1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6from collections import namedtuple
7import coverage
8import json
9from mock import DEFAULT
10from mock import MagicMock
11import os
12from os import path, sys
13import platform
14import shutil
15import subprocess
16import tempfile
17import unittest
19# Requires python-coverage and python-mock. Native python coverage
20# version >= 3.7.1 should be installed to get the best speed.
22BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
23RUN_PERF = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'run_perf.py')
24TEST_DATA = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'unittests', 'testdata')
26TEST_WORKSPACE = path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "test-v8-run-perf")
28V8_JSON = {
29  "path": ["."],
30  "binary": "d7",
31  "flags": ["--flag"],
32  "main": "run.js",
33  "run_count": 1,
34  "results_regexp": "^%s: (.+)$",
35  "tests": [
36    {"name": "Richards"},
37    {"name": "DeltaBlue"},
38  ]
42  "path": ["."],
43  "flags": ["--flag"],
44  "run_count": 1,
45  "units": "score",
46  "tests": [
47    {"name": "Richards",
48     "path": ["richards"],
49     "binary": "d7",
50     "main": "run.js",
51     "resources": ["file1.js", "file2.js"],
52     "run_count": 2,
53     "results_regexp": "^Richards: (.+)$"},
54    {"name": "Sub",
55     "path": ["sub"],
56     "tests": [
57       {"name": "Leaf",
58        "path": ["leaf"],
59        "run_count_x64": 3,
60        "units": "ms",
61        "main": "run.js",
62        "results_regexp": "^Simple: (.+) ms.$"},
63     ]
64    },
65    {"name": "DeltaBlue",
66     "path": ["delta_blue"],
67     "main": "run.js",
68     "flags": ["--flag2"],
69     "results_regexp": "^DeltaBlue: (.+)$"},
70    {"name": "ShouldntRun",
71     "path": ["."],
72     "archs": ["arm"],
73     "main": "run.js"},
74  ]
78  "path": ["."],
79  "binary": "cc",
80  "flags": ["--flag"],
81  "generic": True,
82  "run_count": 1,
83  "units": "ms",
86Output = namedtuple("Output", "stdout, stderr, timed_out")
88class PerfTest(unittest.TestCase):
89  @classmethod
90  def setUpClass(cls):
91    cls.base = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)))
92    sys.path.append(cls.base)
93    cls._cov = coverage.coverage(
94        include=([os.path.join(cls.base, "run_perf.py")]))
95    cls._cov.start()
96    import run_perf
97    from testrunner.local import commands
98    global commands
99    global run_perf
101  @classmethod
102  def tearDownClass(cls):
103    cls._cov.stop()
104    print ""
105    print cls._cov.report()
107  def setUp(self):
108    self.maxDiff = None
109    if path.exists(TEST_WORKSPACE):
110      shutil.rmtree(TEST_WORKSPACE)
111    os.makedirs(TEST_WORKSPACE)
113  def tearDown(self):
114    if path.exists(TEST_WORKSPACE):
115      shutil.rmtree(TEST_WORKSPACE)
117  def _WriteTestInput(self, json_content):
118    self._test_input = path.join(TEST_WORKSPACE, "test.json")
119    with open(self._test_input, "w") as f:
120      f.write(json.dumps(json_content))
122  def _MockCommand(self, *args, **kwargs):
123    # Fake output for each test run.
124    test_outputs = [Output(stdout=arg,
125                           stderr=None,
126                           timed_out=kwargs.get("timed_out", False))
127                    for arg in args[1]]
128    def execute(*args, **kwargs):
129      return test_outputs.pop()
130    commands.Execute = MagicMock(side_effect=execute)
132    # Check that d8 is called from the correct cwd for each test run.
