revision 76b1714be84ab6e73b9b0716cbb233f044318516
1# Author: Steven J. Bethard <>.
3"""Command-line parsing library
5This module is an optparse-inspired command-line parsing library that:
7    - handles both optional and positional arguments
8    - produces highly informative usage messages
9    - supports parsers that dispatch to sub-parsers
11The following is a simple usage example that sums integers from the
12command-line and writes the result to a file::
14    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
15        description='sum the integers at the command line')
16    parser.add_argument(
17        'integers', metavar='int', nargs='+', type=int,
18        help='an integer to be summed')
19    parser.add_argument(
20        '--log', default=sys.stdout, type=argparse.FileType('w'),
21        help='the file where the sum should be written')
22    args = parser.parse_args()
23    args.log.write('%s' % sum(args.integers))
24    args.log.close()
26The module contains the following public classes:
28    - ArgumentParser -- The main entry point for command-line parsing. As the
29        example above shows, the add_argument() method is used to populate
30        the parser with actions for optional and positional arguments. Then
31        the parse_args() method is invoked to convert the args at the
32        command-line into an object with attributes.
34    - ArgumentError -- The exception raised by ArgumentParser objects when
35        there are errors with the parser's actions. Errors raised while
36        parsing the command-line are caught by ArgumentParser and emitted
37        as command-line messages.
39    - FileType -- A factory for defining types of files to be created. As the
40        example above shows, instances of FileType are typically passed as
41        the type= argument of add_argument() calls.
43    - Action -- The base class for parser actions. Typically actions are
44        selected by passing strings like 'store_true' or 'append_const' to
45        the action= argument of add_argument(). However, for greater
46        customization of ArgumentParser actions, subclasses of Action may
47        be defined and passed as the action= argument.
49    - HelpFormatter, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, RawTextHelpFormatter,
50        ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter -- Formatter classes which
51        may be passed as the formatter_class= argument to the
52        ArgumentParser constructor. HelpFormatter is the default,
53        RawDescriptionHelpFormatter and RawTextHelpFormatter tell the parser
54        not to change the formatting for help text, and
55        ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter adds information about argument defaults
56        to the help.
58All other classes in this module are considered implementation details.
59(Also note that HelpFormatter and RawDescriptionHelpFormatter are only
60considered public as object names -- the API of the formatter objects is
61still considered an implementation detail.)
64__version__ = '1.1'
65__all__ = [
66    'ArgumentParser',
67    'ArgumentError',
68    'ArgumentTypeError',
69    'FileType',
70    'HelpFormatter',
71    'ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter',
72    'RawDescriptionHelpFormatter',
73    'RawTextHelpFormatter',
74    'MetavarTypeHelpFormatter',
75    'Namespace',
76    'Action',
77    'ONE_OR_MORE',
78    'OPTIONAL',
79    'PARSER',
80    'REMAINDER',
81    'SUPPRESS',
82    'ZERO_OR_MORE',
86import collections as _collections
87import copy as _copy
88import os as _os
89import re as _re
90import sys as _sys
91import textwrap as _textwrap
93from gettext import gettext as _, ngettext
98OPTIONAL = '?'
99ZERO_OR_MORE = '*'
100ONE_OR_MORE = '+'
101PARSER = 'A...'
102REMAINDER = '...'
103_UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR = '_unrecognized_args'
105# =============================
106# Utility functions and classes
107# =============================
109class _AttributeHolder(object):
110    """Abstract base class that provides __repr__.
112    The __repr__ method returns a string in the format::
113        ClassName(attr=name, attr=name, ...)
114    The attributes are determined either by a class-level attribute,
115    '_kwarg_names', or by inspecting the instance __dict__.
116    """
118    def __repr__(self):
119        type_name = type(self).__name__
120        arg_strings = []
121        star_args = {}
122        for arg in self._get_args():
123            arg_strings.append(repr(arg))
124        for name, value in self._get_kwargs():
125            if name.isidentifier():
126                arg_strings.append('%s=%r' % (name, value))
127            else:
128                star_args[name] = value
129        if star_args:
130            arg_strings.append('**%s' % repr(star_args))
131        return '%s(%s)' % (type_name, ', '.join(arg_strings))
133    def _get_kwargs(self):
134        return sorted(self.__dict__.items())
136    def _get_args(self):
137        return []
140def _ensure_value(namespace, name, value):
141    if getattr(namespace, name, None) is None:
142        setattr(namespace, name, value)
143    return getattr(namespace, name)
146# ===============
147# Formatting Help
148# ===============
150class HelpFormatter(object):
151    """Formatter for generating usage messages and argument help strings.
153    Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
154    provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
155    """
157    def __init__(self,
158                 prog,
159                 indent_increment=2,
160                 max_help_position=24,
161                 width=None):
163        # default setting for width
164        if width is None:
165            try:
166                width = int(_os.environ['COLUMNS'])
167            except (KeyError, ValueError):
168                width = 80
169            width -= 2
171        self._prog = prog
172        self._indent_increment = indent_increment
173        self._max_help_position = max_help_position
174        self._max_help_position = min(max_help_position,
175                                      max(width - 20, indent_increment * 2))
176        self._width = width
178        self._current_indent = 0
179        self._level = 0
180        self._action_max_length = 0
182        self._root_section = self._Section(self, None)
183        self._current_section = self._root_section
185        self._whitespace_matcher = _re.compile(r'\s+')
186        self._long_break_matcher = _re.compile(r'\n\n\n+')
188    # ===============================
189    # Section and indentation methods
190    # ===============================
191    def _indent(self):
192        self._current_indent += self._indent_increment
193        self._level += 1
195    def _dedent(self):
196        self._current_indent -= self._indent_increment
197        assert self._current_indent >= 0, 'Indent decreased below 0.'
198        self._level -= 1
200    class _Section(object):
202        def __init__(self, formatter, parent, heading=None):
203            self.formatter = formatter
204            self.parent = parent
205            self.heading = heading
206            self.items = []
208        def format_help(self):
209            # format the indented section
210            if self.parent is not None:
211                self.formatter._indent()
212            join = self.formatter._join_parts
213            for func, args in self.items:
214                func(*args)
215            item_help = join([func(*args) for func, args in self.items])
216            if self.parent is not None:
217                self.formatter._dedent()
219            # return nothing if the section was empty
220            if not item_help:
221                return ''
223            # add the heading if the section was non-empty
224            if self.heading is not SUPPRESS and self.heading is not None:
225                current_indent = self.formatter._current_indent
226                heading = '%*s%s:\n' % (current_indent, '', self.heading)
227            else:
228                heading = ''
230            # join the section-initial newline, the heading and the help
231            return join(['\n', heading, item_help, '\n'])
233    def _add_item(self, func, args):
234        self._current_section.items.append((func, args))
236    # ========================
237    # Message building methods
238    # ========================
239    def start_section(self, heading):
240        self._indent()
241        section = self._Section(self, self._current_section, heading)
242        self._add_item(section.format_help, [])
243        self._current_section = section
245    def end_section(self):
246        self._current_section = self._current_section.parent
247        self._dedent()
249    def add_text(self, text):
250        if text is not SUPPRESS and text is not None:
251            self._add_item(self._format_text, [text])
253    def add_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix=None):
254        if usage is not SUPPRESS:
255            args = usage, actions, groups, prefix
256            self._add_item(self._format_usage, args)
258    def add_argument(self, action):
259        if is not SUPPRESS:
261            # find all invocations
262            get_invocation = self._format_action_invocation
263            invocations = [get_invocation(action)]
264            for subaction in self._iter_indented_subactions(action):
265                invocations.append(get_invocation(subaction))
267            # update the maximum item length
268            invocation_length = max([len(s) for s in invocations])
269            action_length = invocation_length + self._current_indent
270            self._action_max_length = max(self._action_max_length,
271                                          action_length)
273            # add the item to the list
274            self._add_item(self._format_action, [action])
276    def add_arguments(self, actions):
277        for action in actions:
278            self.add_argument(action)
280    # =======================
281    # Help-formatting methods
282    # =======================
283    def format_help(self):
284        help = self._root_section.format_help()
285        if help:
286            help = self._long_break_matcher.sub('\n\n', help)
287            help = help.strip('\n') + '\n'
288        return help
290    def _join_parts(self, part_strings):
291        return ''.join([part
292                        for part in part_strings
293                        if part and part is not SUPPRESS])
295    def _format_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix):
296        if prefix is None:
297            prefix = _('usage: ')
299        # if usage is specified, use that
300        if usage is not None:
301            usage = usage % dict(prog=self._prog)
303        # if no optionals or positionals are available, usage is just prog
304        elif usage is None and not actions:
305            usage = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)
307        # if optionals and positionals are available, calculate usage
308        elif usage is None:
309            prog = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)
311            # split optionals from positionals
312            optionals = []
313            positionals = []
314            for action in actions:
315                if action.option_strings:
316                    optionals.append(action)
317                else:
318                    positionals.append(action)
320            # build full usage string
321            format = self._format_actions_usage
322            action_usage = format(optionals + positionals, groups)
323            usage = ' '.join([s for s in [prog, action_usage] if s])
325            # wrap the usage parts if it's too long
326            text_width = self._width - self._current_indent
327            if len(prefix) + len(usage) > text_width:
329                # break usage into wrappable parts
330                part_regexp = r'\(.*?\)+|\[.*?\]+|\S+'
331                opt_usage = format(optionals, groups)
332                pos_usage = format(positionals, groups)
333                opt_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, opt_usage)
334                pos_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, pos_usage)
335                assert ' '.join(opt_parts) == opt_usage
336                assert ' '.join(pos_parts) == pos_usage
338                # helper for wrapping lines
339                def get_lines(parts, indent, prefix=None):
