GrTextureProducer.cpp revision ee26363aaae62db2a851f2873e2405a9cf7f995a
2 * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#include "GrTextureProducer.h"
9#include "GrClip.h"
10#include "GrRenderTargetContext.h"
11#include "GrResourceProvider.h"
12#include "GrSurfaceProxy.h"
13#include "GrSurfaceProxyPriv.h"
14#include "GrTexture.h"
15#include "effects/GrBicubicEffect.h"
16#include "effects/GrSimpleTextureEffect.h"
17#include "effects/GrTextureDomain.h"
19sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> GrTextureProducer::CopyOnGpu(GrContext* context,
20                                                   sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> inputProxy,
21                                                   const SkIRect* subset,
22                                                   const CopyParams& copyParams) {
23    SkASSERT(!subset || !subset->isEmpty());
24    SkASSERT(context);
26    const SkRect dstRect = SkRect::MakeIWH(copyParams.fWidth, copyParams.fHeight);
28    sk_sp<GrRenderTargetContext> copyRTC = context->makeDeferredRenderTargetContextWithFallback(
29        SkBackingFit::kExact, dstRect.width(), dstRect.height(), inputProxy->config(), nullptr);
30    if (!copyRTC) {
31        return nullptr;
32    }
34    GrPaint paint;
35    paint.setGammaCorrect(true);
37    SkRect localRect;
38    if (subset) {
39        localRect = SkRect::Make(*subset);
40    } else {
41        localRect = SkRect::MakeWH(inputProxy->width(), inputProxy->height());
42    }
44    bool needsDomain = false;
45    if (copyParams.fFilter != GrSamplerParams::kNone_FilterMode) {
46        bool resizing = localRect.width()  != dstRect.width() ||
47                        localRect.height() != dstRect.height();
49        if (GrResourceProvider::IsFunctionallyExact(inputProxy.get())) {
50            needsDomain = subset && resizing;
51        } else {
52            needsDomain = resizing;
53        }
54    }
56    if (needsDomain) {
57        const SkRect domain = localRect.makeInset(0.5f, 0.5f);
58        // This would cause us to read values from outside the subset. Surely, the caller knows
59        // better!
60        SkASSERT(copyParams.fFilter != GrSamplerParams::kMipMap_FilterMode);
61        paint.addColorFragmentProcessor(
62            GrTextureDomainEffect::Make(context->resourceProvider(), std::move(inputProxy),
63                                        nullptr, SkMatrix::I(),
64                                        domain, GrTextureDomain::kClamp_Mode, copyParams.fFilter));
65    } else {
66        GrSamplerParams params(SkShader::kClamp_TileMode, copyParams.fFilter);
67        paint.addColorTextureProcessor(context->resourceProvider(), std::move(inputProxy),
68                                       nullptr, SkMatrix::I(), params);
69    }
70    paint.setPorterDuffXPFactory(SkBlendMode::kSrc);
72    copyRTC->fillRectToRect(GrNoClip(), std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, SkMatrix::I(), dstRect,
73                            localRect);
74    return copyRTC->asTextureProxyRef();
77/** Determines whether a texture domain is necessary and if so what domain to use. There are two
78 *  rectangles to consider:
79 *  - The first is the content area specified by the texture adjuster (i.e., textureContentArea).
80 *    We can *never* allow filtering to cause bleed of pixels outside this rectangle.
81 *  - The second rectangle is the constraint rectangle (i.e., constraintRect), which is known to
82 *    be contained by the content area. The filterConstraint specifies whether we are allowed to
83 *    bleed across this rect.
84 *
85 *  We want to avoid using a domain if possible. We consider the above rectangles, the filter type,
86 *  and whether the coords generated by the draw would all fall within the constraint rect. If the
87 *  latter is true we only need to consider whether the filter would extend beyond the rects.
