1//===----- R600Packetizer.cpp - VLIW packetizer ---------------------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10/// \file
11/// This pass implements instructions packetization for R600. It unsets isLast
12/// bit of instructions inside a bundle and substitutes src register with
13/// PreviousVector when applicable.
17#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
18#include "AMDGPU.h"
19#include "AMDGPUSubtarget.h"
20#include "R600InstrInfo.h"
21#include "llvm/CodeGen/DFAPacketizer.h"
22#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineDominators.h"
23#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
24#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLoopInfo.h"
25#include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
26#include "llvm/CodeGen/ScheduleDAG.h"
27#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
29using namespace llvm;
31#define DEBUG_TYPE "packets"
33namespace {
35class R600Packetizer : public MachineFunctionPass {
38  static char ID;
39  R600Packetizer(const TargetMachine &TM) : MachineFunctionPass(ID) {}
41  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
42    AU.setPreservesCFG();
43    AU.addRequired<MachineDominatorTree>();
44    AU.addPreserved<MachineDominatorTree>();
45    AU.addRequired<MachineLoopInfo>();
46    AU.addPreserved<MachineLoopInfo>();
47    MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
48  }
50  const char *getPassName() const override {
51    return "R600 Packetizer";
52  }
54  bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &Fn) override;
56char R600Packetizer::ID = 0;
58class R600PacketizerList : public VLIWPacketizerList {
60  const R600InstrInfo *TII;
61  const R600RegisterInfo &TRI;
62  bool VLIW5;
63  bool ConsideredInstUsesAlreadyWrittenVectorElement;
65  unsigned getSlot(const MachineInstr &MI) const {
66    return TRI.getHWRegChan(MI.getOperand(0).getReg());
67  }
69  /// \returns register to PV chan mapping for bundle/single instructions that
70  /// immediately precedes I.
71  DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> getPreviousVector(MachineBasicBlock::iterator I)
72      const {
73    DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> Result;
74    I--;
75    if (!TII->isALUInstr(I->getOpcode()) && !I->isBundle())
76      return Result;
77    MachineBasicBlock::instr_iterator BI = I.getInstrIterator();
78    if (I->isBundle())
79      BI++;
80    int LastDstChan = -1;
81    do {
82      bool isTrans = false;
83      int BISlot = getSlot(*BI);
84      if (LastDstChan >= BISlot)
85        isTrans = true;
86      LastDstChan = BISlot;
87      if (TII->isPredicated(*BI))
88        continue;
89      int OperandIdx = TII->getOperandIdx(BI->getOpcode(), AMDGPU::OpName::write);
90      if (OperandIdx > -1 && BI->getOperand(OperandIdx).getImm() == 0)
91        continue;
92      int DstIdx = TII->getOperandIdx(BI->getOpcode(), AMDGPU::OpName::dst);
93      if (DstIdx == -1) {
94        continue;
95      }
96      unsigned Dst = BI->getOperand(DstIdx).getReg();
97      if (isTrans || TII->isTransOnly(*BI)) {
98        Result[Dst] = AMDGPU::PS;
99        continue;
100      }
101      if (BI->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::DOT4_r600 ||
102          BI->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::DOT4_eg) {
103        Result[Dst] = AMDGPU::PV_X;
104        continue;
105      }
106      if (Dst == AMDGPU::OQAP) {
107        continue;
108      }
109      unsigned PVReg = 0;
110      switch (TRI.getHWRegChan(Dst)) {
111      case 0:
112        PVReg = AMDGPU::PV_X;
113        break;
114      case 1:
115        PVReg = AMDGPU::PV_Y;
116        break;
117      case 2:
118        PVReg = AMDGPU::PV_Z;
119        break;
120      case 3:
121        PVReg = AMDGPU::PV_W;
122        break;
123      default:
124        llvm_unreachable("Invalid Chan");
125      }
126      Result[Dst] = PVReg;
127    } while ((++BI)->isBundledWithPred());
128    return Result;
129  }
131  void substitutePV(MachineInstr &MI, const DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> &PVs)
132      const {
133    unsigned Ops[] = {
134      AMDGPU::OpName::src0,
135      AMDGPU::OpName::src1,
136      AMDGPU::OpName::src2
137    };
138    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
139      int OperandIdx = TII->getOperandIdx(MI.getOpcode(), Ops[i]);
140      if (OperandIdx < 0)
141        continue;
142      unsigned Src = MI.getOperand(OperandIdx).getReg();
143      const DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned>::const_iterator It = PVs.find(Src);
144      if (It != PVs.end())
145        MI.getOperand(OperandIdx).setReg(It->second);
146    }
147  }
149  // Ctor.
