/frameworks/support/core/ktx/src/main/java/androidx/core/graphics/ |
H A D | Canvas.kt | 27 val checkpoint = save() 44 val checkpoint = save() 63 val checkpoint = save() 83 val checkpoint = save() 101 val checkpoint = save() 118 val checkpoint = save()
/frameworks/support/jetifier/jetifier/core/src/main/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/core/config/ |
H A D | ConfigParser.kt | 28 private const val TAG: String = "Config" 30 private val gson = GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create() 53 val inputStream = javaClass.getResourceAsStream(Config.DEFAULT_CONFIG_RES_PATH) 59 val config = loadConfigFileInternal(configPath) 66 val config = loadDefaultConfig() 80 val config = parseFromString(configPath.toFile().readText())
/frameworks/support/jetifier/jetifier/processor/src/main/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/processor/transform/pom/ |
H A D | PomScanner.kt | 28 class PomScanner(private val context: TransformationContext) { 31 private const val TAG = "PomScanner" 34 private val pomFilesInternal = mutableListOf<PomDocument>() 38 val pomFiles: List<PomDocument> = pomFilesInternal 48 val session = PomScannerSession() 65 val pomFiles = mutableSetOf<PomDocument>()
/frameworks/support/lifecycle/reactivestreams/ktx/src/test/java/androidx/lifecycle/ |
H A D | LiveDataReactiveStreamsTest.kt | 28 @get:Rule val rule = InstantTaskExecutorRule() 47 val processor = PublishProcessor.create<String>() 48 val liveData = processor.toLiveData() 50 val output = mutableListOf<String?>() 61 val liveData = MutableLiveData<String>() 64 val outputProcessor = ReplayProcessor.create<String>()
/frameworks/support/navigation/safe-args-generator/src/main/kotlin/androidx/navigation/safe/args/generator/ |
H A D | NavArgumentResolver.kt | 24 val destinations = mutableMapOf<ResReference, Destination>() 27 val nested = dest.nested.filter { it.id != null }.associateBy { it.id!! } 29 val resolvedActions = dest.actions.map { action -> 30 val actionDestination = destinations[action.destination] 37 val result = dest.copy(nested = dest.nested.map(::dfs), actions = resolvedActions) 47 val duplicate = result.find { it.name == arg.name }
/frameworks/support/room/compiler/src/main/kotlin/androidx/room/writer/ |
H A D | EntityDeletionAdapterWriter.kt | 34 class EntityDeletionAdapterWriter(val entity: Entity) { 45 val query = "DELETE FROM `${entity.tableName}` WHERE " + 52 val bindScope = CodeGenScope(classWriter) 54 val stmtParam = "stmt" 57 val valueParam = "value" 61 val mapped = FieldWithIndex.byOrder(entity.primaryKey.fields)
/frameworks/support/room/compiler/src/test/kotlin/androidx/room/processor/ |
H A D | CustomConverterProcessorTest.kt | 50 val CONVERTER = ClassName.get("foo.bar", "MyConverter")!! 51 val CONVERTER_QNAME = CONVERTER.packageName() + "." + CONVERTER.simpleName() 52 val CONTAINER = JavaFileObjects.forSourceString("foo.bar.Container", 95 val string = String::class.typeName() 96 val date = Date::class.typeName() 105 val typeVarT = TypeVariableName.get("T") 106 val list = ParameterizedTypeName.get(List::class.typeName(), typeVarT) 107 val typeVarK = TypeVariableName.get("K") 108 val map = ParameterizedTypeName.get(Map::class.typeName(), typeVarK, typeVarT) 116 val strin [all...] |
/frameworks/support/room/compiler/src/main/kotlin/androidx/room/vo/ |
H A D | RelationCollector.kt | 51 data class RelationCollector(val relation: Relation, 52 val affinity: SQLTypeAffinity, 53 val mapTypeName: ParameterizedTypeName, 54 val keyTypeName: TypeName, 55 val collectionTypeName: ParameterizedTypeName, 56 val queryWriter: QueryWriter, 57 val rowAdapter: RowAdapter, 58 val loadAllQuery: ParsedQuery) { 63 val tmpVar = scope.getTmpVar( 72 val indexVa [all...] |
H A D | SchemaIdentityKey.kt | 31 private val SEPARATOR = "?:?" 32 private val ENGLISH_SORT = Comparator<String> { o1, o2 -> 37 private val sb = StringBuilder()
/frameworks/base/core/tests/benchmarks/src/android/os/ |
H A D | ParcelBenchmark.java | 41 final byte val = 0xF; 45 mParcel.writeByte(val); 60 final int val = 0xF; 64 mParcel.writeInt(val); 79 final long val = 0xF; 83 mParcel.writeLong(val);
