/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.bluetooth.gatt; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.app.AlarmManager; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.le.ScanCallback; import android.bluetooth.le.ScanFilter; import android.bluetooth.le.ScanSettings; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.provider.Settings; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import com.android.bluetooth.Utils; import com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Class that handles Bluetooth LE scan related operations. * * @hide */ public class ScanManager { private static final boolean DBG = GattServiceConfig.DBG; private static final String TAG = GattServiceConfig.TAG_PREFIX + "ScanManager"; // Result type defined in bt stack. Need to be accessed by GattService. static final int SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_TRUNCATED = 1; static final int SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_FULL = 2; static final int SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_BOTH = 3; // Internal messages for handling BLE scan operations. private static final int MSG_START_BLE_SCAN = 0; private static final int MSG_STOP_BLE_SCAN = 1; private static final int MSG_FLUSH_BATCH_RESULTS = 2; private static final int MSG_SCAN_TIMEOUT = 3; private static final int MSG_SUSPEND_SCANS = 4; private static final int MSG_RESUME_SCANS = 5; private static final int MSG_IMPORTANCE_CHANGE = 6; private static final String ACTION_REFRESH_BATCHED_SCAN = "com.android.bluetooth.gatt.REFRESH_BATCHED_SCAN"; // Timeout for each controller operation. private static final int OPERATION_TIME_OUT_MILLIS = 500; private int mLastConfiguredScanSetting = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // Scan parameters for batch scan. private BatchScanParams mBatchScanParms; private Integer mCurUsedTrackableAdvertisements; private GattService mService; private BroadcastReceiver mBatchAlarmReceiver; private boolean mBatchAlarmReceiverRegistered; private ScanNative mScanNative; private volatile ClientHandler mHandler; private Set mRegularScanClients; private Set mBatchClients; private Set mSuspendedScanClients; private CountDownLatch mLatch; private DisplayManager mDm; private ActivityManager mActivityManager; private LocationManager mLocationManager; private static final int FOREGROUND_IMPORTANCE_CUTOFF = ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE; private class UidImportance { public int uid; public int importance; UidImportance(int uid, int importance) { this.uid = uid; this.importance = importance; } } ScanManager(GattService service) { mRegularScanClients = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap()); mBatchClients = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap()); mSuspendedScanClients = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap()); mService = service; mScanNative = new ScanNative(); mCurUsedTrackableAdvertisements = 0; mDm = (DisplayManager) mService.getSystemService(Context.DISPLAY_SERVICE); mActivityManager = (ActivityManager) mService.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); mLocationManager = (LocationManager) mService.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); } void start() { HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("BluetoothScanManager"); thread.start(); mHandler = new ClientHandler(thread.getLooper()); if (mDm != null) { mDm.registerDisplayListener(mDisplayListener, null); } if (mActivityManager != null) { mActivityManager.addOnUidImportanceListener(mUidImportanceListener, FOREGROUND_IMPORTANCE_CUTOFF); } IntentFilter locationIntentFilter = new IntentFilter(LocationManager.MODE_CHANGED_ACTION); mService.registerReceiver(mLocationReceiver, locationIntentFilter); } void cleanup() { mRegularScanClients.clear(); mBatchClients.clear(); mSuspendedScanClients.clear(); mScanNative.cleanup(); if (mActivityManager != null) { try { mActivityManager.removeOnUidImportanceListener(mUidImportanceListener); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.w(TAG, "exception when invoking removeOnUidImportanceListener", e); } } if (mDm != null) { mDm.unregisterDisplayListener(mDisplayListener); } if (mHandler != null) { // Shut down the thread mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); Looper looper = mHandler.getLooper(); if (looper != null) { looper.quitSafely(); } mHandler = null; } try { mService.unregisterReceiver(mLocationReceiver); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.w(TAG, "exception when invoking unregisterReceiver(mLocationReceiver)", e); } } void registerScanner(UUID uuid) { mScanNative.registerScannerNative(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(), uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); } void unregisterScanner(int scannerId) { mScanNative.unregisterScannerNative(scannerId); } /** * Returns the regular scan queue. */ Set getRegularScanQueue() { return mRegularScanClients; } /** * Returns batch scan queue. */ Set getBatchScanQueue() { return mBatchClients; } /** * Returns a set of full batch scan clients. */ Set getFullBatchScanQueue() { // TODO: split full batch scan clients and truncated batch clients so we don't need to // construct this every time. Set