type_check.h revision b6d070c5081ba0ca11545eb50870817d6d72d926
1edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)
2edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * All rights reserved.
3edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *
4edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * This package is an SSL implementation written
5edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
6edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
7edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *
8edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as
9edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * the following conditions are aheared to.  The following conditions
10edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA,
11edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code.  The SSL documentation
12edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms
13edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
14edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *
15edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in
16edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * the code are not to be removed.
17edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution
18edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * as the author of the parts of the library used.
19edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or
20edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.
21edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *
22076b1cc3a9b90aa5b381a1ed268ca0b548444c9bMathias Agopian * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
23edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
24edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * are met:
25edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright
26edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
27edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
283330b203039dea366d4981db1408a460134b2d2cMathias Agopian *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
29edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
309cce325fae8adcf7560a28eef394489f09bad74dMathias Agopian * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
319cce325fae8adcf7560a28eef394489f09bad74dMathias Agopian *    must display the following acknowledgement:
32edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *    "This product includes cryptographic software written by
33edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *     Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)"
341f7bec634f19c123410a5155c8d282e177c01930Mathias Agopian *    The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library
35edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *    being used are not cryptographic related :-).
36edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from
37edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *    the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:
38a350ff98692b3a50cad5cc93f9f83221242ca86aMathias Agopian *    "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)"
39edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *
40edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND
41edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE
42edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE
43edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * ARE DISCLAIMED.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE
44edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL
45edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS
46ca99fb8f65f3ea249c56fb6dccefffb54e87696eMathias Agopian * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)
47ca99fb8f65f3ea249c56fb6dccefffb54e87696eMathias Agopian * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT
48ca99fb8f65f3ea249c56fb6dccefffb54e87696eMathias Agopian * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY
49ca99fb8f65f3ea249c56fb6dccefffb54e87696eMathias Agopian * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF
50edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * SUCH DAMAGE.
51edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project *
5296f0819f81293076e652792794a961543e6750d7Mathias Agopian * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
5396f0819f81293076e652792794a961543e6750d7Mathias Agopian * derivative of this code cannot be changed.  i.e. this code cannot simply be
5496f0819f81293076e652792794a961543e6750d7Mathias Agopian * copied and put under another distribution licence
551f7bec634f19c123410a5155c8d282e177c01930Mathias Agopian * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */
56401c257fba770a267f637184b1f532b4e03bed20Mathias Agopian
57d606de6bb6877dc4ab93ec0be0c6bda4a8ee1ce8Mathias Agopian#ifndef OPENSSL_HEADER_TYPE_CHECK_H
58b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian#define OPENSSL_HEADER_TYPE_CHECK_H
5916f0453fee84c6aad59fe0d1c7d36f061d46cffcGlenn Kasten
6016f0453fee84c6aad59fe0d1c7d36f061d46cffcGlenn Kasten#include <openssl/base.h>
611f7bec634f19c123410a5155c8d282e177c01930Mathias Agopian
62a138f89c5e78b7e8994823e97d6e860869762837Mathias Agopian#if defined(__cplusplus)
63733189d408e13b54fd70971b265244367efd0f51Mathias Agopianextern "C" {
64edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project#endif
65edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project
66edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project
67edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project/* This header file contains some common macros for enforcing type checking.
68edbf3b6af777b721cd2a1ef461947e51e88241e1The Android Open Source Project * Several, common OpenSSL structures (i.e. stack and lhash) operate on void
69bb641244d7d73312dc65b8e338df18b22e335107Mathias Agopian * pointers, but we wish to have type checking when they are used with a
70bb641244d7d73312dc65b8e338df18b22e335107Mathias Agopian * specific type. */
71bb641244d7d73312dc65b8e338df18b22e335107Mathias Agopian
72bb641244d7d73312dc65b8e338df18b22e335107Mathias Agopian/* CHECKED_CAST casts |p| from type |from| to type |to|. */
73b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian#define CHECKED_CAST(to, from, p) ((to) (1 ? (p) : (from)0))
74b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian
75b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian/* CHECKED_PTR_OF casts a given pointer to void* and statically checks that it
76b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian * was a pointer to |type|. */
77b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian#define CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, p) CHECKED_CAST(void*, type*, (p))
78b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian
79d606de6bb6877dc4ab93ec0be0c6bda4a8ee1ce8Mathias Agopian#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L
80d606de6bb6877dc4ab93ec0be0c6bda4a8ee1ce8Mathias Agopian#define OPENSSL_COMPILE_ASSERT(cond, msg) _Static_assert(cond, #msg)
81b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian#else
82b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian#define OPENSSL_COMPILE_ASSERT(cond, msg) \
8396f0819f81293076e652792794a961543e6750d7Mathias Agopian  typedef char OPENSSL_COMPILE_ASSERT_##msg[((cond) ? 1 : -1)] OPENSSL_UNUSED
84579b3f88d03d06b897b778bd11818f5104677d1dMathias Agopian#endif
85b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian
86b7e930db175c192464cebdeb49eb56cf6dd60114Mathias Agopian
8796f0819f81293076e652792794a961543e6750d7Mathias Agopian#if defined(__cplusplus)
88579b3f88d03d06b897b778bd11818f5104677d1dMathias Agopian}  /* extern C */
89dd17b3eaa99f761e265ff457e335b5a0ff83dafbMathias Agopian#endif
90dd17b3eaa99f761e265ff457e335b5a0ff83dafbMathias Agopian
91dd17b3eaa99f761e265ff457e335b5a0ff83dafbMathias Agopian#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_TYPE_CHECK_H */
92dd17b3eaa99f761e265ff457e335b5a0ff83dafbMathias Agopian