88 */
89GrTextureProducer::DomainMode GrTextureProducer::DetermineDomainMode(
90                                const SkRect& constraintRect,
91                                FilterConstraint filterConstraint,
92                                bool coordsLimitedToConstraintRect,
93                                GrTextureProxy* proxy,
94                                const SkIRect* contentRect,
95                                const GrSamplerParams::FilterMode* filterModeOrNullForBicubic,
96                                SkRect* domainRect) {
97    const SkIRect proxyBounds = SkIRect::MakeWH(proxy->width(), proxy->height());
99    SkASSERT(proxyBounds.contains(constraintRect));
100    // We only expect a content area rect if there is some non-content area.
101    SkASSERT(!contentRect ||
102             (!contentRect->contains(proxyBounds) &&
103              proxyBounds.contains(*contentRect) &&
104              contentRect->contains(constraintRect)));
106    const bool proxyIsExact = GrResourceProvider::IsFunctionallyExact(proxy);
108    // If the constraint rectangle contains the whole proxy then no need for a domain.
109    if (constraintRect.contains(proxyBounds) && proxyIsExact) {
110        return kNoDomain_DomainMode;
111    }
113    if (!contentRect && !proxyIsExact) {
114        contentRect = &proxyBounds;
115    }
117    bool restrictFilterToRect = (filterConstraint == GrTextureProducer::kYes_FilterConstraint);
119    // If we can filter outside the constraint rect, and there is no non-content area of the
120    // proxy, and we aren't going to generate sample coords outside the constraint rect then we
121    // don't need a domain.
122    if (!restrictFilterToRect && !contentRect && coordsLimitedToConstraintRect) {
123        return kNoDomain_DomainMode;
124    }
126    // Get the domain inset based on sampling mode (or bail if mipped)
127    SkScalar filterHalfWidth = 0.f;
128    if (filterModeOrNullForBicubic) {
129        switch (*filterModeOrNullForBicubic) {
130            case GrSamplerParams::kNone_FilterMode:
131                if (coordsLimitedToConstraintRect) {
132                    return kNoDomain_DomainMode;
133                } else {
134                    filterHalfWidth = 0.f;
135                }
136                break;
137            case GrSamplerParams::kBilerp_FilterMode:
138                filterHalfWidth = .5f;
139                break;
140            case GrSamplerParams::kMipMap_FilterMode:
141                if (restrictFilterToRect || contentRect) {
142                    // No domain can save us here.
143                    return kTightCopy_DomainMode;
144                }
145                return kNoDomain_DomainMode;
146        }
147    } else {
148        // bicubic does nearest filtering internally.
149        filterHalfWidth = 1.5f;
150    }
152    // Both bilerp and bicubic use bilinear filtering and so need to be clamped to the center
153    // of the edge texel. Pinning to the texel center has no impact on nearest mode and MIP-maps
155    static const SkScalar kDomainInset = 0.5f;
156    // Figure out the limits of pixels we're allowed to sample from.
157    // Unless we know the amount of outset and the texture matrix we have to conservatively enforce
158    // the domain.
159    if (restrictFilterToRect) {
160        *domainRect = constraintRect.makeInset(kDomainInset, kDomainInset);
161    } else if (contentRect) {
162        // If we got here then: there is a contentRect, the coords are limited to the
163        // constraint rect, and we're allowed to filter across the constraint rect boundary. So
164        // we check whether the filter would reach across the edge of the content area.
165        // We will only set the sides that are required.
167        domainRect->setLargest();
168        if (coordsLimitedToConstraintRect) {
169            // We may be able to use the fact that the texture coords are limited to the constraint
170            // rect in order to avoid having to add a domain.