/frameworks/base/libs/protoutil/include/android/util/ |
H A D | EncodedBuffer.h | 96 void writeRawByte(uint8_t val); 101 size_t writeRawVarint32(uint32_t val); 106 size_t writeRawVarint64(uint64_t val); 111 void writeRawFixed32(uint32_t val); 116 void writeRawFixed64(uint64_t val); 152 void editRawFixed32(size_t pos, uint32_t val);
/frameworks/data-binding/compiler/src/main/java/android/databinding/tool/writer/ |
H A D | CallbackWrapperWriter.kt | 37 public class CallbackWrapperWriter(val wrapper: CallbackWrapper) { 43 val extendsImplements = if (klass.isInterface) { 59 val evaluate = "mListener.$listenerMethodName(${wrapper.allArgs()});"
/frameworks/rs/tests/java_api/RSTest_CompatLibLegacy/src/com/android/rs/test/ |
H A D | UT_bug_char.java | 34 private Byte2 pack_b2(byte[] val) { argument 35 assert val.length == 2; 36 Log.i("bug_char", "pack_b2 " + val[0] + " " + val[1]); 37 return new Byte2(val[0], val[1]);
/frameworks/rs/tests/java_api/RSUnitTests/src/com/android/rs/unittest/ |
H A D | UT_bug_char.java | 33 private Byte2 pack_b2(byte[] val) { argument 34 assert val.length == 2; 35 Log.i("bug_char", "pack_b2 " + val[0] + " " + val[1]); 36 return new Byte2(val[0], val[1]);
/frameworks/rs/tests/java_api/RSUnitTests/supportlibsrc_gen/com/android/rs/unittest/ |
H A D | UT_bug_char.java | 35 private Byte2 pack_b2(byte[] val) { argument 36 assert val.length == 2; 37 Log.i("bug_char", "pack_b2 " + val[0] + " " + val[1]); 38 return new Byte2(val[0], val[1]);
/frameworks/support/core/ktx/src/androidTest/java/androidx/core/graphics/ |
H A D | CanvasTest.kt | 26 private val values = FloatArray(9) 27 private val canvas = Canvas(createBitmap(1, 1)) 31 val beforeCount = canvas.saveCount 34 val x = values[Matrix.MTRANS_X] 35 val y = values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] 50 val beforeCount = canvas.saveCount 64 val beforeCount = canvas.saveCount 80 val beforeCount = canvas.saveCount 96 val beforeCount = canvas.saveCount 111 val originMatri [all...] |
/frameworks/support/jetifier/jetifier/core/src/main/kotlin/com/android/tools/build/jetifier/core/proguard/ |
H A D | ProGuardType.kt | 29 data class ProGuardType(val value: String) { 32 val EXPANSION_TOKENS = listOf("*", "**", "***", "*/*", "**/*") 34 val TRIVIAL_SELECTOR_MATCHER: Pattern = Pattern.compile("^[/?*]*$")
/frameworks/support/palette/ktx/src/androidTest/java/androidx/palette/graphics/ |
H A D | PaletteTest.kt | 30 val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(10, 10, ARGB_8888) 36 val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(10, 10, ARGB_8888).apply { 39 val palette = Palette.from(bitmap).generate()
/frameworks/support/room/compiler/src/main/kotlin/androidx/room/ext/ |
H A D | string_ext.kt | 18 val split = this.split("_") 25 val split = this.split("_") 43 private val javaCharRegex = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]".toRegex()
/frameworks/support/room/compiler/src/main/kotlin/androidx/room/solver/query/result/ |
H A D | GuavaOptionalQueryResultAdapter.kt | 30 class GuavaOptionalQueryResultAdapter(private val resultAdapter: SingleEntityQueryResultAdapter) 32 val type = resultAdapter.rowAdapter?.out 36 val valueVarName = scope.getTmpVar("_value")
H A D | OptionalQueryResultAdapter.kt | 32 class OptionalQueryResultAdapter(private val resultAdapter: SingleEntityQueryResultAdapter) 34 val type = resultAdapter.rowAdapter?.out 38 val valueVarName = scope.getTmpVar("_value")
/frameworks/support/room/compiler/src/test/kotlin/androidx/room/vo/ |
H A D | IndexTest.kt | 31 val index = Index("foo", false, listOf(mockField("bar"), mockField("baz"))) 39 val index = Index("foo", true, listOf(mockField("bar"), mockField("baz"))) 46 val (element, type) = mockElementAndType()
/frameworks/support/work/workmanager-ktx/src/androidTest/java/androidx/work/ |
H A D | DataTest.kt | 31 val map = mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2L, "three" to "Three", "four" to longArrayOf(1L, 2L)) 32 val data = map.toWorkData() 36 val longArray = data.getLongArray("four")
