/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package androidx.core.graphics; import static android.graphics.ColorSpace.Named.CIE_LAB; import static android.graphics.ColorSpace.Named.SRGB; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.ColorSpace; import android.support.test.filters.SdkSuppress; import android.support.test.filters.SmallTest; import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import java.util.ArrayList; @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) @SmallTest public class ColorUtilsTest { // 0.5% of the max value private static final float ALLOWED_OFFSET_HUE = 360 * 0.005f; private static final float ALLOWED_OFFSET_SATURATION = 0.005f; private static final float ALLOWED_OFFSET_LIGHTNESS = 0.005f; private static final float ALLOWED_OFFSET_MIN_ALPHA = 0.01f; private static final double ALLOWED_OFFSET_LAB = 0.01; private static final double ALLOWED_OFFSET_XYZ = 0.01; private static final int ALLOWED_OFFSET_RGB_COMPONENT = 2; private static final ArrayList sEntryList = new ArrayList<>(); static { sEntryList.add(new TestEntry(Color.BLACK).setHsl(0f, 0f, 0f) .setLab(0, 0, 0).setXyz(0, 0, 0) .setWhiteMinAlpha30(0.35f).setWhiteMinAlpha45(0.46f)); sEntryList.add(new TestEntry(Color.WHITE).setHsl(0f, 0f, 1f) .setLab(100, 0.005, -0.01).setXyz(95.05, 100, 108.9) .setBlackMinAlpha30(0.42f).setBlackMinAlpha45(0.54f)); sEntryList.add(new TestEntry(Color.BLUE).setHsl(240f, 1f, 0.5f) .setLab(32.303, 79.197, -107.864).setXyz(18.05, 7.22, 95.05) .setWhiteMinAlpha30(0.55f).setWhiteMinAlpha45(0.71f)); sEntryList.add(new TestEntry(Color.GREEN).setHsl(120f, 1f, 0.5f) .setLab(87.737, -86.185, 83.181).setXyz(35.76, 71.520, 11.920) .setBlackMinAlpha30(0.43f).setBlackMinAlpha45(0.55f)); sEntryList.add(new TestEntry(Color.RED).setHsl(0f, 1f, 0.5f) .setLab(53.233, 80.109, 67.22).setXyz(41.24, 21.26, 1.93) .setWhiteMinAlpha30(0.84f).setBlackMinAlpha30(0.55f).setBlackMinAlpha45(0.78f)); sEntryList.add(new TestEntry(Color.CYAN).setHsl(180f, 1f, 0.5f) .setLab(91.117, -48.08, -14.138).setXyz(53.81, 78.74, 106.97) .setBlackMinAlpha30(0.43f).setBlackMinAlpha45(0.55f)); sEntryList.add(new TestEntry(0xFF2196F3).setHsl(207f, 0.9f, 0.54f) .setLab(60.433, 2.091, -55.116).setXyz(27.711, 28.607, 88.855) .setBlackMinAlpha30(0.52f).setWhiteMinAlpha30(0.97f).setBlackMinAlpha45(0.7f)); sEntryList.add(new TestEntry(0xFFD1C4E9).setHsl(261f, 0.46f, 0.84f) .setLab(81.247, 11.513, -16.677).setXyz(60.742, 58.918, 85.262) .setBlackMinAlpha30(0.45f).setBlackMinAlpha45(0.58f)); sEntryList.add(new TestEntry(0xFF311B92).setHsl(251.09f, 0.687f, 0.339f) .setLab(21.988, 44.301, -60.942).setXyz(6.847, 3.512, 27.511) .setWhiteMinAlpha30(0.39f).setWhiteMinAlpha45(0.54f)); } @SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = 26) @Test public void addColorsDifferentModels() { Color lab = Color.valueOf(54.0f, 80.0f, 70.0f, 1.0f, ColorSpace.get(CIE_LAB)); Color rgb = Color.valueOf(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, ColorSpace.get(SRGB)); try { ColorUtils.compositeColors(rgb, lab); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertEquals("Color models must match (RGB vs. LAB)", e.getMessage()); } } @SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = 26) @Test public void addColorsSameColorSpace() { Color result = ColorUtils.compositeColors(Color.valueOf(0x7f007f00), Color.valueOf(0x7f7f0000)); assertEquals(0.16f, result.red(), 1e-2f); assertEquals(0.33f, result.green(), 1e-2f); assertEquals(0.00f, result.blue(), 1e-2f); assertEquals(0.75f, result.alpha(), 1e-2f); } @SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = 26) @Test public void addColorsDifferentColorSpace() { ColorSpace p3 = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.DISPLAY_P3); Color red = Color.valueOf(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, p3); Color