1// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
4// that can be found in the COPYING file in the root of the source
5// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
6// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
7// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
8// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10//  AnimEncoder implementation.
13#include <assert.h>
14#include <limits.h>
15#include <math.h>    // for pow()
16#include <stdio.h>
17#include <stdlib.h>  // for abs()
19#include "src/mux/animi.h"
20#include "src/utils/utils.h"
21#include "src/webp/decode.h"
22#include "src/webp/encode.h"
23#include "src/webp/format_constants.h"
24#include "src/webp/mux.h"
26#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
27#define snprintf _snprintf
30#define ERROR_STR_MAX_LENGTH 100
33// Internal structs.
35// Stores frame rectangle dimensions.
36typedef struct {
37  int x_offset_, y_offset_, width_, height_;
38} FrameRectangle;
40// Used to store two candidates of encoded data for an animation frame. One of
41// the two will be chosen later.
42typedef struct {
43  WebPMuxFrameInfo sub_frame_;  // Encoded frame rectangle.
44  WebPMuxFrameInfo key_frame_;  // Encoded frame if it is a key-frame.
45  int is_key_frame_;            // True if 'key_frame' has been chosen.
46} EncodedFrame;
48struct WebPAnimEncoder {
49  const int canvas_width_;                  // Canvas width.
50  const int canvas_height_;                 // Canvas height.
51  const WebPAnimEncoderOptions options_;    // Global encoding options.
53  FrameRectangle prev_rect_;          // Previous WebP frame rectangle.
54  WebPConfig last_config_;            // Cached in case a re-encode is needed.
55  WebPConfig last_config_reversed_;   // If 'last_config_' uses lossless, then
56                                      // this config uses lossy and vice versa;
57                                      // only valid if 'options_.allow_mixed'
58                                      // is true.
60  WebPPicture* curr_canvas_;          // Only pointer; we don't own memory.
62  // Canvas buffers.
63  WebPPicture curr_canvas_copy_;      // Possibly modified current canvas.
64  int curr_canvas_copy_modified_;     // True if pixels in 'curr_canvas_copy_'
65                                      // differ from those in 'curr_canvas_'.
67  WebPPicture prev_canvas_;           // Previous canvas.
68  WebPPicture prev_canvas_disposed_;  // Previous canvas disposed to background.
70  // Encoded data.
71  EncodedFrame* encoded_frames_;      // Array of encoded frames.
72  size_t size_;             // Number of allocated frames.
73  size_t start_;            // Frame start index.
74  size_t count_;            // Number of valid frames.
75  size_t flush_count_;      // If >0, 'flush_count' frames starting from
76                            // 'start' are ready to be added to mux.
78  // key-frame related.
79  int64_t best_delta_;      // min(canvas size - frame size) over the frames.
80                            // Can be negative in certain cases due to
81                            // transparent pixels in a frame.
82  int keyframe_;            // Index of selected key-frame relative to 'start_'.
83  int count_since_key_frame_;     // Frames seen since the last key-frame.
85  int first_timestamp_;           // Timestamp of the first frame.
86  int prev_timestamp_;            // Timestamp of the last added frame.
87  int prev_candidate_undecided_;  // True if it's not yet decided if previous
88                                  // frame would be a sub-frame or a key-frame.
90  // Misc.
91  int is_first_frame_;  // True if first frame is yet to be added/being added.
92  int got_null_frame_;  // True if WebPAnimEncoderAdd() has already been called
93                        // with a NULL frame.
95  size_t in_frame_count_;   // Number of input frames processed so far.
96  size_t out_frame_count_;  // Number of frames added to mux so far. This may be
97                            // different from 'in_frame_count_' due to merging.
99  WebPMux* mux_;        // Muxer to assemble the WebP bitstream.
100  char error_str_[ERROR_STR_MAX_LENGTH];  // Error string. Empty if no error.
103// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104// Life of WebPAnimEncoder object.
106#define DELTA_INFINITY      (1ULL << 32)
107#define KEYFRAME_NONE       (-1)
109// Reset the counters in the WebPAnimEncoder.
110static void ResetCounters(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc) {
111  enc->start_ = 0;
112  enc->count_ = 0;
113  enc->flush_count_ = 0;
114  enc->best_delta_ = DELTA_INFINITY;
115  enc->keyframe_ = KEYFRAME_NONE;
118static void DisableKeyframes(WebPAnimEncoderOptions* const enc_options) {
119  enc_options->kmax = INT_MAX;
120  enc_options->kmin = enc_options->kmax - 1;
123#define MAX_CACHED_FRAMES 30
125static void SanitizeEncoderOptions(WebPAnimEncoderOptions* const enc_options) {
126  int print_warning = enc_options->verbose;
128  if (enc_options->minimize_size) {
129    DisableKeyframes(enc_options);
130  }
132  if (enc_options->kmax == 1) {  // All frames will be key-frames.
133    enc_options->kmin = 0;
134    enc_options->kmax = 0;
135    return;
136  } else if (enc_options->kmax <= 0) {
137    DisableKeyframes(enc_options);
138    print_warning = 0;
139  }
141  if (enc_options->kmin >= enc_options->kmax) {
142    enc_options->kmin = enc_options->kmax - 1;
143    if (print_warning) {
144      fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Setting kmin = %d, so that kmin < kmax.\n",
145              enc_options->kmin);
146    }
147  } else {
148    const int kmin_limit = enc_options->kmax / 2 + 1;
149    if (enc_options->kmin < kmin_limit && kmin_limit < enc_options->kmax) {
150      // This ensures that enc.keyframe + kmin >= kmax is always true. So, we
151      // can flush all the frames in the 'count_since_key_frame == kmax' case.
152      enc_options->kmin = kmin_limit;
153      if (print_warning) {
154        fprintf(stderr,
155                "WARNING: Setting kmin = %d, so that kmin >= kmax / 2 + 1.\n",
156                enc_options->kmin);
157      }
158    }
159  }
160  // Limit the max number of frames that are allocated.
161  if (enc_options->kmax - enc_options->kmin > MAX_CACHED_FRAMES) {
162    enc_options->kmin = enc_options->kmax - MAX_CACHED_FRAMES;
163    if (print_warning) {
164      fprintf(stderr,
165              "WARNING: Setting kmin = %d, so that kmax - kmin <= %d.\n",
166              enc_options->kmin, MAX_CACHED_FRAMES);
167    }
168  }
169  assert(enc_options->kmin < enc_options->kmax);
174static void DefaultEncoderOptions(WebPAnimEncoderOptions* const enc_options) {
175  enc_options->anim_params.loop_count = 0;
176  enc_options->anim_params.bgcolor = 0xffffffff;  // White.
177  enc_options->minimize_size = 0;
178  DisableKeyframes(enc_options);
179  enc_options->allow_mixed = 0;
180  enc_options->verbose = 0;
183int WebPAnimEncoderOptionsInitInternal(WebPAnimEncoderOptions* enc_options,
184                                       int abi_version) {
185  if (enc_options == NULL ||
187    return 0;
188  }
189  DefaultEncoderOptions(enc_options);
190  return 1;
193// This starting value is more fit to WebPCleanupTransparentAreaLossless().
194#define TRANSPARENT_COLOR   0x00000000
196static void ClearRectangle(WebPPicture* const picture,
197                           int left, int top, int width, int height) {
198  int j;
199  for (j = top; j < top + height; ++j) {
200    uint32_t* const dst = picture->argb + j * picture->argb_stride;
201    int i;
202    for (i = left; i < left + width; ++i) {
203      dst[i] = TRANSPARENT_COLOR;
204    }
205  }
208static void WebPUtilClearPic(WebPPicture* const picture,
209                             const FrameRectangle* const rect) {
210  if (rect != NULL) {
211    ClearRectangle(picture, rect->x_offset_, rect->y_offset_,
212                   rect->width_, rect->height_);
213  } else {
214    ClearRectangle(picture, 0, 0, picture->width, picture->height);
215  }
218static void MarkNoError(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc) {
219  enc->error_str_[0] = '\0';  // Empty string.