340                    lines = []
341                    line = []
342                    if prefix is not None:
343                        line_len = len(prefix) - 1
344                    else:
345                        line_len = len(indent) - 1
346                    for part in parts:
347                        if line_len + 1 + len(part) > text_width and line:
348                            lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
349                            line = []
350                            line_len = len(indent) - 1
351                        line.append(part)
352                        line_len += len(part) + 1
353                    if line:
354                        lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
355                    if prefix is not None:
356                        lines[0] = lines[0][len(indent):]
357                    return lines
359                # if prog is short, follow it with optionals or positionals
360                if len(prefix) + len(prog) <= 0.75 * text_width:
361                    indent = ' ' * (len(prefix) + len(prog) + 1)
362                    if opt_parts:
363                        lines = get_lines([prog] + opt_parts, indent, prefix)
364                        lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
365                    elif pos_parts:
366                        lines = get_lines([prog] + pos_parts, indent, prefix)
367                    else:
368                        lines = [prog]
370                # if prog is long, put it on its own line
371                else:
372                    indent = ' ' * len(prefix)
373                    parts = opt_parts + pos_parts
374                    lines = get_lines(parts, indent)
375                    if len(lines) > 1:
376                        lines = []
377                        lines.extend(get_lines(opt_parts, indent))
378                        lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
379                    lines = [prog] + lines
381                # join lines into usage
382                usage = '\n'.join(lines)
384        # prefix with 'usage:'
385        return '%s%s\n\n' % (prefix, usage)
387    def _format_actions_usage(self, actions, groups):
388        # find group indices and identify actions in groups
389        group_actions = set()
390        inserts = {}
391        for group in groups:
392            try:
393                start = actions.index(group._group_actions[0])
394            except ValueError:
395                continue
396            else:
397                end = start + len(group._group_actions)
398                if actions[start:end] == group._group_actions:
399                    for action in group._group_actions:
400                        group_actions.add(action)
401                    if not group.required:
402                        if start in inserts:
403                            inserts[start] += ' ['
404                        else:
405                            inserts[start] = '['
406                        inserts[end] = ']'
407                    else:
408                        if start in inserts:
409                            inserts[start] += ' ('
410                        else:
411                            inserts[start] = '('
412                        inserts[end] = ')'
413                    for i in range(start + 1, end):
414                        inserts[i] = '|'
416        # collect all actions format strings
417        parts = []
418        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
420            # suppressed arguments are marked with None
421            # remove | separators for suppressed arguments
422            if is SUPPRESS:
423                parts.append(None)
424                if inserts.get(i) == '|':
425                    inserts.pop(i)
426                elif inserts.get(i + 1) == '|':
427                    inserts.pop(i + 1)
429            # produce all arg strings
430            elif not action.option_strings:
431                default = self._get_default_metavar_for_positional(action)
432                part = self._format_args(action, default)
434                # if it's in a group, strip the outer []
435                if action in group_actions:
436                    if part[0] == '[' and part[-1] == ']':
437                        part = part[1:-1]
439                # add the action string to the list
440                parts.append(part)
442            # produce the first way to invoke the option in brackets
443            else:
444                option_string = action.option_strings[0]
446                # if the Optional doesn't take a value, format is:
447                #    -s or --long
448                if action.nargs == 0:
449                    part = '%s' % option_string
451                # if the Optional takes a value, format is:
452                #    -s ARGS or --long ARGS
453                else:
454                    default = self._get_default_metavar_for_optional(action)
455                    args_string = self._format_args(action, default)
456                    part = '%s %s' % (option_string, args_string)
458                # make it look optional if it's not required or in a group
459                if not action.required and action not in group_actions:
460                    part = '[%s]' % part
462                # add the action string to the list
463                parts.append(part)
465        # insert things at the necessary indices
466        for i in sorted(inserts, reverse=True):
467            parts[i:i] = [inserts[i]]
469        # join all the action items with spaces
470        text = ' '.join([item for item in parts if item is not None])
472        # clean up separators for mutually exclusive groups
473        open = r'[\[(]'
474        close = r'[\])]'
475        text = _re.sub(r'(%s) ' % open, r'\1', text)
476        text = _re.sub(r' (%s)' % close, r'\1', text)
477        text = _re.sub(r'%s *%s' % (open, close), r'', text)
478        text = _re.sub(r'\(([^|]*)\)', r'\1', text)
479        text = text.strip()
481        # return the text
482        return text
484    def _format_text(self, text):
485        if '%(prog)' in text:
486            text = text % dict(prog=self._prog)
487        text_width = max(self._width - self._current_indent, 11)
488        indent = ' ' * self._current_indent
489        return self._fill_text(text, text_width, indent) + '\n\n'
491    def _format_action(self, action):
492        # determine the required width and the entry label
493        help_position = min(self._action_max_length + 2,
494                            self._max_help_position)
495        help_width = max(self._width - help_position, 11)
496        action_width = help_position - self._current_indent - 2
497        action_header = self._format_action_invocation(action)
499        # no help; start on same line and add a final newline
500        if not
501            tup = self._current_indent, '', action_header
502            action_header = '%*s%s\n' % tup
504        # short action name; start on the same line and pad two spaces
505        elif len(action_header) <= action_width:
506            tup = self._current_indent, '', action_width, action_header
507            action_header = '%*s%-*s  ' % tup
508            indent_first = 0
510        # long action name; start on the next line
511        else:
512            tup = self._current_indent, '', action_header
513            action_header = '%*s%s\n' % tup
514            indent_first = help_position
516        # collect the pieces of the action help
517        parts = [action_header]
519        # if there was help for the action, add lines of help text
520        if
521            help_text = self._expand_help(action)
522            help_lines = self._split_lines(help_text, help_width)
523            parts.append('%*s%s\n' % (indent_first, '', help_lines[0]))
524            for line in help_lines[1:]:
525                parts.append('%*s%s\n' % (help_position, '', line))
527        # or add a newline if the description doesn't end with one
528        elif not action_header.endswith('\n'):
529            parts.append('\n')
531        # if there are any sub-actions, add their help as well
532        for subaction in self._iter_indented_subactions(action):
533            parts.append(self._format_action(subaction))
535        # return a single string
536        return self._join_parts(parts)
538    def _format_action_invocation(self, action):
539        if not action.option_strings:
540            default = self._get_default_metavar_for_positional(action)
541            metavar, = self._metavar_formatter(action, default)(1)
542            return metavar
544        else:
545            parts = []
547            # if the Optional doesn't take a value, format is:
548            #    -s, --long
549            if action.nargs == 0:
550                parts.extend(action.option_strings)
552            # if the Optional takes a value, format is:
553            #    -s ARGS, --long ARGS
554            else:
555                default = self._get_default_metavar_for_optional(action)
556                args_string = self._format_args(action, default)
557                for option_string in action.option_strings:
558                    parts.append('%s %s' % (option_string, args_string))
560            return ', '.join(parts)
562    def _metavar_formatter(self, action, default_metavar):
563        if action.metavar is not None:
564            result = action.metavar
565        elif action.choices is not None:
566            choice_strs = [str(choice) for choice in action.choices]
567            result = '{%s}' % ','.join(choice_strs)
568        else:
569            result = default_metavar
571        def format(tuple_size):
572            if isinstance(result, tuple):
573                return result
574            else:
575                return (result, ) * tuple_size
576        return format
578    def _format_args(self, action, default_metavar):
579        get_metavar = self._metavar_formatter(action, default_metavar)
580        if action.nargs is None:
581            result = '%s' % get_metavar(1)
582        elif action.nargs == OPTIONAL:
583            result = '[%s]' % get_metavar(1)
584        elif action.nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE:
585            result = '[%s [%s ...]]' % get_metavar(2)
586        elif action.nargs == ONE_OR_MORE:
587            result = '%s [%s ...]' % get_metavar(2)
588        elif action.nargs == REMAINDER:
589            result = '...'
590        elif action.nargs == PARSER:
591            result = '%s ...' % get_metavar(1)
592        else:
593            formats = ['%s' for _ in range(action.nargs)]
594            result = ' '.join(formats) % get_metavar(action.nargs)
595        return result
597    def _expand_help(self, action):
598        params = dict(vars(action), prog=self._prog)
599        for name in list(params):
600            if params[name] is SUPPRESS:
601                del params[name]
602        for name in list(params):
603            if hasattr(params[name], '__name__'):
604                params[name] = params[name].__name__
605        if params.get('choices') is not None:
606            choices_str = ', '.join([str(c) for c in params['choices']])
607            params['choices'] = choices_str
608        return self._get_help_string(action) % params
610    def _iter_indented_subactions(self, action):
611        try:
612            get_subactions = action._get_subactions
613        except AttributeError:
614            pass
615        else:
616            self._indent()
617            yield from get_subactions()
618            self._dedent()
620    def _split_lines(self, text, width):
621        text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(' ', text).strip()
622        return _textwrap.wrap(text, width)
624    def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent):
625        text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(' ', text).strip()
626        return _textwrap.fill(text, width, initial_indent=indent,
627                                           subsequent_indent=indent)
629    def _get_help_string(self, action):
630        return
632    def _get_default_metavar_for_optional(self, action):
633        return action.dest.upper()
635    def _get_default_metavar_for_positional(self, action):
636        return action.dest
639class RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter):
640    """Help message formatter which retains any formatting in descriptions.