150  R600PacketizerList(MachineFunction &MF, const R600Subtarget &ST,
151                     MachineLoopInfo &MLI)
152      : VLIWPacketizerList(MF, MLI, nullptr),
153        TII(ST.getInstrInfo()),
154        TRI(TII->getRegisterInfo()) {
155    VLIW5 = !ST.hasCaymanISA();
156  }
158  // initPacketizerState - initialize some internal flags.
159  void initPacketizerState() override {
160    ConsideredInstUsesAlreadyWrittenVectorElement = false;
161  }
163  // ignorePseudoInstruction - Ignore bundling of pseudo instructions.
164  bool ignorePseudoInstruction(const MachineInstr &MI,
165                               const MachineBasicBlock *MBB) override {
166    return false;
167  }
169  // isSoloInstruction - return true if instruction MI can not be packetized
170  // with any other instruction, which means that MI itself is a packet.
171  bool isSoloInstruction(const MachineInstr &MI) override {
172    if (TII->isVector(MI))
173      return true;
174    if (!TII->isALUInstr(MI.getOpcode()))
175      return true;
176    if (MI.getOpcode() == AMDGPU::GROUP_BARRIER)
177      return true;
178    // XXX: This can be removed once the packetizer properly handles all the
179    // LDS instruction group restrictions.
180    return TII->isLDSInstr(MI.getOpcode());
181  }
183  // isLegalToPacketizeTogether - Is it legal to packetize SUI and SUJ
184  // together.
185  bool isLegalToPacketizeTogether(SUnit *SUI, SUnit *SUJ) override {
186    MachineInstr *MII = SUI->getInstr(), *MIJ = SUJ->getInstr();
187    if (getSlot(*MII) == getSlot(*MIJ))
188      ConsideredInstUsesAlreadyWrittenVectorElement = true;
189    // Does MII and MIJ share the same pred_sel ?
190    int OpI = TII->getOperandIdx(MII->getOpcode(), AMDGPU::OpName::pred_sel),
191        OpJ = TII->getOperandIdx(MIJ->getOpcode(), AMDGPU::OpName::pred_sel);
192    unsigned PredI = (OpI > -1)?MII->getOperand(OpI).getReg():0,
193        PredJ = (OpJ > -1)?MIJ->getOperand(OpJ).getReg():0;
194    if (PredI != PredJ)
195      return false;
196    if (SUJ->isSucc(SUI)) {
197      for (unsigned i = 0, e = SUJ->Succs.size(); i < e; ++i) {
198        const SDep &Dep = SUJ->Succs[i];
199        if (Dep.getSUnit() != SUI)
200          continue;
201        if (Dep.getKind() == SDep::Anti)
202          continue;
203        if (Dep.getKind() == SDep::Output)
204          if (MII->getOperand(0).getReg() != MIJ->getOperand(0).getReg())
205            continue;
206        return false;
207      }
208    }
210    bool ARDef =
211        TII->definesAddressRegister(*MII) || TII->definesAddressRegister(*MIJ);
212    bool ARUse =
213        TII->usesAddressRegister(*MII) || TII->usesAddressRegister(*MIJ);
215    return !ARDef || !ARUse;
216  }
218  // isLegalToPruneDependencies - Is it legal to prune dependece between SUI
219  // and SUJ.
