test_sys.py revision c5e88d5f471056c14ae9d6677cef5473282936ad
1# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
2import unittest, test.support
3import sys, io, os
5class SysModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
7    def setUp(self):
8        self.orig_stdout = sys.stdout
9        self.orig_stderr = sys.stderr
10        self.orig_displayhook = sys.displayhook
12    def tearDown(self):
13        sys.stdout = self.orig_stdout
14        sys.stderr = self.orig_stderr
15        sys.displayhook = self.orig_displayhook
17    def test_original_displayhook(self):
18        import builtins
19        out = io.StringIO()
20        sys.stdout = out
22        dh = sys.__displayhook__
24        self.assertRaises(TypeError, dh)
25        if hasattr(builtins, "_"):
26            del builtins._
28        dh(None)
29        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), "")
30        self.assert_(not hasattr(builtins, "_"))
31        dh(42)
32        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), "42\n")
33        self.assertEqual(builtins._, 42)
35        del sys.stdout
36        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, dh, 42)
38    def test_lost_displayhook(self):
39        del sys.displayhook
40        code = compile("42", "<string>", "single")
41        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, eval, code)
43    def test_custom_displayhook(self):
44        def baddisplayhook(obj):
45            raise ValueError
46        sys.displayhook = baddisplayhook
47        code = compile("42", "<string>", "single")
48        self.assertRaises(ValueError, eval, code)
50    def test_original_excepthook(self):
51        err = io.StringIO()
52        sys.stderr = err
54        eh = sys.__excepthook__
56        self.assertRaises(TypeError, eh)
57        try:
58            raise ValueError(42)
59        except ValueError as exc:
60            eh(*sys.exc_info())
62        self.assert_(err.getvalue().endswith("ValueError: 42\n"))
64    # FIXME: testing the code for a lost or replaced excepthook in
65    # Python/pythonrun.c::PyErr_PrintEx() is tricky.
67    def test_exit(self):
68        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.exit, 42, 42)
70        # call without argument
71        try:
72            sys.exit(0)
73        except SystemExit as exc:
74            self.assertEquals(exc.code, 0)
75        except:
76            self.fail("wrong exception")
77        else:
78            self.fail("no exception")
80        # call with tuple argument with one entry
81        # entry will be unpacked
82        try:
83            sys.exit(42)
84        except SystemExit as exc:
85            self.assertEquals(exc.code, 42)
86        except:
87            self.fail("wrong exception")
88        else:
89            self.fail("no exception")
91        # call with integer argument
92        try:
93            sys.exit((42,))
94        except SystemExit as exc:
95            self.assertEquals(exc.code, 42)
96        except:
97            self.fail("wrong exception")
98        else:
99            self.fail("no exception")
101        # call with string argument
102        try:
103            sys.exit("exit")
104        except SystemExit as exc:
105            self.assertEquals(exc.code, "exit")
106        except:
107            self.fail("wrong exception")
108        else:
109            self.fail("no exception")
111        # call with tuple argument with two entries
112        try:
113            sys.exit((17, 23))
114        except SystemExit as exc:
115            self.assertEquals(exc.code, (17, 23))
116        except:
117            self.fail("wrong exception")
118        else:
119            self.fail("no exception")
121        # test that the exit machinery handles SystemExits properly
122        import subprocess
123        rc = subprocess.call([sys.executable, "-c",
124                              "raise SystemExit(47)"])
125        self.assertEqual(rc, 47)
127    def test_getdefaultencoding(self):
128        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.getdefaultencoding, 42)
129        # can't check more than the type, as the user might have changed it
130        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.getdefaultencoding(), str))
132    # testing sys.settrace() is done in test_trace.py
133    # testing sys.setprofile() is done in test_profile.py
135    def test_setcheckinterval(self):
136        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.setcheckinterval)
137        orig = sys.getcheckinterval()
138        for n in 0, 100, 120, orig: # orig last to restore starting state
139            sys.setcheckinterval(n)
140            self.assertEquals(sys.getcheckinterval(), n)
142    def test_recursionlimit(self):
143        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.getrecursionlimit, 42)
144        oldlimit = sys.getrecursionlimit()