222static void MarkError(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc, const char* str) {
223  if (snprintf(enc->error_str_, ERROR_STR_MAX_LENGTH, "%s.", str) < 0) {
224    assert(0);  // FIX ME!
225  }
228static void MarkError2(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
229                       const char* str, int error_code) {
230  if (snprintf(enc->error_str_, ERROR_STR_MAX_LENGTH, "%s: %d.", str,
231               error_code) < 0) {
232    assert(0);  // FIX ME!
233  }
236WebPAnimEncoder* WebPAnimEncoderNewInternal(
237    int width, int height, const WebPAnimEncoderOptions* enc_options,
238    int abi_version) {
239  WebPAnimEncoder* enc;
242    return NULL;
243  }
244  if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 ||
245      (width * (uint64_t)height) >= MAX_IMAGE_AREA) {
246    return NULL;
247  }
249  enc = (WebPAnimEncoder*)WebPSafeCalloc(1, sizeof(*enc));
250  if (enc == NULL) return NULL;
251  // sanity inits, so we can call WebPAnimEncoderDelete():
252  enc->encoded_frames_ = NULL;
253  enc->mux_ = NULL;
254  MarkNoError(enc);
256  // Dimensions and options.
257  *(int*)&enc->canvas_width_ = width;
258  *(int*)&enc->canvas_height_ = height;
259  if (enc_options != NULL) {
260    *(WebPAnimEncoderOptions*)&enc->options_ = *enc_options;
261    SanitizeEncoderOptions((WebPAnimEncoderOptions*)&enc->options_);
262  } else {
263    DefaultEncoderOptions((WebPAnimEncoderOptions*)&enc->options_);
264  }
266  // Canvas buffers.
267  if (!WebPPictureInit(&enc->curr_canvas_copy_) ||
268      !WebPPictureInit(&enc->prev_canvas_) ||
269      !WebPPictureInit(&enc->prev_canvas_disposed_)) {
270    goto Err;
271  }
272  enc->curr_canvas_copy_.width = width;
273  enc->curr_canvas_copy_.height = height;
274  enc->curr_canvas_copy_.use_argb = 1;
275  if (!WebPPictureAlloc(&enc->curr_canvas_copy_) ||
276      !WebPPictureCopy(&enc->curr_canvas_copy_, &enc->prev_canvas_) ||
277      !WebPPictureCopy(&enc->curr_canvas_copy_, &enc->prev_canvas_disposed_)) {
278    goto Err;
279  }
280  WebPUtilClearPic(&enc->prev_canvas_, NULL);
281  enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_ = 1;
283  // Encoded frames.
284  ResetCounters(enc);
285  // Note: one extra storage is for the previous frame.
286  enc->size_ = enc->options_.kmax - enc->options_.kmin + 1;
287  // We need space for at least 2 frames. But when kmin, kmax are both zero,
288  // enc->size_ will be 1. So we handle that special case below.
289  if (enc->size_ < 2) enc->size_ = 2;
290  enc->encoded_frames_ =
291      (EncodedFrame*)WebPSafeCalloc(enc->size_, sizeof(*enc->encoded_frames_));
292  if (enc->encoded_frames_ == NULL) goto Err;
294  enc->mux_ = WebPMuxNew();
295  if (enc->mux_ == NULL) goto Err;
297  enc->count_since_key_frame_ = 0;
298  enc->first_timestamp_ = 0;
299  enc->prev_timestamp_ = 0;
300  enc->prev_candidate_undecided_ = 0;
301  enc->is_first_frame_ = 1;
302  enc->got_null_frame_ = 0;
304  return enc;  // All OK.
306 Err:
307  WebPAnimEncoderDelete(enc);
308  return NULL;
311// Release the data contained by 'encoded_frame'.
312static void FrameRelease(EncodedFrame* const encoded_frame) {
313  if (encoded_frame != NULL) {
314    WebPDataClear(&encoded_frame->sub_frame_.bitstream);
315    WebPDataClear(&encoded_frame->key_frame_.bitstream);
316    memset(encoded_frame, 0, sizeof(*encoded_frame));
317  }
320void WebPAnimEncoderDelete(WebPAnimEncoder* enc) {
321  if (enc != NULL) {
322    WebPPictureFree(&enc->curr_canvas_copy_);
323    WebPPictureFree(&enc->prev_canvas_);
324    WebPPictureFree(&enc->prev_canvas_disposed_);
325    if (enc->encoded_frames_ != NULL) {
326      size_t i;
327      for (i = 0; i < enc->size_; ++i) {
328        FrameRelease(&enc->encoded_frames_[i]);
329      }
330      WebPSafeFree(enc->encoded_frames_);
331    }
332    WebPMuxDelete(enc->mux_);
333    WebPSafeFree(enc);
334  }
337// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
338// Frame addition.
340// Returns cached frame at the given 'position'.
341static EncodedFrame* GetFrame(const WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
342                              size_t position) {
343  assert(enc->start_ + position < enc->size_);
344  return &enc->encoded_frames_[enc->start_ + position];
347typedef int (*ComparePixelsFunc)(const uint32_t*, int, const uint32_t*, int,
348                                 int, int);
350// Returns true if 'length' number of pixels in 'src' and 'dst' are equal,
351// assuming the given step sizes between pixels.
352// 'max_allowed_diff' is unused and only there to allow function pointer use.
353static WEBP_INLINE int ComparePixelsLossless(const uint32_t* src, int src_step,
354                                             const uint32_t* dst, int dst_step,
355                                             int length, int max_allowed_diff) {
356  (void)max_allowed_diff;
357  assert(length > 0);
358  while (length-- > 0) {
359    if (*src != *dst) {
360      return 0;
361    }
362    src += src_step;
363    dst += dst_step;
364  }
365  return 1;
368// Helper to check if each channel in 'src' and 'dst' is at most off by
369// 'max_allowed_diff'.
370static WEBP_INLINE int PixelsAreSimilar(uint32_t src, uint32_t dst,
371                                        int max_allowed_diff) {
372  const int src_a = (src >> 24) & 0xff;
373  const int src_r = (src >> 16) & 0xff;
374  const int src_g = (src >> 8) & 0xff;
375  const int src_b = (src >> 0) & 0xff;
376  const int dst_a = (dst >> 24) & 0xff;
377  const int dst_r = (dst >> 16) & 0xff;
378  const int dst_g = (dst >> 8) & 0xff;
379  const int dst_b = (dst >> 0) & 0xff;
381  return (src_a == dst_a) &&
382         (abs(src_r - dst_r) * dst_a <= (max_allowed_diff * 255)) &&
383         (abs(src_g - dst_g) * dst_a <= (max_allowed_diff * 255)) &&
384         (abs(src_b - dst_b) * dst_a <= (max_allowed_diff * 255));
387// Returns true if 'length' number of pixels in 'src' and 'dst' are within an
388// error bound, assuming the given step sizes between pixels.
389static WEBP_INLINE int ComparePixelsLossy(const uint32_t* src, int src_step,
390                                          const uint32_t* dst, int dst_step,
391                                          int length, int max_allowed_diff) {
392  assert(length > 0);
393  while (length-- > 0) {
394    if (!PixelsAreSimilar(*src, *dst, max_allowed_diff)) {
395      return 0;
396    }
397    src += src_step;
398    dst += dst_step;
399  }
400  return 1;
403static int IsEmptyRect(const FrameRectangle* const rect) {
404  return (rect->width_ == 0) || (rect->height_ == 0);
407static int QualityToMaxDiff(float quality) {
408  const double val = pow(quality / 100., 0.5);
409  const double max_diff = 31 * (1 - val) + 1 * val;
410  return (int)(max_diff + 0.5);
413// Assumes that an initial valid guess of change rectangle 'rect' is passed.
414static void MinimizeChangeRectangle(const WebPPicture* const src,
415                                    const WebPPicture* const dst,
416                                    FrameRectangle* const rect,
417                                    int is_lossless, float quality) {
418  int i, j;
419  const ComparePixelsFunc compare_pixels =
420      is_lossless ? ComparePixelsLossless : ComparePixelsLossy;
421  const int max_allowed_diff_lossy = QualityToMaxDiff(quality);
422  const int max_allowed_diff = is_lossless ? 0 : max_allowed_diff_lossy;
424  // Sanity checks.