fullBatchClients = new HashSet(); for (ScanClient client : mBatchClients) { if (client.settings.getScanResultType() == ScanSettings.SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_FULL) { fullBatchClients.add(client); } } return fullBatchClients; } void startScan(ScanClient client) { sendMessage(MSG_START_BLE_SCAN, client); } void stopScan(ScanClient client) { sendMessage(MSG_STOP_BLE_SCAN, client); } void flushBatchScanResults(ScanClient client) { sendMessage(MSG_FLUSH_BATCH_RESULTS, client); } void callbackDone(int scannerId, int status) { if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "callback done for scannerId - " + scannerId + " status - " + status); } if (status == 0) { mLatch.countDown(); } // TODO: add a callback for scan failure. } private void sendMessage(int what, ScanClient client) { final ClientHandler handler = mHandler; if (handler == null) { Log.d(TAG, "sendMessage: mHandler is null."); return; } Message message = new Message(); message.what = what; message.obj = client; handler.sendMessage(message); } private boolean isFilteringSupported() { BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); return adapter.isOffloadedFilteringSupported(); } // Handler class that handles BLE scan operations. private class ClientHandler extends Handler { ClientHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_START_BLE_SCAN: handleStartScan((ScanClient) msg.obj); break; case MSG_STOP_BLE_SCAN: handleStopScan((ScanClient) msg.obj); break; case MSG_FLUSH_BATCH_RESULTS: handleFlushBatchResults((ScanClient) msg.obj); break; case MSG_SCAN_TIMEOUT: mScanNative.regularScanTimeout((ScanClient) msg.obj); break; case MSG_SUSPEND_SCANS: handleSuspendScans(); break; case MSG_RESUME_SCANS: handleResumeScans(); break; case MSG_IMPORTANCE_CHANGE: handleImportanceChange((UidImportance) msg.obj); break; default: // Shouldn't happen. Log.e(TAG, "received an unkown message : " + msg.what); } } void handleStartScan(ScanClient client) { Utils.enforceAdminPermission(mService); boolean isFiltered = (client.filters != null) && !client.filters.isEmpty(); if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "handling starting scan"); } if (!isScanSupported(client)) { Log.e(TAG, "Scan settings not supported"); return; } if (mRegularScanClients.contains(client) || mBatchClients.contains(client)) { Log.e(TAG, "Scan already started"); return; } if (!mScanNative.isOpportunisticScanClient(client) && !isScreenOn() && !isFiltered) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot start unfiltered scan in screen-off. This scan will be resumed " + "later: " + client.scannerId); mSuspendedScanClients.add(client); if (client.stats != null) { client.stats.recordScanSuspend(client.scannerId); } return; } final boolean locationEnabled = mLocationManager.isLocationEnabled(); if (!locationEnabled && !isFiltered && !client.legacyForegroundApp) { Log.i(TAG, "Cannot start unfiltered scan in location-off. This scan will be" + " resumed when location is on: " + client.scannerId); mSuspendedScanClients.add(client); if (client.stats != null) { client.stats.recordScanSuspend(client.scannerId); } return; } // Begin scan operations. if (isBatchClient(client)) { mBatchClients.add(client); mScanNative.startBatchScan(client); } else { mRegularScanClients.add(client); mScanNative.startRegularScan(client); if (!mScanNative.isOpportunisticScanClient(client)) { mScanNative.configureRegularScanParams(); if (!mScanNative.isExemptFromScanDowngrade(client)) { Message msg = obtainMessage(MSG_SCAN_TIMEOUT); msg.obj = client; // Only one timeout message should exist at any time sendMessageDelayed(msg, AppScanStats.SCAN_TIMEOUT_MS); } } } } void handleStopScan(ScanClient client) { Utils.enforceAdminPermission(mService); if (client == null) { return; } if (mSuspendedScanClients.contains(client)) { mSuspendedScanClients.remove(client); } if (mRegularScanClients.contains(client)) { mScanNative.stopRegularScan(client); if (mScanNative.numRegularScanClients() == 0) { removeMessages(MSG_SCAN_TIMEOUT); } if (!mScanNative.isOpportunisticScanClient(client)) { mScanNative.configureRegularScanParams(); } } else { mScanNative.stopBatchScan(client); } if (client.appDied) { if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "app died, unregister scanner - " + client.scannerId); } mService.unregisterScanner(client.scannerId); } } void handleFlushBatchResults(ScanClient client) { Utils.enforceAdminPermission(mService); if (!mBatchClients.contains(client)) { return; } mScanNative.flushBatchResults(client.scannerId); } private boolean isBatchClient(ScanClient client) { if (client == null || client.settings == null) { return false; } ScanSettings settings = client.settings; return settings.getCallbackType() == ScanSettings.CALLBACK_TYPE_ALL_MATCHES && settings.getReportDelayMillis() != 0; } private boolean isScanSupported(ScanClient client) { if (client == null || client.settings == null) { return true; } ScanSettings settings = client.settings; if (isFilteringSupported()) { return true; } return settings.getCallbackType() == ScanSettings.CALLBACK_TYPE_ALL_MATCHES && settings.getReportDelayMillis() == 0; } void handleSuspendScans() { for (ScanClient client : mRegularScanClients) { if (!mScanNative.isOpportunisticScanClient(client) && (client.filters == null || client.filters.isEmpty()) && !client.legacyForegroundApp) { /*Suspend unfiltered scans*/ if (client.stats != null) { client.stats.recordScanSuspend(client.scannerId); } handleStopScan(client); mSuspendedScanClients.add(client); } } } void handleResumeScans() { for (ScanClient client : mSuspendedScanClients) { if (client.stats != null) { client.stats.recordScanResume(client.scannerId); } handleStartScan(client); } mSuspendedScanClients.clear(); } } /** * Parameters for batch scans. */ class BatchScanParams { public int scanMode; public int fullScanscannerId; public int truncatedScanscannerId; BatchScanParams() { scanMode = -1; fullScanscannerId = -1; truncatedScanscannerId = -1; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } BatchScanParams other = (BatchScanParams) obj; return scanMode == other.scanMode && fullScanscannerId == other.fullScanscannerId && truncatedScanscannerId == other.truncatedScanscannerId; } } public int getCurrentUsedTrackingAdvertisement() { return mCurUsedTrackableAdvertisements; } private class ScanNative { // Delivery mode defined in bt stack. private static final int DELIVERY_MODE_IMMEDIATE = 0; private static final int DELIVERY_MODE_ON_FOUND_LOST = 1; private static final int DELIVERY_MODE_BATCH = 2; private static final int ONFOUND_SIGHTINGS_AGGRESSIVE = 1; private static final int ONFOUND_SIGHTINGS_STICKY = 4; private static final int ALL_PASS_FILTER_INDEX_REGULAR_SCAN = 1; private static final int ALL_PASS_FILTER_INDEX_BATCH_SCAN = 2; private static final int ALL_PASS_FILTER_SELECTION = 0; private static final int DISCARD_OLDEST_WHEN_BUFFER_FULL = 0; /** * Scan params corresponding to regular scan setting */ private static final int SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS = 512; private static final int SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS = 5120; private static final int SCAN_MODE_BALANCED_WINDOW_MS = 1024; private static final int SCAN_MODE_BALANCED_INTERVAL_MS = 4096; private static final int SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY_WINDOW_MS = 4096; private static final int SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY_INTERVAL_MS = 4096; /** * Onfound/onlost for scan settings */ private static final int MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE_TIMEOUT_FACTOR = (1); private static final int MATCH_MODE_STICKY_TIMEOUT_FACTOR = (3); private static final int ONLOST_FACTOR = 2; private static final int ONLOST_ONFOUND_BASE_TIMEOUT_MS = 500; /** * Scan params corresponding to batch scan setting */ private static final int SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS = 1500; private static final int SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS = 150000; private static final int SCAN_MODE_BATCH_BALANCED_WINDOW_MS = 1500; private static final int SCAN_MODE_BATCH_BALANCED_INTERVAL_MS = 15000; private static final int SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_LATENCY_WINDOW_MS = 1500; private static final int SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_LATENCY_INTERVAL_MS = 5000; // The logic is AND for each filter field. private static final int LIST_LOGIC_TYPE = 0x1111111; private static final int FILTER_LOGIC_TYPE = 1; // Filter indices that are available to user. It's sad we need to maintain filter index. private final Deque mFilterIndexStack; // Map of scannerId and Filter indices used by client. private final Map> mClientFilterIndexMap; // Keep track of the clients that uses ALL_PASS filters. private final Set mAllPassRegularClients = new HashSet<>(); private final Set mAllPassBatchClients = new HashSet<>(); private AlarmManager mAlarmManager; private PendingIntent mBatchScanIntervalIntent; ScanNative() { mFilterIndexStack = new ArrayDeque(); mClientFilterIndexMap = new HashMap>(); mAlarmManager = (AlarmManager) mService.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); Intent batchIntent = new Intent(ACTION_REFRESH_BATCHED_SCAN, null); mBatchScanIntervalIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mService, 0, batchIntent, 0); IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(ACTION_REFRESH_BATCHED_SCAN); mBatchAlarmReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Log.d(TAG, "awakened up at time " + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(ACTION_REFRESH_BATCHED_SCAN)) { if (mBatchClients.isEmpty()) { return; } // Note this actually flushes all pending batch data. if (mBatchClients.iterator().hasNext()) { flushBatchScanResults(mBatchClients.iterator().next()); } } } }; mService.registerReceiver(mBatchAlarmReceiver, filter); mBatchAlarmReceiverRegistered = true; } private void resetCountDownLatch() { mLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); } // Returns true if mLatch reaches 0, false if timeout or interrupted. private boolean waitForCallback() { try { return mLatch.await(OPERATION_TIME_OUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return false; } } void configureRegularScanParams() { if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "configureRegularScanParams() - queue=" + mRegularScanClients.size()); } int curScanSetting = Integer.MIN_VALUE; ScanClient client = getAggressiveClient(mRegularScanClients); if (client != null) { curScanSetting = client.settings.getScanMode(); } if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "configureRegularScanParams() - ScanSetting Scan mode=" + curScanSetting + " mLastConfiguredScanSetting=" + mLastConfiguredScanSetting); } if (curScanSetting != Integer.MIN_VALUE && curScanSetting != ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC) { if (curScanSetting != mLastConfiguredScanSetting) { int scanWindow = getScanWindowMillis(client.settings); int scanInterval = getScanIntervalMillis(client.settings); // convert scanWindow and scanInterval from ms to LE scan units(0.625ms) scanWindow = Utils.millsToUnit(scanWindow); scanInterval = Utils.millsToUnit(scanInterval); gattClientScanNative(false); if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "configureRegularScanParams - scanInterval = " + scanInterval + "configureRegularScanParams - scanWindow = " + scanWindow); } gattSetScanParametersNative(client.scannerId, scanInterval, scanWindow); gattClientScanNative(true); mLastConfiguredScanSetting = curScanSetting; } } else { mLastConfiguredScanSetting = curScanSetting; if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "configureRegularScanParams() - queue emtpy, scan stopped"); } } } ScanClient getAggressiveClient(Set cList) { ScanClient result = null; int curScanSetting = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (ScanClient client : cList) { // ScanClient scan settings are assumed to be monotonically increasing in value for // more power hungry(higher duty cycle) operation. if (client.settings.getScanMode() > curScanSetting) { result = client; curScanSetting = client.settings.getScanMode(); } } return result; } void startRegularScan(ScanClient client) { if (isFilteringSupported() && mFilterIndexStack.isEmpty() && mClientFilterIndexMap.isEmpty()) { initFilterIndexStack(); } if (isFilteringSupported()) { configureScanFilters(client); } // Start scan native only for the first client. if (numRegularScanClients() == 1) { gattClientScanNative(true); } } private int numRegularScanClients() { int num = 0; for (ScanClient client : mRegularScanClients) { if (client.settings.getScanMode() != ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC) { num++; } } return num; } void startBatchScan(ScanClient client) { if (mFilterIndexStack.isEmpty() && isFilteringSupported()) { initFilterIndexStack(); } configureScanFilters(client); if (!isOpportunisticScanClient(client)) { // Reset batch scan. May need to stop the existing batch scan and update scan // params. resetBatchScan(client); } } private boolean isExemptFromScanDowngrade(ScanClient client) { return isOpportunisticScanClient(client) || isFirstMatchScanClient(client) || !shouldUseAllPassFilter(client); } private boolean isOpportunisticScanClient(ScanClient client) { return client.settings.getScanMode() == ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC; } private boolean isFirstMatchScanClient(ScanClient client) { return (client.settings.getCallbackType() & ScanSettings.CALLBACK_TYPE_FIRST_MATCH) != 0; } private void resetBatchScan(ScanClient client) { int scannerId = client.scannerId; BatchScanParams batchScanParams = getBatchScanParams(); // Stop batch if batch scan params changed and previous params is not null. if (mBatchScanParms != null && (!mBatchScanParms.equals(batchScanParams))) { if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "stopping BLe Batch"); } resetCountDownLatch(); gattClientStopBatchScanNative(scannerId); waitForCallback(); // Clear pending results as it's illegal to config storage if there are still // pending results. flushBatchResults(scannerId); } // Start batch if batchScanParams changed and current params is not null. if (batchScanParams != null && (!batchScanParams.equals(mBatchScanParms))) { int notifyThreshold = 95; if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "Starting BLE batch scan"); } int resultType = getResultType(batchScanParams); int fullScanPercent = getFullScanStoragePercent(resultType); resetCountDownLatch(); if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "configuring batch scan storage, appIf " + client.scannerId); } gattClientConfigBatchScanStorageNative(client.scannerId, fullScanPercent, 100 - fullScanPercent, notifyThreshold); waitForCallback(); resetCountDownLatch(); int scanInterval = Utils.millsToUnit(getBatchScanIntervalMillis(batchScanParams.scanMode)); int scanWindow = Utils.millsToUnit(getBatchScanWindowMillis(batchScanParams.scanMode)); gattClientStartBatchScanNative(scannerId, resultType, scanInterval, scanWindow, 0, DISCARD_OLDEST_WHEN_BUFFER_FULL); waitForCallback(); } mBatchScanParms = batchScanParams; setBatchAlarm(); } private int getFullScanStoragePercent(int resultType) { switch (resultType) { case SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_FULL: return 100; case SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_TRUNCATED: return 0; case SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_BOTH: return 50; default: return 50; } } private BatchScanParams getBatchScanParams() { if (mBatchClients.isEmpty()) { return null; } BatchScanParams params = new BatchScanParams(); // TODO: split full batch scan results and truncated batch scan results to different // collections. for (ScanClient client : mBatchClients) { params.scanMode = Math.max(params.scanMode, client.settings.getScanMode()); if (client.settings.getScanResultType() == ScanSettings.SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_FULL) { params.fullScanscannerId = client.scannerId; } else { params.truncatedScanscannerId = client.scannerId; } } return params; } private int getBatchScanWindowMillis(int scanMode) { switch (scanMode) { case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY: return SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_LATENCY_WINDOW_MS; case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_BALANCED: return SCAN_MODE_BATCH_BALANCED_WINDOW_MS; case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER: return SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS; default: return SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS; } } private int getBatchScanIntervalMillis(int scanMode) { switch (scanMode) { case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY: return SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_LATENCY_INTERVAL_MS; case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_BALANCED: return SCAN_MODE_BATCH_BALANCED_INTERVAL_MS; case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER: return SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS; default: return SCAN_MODE_BATCH_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS; } } // Set the batch alarm to be triggered within a short window after batch interval. This // allows system to optimize wake up time while still allows a degree of precise control. private void setBatchAlarm() { // Cancel any pending alarm just in case. mAlarmManager.cancel(mBatchScanIntervalIntent); if (mBatchClients.isEmpty()) { return; } long batchTriggerIntervalMillis = getBatchTriggerIntervalMillis(); // Allows the alarm to be triggered within // [batchTriggerIntervalMillis, 1.1 * batchTriggerIntervalMillis] long windowLengthMillis = batchTriggerIntervalMillis / 10; long windowStartMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + batchTriggerIntervalMillis; mAlarmManager.setWindow(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, windowStartMillis, windowLengthMillis, mBatchScanIntervalIntent); } void stopRegularScan(ScanClient client) { // Remove scan filters and recycle filter indices. if (client == null) { return; } int deliveryMode = getDeliveryMode(client); if (deliveryMode == DELIVERY_MODE_ON_FOUND_LOST) { for (ScanFilter filter : client.filters) { int entriesToFree = getNumOfTrackingAdvertisements(client.settings); if (!manageAllocationOfTrackingAdvertisement(entriesToFree, false)) { Log.e(TAG, "Error freeing for onfound/onlost filter resources " + entriesToFree); try { mService.onScanManagerErrorCallback(client.scannerId, ScanCallback.SCAN_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "failed on onScanManagerCallback at freeing", e); } } } } mRegularScanClients.remove(client); if (numRegularScanClients() == 0) { if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "stop scan"); } gattClientScanNative(false); } removeScanFilters(client.scannerId); } void regularScanTimeout(ScanClient client) { if (!isExemptFromScanDowngrade(client) && client.stats.isScanningTooLong()) { Log.w(TAG, "Moving scan client to opportunistic (scannerId " + client.scannerId + ")"); setOpportunisticScanClient(client); removeScanFilters(client.scannerId); client.stats.setScanTimeout(client.scannerId); } // The scan should continue for background scans configureRegularScanParams(); if (numRegularScanClients() == 0) { if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "stop scan"); } gattClientScanNative(false); } } void setOpportunisticScanClient(ScanClient client) { // TODO: Add constructor to ScanSettings.Builder // that can copy values from an existing ScanSettings object ScanSettings.Builder builder = new ScanSettings.Builder(); ScanSettings settings = client.settings; builder.setScanMode(ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_OPPORTUNISTIC); builder.setCallbackType(settings.getCallbackType()); builder.setScanResultType(settings.getScanResultType()); builder.setReportDelay(settings.getReportDelayMillis()); builder.setNumOfMatches(settings.getNumOfMatches()); client.settings = builder.build(); } // Find the regular scan client information. ScanClient getRegularScanClient(int scannerId) { for (ScanClient client : mRegularScanClients) { if (client.scannerId == scannerId) { return client; } } return null; } void stopBatchScan(ScanClient client) { mBatchClients.remove(client); removeScanFilters(client.scannerId); if (!isOpportunisticScanClient(client)) { resetBatchScan(client); } } void flushBatchResults(int scannerId) { if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "flushPendingBatchResults - scannerId = " + scannerId); } if (mBatchScanParms.fullScanscannerId != -1) { resetCountDownLatch(); gattClientReadScanReportsNative(mBatchScanParms.fullScanscannerId, SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_FULL); waitForCallback(); } if (mBatchScanParms.truncatedScanscannerId != -1) { resetCountDownLatch(); gattClientReadScanReportsNative(mBatchScanParms.truncatedScanscannerId, SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_TRUNCATED); waitForCallback(); } setBatchAlarm(); } void