642    Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
643    provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
644    """
646    def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent):
647        return ''.join(indent + line for line in text.splitlines(keepends=True))
650class RawTextHelpFormatter(RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
651    """Help message formatter which retains formatting of all help text.
653    Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
654    provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
655    """
657    def _split_lines(self, text, width):
658        return text.splitlines()
661class ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter):
662    """Help message formatter which adds default values to argument help.
664    Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
665    provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
666    """
668    def _get_help_string(self, action):
669        help =
670        if '%(default)' not in
671            if action.default is not SUPPRESS:
672                defaulting_nargs = [OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE]
673                if action.option_strings or action.nargs in defaulting_nargs:
674                    help += ' (default: %(default)s)'
675        return help
678class MetavarTypeHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter):
679    """Help message formatter which uses the argument 'type' as the default
680    metavar value (instead of the argument 'dest')
682    Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
683    provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
684    """
686    def _get_default_metavar_for_optional(self, action):
687        return action.type.__name__
689    def _get_default_metavar_for_positional(self, action):
690        return action.type.__name__
694# =====================
695# Options and Arguments
696# =====================
698def _get_action_name(argument):
699    if argument is None:
700        return None
701    elif argument.option_strings:
702        return  '/'.join(argument.option_strings)
703    elif argument.metavar not in (None, SUPPRESS):
704        return argument.metavar
705    elif argument.dest not in (None, SUPPRESS):
706        return argument.dest
707    else:
708        return None
711class ArgumentError(Exception):
712    """An error from creating or using an argument (optional or positional).
714    The string value of this exception is the message, augmented with
715    information about the argument that caused it.
716    """
718    def __init__(self, argument, message):
719        self.argument_name = _get_action_name(argument)
720        self.message = message
722    def __str__(self):
723        if self.argument_name is None:
724            format = '%(message)s'
725        else:
726            format = 'argument %(argument_name)s: %(message)s'
727        return format % dict(message=self.message,
728                             argument_name=self.argument_name)
731class ArgumentTypeError(Exception):
732    """An error from trying to convert a command line string to a type."""
733    pass
736# ==============
737# Action classes
738# ==============
740class Action(_AttributeHolder):
741    """Information about how to convert command line strings to Python objects.
743    Action objects are used by an ArgumentParser to represent the information
744    needed to parse a single argument from one or more strings from the
745    command line. The keyword arguments to the Action constructor are also
746    all attributes of Action instances.
748    Keyword Arguments:
750        - option_strings -- A list of command-line option strings which
751            should be associated with this action.
753        - dest -- The name of the attribute to hold the created object(s)
755        - nargs -- The number of command-line arguments that should be
756            consumed. By default, one argument will be consumed and a single
757            value will be produced.  Other values include:
758                - N (an integer) consumes N arguments (and produces a list)
759                - '?' consumes zero or one arguments
760                - '*' consumes zero or more arguments (and produces a list)
761                - '+' consumes one or more arguments (and produces a list)
762            Note that the difference between the default and nargs=1 is that
763            with the default, a single value will be produced, while with
764            nargs=1, a list containing a single value will be produced.
766        - const -- The value to be produced if the option is specified and the
767            option uses an action that takes no values.
769        - default -- The value to be produced if the option is not specified.
771        - type -- A callable that accepts a single string argument, and
772            returns the converted value.  The standard Python types str, int,
773            float, and complex are useful examples of such callables.  If None,
774            str is used.
776        - choices -- A container of values that should be allowed. If not None,
777            after a command-line argument has been converted to the appropriate
778            type, an exception will be raised if it is not a member of this
779            collection.
781        - required -- True if the action must always be specified at the
782            command line. This is only meaningful for optional command-line
783            arguments.
785        - help -- The help string describing the argument.
787        - metavar -- The name to be used for the option's argument with the
788            help string. If None, the 'dest' value will be used as the name.
789    """
791    def __init__(self,
792                 option_strings,
793                 dest,
794                 nargs=None,
795                 const=None,
796                 default=None,
797                 type=None,
798                 choices=None,
799                 required=False,
800                 help=None,
801                 metavar=None):
802        self.option_strings = option_strings
803        self.dest = dest
804        self.nargs = nargs
805        self.const = const
806        self.default = default
807        self.type = type
808        self.choices = choices
809        self.required = required
810 = help
811        self.metavar = metavar
813    def _get_kwargs(self):
814        names = [
815            'option_strings',
816            'dest',
817            'nargs',
818            'const',
819            'default',
820            'type',
821            'choices',
822            'help',
823            'metavar',
824        ]
825        return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in names]
827    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
828        raise NotImplementedError(_('.__call__() not defined'))
831class _StoreAction(Action):
833    def __init__(self,
834                 option_strings,
835                 dest,
836                 nargs=None,
837                 const=None,
838                 default=None,
839                 type=None,
840                 choices=None,
841                 required=False,
842                 help=None,
843                 metavar=None):
844        if nargs == 0:
845            raise ValueError('nargs for store actions must be > 0; if you '
846                             'have nothing to store, actions such as store '
847                             'true or store const may be more appropriate')
848        if const is not None and nargs != OPTIONAL:
849            raise ValueError('nargs must be %r to supply const' % OPTIONAL)
850        super(_StoreAction, self).__init__(
851            option_strings=option_strings,
852            dest=dest,
853            nargs=nargs,
854            const=const,
855            default=default,
856            type=type,
857            choices=choices,
858            required=required,
859            help=help,
860            metavar=metavar)
862    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
863        setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
866class _StoreConstAction(Action):
868    def __init__(self,
869                 option_strings,
870                 dest,
871                 const,
872                 default=None,
873                 required=False,
874                 help=None,
875                 metavar=None):
876        super(_StoreConstAction, self).__init__(
877            option_strings=option_strings,
878            dest=dest,
879            nargs=0,
880            const=const,
881            default=default,
882            required=required,
883            help=help)
885    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
886        setattr(namespace, self.dest, self.const)
889class _StoreTrueAction(_StoreConstAction):
891    def __init__(self,
892                 option_strings,
893                 dest,
894                 default=False,
895                 required=False,
896                 help=None):
897        super(_StoreTrueAction, self).__init__(
898            option_strings=option_strings,
899            dest=dest,
900            const=True,
901            default=default,
902            required=required,
903            help=help)
906class _StoreFalseAction(_StoreConstAction):
908    def __init__(self,
909                 option_strings,
910                 dest,
911                 default=True,
912                 required=False,
913                 help=None):
914        super(_StoreFalseAction, self).__init__(
915            option_strings=option_strings,
916            dest=dest,
917            const=False,
918            default=default,
919            required=required,
920            help=help)
923class _AppendAction(Action):
925    def __init__(self,
926                 option_strings,
927                 dest,
928                 nargs=None,
929                 const=None,
930                 default=None,
931                 type=None,
932                 choices=None,
933                 required=False,
934                 help=None,
935                 metavar=None):
936        if nargs == 0:
937            raise ValueError('nargs for append actions must be > 0; if arg '
938                             'strings are not supplying the value to append, '
939                             'the append const action may be more appropriate')
940        if const is not None and nargs != OPTIONAL:
941            raise ValueError('nargs must be %r to supply const' % OPTIONAL)
942        super(_AppendAction, self).__init__(
943            option_strings=option_strings,
944            dest=dest,
945            nargs=nargs,
946            const=const,
947            default=default,
948            type=type,
949            choices=choices,
950            required=required,
951            help=help,
952            metavar=metavar)
954    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
955        items = _copy.copy(_ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, []))
956        items.append(values)
957        setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
960class _AppendConstAction(Action):
962    def __init__(self,
963                 option_strings,
964                 dest,
965                 const,
966                 default=None,
967                 required=False,
968                 help=None,
969                 metavar=None):
970        super(_AppendConstAction, self).__init__(
971            option_strings=option_strings,
972            dest=dest,
973            nargs=0,
974            const=const,
975            default=default,
976            required=required,
977            help=help,
978            metavar=metavar)
980    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
981        items = _copy.copy(_ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, []))
982        items.append(self.const)
