revision 92649883119aaa8edd9ccf612eaaff5ccc8fcc77
1//===- - Target Independent Scheduling ---*- tablegen -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file defines the target-independent scheduling interfaces which should
11// be implemented by each target which is using TableGen based scheduling.
13// The SchedMachineModel is defined by subtargets for three categories of data:
14// 1. Basic properties for coarse grained instruction cost model.
15// 2. Scheduler Read/Write resources for simple per-opcode cost model.
16// 3. Instruction itineraties for detailed reservation tables.
18// (1) Basic properties are defined by the SchedMachineModel
19// class. Target hooks allow subtargets to associate opcodes with
20// those properties.
22// (2) A per-operand machine model can be implemented in any
23// combination of the following ways:
25// A. Associate per-operand SchedReadWrite types with Instructions by
26// modifying the Instruction definition to inherit from Sched. For
27// each subtarget, define WriteRes and ReadAdvance to associate
28// processor resources and latency with each SchedReadWrite type.
30// B. In each instruction definition, name an ItineraryClass. For each
31// subtarget, define ItinRW entries to map ItineraryClass to
32// per-operand SchedReadWrite types. Unlike method A, these types may
33// be subtarget specific and can be directly associated with resources
34// by defining SchedWriteRes and SchedReadAdvance.
36// C. In the subtarget, map SchedReadWrite types to specific
37// opcodes. This overrides any SchedReadWrite types or
38// ItineraryClasses defined by the Instruction. As in method B, the
39// subtarget can directly associate resources with SchedReadWrite
40// types by defining SchedWriteRes and SchedReadAdvance.
42// D. In either the target or subtarget, define SchedWriteVariant or
43// SchedReadVariant to map one SchedReadWrite type onto another
44// sequence of SchedReadWrite types. This allows dynamic selection of
45// an instruction's machine model via custom C++ code. It also allows
46// a machine-independent SchedReadWrite type to map to a sequence of
47// machine-dependent types.
49// (3) A per-pipeline-stage machine model can be implemented by providing
50// Itineraries in addition to mapping instructions to ItineraryClasses.
53// Include legacy support for instruction itineraries.
54include "llvm/Target/"
56class Instruction; // Forward def
58// Define the SchedMachineModel and provide basic properties for
59// coarse grained instruction cost model. Default values for the
60// properties are defined in MCSchedModel. A value of "-1" in the
61// target description's SchedMachineModel indicates that the property
62// is not overriden by the target.
64// Target hooks allow subtargets to associate LoadLatency and
65// HighLatency with groups of opcodes.
66class SchedMachineModel {
67  int IssueWidth = -1; // Max micro-ops that may be scheduled per cycle.
68  int MinLatency = -1; // Determines which instrucions are allowed in a group.
69                       // (-1) inorder (0) ooo, (1): inorder +var latencies.
70  int LoadLatency = -1; // Cycles for loads to access the cache.
71  int HighLatency = -1; // Approximation of cycles for "high latency" ops.
72  int MispredictPenalty = -1; // Extra cycles for a mispredicted branch.
74  // Per-cycle resources tables.
75  ProcessorItineraries Itineraries = NoItineraries;
77  bit NoModel = 0; // Special tag to indicate missing machine model.
80def NoSchedModel : SchedMachineModel {
81  let NoModel = 1;
84// Define a kind of processor resource that may be common across
85// similar subtargets.
86class ProcResourceKind;
88// Define a number of interchangeable processor resources. NumUnits
89// determines the throughput of instructions that require the resource.
91// An optional Super resource may be given to model these resources as
92// a subset of the more general super resources. Using one of these
93// resources implies using one of the super resoruces.
95// ProcResourceUnits normally model a few buffered resources within an
96// out-of-order engine that the compiler attempts to conserve.
97// Buffered resources may be held for multiple clock cycles, but the
98// scheduler does not pin them to a particular clock cycle relative to
99// instruction dispatch. Setting Buffered=0 changes this to an
100// in-order resource. In this case, the scheduler counts down from the
101// cycle that the instruction issues in-order, forcing an interlock
102// with subsequent instructions that require the same resource until
103// the number of ResourceCyles specified in WriteRes expire.
105// SchedModel ties these units to a processor for any stand-alone defs
106// of this class. Instances of subclass ProcResource will be automatically
107// attached to a processor, so SchedModel is not needed.
108class ProcResourceUnits<ProcResourceKind kind, int num> {
109  ProcResourceKind Kind = kind;
110  int NumUnits = num;
111  ProcResourceKind Super = ?;
112  bit Buffered = 1;
113  SchedMachineModel SchedModel = ?;
116// EponymousProcResourceKind helps implement ProcResourceUnits by
117// allowing a ProcResourceUnits definition to reference itself. It
118// should not be referenced anywhere else.
119def EponymousProcResourceKind : ProcResourceKind;
121// Subtargets typically define processor resource kind and number of
122// units in one place.
123class ProcResource<int num> : ProcResourceKind,
124  ProcResourceUnits<EponymousProcResourceKind, num>;
126// A target architecture may define SchedReadWrite types and associate
127// them with instruction operands.
128class SchedReadWrite;
130// List the per-operand types that map to the machine model of an
131// instruction. One SchedWrite type must be listed for each explicit
132// def operand in order. Additional SchedWrite types may optionally be
133// listed for implicit def operands.  SchedRead types may optionally
134// be listed for use operands in order. The order of defs relative to
135// uses is insignificant. This way, the same SchedReadWrite list may
136// be used for multiple forms of an operation. For example, a
137// two-address instruction could have two tied operands or single
138// operand that both reads and writes a reg. In both cases we have a
139// single SchedWrite and single SchedRead in any order.
140class Sched<list<SchedReadWrite> schedrw> {
141  list<SchedReadWrite> SchedRW = schedrw;
144// Define a scheduler resource associated with a def operand.
145class SchedWrite : SchedReadWrite;
146def NoWrite : SchedWrite;
148// Define a scheduler resource associated with a use operand.
149class SchedRead  : SchedReadWrite;
151// Define a SchedWrite that is modeled as a sequence of other
152// SchedWrites with additive latency. This allows a single operand to
153// be mapped the resources composed from a set of previously defined
154// SchedWrites.
156// If the final write in this sequence is a SchedWriteVariant marked
157// Variadic, then the list of prior writes are distributed across all
158// operands after resolving the predicate for the final write.
160// SchedModel silences warnings but is ignored.
161class WriteSequence<list<SchedWrite> writes, int rep = 1> : SchedWrite {
162  list<SchedWrite> Writes = writes;
163  int Repeat = rep;
164  SchedMachineModel SchedModel = ?;
167// Define values common to WriteRes and SchedWriteRes.
169// SchedModel ties these resources to a processor.
170class ProcWriteResources<list<ProcResourceKind> resources> {
171  list<ProcResourceKind> ProcResources = resources;
172  list<int> ResourceCycles = [];
173  int Latency = 1;
174  int NumMicroOps = 1;
175  bit BeginGroup = 0;
176  bit EndGroup = 0;
177  // Allow a processor to mark some scheduling classes as unsupported
178  // for stronger verification.
179  bit Unsupported = 0;
180  SchedMachineModel SchedModel = ?;
183// Define the resources and latency of a SchedWrite. This will be used
184// directly by targets that have no itinerary classes. In this case,
185// SchedWrite is defined by the target, while WriteResources is
186// defined by the subtarget, and maps the SchedWrite to processor
187// resources.
189// If a target already has itinerary classes, SchedWriteResources can
190// be used instead to define subtarget specific SchedWrites and map
191// them to processor resources in one place. Then ItinRW can map
192// itinerary classes to the subtarget's SchedWrites.
194// ProcResources indicates the set of resources consumed by the write.
195// Optionally, ResourceCycles indicates the number of cycles the
196// resource is consumed. Each ResourceCycles item is paired with the
197// ProcResource item at the same position in its list. Since
198// ResourceCycles are rarely specialized, the list may be
199// incomplete. By default, resources are consumed for a single cycle,
200// regardless of latency, which models a fully pipelined processing
201// unit. A value of 0 for ResourceCycles means that the resource must
202// be available but is not consumed, which is only relevant for
203// unbuffered resources.
205// By default, each SchedWrite takes one micro-op, which is counted
206// against the processor's IssueWidth limit. If an instruction can
207// write multiple registers with a single micro-op, the subtarget
208// should define one of the writes to be zero micro-ops. If a
209// subtarget requires multiple micro-ops to write a single result, it
210// should either override the write's NumMicroOps to be greater than 1
211// or require additional writes. Extra writes can be required either
212// by defining a WriteSequence, or simply listing extra writes in the
213// instruction's list of writers beyond the number of "def"
214// operands. The scheduler assumes that all micro-ops must be
215// dispatched in the same cycle. These micro-ops may be required to
216// begin or end the current dispatch group.
217class WriteRes<SchedWrite write, list<ProcResourceKind> resources>
218  : ProcWriteResources<resources> {
219  SchedWrite WriteType = write;
222// Directly name a set of WriteResources defining a new SchedWrite
223// type at the same time. This class is unaware of its SchedModel so
224// must be referenced by InstRW or ItinRW.
225class SchedWriteRes<list<ProcResourceKind> resources> : SchedWrite,
226  ProcWriteResources<resources>;
228// Define values common to ReadAdvance and SchedReadAdvance.
230// SchedModel ties these resources to a processor.
231class ProcReadAdvance<int cycles, list<SchedWrite> writes = []> {
232  int Cycles = cycles;
233  list<SchedWrite> ValidWrites = writes;
234  // Allow a processor to mark some scheduling classes as unsupported
235  // for stronger verification.
236  bit Unsupported = 0;
237  SchedMachineModel SchedModel = ?;
240// A processor may define a ReadAdvance associated with a SchedRead
241// to reduce latency of a prior write by N cycles. A negative advance
242// effectively increases latency, which may be used for cross-domain
243// stalls.
245// A ReadAdvance may be associated with a list of SchedWrites
246// to implement pipeline bypass. The Writes list may be empty to
247// indicate operands that are always read this number of Cycles later
248// than a normal register read, allowing the read's parent instruction
249// to issue earlier relative to the writer.
250class ReadAdvance<SchedRead read, int cycles, list<SchedWrite> writes = []>
251  : ProcReadAdvance<cycles, writes> {
252  SchedRead ReadType = read;
255// Directly associate a new SchedRead type with a delay and optional
256// pipeline bypess. For use with InstRW or ItinRW.
257class SchedReadAdvance<int cycles, list<SchedWrite> writes = []> : SchedRead,
258  ProcReadAdvance<cycles, writes>;
260// Define SchedRead defaults. Reads seldom need special treatment.
261def ReadDefault : SchedRead;
262def NoReadAdvance : SchedReadAdvance<0>;
264// Define shared code that will be in the same scope as all
265// SchedPredicates. Available variables are:
266// (const MachineInstr *MI, const TargetSchedModel *SchedModel)
267class PredicateProlog<code c> {
268  code Code = c;
271// Define a predicate to determine which SchedVariant applies to a
272// particular MachineInstr. The code snippet is used as an
273// if-statement's expression. Available variables are MI, SchedModel,
274// and anything defined in a PredicateProlog.
276// SchedModel silences warnings but is ignored.
277class SchedPredicate<code pred> {
278  SchedMachineModel SchedModel = ?;
279  code Predicate = pred;
281def NoSchedPred : SchedPredicate<[{true}]>;
283// Associate a predicate with a list of SchedReadWrites. By default,
284// the selected SchedReadWrites are still associated with a single
285// operand and assumed to execute sequentially with additive
286// latency. However, if the parent SchedWriteVariant or
287// SchedReadVariant is marked "Variadic", then each Selected
288// SchedReadWrite is mapped in place to the instruction's variadic
289// operands. In this case, latency is not additive. If the current Variant
290// is already part of a Sequence, then that entire chain leading up to
291// the Variant is distributed over the variadic operands.
292class SchedVar<SchedPredicate pred, list<SchedReadWrite> selected> {
293  SchedPredicate Predicate = pred;
294  list<SchedReadWrite> Selected = selected;
297// SchedModel silences warnings but is ignored.
298class SchedVariant<list<SchedVar> variants> {
299  list<SchedVar> Variants = variants;
300  bit Variadic = 0;
301  SchedMachineModel SchedModel = ?;
304// A SchedWriteVariant is a single SchedWrite type that maps to a list
305// of SchedWrite types under the conditions defined by its predicates.
307// A Variadic write is expanded to cover multiple "def" operands. The
308// SchedVariant's Expansion list is then interpreted as one write
309// per-operand instead of the usual sequential writes feeding a single
310// operand.
311class SchedWriteVariant<list<SchedVar> variants> : SchedWrite,
312  SchedVariant<variants> {
315// A SchedReadVariant is a single SchedRead type that maps to a list
316// of SchedRead types under the conditions defined by its predicates.
318// A Variadic write is expanded to cover multiple "readsReg" operands as
319// explained above.
320class SchedReadVariant<list<SchedVar> variants> : SchedRead,
321  SchedVariant<variants> {
324// Map a set of opcodes to a list of SchedReadWrite types. This allows
325// the subtarget to easily override specific operations.
327// SchedModel ties this opcode mapping to a processor.
328class InstRW<list<SchedReadWrite> rw, list<Instruction> instrs> {
329  list<SchedReadWrite> OperandReadWrites = rw;
330  list<Instruction> Instrs = instrs;
331  SchedMachineModel SchedModel = ?;
334// Map a set of itinerary classes to SchedReadWrite resources. This is
335// used to bootstrap a target (e.g. ARM) when itineraries already
336// exist and changing InstrInfo is undesirable.
338// SchedModel ties this ItineraryClass mapping to a processor.
339class ItinRW<list<SchedReadWrite> rw, list<InstrItinClass> iic> {
340  list<InstrItinClass> MatchedItinClasses = iic;
341  list<SchedReadWrite> OperandReadWrites = rw;
342  SchedMachineModel SchedModel = ?;
345// Alias a target-defined SchedReadWrite to a processor specific
346// SchedReadWrite. This allows a subtarget to easily map a
347// SchedReadWrite type onto a WriteSequence, SchedWriteVariant, or
348// SchedReadVariant.
350// SchedModel will usually be provided by surrounding let statement
351// and ties this SchedAlias mapping to a processor.
352class SchedAlias<SchedReadWrite match, SchedReadWrite alias> {
353  SchedReadWrite MatchRW = match;
354  SchedReadWrite AliasRW = alias;
355  SchedMachineModel SchedModel = ?;