133    dirs = [path.join(TEST_WORKSPACE, arg) for arg in args[0]]
134    def chdir(*args, **kwargs):
135      self.assertEquals(dirs.pop(), args[0])
136    os.chdir = MagicMock(side_effect=chdir)
138    subprocess.check_call = MagicMock()
139    platform.system = MagicMock(return_value='Linux')
141  def _CallMain(self, *args):
142    self._test_output = path.join(TEST_WORKSPACE, "results.json")
143    all_args=[
144      "--json-test-results",
145      self._test_output,
146      self._test_input,
147    ]
148    all_args += args
149    return run_perf.Main(all_args)
151  def _LoadResults(self, file_name=None):
152    with open(file_name or self._test_output) as f:
153      return json.load(f)
155  def _VerifyResults(self, suite, units, traces, file_name=None):
156    self.assertEquals([
157      {"units": units,
158       "graphs": [suite, trace["name"]],
159       "results": trace["results"],
160       "stddev": trace["stddev"]} for trace in traces],
161      self._LoadResults(file_name)["traces"])
163  def _VerifyErrors(self, errors):
164    self.assertEquals(errors, self._LoadResults()["errors"])
166  def _VerifyMock(self, binary, *args, **kwargs):
167    arg = [path.join(path.dirname(self.base), binary)]
168    arg += args
169    commands.Execute.assert_called_with(
170        arg, timeout=kwargs.get("timeout", 60))
172  def _VerifyMockMultiple(self, *args, **kwargs):
173    expected = []
174    for arg in args:
175      a = [path.join(path.dirname(self.base), arg[0])]
176      a += arg[1:]
177      expected.append(((a,), {"timeout": kwargs.get("timeout", 60)}))
178    self.assertEquals(expected, commands.Execute.call_args_list)
180  def testOneRun(self):
181    self._WriteTestInput(V8_JSON)
182    self._MockCommand(["."], ["x\nRichards: 1.234\nDeltaBlue: 10657567\ny\n"])
183    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain())
184    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
185      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["1.234"], "stddev": ""},
186      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["10657567.0"], "stddev": ""},
187    ])
188    self._VerifyErrors([])
189    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js")
191  def testOneRunWithTestFlags(self):
192    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
193    test_input["test_flags"] = ["2", "test_name"]
194    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
195    self._MockCommand(["."], ["Richards: 1.234\nDeltaBlue: 10657567"])
196    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain())
197    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
198      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["1.234"], "stddev": ""},
199      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["10657567.0"], "stddev": ""},
200    ])
201    self._VerifyErrors([])
202    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js",
203                     "--", "2", "test_name")
205  def testTwoRuns_Units_SuiteName(self):
206    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
207    test_input["run_count"] = 2
208    test_input["name"] = "v8"
209    test_input["units"] = "ms"
210    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
211    self._MockCommand([".", "."],
212                      ["Richards: 100\nDeltaBlue: 200\n",
213                       "Richards: 50\nDeltaBlue: 300\n"])
214    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain())
215    self._VerifyResults("v8", "ms", [
216      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["50.0", "100.0"], "stddev": ""},
217      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["300.0", "200.0"], "stddev": ""},
218    ])
219    self._VerifyErrors([])
220    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js")
222  def testTwoRuns_SubRegexp(self):
223    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
224    test_input["run_count"] = 2
225    del test_input["results_regexp"]
226    test_input["tests"][0]["results_regexp"] = "^Richards: (.+)$"
227    test_input["tests"][1]["results_regexp"] = "^DeltaBlue: (.+)$"
228    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
229    self._MockCommand([".", "."],
230                      ["Richards: 100\nDeltaBlue: 200\n",
231                       "Richards: 50\nDeltaBlue: 300\n"])
232    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain())
233    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
234      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["50.0", "100.0"], "stddev": ""},
235      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["300.0", "200.0"], "stddev": ""},
236    ])
237    self._VerifyErrors([])
238    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js")
240  def testNestedSuite(self):
241    self._WriteTestInput(V8_NESTED_SUITES_JSON)
242    self._MockCommand(["delta_blue", "sub/leaf", "richards"],
243                      ["DeltaBlue: 200\n",
244                       "Simple: 1 ms.\n",
245                       "Simple: 2 ms.\n",
246                       "Simple: 3 ms.\n",
247                       "Richards: 100\n",
248                       "Richards: 50\n"])
249    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain())