983        setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
986class _CountAction(Action):
988    def __init__(self,
989                 option_strings,
990                 dest,
991                 default=None,
992                 required=False,
993                 help=None):
994        super(_CountAction, self).__init__(
995            option_strings=option_strings,
996            dest=dest,
997            nargs=0,
998            default=default,
999            required=required,
1000            help=help)
1002    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
1003        new_count = _ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, 0) + 1
1004        setattr(namespace, self.dest, new_count)
1007class _HelpAction(Action):
1009    def __init__(self,
1010                 option_strings,
1011                 dest=SUPPRESS,
1012                 default=SUPPRESS,
1013                 help=None):
1014        super(_HelpAction, self).__init__(
1015            option_strings=option_strings,
1016            dest=dest,
1017            default=default,
1018            nargs=0,
1019            help=help)
1021    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
1022        parser.print_help()
1023        parser.exit()
1026class _VersionAction(Action):
1028    def __init__(self,
1029                 option_strings,
1030                 version=None,
1031                 dest=SUPPRESS,
1032                 default=SUPPRESS,
1033                 help="show program's version number and exit"):
1034        super(_VersionAction, self).__init__(
1035            option_strings=option_strings,
1036            dest=dest,
1037            default=default,
1038            nargs=0,
1039            help=help)
1040        self.version = version
1042    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
1043        version = self.version
1044        if version is None:
1045            version = parser.version
1046        formatter = parser._get_formatter()
1047        formatter.add_text(version)
1048        parser._print_message(formatter.format_help(), _sys.stdout)
1049        parser.exit()
1052class _SubParsersAction(Action):
1054    class _ChoicesPseudoAction(Action):
1056        def __init__(self, name, aliases, help):
1057            metavar = dest = name
1058            if aliases:
1059                metavar += ' (%s)' % ', '.join(aliases)
1060            sup = super(_SubParsersAction._ChoicesPseudoAction, self)
1061            sup.__init__(option_strings=[], dest=dest, help=help,
1062                         metavar=metavar)
1064    def __init__(self,
1065                 option_strings,
1066                 prog,
1067                 parser_class,
1068                 dest=SUPPRESS,
1069                 help=None,
1070                 metavar=None):
1072        self._prog_prefix = prog
1073        self._parser_class = parser_class
1074        self._name_parser_map = _collections.OrderedDict()
1075        self._choices_actions = []
1077        super(_SubParsersAction, self).__init__(
1078            option_strings=option_strings,
1079            dest=dest,
1080            nargs=PARSER,
1081            choices=self._name_parser_map,
1082            help=help,
1083            metavar=metavar)
1085    def add_parser(self, name, **kwargs):
1086        # set prog from the existing prefix
1087        if kwargs.get('prog') is None:
1088            kwargs['prog'] = '%s %s' % (self._prog_prefix, name)
1090        aliases = kwargs.pop('aliases', ())
1092        # create a pseudo-action to hold the choice help
1093        if 'help' in kwargs:
1094            help = kwargs.pop('help')
1095            choice_action = self._ChoicesPseudoAction(name, aliases, help)
1096            self._choices_actions.append(choice_action)
1098        # create the parser and add it to the map
1099        parser = self._parser_class(**kwargs)
1100        self._name_parser_map[name] = parser
1102        # make parser available under aliases also
1103        for alias in aliases:
1104            self._name_parser_map[alias] = parser
1106        return parser
1108    def _get_subactions(self):
1109        return self._choices_actions
1111    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
1112        parser_name = values[0]
1113        arg_strings = values[1:]
1115        # set the parser name if requested
1116        if self.dest is not SUPPRESS:
1117            setattr(namespace, self.dest, parser_name)
1119        # select the parser
1120        try:
1121            parser = self._name_parser_map[parser_name]
1122        except KeyError:
1123            args = {'parser_name': parser_name,
1124                    'choices': ', '.join(self._name_parser_map)}
1125            msg = _('unknown parser %(parser_name)r (choices: %(choices)s)') % args
1126            raise ArgumentError(self, msg)
1128        # parse all the remaining options into the namespace
1129        # store any unrecognized options on the object, so that the top
1130        # level parser can decide what to do with them
1132        # In case this subparser defines new defaults, we parse them
1133        # in a new namespace object and then update the original
1134        # namespace for the relevant parts.
1135        subnamespace, arg_strings = parser.parse_known_args(arg_strings, None)
1136        for key, value in vars(subnamespace).items():
1137            setattr(namespace, key, value)
1139        if arg_strings:
1140            vars(namespace).setdefault(_UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR, [])
1141            getattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR).extend(arg_strings)
1144# ==============
1145# Type classes
1146# ==============
1148class FileType(object):
1149    """Factory for creating file object types
1151    Instances of FileType are typically passed as type= arguments to the
1152    ArgumentParser add_argument() method.
1154    Keyword Arguments:
1155        - mode -- A string indicating how the file is to be opened. Accepts the
1156            same values as the builtin open() function.
1157        - bufsize -- The file's desired buffer size. Accepts the same values as
1158            the builtin open() function.
1159        - encoding -- The file's encoding. Accepts the same values as the
1160            builtin open() function.
1161        - errors -- A string indicating how encoding and decoding errors are to
1162            be handled. Accepts the same value as the builtin open() function.
1163    """
1165    def __init__(self, mode='r', bufsize=-1, encoding=None, errors=None):
1166        self._mode = mode
1167        self._bufsize = bufsize
1168        self._encoding = encoding
1169        self._errors = errors
1171    def __call__(self, string):
1172        # the special argument "-" means sys.std{in,out}
1173        if string == '-':
1174            if 'r' in self._mode:
1175                return _sys.stdin
1176            elif 'w' in self._mode:
1177                return _sys.stdout
1178            else:
1179                msg = _('argument "-" with mode %r') % self._mode
1180                raise ValueError(msg)
1182        # all other arguments are used as file names
1183        try:
1184            return open(string, self._mode, self._bufsize, self._encoding,
1185                        self._errors)
1186        except OSError as e:
1187            message = _("can't open '%s': %s")
1188            raise ArgumentTypeError(message % (string, e))
1190    def __repr__(self):
1191        args = self._mode, self._bufsize
1192        kwargs = [('encoding', self._encoding), ('errors', self._errors)]
1193        args_str = ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args if arg != -1] +
1194                             ['%s=%r' % (kw, arg) for kw, arg in kwargs
1195                              if arg is not None])
1196        return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, args_str)
1198# ===========================
1199# Optional and Positional Parsing
1200# ===========================
1202class Namespace(_AttributeHolder):
1203    """Simple object for storing attributes.
1205    Implements equality by attribute names and values, and provides a simple
1206    string representation.
1207    """
1209    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
1210        for name in kwargs:
1211            setattr(self, name, kwargs[name])
1213    def __eq__(self, other):
1214        if not isinstance(other, Namespace):
1215            return NotImplemented
1216        return vars(self) == vars(other)
1218    def __contains__(self, key):
1219        return key in self.__dict__
1222class _ActionsContainer(object):
1224    def __init__(self,
1225                 description,
1226                 prefix_chars,
1227                 argument_default,
1228                 conflict_handler):
1229        super(_ActionsContainer, self).__init__()
1231        self.description = description
1232        self.argument_default = argument_default
1233        self.prefix_chars = prefix_chars
1234        self.conflict_handler = conflict_handler
1236        # set up registries
1237        self._registries = {}
1239        # register actions
1240        self.register('action', None, _StoreAction)
1241        self.register('action', 'store', _StoreAction)
1242        self.register('action', 'store_const', _StoreConstAction)
1243        self.register('action', 'store_true', _StoreTrueAction)
1244        self.register('action', 'store_false', _StoreFalseAction)
1245        self.register('action', 'append', _AppendAction)
1246        self.register('action', 'append_const', _AppendConstAction)
1247        self.register('action', 'count', _CountAction)
1248        self.register('action', 'help', _HelpAction)
1249        self.register('action', 'version', _VersionAction)
1250        self.register('action', 'parsers', _SubParsersAction)
1252        # raise an exception if the conflict handler is invalid
1253        self._get_handler()
1255        # action storage
1256        self._actions = []
1257        self._option_string_actions = {}
1259        # groups
1260        self._action_groups = []
1261        self._mutually_exclusive_groups = []
1263        # defaults storage
1264        self._defaults = {}
1266        # determines whether an "option" looks like a negative number
1267        self._negative_number_matcher = _re.compile(r'^-\d+$|^-\d*\.\d+$')
1269        # whether or not there are any optionals that look like negative
1270        # numbers -- uses a list so it can be shared and edited
1271        self._has_negative_number_optionals = []
1273    # ====================
1274    # Registration methods
1275    # ====================
1276    def register(self, registry_name, value, object):
1277        registry = self._registries.setdefault(registry_name, {})
1278        registry[value] = object
1280    def _registry_get(self, registry_name, value, default=None):
1281        return self._registries[registry_name].get(value, default)
1283    # ==================================
1284    # Namespace default accessor methods
1285    # ==================================
1286    def set_defaults(self, **kwargs):
1287        self._defaults.update(kwargs)
1289        # if these defaults match any existing arguments, replace
1290        # the previous default on the object with the new one
1291        for action in self._actions:
1292            if action.dest in kwargs:
1293                action.default = kwargs[action.dest]
1295    def get_default(self, dest):
1296        for action in self._actions:
1297            if action.dest == dest and action.default is not None:
1298                return action.default
1299        return self._defaults.get(dest, None)
1302    # =======================
1303    # Adding argument actions
1304    # =======================
1305    def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
1306        """
1307        add_argument(dest, ..., name=value, ...)