425  assert(src->width == dst->width && src->height == dst->height);
426  assert(rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_ <= dst->width);
427  assert(rect->y_offset_ + rect->height_ <= dst->height);
429  // Left boundary.
430  for (i = rect->x_offset_; i < rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_; ++i) {
431    const uint32_t* const src_argb =
432        &src->argb[rect->y_offset_ * src->argb_stride + i];
433    const uint32_t* const dst_argb =
434        &dst->argb[rect->y_offset_ * dst->argb_stride + i];
435    if (compare_pixels(src_argb, src->argb_stride, dst_argb, dst->argb_stride,
436                       rect->height_, max_allowed_diff)) {
437      --rect->width_;  // Redundant column.
438      ++rect->x_offset_;
439    } else {
440      break;
441    }
442  }
443  if (rect->width_ == 0) goto NoChange;
445  // Right boundary.
446  for (i = rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_ - 1; i >= rect->x_offset_; --i) {
447    const uint32_t* const src_argb =
448        &src->argb[rect->y_offset_ * src->argb_stride + i];
449    const uint32_t* const dst_argb =
450        &dst->argb[rect->y_offset_ * dst->argb_stride + i];
451    if (compare_pixels(src_argb, src->argb_stride, dst_argb, dst->argb_stride,
452                       rect->height_, max_allowed_diff)) {
453      --rect->width_;  // Redundant column.
454    } else {
455      break;
456    }
457  }
458  if (rect->width_ == 0) goto NoChange;
460  // Top boundary.
461  for (j = rect->y_offset_; j < rect->y_offset_ + rect->height_; ++j) {
462    const uint32_t* const src_argb =
463        &src->argb[j * src->argb_stride + rect->x_offset_];
464    const uint32_t* const dst_argb =
465        &dst->argb[j * dst->argb_stride + rect->x_offset_];
466    if (compare_pixels(src_argb, 1, dst_argb, 1, rect->width_,
467                       max_allowed_diff)) {
468      --rect->height_;  // Redundant row.
469      ++rect->y_offset_;
470    } else {
471      break;
472    }
473  }
474  if (rect->height_ == 0) goto NoChange;
476  // Bottom boundary.
477  for (j = rect->y_offset_ + rect->height_ - 1; j >= rect->y_offset_; --j) {
478    const uint32_t* const src_argb =
479        &src->argb[j * src->argb_stride + rect->x_offset_];
480    const uint32_t* const dst_argb =
481        &dst->argb[j * dst->argb_stride + rect->x_offset_];
482    if (compare_pixels(src_argb, 1, dst_argb, 1, rect->width_,
483                       max_allowed_diff)) {
484      --rect->height_;  // Redundant row.
485    } else {
486      break;
487    }
488  }
489  if (rect->height_ == 0) goto NoChange;
491  if (IsEmptyRect(rect)) {
492 NoChange:
493    rect->x_offset_ = 0;
494    rect->y_offset_ = 0;
495    rect->width_ = 0;
496    rect->height_ = 0;
497  }
500// Snap rectangle to even offsets (and adjust dimensions if needed).
501static WEBP_INLINE void SnapToEvenOffsets(FrameRectangle* const rect) {
502  rect->width_ += (rect->x_offset_ & 1);
503  rect->height_ += (rect->y_offset_ & 1);
504  rect->x_offset_ &= ~1;
505  rect->y_offset_ &= ~1;
508typedef struct {
509  int should_try_;               // Should try this set of parameters.
510  int empty_rect_allowed_;       // Frame with empty rectangle can be skipped.
511  FrameRectangle rect_ll_;       // Frame rectangle for lossless compression.
512  WebPPicture sub_frame_ll_;     // Sub-frame pic for lossless compression.
513  FrameRectangle rect_lossy_;    // Frame rectangle for lossy compression.
514                                 // Could be smaller than rect_ll_ as pixels
515                                 // with small diffs can be ignored.
516  WebPPicture sub_frame_lossy_;  // Sub-frame pic for lossless compression.
517} SubFrameParams;
519static int SubFrameParamsInit(SubFrameParams* const params,
520                              int should_try, int empty_rect_allowed) {
521  params->should_try_ = should_try;
522  params->empty_rect_allowed_ = empty_rect_allowed;
523  if (!WebPPictureInit(&params->sub_frame_ll_) ||
524      !WebPPictureInit(&params->sub_frame_lossy_)) {
525    return 0;
526  }
527  return 1;
530static void SubFrameParamsFree(SubFrameParams* const params) {
531  WebPPictureFree(&params->sub_frame_ll_);
532  WebPPictureFree(&params->sub_frame_lossy_);
535// Given previous and current canvas, picks the optimal rectangle for the
536// current frame based on 'is_lossless' and other parameters. Assumes that the
537// initial guess 'rect' is valid.
538static int GetSubRect(const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas,
539                      const WebPPicture* const curr_canvas, int is_key_frame,
540                      int is_first_frame, int empty_rect_allowed,
541                      int is_lossless, float quality,
542                      FrameRectangle* const rect,
543                      WebPPicture* const sub_frame) {
544  if (!is_key_frame || is_first_frame) {  // Optimize frame rectangle.
545    // Note: This behaves as expected for first frame, as 'prev_canvas' is
546    // initialized to a fully transparent canvas in the beginning.
547    MinimizeChangeRectangle(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, rect,
548                            is_lossless, quality);
549  }
551  if (IsEmptyRect(rect)) {
552    if (empty_rect_allowed) {  // No need to get 'sub_frame'.
553      return 1;
554    } else {                   // Force a 1x1 rectangle.
555      rect->width_ = 1;
556      rect->height_ = 1;
557      assert(rect->x_offset_ == 0);
558      assert(rect->y_offset_ == 0);
559    }
560  }
562  SnapToEvenOffsets(rect);
563  return WebPPictureView(curr_canvas, rect->x_offset_, rect->y_offset_,
564                         rect->width_, rect->height_, sub_frame);
567// Picks optimal frame rectangle for both lossless and lossy compression. The
568// initial guess for frame rectangles will be the full canvas.
569static int GetSubRects(const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas,
570                       const WebPPicture* const curr_canvas, int is_key_frame,
571                       int is_first_frame, float quality,
572                       SubFrameParams* const params) {
573  // Lossless frame rectangle.
574  params->rect_ll_.x_offset_ = 0;
575  params->rect_ll_.y_offset_ = 0;
576  params->rect_ll_.width_ = curr_canvas->width;
577  params->rect_ll_.height_ = curr_canvas->height;
578  if (!GetSubRect(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, is_key_frame, is_first_frame,
579                  params->empty_rect_allowed_, 1, quality,
580                  &params->rect_ll_, &params->sub_frame_ll_)) {
581    return 0;
582  }
583  // Lossy frame rectangle.
584  params->rect_lossy_ = params->rect_ll_;  // seed with lossless rect.