green = Color.valueOf(0x7f007f00); Color mixed = ColorUtils.compositeColors(green, red); assertEquals(p3, mixed.getColorSpace()); assertEquals(0.31f, mixed.red(), 1e-2f); assertEquals(0.33f, mixed.green(), 1e-2f); assertEquals(0.09f, mixed.blue(), 1e-2f); assertEquals(0.75f, mixed.alpha(), 1e-2f); } @SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = 26) @Test public void addColorsZeroAlpha() { // Test potential divide by zero assertEquals(0, ColorUtils.compositeColors(Color.valueOf(0x00007f00), Color.valueOf(0x007f0000)).toArgb()); // Test low alpha Color result = ColorUtils.compositeColors(Color.valueOf(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0001f), Color.valueOf(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0001f)); assertEquals(0.50f, result.red(), 1e-2f); assertEquals(0.50f, result.green(), 1e-2f); assertEquals(0.00f, result.blue(), 1e-2f); assertEquals(2e-4f, result.alpha(), 1e-5f); } @Test public void testColorToHSL() { for (TestEntry entry : sEntryList) { verifyColorToHSL(entry.rgb, entry.hsl); } } @Test public void testHSLToColor() { for (TestEntry entry : sEntryList) { verifyHSLToColor(entry.hsl, entry.rgb); } } @Test public void testColorToHslLimits() { final float[] hsl = new float[3]; for (TestEntry entry : sEntryList) { ColorUtils.colorToHSL(entry.rgb, hsl); assertTrue(hsl[0] >= 0f && hsl[0] <= 360f); assertTrue(hsl[1] >= 0f && hsl[1] <= 1f); assertTrue(hsl[2] >= 0f && hsl[2] <= 1f); } } @Test public void testColorToXYZ() { for (TestEntry entry : sEntryList) { verifyColorToXYZ(entry.rgb, entry.xyz); } } @Test public void testColorToLAB() { for (TestEntry entry : sEntryList) { verifyColorToLAB(entry.rgb, entry.lab); } } @Test public void testLABToXYZ() { for (TestEntry entry : sEntryList) { verifyLABToXYZ(entry.lab, entry.xyz); } } @Test public void testXYZToColor() { for (TestEntry entry : sEntryList) { verifyXYZToColor(entry.xyz, entry.rgb); } } @Test public void testLABToColor() { for (TestEntry entry : sEntryList) { verifyLABToColor(entry.lab, entry.rgb); } } @Test public void testMinAlphas() { for (TestEntry entry : sEntryList) { verifyMinAlpha("Black title", entry.rgb, entry.blackMinAlpha30, ColorUtils.calculateMinimumAlpha(Color.BLACK, entry.rgb, 3.0f)); verifyMinAlpha("Black body", entry.rgb, entry.blackMinAlpha45, ColorUtils.calculateMinimumAlpha(Color.BLACK, entry.rgb, 4.5f)); verifyMinAlpha("White title", entry.rgb, entry.whiteMinAlpha30, ColorUtils.calculateMinimumAlpha(Color.WHITE, entry.rgb, 3.0f)); verifyMinAlpha("White body", entry.rgb, entry.whiteMinAlpha45, ColorUtils.calculateMinimumAlpha(Color.WHITE, entry.rgb, 4.5f)); } } @Test public void testCircularInterpolationForwards() { assertEquals(0f, ColorUtils.circularInterpolate(0, 180, 0f), 0f); assertEquals(90f, ColorUtils.circularInterpolate(0, 180, 0.5f), 0f); assertEquals(180f, ColorUtils.circularInterpolate(0, 180, 1f), 0f); } @Test public void testCircularInterpolationBackwards() { assertEquals(180f, ColorUtils.circularInterpolate(180, 0, 0f), 0f); assertEquals(90f, ColorUtils.circularInterpolate(180, 0, 0.5f), 0f); assertEquals(0f, ColorUtils.circularInterpolate(180, 0, 1f), 0f); } @Test public void testCircularInterpolationCrossZero() { assertEquals(270f, ColorUtils.circularInterpolate(270, 90, 0f), 0f); assertEquals(180f, ColorUtils.circularInterpolate(270, 90, 0.5f), 0f); assertEquals(90f, ColorUtils.circularInterpolate(270, 90, 1f), 0f); } private static void verifyMinAlpha(String title, int color, float expected, int actual) { final String message = title + " text within error for #" + Integer.toHexString(color); if (expected < 0) { assertEquals(message, actual, -1); } else { assertEquals(message, expected, actual / 255f, ALLOWED_OFFSET_MIN_ALPHA); } } private static void verifyColorToHSL(int