250    self.assertEquals([
251      {"units": "score",
252       "graphs": ["test", "Richards"],
253       "results": ["50.0", "100.0"],
254       "stddev": ""},
255      {"units": "ms",
256       "graphs": ["test", "Sub", "Leaf"],
257       "results": ["3.0", "2.0", "1.0"],
258       "stddev": ""},
259      {"units": "score",
260       "graphs": ["test", "DeltaBlue"],
261       "results": ["200.0"],
262       "stddev": ""},
263      ], self._LoadResults()["traces"])
264    self._VerifyErrors([])
265    self._VerifyMockMultiple(
266        (path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js"),
267        (path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js"),
268        (path.join("out", "x64.release", "d8"), "--flag", "run.js"),
269        (path.join("out", "x64.release", "d8"), "--flag", "run.js"),
270        (path.join("out", "x64.release", "d8"), "--flag", "run.js"),
271        (path.join("out", "x64.release", "d8"), "--flag", "--flag2", "run.js"))
273  def testOneRunStdDevRegExp(self):
274    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
275    test_input["stddev_regexp"] = "^%s\-stddev: (.+)$"
276    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
277    self._MockCommand(["."], ["Richards: 1.234\nRichards-stddev: 0.23\n"
278                              "DeltaBlue: 10657567\nDeltaBlue-stddev: 106\n"])
279    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain())
280    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
281      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["1.234"], "stddev": "0.23"},
282      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["10657567.0"], "stddev": "106"},
283    ])
284    self._VerifyErrors([])
285    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js")
287  def testTwoRunsStdDevRegExp(self):
288    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
289    test_input["stddev_regexp"] = "^%s\-stddev: (.+)$"
290    test_input["run_count"] = 2
291    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
292    self._MockCommand(["."], ["Richards: 3\nRichards-stddev: 0.7\n"
293                              "DeltaBlue: 6\nDeltaBlue-boom: 0.9\n",
294                              "Richards: 2\nRichards-stddev: 0.5\n"
295                              "DeltaBlue: 5\nDeltaBlue-stddev: 0.8\n"])
296    self.assertEquals(1, self._CallMain())
297    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
298      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["2.0", "3.0"], "stddev": "0.7"},
299      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["5.0", "6.0"], "stddev": "0.8"},
300    ])
301    self._VerifyErrors(
302        ["Test test/Richards should only run once since a stddev is provided "
303         "by the test.",
304         "Test test/DeltaBlue should only run once since a stddev is provided "
305         "by the test.",
306         "Regexp \"^DeltaBlue\-stddev: (.+)$\" didn't match for test "
307         "test/DeltaBlue."])
308    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js")
310  def testBuildbot(self):
311    self._WriteTestInput(V8_JSON)
312    self._MockCommand(["."], ["Richards: 1.234\nDeltaBlue: 10657567\n"])
313    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain("--buildbot"))
314    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
315      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["1.234"], "stddev": ""},
316      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["10657567.0"], "stddev": ""},
317    ])
318    self._VerifyErrors([])
319    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "Release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js")
321  def testBuildbotWithTotal(self):
322    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
323    test_input["total"] = True
324    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
325    self._MockCommand(["."], ["Richards: 1.234\nDeltaBlue: 10657567\n"])
326    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain("--buildbot"))
327    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
328      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["1.234"], "stddev": ""},
329      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["10657567.0"], "stddev": ""},
330      {"name": "Total", "results": ["3626.49109719"], "stddev": ""},
331    ])
332    self._VerifyErrors([])
333    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "Release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js")
335  def testBuildbotWithTotalAndErrors(self):
336    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
337    test_input["total"] = True
338    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
339    self._MockCommand(["."], ["x\nRichards: bla\nDeltaBlue: 10657567\ny\n"])
340    self.assertEquals(1, self._CallMain("--buildbot"))
341    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
342      {"name": "Richards", "results": [], "stddev": ""},
343      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["10657567.0"], "stddev": ""},
344    ])
345    self._VerifyErrors(
346        ["Regexp \"^Richards: (.+)$\" "
347         "returned a non-numeric for test test/Richards.",
348         "Not all traces have the same number of results."])
349    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "Release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js")
351  def testRegexpNoMatch(self):
352    self._WriteTestInput(V8_JSON)
353    self._MockCommand(["."], ["x\nRichaards: 1.234\nDeltaBlue: 10657567\ny\n"])
354    self.assertEquals(1, self._CallMain())
355    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
356      {"name": "Richards", "results": [], "stddev": ""},
357      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["10657567.0"], "stddev": ""},
358    ])
359    self._VerifyErrors(
360        ["Regexp \"^Richards: (.+)$\" didn't match for test test/Richards."])
361    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js")
363  def testOneRunGeneric(self):
364    test_input = dict(V8_GENERIC_JSON)
365    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
366    self._MockCommand(["."], [
367      "RESULT Infra: Constant1= 11 count\n"
368      "RESULT Infra: Constant2= [10,5,10,15] count\n"
369      "RESULT Infra: Constant3= {12,1.2} count\n"
370      "RESULT Infra: Constant4= [10,5,error,15] count\n"])
371    self.assertEquals(1, self._CallMain())
372    self.assertEquals([
373      {"units": "count",
374       "graphs": ["test", "Infra", "Constant1"],
375       "results": ["11.0"],
376       "stddev": ""},
377      {"units": "count",
378       "graphs": ["test", "Infra", "Constant2"],
379       "results": ["10.0", "5.0", "10.0", "15.0"],
380       "stddev": ""},
381      {"units": "count",
382       "graphs": ["test", "Infra", "Constant3"],
383       "results": ["12.0"],
384       "stddev": "1.2"},
385      {"units": "count",
386       "graphs": ["test", "Infra", "Constant4"],
387       "results": [],
388       "stddev": ""},
389      ], self._LoadResults()["traces"])
390    self._VerifyErrors(["Found non-numeric in test/Infra/Constant4"])
391    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "x64.release", "cc"), "--flag", "")
393  def testOneRunTimingOut(self):
394    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
395    test_input["timeout"] = 70
396    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
397    self._MockCommand(["."], [""], timed_out=True)
398    self.assertEquals(1, self._CallMain())
399    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
400      {"name": "Richards", "results": [], "stddev": ""},
401      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": [], "stddev": ""},
402    ])
403    self._VerifyErrors([
404      "Regexp \"^Richards: (.+)$\" didn't match for test test/Richards.",
405      "Regexp \"^DeltaBlue: (.+)$\" didn't match for test test/DeltaBlue.",
406    ])
407    self._VerifyMock(
408        path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js", timeout=70)
410  # Simple test that mocks out the android platform. Testing the platform would
411  # require lots of complicated mocks for the android tools.
412  def testAndroid(self):
413    self._WriteTestInput(V8_JSON)
414    # FIXME(machenbach): This is not test-local!
415    platform = run_perf.AndroidPlatform
416    platform.PreExecution = MagicMock(return_value=None)
417    platform.PostExecution = MagicMock(return_value=None)
418    platform.PreTests = MagicMock(return_value=None)
419    platform.Run = MagicMock(
420        return_value=("Richards: 1.234\nDeltaBlue: 10657567\n", None))
421    run_perf.AndroidPlatform = MagicMock(return_value=platform)
422    self.assertEquals(
423        0, self._CallMain("--android-build-tools", "/some/dir",
424                          "--arch", "arm"))
425    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
426      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["1.234"], "stddev": ""},
427      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["10657567.0"], "stddev": ""},
428    ])
430  def testTwoRuns_Trybot(self):
431    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
432    test_input["run_count"] = 2
433    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
434    self._MockCommand([".", ".", ".", "."],
435                      ["Richards: 100\nDeltaBlue: 200\n",
436                       "Richards: 200\nDeltaBlue: 20\n",
437                       "Richards: 50\nDeltaBlue: 200\n",
438                       "Richards: 100\nDeltaBlue: 20\n"])
439    test_output_no_patch = path.join(TEST_WORKSPACE, "results_no_patch.json")
440    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain(
441        "--outdir-no-patch", "out-no-patch",
442        "--json-test-results-no-patch", test_output_no_patch,
443    ))
444    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
445      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["100.0", "200.0"], "stddev": ""},
446      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["20.0", "20.0"], "stddev": ""},
447    ])
448    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
449      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["50.0", "100.0"], "stddev": ""},
450      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["200.0", "200.0"], "stddev": ""},
451    ], test_output_no_patch)
452    self._VerifyErrors([])
453    self._VerifyMockMultiple(
454        (path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js"),
455        (path.join("out-no-patch", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js"),
456        (path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js"),
457        (path.join("out-no-patch", "x64.release", "d7"), "--flag", "run.js"),
458    )
460  def testWrongBinaryWithProf(self):
461    test_input = dict(V8_JSON)
462    self._WriteTestInput(test_input)
463    self._MockCommand(["."], ["x\nRichards: 1.234\nDeltaBlue: 10657567\ny\n"])
464    self.assertEquals(0, self._CallMain("--extra-flags=--prof"))
465    self._VerifyResults("test", "score", [
466      {"name": "Richards", "results": ["1.234"], "stddev": ""},
467      {"name": "DeltaBlue", "results": ["10657567.0"], "stddev": ""},
468    ])
469    self._VerifyErrors([])
470    self._VerifyMock(path.join("out", "x64.release", "d7"),
471                     "--flag", "--prof", "run.js")
473  def testUnzip(self):
474    def Gen():
475      for i in [1, 2, 3]:
476        yield i, i + 1
477    l, r = run_perf.Unzip(Gen())
478    self.assertEquals([1, 2, 3], list(l()))
479    self.assertEquals([2, 3, 4], list(r()))
481  #############################################################################
482  ### System tests
484  def _RunPerf(self, mocked_d8, test_json):
485    output_json = path.join(TEST_WORKSPACE, "output.json")
486    args = [
487      sys.executable, RUN_PERF,
488      "--binary-override-path", os.path.join(TEST_DATA, mocked_d8),
489      "--json-test-results", output_json,
490      os.path.join(TEST_DATA, test_json),
491    ]
492    subprocess.check_output(args)
493    return self._LoadResults(output_json)
495  def testNormal(self):
496    results = self._RunPerf("d8_mocked1.py", "test1.json")
497    self.assertEquals([], results['errors'])
498    self.assertEquals([
499      {
500        'units': 'score',
501        'graphs': ['test1', 'Richards'],
502        'results': [u'1.2', u'1.2'],
503        'stddev': '',
504      },
505      {
506        'units': 'score',
507        'graphs': ['test1', 'DeltaBlue'],
508        'results': [u'2.1', u'2.1'],
509        'stddev': '',
510      },
511    ], results['traces'])
513  def testResultsProcessor(self):
514    results = self._RunPerf("d8_mocked2.py", "test2.json")
515    self.assertEquals([], results['errors'])
516    self.assertEquals([
517      {
518        'units': 'score',
519        'graphs': ['test2', 'Richards'],
520        'results': [u'1.2', u'1.2'],
521        'stddev': '',
522      },
523      {
524        'units': 'score',
525        'graphs': ['test2', 'DeltaBlue'],
526        'results': [u'2.1', u'2.1'],
527        'stddev': '',
528      },
529    ], results['traces'])
531  def testResultsProcessorNested(self):
532    results = self._RunPerf("d8_mocked2.py", "test3.json")
533    self.assertEquals([], results['errors'])
534    self.assertEquals([
535      {
536        'units': 'score',
537        'graphs': ['test3', 'Octane', 'Richards'],
538        'results': [u'1.2'],
539        'stddev': '',
540      },
541      {
542        'units': 'score',
543        'graphs': ['test3', 'Octane', 'DeltaBlue'],
544        'results': [u'2.1'],
545        'stddev': '',
546      },
547    ], results['traces'])