video call data usage */ public NetworkStats getVtDataUsage(boolean perUidStats) { // If there is an ongoing VT call, request the latest VT usage from the modem. The latest // usage will return asynchronously so it won't be counted in this round, but it will be // eventually counted when next getVtDataUsage is called. if (mState != PhoneConstants.State.IDLE) { for (ImsPhoneConnection conn : mConnections) { android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider videoProvider = conn.getVideoProvider(); if (videoProvider != null) { videoProvider.onRequestConnectionDataUsage(); } } } return perUidStats ? mVtDataUsageUidSnapshot : mVtDataUsageSnapshot; } public void registerPhoneStateListener(PhoneStateListener listener) { mPhoneStateListeners.add(listener); } public void unregisterPhoneStateListener(PhoneStateListener listener) { mPhoneStateListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Notifies local telephony listeners of changes to the IMS phone state. * * @param oldState The old state. * @param newState The new state. */ private void notifyPhoneStateChanged(PhoneConstants.State oldState, PhoneConstants.State newState) { for (PhoneStateListener listener : mPhoneStateListeners) { listener.onPhoneStateChanged(oldState, newState); } } /** Modify video call to a new video state. * * @param imsCall IMS call to be modified * @param newVideoState New video state. (Refer to VideoProfile) */ private void modifyVideoCall(ImsCall imsCall, int newVideoState) { ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { int oldVideoState = conn.getVideoState(); if (conn.getVideoProvider() != null) { conn.getVideoProvider().onSendSessionModifyRequest( new VideoProfile(oldVideoState), new VideoProfile(newVideoState)); } } } /** * Handler of data enabled changed event * @param enabled True if data is enabled, otherwise disabled. * @param reason Reason for data enabled/disabled (see {@code REASON_*} in * {@link DataEnabledSettings}. */ private void onDataEnabledChanged(boolean enabled, int reason) { log("onDataEnabledChanged: enabled=" + enabled + ", reason=" + reason); mIsDataEnabled = enabled; if (!mIsViLteDataMetered) { log("Ignore data " + ((enabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " - carrier policy " + "indicates that data is not metered for ViLTE calls."); return; } // Inform connections that data has been disabled to ensure we turn off video capability // if this is an LTE call. for (ImsPhoneConnection conn : mConnections) { conn.handleDataEnabledChange(enabled); } int reasonCode; if (reason == DataEnabledSettings.REASON_POLICY_DATA_ENABLED) { reasonCode = ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DATA_LIMIT_REACHED; } else if (reason == DataEnabledSettings.REASON_USER_DATA_ENABLED) { reasonCode = ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DATA_DISABLED; } else { // Unexpected code, default to data disabled. reasonCode = ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DATA_DISABLED; } // Potentially send connection events so the InCall UI knows that video calls are being // downgraded due to data being enabled/disabled. maybeNotifyDataDisabled(enabled, reasonCode); // Handle video state changes required as a result of data being enabled/disabled. handleDataEnabledChange(enabled, reasonCode); // We do not want to update the ImsConfig for REASON_REGISTERED, since it can happen before // the carrier config has loaded and will deregister IMS. if (!mShouldUpdateImsConfigOnDisconnect && reason != DataEnabledSettings.REASON_REGISTERED && mCarrierConfigLoaded) { // This will call into updateVideoCallFeatureValue and eventually all clients will be // asynchronously notified that the availability of VT over LTE has changed. if (mImsManager != null) { mImsManager.updateImsServiceConfig(true); } } } private void maybeNotifyDataDisabled(boolean enabled, int reasonCode) { if (!enabled) { // If