220  bool isLegalToPruneDependencies(SUnit *SUI, SUnit *SUJ) override {
221    return false;
222  }
224  void setIsLastBit(MachineInstr *MI, unsigned Bit) const {
225    unsigned LastOp = TII->getOperandIdx(MI->getOpcode(), AMDGPU::OpName::last);
226    MI->getOperand(LastOp).setImm(Bit);
227  }
229  bool isBundlableWithCurrentPMI(MachineInstr &MI,
230                                 const DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> &PV,
231                                 std::vector<R600InstrInfo::BankSwizzle> &BS,
232                                 bool &isTransSlot) {
233    isTransSlot = TII->isTransOnly(MI);
234    assert (!isTransSlot || VLIW5);
236    // Is the dst reg sequence legal ?
237    if (!isTransSlot && !CurrentPacketMIs.empty()) {
238      if (getSlot(MI) <= getSlot(*CurrentPacketMIs.back())) {
239        if (ConsideredInstUsesAlreadyWrittenVectorElement &&
240            !TII->isVectorOnly(MI) && VLIW5) {
241          isTransSlot = true;
242          DEBUG({
243            dbgs() << "Considering as Trans Inst :";
244            MI.dump();
245          });
246        }
247        else
248          return false;
249      }
250    }
252    // Are the Constants limitations met ?
253    CurrentPacketMIs.push_back(&MI);
254    if (!TII->fitsConstReadLimitations(CurrentPacketMIs)) {
255      DEBUG({
256        dbgs() << "Couldn't pack :\n";
257        MI.dump();
258        dbgs() << "with the following packets :\n";
259        for (unsigned i = 0, e = CurrentPacketMIs.size() - 1; i < e; i++) {
260          CurrentPacketMIs[i]->dump();
261          dbgs() << "\n";
262        }
263        dbgs() << "because of Consts read limitations\n";
264      });
265      CurrentPacketMIs.pop_back();
266      return false;
267    }
269    // Is there a BankSwizzle set that meet Read Port limitations ?
270    if (!TII->fitsReadPortLimitations(CurrentPacketMIs,
271            PV, BS, isTransSlot)) {
272      DEBUG({
273        dbgs() << "Couldn't pack :\n";
274        MI.dump();
275        dbgs() << "with the following packets :\n";
276        for (unsigned i = 0, e = CurrentPacketMIs.size() - 1; i < e; i++) {
277          CurrentPacketMIs[i]->dump();
278          dbgs() << "\n";
279        }
280        dbgs() << "because of Read port limitations\n";
281      });
282      CurrentPacketMIs.pop_back();
283      return false;
284    }
286    // We cannot read LDS source registrs from the Trans slot.
287    if (isTransSlot && TII->readsLDSSrcReg(MI))
288      return false;
290    CurrentPacketMIs.pop_back();
291    return true;
292  }
294  MachineBasicBlock::iterator addToPacket(MachineInstr &MI) override {
295    MachineBasicBlock::iterator FirstInBundle =
296        CurrentPacketMIs.empty() ? &MI : CurrentPacketMIs.front();
297    const DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> &PV =
298        getPreviousVector(FirstInBundle);
299    std::vector<R600InstrInfo::BankSwizzle> BS;
300    bool isTransSlot;
302    if (isBundlableWithCurrentPMI(MI, PV, BS, isTransSlot)) {
303      for (unsigned i = 0, e = CurrentPacketMIs.size(); i < e; i++) {
304        MachineInstr *MI = CurrentPacketMIs[i];
305        unsigned Op = TII->getOperandIdx(MI->getOpcode(),
306            AMDGPU::OpName::bank_swizzle);
307        MI->getOperand(Op).setImm(BS[i]);
308      }
309      unsigned Op =
310          TII->getOperandIdx(MI.getOpcode(), AMDGPU::OpName::bank_swizzle);
311      MI.getOperand(Op).setImm(BS.back());
312      if (!CurrentPacketMIs.empty())
313        setIsLastBit(CurrentPacketMIs.back(), 0);
314      substitutePV(MI, PV);
315      MachineBasicBlock::iterator It = VLIWPacketizerList::addToPacket(MI);
316      if (isTransSlot) {
317        endPacket(std::next(It)->getParent(), std::next(It));
318      }
319      return It;
320    }
321    endPacket(MI.getParent(), MI);
322    if (TII->isTransOnly(MI))
323      return MI;
324    return VLIWPacketizerList::addToPacket(MI);
325  }
328bool R600Packetizer::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &Fn) {
329  const R600Subtarget &ST = Fn.getSubtarget<R600Subtarget>();
330  const R600InstrInfo *TII = ST.getInstrInfo();
332  MachineLoopInfo &MLI = getAnalysis<MachineLoopInfo>();
334  // Instantiate the packetizer.
