/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package libcore.java.sql; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; /** * Tests based on * JDBC 1.0 API spec Table 1.0 */ public final class OldResultSetGetterTests extends OldSQLTest { String queryAllSelect = "select * from type"; ResultSet res = null; Statement st = null; // Judgement concerning support is based on the result of ResultSet.getOject // and Table 1 of JDBC 1.0 spec. static boolean booleanSupported = false; static boolean blobSupported = false; static boolean bigIntSupported = false; static boolean smallIntSupported = false; static boolean mediumIntSupported = false; static boolean realSupported = false; static boolean floatSupported = false; static boolean dateSupported = false; static boolean timeSupported = false; static boolean timeStampSupported = false; static boolean dateTimeSupported = false; static boolean urlSupported= false; static boolean tinyIntSupported = false; static boolean decimalSupported = false; static boolean numericSupported = false; static List colNames = Arrays.asList("BoolVal", "IntVal", "LongVal", "Bint", "Tint", "Sint", "Mint", "IntegerVal", "RealVal", "DoubleVal", "FloatVal", "DecVal", "NumVal", "charStr", "dateVal", "timeVal", "TS", "DT", "TBlob", "BlobVal", "MBlob", "LBlob", "TText", "TextVal", "MText", "LText", "MaxLongVal", "MinLongVal", "validURL", "invalidURL"); static List values = Arrays.asList("1", "-1", "22", "2", "33", "3","1","2","3.9","23.2","33.3","44", "5", "test string", "1799-05-26", "12:35:45", "2007-10-09 14:28:02.0", "1221-09-22 10:11:55","1","2","3","4","Test text message tiny", "Test text", "Test text message medium", "Test text message long"); static boolean[] supported = new boolean[]{ booleanSupported, true, true, bigIntSupported, tinyIntSupported, smallIntSupported, mediumIntSupported, true, realSupported, true, floatSupported, decimalSupported, numericSupported, true, dateSupported, timeSupported, timeStampSupported, dateTimeSupported, blobSupported, blobSupported, blobSupported, blobSupported, true, true, true, true, bigIntSupported, bigIntSupported, urlSupported, urlSupported }; // Not supported: BIT,VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, BINARY, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR static Class[] typeMap = new Class[]{ java.lang.String.class, // java.lang.Integer.class,//Types.INTEGER, java.lang.Integer.class, //Types.LONG, not a JDBC 1.0 type java.lang.Long.class, // Types.BIGINT, java.lang.Byte.class, // Types.TINYINT, java.lang.Short.class, // Types.SMALLINT, java.lang.Integer.class, //Types.MEDIUMINT, , not a JDBC 1.0 type java.lang.Integer.class, // Types.Integer java.lang.Float.class, // Types.REAL, java.lang.Double.class, // Types.FLOAT, java.lang.Double.class, // Types.DOUBLE, java.math.BigDecimal.class, // Types.DECIMAL, java.math.BigDecimal.class, // Types.NUMERIC, java.lang.String.class, // Types.CHAR java.sql.Date.class, // Types.DATE, java.sql.Time.class, // Types.TIME, java.sql.Timestamp.class, // Types.TIMESTAMP, java.sql.Date.class, // types datetime, not a JDBC 1.0 type java.sql.Blob.class, // Types.BLOB, not a JDBC 1.0 type java.sql.Blob.class, // Types.BLOB, not a JDBC 1.0 type java.sql.Blob.class, // Types.BLOB, not a JDBC 1.0 type java.sql.Blob.class, // Types.BLOB, not a JDBC 1.0 type java.lang.String.class, // not a JDBC 1.0 type java.lang.String.class, // not a JDBC 1.0 type java.lang.String.class, // not a JDBC 1.0 type java.lang.String.class, // not a JDBC 1.0 type java.lang.Long.class, // Types.BIGINT, java.lang.Long.class, // Types.BIGINT, java.net.URL.class, // not a JDBC 1.0 type java.net.URL.class // not a JDBC 1.0 type }; // first inserted row : actual values // second inserted row: null values String[] queries = { "create table type (" + " BoolVal BOOLEAN," + " IntVal INT," + " LongVal LONG," + " Bint BIGINT," + " Tint