1//===- PassManager.h - Pass management infrastructure -----------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
9/// \file
11/// This header defines various interfaces for pass management in LLVM. There
12/// is no "pass" interface in LLVM per se. Instead, an instance of any class
13/// which supports a method to 'run' it over a unit of IR can be used as
14/// a pass. A pass manager is generally a tool to collect a sequence of passes
15/// which run over a particular IR construct, and run each of them in sequence
16/// over each such construct in the containing IR construct. As there is no
17/// containing IR construct for a Module, a manager for passes over modules
18/// forms the base case which runs its managed passes in sequence over the
19/// single module provided.
21/// The core IR library provides managers for running passes over
22/// modules and functions.
24/// * FunctionPassManager can run over a Module, runs each pass over
25///   a Function.
26/// * ModulePassManager must be directly run, runs each pass over the Module.
28/// Note that the implementations of the pass managers use concept-based
29/// polymorphism as outlined in the "Value Semantics and Concept-based
30/// Polymorphism" talk (or its abbreviated sibling "Inheritance Is The Base
31/// Class of Evil") by Sean Parent:
32/// * http://github.com/sean-parent/sean-parent.github.com/wiki/Papers-and-Presentations
33/// * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BpMYeUFXv8
34/// * http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/Inheritance-Is-The-Base-Class-of-Evil
41#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
42#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
43#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
44#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
45#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
46#include "llvm/IR/PassManagerInternal.h"
47#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
48#include "llvm/Support/TypeName.h"
49#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
50#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
51#include <list>
52#include <memory>
53#include <vector>
55namespace llvm {
57/// \brief An abstract set of preserved analyses following a transformation pass
58/// run.
60/// When a transformation pass is run, it can return a set of analyses whose
61/// results were preserved by that transformation. The default set is "none",
62/// and preserving analyses must be done explicitly.
64/// There is also an explicit all state which can be used (for example) when
65/// the IR is not mutated at all.
66class PreservedAnalyses {
68  // We have to explicitly define all the special member functions because MSVC
69  // refuses to generate them.
70  PreservedAnalyses() {}
71  PreservedAnalyses(const PreservedAnalyses &Arg)
72      : PreservedPassIDs(Arg.PreservedPassIDs) {}
73  PreservedAnalyses(PreservedAnalyses &&Arg)
74      : PreservedPassIDs(std::move(Arg.PreservedPassIDs)) {}
75  friend void swap(PreservedAnalyses &LHS, PreservedAnalyses &RHS) {
76    using std::swap;
77    swap(LHS.PreservedPassIDs, RHS.PreservedPassIDs);
78  }
79  PreservedAnalyses &operator=(PreservedAnalyses RHS) {
80    swap(*this, RHS);
81    return *this;
82  }
84  /// \brief Convenience factory function for the empty preserved set.
85  static PreservedAnalyses none() { return PreservedAnalyses(); }
87  /// \brief Construct a special preserved set that preserves all passes.
88  static PreservedAnalyses all() {
89    PreservedAnalyses PA;
90    PA.PreservedPassIDs.insert((void *)AllPassesID);
91    return PA;
92  }
94  /// \brief Mark a particular pass as preserved, adding it to the set.
95  template <typename PassT> void preserve() { preserve(PassT::ID()); }
97  /// \brief Mark an abstract PassID as preserved, adding it to the set.
98  void preserve(void *PassID) {
99    if (!areAllPreserved())
100      PreservedPassIDs.insert(PassID);
101  }
103  /// \brief Intersect this set with another in place.
104  ///
105  /// This is a mutating operation on this preserved set, removing all
106  /// preserved passes which are not also preserved in the argument.
107  void intersect(const PreservedAnalyses &Arg) {
108    if (Arg.areAllPreserved())
109      return;
110    if (areAllPreserved()) {
111      PreservedPassIDs = Arg.PreservedPassIDs;
112      return;
113    }
114    for (void *P : PreservedPassIDs)
115      if (!Arg.PreservedPassIDs.count(P))
116        PreservedPassIDs.erase(P);
117  }
119  /// \brief Intersect this set with a temporary other set in place.
120  ///
121  /// This is a mutating operation on this preserved set, removing all
122  /// preserved passes which are not also preserved in the argument.
123  void intersect(PreservedAnalyses &&Arg) {
124    if (Arg.areAllPreserved())
125      return;
126    if (areAllPreserved()) {
127      PreservedPassIDs = std::move(Arg.PreservedPassIDs);
128      return;
129    }
130    for (void *P : PreservedPassIDs)
131      if (!Arg.PreservedPassIDs.count(P))
132        PreservedPassIDs.erase(P);
133  }
135  /// \brief Query whether a pass is marked as preserved by this set.
136  template <typename PassT> bool preserved() const {
137    return preserved(PassT::ID());
138  }
140  /// \brief Query whether an abstract pass ID is marked as preserved by this
141  /// set.