145        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.setrecursionlimit)
146        self.assertRaises(ValueError, sys.setrecursionlimit, -42)
147        sys.setrecursionlimit(10000)
148        self.assertEqual(sys.getrecursionlimit(), 10000)
149        sys.setrecursionlimit(oldlimit)
151    def test_getwindowsversion(self):
152        if hasattr(sys, "getwindowsversion"):
153            v = sys.getwindowsversion()
154            self.assert_(isinstance(v, tuple))
155            self.assertEqual(len(v), 5)
156            self.assert_(isinstance(v[0], int))
157            self.assert_(isinstance(v[1], int))
158            self.assert_(isinstance(v[2], int))
159            self.assert_(isinstance(v[3], int))
160            self.assert_(isinstance(v[4], str))
162    def test_dlopenflags(self):
163        if hasattr(sys, "setdlopenflags"):
164            self.assert_(hasattr(sys, "getdlopenflags"))
165            self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.getdlopenflags, 42)
166            oldflags = sys.getdlopenflags()
167            self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.setdlopenflags)
168            sys.setdlopenflags(oldflags+1)
169            self.assertEqual(sys.getdlopenflags(), oldflags+1)
170            sys.setdlopenflags(oldflags)
172    def test_refcount(self):
173        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.getrefcount)
174        c = sys.getrefcount(None)
175        n = None
176        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(None), c+1)
177        del n
178        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(None), c)
179        if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
180            self.assert_(isinstance(sys.gettotalrefcount(), int))
182    def test_getframe(self):
183        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys._getframe, 42, 42)
184        self.assertRaises(ValueError, sys._getframe, 2000000000)
185        self.assert_(
186            SysModuleTest.test_getframe.__code__ \
187            is sys._getframe().f_code
188        )
190    # sys._current_frames() is a CPython-only gimmick.
191    def test_current_frames(self):
192        have_threads = True
193        try:
194            import _thread
195        except ImportError:
196            have_threads = False
198        if have_threads:
199            self.current_frames_with_threads()
200        else:
201            self.current_frames_without_threads()
203    # Test sys._current_frames() in a WITH_THREADS build.
204    def current_frames_with_threads(self):
205        import threading, _thread
206        import traceback
208        # Spawn a thread that blocks at a known place.  Then the main
209        # thread does sys._current_frames(), and verifies that the frames
210        # returned make sense.
211        entered_g = threading.Event()
212        leave_g = threading.Event()
213        thread_info = []  # the thread's id
215        def f123():
216            g456()
218        def g456():
219            thread_info.append(_thread.get_ident())
220            entered_g.set()
221            leave_g.wait()
223        t = threading.Thread(target=f123)
224        t.start()
225        entered_g.wait()
227        # At this point, t has finished its entered_g.set(), although it's
228        # impossible to guess whether it's still on that line or has moved on
229        # to its leave_g.wait().
230        self.assertEqual(len(thread_info), 1)
231        thread_id = thread_info[0]
233        d = sys._current_frames()
235        main_id = _thread.get_ident()
236        self.assert_(main_id in d)
237        self.assert_(thread_id in d)
239        # Verify that the captured main-thread frame is _this_ frame.
240        frame = d.pop(main_id)
241        self.assert_(frame is sys._getframe())
243        # Verify that the captured thread frame is blocked in g456, called
244        # from f123.  This is a litte tricky, since various bits of
245        # threading.py are also in the thread's call stack.
246        frame = d.pop(thread_id)
247        stack = traceback.extract_stack(frame)
248        for i, (filename, lineno, funcname, sourceline) in enumerate(stack):
249            if funcname == "f123":
250                break
251        else:
252            self.fail("didn't find f123() on thread's call stack")
254        self.assertEqual(sourceline, "g456()")
256        # And the next record must be for g456().
257        filename, lineno, funcname, sourceline = stack[i+1]
258        self.assertEqual(funcname, "g456")
259        self.assert_(sourceline in ["leave_g.wait()", "entered_g.set()"])
261        # Reap the spawned thread.
262        leave_g.set()
263        t.join()
265    # Test sys._current_frames() when thread support doesn't exist.
266    def current_frames_without_threads(self):
267        # Not much happens here:  there is only one thread, with artificial
268        # "thread id" 0.