color, float[] expected) { float[] actualHSL = new float[3]; ColorUtils.colorToHSL(color, actualHSL); assertEquals("Hue not within offset", expected[0], actualHSL[0], ALLOWED_OFFSET_HUE); assertEquals("Saturation not within offset", expected[1], actualHSL[1], ALLOWED_OFFSET_SATURATION); assertEquals("Lightness not within offset", expected[2], actualHSL[2], ALLOWED_OFFSET_LIGHTNESS); } private static void verifyHSLToColor(float[] hsl, int expected) { final int actualRgb = ColorUtils.HSLToColor(hsl); assertEquals("Red not within offset", Color.red(expected), Color.red(actualRgb), ALLOWED_OFFSET_RGB_COMPONENT); assertEquals("Green not within offset", Color.green(expected), Color.green(actualRgb), ALLOWED_OFFSET_RGB_COMPONENT); assertEquals("Blue not within offset", Color.blue(expected), Color.blue(actualRgb), ALLOWED_OFFSET_RGB_COMPONENT); } private static void verifyColorToLAB(int color, double[] expected) { double[] result = new double[3]; ColorUtils.colorToLAB(color, result); assertEquals("L not within offset", expected[0], result[0], ALLOWED_OFFSET_LAB); assertEquals("A not within offset", expected[1], result[1], ALLOWED_OFFSET_LAB); assertEquals("B not within offset", expected[2], result[2], ALLOWED_OFFSET_LAB); } private static void verifyColorToXYZ(int color, double[] expected) { double[] result = new double[3]; ColorUtils.colorToXYZ(color, result); assertEquals("X not within offset", expected[0], result[0], ALLOWED_OFFSET_XYZ); assertEquals("Y not within offset", expected[1], result[1], ALLOWED_OFFSET_XYZ); assertEquals("Z not within offset", expected[2], result[2], ALLOWED_OFFSET_XYZ); } private static void verifyLABToXYZ(double[] lab, double[] expected) { double[] result = new double[3]; ColorUtils.LABToXYZ(lab[0], lab[1], lab[2], result); assertEquals("X not within offset", expected[0], result[0], ALLOWED_OFFSET_XYZ); assertEquals("Y not within offset", expected[1], result[1], ALLOWED_OFFSET_XYZ); assertEquals("Z not within offset", expected[2], result[2], ALLOWED_OFFSET_XYZ); } private static void verifyXYZToColor(double[] xyz, int expected) { final int result = ColorUtils.XYZToColor(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]); verifyRGBComponentsClose(expected, result); } private static void verifyLABToColor(double[] lab, int expected) { final int result = ColorUtils.LABToColor(lab[0], lab[1], lab[2]); verifyRGBComponentsClose(expected, result); } private static void verifyRGBComponentsClose(int expected, int actual) { final String message = "Expected: #" + Integer.toHexString(expected) + ", Actual: #" + Integer.toHexString(actual); assertEquals("R not equal: " + message, Color.red(expected), Color.red(actual), 1); assertEquals("G not equal: " + message, Color.green(expected), Color.green(actual), 1); assertEquals("B not equal: " + message, Color.blue(expected), Color.blue(actual), 1); } private static class TestEntry { final int rgb; final float[] hsl = new float[3]; final double[] xyz = new double[3]; final double[] lab = new double[3]; float blackMinAlpha45 = -1; float blackMinAlpha30 = -1; float whiteMinAlpha45 = -1; float whiteMinAlpha30 = -1; TestEntry(int rgb) { this.rgb = rgb; } TestEntry setHsl(float h, float s, float l) { hsl[0] = h; hsl[1] = s; hsl[2] = l; return this; } TestEntry setXyz(double x, double y, double z) { xyz[0] = x; xyz[1] = y; xyz[2] = z; return this; } TestEntry setLab(double l, double a, double b) { lab[0] = l; lab[1] = a; lab[2] = b; return this; } TestEntry setBlackMinAlpha30(float minAlpha) { blackMinAlpha30 = minAlpha; return this; } TestEntry setBlackMinAlpha45(float minAlpha) { blackMinAlpha45 = minAlpha; return this; } TestEntry setWhiteMinAlpha30(float minAlpha) { whiteMinAlpha30 = minAlpha; return this; } TestEntry setWhiteMinAlpha45(float minAlpha) { whiteMinAlpha45 = minAlpha; return this; } } }