shm_test.c revision c3e450fcb0e42f7c8a8e5dd3b8f66a2cc6fb10f7
2/*									      */
3/* Copyright (c) International Business Machines  Corp., 2001		      */
4/*									      */
5/* This program is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify      */
6/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       */
7/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or          */
8/* (at your option) any later version.					      */
9/*									      */
10/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,	      */
11/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of	      */
13/* the GNU General Public License for more details.			      */
14/*									      */
15/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License	      */
16/* along with this program;  if not, write to the Free Software		      */
17/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA    */
18/*									      */
23/*                                                                            */
24/* History:     Nov - 21 - 2001 Created - Manoj Iyer, IBM Austin TX.          */
25/*                                        */
26/*                                                                            */
27/*		Nov - 26 - 2001 Modified - Manoj Iyer, IBM Austin Tx.         */
28/*				- Added function rm_shared_mem.               */
29/*                                                                            */
30/*		Dec - 03 - 2001 Modified - Manoj Iyer, IBM Austin Tx.         */
31/*				- Added code to spawn threads.		      */
32/*				- Removed dead code.		              */
33/*				- Checked in the initial version to CVS       */
34/*								              */
35/*		Feb - 27 - 2001 Modified - Manoj Iyer, IBM Austin TX.         */
36/*				- removed compiler warnings.                  */
37/*				- removed compiler errors.                    */
38/*                                                                            */
39/* File:	shm_test.c				                      */
40/*									      */
41/* Description:	This program is designed to stress the Memory management sub -*/
42/*		system of Linux. This program will spawn multiple pairs of    */
43/*		reader and writer threads. One thread will create the shared  */
44/*		segment of random size and write to this memory, the other    */
45/*		pair will read from this memory.		              */
46/*									      */
48#include <pthread.h>	/* required by pthread functions		      */
49#include <stdio.h>	/* required by fprintf()			      */
50#include <stdlib.h>	/* required by exit(), atoi()			      */
51#include <string.h>     /* required by strncpy()                              */
52#include <unistd.h>	/* required by getopt(), mmap()			      */
53#include <sys/types.h>  /* required by open(), shmat(), shmdt()		      */
54#include <sys/stat.h>   /* required by open()				      */
55#include <sys/ipc.h>    /* required by shmat() shmdt(), shmctl()              */
56#include <sys/shm.h>    /* required by shmat() shmdt(), shmctl()              */
57#include <sys/mman.h>   /* required by mmap()                                 */
58#include <fcntl.h>	/* required by open()				      */
60void noprintf(char* string, ...){
63#ifdef DEBUG
64#define dprt	printf
66#define dprt	noprintf
69#define PTHREAD_EXIT(val)    do {\
70			exit_val = val; \
71                        dprt("pid[%d]: exiting with %d\n", getpid(),exit_val); \
72			pthread_exit((void *)exit_val); \
73				} while (0)
75#define OPT_MISSING(prog, opt)   do{\
76			       fprintf(stderr, "%s: option -%c ", prog, opt); \
77                               fprintf(stderr, "requires an argument\n"); \
78                               usage(prog); \
79                                   } while (0)
81#define MAXT	30	/* default number of threads to create.	              */
82#define MAXR	1000	/* default number of repatetions to execute           */
83#define WRITER  0	/* cause thread function to shmat and write           */
84#define READER  1	/* cause thread function to shmat and read            */
88/*								 	      */
89/* Function:	usage							      */
90/*									      */
91/* Description:	Print the usage message.				      */
92/*									      */
93/* Return:	exits with -1						      */
94/*									      */
96static void
97usage(char *progname)           /* name of this program                       */{
98    fprintf(stderr,
99               "Usage: %s -d NUMDIR -f NUMFILES -h -t NUMTHRD\n"
100               "\t -h Help!\n"
101               "\t -l Number of repatetions to execute:       Default: 1000\n"
102               "\t -t Number of threads to generate:          Default: 30\n",
103                    progname);
104    exit(-1);
109/*								 	      */
110/* Function:	rm_shared_mem						      */
111/*									      */
112/* Description:	This function removes the shared segments that were created   */
113/*		This function is called when shmat fails or logical end of    */
114/*		the while loop is reached in shmat_rd_wr function.         */
115/*									      */