269        d = sys._current_frames()
270        self.assertEqual(len(d), 1)
271        self.assert_(0 in d)
272        self.assert_(d[0] is sys._getframe())
274    def test_attributes(self):
275        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.api_version, int))
276        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.argv, list))
277        self.assert_(sys.byteorder in ("little", "big"))
278        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.builtin_module_names, tuple))
279        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.copyright, str))
280        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.exec_prefix, str))
281        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.executable, str))
282        self.assertEqual(len(sys.float_info), 11)
283        self.assertEqual(sys.float_info.radix, 2)
284        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.hexversion, int))
285        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.maxsize, int))
286        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.maxunicode, int))
287        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.platform, str))
288        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.prefix, str))
289        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.version, str))
290        vi = sys.version_info
291        self.assert_(isinstance(vi, tuple))
292        self.assertEqual(len(vi), 5)
293        self.assert_(isinstance(vi[0], int))
294        self.assert_(isinstance(vi[1], int))
295        self.assert_(isinstance(vi[2], int))
296        self.assert_(vi[3] in ("alpha", "beta", "candidate", "final"))
297        self.assert_(isinstance(vi[4], int))
299    def test_43581(self):
300        # Can't use sys.stdout, as this is a cStringIO object when
301        # the test runs under regrtest.
302        self.assertEqual(sys.__stdout__.encoding, sys.__stderr__.encoding)
304    def test_intern(self):
305        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.intern)
306        s = "never interned before"
307        self.assert_(sys.intern(s) is s)
308        s2 = s.swapcase().swapcase()
309        self.assert_(sys.intern(s2) is s)
311        # Subclasses of string can't be interned, because they
312        # provide too much opportunity for insane things to happen.
313        # We don't want them in the interned dict and if they aren't
314        # actually interned, we don't want to create the appearance
315        # that they are by allowing intern() to succeeed.
316        class S(str):
317            def __hash__(self):
318                return 123
320        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.intern, S("abc"))
323    def test_sys_flags(self):
324        self.failUnless(sys.flags)
325        attrs = ("debug", "division_warning",
326                 "inspect", "interactive", "optimize", "dont_write_bytecode",
327                 "no_user_site", "no_site", "ignore_environment", "verbose",
328                 "bytes_warning")
329        for attr in attrs:
330            self.assert_(hasattr(sys.flags, attr), attr)
331            self.assertEqual(type(getattr(sys.flags, attr)), int, attr)
332        self.assert_(repr(sys.flags))
333        self.assertEqual(len(sys.flags), len(attrs))
335    def test_clear_type_cache(self):
336        sys._clear_type_cache()
338    def test_compact_freelists(self):
339        sys._compact_freelists()
340        r = sys._compact_freelists()
341        ## freed blocks shouldn't change
342        #self.assertEqual(r[0][2], 0)
343        ## fill freelists
344        #ints = list(range(10000))
345        #floats = [float(i) for i in ints]
346        #del ints
347        #del floats
348        ## should free more than 100 blocks
349        #r = sys._compact_freelists()
350        #self.assert_(r[0][1] > 100, r[0][1])
351        #self.assert_(r[0][2] > 100, r[0][2])
353    def test_ioencoding(self):
354        import subprocess,os
355        env = dict(os.environ)
357        # Test character: cent sign, encoded as 0x4A (ASCII J) in CP424,
358        # not representable in ASCII.
360        env["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "cp424"
361        p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-c", 'print(chr(0xa2))'],
362                             stdout = subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
363        out = p.stdout.read()
364        self.assertEqual(out, "\xa2\n".encode("cp424"))
366        env["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "ascii:replace"
367        p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-c", 'print(chr(0xa2))'],
368                             stdout = subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
369        out = p.stdout.read().strip()
370        self.assertEqual(out, b'?')