585  return GetSubRect(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, is_key_frame, is_first_frame,
586                    params->empty_rect_allowed_, 0, quality,
587                    &params->rect_lossy_, &params->sub_frame_lossy_);
590static WEBP_INLINE int clip(int v, int min_v, int max_v) {
591  return (v < min_v) ? min_v : (v > max_v) ? max_v : v;
594int WebPAnimEncoderRefineRect(
595    const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas, const WebPPicture* const curr_canvas,
596    int is_lossless, float quality, int* const x_offset, int* const y_offset,
597    int* const width, int* const height) {
598  FrameRectangle rect;
599  const int right = clip(*x_offset + *width, 0, curr_canvas->width);
600  const int left = clip(*x_offset, 0, curr_canvas->width - 1);
601  const int bottom = clip(*y_offset + *height, 0, curr_canvas->height);
602  const int top = clip(*y_offset, 0, curr_canvas->height - 1);
603  if (prev_canvas == NULL || curr_canvas == NULL ||
604      prev_canvas->width != curr_canvas->width ||
605      prev_canvas->height != curr_canvas->height ||
606      !prev_canvas->use_argb || !curr_canvas->use_argb) {
607    return 0;
608  }
609  rect.x_offset_ = left;
610  rect.y_offset_ = top;
611  rect.width_ = clip(right - left, 0, curr_canvas->width - rect.x_offset_);
612  rect.height_ = clip(bottom - top, 0, curr_canvas->height - rect.y_offset_);
613  MinimizeChangeRectangle(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, &rect, is_lossless,
614                          quality);
615  SnapToEvenOffsets(&rect);
616  *x_offset = rect.x_offset_;
617  *y_offset = rect.y_offset_;
618  *width = rect.width_;
619  *height = rect.height_;
620  return 1;
623static void DisposeFrameRectangle(int dispose_method,
624                                  const FrameRectangle* const rect,
625                                  WebPPicture* const curr_canvas) {
626  assert(rect != NULL);
627  if (dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND) {
628    WebPUtilClearPic(curr_canvas, rect);
629  }
632static uint32_t RectArea(const FrameRectangle* const rect) {
633  return (uint32_t)rect->width_ * rect->height_;
636static int IsLosslessBlendingPossible(const WebPPicture* const src,
637                                      const WebPPicture* const dst,
638                                      const FrameRectangle* const rect) {
639  int i, j;
640  assert(src->width == dst->width && src->height == dst->height);
641  assert(rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_ <= dst->width);
642  assert(rect->y_offset_ + rect->height_ <= dst->height);
643  for (j = rect->y_offset_; j < rect->y_offset_ + rect->height_; ++j) {
644    for (i = rect->x_offset_; i < rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_; ++i) {
645      const uint32_t src_pixel = src->argb[j * src->argb_stride + i];
646      const uint32_t dst_pixel = dst->argb[j * dst->argb_stride + i];
647      const uint32_t dst_alpha = dst_pixel >> 24;
648      if (dst_alpha != 0xff && src_pixel != dst_pixel) {
649        // In this case, if we use blending, we can't attain the desired
650        // 'dst_pixel' value for this pixel. So, blending is not possible.
651        return 0;
652      }
653    }
654  }
655  return 1;
658static int IsLossyBlendingPossible(const WebPPicture* const src,
659                                   const WebPPicture* const dst,
660                                   const FrameRectangle* const rect,
661                                   float quality) {
662  const int max_allowed_diff_lossy = QualityToMaxDiff(quality);
663  int i, j;
664  assert(src->width == dst->width && src->height == dst->height);
665  assert(rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_ <= dst->width);
666  assert(rect->y_offset_ + rect->height_ <= dst->height);
667  for (j = rect->y_offset_; j < rect->y_offset_ + rect->height_; ++j) {
668    for (i = rect->x_offset_; i < rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_; ++i) {
669      const uint32_t src_pixel = src->argb[j * src->argb_stride + i];
670      const uint32_t dst_pixel = dst->argb[j * dst->argb_stride + i];
671      const uint32_t dst_alpha = dst_pixel >> 24;
672      if (dst_alpha != 0xff &&
673          !PixelsAreSimilar(src_pixel, dst_pixel, max_allowed_diff_lossy)) {
674        // In this case, if we use blending, we can't attain the desired
675        // 'dst_pixel' value for this pixel. So, blending is not possible.
676        return 0;
677      }
678    }
679  }
680  return 1;
683// For pixels in 'rect', replace those pixels in 'dst' that are same as 'src' by
684// transparent pixels.
685// Returns true if at least one pixel gets modified.
686static int IncreaseTransparency(const WebPPicture* const src,
687                                const FrameRectangle* const rect,
688                                WebPPicture* const dst) {
689  int i, j;
690  int modified = 0;
691  assert(src != NULL && dst != NULL && rect != NULL);
692  assert(src->width == dst->width && src->height == dst->height);
693  for (j = rect->y_offset_; j < rect->y_offset_ + rect->height_; ++j) {
694    const uint32_t* const psrc = src->argb + j * src->argb_stride;
695    uint32_t* const pdst = dst->argb + j * dst->argb_stride;
696    for (i = rect->x_offset_; i < rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_; ++i) {
697      if (psrc[i] == pdst[i] && pdst[i] != TRANSPARENT_COLOR) {
698        pdst[i] = TRANSPARENT_COLOR;
699        modified = 1;
700      }
701    }
702  }
703  return modified;
708// Replace similar blocks of pixels by a 'see-through' transparent block
709// with uniform average color.
710// Assumes lossy compression is being used.
711// Returns true if at least one pixel gets modified.
712static int FlattenSimilarBlocks(const WebPPicture* const src,
713                                const FrameRectangle* const rect,
714                                WebPPicture* const dst, float quality) {
715  const int max_allowed_diff_lossy = QualityToMaxDiff(quality);
716  int i, j;
717  int modified = 0;
718  const int block_size = 8;
719  const int y_start = (rect->y_offset_ + block_size) & ~(block_size - 1);
720  const int y_end = (rect->y_offset_ + rect->height_) & ~(block_size - 1);
721  const int x_start = (rect->x_offset_ + block_size) & ~(block_size - 1);
722  const int x_end = (rect->x_offset_ + rect->width_) & ~(block_size - 1);
723  assert(src != NULL && dst != NULL && rect != NULL);
724  assert(src->width == dst->width && src->height == dst->height);
725  assert((block_size & (block_size - 1)) == 0);  // must be a power of 2
726  // Iterate over each block and count similar pixels.
727  for (j = y_start; j < y_end; j += block_size) {
728    for (i = x_start; i < x_end; i += block_size) {
729      int cnt = 0;
730      int avg_r = 0, avg_g = 0, avg_b = 0;
731      int x, y;
732      const uint32_t* const psrc = src->argb + j * src->argb_stride + i;
733      uint32_t* const pdst = dst->argb + j * dst->argb_stride + i;
734      for (y = 0; y < block_size; ++y) {
735        for (x = 0; x < block_size; ++x) {
736          const uint32_t src_pixel = psrc[x + y * src->argb_stride];
737          const int alpha = src_pixel >> 24;
738          if (alpha == 0xff &&
739              PixelsAreSimilar(src_pixel, pdst[x + y * dst->argb_stride],
740                               max_allowed_diff_lossy)) {
741            ++cnt;
742            avg_r += (src_pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
743            avg_g += (src_pixel >> 8) & 0xff;
744            avg_b += (src_pixel >> 0) & 0xff;
745          }
746        }
747      }
748      // If we have a fully similar block, we replace it with an
749      // average transparent block. This compresses better in lossy mode.
750      if (cnt == block_size * block_size) {
751        const uint32_t color = (0x00          << 24) |
752                               ((avg_r / cnt) << 16) |
753                               ((avg_g / cnt) <<  8) |
754                               ((avg_b / cnt) <<  0);
755        for (y = 0; y < block_size; ++y) {
756          for (x = 0; x < block_size; ++x) {
757            pdst[x + y * dst->argb_stride] = color;
758          }
759        }
760        modified = 1;
761      }
762    }
763  }
764  return modified;
767static int EncodeFrame(const WebPConfig* const config, WebPPicture* const pic,
768                       WebPMemoryWriter* const memory) {
769  pic->use_argb = 1;
770  pic->writer = WebPMemoryWrite;
771  pic->custom_ptr = memory;
772  if (!WebPEncode(config, pic)) {
773    return 0;
774  }
775  return 1;
778// Struct representing a candidate encoded frame including its metadata.
779typedef struct {
780  WebPMemoryWriter  mem_;
781  WebPMuxFrameInfo  info_;
782  FrameRectangle    rect_;
783  int               evaluate_;  // True if this candidate should be evaluated.
784} Candidate;
786// Generates a candidate encoded frame given a picture and metadata.
787static WebPEncodingError EncodeCandidate(WebPPicture* const sub_frame,
788                                         const FrameRectangle* const rect,
789                                         const WebPConfig* const encoder_config,
790                                         int use_blending,
791                                         Candidate* const candidate) {
792  WebPConfig config = *encoder_config;
793  WebPEncodingError error_code = VP8_ENC_OK;
794  assert(candidate != NULL);
795  memset(candidate, 0, sizeof(*candidate));
797  // Set frame rect and info.