cleanup() { mAlarmManager.cancel(mBatchScanIntervalIntent); // Protect against multiple calls of cleanup. if (mBatchAlarmReceiverRegistered) { mService.unregisterReceiver(mBatchAlarmReceiver); } mBatchAlarmReceiverRegistered = false; } private long getBatchTriggerIntervalMillis() { long intervalMillis = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (ScanClient client : mBatchClients) { if (client.settings != null && client.settings.getReportDelayMillis() > 0) { intervalMillis = Math.min(intervalMillis, client.settings.getReportDelayMillis()); } } return intervalMillis; } // Add scan filters. The logic is: // If no offload filter can/needs to be set, set ALL_PASS filter. // Otherwise offload all filters to hardware and enable all filters. private void configureScanFilters(ScanClient client) { int scannerId = client.scannerId; int deliveryMode = getDeliveryMode(client); int trackEntries = 0; // Do not add any filters set by opportunistic scan clients if (isOpportunisticScanClient(client)) { return; } if (!shouldAddAllPassFilterToController(client, deliveryMode)) { return; } resetCountDownLatch(); gattClientScanFilterEnableNative(scannerId, true); waitForCallback(); if (shouldUseAllPassFilter(client)) { int filterIndex = (deliveryMode == DELIVERY_MODE_BATCH) ? ALL_PASS_FILTER_INDEX_BATCH_SCAN : ALL_PASS_FILTER_INDEX_REGULAR_SCAN; resetCountDownLatch(); // Don't allow Onfound/onlost with all pass configureFilterParamter(scannerId, client, ALL_PASS_FILTER_SELECTION, filterIndex, 0); waitForCallback(); } else { Deque clientFilterIndices = new ArrayDeque(); for (ScanFilter filter : client.filters) { ScanFilterQueue queue = new ScanFilterQueue(); queue.addScanFilter(filter); int featureSelection = queue.getFeatureSelection(); int filterIndex = mFilterIndexStack.pop(); resetCountDownLatch(); gattClientScanFilterAddNative(scannerId, queue.toArray(), filterIndex); waitForCallback(); resetCountDownLatch(); if (deliveryMode == DELIVERY_MODE_ON_FOUND_LOST) { trackEntries = getNumOfTrackingAdvertisements(client.settings); if (!manageAllocationOfTrackingAdvertisement(trackEntries, true)) { Log.e(TAG, "No hardware resources for onfound/onlost filter " + trackEntries); try { mService.onScanManagerErrorCallback(scannerId, ScanCallback.SCAN_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "failed on onScanManagerCallback", e); } } } configureFilterParamter(scannerId, client, featureSelection, filterIndex, trackEntries); waitForCallback(); clientFilterIndices.add(filterIndex); } mClientFilterIndexMap.put(scannerId, clientFilterIndices); } } // Check whether the filter should be added to controller. // Note only on ALL_PASS filter should be added. private boolean shouldAddAllPassFilterToController(ScanClient client, int deliveryMode) { // Not an ALL_PASS client, need to add filter. if (!shouldUseAllPassFilter(client)) { return true; } if (deliveryMode == DELIVERY_MODE_BATCH) { mAllPassBatchClients.add(client.scannerId); return mAllPassBatchClients.size() == 1; } else { mAllPassRegularClients.add(client.scannerId); return mAllPassRegularClients.size() == 1; } } private void removeScanFilters(int scannerId) { Deque filterIndices = mClientFilterIndexMap.remove(scannerId); if (filterIndices != null) { mFilterIndexStack.addAll(filterIndices); for (Integer filterIndex : filterIndices) { resetCountDownLatch(); gattClientScanFilterParamDeleteNative(scannerId, filterIndex); waitForCallback(); } } // Remove if ALL_PASS filters are used. removeFilterIfExisits(mAllPassRegularClients, scannerId, ALL_PASS_FILTER_INDEX_REGULAR_SCAN); removeFilterIfExisits(mAllPassBatchClients, scannerId, ALL_PASS_FILTER_INDEX_BATCH_SCAN); } private void removeFilterIfExisits(Set clients, int scannerId, int filterIndex) { if (!clients.contains(scannerId)) { return; } clients.remove(scannerId); // Remove ALL_PASS filter iff no app is using it. if (clients.isEmpty()) { resetCountDownLatch(); gattClientScanFilterParamDeleteNative(scannerId, filterIndex); waitForCallback(); } } private ScanClient getBatchScanClient(int scannerId) { for (ScanClient client : mBatchClients) { if (client.scannerId == scannerId) { return client; } } return null; } /** * Return batch scan result type value defined in bt stack. */ private int getResultType(BatchScanParams params) { if (params.fullScanscannerId != -1 && params.truncatedScanscannerId != -1) { return SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_BOTH; } if (params.truncatedScanscannerId != -1) { return SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_TRUNCATED; } if (params.fullScanscannerId != -1) { return SCAN_RESULT_TYPE_FULL; } return -1; } // Check if ALL_PASS filter should be used for the client. private boolean shouldUseAllPassFilter(ScanClient client) { if (client == null) { return true; } if (client.filters == null || client.filters.isEmpty()) { return true; } return client.filters.size() > mFilterIndexStack.size(); } private void initFilterIndexStack() { int maxFiltersSupported = AdapterService.getAdapterService().getNumOfOffloadedScanFilterSupported(); // Start from index 3 as: // index 0 is reserved for ALL_PASS filter in Settings app. // index 1 is reserved for ALL_PASS filter for regular scan