data is disabled while there are ongoing VT calls which are not taking place over // wifi, then they should be disconnected to prevent the user from incurring further // data charges. for (ImsPhoneConnection conn : mConnections) { ImsCall imsCall = conn.getImsCall(); if (imsCall != null && imsCall.isVideoCall() && !imsCall.isWifiCall()) { if (conn.hasCapabilities( Connection.Capability.SUPPORTS_DOWNGRADE_TO_VOICE_LOCAL | Connection.Capability.SUPPORTS_DOWNGRADE_TO_VOICE_REMOTE)) { // If the carrier supports downgrading to voice, then we can simply issue a // downgrade to voice instead of terminating the call. if (reasonCode == ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DATA_DISABLED) { conn.onConnectionEvent(TelephonyManager.EVENT_DOWNGRADE_DATA_DISABLED, null); } else if (reasonCode == ImsReasonInfo.CODE_DATA_LIMIT_REACHED) { conn.onConnectionEvent( TelephonyManager.EVENT_DOWNGRADE_DATA_LIMIT_REACHED, null); } } } } } } /** * Handles changes to the enabled state of mobile data. * When data is disabled, handles auto-downgrade of video calls over LTE. * When data is enabled, handled resuming of video calls paused when data was disabled. * @param enabled {@code true} if mobile data is enabled, {@code false} if mobile data is * disabled. * @param reasonCode The {@link ImsReasonInfo} code for the data enabled state change. */ private void handleDataEnabledChange(boolean enabled, int reasonCode) { if (!enabled) { // If data is disabled while there are ongoing VT calls which are not taking place over // wifi, then they should be disconnected to prevent the user from incurring further // data charges. for (ImsPhoneConnection conn : mConnections) { ImsCall imsCall = conn.getImsCall(); if (imsCall != null && imsCall.isVideoCall() && !imsCall.isWifiCall()) { log("handleDataEnabledChange - downgrading " + conn); downgradeVideoCall(reasonCode, conn); } } } else if (mSupportPauseVideo) { // Data was re-enabled, so un-pause previously paused video calls. for (ImsPhoneConnection conn : mConnections) { // If video is paused, check to see if there are any pending pauses due to enabled // state of data changing. log("handleDataEnabledChange - resuming " + conn); if (VideoProfile.isPaused(conn.getVideoState()) && conn.wasVideoPausedFromSource(VideoPauseTracker.SOURCE_DATA_ENABLED)) { // The data enabled state was a cause of a pending pause, so potentially // resume the video now. conn.resumeVideo(VideoPauseTracker.SOURCE_DATA_ENABLED); } } mShouldUpdateImsConfigOnDisconnect = false; } } /** * Handles downgrading a video call. The behavior depends on carrier capabilities; we will * attempt to take one of the following actions (in order of precedence): * 1. If supported by the carrier, the call will be downgraded to an audio-only call. * 2. If the carrier supports video pause signalling, the video will be paused. * 3. The call will be disconnected. * @param reasonCode The {@link ImsReasonInfo} reason code for the downgrade. * @param conn The {@link ImsPhoneConnection} to downgrade. */ private void downgradeVideoCall(int reasonCode, ImsPhoneConnection conn) { ImsCall imsCall = conn.getImsCall(); if (imsCall != null) { if (conn.hasCapabilities( Connection.Capability.SUPPORTS_DOWNGRADE_TO_VOICE_LOCAL | Connection.Capability.SUPPORTS_DOWNGRADE_TO_VOICE_REMOTE)) { // If the carrier supports downgrading to voice, then we can simply issue a // downgrade to voice instead of terminating the call. modifyVideoCall(imsCall, VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY); } else if (mSupportPauseVideo && reasonCode != ImsReasonInfo.CODE_WIFI_LOST) { // The carrier supports video pause signalling, so pause the video if we didn't just // lose wifi; in that case just disconnect. mShouldUpdateImsConfigOnDisconnect = true; conn.pauseVideo(VideoPauseTracker.SOURCE_DATA_ENABLED); } else { // At this point the only choice we have is to terminate the call. try { imsCall.terminate(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_USER_TERMINATED, reasonCode); } catch (ImsException ie) { loge("Couldn't terminate call " + imsCall); } } } } private void resetImsCapabilities() { log("Resetting Capabilities..."); mMmTelCapabilities = new MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities(); } /** * @return {@code true} if the device is connected to a WIFI network, {@code false} otherwise. */ private boolean isWifiConnected() { ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) mPhone.getContext() .