798  candidate->rect_ = *rect;
799  candidate->info_.id = WEBP_CHUNK_ANMF;
800  candidate->info_.x_offset = rect->x_offset_;
801  candidate->info_.y_offset = rect->y_offset_;
802  candidate->info_.dispose_method = WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE;  // Set later.
803  candidate->info_.blend_method =
804      use_blending ? WEBP_MUX_BLEND : WEBP_MUX_NO_BLEND;
805  candidate->info_.duration = 0;  // Set in next call to WebPAnimEncoderAdd().
807  // Encode picture.
808  WebPMemoryWriterInit(&candidate->mem_);
810  if (!config.lossless && use_blending) {
811    // Disable filtering to avoid blockiness in reconstructed frames at the
812    // time of decoding.
813    config.autofilter = 0;
814    config.filter_strength = 0;
815  }
816  if (!EncodeFrame(&config, sub_frame, &candidate->mem_)) {
817    error_code = sub_frame->error_code;
818    goto Err;
819  }
821  candidate->evaluate_ = 1;
822  return error_code;
824 Err:
825  WebPMemoryWriterClear(&candidate->mem_);
826  return error_code;
829static void CopyCurrentCanvas(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc) {
830  if (enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_) {
831    WebPCopyPixels(enc->curr_canvas_, &enc->curr_canvas_copy_);
832    enc->curr_canvas_copy_.progress_hook = enc->curr_canvas_->progress_hook;
833    enc->curr_canvas_copy_.user_data = enc->curr_canvas_->user_data;
834    enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_ = 0;
835  }
838enum {
839  LL_DISP_NONE = 0,
840  LL_DISP_BG,
846#define MIN_COLORS_LOSSY     31  // Don't try lossy below this threshold.
847#define MAX_COLORS_LOSSLESS 194  // Don't try lossless above this threshold.
849// Generates candidates for a given dispose method given pre-filled sub-frame
850// 'params'.
851static WebPEncodingError GenerateCandidates(
852    WebPAnimEncoder* const enc, Candidate candidates[CANDIDATE_COUNT],
853    WebPMuxAnimDispose dispose_method, int is_lossless, int is_key_frame,
854    SubFrameParams* const params,
855    const WebPConfig* const config_ll, const WebPConfig* const config_lossy) {
856  WebPEncodingError error_code = VP8_ENC_OK;
857  const int is_dispose_none = (dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE);
858  Candidate* const candidate_ll =
859      is_dispose_none ? &candidates[LL_DISP_NONE] : &candidates[LL_DISP_BG];
860  Candidate* const candidate_lossy = is_dispose_none
861                                     ? &candidates[LOSSY_DISP_NONE]
862                                     : &candidates[LOSSY_DISP_BG];
863  WebPPicture* const curr_canvas = &enc->curr_canvas_copy_;
864  const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas =
865      is_dispose_none ? &enc->prev_canvas_ : &enc->prev_canvas_disposed_;
866  int use_blending_ll, use_blending_lossy;
867  int evaluate_ll, evaluate_lossy;
869  CopyCurrentCanvas(enc);
870  use_blending_ll =
871      !is_key_frame &&
872      IsLosslessBlendingPossible(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, &params->rect_ll_);
873  use_blending_lossy =
874      !is_key_frame &&
875      IsLossyBlendingPossible(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, &params->rect_lossy_,
876                              config_lossy->quality);
878  // Pick candidates to be tried.
879  if (!enc->options_.allow_mixed) {
880    evaluate_ll = is_lossless;
881    evaluate_lossy = !is_lossless;
882  } else if (enc->options_.minimize_size) {
883    evaluate_ll = 1;
884    evaluate_lossy = 1;
885  } else {  // Use a heuristic for trying lossless and/or lossy compression.
886    const int num_colors = WebPGetColorPalette(&params->sub_frame_ll_, NULL);
887    evaluate_ll = (num_colors < MAX_COLORS_LOSSLESS);
888    evaluate_lossy = (num_colors >= MIN_COLORS_LOSSY);
889  }
891  // Generate candidates.
892  if (evaluate_ll) {
893    CopyCurrentCanvas(enc);
894    if (use_blending_ll) {
895      enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_ =
896          IncreaseTransparency(prev_canvas, &params->rect_ll_, curr_canvas);
897    }
898    error_code = EncodeCandidate(&params->sub_frame_ll_, &params->rect_ll_,
899                                 config_ll, use_blending_ll, candidate_ll);
900    if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) return error_code;
901  }
902  if (evaluate_lossy) {
903    CopyCurrentCanvas(enc);
904    if (use_blending_lossy) {
905      enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_ =
906          FlattenSimilarBlocks(prev_canvas, &params->rect_lossy_, curr_canvas,
907                               config_lossy->quality);
908    }
909    error_code =
910        EncodeCandidate(&params->sub_frame_lossy_, &params->rect_lossy_,
911                        config_lossy, use_blending_lossy, candidate_lossy);
912    if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) return error_code;
913    enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_ = 1;
914  }
915  return error_code;
921static void GetEncodedData(const WebPMemoryWriter* const memory,
922                           WebPData* const encoded_data) {
923  encoded_data->bytes = memory->mem;
924  encoded_data->size  = memory->size;
927// Sets dispose method of the previous frame to be 'dispose_method'.
928static void SetPreviousDisposeMethod(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
929                                     WebPMuxAnimDispose dispose_method) {
930  const size_t position = enc->count_ - 2;
931  EncodedFrame* const prev_enc_frame = GetFrame(enc, position);
932  assert(enc->count_ >= 2);  // As current and previous frames are in enc.
934  if (enc->prev_candidate_undecided_) {
935    assert(dispose_method == WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE);
936    prev_enc_frame->sub_frame_.dispose_method = dispose_method;
937    prev_enc_frame->key_frame_.dispose_method = dispose_method;
938  } else {
939    WebPMuxFrameInfo* const prev_info = prev_enc_frame->is_key_frame_
940                                        ? &prev_enc_frame->key_frame_
941                                        : &prev_enc_frame->sub_frame_;
942    prev_info->dispose_method = dispose_method;
943  }
946static int IncreasePreviousDuration(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc, int duration) {
947  const size_t position = enc->count_ - 1;
948  EncodedFrame* const prev_enc_frame = GetFrame(enc, position);
949  int new_duration;
951  assert(enc->count_ >= 1);
952  assert(prev_enc_frame->sub_frame_.duration ==
953         prev_enc_frame->key_frame_.duration);
954  assert(prev_enc_frame->sub_frame_.duration ==
955         (prev_enc_frame->sub_frame_.duration & (MAX_DURATION - 1)));
956  assert(duration == (duration & (MAX_DURATION - 1)));
958  new_duration = prev_enc_frame->sub_frame_.duration + duration;
959  if (new_duration >= MAX_DURATION) {  // Special case.
960    // Separate out previous frame from earlier merged frames to avoid overflow.
961    // We add a 1x1 transparent frame for the previous frame, with blending on.
