1// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
4 ******************************************************************************
5 *   Copyright (C) 1997-2014, International Business Machines
6 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
7 ******************************************************************************
8 */
11 * \file
12 * \brief C++ API: Collation Element Iterator.
13 */
16* File coleitr.h
18* Created by: Helena Shih
20* Modification History:
22*  Date       Name        Description
24*  8/18/97    helena      Added internal API documentation.
25* 08/03/98    erm         Synched with 1.2 version CollationElementIterator.java
26* 12/10/99    aliu        Ported Thai collation support from Java.
27* 01/25/01    swquek      Modified into a C++ wrapper calling C APIs (ucoliter.h)
28* 02/19/01    swquek      Removed CollationElementsIterator() since it is
29*                         private constructor and no calls are made to it
30* 2012-2014   markus      Rewritten in C++ again.
33#ifndef COLEITR_H
34#define COLEITR_H
36#include "unicode/utypes.h"
40#include "unicode/unistr.h"
41#include "unicode/uobject.h"
43struct UCollationElements;
44struct UHashtable;
48struct CollationData;
50class CharacterIterator;
51class CollationIterator;
52class RuleBasedCollator;
53class UCollationPCE;
54class UVector32;
57* The CollationElementIterator class is used as an iterator to walk through
58* each character of an international string. Use the iterator to return the
59* ordering priority of the positioned character. The ordering priority of a
60* character, which we refer to as a key, defines how a character is collated in
61* the given collation object.
62* For example, consider the following in Slovak and in traditional Spanish collation:
63* <pre>
64*        "ca" -> the first key is key('c') and second key is key('a').
65*        "cha" -> the first key is key('ch') and second key is key('a').</pre>
66* And in German phonebook collation,
67* <pre> \htmlonly       "&#x00E6;b"-> the first key is key('a'), the second key is key('e'), and
68*        the third key is key('b'). \endhtmlonly </pre>
69* The key of a character, is an integer composed of primary order(short),
70* secondary order(char), and tertiary order(char). Java strictly defines the
71* size and signedness of its primitive data types. Therefore, the static
72* functions primaryOrder(), secondaryOrder(), and tertiaryOrder() return
73* int32_t to ensure the correctness of the key value.
74* <p>Example of the iterator usage: (without error checking)
75* <pre>
76* \code
77*   void CollationElementIterator_Example()
78*   {
79*       UnicodeString str = "This is a test";
80*       UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR;
81*       RuleBasedCollator* rbc =
82*           (RuleBasedCollator*) RuleBasedCollator::createInstance(success);
83*       CollationElementIterator* c =
84*           rbc->createCollationElementIterator( str );
85*       int32_t order = c->next(success);
86*       c->reset();
87*       order = c->previous(success);
88*       delete c;
89*       delete rbc;
90*   }
91* \endcode
92* </pre>
93* <p>
94* The method next() returns the collation order of the next character based on
95* the comparison level of the collator. The method previous() returns the
96* collation order of the previous character based on the comparison level of
97* the collator. The Collation Element Iterator moves only in one direction
98* between calls to reset(), setOffset(), or setText(). That is, next()
99* and previous() can not be inter-used. Whenever previous() is to be called after
100* next() or vice versa, reset(), setOffset() or setText() has to be called first
101* to reset the status, shifting pointers to either the end or the start of
102* the string (reset() or setText()), or the specified position (setOffset()).
103* Hence at the next call of next() or previous(), the first or last collation order,
104* or collation order at the spefcifieid position will be returned. If a change of
105* direction is done without one of these calls, the result is undefined.
106* <p>
107* The result of a forward iterate (next()) and reversed result of the backward
108* iterate (previous()) on the same string are equivalent, if collation orders
109* with the value 0 are ignored.
110* Character based on the comparison level of the collator.  A collation order
111* consists of primary order, secondary order and tertiary order.  The data
112* type of the collation order is <strong>int32_t</strong>.
114* Note, CollationElementIterator should not be subclassed.
115* @see     Collator
116* @see     RuleBasedCollator
117* @version 1.8 Jan 16 2001
119class U_I18N_API CollationElementIterator U_FINAL : public UObject {
122    // CollationElementIterator public data member ------------------------------
124    enum {
125        /**
126         * NULLORDER indicates that an error has occured while processing
127         * @stable ICU 2.0
128         */
129        NULLORDER = (int32_t)0xffffffff
130    };
132    // CollationElementIterator public constructor/destructor -------------------
134    /**
135    * Copy constructor.