142  bool preserved(void *PassID) const {
143    return PreservedPassIDs.count((void *)AllPassesID) ||
144           PreservedPassIDs.count(PassID);
145  }
147  /// \brief Query whether all of the analyses in the set are preserved.
148  bool preserved(PreservedAnalyses Arg) {
149    if (Arg.areAllPreserved())
150      return areAllPreserved();
151    for (void *P : Arg.PreservedPassIDs)
152      if (!preserved(P))
153        return false;
154    return true;
155  }
157  /// \brief Test whether all passes are preserved.
158  ///
159  /// This is used primarily to optimize for the case of no changes which will
160  /// common in many scenarios.
161  bool areAllPreserved() const {
162    return PreservedPassIDs.count((void *)AllPassesID);
163  }
166  // Note that this must not be -1 or -2 as those are already used by the
167  // SmallPtrSet.
168  static const uintptr_t AllPassesID = (intptr_t)(-3);
170  SmallPtrSet<void *, 2> PreservedPassIDs;
173// Forward declare the analysis manager template.
174template <typename IRUnitT> class AnalysisManager;
176/// A CRTP mix-in to automatically provide informational APIs needed for
177/// passes.
179/// This provides some boiler plate for types that are passes.
180template <typename DerivedT> struct PassInfoMixin {
181  /// Returns the name of the derived pass type.
182  static StringRef name() {
183    StringRef Name = getTypeName<DerivedT>();
184    if (Name.startswith("llvm::"))
185      Name = Name.drop_front(strlen("llvm::"));
186    return Name;
187  }
190/// A CRTP mix-in to automatically provide informational APIs needed for
191/// analysis passes.
193/// This provides some boiler plate for types that are analysis passes. It
194/// automatically mixes in \c PassInfoMixin and adds informational APIs
195/// specifically used for analyses.
196template <typename DerivedT>
197struct AnalysisInfoMixin : PassInfoMixin<DerivedT> {
198  /// Returns an opaque, unique ID for this pass type.
199  ///
200  /// Note that this requires the derived type provide a static member whose
201  /// address can be converted to a void pointer.
202  ///
203  /// FIXME: The only reason the derived type needs to provide this rather than
204  /// this mixin providing it is due to broken implementations which cannot
205  /// correctly unique a templated static so that they have the same addresses
206  /// for each instantiation and are definitively emitted once for each
207  /// instantiation. The only currently known platform with this limitation are
208  /// Windows DLL builds, specifically building each part of LLVM as a DLL. If
209  /// we ever remove that build configuration, this mixin can provide the
210  /// static PassID as well.
211  static void *ID() { return (void *)&DerivedT::PassID; }
214/// \brief Manages a sequence of passes over units of IR.
216/// A pass manager contains a sequence of passes to run over units of IR. It is
217/// itself a valid pass over that unit of IR, and when over some given IR will
218/// run each pass in sequence. This is the primary and most basic building
219/// block of a pass pipeline.
221/// If it is run with an \c AnalysisManager<IRUnitT> argument, it will propagate
222/// that analysis manager to each pass it runs, as well as calling the analysis
223/// manager's invalidation routine with the PreservedAnalyses of each pass it
224/// runs.
225template <typename IRUnitT>
226class PassManager : public PassInfoMixin<PassManager<IRUnitT>> {
228  /// \brief Construct a pass manager.
229  ///
230  /// It can be passed a flag to get debug logging as the passes are run.
231  PassManager(bool DebugLogging = false) : DebugLogging(DebugLogging) {}
232  // We have to explicitly define all the special member functions because MSVC
233  // refuses to generate them.
234  PassManager(PassManager &&Arg)
235      : Passes(std::move(Arg.Passes)),
236        DebugLogging(std::move(Arg.DebugLogging)) {}
237  PassManager &operator=(PassManager &&RHS) {
238    Passes = std::move(RHS.Passes);
239    DebugLogging = std::move(RHS.DebugLogging);
240    return *this;
241  }
243  /// \brief Run all of the passes in this manager over the IR.
244  PreservedAnalyses run(IRUnitT &IR, AnalysisManager<IRUnitT> &AM) {
245    PreservedAnalyses PA = PreservedAnalyses::all();
247    if (DebugLogging)
248      dbgs() << "Starting " << getTypeName<IRUnitT>() << " pass manager run.\n";
250    for (unsigned Idx = 0, Size = Passes.size(); Idx != Size; ++Idx) {
251      if (DebugLogging)
252        dbgs() << "Running pass: " << Passes[Idx]->name() << " on "
253               << IR.getName() << "\n";
255      PreservedAnalyses PassPA = Passes[Idx]->run(IR, AM);
257      // Update the analysis manager as each pass runs and potentially
258      // invalidates analyses. We also update the preserved set of analyses
259      // based on what analyses we have already handled the invalidation for
260      // here and don't need to invalidate when finished.