962    const FrameRectangle rect = { 0, 0, 1, 1 };
963    const uint8_t lossless_1x1_bytes[] = {
964      0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x57, 0x45, 0x42, 0x50,
965      0x56, 0x50, 0x38, 0x4c, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
966      0x10, 0x88, 0x88, 0x08
967    };
968    const WebPData lossless_1x1 = {
969        lossless_1x1_bytes, sizeof(lossless_1x1_bytes)
970    };
971    const uint8_t lossy_1x1_bytes[] = {
972      0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x57, 0x45, 0x42, 0x50,
973      0x56, 0x50, 0x38, 0x58, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
974      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x41, 0x4c, 0x50, 0x48, 0x02, 0x00,
975      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x56, 0x50, 0x38, 0x20, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
976      0x30, 0x01, 0x00, 0x9d, 0x01, 0x2a, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00,
977      0x34, 0x25, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x03, 0x70, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xfb, 0xfd, 0x50, 0x00
978    };
979    const WebPData lossy_1x1 = { lossy_1x1_bytes, sizeof(lossy_1x1_bytes) };
980    const int can_use_lossless =
981        (enc->last_config_.lossless || enc->options_.allow_mixed);
982    EncodedFrame* const curr_enc_frame = GetFrame(enc, enc->count_);
983    curr_enc_frame->is_key_frame_ = 0;
984    curr_enc_frame->sub_frame_.id = WEBP_CHUNK_ANMF;
985    curr_enc_frame->sub_frame_.x_offset = 0;
986    curr_enc_frame->sub_frame_.y_offset = 0;
987    curr_enc_frame->sub_frame_.dispose_method = WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE;
988    curr_enc_frame->sub_frame_.blend_method = WEBP_MUX_BLEND;
989    curr_enc_frame->sub_frame_.duration = duration;
990    if (!WebPDataCopy(can_use_lossless ? &lossless_1x1 : &lossy_1x1,
991                      &curr_enc_frame->sub_frame_.bitstream)) {
992      return 0;
993    }
994    ++enc->count_;
995    ++enc->count_since_key_frame_;
996    enc->flush_count_ = enc->count_ - 1;
997    enc->prev_candidate_undecided_ = 0;
998    enc->prev_rect_ = rect;
999  } else {                           // Regular case.
1000    // Increase duration of the previous frame by 'duration'.
1001    prev_enc_frame->sub_frame_.duration = new_duration;
1002    prev_enc_frame->key_frame_.duration = new_duration;
1003  }
1004  return 1;
1007// Pick the candidate encoded frame with smallest size and release other
1008// candidates.
1009// TODO(later): Perhaps a rough SSIM/PSNR produced by the encoder should
1010// also be a criteria, in addition to sizes.
1011static void PickBestCandidate(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
1012                              Candidate* const candidates, int is_key_frame,
1013                              EncodedFrame* const encoded_frame) {
1014  int i;
1015  int best_idx = -1;
1016  size_t best_size = ~0;
1017  for (i = 0; i < CANDIDATE_COUNT; ++i) {
1018    if (candidates[i].evaluate_) {
1019      const size_t candidate_size = candidates[i].mem_.size;
1020      if (candidate_size < best_size) {
1021        best_idx = i;
1022        best_size = candidate_size;
1023      }
1024    }
1025  }
1026  assert(best_idx != -1);
1027  for (i = 0; i < CANDIDATE_COUNT; ++i) {
1028    if (candidates[i].evaluate_) {
1029      if (i == best_idx) {
1030        WebPMuxFrameInfo* const dst = is_key_frame
1031                                      ? &encoded_frame->key_frame_
1032                                      : &encoded_frame->sub_frame_;
1033        *dst = candidates[i].info_;
1034        GetEncodedData(&candidates[i].mem_, &dst->bitstream);
1035        if (!is_key_frame) {
1036          // Note: Previous dispose method only matters for non-keyframes.
1037          // Also, we don't want to modify previous dispose method that was
1038          // selected when a non key-frame was assumed.
1039          const WebPMuxAnimDispose prev_dispose_method =
1040              (best_idx == LL_DISP_NONE || best_idx == LOSSY_DISP_NONE)
1041                  ? WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE
1042                  : WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND;
1043          SetPreviousDisposeMethod(enc, prev_dispose_method);
1044        }
1045        enc->prev_rect_ = candidates[i].rect_;  // save for next frame.
1046      } else {
1047        WebPMemoryWriterClear(&candidates[i].mem_);
1048        candidates[i].evaluate_ = 0;
1049      }
1050    }
1051  }
1054// Depending on the configuration, tries different compressions
1055// (lossy/lossless), dispose methods, blending methods etc to encode the current
1056// frame and outputs the best one in 'encoded_frame'.
1057// 'frame_skipped' will be set to true if this frame should actually be skipped.
1058static WebPEncodingError SetFrame(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
1059                                  const WebPConfig* const config,
1060                                  int is_key_frame,
1061                                  EncodedFrame* const encoded_frame,
1062                                  int* const frame_skipped) {
1063  int i;
1064  WebPEncodingError error_code = VP8_ENC_OK;
1065  const WebPPicture* const curr_canvas = &enc->curr_canvas_copy_;
1066  const WebPPicture* const prev_canvas = &enc->prev_canvas_;
1067  Candidate candidates[CANDIDATE_COUNT];
1068  const int is_lossless = config->lossless;
1069  const int consider_lossless = is_lossless || enc->options_.allow_mixed;
1070  const int consider_lossy = !is_lossless || enc->options_.allow_mixed;
1071  const int is_first_frame = enc->is_first_frame_;
1073  // First frame cannot be skipped as there is no 'previous frame' to merge it
1074  // to. So, empty rectangle is not allowed for the first frame.
1075  const int empty_rect_allowed_none = !is_first_frame;
1077  // Even if there is exact pixel match between 'disposed previous canvas' and
1078  // 'current canvas', we can't skip current frame, as there may not be exact
1079  // pixel match between 'previous canvas' and 'current canvas'. So, we don't
1080  // allow empty rectangle in this case.
1081  const int empty_rect_allowed_bg = 0;
1083  // If current frame is a key-frame, dispose method of previous frame doesn't
1084  // matter, so we don't try dispose to background.
1085  // Also, if key-frame insertion is on, and previous frame could be picked as
1086  // either a sub-frame or a key-frame, then we can't be sure about what frame
1087  // rectangle would be disposed. In that case too, we don't try dispose to
1088  // background.
1089  const int dispose_bg_possible =
1090      !is_key_frame && !enc->prev_candidate_undecided_;
1092  SubFrameParams dispose_none_params;
1093  SubFrameParams dispose_bg_params;
1095  WebPConfig config_ll = *config;
1096  WebPConfig config_lossy = *config;
1097  config_ll.lossless = 1;
1098  config_lossy.lossless = 0;
1099  enc->last_config_ = *config;
1100  enc->last_config_reversed_ = config->lossless ? config_lossy : config_ll;
1101  *frame_skipped = 0;
1103  if (!SubFrameParamsInit(&dispose_none_params, 1, empty_rect_allowed_none) ||
1104      !SubFrameParamsInit(&dispose_bg_params, 0, empty_rect_allowed_bg)) {
1106  }
1108  memset(candidates, 0, sizeof(candidates));
1110  // Change-rectangle assuming previous frame was DISPOSE_NONE.
1111  if (!GetSubRects(prev_canvas, curr_canvas, is_key_frame, is_first_frame,
1112                   config_lossy.quality, &dispose_none_params)) {
1114    goto Err;
1115  }
1117  if ((consider_lossless && IsEmptyRect(&dispose_none_params.rect_ll_)) ||
1118      (consider_lossy && IsEmptyRect(&dispose_none_params.rect_lossy_))) {
1119    // Don't encode the frame at all. Instead, the duration of the previous
1120    // frame will be increased later.
1121    assert(empty_rect_allowed_none);
1122    *frame_skipped = 1;
1123    goto End;
1124  }
1126  if (dispose_bg_possible) {
1127    // Change-rectangle assuming previous frame was DISPOSE_BACKGROUND.
1128    WebPPicture* const prev_canvas_disposed = &enc->prev_canvas_disposed_;
1129    WebPCopyPixels(prev_canvas, prev_canvas_disposed);
1130    DisposeFrameRectangle(WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND, &enc->prev_rect_,
1131                          prev_canvas_disposed);
1133    if (!GetSubRects(prev_canvas_disposed, curr_canvas, is_key_frame,
1134                     is_first_frame, config_lossy.quality,
1135                     &dispose_bg_params)) {
1137      goto Err;
1138    }
1139    assert(!IsEmptyRect(&dispose_bg_params.rect_ll_));
1140    assert(!IsEmptyRect(&dispose_bg_params.rect_lossy_));
1142    if (enc->options_.minimize_size) {  // Try both dispose methods.