136    *
137    * @param other    the object to be copied from
138    * @stable ICU 2.0
139    */
140    CollationElementIterator(const CollationElementIterator& other);
142    /**
143    * Destructor
144    * @stable ICU 2.0
145    */
146    virtual ~CollationElementIterator();
148    // CollationElementIterator public methods ----------------------------------
150    /**
151    * Returns true if "other" is the same as "this"
152    *
153    * @param other    the object to be compared
154    * @return         true if "other" is the same as "this"
155    * @stable ICU 2.0
156    */
157    UBool operator==(const CollationElementIterator& other) const;
159    /**
160    * Returns true if "other" is not the same as "this".
161    *
162    * @param other    the object to be compared
163    * @return         true if "other" is not the same as "this"
164    * @stable ICU 2.0
165    */
166    UBool operator!=(const CollationElementIterator& other) const;
168    /**
169    * Resets the cursor to the beginning of the string.
170    * @stable ICU 2.0
171    */
172    void reset(void);
174    /**
175    * Gets the ordering priority of the next character in the string.
176    * @param status the error code status.
177    * @return the next character's ordering. otherwise returns NULLORDER if an
178    *         error has occured or if the end of string has been reached
179    * @stable ICU 2.0
180    */
181    int32_t next(UErrorCode& status);
183    /**
184    * Get the ordering priority of the previous collation element in the string.
185    * @param status the error code status.
186    * @return the previous element's ordering. otherwise returns NULLORDER if an
187    *         error has occured or if the start of string has been reached
188    * @stable ICU 2.0
189    */
190    int32_t previous(UErrorCode& status);
192    /**
193    * Gets the primary order of a collation order.
194    * @param order the collation order
195    * @return the primary order of a collation order.
196    * @stable ICU 2.0
197    */
198    static inline int32_t primaryOrder(int32_t order);
200    /**
201    * Gets the secondary order of a collation order.
202    * @param order the collation order
203    * @return the secondary order of a collation order.
204    * @stable ICU 2.0
205    */
206    static inline int32_t secondaryOrder(int32_t order);
208    /**
209    * Gets the tertiary order of a collation order.
210    * @param order the collation order
211    * @return the tertiary order of a collation order.
212    * @stable ICU 2.0
213    */
214    static inline int32_t tertiaryOrder(int32_t order);
216    /**
217    * Return the maximum length of any expansion sequences that end with the
218    * specified comparison order.
219    * @param order a collation order returned by previous or next.
220    * @return maximum size of the expansion sequences ending with the collation
221    *         element or 1 if collation element does not occur at the end of any
222    *         expansion sequence
223    * @stable ICU 2.0
224    */
225    int32_t getMaxExpansion(int32_t order) const;
227    /**
228    * Gets the comparison order in the desired strength. Ignore the other
229    * differences.
230    * @param order The order value
231    * @stable ICU 2.0
232    */
233    int32_t strengthOrder(int32_t order) const;
235    /**
236    * Sets the source string.
237    * @param str the source string.
238    * @param status the error code status.
239    * @stable ICU 2.0
240    */
241    void setText(const UnicodeString& str, UErrorCode& status);
243    /**
244    * Sets the source string.
245    * @param str the source character iterator.
246    * @param status the error code status.
247    * @stable ICU 2.0
248    */
249    void setText(CharacterIterator& str, UErrorCode& status);
251    /**
252    * Checks if a comparison order is ignorable.
253    * @param order the collation order.
254    * @return TRUE if a character is ignorable, FALSE otherwise.
255    * @stable ICU 2.0
256    */
257    static inline UBool isIgnorable(int32_t order);
259    /**
260    * Gets the offset of the currently processed character in the source string.
261    * @return the offset of the character.
262    * @stable ICU 2.0
263    */
264    int32_t getOffset(void) const;
266    /**
267    * Sets the offset of the currently processed character in the source string.
268    * @param newOffset the new offset.
269    * @param status the error code status.
270    * @return the offset of the character.
