/* * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package androidx.viewpager.widget; import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.pressKey; import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.swipeLeft; import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.swipeRight; import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.PositionAssertions.isBelow; import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.PositionAssertions.isBottomAlignedWith; import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.PositionAssertions.isLeftAlignedWith; import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.PositionAssertions.isRightAlignedWith; import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.PositionAssertions.isTopAlignedWith; import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.doesNotExist; import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.hasDescendant; import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; import static android.support.v4.testutils.TestUtilsAssertions.hasDisplayedChildren; import static android.support.v4.testutils.TestUtilsMatchers.backgroundColor; import static android.support.v4.testutils.TestUtilsMatchers.centerAlignedInParent; import static android.support.v4.testutils.TestUtilsMatchers.endAlignedToParent; import static android.support.v4.testutils.TestUtilsMatchers.isOfClass; import static android.support.v4.testutils.TestUtilsMatchers.startAlignedToParent; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is; import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNot.not; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyInt; import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.never; import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import android.app.Activity; import android.graphics.Color; import android.support.test.espresso.ViewAction; import android.support.test.espresso.action.EspressoKey; import android.support.test.filters.FlakyTest; import android.support.test.filters.LargeTest; import android.support.test.filters.MediumTest; import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; import android.support.v4.testutils.TestUtilsMatchers; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import androidx.viewpager.test.R; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Base class for testing ViewPager. Most of the testing logic should be in this * class as it is independent on the specific pager title implementation (interactive or non * interactive). * * Testing logic that does depend on the specific pager title implementation is pushed into the * extending classes in assertStripInteraction() method. */ public abstract class BaseViewPagerTest { @Rule public final ActivityTestRule mActivityTestRule; private static final int DIRECTION_LEFT = -1; private static final int DIRECTION_RIGHT = 1; protected ViewPager mViewPager; protected static class BasePagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter { protected ArrayList> mEntries = new ArrayList<>(); public void add(String title, Q content) { mEntries.add(new Pair<>(title, content)); } @Override public int getCount() { return mEntries.size(); } protected void configureInstantiatedItem(View view, int position) { switch (position) { case 0: view.setId(R.id.page_0); break; case 1: view.setId(R.id.page_1); break; case 2: view.setId(R.id.page_2); break; case 3: view.setId(R.id.page_3); break; case 4: view.setId(R.id.page_4); break; case 5: view.setId(R.id.page_5); break; case 6: view.setId(R.id.page_6); break; case 7: view.setId(R.id.page_7); break; case 8: view.setId(R.id.page_8); break; case 9: view.setId(R.id.page_9); break; } } @Override public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) { // The adapter is also responsible for removing the view. container.removeView(((ViewHolder) object).view); } @Override public int getItemPosition(Object object) { return ((ViewHolder) object).position; } @Override public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object) { return ((ViewHolder) object).view == view; } @Override public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) { return mEntries.get(position).first; } protected static class ViewHolder { final View view; final int position; public ViewHolder(View view, int position) { this.view = view; this.position = position; } } } protected static class ColorPagerAdapter extends BasePagerAdapter { @Override public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) { final View view = new View(container.getContext()); view.setBackgroundColor(mEntries.get(position).second); configureInstantiatedItem(view, position); // Unlike ListView adapters, the ViewPager adapter is responsible // for adding the view to the container. container.addView(view); return new ViewHolder(view, position); } } protected static class TextPagerAdapter extends BasePagerAdapter { @Override public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) { final TextView view = new TextView(container.getContext()); view.setText(mEntries.get(position).second); configureInstantiatedItem(view, position); // Unlike ListView adapters, the ViewPager adapter is responsible // for adding the view to the container. container.addView(view); return new ViewHolder(view, position); } } protected static class ButtonPagerAdapter extends BasePagerAdapter { private ArrayList mButtons = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void add(String title, Integer content) { super.add(title, content); mButtons.add(new Button[3]); } @Override public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) { final LinearLayout view = new LinearLayout(container.getContext()); view.setBackgroundColor(mEntries.get(position).second); view.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); configureInstantiatedItem(view, position); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Button but = new Button(container.getContext()); but.setText("" + i); but.setFocusableInTouchMode(true); view.addView(but, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); mButtons.get(position)[i] = but; } // Unlike ListView adapters, the ViewPager adapter is responsible // for adding the view to the container. container.addView(view); return new ViewHolder(view, position); } public View getButton(int page, int idx) { return mButtons.get(page)[idx]; } } public BaseViewPagerTest(Class activityClass) { mActivityTestRule = new ActivityTestRule(activityClass); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { final T activity = mActivityTestRule.getActivity(); mViewPager = (ViewPager) activity.findViewById(R.id.pager); ColorPagerAdapter adapter = new ColorPagerAdapter(); adapter.add("Red", Color.RED); adapter.add("Green", Color.GREEN); adapter.add("Blue", Color.BLUE); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform( ViewPagerActions.setAdapter(adapter), ViewPagerActions.scrollToPage(0, false)); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.setAdapter(null)); } private void verifyPageSelections(boolean smoothScroll) { assertEquals("Initial state", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener mockPageChangeListener = mock(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener.class); mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll right", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(1); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll right", 2, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(2); // Try "scrolling" beyond the last page and test that we're still on the last page. onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll right beyond last page", 2, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // We're still on this page, so we shouldn't have been called again with index 2 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(2); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll left", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Verify that this is the second time we're called on index 1 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(2)).onPageSelected(1); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll left", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Verify that this is the first time we're called on index 0 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(0); // Try "scrolling" beyond the first page and test that we're still on the first page. onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll left beyond first page", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // We're still on this page, so we shouldn't have been called again with index 0 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(0); // Unregister our listener mViewPager.removeOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); // Go from index 0 to index 2 onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollToPage(2, smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll to last page", 2, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Our listener is not registered anymore, so we shouldn't have been called with index 2 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(2); // And back to 0 onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollToPage(0, smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll to first page", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Our listener is not registered anymore, so we shouldn't have been called with index 0 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(0); // Verify the overall sequence of calls to onPageSelected of our listener ArgumentCaptor pageSelectedCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(int.class); verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(4)).onPageSelected(pageSelectedCaptor.capture()); assertThat(pageSelectedCaptor.getAllValues(), TestUtilsMatchers.matches(1, 2, 1, 0)); } @Test @MediumTest public void testPageSelectionsImmediate() { verifyPageSelections(false); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPageSelectionsSmooth() { verifyPageSelections(true); } private void verifyPageChangeViewActions(ViewAction next, ViewAction previous) { assertEquals("Initial state", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); assertFalse(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_LEFT)); assertTrue(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_RIGHT)); ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener mockPageChangeListener = mock(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener.class); mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(next); assertEquals("Move to next page", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(1); assertTrue(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_LEFT)); assertTrue(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_RIGHT)); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(next); assertEquals("Move to next page", 2, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(2); assertTrue(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_LEFT)); assertFalse(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_RIGHT)); // Try swiping beyond the last page and test that we're still on the last page. onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(next); assertEquals("Attempt to move to next page beyond last page", 2, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // We're still on this page, so we shouldn't have been called again with index 2 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(2); assertTrue(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_LEFT)); assertFalse(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_RIGHT)); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(previous); assertEquals("Move to previous page", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Verify that this is the second time we're called on index 1 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(2)).onPageSelected(1); assertTrue(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_LEFT)); assertTrue(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_RIGHT)); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(previous); assertEquals("Move to previous page", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Verify that this is the first time we're called on index 0 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(0); assertFalse(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_LEFT)); assertTrue(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_RIGHT)); // Try swiping beyond the first page and test that we're still on the first page. onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(previous); assertEquals("Attempt to move to previous page beyond first page", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // We're still on this page, so we shouldn't have been called again with index 0 verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(1)).onPageSelected(0); assertFalse(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_LEFT)); assertTrue(mViewPager.canScrollHorizontally(DIRECTION_RIGHT)); mViewPager.removeOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); // Verify the overall sequence of calls to onPageSelected of our listener ArgumentCaptor pageSelectedCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(int.class); verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(4)).onPageSelected(pageSelectedCaptor.capture()); assertThat(pageSelectedCaptor.getAllValues(), TestUtilsMatchers.matches(1, 2, 1, 0)); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPageSwipes() { verifyPageChangeViewActions(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeLeft()), ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeRight())); } @Test @LargeTest public void testArrowPageChanges() { verifyPageChangeViewActions( ViewPagerActions.arrowScroll(View.FOCUS_RIGHT), ViewPagerActions.arrowScroll(View.FOCUS_LEFT)); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPageSwipesComposite() { assertEquals("Initial state", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeLeft()), ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeLeft())); assertEquals("Swipe twice left", 2, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeLeft()), ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeRight())); assertEquals("Swipe left beyond last page and then right", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform( ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeRight()), ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeRight())); assertEquals("Swipe right and then right beyond first page", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform( ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeRight()), ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeLeft())); assertEquals("Swipe right beyond first page and then left", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); } private void verifyPageContent(boolean smoothScroll) { assertEquals("Initial state", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Verify the displayed content to match the initial adapter - with 3 pages and each // one rendered as a View. // Page #0 should be displayed, page #1 should not be displayed and page #2 should not exist // yet as it's outside of the offscreen window limit. onView(withId(R.id.page_0)).check(matches(allOf( isOfClass(View.class), isDisplayed(), backgroundColor(Color.RED)))); onView(withId(R.id.page_1)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); onView(withId(R.id.page_2)).check(doesNotExist()); // Scroll one page to select page #1 onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll right", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Pages #0 / #2 should not be displayed, page #1 should be displayed. onView(withId(R.id.page_0)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); onView(withId(R.id.page_1)).check(matches(allOf( isOfClass(View.class), isDisplayed(), backgroundColor(Color.GREEN)))); onView(withId(R.id.page_2)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); // Scroll one more page to select page #2 onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll right again", 2, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Page #0 should not exist as it's bumped to the outside of the offscreen window limit, // page #1 should not be displayed, page #2 should be displayed. onView(withId(R.id.page_0)).check(doesNotExist()); onView(withId(R.id.page_1)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); onView(withId(R.id.page_2)).check(matches(allOf( isOfClass(View.class), isDisplayed(), backgroundColor(Color.BLUE)))); } @Test @MediumTest public void testPageContentImmediate() { verifyPageContent(false); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPageContentSmooth() { verifyPageContent(true); } private void verifyAdapterChange(boolean smoothScroll) { // Verify that we have the expected initial adapter PagerAdapter initialAdapter = mViewPager.getAdapter(); assertEquals("Initial