TINYINT," + " Sint SMALLINT," + " Mint MEDIUMINT, " + " IntegerVal INTEGER, " + " RealVal REAL, " + " DoubleVal DOUBLE, " + " FloatVal FLOAT, " + " DecVal DECIMAL, " + " NumVal NUMERIC, " + " charStr CHAR(20), " + " dateVal DATE, " + " timeVal TIME, " + " TS TIMESTAMP, " + " DT DATETIME, " + " TBlob TINYBLOB, " + " BlobVal BLOB, " + " MBlob MEDIUMBLOB, " + " LBlob LONGBLOB, " + " TText TINYTEXT, " + " TextVal TEXT, " + " MText MEDIUMTEXT, " + " LText LONGTEXT, " + " MaxLongVal BIGINT, MinLongVal BIGINT, "+ " validURL URL, invalidURL URL "+ ");" , "insert into type (BoolVal, IntVal, LongVal, Bint, Tint, Sint, Mint," + "IntegerVal, RealVal, DoubleVal, FloatVal, DecVal," + "NumVal, charStr, dateVal, timeVal, TS," + "DT, TBlob, BlobVal, MBlob, LBlob," + "TText, TextVal, MText, LText, MaxLongVal, MinLongVal," + " validURL, invalidURL" + ") " + "values (1, -1, 22, 2, 33," + "3, 1, 2, 3.9, 23.2, 33.3, 44," + "5, 'test string', '1799-05-26', '12:35:45', '2007-10-09 14:28:02.0'," + "'1221-09-22 10:11:55', 1, 2, 3, 4," + "'Test text message tiny', 'Test text'," + " 'Test text message medium', 'Test text message long', " + Long.MAX_VALUE+", "+Long.MIN_VALUE+", " + "'http://www.android.com', 'helloWorld' "+ ");" , "insert into type (BoolVal, IntVal, LongVal, Bint, Tint, Sint, Mint," + "IntegerVal, RealVal, DoubleVal, FloatVal, DecVal," + "NumVal, charStr, dateVal, timeVal, TS," + "DT, TBlob, BlobVal, MBlob, LBlob," + "TText, TextVal, MText, LText, MaxLongVal, MinLongVal," +" validURL, invalidURL" + ") " + "values (null, null, null, null, null," + "null, null, null, null, null, null, null," + "null, null, null, null, null," + "null, null, null, null, null," + "null, null, null, null,null, null, null, null);" }; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); st = conn.createStatement(); for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) { st.execute(queries[i]); } res = st.executeQuery(queryAllSelect); assertTrue(res.next()); } public void tearDown() throws SQLException { try { st.execute("drop table if exists type"); st.close(); res.close(); } finally { try { st.close(); res.close(); } catch (SQLException ee) { } } super.tearDown(); } public void testGetBytesInt() throws SQLException { int i = 1; // null value i = 1; res.next(); for (String t : values) { assertNull(res.getBytes(i)); i++; } try { res.close(); res.getBytes(24); fail("Should get Exception"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } } public void testGetBytesIntVarbinary() throws SQLException { Statement st = null; Statement stQuery = null; PreparedStatement stPrep = null; ResultSet res = null; // setup try { String testString = "HelloWorld"; st = conn.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate("create table testBinary (VARBINARY value);"); stPrep = conn .prepareStatement("insert into testBinary values (?);"); stPrep.setBytes(1, testString.getBytes()); stPrep.execute(); stQuery = conn.createStatement(); res = stQuery.executeQuery("select * from testBinary"); assertTrue(res.next()); byte[] output = res.getBytes(1); String helloTest = new String(output); assertNotNull(helloTest); assertEquals(testString, helloTest); } finally { if (res != null) res.close(); if (stPrep != null) stPrep.close(); if (st != null) st.close(); if (stQuery != null) stQuery.close(); } } public void testGetBytesIntBinary() throws SQLException { Statement st = null; Statement stQuery = null; PreparedStatement stPrep = null; ResultSet res = null; // setup String testString = "HelloWorld"; st = conn.