1308        add_argument(option_string, option_string, ..., name=value, ...)
1309        """
1311        # if no positional args are supplied or only one is supplied and
1312        # it doesn't look like an option string, parse a positional
1313        # argument
1314        chars = self.prefix_chars
1315        if not args or len(args) == 1 and args[0][0] not in chars:
1316            if args and 'dest' in kwargs:
1317                raise ValueError('dest supplied twice for positional argument')
1318            kwargs = self._get_positional_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
1320        # otherwise, we're adding an optional argument
1321        else:
1322            kwargs = self._get_optional_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
1324        # if no default was supplied, use the parser-level default
1325        if 'default' not in kwargs:
1326            dest = kwargs['dest']
1327            if dest in self._defaults:
1328                kwargs['default'] = self._defaults[dest]
1329            elif self.argument_default is not None:
1330                kwargs['default'] = self.argument_default
1332        # create the action object, and add it to the parser
1333        action_class = self._pop_action_class(kwargs)
1334        if not callable(action_class):
1335            raise ValueError('unknown action "%s"' % (action_class,))
1336        action = action_class(**kwargs)
1338        # raise an error if the action type is not callable
1339        type_func = self._registry_get('type', action.type, action.type)
1340        if not callable(type_func):
1341            raise ValueError('%r is not callable' % (type_func,))
1343        # raise an error if the metavar does not match the type
1344        if hasattr(self, "_get_formatter"):
1345            try:
1346                self._get_formatter()._format_args(action, None)
1347            except TypeError:
1348                raise ValueError("length of metavar tuple does not match nargs")
1350        return self._add_action(action)
1352    def add_argument_group(self, *args, **kwargs):
1353        group = _ArgumentGroup(self, *args, **kwargs)
1354        self._action_groups.append(group)
1355        return group
1357    def add_mutually_exclusive_group(self, **kwargs):
1358        group = _MutuallyExclusiveGroup(self, **kwargs)
1359        self._mutually_exclusive_groups.append(group)
1360        return group
1362    def _add_action(self, action):
1363        # resolve any conflicts
1364        self._check_conflict(action)
1366        # add to actions list
1367        self._actions.append(action)
1368        action.container = self
1370        # index the action by any option strings it has
1371        for option_string in action.option_strings:
1372            self._option_string_actions[option_string] = action
1374        # set the flag if any option strings look like negative numbers
1375        for option_string in action.option_strings:
1376            if self._negative_number_matcher.match(option_string):
1377                if not self._has_negative_number_optionals:
1378                    self._has_negative_number_optionals.append(True)
1380        # return the created action
1381        return action
1383    def _remove_action(self, action):
1384        self._actions.remove(action)
1386    def _add_container_actions(self, container):
1387        # collect groups by titles
1388        title_group_map = {}
1389        for group in self._action_groups:
1390            if group.title in title_group_map:
1391                msg = _('cannot merge actions - two groups are named %r')
1392                raise ValueError(msg % (group.title))
1393            title_group_map[group.title] = group
1395        # map each action to its group
1396        group_map = {}
1397        for group in container._action_groups:
1399            # if a group with the title exists, use that, otherwise
1400            # create a new group matching the container's group
1401            if group.title not in title_group_map:
1402                title_group_map[group.title] = self.add_argument_group(
1403                    title=group.title,
1404                    description=group.description,
1405                    conflict_handler=group.conflict_handler)
1407            # map the actions to their new group
1408            for action in group._group_actions:
1409                group_map[action] = title_group_map[group.title]
1411        # add container's mutually exclusive groups
1412        # NOTE: if add_mutually_exclusive_group ever gains title= and
1413        # description= then this code will need to be expanded as above
1414        for group in container._mutually_exclusive_groups:
1415            mutex_group = self.add_mutually_exclusive_group(
1416                required=group.required)
1418            # map the actions to their new mutex group
1419            for action in group._group_actions:
1420                group_map[action] = mutex_group
1422        # add all actions to this container or their group
1423        for action in container._actions:
1424            group_map.get(action, self)._add_action(action)
1426    def _get_positional_kwargs(self, dest, **kwargs):
1427        # make sure required is not specified
1428        if 'required' in kwargs:
1429            msg = _("'required' is an invalid argument for positionals")
1430            raise TypeError(msg)
1432        # mark positional arguments as required if at least one is
1433        # always required
1434        if kwargs.get('nargs') not in [OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE]:
1435            kwargs['required'] = True
1436        if kwargs.get('nargs') == ZERO_OR_MORE and 'default' not in kwargs:
1437            kwargs['required'] = True
1439        # return the keyword arguments with no option strings
1440        return dict(kwargs, dest=dest, option_strings=[])
1442    def _get_optional_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs):
1443        # determine short and long option strings
1444        option_strings = []
1445        long_option_strings = []
1446        for option_string in args:
1447            # error on strings that don't start with an appropriate prefix
1448            if not option_string[0] in self.prefix_chars:
1449                args = {'option': option_string,
1450                        'prefix_chars': self.prefix_chars}
1451                msg = _('invalid option string %(option)r: '
1452                        'must start with a character %(prefix_chars)r')
1453                raise ValueError(msg % args)
1455            # strings starting with two prefix characters are long options
1456            option_strings.append(option_string)
1457            if option_string[0] in self.prefix_chars:
1458                if len(option_string) > 1:
1459                    if option_string[1] in self.prefix_chars:
1460                        long_option_strings.append(option_string)
1462        # infer destination, '--foo-bar' -> 'foo_bar' and '-x' -> 'x'
1463        dest = kwargs.pop('dest', None)
1464        if dest is None:
1465            if long_option_strings:
1466                dest_option_string = long_option_strings[0]
1467            else:
1468                dest_option_string = option_strings[0]
1469            dest = dest_option_string.lstrip(self.prefix_chars)
1470            if not dest:
1471                msg = _('dest= is required for options like %r')
1472                raise ValueError(msg % option_string)
1473            dest = dest.replace('-', '_')
1475        # return the updated keyword arguments
1476        return dict(kwargs, dest=dest, option_strings=option_strings)
1478    def _pop_action_class(self, kwargs, default=None):
1479        action = kwargs.pop('action', default)
1480        return self._registry_get('action', action, action)
1482    def _get_handler(self):
1483        # determine function from conflict handler string
1484        handler_func_name = '_handle_conflict_%s' % self.conflict_handler
1485        try:
1486            return getattr(self, handler_func_name)
1487        except AttributeError:
1488            msg = _('invalid conflict_resolution value: %r')
1489            raise ValueError(msg % self.conflict_handler)
1491    def _check_conflict(self, action):
1493        # find all options that conflict with this option
1494        confl_optionals = []
1495        for option_string in action.option_strings:
1496            if option_string in self._option_string_actions:
1497                confl_optional = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
1498                confl_optionals.append((option_string, confl_optional))
1500        # resolve any conflicts
1501        if confl_optionals:
1502            conflict_handler = self._get_handler()
1503            conflict_handler(action, confl_optionals)
1505    def _handle_conflict_error(self, action, conflicting_actions):
1506        message = ngettext('conflicting option string: %s',
1507                           'conflicting option strings: %s',
1508                           len(conflicting_actions))
1509        conflict_string = ', '.join([option_string
1510                                     for option_string, action
1511                                     in conflicting_actions])
1512        raise ArgumentError(action, message % conflict_string)
1514    def _handle_conflict_resolve(self, action, conflicting_actions):
1516        # remove all conflicting options
1517        for option_string, action in conflicting_actions:
1519            # remove the conflicting option
1520            action.option_strings.remove(option_string)
1521            self._option_string_actions.pop(option_string, None)
1523            # if the option now has no option string, remove it from the
1524            # container holding it
1525            if not action.option_strings:
1526                action.container._remove_action(action)
1529class _ArgumentGroup(_ActionsContainer):
1531    def __init__(self, container, title=None, description=None, **kwargs):
1532        # add any missing keyword arguments by checking the container
1533        update = kwargs.setdefault
1534        update('conflict_handler', container.conflict_handler)
1535        update('prefix_chars', container.prefix_chars)
1536        update('argument_default', container.argument_default)
1537        super_init = super(_ArgumentGroup, self).__init__
1538        super_init(description=description, **kwargs)
1540        # group attributes
1541        self.title = title
1542        self._group_actions = []
1544        # share most attributes with the container
1545        self._registries = container._registries
1546        self._actions = container._actions
1547        self._option_string_actions = container._option_string_actions
1548        self._defaults = container._defaults
1549        self._has_negative_number_optionals = \
1550            container._has_negative_number_optionals
1551        self._mutually_exclusive_groups = container._mutually_exclusive_groups
1553    def _add_action(self, action):
1554        action = super(_ArgumentGroup, self)._add_action(action)
1555        self._group_actions.append(action)
1556        return action
1558    def _remove_action(self, action):
1559        super(_ArgumentGroup, self)._remove_action(action)
1560        self._group_actions.remove(action)
1563class _MutuallyExclusiveGroup(_ArgumentGroup):
1565    def __init__(self, container, required=False):
1566        super(_MutuallyExclusiveGroup, self).__init__(container)
1567        self.required = required
1568        self._container = container
1570    def _add_action(self, action):
1571        if action.required:
1572            msg = _('mutually exclusive arguments must be optional')
1573            raise ValueError(msg)
1574        action = self._container._add_action(action)
1575        self._group_actions.append(action)
1576        return action
1578    def _remove_action(self, action):
1579        self._container._remove_action(action)
1580        self._group_actions.remove(action)
1583class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
1584    """Object for parsing command line strings into Python objects.