261      PassPA = AM.invalidate(IR, std::move(PassPA));
263      // Finally, we intersect the final preserved analyses to compute the
264      // aggregate preserved set for this pass manager.
265      PA.intersect(std::move(PassPA));
267      // FIXME: Historically, the pass managers all called the LLVM context's
268      // yield function here. We don't have a generic way to acquire the
269      // context and it isn't yet clear what the right pattern is for yielding
270      // in the new pass manager so it is currently omitted.
271      //IR.getContext().yield();
272    }
274    if (DebugLogging)
275      dbgs() << "Finished " << getTypeName<IRUnitT>() << " pass manager run.\n";
277    return PA;
278  }
280  template <typename PassT> void addPass(PassT Pass) {
281    typedef detail::PassModel<IRUnitT, PassT> PassModelT;
282    Passes.emplace_back(new PassModelT(std::move(Pass)));
283  }
286  typedef detail::PassConcept<IRUnitT> PassConceptT;
288  PassManager(const PassManager &) = delete;
289  PassManager &operator=(const PassManager &) = delete;
291  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PassConceptT>> Passes;
293  /// \brief Flag indicating whether we should do debug logging.
294  bool DebugLogging;
297extern template class PassManager<Module>;
298/// \brief Convenience typedef for a pass manager over modules.
299typedef PassManager<Module> ModulePassManager;
301extern template class PassManager<Function>;
302/// \brief Convenience typedef for a pass manager over functions.
303typedef PassManager<Function> FunctionPassManager;
305namespace detail {
307/// \brief A CRTP base used to implement analysis managers.
309/// This class template serves as the boiler plate of an analysis manager. Any
310/// analysis manager can be implemented on top of this base class. Any
311/// implementation will be required to provide specific hooks:
313/// - getResultImpl
314/// - getCachedResultImpl
315/// - invalidateImpl
317/// The details of the call pattern are within.
319/// Note that there is also a generic analysis manager template which implements
320/// the above required functions along with common datastructures used for
321/// managing analyses. This base class is factored so that if you need to
322/// customize the handling of a specific IR unit, you can do so without
323/// replicating *all* of the boilerplate.
324template <typename DerivedT, typename IRUnitT> class AnalysisManagerBase {
325  DerivedT *derived_this() { return static_cast<DerivedT *>(this); }
326  const DerivedT *derived_this() const {
327    return static_cast<const DerivedT *>(this);
328  }
330  AnalysisManagerBase(const AnalysisManagerBase &) = delete;
331  AnalysisManagerBase &operator=(const AnalysisManagerBase &) = delete;
334  typedef detail::AnalysisResultConcept<IRUnitT> ResultConceptT;
335  typedef detail::AnalysisPassConcept<IRUnitT> PassConceptT;
337  // FIXME: Provide template aliases for the models when we're using C++11 in
338  // a mode supporting them.
340  // We have to explicitly define all the special member functions because MSVC
341  // refuses to generate them.
342  AnalysisManagerBase() {}
343  AnalysisManagerBase(AnalysisManagerBase &&Arg)
344      : AnalysisPasses(std::move(Arg.AnalysisPasses)) {}
345  AnalysisManagerBase &operator=(AnalysisManagerBase &&RHS) {
346    AnalysisPasses = std::move(RHS.AnalysisPasses);
347    return *this;
348  }
351  /// \brief Get the result of an analysis pass for this module.
352  ///
353  /// If there is not a valid cached result in the manager already, this will
354  /// re-run the analysis to produce a valid result.
355  template <typename PassT> typename PassT::Result &getResult(IRUnitT &IR) {
356    assert(AnalysisPasses.count(PassT::ID()) &&
357           "This analysis pass was not registered prior to being queried");
359    ResultConceptT &ResultConcept =
360        derived_this()->getResultImpl(PassT::ID(), IR);
361    typedef detail::AnalysisResultModel<IRUnitT, PassT, typename PassT::Result>
362        ResultModelT;
363    return static_cast<ResultModelT &>(ResultConcept).Result;
364  }
366  /// \brief Get the cached result of an analysis pass for this module.
367  ///
368  /// This method never runs the analysis.
369  ///
370  /// \returns null if there is no cached result.
371  template <typename PassT>
372  typename PassT::Result *getCachedResult(IRUnitT &IR) const {
373    assert(AnalysisPasses.count(PassT::ID()) &&
374           "This analysis pass was not registered prior to being queried");
376    ResultConceptT *ResultConcept =
377        derived_this()->getCachedResultImpl(PassT::ID(), IR);
378    if (!ResultConcept)
379      return nullptr;
381    typedef detail::AnalysisResultModel<IRUnitT, PassT, typename PassT::Result>
382        ResultModelT;
383    return &static_cast<ResultModelT *>(ResultConcept)->Result;
384  }
386  /// \brief Register an analysis pass with the manager.
387  ///
388  /// The argument is a callable whose result is a pass. This allows passing in
389  /// a lambda to construct the pass.
390  ///
391  /// The pass type registered is the result type of calling the argument. If
392  /// that pass has already been registered, then the argument will not be
393  /// called and this function will return false. Otherwise, the pass type
394  /// becomes registered, with the instance provided by calling the argument
395  /// once, and this function returns true.
396  ///
397  /// While this returns whether or not the pass type was already registered,
398  /// there in't an independent way to query that as that would be prone to
399  /// risky use when *querying* the analysis manager. Instead, the only
400  /// supported use case is avoiding duplicate registry of an analysis. This
401  /// interface also lends itself to minimizing the number of times we have to
402  /// do lookups for analyses or construct complex passes only to throw them
403  /// away.
404  template <typename PassBuilderT> bool registerPass(PassBuilderT PassBuilder) {
405    typedef decltype(PassBuilder()) PassT;
406    typedef detail::AnalysisPassModel<IRUnitT, PassT> PassModelT;
408    auto &PassPtr = AnalysisPasses[PassT::ID()];
409    if (PassPtr)
410      // Already registered this pass type!
411      return false;
413    // Construct a new model around the instance returned by the builder.
414    PassPtr.reset(new PassModelT(PassBuilder()));
415    return true;
416  }
418  /// \brief Invalidate a specific analysis pass for an IR module.
419  ///
420  /// Note that the analysis result can disregard invalidation.
421  template <typename PassT> void invalidate(IRUnitT &IR) {
422    assert(AnalysisPasses.count(PassT::ID()) &&
423           "This analysis pass was not registered prior to being invalidated");
424    derived_this()->invalidateImpl(PassT::ID(), IR);
425  }
427  /// \brief Invalidate analyses cached for an IR unit.
428  ///
429  /// Walk through all of the analyses pertaining to this unit of IR and
430  /// invalidate them unless they are preserved by the PreservedAnalyses set.
431  /// We accept the PreservedAnalyses set by value and update it with each
432  /// analyis pass which has been successfully invalidated and thus can be
433  /// preserved going forward. The updated set is returned.
434  PreservedAnalyses invalidate(IRUnitT &IR, PreservedAnalyses PA) {
435    return derived_this()->invalidateImpl(IR, std::move(PA));
436  }
439  /// \brief Lookup a registered analysis pass.
440  PassConceptT &lookupPass(void *PassID) {
441    typename AnalysisPassMapT::iterator PI = AnalysisPasses.find(PassID);
442    assert(PI != AnalysisPasses.end() &&
443           "Analysis passes must be registered prior to being queried!");
444    return *PI->second;
445  }
447  /// \brief Lookup a registered analysis pass.
448  const PassConceptT &lookupPass(void *PassID) const {
449    typename AnalysisPassMapT::const_iterator PI = AnalysisPasses.find(PassID);
450    assert(PI != AnalysisPasses.end() &&
451           "Analysis passes must be registered prior to being queried!");
452    return *PI->second;
453  }
456  /// \brief Map type from module analysis pass ID to pass concept pointer.
457  typedef DenseMap<void *, std::unique_ptr<PassConceptT>> AnalysisPassMapT;
459  /// \brief Collection of module analysis passes, indexed by ID.
460  AnalysisPassMapT AnalysisPasses;
463} // End namespace detail
465/// \brief A generic analysis pass manager with lazy running and caching of
466/// results.
468/// This analysis manager can be used for any IR unit where the address of the
469/// IR unit sufficies as its identity. It manages the cache for a unit of IR via
470/// the address of each unit of IR cached.
471template <typename IRUnitT>
472class AnalysisManager
473    : public detail::AnalysisManagerBase<AnalysisManager<IRUnitT>, IRUnitT> {
474  friend class detail::AnalysisManagerBase<AnalysisManager<IRUnitT>, IRUnitT>;
475  typedef detail::AnalysisManagerBase<AnalysisManager<IRUnitT>, IRUnitT> BaseT;
476  typedef typename BaseT::ResultConceptT ResultConceptT;
477  typedef typename BaseT::PassConceptT PassConceptT;
480  // Most public APIs are inherited from the CRTP base class.
482  /// \brief Construct an empty analysis manager.
483  ///
484  /// A flag can be passed to indicate that the manager should perform debug
485  /// logging.
486  AnalysisManager(bool DebugLogging = false) : DebugLogging(DebugLogging) {}
488  // We have to explicitly define all the special member functions because MSVC
489  // refuses to generate them.
490  AnalysisManager(AnalysisManager &&Arg)
491      : BaseT(std::move(static_cast<BaseT &>(Arg))),
492        AnalysisResults(std::move(Arg.AnalysisResults)),
493        DebugLogging(std::move(Arg.DebugLogging)) {}
494  AnalysisManager &operator=(AnalysisManager &&RHS) {
495    BaseT::operator=(std::move(static_cast<BaseT &>(RHS)));
496    AnalysisResults = std::move(RHS.AnalysisResults);
497    DebugLogging = std::move(RHS.DebugLogging);
498    return *this;
499  }
501  /// \brief Returns true if the analysis manager has an empty results cache.
502  bool empty() const {
503    assert(AnalysisResults.empty() == AnalysisResultLists.empty() &&
504           "The storage and index of analysis results disagree on how many "
505           "there are!");
506    return AnalysisResults.empty();
507  }
509  /// \brief Clear the analysis result cache.
510  ///
511  /// This routine allows cleaning up when the set of IR units itself has
512  /// potentially changed, and thus we can't even look up a a result and
513  /// invalidate it directly. Notably, this does *not* call invalidate functions
514  /// as there is nothing to be done for them.
515  void clear() {
516    AnalysisResults.clear();
517    AnalysisResultLists.clear();
518  }
521  AnalysisManager(const AnalysisManager &) = delete;
522  AnalysisManager &operator=(const AnalysisManager &) = delete;
524  /// \brief Get an analysis result, running the pass if necessary.
525  ResultConceptT &getResultImpl(void *PassID, IRUnitT &IR) {
526    typename AnalysisResultMapT::iterator RI;
527    bool Inserted;
528    std::tie(RI, Inserted) = AnalysisResults.insert(std::make_pair(
529        std::make_pair(PassID, &IR), typename AnalysisResultListT::iterator()));
531    // If we don't have a cached result for this function, look up the pass and
532    // run it to produce a result, which we then add to the cache.
533    if (Inserted) {
534      auto &P = this->lookupPass(PassID);
535      if (DebugLogging)
536        dbgs() << "Running analysis: " << P.name() << "\n";
537      AnalysisResultListT &ResultList = AnalysisResultLists[&IR];
538      ResultList.emplace_back(PassID, P.run(IR, *this));
540      // P.run may have inserted elements into AnalysisResults and invalidated
541      // RI.
542      RI = AnalysisResults.find(std::make_pair(PassID, &IR));
543      assert(RI != AnalysisResults.end() && "we just inserted it!");
545      RI->second = std::prev(ResultList.end());
546    }
548    return *RI->second->second;
549  }
551  /// \brief Get a cached analysis result or return null.
552  ResultConceptT *getCachedResultImpl(void *PassID, IRUnitT &IR) const {
553    typename AnalysisResultMapT::const_iterator RI =
554        AnalysisResults.find(std::make_pair(PassID, &IR));
555    return RI == AnalysisResults.end() ? nullptr : &*RI->second->second;
556  }
558  /// \brief Invalidate a function pass result.
559  void invalidateImpl(void *PassID, IRUnitT &IR) {
560    typename AnalysisResultMapT::iterator RI =
561        AnalysisResults.find(std::make_pair(PassID, &IR));
562    if (RI == AnalysisResults.end())
563      return;
565    if (DebugLogging)
566      dbgs() << "Invalidating analysis: " << this->lookupPass(PassID).name()
567             << "\n";
568    AnalysisResultLists[&IR].erase(RI->second);
569    AnalysisResults.erase(RI);
570  }
572  /// \brief Invalidate the results for a function..
573  PreservedAnalyses invalidateImpl(IRUnitT &IR, PreservedAnalyses PA) {
574    // Short circuit for a common case of all analyses being preserved.
575    if (PA.areAllPreserved())
576      return PA;
578    if (DebugLogging)
579      dbgs() << "Invalidating all non-preserved analyses for: " << IR.getName()
580             << "\n";
582    // Clear all the invalidated results associated specifically with this
583    // function.
584    SmallVector<void *, 8> InvalidatedPassIDs;
585    AnalysisResultListT &ResultsList = AnalysisResultLists[&IR];
586    for (typename AnalysisResultListT::iterator I = ResultsList.begin(),
587                                                E = ResultsList.end();
588         I != E;) {
589      void *PassID = I->first;
591      // Pass the invalidation down to the pass itself to see if it thinks it is
592      // necessary. The analysis pass can return false if no action on the part
593      // of the analysis manager is required for this invalidation event.
594      if (I->second->invalidate(IR, PA)) {
595        if (DebugLogging)
596          dbgs() << "Invalidating analysis: " << this->lookupPass(PassID).name()
597                 << "\n";
599        InvalidatedPassIDs.push_back(I->first);
600        I = ResultsList.erase(I);
601      } else {
602        ++I;
603      }
605      // After handling each pass, we mark it as preserved. Once we've
606      // invalidated any stale results, the rest of the system is allowed to
607      // start preserving this analysis again.
608      PA.preserve(PassID);
609    }
610    while (!InvalidatedPassIDs.empty())
611      AnalysisResults.erase(
612          std::make_pair(InvalidatedPassIDs.pop_back_val(), &IR));
613    if (ResultsList.empty())
614      AnalysisResultLists.erase(&IR);
616    return PA;
617  }
619  /// \brief List of function analysis pass IDs and associated concept pointers.
620  ///
621  /// Requires iterators to be valid across appending new entries and arbitrary
622  /// erases. Provides both the pass ID and concept pointer such that it is
623  /// half of a bijection and provides storage for the actual result concept.
624  typedef std::list<std::pair<
625      void *, std::unique_ptr<detail::AnalysisResultConcept<IRUnitT>>>>
626      AnalysisResultListT;
628  /// \brief Map type from function pointer to our custom list type.
629  typedef DenseMap<IRUnitT *, AnalysisResultListT> AnalysisResultListMapT;
631  /// \brief Map from function to a list of function analysis results.
632  ///
633  /// Provides linear time removal of all analysis results for a function and
634  /// the ultimate storage for a particular cached analysis result.
635  AnalysisResultListMapT AnalysisResultLists;
637  /// \brief Map type from a pair of analysis ID and function pointer to an
638  /// iterator into a particular result list.
639  typedef DenseMap<std::pair<void *, IRUnitT *>,
640                   typename AnalysisResultListT::iterator>
641      AnalysisResultMapT;
643  /// \brief Map from an analysis ID and function to a particular cached
644  /// analysis result.
645  AnalysisResultMapT AnalysisResults;
647  /// \brief A flag indicating whether debug logging is enabled.
648  bool DebugLogging;
651extern template class AnalysisManager<Module>;
652/// \brief Convenience typedef for the Module analysis manager.
653typedef AnalysisManager<Module> ModuleAnalysisManager;
655extern template class AnalysisManager<Function>;
656/// \brief Convenience typedef for the Function analysis manager.
657typedef AnalysisManager<Function> FunctionAnalysisManager;
659/// \brief A module analysis which acts as a proxy for a function analysis
660/// manager.
662/// This primarily proxies invalidation information from the module analysis
663/// manager and module pass manager to a function analysis manager. You should
664/// never use a function analysis manager from within (transitively) a module
665/// pass manager unless your parent module pass has received a proxy result
666/// object for it.
668/// Note that the proxy's result is a move-only object and represents ownership
669/// of the validity of the analyses in the \c FunctionAnalysisManager it
670/// provides.
671template <typename AnalysisManagerT, typename IRUnitT>
672class InnerAnalysisManagerProxy
673    : public AnalysisInfoMixin<
674          InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT>> {
676  class Result {
677  public:
678    explicit Result(AnalysisManagerT &AM) : AM(&AM) {}
679    Result(Result &&Arg) : AM(std::move(Arg.AM)) {
680      // We have to null out the analysis manager in the moved-from state
681      // because we are taking ownership of the responsibilty to clear the
682      // analysis state.
683      Arg.AM = nullptr;
684    }
685    Result &operator=(Result &&RHS) {
686      AM = RHS.AM;
687      // We have to null out the analysis manager in the moved-from state
688      // because we are taking ownership of the responsibilty to clear the
689      // analysis state.
690      RHS.AM = nullptr;
691      return *this;
692    }
693    ~Result() {
694      // AM is cleared in a moved from state where there is nothing to do.
695      if (!AM)
696        return;
698      // Clear out the analysis manager if we're being destroyed -- it means we
699      // didn't even see an invalidate call when we got invalidated.
700      AM->clear();
701    }
703    /// \brief Accessor for the analysis manager.
704    AnalysisManagerT &getManager() { return *AM; }
706    /// \brief Handler for invalidation of the module.
707    ///
708    /// If this analysis itself is preserved, then we assume that the set of \c
709    /// Function objects in the \c Module hasn't changed and thus we don't need
710    /// to invalidate *all* cached data associated with a \c Function* in the \c
711    /// FunctionAnalysisManager.
712    ///
713    /// Regardless of whether this analysis is marked as preserved, all of the
714    /// analyses in the \c FunctionAnalysisManager are potentially invalidated
715    /// based on the set of preserved analyses.
716    bool invalidate(IRUnitT &IR, const PreservedAnalyses &PA) {
717      // If this proxy isn't marked as preserved, then we can't even invalidate
718      // individual function analyses, there may be an invalid set of Function
719      // objects in the cache making it impossible to incrementally preserve
720      // them. Just clear the entire manager.
721      if (!PA.preserved(InnerAnalysisManagerProxy::ID()))
722        AM->clear();
724      // Return false to indicate that this result is still a valid proxy.
725      return false;
726    }
728  private:
729    AnalysisManagerT *AM;
730  };
732  explicit InnerAnalysisManagerProxy(AnalysisManagerT &AM) : AM(&AM) {}
733  // We have to explicitly define all the special member functions because MSVC
734  // refuses to generate them.
735  InnerAnalysisManagerProxy(const InnerAnalysisManagerProxy &Arg)
736      : AM(Arg.AM) {}
737  InnerAnalysisManagerProxy(InnerAnalysisManagerProxy &&Arg)
738      : AM(std::move(Arg.AM)) {}
739  InnerAnalysisManagerProxy &operator=(InnerAnalysisManagerProxy RHS) {
740    std::swap(AM, RHS.AM);
741    return *this;
742  }
744  /// \brief Run the analysis pass and create our proxy result object.
745  ///
746  /// This doesn't do any interesting work, it is primarily used to insert our
747  /// proxy result object into the module analysis cache so that we can proxy
748  /// invalidation to the function analysis manager.
749  ///
750  /// In debug builds, it will also assert that the analysis manager is empty
751  /// as no queries should arrive at the function analysis manager prior to
752  /// this analysis being requested.
753  Result run(IRUnitT &IR, AnalysisManager<IRUnitT> &) { return Result(*AM); }
756  friend AnalysisInfoMixin<
757      InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT>>;
758  static char PassID;
760  AnalysisManagerT *AM;
763template <typename AnalysisManagerT, typename IRUnitT>
764char InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT>::PassID;
766extern template class InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<FunctionAnalysisManager,
767                                                Module>;
768/// Provide the \c FunctionAnalysisManager to \c Module proxy.
769typedef InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<FunctionAnalysisManager, Module>
770    FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy;
772/// \brief A function analysis which acts as a proxy for a module analysis
773/// manager.
775/// This primarily provides an accessor to a parent module analysis manager to
776/// function passes. Only the const interface of the module analysis manager is
777/// provided to indicate that once inside of a function analysis pass you
778/// cannot request a module analysis to actually run. Instead, the user must
779/// rely on the \c getCachedResult API.
781/// This proxy *doesn't* manage the invalidation in any way. That is handled by
782/// the recursive return path of each layer of the pass manager and the
783/// returned PreservedAnalysis set.
784template <typename AnalysisManagerT, typename IRUnitT>
785class OuterAnalysisManagerProxy
786    : public AnalysisInfoMixin<
787          OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT>> {
789  /// \brief Result proxy object for \c OuterAnalysisManagerProxy.
790  class Result {
791  public:
792    explicit Result(const AnalysisManagerT &AM) : AM(&AM) {}
793    // We have to explicitly define all the special member functions because
794    // MSVC refuses to generate them.
795    Result(const Result &Arg) : AM(Arg.AM) {}
796    Result(Result &&Arg) : AM(std::move(Arg.AM)) {}
797    Result &operator=(Result RHS) {
798      std::swap(AM, RHS.AM);
799      return *this;
800    }
802    const AnalysisManagerT &getManager() const { return *AM; }
804    /// \brief Handle invalidation by ignoring it, this pass is immutable.
805    bool invalidate(IRUnitT &) { return false; }
807  private:
808    const AnalysisManagerT *AM;
809  };
811  OuterAnalysisManagerProxy(const AnalysisManagerT &AM) : AM(&AM) {}
812  // We have to explicitly define all the special member functions because MSVC
813  // refuses to generate them.
814  OuterAnalysisManagerProxy(const OuterAnalysisManagerProxy &Arg)
815      : AM(Arg.AM) {}
816  OuterAnalysisManagerProxy(OuterAnalysisManagerProxy &&Arg)
817      : AM(std::move(Arg.AM)) {}
818  OuterAnalysisManagerProxy &operator=(OuterAnalysisManagerProxy RHS) {
819    std::swap(AM, RHS.AM);
820    return *this;
821  }
823  /// \brief Run the analysis pass and create our proxy result object.
824  /// Nothing to see here, it just forwards the \c AM reference into the
825  /// result.
826  Result run(IRUnitT &, AnalysisManager<IRUnitT> &) { return Result(*AM); }
829  friend AnalysisInfoMixin<
830      OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT>>;
831  static char PassID;
833  const AnalysisManagerT *AM;
836template <typename AnalysisManagerT, typename IRUnitT>
837char OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<AnalysisManagerT, IRUnitT>::PassID;
839extern template class OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<ModuleAnalysisManager,
840                                                Function>;
841/// Provide the \c ModuleAnalysisManager to \c Fucntion proxy.
842typedef OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<ModuleAnalysisManager, Function>
843    ModuleAnalysisManagerFunctionProxy;
845/// \brief Trivial adaptor that maps from a module to its functions.
847/// Designed to allow composition of a FunctionPass(Manager) and
848/// a ModulePassManager. Note that if this pass is constructed with a pointer
849/// to a \c ModuleAnalysisManager it will run the
850/// \c FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy analysis prior to running the function
851/// pass over the module to enable a \c FunctionAnalysisManager to be used
852/// within this run safely.
854/// Function passes run within this adaptor can rely on having exclusive access
855/// to the function they are run over. They should not read or modify any other
856/// functions! Other threads or systems may be manipulating other functions in
857/// the module, and so their state should never be relied on.
858/// FIXME: Make the above true for all of LLVM's actual passes, some still
859/// violate this principle.
861/// Function passes can also read the module containing the function, but they
862/// should not modify that module outside of the use lists of various globals.
863/// For example, a function pass is not permitted to add functions to the
864/// module.
865/// FIXME: Make the above true for all of LLVM's actual passes, some still
866/// violate this principle.
867template <typename FunctionPassT>
868class ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor
869    : public PassInfoMixin<ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor<FunctionPassT>> {
871  explicit ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor(FunctionPassT Pass)
872      : Pass(std::move(Pass)) {}
873  // We have to explicitly define all the special member functions because MSVC
874  // refuses to generate them.
875  ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor(const ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor &Arg)
876      : Pass(Arg.Pass) {}
877  ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor(ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor &&Arg)
878      : Pass(std::move(Arg.Pass)) {}
879  friend void swap(ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor &LHS,
880                   ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor &RHS) {
881    using std::swap;
882    swap(LHS.Pass, RHS.Pass);
883  }
884  ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor &operator=(ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor RHS) {
885    swap(*this, RHS);
886    return *this;
887  }
889  /// \brief Runs the function pass across every function in the module.
890  PreservedAnalyses run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &AM) {
891    // Setup the function analysis manager from its proxy.
892    FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM =
893        AM.getResult<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>(M).getManager();
895    PreservedAnalyses PA = PreservedAnalyses::all();
896    for (Function &F : M) {
897      if (F.isDeclaration())
898        continue;
900      PreservedAnalyses PassPA = Pass.run(F, FAM);
902      // We know that the function pass couldn't have invalidated any other
903      // function's analyses (that's the contract of a function pass), so
904      // directly handle the function analysis manager's invalidation here and
905      // update our preserved set to reflect that these have already been
906      // handled.
907      PassPA = FAM.invalidate(F, std::move(PassPA));
909      // Then intersect the preserved set so that invalidation of module
910      // analyses will eventually occur when the module pass completes.
911      PA.intersect(std::move(PassPA));
912    }
914    // By definition we preserve the proxy. This precludes *any* invalidation
915    // of function analyses by the proxy, but that's OK because we've taken
916    // care to invalidate analyses in the function analysis manager
917    // incrementally above.
918    PA.preserve<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>();
919    return PA;
920  }
923  FunctionPassT Pass;
926/// \brief A function to deduce a function pass type and wrap it in the
927/// templated adaptor.
928template <typename FunctionPassT>
930createModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor(FunctionPassT Pass) {
931  return ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor<FunctionPassT>(std::move(Pass));
934/// \brief A template utility pass to force an analysis result to be available.
936/// This is a no-op pass which simply forces a specific analysis pass's result
937/// to be available when it is run.
938template <typename AnalysisT>
939struct RequireAnalysisPass : PassInfoMixin<RequireAnalysisPass<AnalysisT>> {
940  /// \brief Run this pass over some unit of IR.
941  ///
942  /// This pass can be run over any unit of IR and use any analysis manager
943  /// provided they satisfy the basic API requirements. When this pass is
944  /// created, these methods can be instantiated to satisfy whatever the
945  /// context requires.
946  template <typename IRUnitT>
947  PreservedAnalyses run(IRUnitT &Arg, AnalysisManager<IRUnitT> &AM) {
948    (void)AM.template getResult<AnalysisT>(Arg);
950    return PreservedAnalyses::all();
951  }
954/// \brief A template utility pass to force an analysis result to be
955/// invalidated.
957/// This is a no-op pass which simply forces a specific analysis result to be
958/// invalidated when it is run.
959template <typename AnalysisT>
960struct InvalidateAnalysisPass
961    : PassInfoMixin<InvalidateAnalysisPass<AnalysisT>> {
962  /// \brief Run this pass over some unit of IR.
963  ///
964  /// This pass can be run over any unit of IR and use any analysis manager
965  /// provided they satisfy the basic API requirements. When this pass is
966  /// created, these methods can be instantiated to satisfy whatever the
967  /// context requires.
968  template <typename IRUnitT>
969  PreservedAnalyses run(IRUnitT &Arg, AnalysisManager<IRUnitT> &AM) {
970    // We have to directly invalidate the analysis result as we can't
971    // enumerate all other analyses and use the preserved set to control it.
972    AM.template invalidate<AnalysisT>(Arg);
974    return PreservedAnalyses::all();
975  }
978/// \brief A utility pass that does nothing but preserves no analyses.
980/// As a consequence fo not preserving any analyses, this pass will force all
981/// analysis passes to be re-run to produce fresh results if any are needed.
982struct InvalidateAllAnalysesPass : PassInfoMixin<InvalidateAllAnalysesPass> {
983  /// \brief Run this pass over some unit of IR.
984  template <typename IRUnitT>
985  PreservedAnalyses run(IRUnitT &, AnalysisManager<IRUnitT> &) {
986    return PreservedAnalyses::none();
987  }