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate("create table testBinary (BINARY value);"); stPrep = conn.prepareStatement("insert into testBinary values (?);"); stPrep.setBytes(1, testString.getBytes()); stPrep.execute(); try { stQuery = conn.createStatement(); res = stQuery.executeQuery("select * from testBinary"); assertTrue(res.next()); byte[] output = res.getBytes(1); String helloTest = new String(output); assertNotNull(helloTest); assertEquals(testString, helloTest); } finally { if (res != null) res.close(); if (stPrep != null) stPrep.close(); if (st != null) st.close(); if (stQuery != null) stQuery.close(); } } public void testGetBytesString() throws SQLException { int i = 1; // null value res.next(); for (String t : colNames) { assertNull(res.getBytes(t)); } try { res.close(); res.getBytes(colNames.get(24)); fail("Should get Exception"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } } // last assertion fails: invalid conversion. Test passes on RI public void testGetBytesStringVarbinary() throws SQLException { Statement st = null; Statement stQuery = null; PreparedStatement stPrep = null; ResultSet res = null; // setup try { String testString = "HelloWorld"; st = conn.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate("create table testBinary (VARBINARY value);"); stPrep = conn .prepareStatement("insert into testBinary values (?);"); stPrep.setBytes(1, testString.getBytes()); stPrep.execute(); stQuery = conn.createStatement(); res = stQuery.executeQuery("select value from testBinary"); assertTrue(res.next()); byte[] output = res.getBytes("value"); String helloTest = new String(output); assertNotNull(helloTest); assertEquals(testString, helloTest); } finally { if (res != null) res.close(); if (stPrep != null) stPrep.close(); if (st != null) st.close(); if (stQuery != null) stQuery.close(); } } // last assertion fails: invalid conversion. Test passes on RI public void testGetBytesStringBinary() throws SQLException { Statement st = null; Statement stQuery = null; PreparedStatement stPrep = null; ResultSet res = null; // setup String testString = "HelloWorld"; st = conn.createStatement(); st.executeUpdate("create table testBinary (BINARY value);"); stPrep = conn.prepareStatement("insert into testBinary values (?);"); stPrep.setBytes(1, testString.getBytes()); stPrep.execute(); try { stQuery = conn.createStatement(); res = stQuery.executeQuery("select value from testBinary"); assertTrue(res.next()); byte[] output = res.getBytes("value"); String helloTest = new String(output); assertNotNull(helloTest); assertEquals(testString, helloTest); } finally { if (res != null) res.close(); if (stPrep != null) stPrep.close(); if (st != null) st.close(); if (stQuery != null) stQuery.close(); } } public void testGetConcurrency() throws SQLException { assertEquals(ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE, res.getConcurrency()); } public void testGetDateInt() throws SQLException { GregorianCalendar testCal = new GregorianCalendar(1799, Calendar.MAY, 26, 0, 0); Date input = new Date(testCal.getTimeInMillis()); Date d = res.getDate(15); assertEquals(input.toString(),"1799-05-26"); assertEquals(input,d); try { d = res.getDate(500); fail("Should get exception"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } // null value assertTrue(res.next()); d = res.getDate(15); assertNull(d); } public void testGetDateIntCalendar() throws SQLException { GregorianCalendar testCal = new GregorianCalendar(1799, Calendar.MAY, 26, 0, 0); Date input = new Date(testCal.getTimeInMillis()); Date d = res.getDate(15, testCal); assertEquals(input.toString(),"1799-05-26"); assertEquals(input,d); try { d = res.getDate(500, testCal); fail("Should get exception"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } // null value assertTrue(res.next()); d = res.getDate(15,testCal); assertNull(d); } public void testGetDateString() throws SQLException { GregorianCalendar testCal = new GregorianCalendar(1799, Calendar.MAY, 26, 0, 0); Date input = new Date(testCal.getTimeInMillis()); Date d = res.getDate("dateVal"); assertEquals(input.toString(),"1799-05-26"); assertEquals(input,d); try { d = res.getDate("bla"); fail("Should get exception"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } // null value assertTrue(res.next()); d = res.getDate("dateVal"); assertNull(d); } public void testGetDateStringCalendar() throws SQLException { GregorianCalendar testCal = new GregorianCalendar(1799, Calendar.MAY, 26, 0, 0); Date input = new Date(testCal.getTimeInMillis()); Date d = res.getDate("dateVal", testCal); assertEquals(input.toString(),"1799-05-26"); assertEquals(input,d); try { res.getDate("bla", testCal); fail("Should get exception"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } // null value assertTrue(res.next()); d = res.getDate("dateVal",testCal); assertNull(d); } public void testGetDoubleInt() throws SQLException { double output = 0.0; double[] input = {2.0, 3.9 , 23.2}; output = res.getDouble(8); assertEquals(input[0],output); output = res.getDouble(9); assertEquals(input[1],output); output = res.getDouble(10); assertEquals(input[2],output); try { res.getDouble(500); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } // null value res.next(); output = res.getDouble(8); assertEquals(0.0,output); output = res.getDouble(9); assertEquals(0.0,output); output = res.getDouble(10); assertEquals(0.0,output); } public void testGetDoubleString() throws SQLException { double input = 23.2; double output = 0.0; output = res.getDouble("DoubleVal"); assertEquals (input,output); try{ res.getDouble("bla"); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { // ok } // null value assertTrue(res.next()); output = res.getDouble("DoubleVal"); assertEquals (0.0 , output); } public void testGetFloatInt() throws SQLException { float defaultF = 0.0f; float[] input = {3.9f, 23.2f, 33.3f}; float output = res.getFloat(9); assertEquals(input[0], output); output = res.getFloat(10); assertEquals(input[1], output); output = res.getFloat(11); assertEquals(input[2], output); try { res.getFloat(500); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } res.next(); output = res.getFloat(8); assertEquals(defaultF, output); output = res.getFloat(9); assertEquals(defaultF, output); output = res.getFloat(10); assertEquals(defaultF, output); } public void testGetFloatString() throws SQLException { float defaultF = 0.0f; String[] input = {"RealVal", "DoubleVal", "FloatVal"}; float[] inputF = {3.9f, 23.2f, 33.3f}; float output = res.getFloat(input[0]); assertEquals(inputF[0], output); output = res.getFloat(input[1]); assertEquals(inputF[1], output); output = res.getFloat(input[2]); assertEquals(inputF[2], output); try { res.getFloat(500); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } res.next(); output = res.getFloat(8); assertEquals(defaultF, output); output = res.getFloat(9); assertEquals(defaultF, output); output = res.getFloat(10); assertEquals(defaultF, output); } public void testGetIntInt() throws SQLException { // real input val -1, 22, 2, 33,3, 1, 2 List input = Arrays.asList(1, -1, 22, 2, 33,3, 1, 2); ListIterator it = input.listIterator(); Double test2 = new Double(23.2); for (int i = 1;i<9;i++ ) { assertEquals(it.next().intValue(),res.getInt(i)); } try { res.getInt(500); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } res.next(); for (int i = 2;i<11;i++ ) { assertEquals(0,res.getInt(i)); } } public void testGetIntString() throws SQLException { List inputS = Arrays.asList("BoolVal", "IntVal", "LongVal", "Bint", "Tint", "Sint", "Mint", "IntegerVal"); ListIterator itS = inputS.listIterator(); List input = Arrays.asList(1, -1, 22, 2, 33, 3, 1, 2); ListIterator it = input.