1586    Keyword Arguments:
1587        - prog -- The name of the program (default: sys.argv[0])
1588        - usage -- A usage message (default: auto-generated from arguments)
1589        - description -- A description of what the program does
1590        - epilog -- Text following the argument descriptions
1591        - parents -- Parsers whose arguments should be copied into this one
1592        - formatter_class -- HelpFormatter class for printing help messages
1593        - prefix_chars -- Characters that prefix optional arguments
1594        - fromfile_prefix_chars -- Characters that prefix files containing
1595            additional arguments
1596        - argument_default -- The default value for all arguments
1597        - conflict_handler -- String indicating how to handle conflicts
1598        - add_help -- Add a -h/-help option
1599        - allow_abbrev -- Allow long options to be abbreviated unambiguously
1600    """
1602    def __init__(self,
1603                 prog=None,
1604                 usage=None,
1605                 description=None,
1606                 epilog=None,
1607                 parents=[],
1608                 formatter_class=HelpFormatter,
1609                 prefix_chars='-',
1610                 fromfile_prefix_chars=None,
1611                 argument_default=None,
1612                 conflict_handler='error',
1613                 add_help=True,
1614                 allow_abbrev=True):
1616        superinit = super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__
1617        superinit(description=description,
1618                  prefix_chars=prefix_chars,
1619                  argument_default=argument_default,
1620                  conflict_handler=conflict_handler)
1622        # default setting for prog
1623        if prog is None:
1624            prog = _os.path.basename(_sys.argv[0])
1626        self.prog = prog
1627        self.usage = usage
1628        self.epilog = epilog
1629        self.formatter_class = formatter_class
1630        self.fromfile_prefix_chars = fromfile_prefix_chars
1631        self.add_help = add_help
1632        self.allow_abbrev = allow_abbrev
1634        add_group = self.add_argument_group
1635        self._positionals = add_group(_('positional arguments'))
1636        self._optionals = add_group(_('optional arguments'))
1637        self._subparsers = None
1639        # register types
1640        def identity(string):
1641            return string
1642        self.register('type', None, identity)
1644        # add help argument if necessary
1645        # (using explicit default to override global argument_default)
1646        default_prefix = '-' if '-' in prefix_chars else prefix_chars[0]
1647        if self.add_help:
1648            self.add_argument(
1649                default_prefix+'h', default_prefix*2+'help',
1650                action='help', default=SUPPRESS,
1651                help=_('show this help message and exit'))
1653        # add parent arguments and defaults
1654        for parent in parents:
1655            self._add_container_actions(parent)
1656            try:
1657                defaults = parent._defaults
1658            except AttributeError:
1659                pass
1660            else:
1661                self._defaults.update(defaults)
1663    # =======================
1664    # Pretty __repr__ methods
1665    # =======================
1666    def _get_kwargs(self):
1667        names = [
1668            'prog',
1669            'usage',
1670            'description',
1671            'formatter_class',
1672            'conflict_handler',
1673            'add_help',
1674        ]
1675        return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in names]
1677    # ==================================
1678    # Optional/Positional adding methods
1679    # ==================================
1680    def add_subparsers(self, **kwargs):
1681        if self._subparsers is not None:
1682            self.error(_('cannot have multiple subparser arguments'))
1684        # add the parser class to the arguments if it's not present
1685        kwargs.setdefault('parser_class', type(self))
1687        if 'title' in kwargs or 'description' in kwargs:
1688            title = _(kwargs.pop('title', 'subcommands'))
1689            description = _(kwargs.pop('description', None))
1690            self._subparsers = self.add_argument_group(title, description)
1691        else:
1692            self._subparsers = self._positionals
1694        # prog defaults to the usage message of this parser, skipping
1695        # optional arguments and with no "usage:" prefix
1696        if kwargs.get('prog') is None:
1697            formatter = self._get_formatter()
1698            positionals = self._get_positional_actions()
1699            groups = self._mutually_exclusive_groups
1700            formatter.add_usage(self.usage, positionals, groups, '')
1701            kwargs['prog'] = formatter.format_help().strip()
1703        # create the parsers action and add it to the positionals list
1704        parsers_class = self._pop_action_class(kwargs, 'parsers')
1705        action = parsers_class(option_strings=[], **kwargs)
1706        self._subparsers._add_action(action)
1708        # return the created parsers action
1709        return action
1711    def _add_action(self, action):
1712        if action.option_strings:
1713            self._optionals._add_action(action)
1714        else:
1715            self._positionals._add_action(action)
1716        return action
1718    def _get_optional_actions(self):
1719        return [action
1720                for action in self._actions
1721                if action.option_strings]
1723    def _get_positional_actions(self):
1724        return [action
1725                for action in self._actions
1726                if not action.option_strings]
1728    # =====================================
1729    # Command line argument parsing methods
1730    # =====================================
1731    def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
1732        args, argv = self.parse_known_args(args, namespace)
1733        if argv:
1734            msg = _('unrecognized arguments: %s')
1735            self.error(msg % ' '.join(argv))
1736        return args
1738    def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
1739        if args is None:
1740            # args default to the system args
1741            args = _sys.argv[1:]
1742        else:
1743            # make sure that args are mutable
1744            args = list(args)
1746        # default Namespace built from parser defaults
1747        if namespace is None:
1748            namespace = Namespace()
1750        # add any action defaults that aren't present
1751        for action in self._actions:
1752            if action.dest is not SUPPRESS:
1753                if not hasattr(namespace, action.dest):
1754                    if action.default is not SUPPRESS:
1755                        setattr(namespace, action.dest, action.default)
1757        # add any parser defaults that aren't present
1758        for dest in self._defaults:
1759            if not hasattr(namespace, dest):
1760                setattr(namespace, dest, self._defaults[dest])
1762        # parse the arguments and exit if there are any errors
1763        try:
1764            namespace, args = self._parse_known_args(args, namespace)
1765            if hasattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR):
1766                args.extend(getattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR))
1767                delattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR)
1768            return namespace, args
1769        except ArgumentError:
1770            err = _sys.exc_info()[1]
1771            self.error(str(err))
1773    def _parse_known_args(self, arg_strings, namespace):
1774        # replace arg strings that are file references
1775        if self.fromfile_prefix_chars is not None:
1776            arg_strings = self._read_args_from_files(arg_strings)
1778        # map all mutually exclusive arguments to the other arguments
1779        # they can't occur with
1780        action_conflicts = {}
1781        for mutex_group in self._mutually_exclusive_groups:
1782            group_actions = mutex_group._group_actions
1783            for i, mutex_action in enumerate(mutex_group._group_actions):
1784                conflicts = action_conflicts.setdefault(mutex_action, [])
1785                conflicts.extend(group_actions[:i])
1786                conflicts.extend(group_actions[i + 1:])
1788        # find all option indices, and determine the arg_string_pattern
1789        # which has an 'O' if there is an option at an index,
1790        # an 'A' if there is an argument, or a '-' if there is a '--'
1791        option_string_indices = {}
1792        arg_string_pattern_parts = []
1793        arg_strings_iter = iter(arg_strings)
1794        for i, arg_string in enumerate(arg_strings_iter):
1796            # all args after -- are non-options
1797            if arg_string == '--':
1798                arg_string_pattern_parts.append('-')
1799                for arg_string in arg_strings_iter:
1800                    arg_string_pattern_parts.append('A')
1802            # otherwise, add the arg to the arg strings
1803            # and note the index if it was an option
1804            else:
1805                option_tuple = self._parse_optional(arg_string)
1806                if option_tuple is None:
1807                    pattern = 'A'
1808                else:
1809                    option_string_indices[i] = option_tuple
1810                    pattern = 'O'
1811                arg_string_pattern_parts.append(pattern)
1813        # join the pieces together to form the pattern
1814        arg_strings_pattern = ''.join(arg_string_pattern_parts)
1816        # converts arg strings to the appropriate and then takes the action
1817        seen_actions = set()
1818        seen_non_default_actions = set()
1820        def take_action(action, argument_strings, option_string=None):
1821            seen_actions.add(action)
1822            argument_values = self._get_values(action, argument_strings)
1824            # error if this argument is not allowed with other previously
1825            # seen arguments, assuming that actions that use the default
1826            # value don't really count as "present"
1827            if argument_values is not action.default:
1828                seen_non_default_actions.add(action)
1829                for conflict_action in action_conflicts.get(action, []):
1830                    if conflict_action in seen_non_default_actions:
1831                        msg = _('not allowed with argument %s')
1832                        action_name = _get_action_name(conflict_action)
1833                        raise ArgumentError(action, msg % action_name)
1835            # take the action if we didn't receive a SUPPRESS value
1836            # (e.g. from a default)
1837            if argument_values is not SUPPRESS:
1838                action(self, namespace, argument_values, option_string)
1840        # function to convert arg_strings into an optional action
1841        def consume_optional(start_index):
1843            # get the optional identified at this index
1844            option_tuple = option_string_indices[start_index]
1845            action, option_string, explicit_arg = option_tuple
1847            # identify additional optionals in the same arg string
1848            # (e.g. -xyz is the same as -x -y -z if no args are required)
1849            match_argument = self._match_argument
1850            action_tuples = []
1851            while True:
1853                # if we found no optional action, skip it
1854                if action is None:
1855                    extras.append(arg_strings[start_index])
1856                    return start_index + 1
1858                # if there is an explicit argument, try to match the