adapter class", ColorPagerAdapter.class, initialAdapter.getClass()); assertEquals("Initial adapter page count", 3, initialAdapter.getCount()); // Create a new adapter TextPagerAdapter newAdapter = new TextPagerAdapter(); newAdapter.add("Title 0", "Body 0"); newAdapter.add("Title 1", "Body 1"); newAdapter.add("Title 2", "Body 2"); newAdapter.add("Title 3", "Body 3"); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform( ViewPagerActions.setAdapter(newAdapter), ViewPagerActions.scrollToPage(0, smoothScroll)); // Verify the displayed content to match the newly set adapter - with 4 pages and each // one rendered as a TextView. // Page #0 should be displayed, page #1 should not be displayed and pages #2 / #3 should not // exist yet as they're outside of the offscreen window limit. onView(withId(R.id.page_0)).check(matches(allOf( isOfClass(TextView.class), isDisplayed(), withText("Body 0")))); onView(withId(R.id.page_1)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); onView(withId(R.id.page_2)).check(doesNotExist()); onView(withId(R.id.page_3)).check(doesNotExist()); // Scroll one page to select page #1 onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll right", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Pages #0 / #2 should not be displayed, page #1 should be displayed, page #3 is still // outside the offscreen limit. onView(withId(R.id.page_0)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); onView(withId(R.id.page_1)).check(matches(allOf( isOfClass(TextView.class), isDisplayed(), withText("Body 1")))); onView(withId(R.id.page_2)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); onView(withId(R.id.page_3)).check(doesNotExist()); // Scroll one more page to select page #2 onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll right again", 2, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Page #0 should not exist as it's bumped to the outside of the offscreen window limit, // pages #1 / #3 should not be displayed, page #2 should be displayed. onView(withId(R.id.page_0)).check(doesNotExist()); onView(withId(R.id.page_1)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); onView(withId(R.id.page_2)).check(matches(allOf( isOfClass(TextView.class), isDisplayed(), withText("Body 2")))); onView(withId(R.id.page_3)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); // Scroll one more page to select page #2 onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); assertEquals("Scroll right one more time", 3, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Pages #0 / #1 should not exist as they're bumped to the outside of the offscreen window // limit, page #2 should not be displayed, page #3 should be displayed. onView(withId(R.id.page_0)).check(doesNotExist()); onView(withId(R.id.page_1)).check(doesNotExist()); onView(withId(R.id.page_2)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); onView(withId(R.id.page_3)).check(matches(allOf( isOfClass(TextView.class), isDisplayed(), withText("Body 3")))); } @Test @MediumTest public void testAdapterChangeImmediate() { verifyAdapterChange(false); } @Test @LargeTest public void testAdapterChangeSmooth() { verifyAdapterChange(true); } private void verifyTitleStripLayout(String expectedStartTitle, String expectedSelectedTitle, String expectedEndTitle, int selectedPageId) { // Check that the title strip spans the whole width of the pager and is aligned to // its top onView(withId(R.id.titles)).check(isLeftAlignedWith(withId(R.id.pager))); onView(withId(R.id.titles)).check(isRightAlignedWith(withId(R.id.pager))); onView(withId(R.id.titles)).check(isTopAlignedWith(withId(R.id.pager))); // Check that the currently selected page spans the whole width of the pager and is below // the title strip onView(withId(selectedPageId)).check(isLeftAlignedWith(withId(R.id.pager))); onView(withId(selectedPageId)).check(isRightAlignedWith(withId(R.id.pager))); onView(withId(selectedPageId)).check(isBelow(withId(R.id.titles))); onView(withId(selectedPageId)).check(isBottomAlignedWith(withId(R.id.pager))); boolean hasStartTitle = !TextUtils.isEmpty(expectedStartTitle); boolean hasEndTitle = !TextUtils.isEmpty(expectedEndTitle); // Check that the title strip shows the expected number of children (tab titles) int nonNullTitles = (hasStartTitle ? 1 : 0) + 1 + (hasEndTitle ? 1 : 0); onView(withId(R.id.titles)).check(hasDisplayedChildren(nonNullTitles)); if (hasStartTitle) { // Check that the title for the start page is displayed at the start edge of its parent // (title strip) onView(withId(R.id.titles)).check(matches(hasDescendant( allOf(withText(expectedStartTitle), isDisplayed(), startAlignedToParent())))); } // Check that the title for the selected page is displayed centered in its parent // (title strip) onView(withId(R.id.titles)).check(matches(hasDescendant( allOf(withText(expectedSelectedTitle), isDisplayed(), centerAlignedInParent())))); if (hasEndTitle) { // Check that the title for the end page is displayed at the end edge of its parent // (title strip) onView(withId(R.id.titles)).check(matches(hasDescendant( allOf(withText(expectedEndTitle), isDisplayed(), endAlignedToParent())))); } } private void verifyPagerStrip(boolean smoothScroll) { // Set an adapter with 5 pages final ColorPagerAdapter adapter = new ColorPagerAdapter(); adapter.add("Red", Color.RED); adapter.add("Green", Color.GREEN); adapter.add("Blue", Color.BLUE); adapter.add("Yellow", Color.YELLOW); adapter.add("Magenta", Color.MAGENTA); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.setAdapter(adapter), ViewPagerActions.scrollToPage(0, smoothScroll)); // Check that the pager has a title strip onView(withId(R.id.pager)).check(matches(hasDescendant(withId(R.id.titles)))); // Check