373class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
375    def setUp(self):
376        import struct
377        self.i = len(struct.pack('i', 0))
378        self.l = len(struct.pack('l', 0))
379        self.p = len(struct.pack('P', 0))
380        self.headersize = self.l + self.p
381        if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
382            self.headersize += 2 * self.p
383        self.file = open(test.support.TESTFN, 'wb')
385    def tearDown(self):
386        self.file.close()
387        test.support.unlink(test.support.TESTFN)
389    def check_sizeof(self, o, size):
390        result = sys.getsizeof(o)
391        msg = 'wrong size for %s: got %d, expected %d' \
392            % (type(o), result, size)
393        self.assertEqual(result, size, msg)
395    def align(self, value):
396        mod = value % self.p
397        if mod != 0:
398            return value - mod + self.p
399        else:
400            return value
402    def test_align(self):
403        self.assertEqual(self.align(0) % self.p, 0)
404        self.assertEqual(self.align(1) % self.p, 0)
405        self.assertEqual(self.align(3) % self.p, 0)
406        self.assertEqual(self.align(4) % self.p, 0)
407        self.assertEqual(self.align(7) % self.p, 0)
408        self.assertEqual(self.align(8) % self.p, 0)
409        self.assertEqual(self.align(9) % self.p, 0)
411    def test_standardtypes(self):
412        i = self.i
413        l = self.l
414        p = self.p
415        h = self.headersize
416        # bool
417        self.check_sizeof(True, h + 2*l)
418        # bytearray
419        self.check_sizeof(bytes(), h + self.align(i) + l + p)
420        # cell
421        def get_cell():
422            x = 42
423            def inner():
424                return x
425            return inner
426        self.check_sizeof(get_cell().__closure__[0], h + p)
427        # code XXX wrong size
428        # self.check_sizeof(get_cell().__code__, h + self.align(4*i) + 8*p +\
429        #                    self.align(i) + 2*p)
430        # complex
431        self.check_sizeof(complex(0,1), h + 2*8)
432        # enumerate
433        self.check_sizeof(enumerate([]), h + l + 3*p)
434        # reverse
435        self.check_sizeof(reversed(''), h + l + p )
436        # file XXX wrong size
437        #self.check_sizeof(self.file, h + 4*p + self.align(2*i) + 4*p +\
438        #                    self.align(3*i) + 3*p + self.align(i))
439        # float
440        self.check_sizeof(float(0), h + 8)
441        # function
442        def func(): pass
443        self.check_sizeof(func, h + 11 * p)
444        class c():
445            @staticmethod
446            def foo():
447                pass
448            @classmethod
449            def bar(cls):
450                pass
451            # staticmethod
452            self.check_sizeof(foo, h + l)
453            # classmethod
454            self.check_sizeof(bar, h + l)
455        # generator
456        def get_gen(): yield 1
457        self.check_sizeof(get_gen(), h + p + self.align(i) + 2*p)
458        # builtin_function_or_method
459        self.check_sizeof(abs, h + 3*p)
460        # module
461        self.check_sizeof(unittest, h + p)
462        # range
463        self.check_sizeof(range(1), h + 3*p)
464        # slice
465        self.check_sizeof(slice(0), h + 3*p)
467        h += l
468        # new-style class
469        class class_newstyle(object):
470            def method():
471                pass
472        # type (PyTypeObject + PyNumberMethods +  PyMappingMethods +
473        #       PySequenceMethods +  PyBufferProcs)
474        # XXX wrong size
475        # len_typeobject = p + 2*l + 15*p + l + 4*p + l + 9*p + l + 11*p
476        # self.check_sizeof(class_newstyle,
477        #                  h + len_typeobject + 42*p + 10*p + 3*p + 6*p)
480    def test_specialtypes(self):
481        i = self.i
482        l = self.l
483        p = self.p
484        h = self.headersize
485        # dict
486        self.check_sizeof({}, h + 3*l + 3*p + 8*(l + 2*p))
487        longdict = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8}
488        self.check_sizeof(longdict, h + 3*l + 3*p + 8*(l + 2*p) + 16*(l + 2*p))
489        # list
490        self.check_sizeof([], h + l + p + l)
491        self.check_sizeof([1, 2, 3], h + l + p + l + 3*l)
493        h += l
494        # long
495        self.check_sizeof(0, h + self.align(2))
496        self.check_sizeof(1, h + self.align(2))
497        self.check_sizeof(-1, h + self.align(2))
498        self.check_sizeof(32768, h + self.align(2) + 2)
499        self.check_sizeof(32768*32768-1, h + self.align(2) + 2)
500        self.check_sizeof(32768*32768, h + self.align(2) + 4)
501        # XXX add Unicode support
502        # self.check_sizeof('', h + l + self.align(i + 1))
503        # self.check_sizeof('abc', h + l + self.align(i + 1) + 3)
506def test_main():
507    test.support.run_unittest(SysModuleTest, SizeofTest)
509if __name__ == "__main__":
510    test_main()