/frameworks/native/libs/binder/ |
H A D | Parcel.cpp | 800 status_t writeByteVectorInternal(Parcel* parcel, const std::vector<T>& val) argument 803 if (val.size() > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) { 808 status = parcel->writeInt32(val.size()); 813 void* data = parcel->writeInplace(val.size()); 819 memcpy(data, val.data(), val.size()); 825 const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<T>>& val) 827 if (!val) { 831 return writeByteVectorInternal(parcel, *val); 836 status_t Parcel::writeByteVector(const std::vector<int8_t>& val) { argument 824 writeByteVectorInternalPtr(Parcel* parcel, const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<T>>& val) argument 840 writeByteVector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<int8_t>>& val) argument 845 writeByteVector(const std::vector<uint8_t>& val) argument 849 writeByteVector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>>& val) argument 854 writeInt32Vector(const std::vector<int32_t>& val) argument 859 writeInt32Vector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<int32_t>>& val) argument 864 writeInt64Vector(const std::vector<int64_t>& val) argument 869 writeInt64Vector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<int64_t>>& val) argument 874 writeFloatVector(const std::vector<float>& val) argument 879 writeFloatVector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<float>>& val) argument 884 writeDoubleVector(const std::vector<double>& val) argument 889 writeDoubleVector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<double>>& val) argument 894 writeBoolVector(const std::vector<bool>& val) argument 899 writeBoolVector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<bool>>& val) argument 904 writeCharVector(const std::vector<char16_t>& val) argument 909 writeCharVector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<char16_t>>& val) argument 914 writeString16Vector(const std::vector<String16>& val) argument 919 writeString16Vector( const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<String16>>>& val) argument 925 writeUtf8VectorAsUtf16Vector( const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::string>>>& val) argument 930 writeUtf8VectorAsUtf16Vector(const std::vector<std::string>& val) argument 934 writeInt32(int32_t val) argument 939 writeUint32(uint32_t val) argument 944 writeInt32Array(size_t len, const int32_t *val) argument 960 writeByteArray(size_t len, const uint8_t *val) argument 977 writeBool(bool val) argument 982 writeChar(char16_t val) argument 987 writeByte(int8_t val) argument 992 writeInt64(int64_t val) argument 997 writeUint64(uint64_t val) argument 1002 writePointer(uintptr_t val) argument 1007 writeFloat(float val) argument 1014 writeDouble(double val) argument 1026 writeDouble(double val) argument 1082 writeStrongBinder(const sp<IBinder>& val) argument 1087 writeStrongBinderVector(const std::vector<sp<IBinder>>& val) argument 1092 writeStrongBinderVector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<sp<IBinder>>>& val) argument 1105 writeWeakBinder(const wp<IBinder>& val) argument 1187 writeUniqueFileDescriptorVector(const std::vector<base::unique_fd>& val) argument 1191 writeUniqueFileDescriptorVector(const std::unique_ptr<std::vector<base::unique_fd>>& val) argument 1259 write(const FlattenableHelperInterface& val) argument 1305 writeObject(const flat_binder_object& val, bool nullMetaData) argument 1615 writeAligned(T val) argument 1632 readByteVectorInternal(const Parcel* parcel, std::vector<T>* val) argument 1664 readByteVectorInternalPtr( const Parcel* parcel, std::unique_ptr<std::vector<T>>* val) argument 2142 sp<IBinder> val; local 2152 wp<IBinder> val; local 2153 unflatten_binder(ProcessState::self(), *this, &val); local [all...] |
/frameworks/av/media/libeffects/lvm/lib/Common/src/ |
H A D | Mac3s_Sat_16x16.c | 39 const LVM_INT16 val, 53 Temp = (srcval *val)>>15; 38 Mac3s_Sat_16x16( const LVM_INT16 *src, const LVM_INT16 val, LVM_INT16 *dst, LVM_INT16 n) argument