171            bool needContentAreaConstraint = false;
172            if (contentRect->fLeft > 0 &&
173                contentRect->fLeft + filterHalfWidth > constraintRect.fLeft) {
174                domainRect->fLeft = contentRect->fLeft + kDomainInset;
175                needContentAreaConstraint = true;
176            }
177            if (contentRect->fTop > 0 &&
178                contentRect->fTop + filterHalfWidth > constraintRect.fTop) {
179                domainRect->fTop = contentRect->fTop + kDomainInset;
180                needContentAreaConstraint = true;
181            }
182            if ((!proxyIsExact || contentRect->fRight < proxy->width()) &&
183                contentRect->fRight - filterHalfWidth < constraintRect.fRight) {
184                domainRect->fRight = contentRect->fRight - kDomainInset;
185                needContentAreaConstraint = true;
186            }
187            if ((!proxyIsExact || contentRect->fBottom < proxy->height()) &&
188                contentRect->fBottom - filterHalfWidth < constraintRect.fBottom) {
189                domainRect->fBottom = contentRect->fBottom - kDomainInset;
190                needContentAreaConstraint = true;
191            }
192            if (!needContentAreaConstraint) {
193                return kNoDomain_DomainMode;
194            }
195        } else {
196            // Our sample coords for the texture are allowed to be outside the constraintRect so we
197            // don't consider it when computing the domain.
198            if (contentRect->fLeft > 0) {
199                domainRect->fLeft = contentRect->fLeft + kDomainInset;
200            }
201            if (contentRect->fTop > 0) {
202                domainRect->fTop = contentRect->fTop + kDomainInset;
203            }
204            if (!proxyIsExact || contentRect->fRight < proxy->width()) {
205                domainRect->fRight = contentRect->fRight - kDomainInset;
206            }
207            if (!proxyIsExact || contentRect->fBottom < proxy->height()) {
208                domainRect->fBottom = contentRect->fBottom - kDomainInset;
209            }
210        }
211    } else {
212        return kNoDomain_DomainMode;
213    }
215    if (domainRect->fLeft > domainRect->fRight) {
216        domainRect->fLeft = domainRect->fRight = SkScalarAve(domainRect->fLeft, domainRect->fRight);
217    }
218    if (domainRect->fTop > domainRect->fBottom) {
219        domainRect->fTop = domainRect->fBottom = SkScalarAve(domainRect->fTop, domainRect->fBottom);
220    }
221    return kDomain_DomainMode;
224sk_sp<GrFragmentProcessor> GrTextureProducer::CreateFragmentProcessorForDomainAndFilter(
225                                        GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider,
226                                        sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy,
227                                        sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> colorSpaceXform,
228                                        const SkMatrix& textureMatrix,
229                                        DomainMode domainMode,
230                                        const SkRect& domain,
231                                        const GrSamplerParams::FilterMode* filterOrNullForBicubic) {
232    SkASSERT(kTightCopy_DomainMode != domainMode);
233    if (filterOrNullForBicubic) {
234        if (kDomain_DomainMode == domainMode) {
235            return GrTextureDomainEffect::Make(resourceProvider, std::move(proxy),
236                                               std::move(colorSpaceXform), textureMatrix,
237                                               domain, GrTextureDomain::kClamp_Mode,
238                                               *filterOrNullForBicubic);
239        } else {
240            GrSamplerParams params(SkShader::kClamp_TileMode, *filterOrNullForBicubic);
241            return GrSimpleTextureEffect::Make(resourceProvider, std::move(proxy),
242                                               std::move(colorSpaceXform), textureMatrix,
243                                               params);
244        }
245    } else {
246        if (kDomain_DomainMode == domainMode) {
247            return GrBicubicEffect::Make(resourceProvider, std::move(proxy),
248                                         std::move(colorSpaceXform),
249                                         textureMatrix, domain);
250        } else {
251            static const SkShader::TileMode kClampClamp[] =
252                { SkShader::kClamp_TileMode, SkShader::kClamp_TileMode };
253            return GrBicubicEffect::Make(resourceProvider, std::move(proxy),
254                                         std::move(colorSpaceXform),
255                                         textureMatrix, kClampClamp);
256        }
257    }