1859                # optional's string arguments to only this
1860                if explicit_arg is not None:
1861                    arg_count = match_argument(action, 'A')
1863                    # if the action is a single-dash option and takes no
1864                    # arguments, try to parse more single-dash options out
1865                    # of the tail of the option string
1866                    chars = self.prefix_chars
1867                    if arg_count == 0 and option_string[1] not in chars:
1868                        action_tuples.append((action, [], option_string))
1869                        char = option_string[0]
1870                        option_string = char + explicit_arg[0]
1871                        new_explicit_arg = explicit_arg[1:] or None
1872                        optionals_map = self._option_string_actions
1873                        if option_string in optionals_map:
1874                            action = optionals_map[option_string]
1875                            explicit_arg = new_explicit_arg
1876                        else:
1877                            msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r')
1878                            raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg)
1880                    # if the action expect exactly one argument, we've
1881                    # successfully matched the option; exit the loop
1882                    elif arg_count == 1:
1883                        stop = start_index + 1
1884                        args = [explicit_arg]
1885                        action_tuples.append((action, args, option_string))
1886                        break
1888                    # error if a double-dash option did not use the
1889                    # explicit argument
1890                    else:
1891                        msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r')
1892                        raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg)
1894                # if there is no explicit argument, try to match the
1895                # optional's string arguments with the following strings
1896                # if successful, exit the loop
1897                else:
1898                    start = start_index + 1
1899                    selected_patterns = arg_strings_pattern[start:]
1900                    arg_count = match_argument(action, selected_patterns)
1901                    stop = start + arg_count
1902                    args = arg_strings[start:stop]
1903                    action_tuples.append((action, args, option_string))
1904                    break
1906            # add the Optional to the list and return the index at which
1907            # the Optional's string args stopped
1908            assert action_tuples
1909            for action, args, option_string in action_tuples:
1910                take_action(action, args, option_string)
1911            return stop
1913        # the list of Positionals left to be parsed; this is modified
1914        # by consume_positionals()
1915        positionals = self._get_positional_actions()
1917        # function to convert arg_strings into positional actions
1918        def consume_positionals(start_index):
1919            # match as many Positionals as possible
1920            match_partial = self._match_arguments_partial
1921            selected_pattern = arg_strings_pattern[start_index:]
1922            arg_counts = match_partial(positionals, selected_pattern)
1924            # slice off the appropriate arg strings for each Positional
1925            # and add the Positional and its args to the list
1926            for action, arg_count in zip(positionals, arg_counts):
1927                args = arg_strings[start_index: start_index + arg_count]
1928                start_index += arg_count
1929                take_action(action, args)
1931            # slice off the Positionals that we just parsed and return the
1932            # index at which the Positionals' string args stopped
1933            positionals[:] = positionals[len(arg_counts):]
1934            return start_index
1936        # consume Positionals and Optionals alternately, until we have
1937        # passed the last option string
1938        extras = []
1939        start_index = 0
1940        if option_string_indices:
1941            max_option_string_index = max(option_string_indices)
1942        else:
1943            max_option_string_index = -1
1944        while start_index <= max_option_string_index:
1946            # consume any Positionals preceding the next option
1947            next_option_string_index = min([
1948                index
1949                for index in option_string_indices
1950                if index >= start_index])
1951            if start_index != next_option_string_index:
1952                positionals_end_index = consume_positionals(start_index)
1954                # only try to parse the next optional if we didn't consume
1955                # the option string during the positionals parsing
1956                if positionals_end_index > start_index:
1957                    start_index = positionals_end_index
1958                    continue
1959                else:
1960                    start_index = positionals_end_index
1962            # if we consumed all the positionals we could and we're not
1963            # at the index of an option string, there were extra arguments
1964            if start_index not in option_string_indices:
1965                strings = arg_strings[start_index:next_option_string_index]
1966                extras.extend(strings)
1967                start_index = next_option_string_index
1969            # consume the next optional and any arguments for it
1970            start_index = consume_optional(start_index)
1972        # consume any positionals following the last Optional
1973        stop_index = consume_positionals(start_index)
1975        # if we didn't consume all the argument strings, there were extras
1976        extras.extend(arg_strings[stop_index:])
1978        # make sure all required actions were present and also convert
1979        # action defaults which were not given as arguments
1980        required_actions = []
1981        for action in self._actions:
1982            if action not in seen_actions:
1983                if action.required:
1984                    required_actions.append(_get_action_name(action))
1985                else:
1986                    # Convert action default now instead of doing it before
1987                    # parsing arguments to avoid calling convert functions
1988                    # twice (which may fail) if the argument was given, but
1989                    # only if it was defined already in the namespace
1990                    if (action.default is not None and
1991                        isinstance(action.default, str) and
1992                        hasattr(namespace, action.dest) and
1993                        action.default is getattr(namespace, action.dest)):
1994                        setattr(namespace, action.dest,
1995                                self._get_value(action, action.default))
1997        if required_actions:
1998            self.error(_('the following arguments are required: %s') %
1999                       ', '.join(required_actions))
2001        # make sure all required groups had one option present
2002        for group in self._mutually_exclusive_groups:
2003            if group.required:
2004                for action in group._group_actions:
2005                    if action in seen_non_default_actions:
2006                        break
2008                # if no actions were used, report the error
2009                else:
2010                    names = [_get_action_name(action)
2011                             for action in group._group_actions
2012                             if is not SUPPRESS]
2013                    msg = _('one of the arguments %s is required')
2014                    self.error(msg % ' '.join(names))
2016        # return the updated namespace and the extra arguments
2017        return namespace, extras
2019    def _read_args_from_files(self, arg_strings):
2020        # expand arguments referencing files
2021        new_arg_strings = []
2022        for arg_string in arg_strings:
2024            # for regular arguments, just add them back into the list
2025            if not arg_string or arg_string[0] not in self.fromfile_prefix_chars:
2026                new_arg_strings.append(arg_string)
2028            # replace arguments referencing files with the file content
2029            else:
2030                try:
2031                    with open(arg_string[1:]) as args_file:
2032                        arg_strings = []
2033                        for arg_line in
2034                            for arg in self.convert_arg_line_to_args(arg_line):
2035                                arg_strings.append(arg)
2036                        arg_strings = self._read_args_from_files(arg_strings)
2037                        new_arg_strings.extend(arg_strings)
2038                except OSError:
2039                    err = _sys.exc_info()[1]
2040                    self.error(str(err))
2042        # return the modified argument list
2043        return new_arg_strings
2045    def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, arg_line):
2046        return [arg_line]
2048    def _match_argument(self, action, arg_strings_pattern):
2049        # match the pattern for this action to the arg strings
2050        nargs_pattern = self._get_nargs_pattern(action)
2051        match = _re.match(nargs_pattern, arg_strings_pattern)
2053        # raise an exception if we weren't able to find a match
2054        if match is None:
2055            nargs_errors = {
2056                None: _('expected one argument'),
2057                OPTIONAL: _('expected at most one argument'),
2058                ONE_OR_MORE: _('expected at least one argument'),
2059            }
2060            default = ngettext('expected %s argument',
2061                               'expected %s arguments',
2062                               action.nargs) % action.nargs
2063            msg = nargs_errors.get(action.nargs, default)
2064            raise ArgumentError(action, msg)
2066        # return the number of arguments matched
2067        return len(
2069    def _match_arguments_partial(self, actions, arg_strings_pattern):
2070        # progressively shorten the actions list by slicing off the
2071        # final actions until we find a match
2072        result = []
2073        for i in range(len(actions), 0, -1):
2074            actions_slice = actions[:i]
2075            pattern = ''.join([self._get_nargs_pattern(action)
2076                               for action in actions_slice])
2077            match = _re.match(pattern, arg_strings_pattern)
2078            if match is not None:
2079                result.extend([len(string) for string in match.groups()])
2080                break
2082        # return the list of arg string counts
2083        return result
2085    def _parse_optional(self, arg_string):
2086        # if it's an empty string, it was meant to be a positional
2087        if not arg_string:
2088            return None
2090        # if it doesn't start with a prefix, it was meant to be positional
2091        if not arg_string[0] in self.prefix_chars:
2092            return None
2094        # if the option string is present in the parser, return the action
2095        if arg_string in self._option_string_actions:
2096            action = self._option_string_actions[arg_string]
2097            return action, arg_string, None
2099        # if it's just a single character, it was meant to be positional
2100        if len(arg_string) == 1:
2101            return None
2103        # if the option string before the "=" is present, return the action
2104        if '=' in arg_string:
2105            option_string, explicit_arg = arg_string.split('=', 1)
2106            if option_string in self._option_string_actions:
2107                action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
2108                return action, option_string, explicit_arg
2110        if self.allow_abbrev:
2111            # search through all possible prefixes of the option string
2112            # and all actions in the parser for possible interpretations
2113            option_tuples = self._get_option_tuples(arg_string)
2115            # if multiple actions match, the option string was ambiguous
2116            if len(option_tuples) > 1:
2117                options = ', '.join([option_string
2118                    for action, option_string, explicit_arg in option_tuples])
2119                args = {'option': arg_string, 'matches': options}
2120                msg = _('ambiguous option: %(option)s could match %(matches)s')
2121                self.error(msg % args)
2123            # if exactly one action matched, this segmentation is good,
2124            # so return the parsed action
2125            elif len(option_tuples) == 1:
2126                option_tuple, = option_tuples
2127                return option_tuple
2129        # if it was not found as an option, but it looks like a negative
2130        # number, it was meant to be positional
2131        # unless there are negative-number-like options
2132        if self._negative_number_matcher.match(arg_string):
2133            if not self._has_negative_number_optionals:
2134                return None
2136        # if it contains a space, it was meant to be a positional
2137        if ' ' in arg_string:
2138            return None
2140        # it was meant to be an optional but there is no such option
2141        # in this parser (though it might be a valid option in a subparser)
2142        return None, arg_string, None
2144    def _get_option_tuples(self, option_string):
2145        result = []
2147        # option strings starting with two prefix characters are only
2148        # split at the '='
2149        chars = self.prefix_chars
2150        if option_string[0] in chars and option_string[1] in chars:
2151            if '=' in option_string:
2152                option_prefix, explicit_arg = option_string.split('=', 1)
2153            else:
2154                option_prefix = option_string
2155                explicit_arg = None
2156            for option_string in self._option_string_actions:
2157                if option_string.startswith(option_prefix):
2158                    action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
2159                    tup = action, option_string, explicit_arg
2160                    result.append(tup)
2162        # single character options can be concatenated with their arguments
2163        # but multiple character options always have to have their argument
2164        # separate
2165        elif option_string[0] in chars and option_string[1] not in chars:
2166            option_prefix = option_string
2167            explicit_arg = None
2168            short_option_prefix = option_string[:2]
2169            short_explicit_arg = option_string[2:]
2171            for option_string in self._option_string_actions:
2172                if option_string == short_option_prefix:
2173                    action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
2174                    tup = action, option_string, short_explicit_arg
2175                    result.append(tup)
2176                elif option_string.startswith(option_prefix):
2177                    action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
2178                    tup = action, option_string, explicit_arg
2179                    result.append(tup)
2181        # shouldn't ever get here
2182        else:
2183            self.error(_('unexpected option string: %s') % option_string)
2185        # return the collected option tuples
2186        return result
2188    def _get_nargs_pattern(self, action):
2189        # in all examples below, we have to allow for '--' args
2190        # which are represented as '-' in the pattern
2191        nargs = action.nargs
2193        # the default (None) is assumed to be a single argument
2194        if nargs is None:
2195            nargs_pattern = '(-*A-*)'
2197        # allow zero or one arguments
2198        elif nargs == OPTIONAL:
2199            nargs_pattern = '(-*A?-*)'
2201        # allow zero or more arguments
2202        elif nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE:
2203            nargs_pattern = '(-*[A-]*)'
2205        # allow one or more arguments
2206        elif nargs == ONE_OR_MORE:
2207            nargs_pattern = '(-*A[A-]*)'
2209        # allow any number of options or arguments
2210        elif nargs == REMAINDER:
2211            nargs_pattern = '([-AO]*)'
2213        # allow one argument followed by any number of options or arguments
2214        elif nargs == PARSER:
2215            nargs_pattern = '(-*A[-AO]*)'
2217        # all others should be integers
2218        else:
2219            nargs_pattern = '(-*%s-*)' % '-*'.join('A' * nargs)
2221        # if this is an optional action, -- is not allowed
2222        if action.option_strings:
2223            nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace('-*', '')
2224            nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace('-', '')
2226        # return the pattern
2227        return nargs_pattern
2229    # ========================
2230    # Value conversion methods
2231    # ========================
2232    def _get_values(self, action, arg_strings):
2233        # for everything but PARSER, REMAINDER args, strip out first '--'
2234        if action.nargs not in [PARSER, REMAINDER]:
2235            try:
2236                arg_strings.remove('--')
2237            except ValueError:
2238                pass
2240        # optional argument produces a default when not present
2241        if not arg_strings and action.nargs == OPTIONAL:
2242            if action.option_strings:
2243                value = action.const
2244            else:
2245                value = action.default
2246            if isinstance(value, str):
2247                value = self._get_value(action, value)
2248                self._check_value(action, value)
2250        # when nargs='*' on a positional, if there were no command-line
2251        # args, use the default if it is anything other than None
2252        elif (not arg_strings and action.nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE and
2253              not action.option_strings):
2254            if action.default is not None:
2255                value = action.default
2256            else:
2257                value = arg_strings
2258            self._check_value(action, value)
2260        # single argument or optional argument produces a single value
2261        elif len(arg_strings) == 1 and action.nargs in [None, OPTIONAL]:
2262            arg_string, = arg_strings
2263            value = self._get_value(action, arg_string)
2264            self._check_value(action, value)
2266        # REMAINDER arguments convert all values, checking none
2267        elif action.nargs == REMAINDER:
2268            value = [self._get_value(action, v) for v in arg_strings]
2270        # PARSER arguments convert all values, but check only the first
2271        elif action.nargs == PARSER:
2272            value = [self._get_value(action, v) for v in arg_strings]
2273            self._check_value(action, value[0])
2275        # all other types of nargs produce a list
2276        else:
2277            value = [self._get_value(action, v) for v in arg_strings]
2278            for v in value:
2279                self._check_value(action, v)
2281        # return the converted value
2282        return value
2284    def _get_value(self, action, arg_string):
2285        type_func = self._registry_get('type', action.type, action.type)
2286        if not callable(type_func):
2287            msg = _('%r is not callable')
2288            raise ArgumentError(action, msg % type_func)
2290        # convert the value to the appropriate type
2291        try:
2292            result = type_func(arg_string)
2294        # ArgumentTypeErrors indicate errors
2295        except ArgumentTypeError:
2296            name = getattr(action.type, '__name__', repr(action.type))
2297            msg = str(_sys.exc_info()[1])
2298            raise ArgumentError(action, msg)
2300        # TypeErrors or ValueErrors also indicate errors
2301        except (TypeError, ValueError):
2302            name = getattr(action.type, '__name__', repr(action.type))
2303            args = {'type': name, 'value': arg_string}
2304            msg = _('invalid %(type)s value: %(value)r')
2305            raise ArgumentError(action, msg % args)
2307        # return the converted value
2308        return result
2310    def _check_value(self, action, value):
2311        # converted value must be one of the choices (if specified)
2312        if action.choices is not None and value not in action.choices:
2313            args = {'value': value,
2314                    'choices': ', '.join(map(repr, action.choices))}
2315            msg = _('invalid choice: %(value)r (choose from %(choices)s)')
2316            raise ArgumentError(action, msg % args)
2318    # =======================
2319    # Help-formatting methods
2320    # =======================
2321    def format_usage(self):
2322        formatter = self._get_formatter()
2323        formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions,
2324                            self._mutually_exclusive_groups)
2325        return formatter.format_help()
2327    def format_help(self):
2328        formatter = self._get_formatter()
2330        # usage
2331        formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions,
2332                            self._mutually_exclusive_groups)
2334        # description
2335        formatter.add_text(self.description)
2337        # positionals, optionals and user-defined groups
2338        for action_group in self._action_groups:
2339            formatter.start_section(action_group.title)
2340            formatter.add_text(action_group.description)
2341            formatter.add_arguments(action_group._group_actions)
2342            formatter.end_section()
2344        # epilog
2345        formatter.add_text(self.epilog)
2347        # determine help from format above
2348        return formatter.format_help()
2350    def _get_formatter(self):
2351        return self.formatter_class(prog=self.prog)
2353    # =====================
2354    # Help-printing methods
2355    # =====================
2356    def print_usage(self, file=None):
2357        if file is None:
2358            file = _sys.stdout
2359        self._print_message(self.format_usage(), file)
2361    def print_help(self, file=None):
2362        if file is None:
2363            file = _sys.stdout
2364        self._print_message(self.format_help(), file)
2366    def _print_message(self, message, file=None):
2367        if message:
2368            if file is None:
2369                file = _sys.stderr
2370            file.write(message)
2372    # ===============
2373    # Exiting methods
2374    # ===============
2375    def exit(self, status=0, message=None):
2376        if message:
2377            self._print_message(message, _sys.stderr)
2378        _sys.exit(status)
2380    def error(self, message):
2381        """error(message: string)
2383        Prints a usage message incorporating the message to stderr and
2384        exits.
2386        If you override this in a subclass, it should not return -- it
2387        should either exit or raise an exception.
2388        """
2389        self.print_usage(_sys.stderr)
2390        args = {'prog': self.prog, 'message': message}
2391        self.exit(2, _('%(prog)s: error: %(message)s\n') % args)