335  R600PacketizerList Packetizer(Fn, ST, MLI);
337  // DFA state table should not be empty.
338  assert(Packetizer.getResourceTracker() && "Empty DFA table!");
340  if (Packetizer.getResourceTracker()->getInstrItins()->isEmpty())
341    return false;
343  //
344  // Loop over all basic blocks and remove KILL pseudo-instructions
345  // These instructions confuse the dependence analysis. Consider:
346  // D0 = ...   (Insn 0)
347  // R0 = KILL R0, D0 (Insn 1)
348  // R0 = ... (Insn 2)
349  // Here, Insn 1 will result in the dependence graph not emitting an output
350  // dependence between Insn 0 and Insn 2. This can lead to incorrect
351  // packetization
352  //
353  for (MachineFunction::iterator MBB = Fn.begin(), MBBe = Fn.end();
354       MBB != MBBe; ++MBB) {
355    MachineBasicBlock::iterator End = MBB->end();
356    MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI = MBB->begin();
357    while (MI != End) {
358      if (MI->isKill() || MI->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::IMPLICIT_DEF ||
359          (MI->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::CF_ALU && !MI->getOperand(8).getImm())) {
360        MachineBasicBlock::iterator DeleteMI = MI;
361        ++MI;
362        MBB->erase(DeleteMI);
363        End = MBB->end();
364        continue;
365      }
366      ++MI;
367    }
368  }
370  // Loop over all of the basic blocks.
371  for (MachineFunction::iterator MBB = Fn.begin(), MBBe = Fn.end();
372       MBB != MBBe; ++MBB) {
373    // Find scheduling regions and schedule / packetize each region.
374    unsigned RemainingCount = MBB->size();
375    for(MachineBasicBlock::iterator RegionEnd = MBB->end();
376        RegionEnd != MBB->begin();) {
377      // The next region starts above the previous region. Look backward in the
378      // instruction stream until we find the nearest boundary.
379      MachineBasicBlock::iterator I = RegionEnd;
380      for(;I != MBB->begin(); --I, --RemainingCount) {
381        if (TII->isSchedulingBoundary(*std::prev(I), &*MBB, Fn))
382          break;
383      }
384      I = MBB->begin();
386      // Skip empty scheduling regions.
387      if (I == RegionEnd) {
388        RegionEnd = std::prev(RegionEnd);
389        --RemainingCount;
390        continue;
391      }
392      // Skip regions with one instruction.
393      if (I == std::prev(RegionEnd)) {
394        RegionEnd = std::prev(RegionEnd);
395        continue;
396      }
398      Packetizer.PacketizeMIs(&*MBB, &*I, RegionEnd);
399      RegionEnd = I;
400    }
401  }
403  return true;
407} // end anonymous namespace
409llvm::FunctionPass *llvm::createR600Packetizer(TargetMachine &tm) {
410  return new R600Packetizer(tm);