that the title strip is displayed and is of the expected class onView(withId(R.id.titles)).check(matches(allOf( isDisplayed(), isOfClass(getStripClass())))); // The following block tests the overall layout of tab strip and main pager content // (vertical stacking), the content of the tab strip (showing texts for the selected // tab and the ones on its left / right) as well as the alignment of the content in the // tab strip (selected in center, others on left and right). // Check the content and alignment of title strip for selected page #0 verifyTitleStripLayout(null, "Red", "Green", R.id.page_0); // Scroll one page to select page #1 and check layout / content of title strip onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); verifyTitleStripLayout("Red", "Green", "Blue", R.id.page_1); // Scroll one page to select page #2 and check layout / content of title strip onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); verifyTitleStripLayout("Green", "Blue", "Yellow", R.id.page_2); // Scroll one page to select page #3 and check layout / content of title strip onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); verifyTitleStripLayout("Blue", "Yellow", "Magenta", R.id.page_3); // Scroll one page to select page #4 and check layout / content of title strip onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(smoothScroll)); verifyTitleStripLayout("Yellow", "Magenta", null, R.id.page_4); // Scroll back to page #0 onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(ViewPagerActions.scrollToPage(0, smoothScroll)); assertStripInteraction(smoothScroll); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPagerStripImmediate() { verifyPagerStrip(false); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPagerStripSmooth() { verifyPagerStrip(true); } /** * Returns the class of the pager strip. */ protected abstract Class getStripClass(); /** * Checks assertions that are specific to the pager strip implementation (interactive or * non interactive). */ protected abstract void assertStripInteraction(boolean smoothScroll); /** * Helper method that performs the specified action on the ViewPager and then * checks the sequence of calls to the page change listener based on the specified expected * scroll state changes. * * If that expected list is empty, this method verifies that there were no calls to * onPageScrollStateChanged when the action was performed. Otherwise it verifies that the actual * sequence of calls to onPageScrollStateChanged matches the expected (specified) one. */ private void verifyScrollStateChange(ViewAction viewAction, int... expectedScrollStateChanges) { ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener mockPageChangeListener = mock(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener.class); mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); // Perform our action onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(viewAction); int expectedScrollStateChangeCount = (expectedScrollStateChanges != null) ? expectedScrollStateChanges.length : 0; if (expectedScrollStateChangeCount == 0) { verify(mockPageChangeListener, never()).onPageScrollStateChanged(anyInt()); } else { ArgumentCaptor pageScrollStateCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(int.class); verify(mockPageChangeListener, times(expectedScrollStateChangeCount)). onPageScrollStateChanged(pageScrollStateCaptor.capture()); assertThat(pageScrollStateCaptor.getAllValues(), TestUtilsMatchers.matches(expectedScrollStateChanges)); } // Remove our mock listener to get back to clean state for the next test mViewPager.removeOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); } @Test @MediumTest public void testPageScrollStateChangedImmediate() { // Note that all the actions tested in this method are immediate (no scrolling) and // as such we test that we do not get any calls to onPageScrollStateChanged in any of them // Select one page to the right verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(false)); // Select one more page to the right verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(false)); // Select one page to the left verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(false)); // Select one more page to the left verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(false)); // Select last page verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollToLast(false)); // Select first page verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollToFirst(false)); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPageScrollStateChangedSmooth() { // Note that all the actions tested in this method use smooth scrolling and as such we test // that we get the matching calls to onPageScrollStateChanged final int[] expectedScrollStateChanges = new int[] { ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING, ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE }; // Select one page to the right verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(true), expectedScrollStateChanges); // Select one more page to the right verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(true), expectedScrollStateChanges); // Select one page to the left verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(true), expectedScrollStateChanges); // Select one more page to the left verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(true), expectedScrollStateChanges); // Select last page verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollToLast(true), expectedScrollStateChanges); // Select first page verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.scrollToFirst(true), expectedScrollStateChanges); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPageScrollStateChangedSwipe() { // Note that all the actions tested in this method use swiping and as such we test // that we get the matching calls to onPageScrollStateChanged final int[] expectedScrollStateChanges = new int[] { ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING, ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING, ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE }; // Swipe one page to the left verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeLeft()), expectedScrollStateChanges); assertEquals("Swipe left", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Swipe one more page to the left verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeLeft()), expectedScrollStateChanges); assertEquals("Swipe left", 2, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Swipe one page to the right verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeRight()), expectedScrollStateChanges); assertEquals("Swipe right", 1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Swipe one more page to the right verifyScrollStateChange(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeRight()), expectedScrollStateChanges); assertEquals("Swipe right", 0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); } /** * Helper method to verify the internal consistency of values passed to * {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener#onPageScrolled} callback when we go from a page with * lower index to a page with higher index. * * @param startPageIndex Index of the starting page. * @param endPageIndex Index of the ending page. * @param pageWidth Page width in pixels. * @param positions List of "position" values passed to all * {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener#onPageScrolled} calls. * @param positionOffsets List of "positionOffset" values passed to all * {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener#onPageScrolled} calls. * @param positionOffsetPixels List of "positionOffsetPixel" values passed to all * {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener#onPageScrolled} calls. */ private void verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(int startPageIndex, int endPageIndex, int pageWidth, List positions, List positionOffsets, List positionOffsetPixels) { int callbackCount = positions.size(); // The last entry in all three lists must match the index of the end page Assert.assertEquals("Position at last index", endPageIndex, (int) positions.get(callbackCount - 1)); Assert.assertEquals("Position offset at last index", 0.0f, positionOffsets.get(callbackCount - 1), 0.0f); Assert.assertEquals("Position offset pixel at last index", 0, (int) positionOffsetPixels.get(callbackCount - 1)); // If this was our only callback, return. This can happen on immediate page change // or on very slow devices. if (callbackCount == 1) { return; } // If we have additional callbacks, verify that the values provided to our callback reflect // a valid sequence of events going from startPageIndex to endPageIndex. for (int i = 0; i < callbackCount - 1; i++) { // Page position must be between start page and end page int pagePositionCurr = positions.get(i); if ((pagePositionCurr < startPageIndex) || (pagePositionCurr > endPageIndex)) { Assert.fail("Position at #" + i + " is " + pagePositionCurr + ", but should be between " + startPageIndex + " and " + endPageIndex); } // Page position sequence cannot be decreasing int pagePositionNext = positions.get(i + 1); if (pagePositionCurr > pagePositionNext) { Assert.fail("Position at #" + i + " is " + pagePositionCurr + " and then decreases to " + pagePositionNext + " at #" + (i + 1)); } // Position offset must be in [0..1) range (inclusive / exclusive) float positionOffsetCurr = positionOffsets.get(i); if ((positionOffsetCurr < 0.0f) || (positionOffsetCurr >= 1.0f)) { Assert.fail("Position offset at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetCurr + ", but should be in [0..1) range"); } // Position pixel offset must be in [0..pageWidth) range (inclusive / exclusive) int positionOffsetPixelCurr = positionOffsetPixels.get(i); if ((positionOffsetPixelCurr < 0.0f) || (positionOffsetPixelCurr >= pageWidth)) { Assert.fail("Position pixel offset at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetCurr + ", but should be in [0.." + pageWidth + ") range"); } // Position pixel offset must match the position offset and page width within // a one-pixel tolerance range Assert.assertEquals("Position pixel offset at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetPixelCurr + ", but doesn't match position offset which is" + positionOffsetCurr + " and page width which is " + pageWidth, positionOffsetPixelCurr, positionOffsetCurr * pageWidth, 1.0f); // If we stay on the same page between this index and the next one, both position // offset and position pixel offset must increase if (pagePositionNext == pagePositionCurr) { float positionOffsetNext = positionOffsets.get(i + 1); // Note that since position offset sequence is float, we are checking for strict // increasing if (positionOffsetNext <= positionOffsetCurr) { Assert.fail("Position offset at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetCurr + " and at #" + (i + 1) + " is " + positionOffsetNext + ". Since both are for page " + pagePositionCurr + ", they cannot decrease"); } int positionOffsetPixelNext = positionOffsetPixels.get(i + 1); // Note that since position offset pixel sequence is the mapping of position offset // into screen pixels, we can get two (or more) callbacks with strictly increasing // position offsets that are converted into the same pixel value. This is why here // we are checking for non-strict increasing if (positionOffsetPixelNext < positionOffsetPixelCurr) { Assert.fail("Position offset pixel at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetPixelCurr + " and at #" + (i + 1) + " is " + positionOffsetPixelNext + ". Since both are for page " + pagePositionCurr + ", they cannot decrease"); } } } } /** * Helper method to verify the internal consistency of values passed to * {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener#onPageScrolled} callback when we go from a page with * higher index to a page with lower index. * * @param startPageIndex Index of the starting page. * @param endPageIndex Index of the ending page. * @param pageWidth Page width in pixels. * @param positions List of "position" values passed to all * {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener#onPageScrolled} calls. * @param positionOffsets List of "positionOffset" values passed to all * {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener#onPageScrolled} calls. * @param positionOffsetPixels List of "positionOffsetPixel" values passed to all * {@link ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener#onPageScrolled} calls. */ private void verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(int startPageIndex, int endPageIndex, int pageWidth, List positions, List positionOffsets, List positionOffsetPixels) { int callbackCount = positions.size(); // The last entry in all three lists must match the index of the end page Assert.assertEquals("Position at last index", endPageIndex, (int) positions.get(callbackCount - 1)); Assert.assertEquals("Position offset at last index", 0.0f, positionOffsets.get(callbackCount - 1), 0.0f); Assert.assertEquals("Position offset pixel at last index", 0, (int) positionOffsetPixels.get(callbackCount - 1)); // If this was our only callback, return. This can happen on immediate page change // or on very slow devices. if (callbackCount == 1) { return; } // If we have additional callbacks, verify that the values provided to our callback reflect // a valid sequence of events going from startPageIndex to endPageIndex. for (int i = 0; i < callbackCount - 1; i++) { // Page position must be between start page and end page int pagePositionCurr = positions.get(i); if ((pagePositionCurr > startPageIndex) || (pagePositionCurr < endPageIndex)) { Assert.fail("Position at #" + i + " is " + pagePositionCurr + ", but should be between " + endPageIndex + " and " + startPageIndex); } // Page position sequence cannot be increasing int pagePositionNext = positions.get(i + 1); if (pagePositionCurr < pagePositionNext) { Assert.fail("Position at #" + i + " is " + pagePositionCurr + " and then increases to " + pagePositionNext + " at #" + (i + 1)); } // Position offset must be in [0..1) range (inclusive / exclusive) float positionOffsetCurr = positionOffsets.get(i); if ((positionOffsetCurr < 0.0f) || (positionOffsetCurr >= 1.0f)) { Assert.fail("Position offset at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetCurr + ", but should be in [0..1) range"); } // Position pixel offset must be in [0..pageWidth) range (inclusive / exclusive) int positionOffsetPixelCurr = positionOffsetPixels.get(i); if ((positionOffsetPixelCurr < 0.0f) || (positionOffsetPixelCurr >= pageWidth)) { Assert.fail("Position pixel offset at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetCurr + ", but should be in [0.." + pageWidth + ") range"); } // Position pixel offset must match the position offset and page width within // a one-pixel tolerance range Assert.assertEquals("Position pixel offset at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetPixelCurr + ", but doesn't match position offset which is" + positionOffsetCurr + " and page width which is " + pageWidth, positionOffsetPixelCurr, positionOffsetCurr * pageWidth, 1.0f); // If we stay on the same page between this index and the next one, both position // offset and position pixel offset must decrease if (pagePositionNext == pagePositionCurr) { float positionOffsetNext = positionOffsets.get(i + 1); // Note that since position offset sequence is float, we are checking for strict // decreasing if (positionOffsetNext >= positionOffsetCurr) { Assert.fail("Position offset at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetCurr + " and at #" + (i + 1) + " is " + positionOffsetNext + ". Since both are for page " + pagePositionCurr + ", they cannot increase"); } int positionOffsetPixelNext = positionOffsetPixels.get(i + 1); // Note that since position offset pixel sequence is the mapping of position offset // into screen pixels, we can get two (or more) callbacks with strictly decreasing // position offsets that are converted into the same pixel value. This is why here // we are checking for non-strict decreasing if (positionOffsetPixelNext > positionOffsetPixelCurr) { Assert.fail("Position offset pixel at #" + i + " is " + positionOffsetPixelCurr + " and at #" + (i + 1) + " is " + positionOffsetPixelNext + ". Since both are for page " + pagePositionCurr + ", they cannot increase"); } } } } private void verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(ViewAction viewAction, int expectedEndPageIndex) { final int startPageIndex = mViewPager.getCurrentItem(); ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener mockPageChangeListener = mock(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener.class); mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); // Perform our action onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(viewAction); final int endPageIndex = mViewPager.getCurrentItem(); Assert.assertEquals("Current item after