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { assertEquals(it.next().intValue(), res.getInt(itS.next())); } try { res.getInt("bla"); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } res.next(); for (String s : inputS) { assertEquals(0, res.getInt(s)); } } public void testGetLongInt() throws SQLException { long maxVal = Long.MAX_VALUE; long minVal = Long.MIN_VALUE; assertEquals(maxVal, res.getLong(27)); assertEquals(minVal, res.getLong(28)); try { res.getInt(500); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } res.next(); assertEquals(0, res.getLong(27)); assertEquals(0, res.getLong(28)); } public void testGetLongString() throws SQLException { long maxVal = Long.MAX_VALUE; long minVal = Long.MIN_VALUE; assertEquals(maxVal, res.getLong("MaxLongVal")); assertEquals(minVal, res.getLong("MinLongVal")); try { res.getInt("bla"); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } res.next(); assertEquals(0,res.getLong("MaxLongVal")); assertEquals(0,res.getLong("MinLongVal")); } /** * Test method for {@link java.sql.ResultSet#getMetaData()}. * type mappings according to * http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/jdbc/spec/jdbc-spec.frame8.html * Not supported datatypes are not checked. * * Wrong value returned for Long: java.lang.String (VARCHAR) */ public void testGetMetaData() throws SQLException { /* * List types = Arrays.asList("BOOLEAN", "INT", "LONG", * "BIGINT", "TINYINT", "SMALLINT", "MEDIUMINT", "INTEGER", "REAL", * "DOUBLE", "FLOAT", "DECIMAL", "NUMERIC", "CHAR(20)", "DATE", "TIME", * "TIMESTAMP", "DATETIME", "TINYBLOB", "BLOB", "MEDIUMBLOB", * "LONGBLOB", "TINYTEXT", "TEXT", "MEDIUMTEXT", "LONGTEXT", "BIGINT", * "BIGINT","URL","URL"); */ List types = Arrays.asList("VARCHAR", "INTEGER", "INTEGER", "BIGINT", "SMALLINT", "SHORT", "INTEGER", "INTEGER", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DECIMAL", "NUMERIC", "VARCHAR", "DATE", "TIME", "TIMESTAMP", "DATETIME", "BLOB", "BLOB", "BLOB", "BLOB", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR", "BIGINT", "BIGINT", "URL", "URL"); ListIterator it = types.listIterator(); ListIterator colNameIt = colNames.listIterator(); ResultSetMetaData meta = res.getMetaData(); assertNotNull(meta); assertEquals("Error in test setup. Columns do not match", types .size(), meta.getColumnCount()); for (int i = 1; i < 31; i++) { String colName = colNameIt.next(); String type = it.next(); if (supported[i - 1]) { assertTrue("Wrong column name at " + i, colName .equalsIgnoreCase(meta.getColumnName(i))); assertTrue("Wrong type at " + i+" required" +type+ " but is "+meta.getColumnTypeName(i), type.equalsIgnoreCase(meta .getColumnTypeName(i))); } } } // Wrong value returned for Long: java.lang.String public void testGetObjectInt() throws SQLException { for (int i = 1; i <= typeMap.length; i++) { if (supported[i-1]) { Object value = res.getObject(i); assertTrue("value " + value.getClass().getName() + " does not correspond " + typeMap[i-1] + "at "+i, value .getClass().equals(typeMap[i-1])); } } try { res.getObject(500); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } res.next(); for (int i = 1; i <= typeMap.length; i++) { Object value = res.getObject(i); assertNull(value); } } // Wrong value returned for Long: java.lang.String public void testGetObjectString() throws SQLException { ListIterator colNameIt = colNames.listIterator(); for (int i = 1; i <= typeMap.length; i++) { String name = colNameIt.next(); if (supported[i-1]) { Object value = res.getObject(name); assertTrue("value " + value.getClass().getName() + " for "+name+" does not correspond " + typeMap[i-1] + "at "+i, value .getClass().equals(typeMap[i-1])); } } try { res.getObject("bla"); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } colNameIt = colNames.listIterator(); res.next(); for (int i = 1; i <= typeMap.length; i++) { Object value = res.getObject(colNameIt.next()); assertNull(value); } } // If there is no current row 0 must be returned. res.close() does not wrap up public void testGetRow() throws SQLException { assertEquals(1, res.getRow()); assertTrue(res.isFirst()); res.next(); assertEquals(2, res.getRow()); assertTrue(res.isLast()); res.next(); assertTrue(res.isAfterLast()); assertEquals(0, res.getRow()); try { res.close(); res.getRow(); } catch (SQLException e) { // ok } } public void testGetShortInt() throws SQLException { short shorty = res.getShort(6); assertEquals(3,shorty); res.next(); shorty = res.getShort(6); assertEquals(0,shorty); try { res.getShort(500); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } } public void testGetShortString() throws SQLException { short shorty = res.getShort("Sint"); assertEquals(3,shorty); res.next(); shorty = res.getShort("Sint"); assertEquals(0,shorty); try { res.getShort("bla"); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } } /** * According to spec info.getStatement should return null but an exception * is thrown: stale result set. */ public void testGetStatement() throws SQLException { DatabaseMetaData meta = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet info = meta.getTypeInfo(); Statement statement2 = info.getStatement(); assertNull(statement2); statement2 = res.getStatement(); assertEquals(st, statement2); // exception testing try { res.close(); res.getStatement(); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } } public void testGetStringInt() throws SQLException { List texts = Arrays.asList("Test text message tiny", "Test text", "Test text message medium", "Test text message long"); int i = 23; //text and exception testing for (String t : texts) { assertEquals(t, res.getString(i)); i++; } // the rest: everything should work with getString texts = Arrays.asList("1", "-1", "22", "2", "33", "3","1","2","3.9","23.2","33.3","44", "5", "test string", "1799-05-26", "12:35:45", "2007-10-09 14:28:02.0", "1221-09-22 10:11:55","1","2","3","4"); i= 1; for (String t : texts) { assertEquals(t, res.getString(i)); i++; } //null testing i = 1; res.next(); for (String t : values) { assertNull(res.getString(i)); i++; } // exception testing try { res.getString(500); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } } public void testGetStringString() throws SQLException { ListIterator colNameIt = colNames.listIterator(); for (String t : values) { assertEquals(t, res.getString(colNameIt.next())); } res.next(); for (String name: colNames) { assertNull(res.getString(name)); } try { res.getString("bla"); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { //ok } } // getTime should return Time value for a TIMESTAMP type but returns null public void testGetTimeInt() throws SQLException { // values "12:35:45", "2007-10-09 14:28:02.0", "1221-09-22 10:11:55" Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.clear(); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 35); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 45); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); // set with calendar value (correct init time: since epoch) long millis = cal.getTime().getTime(); Time t1 = new java.sql.Time(millis); assertNotNull("t1", t1); Calendar cal2 = new GregorianCalendar(); cal2.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2007); cal2.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.OCTOBER); cal2.set(Calendar.DATE, 9); cal2.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 14); cal2.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 28); cal2.set(Calendar.SECOND, 02); cal2.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); long millis2 = cal2.getTime().getTime(); Time t2 = new java.sql.Time(millis2); int i = 16; Time resTime = res.getTime(i); assertNotNull("Pos " + i + " null", resTime); assertEquals(t1.toString(), resTime.toString()); assertEquals(t1.getTime(), resTime.getTime()); assertEquals(t1, resTime); // Compatibility Test: TIMESTAMP value i = 17; resTime = res.getTime(i); assertNotNull("Pos " + i + " null", resTime); assertEquals(t2.toString(), resTime.toString()); assertEquals(t2.getTime(), resTime.getTime()); assertEquals(t2, resTime); i = 16; res.next(); assertNull(res.getTime(i)); try { res.getTime(500); fail("Exception expected"); } catch (SQLException e) { // ok } } // getTime on TIMESTAMP value fails: returns null public void testGetTimeIntCalendar() throws SQLException { List