apps. // index 2 is reserved for ALL_PASS filter for batch scan apps. for (int i = 3; i < maxFiltersSupported; ++i) { mFilterIndexStack.add(i); } } // Configure filter parameters. private void configureFilterParamter(int scannerId, ScanClient client, int featureSelection, int filterIndex, int numOfTrackingEntries) { int deliveryMode = getDeliveryMode(client); int rssiThreshold = Byte.MIN_VALUE; ScanSettings settings = client.settings; int onFoundTimeout = getOnFoundOnLostTimeoutMillis(settings, true); int onLostTimeout = getOnFoundOnLostTimeoutMillis(settings, false); int onFoundCount = getOnFoundOnLostSightings(settings); onLostTimeout = 10000; if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "configureFilterParamter " + onFoundTimeout + " " + onLostTimeout + " " + onFoundCount + " " + numOfTrackingEntries); } FilterParams filtValue = new FilterParams(scannerId, filterIndex, featureSelection, LIST_LOGIC_TYPE, FILTER_LOGIC_TYPE, rssiThreshold, rssiThreshold, deliveryMode, onFoundTimeout, onLostTimeout, onFoundCount, numOfTrackingEntries); gattClientScanFilterParamAddNative(filtValue); } // Get delivery mode based on scan settings. private int getDeliveryMode(ScanClient client) { if (client == null) { return DELIVERY_MODE_IMMEDIATE; } ScanSettings settings = client.settings; if (settings == null) { return DELIVERY_MODE_IMMEDIATE; } if ((settings.getCallbackType() & ScanSettings.CALLBACK_TYPE_FIRST_MATCH) != 0 || (settings.getCallbackType() & ScanSettings.CALLBACK_TYPE_MATCH_LOST) != 0) { return DELIVERY_MODE_ON_FOUND_LOST; } return settings.getReportDelayMillis() == 0 ? DELIVERY_MODE_IMMEDIATE : DELIVERY_MODE_BATCH; } private int getScanWindowMillis(ScanSettings settings) { ContentResolver resolver = mService.getContentResolver(); if (settings == null) { return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS, SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS); } switch (settings.getScanMode()) { case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY: return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_LOW_LATENCY_WINDOW_MS, SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY_WINDOW_MS); case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_BALANCED: return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_BALANCED_WINDOW_MS, SCAN_MODE_BALANCED_WINDOW_MS); case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER: return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS, SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS); default: return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS, SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER_WINDOW_MS); } } private int getScanIntervalMillis(ScanSettings settings) { ContentResolver resolver = mService.getContentResolver(); if (settings == null) { return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS, SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS); } switch (settings.getScanMode()) { case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY: return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_LOW_LATENCY_INTERVAL_MS, SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY_INTERVAL_MS); case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_BALANCED: return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_BALANCED_INTERVAL_MS, SCAN_MODE_BALANCED_INTERVAL_MS); case ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER: return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS, SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS); default: return Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS, SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER_INTERVAL_MS); } } private int getOnFoundOnLostTimeoutMillis(ScanSettings settings, boolean onFound) { int factor; int timeout = ONLOST_ONFOUND_BASE_TIMEOUT_MS; if (settings.getMatchMode() == ScanSettings.MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE) { factor = MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE_TIMEOUT_FACTOR; } else { factor = MATCH_MODE_STICKY_TIMEOUT_FACTOR; } if (!onFound) { factor = factor * ONLOST_FACTOR; } return (timeout * factor); } private int getOnFoundOnLostSightings(ScanSettings settings) { if (settings == null) { return ONFOUND_SIGHTINGS_AGGRESSIVE; } if (settings.getMatchMode() == ScanSettings.MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE) { return ONFOUND_SIGHTINGS_AGGRESSIVE; } else { return ONFOUND_SIGHTINGS_STICKY; } } private int getNumOfTrackingAdvertisements(ScanSettings settings) { if (settings == null) { return 0; } int val = 0; int maxTotalTrackableAdvertisements = AdapterService.getAdapterService().getTotalNumOfTrackableAdvertisements(); // controller based onfound onlost resources are scarce commodity; the // assignment of filters to num of beacons to track is configurable based // on hw capabilities. Apps give an intent and allocation of onfound // resources or failure there of is done based on availibility - FCFS model switch (settings.getNumOfMatches()) { case ScanSettings.MATCH_NUM_ONE_ADVERTISEMENT: val = 1; break; case ScanSettings.MATCH_NUM_FEW_ADVERTISEMENT: val = 2; break; case ScanSettings.MATCH_NUM_MAX_ADVERTISEMENT: val = maxTotalTrackableAdvertisements / 2; break; default: val = 1; if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "Invalid setting for getNumOfMatches() " + settings.getNumOfMatches()); } } return val; } private boolean manageAllocationOfTrackingAdvertisement(int numOfTrackableAdvertisement, boolean allocate) { int maxTotalTrackableAdvertisements = AdapterService.getAdapterService().getTotalNumOfTrackableAdvertisements(); synchronized (mCurUsedTrackableAdvertisements) { int availableEntries = maxTotalTrackableAdvertisements - mCurUsedTrackableAdvertisements; if (allocate) { if (availableEntries >= numOfTrackableAdvertisement) { mCurUsedTrackableAdvertisements += numOfTrackableAdvertisement; return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (numOfTrackableAdvertisement > mCurUsedTrackableAdvertisements) { return false; } else { mCurUsedTrackableAdvertisements -= numOfTrackableAdvertisement; return true; } } } } /************************** Regular scan related native methods **************************/ private native void registerScannerNative(long appUuidLsb, long appUuidMsb); private native void unregisterScannerNative(int scannerId); private native void gattClientScanNative(boolean start); private native void gattSetScanParametersNative(int clientIf, int scanInterval, int scanWindow); /************************** Filter related native methods ********************************/ private native void gattClientScanFilterAddNative(int clientId, ScanFilterQueue.Entry[] entries, int filterIndex); private native void gattClientScanFilterParamAddNative(FilterParams filtValue); // Note this effectively remove scan filters for ALL clients. private native void gattClientScanFilterParamClearAllNative(int clientIf); private native void gattClientScanFilterParamDeleteNative(int clientIf, int filtIndex); private native void gattClientScanFilterClearNative(int clientIf, int filterIndex); private native void gattClientScanFilterEnableNative(int clientIf, boolean enable); /************************** Batch related native methods *********************************/ private native void gattClientConfigBatchScanStorageNative(int clientIf, int maxFullReportsPercent, int maxTruncatedReportsPercent, int notifyThresholdPercent); private native void gattClientStartBatchScanNative(int clientIf, int scanMode, int scanIntervalUnit, int scanWindowUnit, int addressType, int discardRule); private native void gattClientStopBatchScanNative(int clientIf); private native void gattClientReadScanReportsNative(int clientIf, int scanType); } private boolean isScreenOn() { Display[] displays = mDm.getDisplays(); if (displays == null) { return false; } for (Display display : displays) { if (display.getState() == Display.STATE_ON) { return true; } } return false; } private final DisplayManager.DisplayListener mDisplayListener = new DisplayManager.DisplayListener() { @Override public void onDisplayAdded(int displayId) {} @Override public void onDisplayRemoved(int displayId) {} @Override public void onDisplayChanged(int displayId) { if (isScreenOn() && mLocationManager.isLocationEnabled()) { sendMessage(MSG_RESUME_SCANS, null); } else { sendMessage(MSG_SUSPEND_SCANS, null); } } }; private ActivityManager.OnUidImportanceListener mUidImportanceListener = new ActivityManager.OnUidImportanceListener() { @Override public void onUidImportance(final int uid, final int importance) { if (mService.mScannerMap.getAppScanStatsByUid(uid) != null) { Message message = new Message(); message.what = MSG_IMPORTANCE_CHANGE; message.obj = new UidImportance(uid, importance); mHandler.sendMessage(message); } } }; private BroadcastReceiver mLocationReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (LocationManager.MODE_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) { final boolean locationEnabled = mLocationManager.isLocationEnabled(); if (locationEnabled && isScreenOn()) { sendMessage(MSG_RESUME_SCANS, null); } else { sendMessage(MSG_SUSPEND_SCANS, null); } } } }; private void handleImportanceChange(UidImportance imp) { if (imp == null) { return; } int uid = imp.uid; int importance = imp.importance; boolean updatedScanParams = false; if (importance <= ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE) { for (ScanClient client : mRegularScanClients) { if (client.appUid == uid && client.passiveSettings != null) { client.settings = client.passiveSettings; client.passiveSettings = null; updatedScanParams = true; } } } else { ContentResolver resolver = mService.getContentResolver(); int backgroundScanMode = Settings.Global.getInt( resolver, Settings.Global.BLE_SCAN_BACKGROUND_MODE, ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER); for (ScanClient client : mRegularScanClients) { if (client.appUid == uid && !mScanNative.isOpportunisticScanClient(client)) { client.passiveSettings = client.settings; ScanSettings.Builder builder = new ScanSettings.Builder(); ScanSettings settings = client.settings; builder.setScanMode(backgroundScanMode); builder.setCallbackType(settings.getCallbackType()); builder.setScanResultType(settings.getScanResultType()); builder.setReportDelay(settings.getReportDelayMillis()); builder.setNumOfMatches(settings.getNumOfMatches()); client.settings = builder.build(); updatedScanParams = true; } } } if (updatedScanParams) { mScanNative.configureRegularScanParams(); } } }