action", expectedEndPageIndex, endPageIndex); ArgumentCaptor positionCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(int.class); ArgumentCaptor positionOffsetCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(float.class); ArgumentCaptor positionOffsetPixelsCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(int.class); verify(mockPageChangeListener, atLeastOnce()).onPageScrolled(positionCaptor.capture(), positionOffsetCaptor.capture(), positionOffsetPixelsCaptor.capture()); verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(startPageIndex, endPageIndex, mViewPager.getWidth(), positionCaptor.getAllValues(), positionOffsetCaptor.getAllValues(), positionOffsetPixelsCaptor.getAllValues()); // Remove our mock listener to get back to clean state for the next test mViewPager.removeOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); } private void verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(ViewAction viewAction, int expectedEndPageIndex) { final int startPageIndex = mViewPager.getCurrentItem(); ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener mockPageChangeListener = mock(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener.class); mViewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); // Perform our action onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform(viewAction); final int endPageIndex = mViewPager.getCurrentItem(); Assert.assertEquals("Current item after action", expectedEndPageIndex, endPageIndex); ArgumentCaptor positionCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(int.class); ArgumentCaptor positionOffsetCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(float.class); ArgumentCaptor positionOffsetPixelsCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(int.class); verify(mockPageChangeListener, atLeastOnce()).onPageScrolled(positionCaptor.capture(), positionOffsetCaptor.capture(), positionOffsetPixelsCaptor.capture()); verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(startPageIndex, endPageIndex, mViewPager.getWidth(), positionCaptor.getAllValues(), positionOffsetCaptor.getAllValues(), positionOffsetPixelsCaptor.getAllValues()); // Remove our mock listener to get back to clean state for the next test mViewPager.removeOnPageChangeListener(mockPageChangeListener); } @Test @MediumTest public void testPageScrollPositionChangesImmediate() { // Scroll one page to the right verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(false), 1); // Scroll one more page to the right verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(false), 2); // Scroll one page to the left verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(false), 1); // Scroll one more page to the left verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(false), 0); // Scroll to the last page verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollToLast(false), 2); // Scroll to the first page verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollToFirst(false), 0); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPageScrollPositionChangesSmooth() { // Scroll one page to the right verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(true), 1); // Scroll one more page to the right verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollRight(true), 2); // Scroll one page to the left verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(true), 1); // Scroll one more page to the left verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollLeft(true), 0); // Scroll to the last page verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollToLast(true), 2); // Scroll to the first page verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(ViewPagerActions.scrollToFirst(true), 0); } @Test @LargeTest public void testPageScrollPositionChangesSwipe() { // Swipe one page to the left verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeLeft()), 1); // Swipe one more page to the left verifyScrollCallbacksToHigherPage(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeLeft()), 2); // Swipe one page to the right verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeRight()), 1); // Swipe one more page to the right verifyScrollCallbacksToLowerPage(ViewPagerActions.wrap(swipeRight()), 0); } @FlakyTest(bugId = 38260187) @Test @LargeTest public void testKeyboardNavigation() { ButtonPagerAdapter adapter = new ButtonPagerAdapter(); adapter.add("Red", Color.RED); adapter.add("Green", Color.GREEN); adapter.add("Blue", Color.BLUE); onView(withId(R.id.pager)).perform( ViewPagerActions.setAdapter(adapter), ViewPagerActions.scrollToPage(0, false)); View firstButton = adapter.getButton(0, 0); firstButton.requestFocus(); assertTrue(firstButton.isFocused()); assertEquals(0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); // Normal arrows should traverse contents first onView(is(firstButton)).perform(pressKey(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT)); assertEquals(0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); assertTrue(adapter.getButton(0, 1).isFocused()); // Alt arrows should change page even if there are more focusables in that direction onView(is(adapter.getButton(0, 1))).perform(pressKey(new EspressoKey.Builder() .withAltPressed(true).withKeyCode(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT).build())); assertEquals(1, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); assertTrue(adapter.getButton(1, 0).isFocused()); // Normal arrows should change page if there are no more focusables in that direction onView(is(adapter.getButton(1, 0))).perform(pressKey(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT)); assertEquals(0, mViewPager.getCurrentItem()); } }