2 ****************************************************************************
3 ***
4 ***   This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header
5 ***   of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to
6 ***   call into the kernel available to libc.  It contains only constants,
7 ***   structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus,
8 ***   contains no copyrightable information.
9 ***
10 ***   To edit the content of this header, modify the corresponding
11 ***   source file (e.g. under external/kernel-headers/original/) then
12 ***   run bionic/libc/kernel/tools/update_all.py
13 ***
14 ***   Any manual change here will be lost the next time this script will
15 ***   be run. You've been warned!
16 ***
17 ****************************************************************************
18 ****************************************************************************/
19#ifndef _UAPI__IF_TUN_H
20#define _UAPI__IF_TUN_H
21#include <linux/types.h>
22#include <linux/if_ether.h>
23#include <linux/filter.h>
24#define TUN_READQ_SIZE 500
27#define TUN_TYPE_MASK 0x000f
28#define TUNSETNOCSUM _IOW('T', 200, int)
29#define TUNSETDEBUG _IOW('T', 201, int)
30#define TUNSETIFF _IOW('T', 202, int)
31#define TUNSETPERSIST _IOW('T', 203, int)
32#define TUNSETOWNER _IOW('T', 204, int)
33#define TUNSETLINK _IOW('T', 205, int)
34#define TUNSETGROUP _IOW('T', 206, int)
35#define TUNGETFEATURES _IOR('T', 207, unsigned int)
36#define TUNSETOFFLOAD _IOW('T', 208, unsigned int)
37#define TUNSETTXFILTER _IOW('T', 209, unsigned int)
38#define TUNGETIFF _IOR('T', 210, unsigned int)
39#define TUNGETSNDBUF _IOR('T', 211, int)
40#define TUNSETSNDBUF _IOW('T', 212, int)
41#define TUNATTACHFILTER _IOW('T', 213, struct sock_fprog)
42#define TUNDETACHFILTER _IOW('T', 214, struct sock_fprog)
43#define TUNGETVNETHDRSZ _IOR('T', 215, int)
44#define TUNSETVNETHDRSZ _IOW('T', 216, int)
45#define TUNSETQUEUE _IOW('T', 217, int)
46#define TUNSETIFINDEX _IOW('T', 218, unsigned int)
47#define TUNGETFILTER _IOR('T', 219, struct sock_fprog)
48#define TUNSETVNETLE _IOW('T', 220, int)
49#define TUNGETVNETLE _IOR('T', 221, int)
50#define TUNSETVNETBE _IOW('T', 222, int)
51#define TUNGETVNETBE _IOR('T', 223, int)
52#define IFF_TUN 0x0001
53#define IFF_TAP 0x0002
54#define IFF_NAPI 0x0010
55#define IFF_NAPI_FRAGS 0x0020
56#define IFF_NO_PI 0x1000
57#define IFF_ONE_QUEUE 0x2000
58#define IFF_VNET_HDR 0x4000
59#define IFF_TUN_EXCL 0x8000
60#define IFF_MULTI_QUEUE 0x0100
61#define IFF_ATTACH_QUEUE 0x0200
62#define IFF_DETACH_QUEUE 0x0400
63#define IFF_PERSIST 0x0800
64#define IFF_NOFILTER 0x1000
65#define TUN_TX_TIMESTAMP 1
66#define TUN_F_CSUM 0x01
67#define TUN_F_TSO4 0x02
68#define TUN_F_TSO6 0x04
69#define TUN_F_TSO_ECN 0x08
70#define TUN_F_UFO 0x10
71#define TUN_PKT_STRIP 0x0001
72struct tun_pi {
73  __u16 flags;
74  __be16 proto;
76#define TUN_FLT_ALLMULTI 0x0001
77struct tun_filter {
78  __u16 flags;
79  __u16 count;
80  __u8 addr[0][ETH_ALEN];