116/* Input:	shm_id   - id of the shared memory segment to be removed      */
117/*		shm_addr - address of the shared memory segment to be removed */
118/*		cmd      - remove id only or remove id and detach??           */
119/*			   0 - remove id dont detach segment.                 */
120/*			   1 - remove id and detach segment.                  */
121/*									      */
122/* Output:	NONE.                                                         */
123/*									      */
124/* Return:	exits with -1 on error, 0 on success                          */
125/*									      */
127static int
128rm_shared_mem(key_t  shm_id,	/* id of shared memory segment to be removed  */
129	      char *shm_addr,   /* address of shared mem seg to be removed    */
130	      int  cmd)         /* remove id only or remove id and detach seg */
132    struct shmid *shmbuf=NULL;	/* info about the segment pointed by shmkey   */
134    dprt("pid[%d]: rm_shared_mem(): shm_id = %d shm_addr = %#x cmd = %d\n",
135        getpid(), shm_id, shm_addr, cmd);
136    if (shmctl(shm_id, IPC_RMID, (struct shmid_ds *)shmbuf) == -1)
137    {
138	dprt("pid[%d]: rm_shared_mem(): shmctl unable to remove shm_id[%d]\n",
139	    getpid(), shm_id);
140        perror("rm_shared_mem(): shmctl()");
141        return -1;
142    }
144    if (cmd)
145    {
146        if (shmdt((void *)shm_addr) == -1)
147        {
148	    dprt("pid[%d]:rm_shared_mem(): shmdt unable to detach addr = %#x\n",
149	        getpid(), shm_addr);
150            perror("rm_shared_mem(): shmdt()");
151            return -1;
152        }
153    }
154    return 0;
161/*								 	      */
162/* Function:	shmat_rd_wr						      */
163/*									      */
164/* Description:	This function repeatedly attaches and detaches the memory     */
165/*		The size of the file is a multiple of page size.              */
166/*		The function acts as either reader or writer thread depending */
167/*		on arg[3]. The reader and writer thread use the same key so   */
168/*		they get access to the same shared memory segment.            */
169/*									      */
170/* Input:	The argument pointer contains the following.                  */
171/*		arg[0] - number of repatetions of the above operation         */
172/*		arg[1] - shared memory key.				      */
173/*		arg[2] - size of the memory that is to be attached.           */
174/*		arg[3] - reader or writer.                                    */
175/*									      */
176/* Return:	exits with -1 on error, 0 on success                          */
177/*									      */
179static void *
180shmat_rd_wr(void *args)	/* arguments to the thread function	      */
182    int          shmndx   = 0;	/* index to the number of attach and detach   */
183    int		 index    = 0;  /* index to the number of blocks touched      */
184    int		 reader   = 0;  /* this thread is a reader thread if set to 1 */
185    key_t        shm_id   = 0;	/* shared memory id			      */
186    long         *locargs = 	/* local pointer to arguments		      */
187		            (long *)args;
188    volatile int exit_val = 0;	/* exit value of the pthread 		      */
189    char         *read_from_mem;/* ptr to touch each (4096) block in memory   */
190    char         *write_to_mem; /* ptr to touch each (4096) block in memory   */
191    char         *shmat_addr;   /* address of the attached memory             */
192    char	 buff;          /* temporary buffer                           */
195    reader = (int)locargs[3];
196    while (shmndx++ < (int)locargs[0])
197    {
198        dprt("pid[%d]: shmat_rd_wr(): locargs[1] = %#x\n",
199	    getpid(), (int)locargs[1]);
201	/* get shared memory id */
202        if ((shm_id = shmget((int)locargs[1], (int)locargs[2], IPC_CREAT|0666))
203		    == -1)
204        {
205	    dprt("pid[%d]: shmat_rd_wr(): shmget failed\n", getpid());
206            perror("do_shmat_shmadt(): shmget()");
207            PTHREAD_EXIT(-1);
208        }
210        fprintf(stdout, "pid[%d]: shmat_rd_wr(): shmget():"
211			"success got segment id %d\n",
212                           getpid(), shm_id);
214	/* get shared memory segment */
215        if ((shmat_addr = (char *)shmat(shm_id, NULL, 0)) ==  (void *)-1)
216        {
217            rm_shared_mem(shm_id, shmat_addr, 0);
218            fprintf(stderr, "pid[%d]: do_shmat_shmadt(): shmat_addr = %#lx\n",
219		 		 		 getpid(), (long)shmat_addr);
220            perror("do_shmat_shmadt(): shmat()");
221            PTHREAD_EXIT(-1);
222        }
223	dprt("pid[%d]: do_shmat_shmadt(): content of memory shmat_addr = %s\n",
224            getpid(), shmat_addr);
226        fprintf(stdout, "pid[%d]: do_shmat_shmadt(): got shmat address = %#lx\n",
227            getpid(), (long)shmat_addr);
229	if (!reader)
230        {
231	    /* write character 'Y' to that memory area */
232	    index = 0;
233	    write_to_mem = shmat_addr;
234	    while (index < (int)locargs[2])
235            {
236	        dprt("pid[%d]: do_shmat_shmatd(): write_to_mem = %#x\n",
237                    getpid(), write_to_mem);