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); if (cm != null) { NetworkInfo ni = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (ni != null && ni.isConnected()) { return ni.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI; } } return false; } /** * @return {@code true} if downgrading of a video call to audio is supported. */ public boolean isCarrierDowngradeOfVtCallSupported() { return mSupportDowngradeVtToAudio; } @VisibleForTesting public void setDataEnabled(boolean isDataEnabled) { mIsDataEnabled = isDataEnabled; } private void handleFeatureCapabilityChanged(ImsFeature.Capabilities capabilities) { boolean tmpIsVideoCallEnabled = isVideoCallEnabled(); // Check enabledFeatures to determine capabilities. We ignore disabledFeatures. StringBuilder sb; if (DBG) { sb = new StringBuilder(120); sb.append("handleFeatureCapabilityChanged: "); } sb.append(capabilities); mMmTelCapabilities = new MmTelFeature.MmTelCapabilities(capabilities); boolean isVideoEnabled = isVideoCallEnabled(); boolean isVideoEnabledStatechanged = tmpIsVideoCallEnabled != isVideoEnabled; if (DBG) { sb.append(" isVideoEnabledStateChanged="); sb.append(isVideoEnabledStatechanged); } if (isVideoEnabledStatechanged) { log("handleFeatureCapabilityChanged - notifyForVideoCapabilityChanged=" + isVideoEnabled); mPhone.notifyForVideoCapabilityChanged(isVideoEnabled); } if (DBG) log(sb.toString()); if (DBG) { log("handleFeatureCapabilityChanged: isVolteEnabled=" + isVolteEnabled() + ", isVideoCallEnabled=" + isVideoCallEnabled() + ", isVowifiEnabled=" + isVowifiEnabled() + ", isUtEnabled=" + isUtEnabled()); } mPhone.onFeatureCapabilityChanged(); mMetrics.writeOnImsCapabilities(mPhone.getPhoneId(), getImsRegistrationTech(), mMmTelCapabilities); } @VisibleForTesting public void onCallHoldReceived(ImsCall imsCall) { if (DBG) log("onCallHoldReceived"); ImsPhoneConnection conn = findConnection(imsCall); if (conn != null) { if (!mOnHoldToneStarted && (ImsPhoneCall.isLocalTone(imsCall) || mAlwaysPlayRemoteHoldTone) && conn.getState() == ImsPhoneCall.State.ACTIVE) { mPhone.startOnHoldTone(conn); mOnHoldToneStarted = true; mOnHoldToneId = System.identityHashCode(conn); } conn.onConnectionEvent(android.telecom.Connection.EVENT_CALL_REMOTELY_HELD, null); boolean useVideoPauseWorkaround = mPhone.getContext().getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_useVideoPauseWorkaround); if (useVideoPauseWorkaround && mSupportPauseVideo && VideoProfile.isVideo(conn.getVideoState())) { // If we are using the video pause workaround, the vendor IMS code has issues // with video pause signalling. In this case, when a call is remotely // held, the modem does not reliably change the video state of the call to be // paused. // As a workaround, we will turn on that bit now. conn.changeToPausedState(); } } SuppServiceNotification supp = new SuppServiceNotification(); supp.notificationType = SuppServiceNotification.NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CODE_2; supp.code = SuppServiceNotification.CODE_2_CALL_ON_HOLD; mPhone.notifySuppSvcNotification(supp); mMetrics.writeOnImsCallHoldReceived(mPhone.getPhoneId(), imsCall.getCallSession()); } @VisibleForTesting public void setAlwaysPlayRemoteHoldTone(boolean shouldPlayRemoteHoldTone) { mAlwaysPlayRemoteHoldTone = shouldPlayRemoteHoldTone; } }