271    * @stable ICU 2.0
272    */
273    void setOffset(int32_t newOffset, UErrorCode& status);
275    /**
276    * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
277    *
278    * @stable ICU 2.2
279    */
280    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
282    /**
283    * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
284    *
285    * @stable ICU 2.2
286    */
287    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
290    /** @internal */
291    static inline CollationElementIterator *fromUCollationElements(UCollationElements *uc) {
292        return reinterpret_cast<CollationElementIterator *>(uc);
293    }
294    /** @internal */
295    static inline const CollationElementIterator *fromUCollationElements(const UCollationElements *uc) {
296        return reinterpret_cast<const CollationElementIterator *>(uc);
297    }
298    /** @internal */
299    inline UCollationElements *toUCollationElements() {
300        return reinterpret_cast<UCollationElements *>(this);
301    }
302    /** @internal */
303    inline const UCollationElements *toUCollationElements() const {
304        return reinterpret_cast<const UCollationElements *>(this);
305    }
306#endif  // U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
309    friend class RuleBasedCollator;
310    friend class UCollationPCE;
312    /**
313    * CollationElementIterator constructor. This takes the source string and the
314    * collation object. The cursor will walk thru the source string based on the
315    * predefined collation rules. If the source string is empty, NULLORDER will
316    * be returned on the calls to next().
317    * @param sourceText    the source string.
318    * @param order         the collation object.
319    * @param status        the error code status.
320    */
321    CollationElementIterator(const UnicodeString& sourceText,
322        const RuleBasedCollator* order, UErrorCode& status);
323    // Note: The constructors should take settings & tailoring, not a collator,
324    // to avoid circular dependencies.
325    // However, for operator==() we would need to be able to compare tailoring data for equality
326    // without making CollationData or CollationTailoring depend on TailoredSet.
327    // (See the implementation of RuleBasedCollator::operator==().)
328    // That might require creating an intermediate class that would be used
329    // by both CollationElementIterator and RuleBasedCollator
330    // but only contain the part of RBC== related to data and rules.
332    /**
333    * CollationElementIterator constructor. This takes the source string and the
334    * collation object.  The cursor will walk thru the source string based on the
335    * predefined collation rules.  If the source string is empty, NULLORDER will
336    * be returned on the calls to next().
337    * @param sourceText    the source string.
338    * @param order         the collation object.
339    * @param status        the error code status.
340    */
341    CollationElementIterator(const CharacterIterator& sourceText,
342        const RuleBasedCollator* order, UErrorCode& status);
344    /**
345    * Assignment operator
346    *
347    * @param other    the object to be copied
348    */
349    const CollationElementIterator&
350        operator=(const CollationElementIterator& other);
352    CollationElementIterator(); // default constructor not implemented
354    /** Normalizes dir_=1 (just after setOffset()) to dir_=0 (just after reset()). */
355    inline int8_t normalizeDir() const { return dir_ == 1 ? 0 : dir_; }
357    static UHashtable *computeMaxExpansions(const CollationData *data, UErrorCode &errorCode);
359    static int32_t getMaxExpansion(const UHashtable *maxExpansions, int32_t order);
361    // CollationElementIterator private data members ----------------------------
363    CollationIterator *iter_;  // owned
364    const RuleBasedCollator *rbc_;  // aliased
365    uint32_t otherHalf_;
366    /**
367     * <0: backwards; 0: just after reset() (previous() begins from end);
368     * 1: just after setOffset(); >1: forward
369     */
370    int8_t dir_;
371    /**
372     * Stores offsets from expansions and from unsafe-backwards iteration,
373     * so that getOffset() returns intermediate offsets for the CEs
374     * that are consistent with forward iteration.
375     */
376    UVector32 *offsets_;
378    UnicodeString string_;
381// CollationElementIterator inline method definitions --------------------------
383inline int32_t CollationElementIterator::primaryOrder(int32_t order)
385    return (order >> 16) & 0xffff;
388inline int32_t CollationElementIterator::secondaryOrder(int32_t order)
390    return (order >> 8) & 0xff;
393inline int32_t CollationElementIterator::tertiaryOrder(int32_t order)
395    return order & 0xff;
398inline UBool CollationElementIterator::isIgnorable(int32_t order)
400    return (order & 0xffff0000) == 0;
405#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */