TargetMachine.h revision 0eebf653a7b2978e7761f8d068b6fbec22aea0f6
1//===-- llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h - Target Information --------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file defines the TargetMachine and LLVMTargetMachine classes.
17#include "llvm/Target/TargetInstrItineraries.h"
18#include <cassert>
20namespace llvm {
22class TargetAsmInfo;
23class TargetData;
24class TargetSubtarget;
25class TargetInstrInfo;
26class TargetIntrinsicInfo;
27class TargetJITInfo;
28class TargetLowering;
29class TargetFrameInfo;
30class MachineCodeEmitter;
31class JITCodeEmitter;
32class TargetRegisterInfo;
33class Module;
34class PassManagerBase;
35class PassManager;
36class Pass;
37class TargetMachOWriterInfo;
38class TargetELFWriterInfo;
39class raw_ostream;
41// Relocation model types.
42namespace Reloc {
43  enum Model {
44    Default,
45    Static,
46    PIC_,         // Cannot be named PIC due to collision with -DPIC
47    DynamicNoPIC
48  };
51// Code model types.
52namespace CodeModel {
53  enum Model {
54    Default,
55    Small,
56    Kernel,
57    Medium,
58    Large
59  };
62namespace FileModel {
63  enum Model {
64    Error,
65    None,
66    AsmFile,
67    MachOFile,
68    ElfFile
69  };
72// Code generation optimization level.
73namespace CodeGenOpt {
74  enum Level {
75    Default,
76    None,
77    Aggressive
78  };
81namespace FloatABI {
82  enum ABIType {
83    Default,
84    Soft,
85    Hard
86  };
91/// TargetMachine - Primary interface to the complete machine description for
92/// the target machine.  All target-specific information should be accessible
93/// through this interface.
95class TargetMachine {
96  TargetMachine(const TargetMachine &);   // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
97  void operator=(const TargetMachine &);  // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
98protected: // Can only create subclasses.
99  TargetMachine();
101  /// getSubtargetImpl - virtual method implemented by subclasses that returns
102  /// a reference to that target's TargetSubtarget-derived member variable.
103  virtual const TargetSubtarget *getSubtargetImpl() const { return 0; }
105  /// AsmInfo - Contains target specific asm information.
106  ///
107  mutable const TargetAsmInfo *AsmInfo;
109  /// createTargetAsmInfo - Create a new instance of target specific asm
110  /// information.
111  virtual const TargetAsmInfo *createTargetAsmInfo() const { return 0; }
114  virtual ~TargetMachine();
116  /// getModuleMatchQuality - This static method should be implemented by
117  /// targets to indicate how closely they match the specified module.  This is
118  /// used by the LLC tool to determine which target to use when an explicit
119  /// -march option is not specified.  If a target returns zero, it will never
120  /// be chosen without an explicit -march option.
121  static unsigned getModuleMatchQuality(const Module &) { return 0; }
123  /// getJITMatchQuality - This static method should be implemented by targets
124  /// that provide JIT capabilities to indicate how suitable they are for
125  /// execution on the current host.  If a value of 0 is returned, the target
126  /// will not be used unless an explicit -march option is used.
127  static unsigned getJITMatchQuality() { return 0; }
129  // Interfaces to the major aspects of target machine information:
130  // -- Instruction opcode and operand information
131  // -- Pipelines and scheduling information
132  // -- Stack frame information
133  // -- Selection DAG lowering information
134  //
135  virtual const TargetInstrInfo        *getInstrInfo() const { return 0; }
136  virtual const TargetFrameInfo        *getFrameInfo() const { return 0; }
137  virtual       TargetLowering    *getTargetLowering() const { return 0; }
138  virtual const TargetData            *getTargetData() const { return 0; }
140  /// getTargetAsmInfo - Return target specific asm information.
141  ///
142  const TargetAsmInfo *getTargetAsmInfo() const {
143    if (!AsmInfo) AsmInfo = createTargetAsmInfo();
144    return AsmInfo;
145  }
147  /// getSubtarget - This method returns a pointer to the specified type of
148  /// TargetSubtarget.  In debug builds, it verifies that the object being
149  /// returned is of the correct type.
150  template<typename STC> const STC &getSubtarget() const {
151    const TargetSubtarget *TST = getSubtargetImpl();
152    assert(TST && dynamic_cast<const STC*>(TST) &&
153           "Not the right kind of subtarget!");
154    return *static_cast<const STC*>(TST);
155  }
157  /// getRegisterInfo - If register information is available, return it.  If
158  /// not, return null.  This is kept separate from RegInfo until RegInfo has
159  /// details of graph coloring register allocation removed from it.
160  ///
161  virtual const TargetRegisterInfo *getRegisterInfo() const { return 0; }
163  /// getIntrinsicInfo - If intrinsic information is available, return it.  If
164  /// not, return null.
165  ///
166  virtual const TargetIntrinsicInfo *getIntrinsicInfo() const { return 0; }
168  /// getJITInfo - If this target supports a JIT, return information for it,
169  /// otherwise return null.
170  ///
171  virtual TargetJITInfo *getJITInfo() { return 0; }
173  /// getInstrItineraryData - Returns instruction itinerary data for the target
174  /// or specific subtarget.
175  ///
176  virtual const InstrItineraryData getInstrItineraryData() const {
177    return InstrItineraryData();
178  }
180  /// getMachOWriterInfo - If this target supports a Mach-O writer, return
181  /// information for it, otherwise return null.
182  ///
183  virtual const TargetMachOWriterInfo *getMachOWriterInfo() const { return 0; }
185  /// getELFWriterInfo - If this target supports an ELF writer, return
186  /// information for it, otherwise return null.
187  ///
188  virtual const TargetELFWriterInfo *getELFWriterInfo() const { return 0; }
190  /// getRelocationModel - Returns the code generation relocation model. The
191  /// choices are static, PIC, and dynamic-no-pic, and target default.
192  static Reloc::Model getRelocationModel();
194  /// setRelocationModel - Sets the code generation relocation model.
195  ///
196  static void setRelocationModel(Reloc::Model Model);
198  /// getCodeModel - Returns the code model. The choices are small, kernel,
199  /// medium, large, and target default.
200  static CodeModel::Model getCodeModel();
202  /// setCodeModel - Sets the code model.
203  ///
204  static void setCodeModel(CodeModel::Model Model);
206  /// getAsmVerbosityDefault - Returns the default value of asm verbosity.
207  ///
208  static bool getAsmVerbosityDefault();
210  /// setAsmVerbosityDefault - Set the default value of asm verbosity. Default
211  /// is false.
212  static void setAsmVerbosityDefault(bool);
214  /// CodeGenFileType - These enums are meant to be passed into
215  /// addPassesToEmitFile to indicate what type of file to emit.
216  enum CodeGenFileType {
217    AssemblyFile, ObjectFile, DynamicLibrary
218  };
220  /// getEnableTailMergeDefault - the default setting for -enable-tail-merge
221  /// on this target.  User flag overrides.
222  virtual bool getEnableTailMergeDefault() const { return true; }
224  /// addPassesToEmitFile - Add passes to the specified pass manager to get the
225  /// specified file emitted.  Typically this will involve several steps of code
226  /// generation.  If Fast is set to true, the code generator should emit code
227  /// as fast as possible, though the generated code may be less efficient.
228  /// This method should return FileModel::Error if emission of this file type
229  /// is not supported.
230  ///
231  virtual FileModel::Model addPassesToEmitFile(PassManagerBase &,
232                                               raw_ostream &,
233                                               CodeGenFileType,
234                                               CodeGenOpt::Level) {
235    return FileModel::None;
236  }
238  /// addPassesToEmitFileFinish - If the passes to emit the specified file had
239  /// to be split up (e.g., to add an object writer pass), this method can be
240  /// used to finish up adding passes to emit the file, if necessary.
241  ///
242  virtual bool addPassesToEmitFileFinish(PassManagerBase &,
243                                         MachineCodeEmitter *,
244                                         CodeGenOpt::Level) {
245    return true;
246  }
248  /// addPassesToEmitFileFinish - If the passes to emit the specified file had
249  /// to be split up (e.g., to add an object writer pass), this method can be
250  /// used to finish up adding passes to emit the file, if necessary.
251  ///
252  virtual bool addPassesToEmitFileFinish(PassManagerBase &,
253                                         JITCodeEmitter *,
254                                         CodeGenOpt::Level) {
255    return true;
256  }
258  /// addPassesToEmitMachineCode - Add passes to the specified pass manager to
259  /// get machine code emitted.  This uses a MachineCodeEmitter object to handle
260  /// actually outputting the machine code and resolving things like the address
261  /// of functions.  This method returns true if machine code emission is
262  /// not supported.
263  ///
264  virtual bool addPassesToEmitMachineCode(PassManagerBase &,
265                                          MachineCodeEmitter &,
266                                          CodeGenOpt::Level) {
267    return true;
268  }
270  /// addPassesToEmitMachineCode - Add passes to the specified pass manager to
271  /// get machine code emitted.  This uses a MachineCodeEmitter object to handle
272  /// actually outputting the machine code and resolving things like the address
273  /// of functions.  This method returns true if machine code emission is
274  /// not supported.
275  ///
276  virtual bool addPassesToEmitMachineCode(PassManagerBase &,
277                                          JITCodeEmitter &,
278                                          CodeGenOpt::Level) {
279    return true;
280  }
282  /// addPassesToEmitWholeFile - This method can be implemented by targets that
283  /// require having the entire module at once.  This is not recommended, do not
284  /// use this.
285  virtual bool WantsWholeFile() const { return false; }
286  virtual bool addPassesToEmitWholeFile(PassManager &, raw_ostream &,
287                                        CodeGenFileType,
288                                        CodeGenOpt::Level) {
289    return true;
290  }
293/// LLVMTargetMachine - This class describes a target machine that is
294/// implemented with the LLVM target-independent code generator.
296class LLVMTargetMachine : public TargetMachine {
297protected: // Can only create subclasses.
298  LLVMTargetMachine() { }
300  /// addCommonCodeGenPasses - Add standard LLVM codegen passes used for
301  /// both emitting to assembly files or machine code output.
302  ///
303  bool addCommonCodeGenPasses(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level);
307  /// addPassesToEmitFile - Add passes to the specified pass manager to get the
308  /// specified file emitted.  Typically this will involve several steps of code
309  /// generation.  If OptLevel is None, the code generator should emit code as fast
310  /// as possible, though the generated code may be less efficient.  This method
311  /// should return FileModel::Error if emission of this file type is not
312  /// supported.
313  ///
314  /// The default implementation of this method adds components from the
315  /// LLVM retargetable code generator, invoking the methods below to get
316  /// target-specific passes in standard locations.
317  ///
318  virtual FileModel::Model addPassesToEmitFile(PassManagerBase &PM,
319                                               raw_ostream &Out,
320                                               CodeGenFileType FileType,
321                                               CodeGenOpt::Level);
323  /// addPassesToEmitFileFinish - If the passes to emit the specified file had
324  /// to be split up (e.g., to add an object writer pass), this method can be
325  /// used to finish up adding passes to emit the file, if necessary.
326  ///
327  virtual bool addPassesToEmitFileFinish(PassManagerBase &PM,
328                                         MachineCodeEmitter *MCE,
329                                         CodeGenOpt::Level);
331  /// addPassesToEmitFileFinish - If the passes to emit the specified file had
332  /// to be split up (e.g., to add an object writer pass), this method can be
333  /// used to finish up adding passes to emit the file, if necessary.
334  ///
335  virtual bool addPassesToEmitFileFinish(PassManagerBase &PM,
336                                         JITCodeEmitter *MCE,
337                                         CodeGenOpt::Level);
339  /// addPassesToEmitMachineCode - Add passes to the specified pass manager to
340  /// get machine code emitted.  This uses a MachineCodeEmitter object to handle
341  /// actually outputting the machine code and resolving things like the address
342  /// of functions.  This method returns true if machine code emission is
343  /// not supported.
344  ///
345  virtual bool addPassesToEmitMachineCode(PassManagerBase &PM,
346                                          MachineCodeEmitter &MCE,
347                                          CodeGenOpt::Level);
349  /// addPassesToEmitMachineCode - Add passes to the specified pass manager to
350  /// get machine code emitted.  This uses a MachineCodeEmitter object to handle
351  /// actually outputting the machine code and resolving things like the address
352  /// of functions.  This method returns true if machine code emission is
353  /// not supported.
354  ///
355  virtual bool addPassesToEmitMachineCode(PassManagerBase &PM,
356                                          JITCodeEmitter &MCE,
357                                          CodeGenOpt::Level);
359  /// Target-Independent Code Generator Pass Configuration Options.
361  /// addInstSelector - This method should add any "last minute" LLVM->LLVM
362  /// passes, then install an instruction selector pass, which converts from
363  /// LLVM code to machine instructions.
364  virtual bool addInstSelector(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level) {
365    return true;
366  }
368  /// addPreRegAllocPasses - This method may be implemented by targets that want
369  /// to run passes immediately before register allocation. This should return
370  /// true if -print-machineinstrs should print after these passes.
371  virtual bool addPreRegAlloc(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level) {
372    return false;
373  }
375  /// addPostRegAllocPasses - This method may be implemented by targets that
376  /// want to run passes after register allocation but before prolog-epilog
377  /// insertion.  This should return true if -print-machineinstrs should print
378  /// after these passes.
379  virtual bool addPostRegAlloc(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level) {
380    return false;
381  }
383  /// addPreEmitPass - This pass may be implemented by targets that want to run
384  /// passes immediately before machine code is emitted.  This should return
385  /// true if -print-machineinstrs should print out the code after the passes.
386  virtual bool addPreEmitPass(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level) {
387    return false;
388  }
391  /// addAssemblyEmitter - This pass should be overridden by the target to add
392  /// the asmprinter, if asm emission is supported.  If this is not supported,
393  /// 'true' should be returned.
394  virtual bool addAssemblyEmitter(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level,
395                                  bool /* VerboseAsmDefault */, raw_ostream &) {
396    return true;
397  }
399  /// addCodeEmitter - This pass should be overridden by the target to add a
400  /// code emitter, if supported.  If this is not supported, 'true' should be
401  /// returned. If DumpAsm is true, the generated assembly is printed to cerr.
402  virtual bool addCodeEmitter(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level,
403                              bool /*DumpAsm*/, MachineCodeEmitter &) {
404    return true;
405  }
407  /// addCodeEmitter - This pass should be overridden by the target to add a
408  /// code emitter, if supported.  If this is not supported, 'true' should be
409  /// returned. If DumpAsm is true, the generated assembly is printed to cerr.
410  virtual bool addCodeEmitter(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level,
411                              bool /*DumpAsm*/, JITCodeEmitter &) {
412    return true;
413  }
415  /// addSimpleCodeEmitter - This pass should be overridden by the target to add
416  /// a code emitter (without setting flags), if supported.  If this is not
417  /// supported, 'true' should be returned.  If DumpAsm is true, the generated
418  /// assembly is printed to cerr.
419  virtual bool addSimpleCodeEmitter(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level,
420                                    bool /*DumpAsm*/, MachineCodeEmitter &) {
421    return true;
422  }
424  /// addSimpleCodeEmitter - This pass should be overridden by the target to add
425  /// a code emitter (without setting flags), if supported.  If this is not
426  /// supported, 'true' should be returned.  If DumpAsm is true, the generated
427  /// assembly is printed to cerr.
428  virtual bool addSimpleCodeEmitter(PassManagerBase &, CodeGenOpt::Level,
429                                    bool /*DumpAsm*/, JITCodeEmitter &) {
430    return true;
431  }
433  /// getEnableTailMergeDefault - the default setting for -enable-tail-merge
434  /// on this target.  User flag overrides.
435  virtual bool getEnableTailMergeDefault() const { return true; }
438} // End llvm namespace