238	        *write_to_mem = 'Y';
239	        index++;
240	        write_to_mem++;
241	        sched_yield();
242            }
243        }
244	else
245        {
246            /* read from the memory area */
247            index = 0;
248	    read_from_mem = shmat_addr;
249	    while (index < (int)locargs[2])
250            {
251	        buff = *read_from_mem;
252		index++;
253		read_from_mem++;
254		sched_yield();
255            }
256        }
258	sched_yield();
260	/* remove the shared memory */
261	if (rm_shared_mem(shm_id, shmat_addr, 1) == -1)
262        {
263            fprintf(stderr,
264                "pid[%d]: do_shmat_shmatd(): rm_shared_mem(): faild to rm id\n",
265		    getpid());
266	    PTHREAD_EXIT(-1);
267        }
268    }
270    PTHREAD_EXIT(0);
275/*								 	      */
276/* Function:	main							      */
277/*									      */
278/* Description:	This is the entry point to the program. This function will    */
279/*		parse the input arguments and set the values accordingly. If  */
280/*		no arguments (or desired) are provided default values are used*/
281/*		refer the usage function for the arguments that this program  */
282/*		takes. It also creates the threads which do most of the dirty */
283/*		work. If the threads exits with a value '0' the program exits */
284/*		with success '0' else it exits with failure '-1'.             */
285/*									      */
286/* Return:	-1 on failure						      */
287/*		 0 on success						      */
288/*									      */
291main(int	argc,		/* number of input parameters		      */
292     char	**argv)		/* pointer to the command line arguments.     */
294    int		c;		/* command line options			      */
295    int		num_thrd = MAXT;/* number of threads to create                */
296    int		num_reps = MAXR;/* number of repatitions the test is run      */
297    int		thrd_ndx;	/* index into the array of thread ids         */
298    int		th_status;	/* exit status of LWP's	                      */
299    int		map_size;	/* size of the file mapped.                   */
300    int		shmkey   = 1969;/* key used to generate shmid by shmget()     */
301    pthread_t	thrdid[30];	/* maxinum of 30 threads allowed              */
302    long	chld_args[4];   /* arguments to the thread function           */
303    char        *map_address=NULL;
304				/* address in memory of the mapped file       */
305    extern int	 optopt;	/* options to the program		      */
307    while ((c =  getopt(argc, argv, "hl:t:")) != -1)
308    {
309        switch(c)
310        {
311            case 'h':
312                usage(argv[0]);
313                break;
314            case 'l':		/* how many repetitions of the test to exec   */
315		if ((num_reps = atoi(optarg)) == 0)
316                    OPT_MISSING(argv[0], optopt);
317                else
318	        if (num_reps < 0)
319                {
320		    fprintf(stdout,
321			"WARNING: bad argument. Using default\n");
322                    num_reps = MAXR;
323                }
324                break;
325            case 't':
326		if ((num_thrd = atoi(optarg)) == 0)
327	            OPT_MISSING(argv[0], optopt);
328                else
329                if (num_thrd < 0)
330                {
331                    fprintf(stdout,
332                        "WARNING: bad argument. Using default\n");
333                    num_thrd = MAXT;
334                }
335                break;
336            default :
337		usage(argv[0]);
338		break;
339	}
340    }
342    chld_args[0] = num_reps;
344    for (thrd_ndx = 0; thrd_ndx < num_thrd; thrd_ndx+=2)
345    {
346        srand(time(NULL)%100);
347        map_size = (1 + (int)(1000.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0))) * 4096;
349        chld_args[1] = shmkey++;
350        chld_args[2] = map_size;
352	dprt("main(): thrd_ndx = %d map_address = %#x map_size = %d\n",
353            thrd_ndx, map_address, map_size);
355        chld_args[3] = WRITER;
357        if (pthread_create(&thrdid[thrd_ndx], NULL, shmat_rd_wr, chld_args))
358        {
359            perror("shmat_rd_wr(): pthread_create()");
360            exit(-1);
361        }
363        chld_args[3] = READER;
365        if (pthread_create(&thrdid[thrd_ndx+1], NULL, shmat_rd_wr, chld_args))
366        {
367            perror("shmat_rd_wr(): pthread_create()");
368            exit(-1);
369        }
370    }
372    sync();
374    for (thrd_ndx = 0; thrd_ndx < num_thrd; thrd_ndx++)
375    {
376        if (pthread_join(thrdid[thrd_ndx], (void *)&th_status) != 0)
377        {
378            perror("shmat_rd_wr(): pthread_join()");
379            exit(-1);
380        }
381        else
382        {
383            dprt("WE ARE HERE %d\n", __LINE__);
384            if (th_status == -1)
385            {
386                fprintf(stderr,
387                        "thread [%ld] - process exited with errors\n",
388                            (long)thrdid[thrd_ndx]);
389                exit(-1);
390            }
391        }
392    }
393    exit(0);