1143      dispose_bg_params.should_try_ = 1;
1144      dispose_none_params.should_try_ = 1;
1145    } else if ((is_lossless &&
1146                RectArea(&dispose_bg_params.rect_ll_) <
1147                    RectArea(&dispose_none_params.rect_ll_)) ||
1148               (!is_lossless &&
1149                RectArea(&dispose_bg_params.rect_lossy_) <
1150                    RectArea(&dispose_none_params.rect_lossy_))) {
1151      dispose_bg_params.should_try_ = 1;  // Pick DISPOSE_BACKGROUND.
1152      dispose_none_params.should_try_ = 0;
1153    }
1154  }
1156  if (dispose_none_params.should_try_) {
1157    error_code = GenerateCandidates(
1158        enc, candidates, WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_NONE, is_lossless, is_key_frame,
1159        &dispose_none_params, &config_ll, &config_lossy);
1160    if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Err;
1161  }
1163  if (dispose_bg_params.should_try_) {
1164    assert(!enc->is_first_frame_);
1165    assert(dispose_bg_possible);
1166    error_code = GenerateCandidates(
1167        enc, candidates, WEBP_MUX_DISPOSE_BACKGROUND, is_lossless, is_key_frame,
1168        &dispose_bg_params, &config_ll, &config_lossy);
1169    if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) goto Err;
1170  }
1172  PickBestCandidate(enc, candidates, is_key_frame, encoded_frame);
1174  goto End;
1176 Err:
1177  for (i = 0; i < CANDIDATE_COUNT; ++i) {
1178    if (candidates[i].evaluate_) {
1179      WebPMemoryWriterClear(&candidates[i].mem_);
1180    }
1181  }
1183 End:
1184  SubFrameParamsFree(&dispose_none_params);
1185  SubFrameParamsFree(&dispose_bg_params);
1186  return error_code;
1189// Calculate the penalty incurred if we encode given frame as a key frame
1190// instead of a sub-frame.
1191static int64_t KeyFramePenalty(const EncodedFrame* const encoded_frame) {
1192  return ((int64_t)encoded_frame->key_frame_.bitstream.size -
1193          encoded_frame->sub_frame_.bitstream.size);
1196static int CacheFrame(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
1197                      const WebPConfig* const config) {
1198  int ok = 0;
1199  int frame_skipped = 0;
1200  WebPEncodingError error_code = VP8_ENC_OK;
1201  const size_t position = enc->count_;
1202  EncodedFrame* const encoded_frame = GetFrame(enc, position);
1204  ++enc->count_;
1206  if (enc->is_first_frame_) {  // Add this as a key-frame.
1207    error_code = SetFrame(enc, config, 1, encoded_frame, &frame_skipped);
1208    if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) goto End;
1209    assert(frame_skipped == 0);  // First frame can't be skipped, even if empty.
1210    assert(position == 0 && enc->count_ == 1);
1211    encoded_frame->is_key_frame_ = 1;
1212    enc->flush_count_ = 0;
1213    enc->count_since_key_frame_ = 0;
1214    enc->prev_candidate_undecided_ = 0;
1215  } else {
1216    ++enc->count_since_key_frame_;
1217    if (enc->count_since_key_frame_ <= enc->options_.kmin) {
1218      // Add this as a frame rectangle.
1219      error_code = SetFrame(enc, config, 0, encoded_frame, &frame_skipped);
1220      if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) goto End;
1221      if (frame_skipped) goto Skip;
1222      encoded_frame->is_key_frame_ = 0;
1223      enc->flush_count_ = enc->count_ - 1;
1224      enc->prev_candidate_undecided_ = 0;
1225    } else {
1226      int64_t curr_delta;
1227      FrameRectangle prev_rect_key, prev_rect_sub;
1229      // Add this as a frame rectangle to enc.
1230      error_code = SetFrame(enc, config, 0, encoded_frame, &frame_skipped);
1231      if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) goto End;
1232      if (frame_skipped) goto Skip;
1233      prev_rect_sub = enc->prev_rect_;
1236      // Add this as a key-frame to enc, too.
1237      error_code = SetFrame(enc, config, 1, encoded_frame, &frame_skipped);
1238      if (error_code != VP8_ENC_OK) goto End;
1239      assert(frame_skipped == 0);  // Key-frame cannot be an empty rectangle.
1240      prev_rect_key = enc->prev_rect_;
1242      // Analyze size difference of the two variants.
1243      curr_delta = KeyFramePenalty(encoded_frame);
1244      if (curr_delta <= enc->best_delta_) {  // Pick this as the key-frame.
1245        if (enc->keyframe_ != KEYFRAME_NONE) {
1246          EncodedFrame* const old_keyframe = GetFrame(enc, enc->keyframe_);
1247          assert(old_keyframe->is_key_frame_);
1248          old_keyframe->is_key_frame_ = 0;
1249        }
1250        encoded_frame->is_key_frame_ = 1;
1251        enc->prev_candidate_undecided_ = 1;
1252        enc->keyframe_ = (int)position;
1253        enc->best_delta_ = curr_delta;
1254        enc->flush_count_ = enc->count_ - 1;  // We can flush previous frames.
1255      } else {
1256        encoded_frame->is_key_frame_ = 0;
1257        enc->prev_candidate_undecided_ = 0;
1258      }
1259      // Note: We need '>=' below because when kmin and kmax are both zero,
1260      // count_since_key_frame will always be > kmax.
1261      if (enc->count_since_key_frame_ >= enc->options_.kmax) {
1262        enc->flush_count_ = enc->count_ - 1;
1263        enc->count_since_key_frame_ = 0;
1264        enc->keyframe_ = KEYFRAME_NONE;
1265        enc->best_delta_ = DELTA_INFINITY;
1266      }
1267      if (!enc->prev_candidate_undecided_) {
1268        enc->prev_rect_ =
1269            encoded_frame->is_key_frame_ ? prev_rect_key : prev_rect_sub;
1270      }
1271    }
1272  }
1274  // Update previous to previous and previous canvases for next call.
1275  WebPCopyPixels(enc->curr_canvas_, &enc->prev_canvas_);
1276  enc->is_first_frame_ = 0;
1278 Skip:
1279  ok = 1;
1280  ++enc->in_frame_count_;
1282 End:
1283  if (!ok || frame_skipped) {
1284    FrameRelease(encoded_frame);
1285    // We reset some counters, as the frame addition failed/was skipped.
1286    --enc->count_;
1287    if (!enc->is_first_frame_) --enc->count_since_key_frame_;
1288    if (!ok) {
1289      MarkError2(enc, "ERROR adding frame. WebPEncodingError", error_code);
1290    }
1291  }
1292  enc->curr_canvas_->error_code = error_code;   // report error_code
1293  assert(ok || error_code != VP8_ENC_OK);
1294  return ok;
1297static int FlushFrames(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc) {
1298  while (enc->flush_count_ > 0) {
1299    WebPMuxError err;
1300    EncodedFrame* const curr = GetFrame(enc, 0);
1301    const WebPMuxFrameInfo* const info =
1302        curr->is_key_frame_ ? &curr->key_frame_ : &curr->sub_frame_;
1303    assert(enc->mux_ != NULL);
1304    err = WebPMuxPushFrame(enc->mux_, info, 1);
1305    if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) {
1306      MarkError2(enc, "ERROR adding frame. WebPMuxError", err);
1307      return 0;
1308    }
1309    if (enc->options_.verbose) {
1310      fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Added frame. offset:%d,%d dispose:%d blend:%d\n",
1311              info->x_offset, info->y_offset, info->dispose_method,
1312              info->blend_method);
1313    }
1314    ++enc->out_frame_count_;
1315    FrameRelease(curr);
1316    ++enc->start_;
1317    --enc->flush_count_;
1318    --enc->count_;
1319    if (enc->keyframe_ != KEYFRAME_NONE) --enc->keyframe_;
1320  }
1322  if (enc->count_ == 1 && enc->start_ != 0) {
1323    // Move enc->start to index 0.
1324    const int enc_start_tmp = (int)enc->start_;
1325    EncodedFrame temp = enc->encoded_frames_[0];
1326    enc->encoded_frames_[0] = enc->encoded_frames_[enc_start_tmp];
1327    enc->encoded_frames_[enc_start_tmp] = temp;
1328    FrameRelease(&enc->encoded_frames_[enc_start_tmp]);
1329    enc->start_ = 0;
1330  }
1331  return 1;
1335#undef KEYFRAME_NONE
1337int WebPAnimEncoderAdd(WebPAnimEncoder* enc, WebPPicture* frame, int timestamp,
1338                       const WebPConfig* encoder_config) {
1339  WebPConfig config;
1340  int ok;
1342  if (enc == NULL) {
1343    return 0;
1344  }
1345  MarkNoError(enc);
1347  if (!enc->is_first_frame_) {
1348    // Make sure timestamps are non-decreasing (integer wrap-around is OK).
1349    const uint32_t prev_frame_duration =
1350        (uint32_t)timestamp - enc->prev_timestamp_;
1351    if (prev_frame_duration >= MAX_DURATION) {
1352      if (frame != NULL) {
1353        frame->error_code = VP8_ENC_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION;
1354      }
1355      MarkError(enc, "ERROR adding frame: timestamps must be non-decreasing");
1356      return 0;
1357    }
1358    if (!IncreasePreviousDuration(enc, (int)prev_frame_duration)) {
1359      return 0;
1360    }
1361  } else {
1362    enc->first_timestamp_ = timestamp;
1363  }
1365  if (frame == NULL) {  // Special: last call.
1366    enc->got_null_frame_ = 1;
1367    enc->prev_timestamp_ = timestamp;
1368    return 1;
1369  }
1371  if (frame->width != enc->canvas_width_ ||
1372      frame->height != enc->canvas_height_) {
1373    frame->error_code = VP8_ENC_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION;
1374    MarkError(enc, "ERROR adding frame: Invalid frame dimensions");
1375    return 0;
1376  }
1378  if (!frame->use_argb) {  // Convert frame from YUV(A) to ARGB.
1379    if (enc->options_.verbose) {
1380      fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Converting frame from YUV(A) to ARGB format; "
1381              "this incurs a small loss.\n");
1382    }
1383    if (!WebPPictureYUVAToARGB(frame)) {
1384      MarkError(enc, "ERROR converting frame from YUV(A) to ARGB");
1385      return 0;
1386    }
1387  }
1389  if (encoder_config != NULL) {
1390    if (!WebPValidateConfig(encoder_config)) {
1391      MarkError(enc, "ERROR adding frame: Invalid WebPConfig");
1392      return 0;
1393    }
1394    config = *encoder_config;
1395  } else {
1396    WebPConfigInit(&config);
1397    config.lossless = 1;
1398  }
1399  assert(enc->curr_canvas_ == NULL);
1400  enc->curr_canvas_ = frame;  // Store reference.
1401  assert(enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_ == 1);
1402  CopyCurrentCanvas(enc);
1404  ok = CacheFrame(enc, &config) && FlushFrames(enc);
1406  enc->curr_canvas_ = NULL;
1407  enc->curr_canvas_copy_modified_ = 1;
1408  if (ok) {
1409    enc->prev_timestamp_ = timestamp;
1410  }
1411  return ok;
1414// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1415// Bitstream assembly.
1417static int DecodeFrameOntoCanvas(const WebPMuxFrameInfo* const frame,
1418                                 WebPPicture* const canvas) {
1419  const WebPData* const image = &frame->bitstream;
1420  WebPPicture sub_image;
1421  WebPDecoderConfig config;
1422  WebPInitDecoderConfig(&config);
1423  WebPUtilClearPic(canvas, NULL);
1424  if (WebPGetFeatures(image->bytes, image->size, &config.input) !=
1425      VP8_STATUS_OK) {
1426    return 0;
1427  }
1428  if (!WebPPictureView(canvas, frame->x_offset, frame->y_offset,
1429                       config.input.width, config.input.height, &sub_image)) {
1430    return 0;
1431  }
1432  config.output.is_external_memory = 1;
1433  config.output.colorspace = MODE_BGRA;
1434  config.output.u.RGBA.rgba = (uint8_t*)sub_image.argb;
1435  config.output.u.RGBA.stride = sub_image.argb_stride * 4;
1436  config.output.u.RGBA.size = config.output.u.RGBA.stride * sub_image.height;
1438  if (WebPDecode(image->bytes, image->size, &config) != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
1439    return 0;
1440  }
1441  return 1;
1444static int FrameToFullCanvas(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
1445                             const WebPMuxFrameInfo* const frame,
1446                             WebPData* const full_image) {
1447  WebPPicture* const canvas_buf = &enc->curr_canvas_copy_;
1448  WebPMemoryWriter mem1, mem2;
1449  WebPMemoryWriterInit(&mem1);
1450  WebPMemoryWriterInit(&mem2);
1452  if (!DecodeFrameOntoCanvas(frame, canvas_buf)) goto Err;
1453  if (!EncodeFrame(&enc->last_config_, canvas_buf, &mem1)) goto Err;
1454  GetEncodedData(&mem1, full_image);
1456  if (enc->options_.allow_mixed) {
1457    if (!EncodeFrame(&enc->last_config_reversed_, canvas_buf, &mem2)) goto Err;
1458    if (mem2.size < mem1.size) {
1459      GetEncodedData(&mem2, full_image);
1460      WebPMemoryWriterClear(&mem1);
1461    } else {
1462      WebPMemoryWriterClear(&mem2);
1463    }
1464  }
1465  return 1;
1467 Err:
1468  WebPMemoryWriterClear(&mem1);
1469  WebPMemoryWriterClear(&mem2);
1470  return 0;
1473// Convert a single-frame animation to a non-animated image if appropriate.
1474// TODO(urvang): Can we pick one of the two heuristically (based on frame
1475// rectangle and/or presence of alpha)?
1476static WebPMuxError OptimizeSingleFrame(WebPAnimEncoder* const enc,
1477                                        WebPData* const webp_data) {
1478  WebPMuxError err = WEBP_MUX_OK;
1479  int canvas_width, canvas_height;
1480  WebPMuxFrameInfo frame;
1481  WebPData full_image;
1482  WebPData webp_data2;
1483  WebPMux* const mux = WebPMuxCreate(webp_data, 0);
1484  if (mux == NULL) return WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
1485  assert(enc->out_frame_count_ == 1);
1486  WebPDataInit(&frame.bitstream);
1487  WebPDataInit(&full_image);
1488  WebPDataInit(&webp_data2);
1490  err = WebPMuxGetFrame(mux, 1, &frame);
1491  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto End;
1492  if (frame.id != WEBP_CHUNK_ANMF) goto End;  // Non-animation: nothing to do.
1493  err = WebPMuxGetCanvasSize(mux, &canvas_width, &canvas_height);
1494  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto End;
1495  if (!FrameToFullCanvas(enc, &frame, &full_image)) {
1496    err = WEBP_MUX_BAD_DATA;
1497    goto End;
1498  }
1499  err = WebPMuxSetImage(mux, &full_image, 1);
1500  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto End;
1501  err = WebPMuxAssemble(mux, &webp_data2);
1502  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto End;
1504  if (webp_data2.size < webp_data->size) {  // Pick 'webp_data2' if smaller.
1505    WebPDataClear(webp_data);
1506    *webp_data = webp_data2;
1507    WebPDataInit(&webp_data2);
1508  }
1510 End:
1511  WebPDataClear(&frame.bitstream);
1512  WebPDataClear(&full_image);
1513  WebPMuxDelete(mux);
1514  WebPDataClear(&webp_data2);
1515  return err;
1518int WebPAnimEncoderAssemble(WebPAnimEncoder* enc, WebPData* webp_data) {
1519  WebPMux* mux;
1520  WebPMuxError err;
1522  if (enc == NULL) {
1523    return 0;
1524  }
1525  MarkNoError(enc);
1527  if (webp_data == NULL) {
1528    MarkError(enc, "ERROR assembling: NULL input");
1529    return 0;
1530  }
1532  if (enc->in_frame_count_ == 0) {
1533    MarkError(enc, "ERROR: No frames to assemble");
1534    return 0;
1535  }
1537  if (!enc->got_null_frame_ && enc->in_frame_count_ > 1 && enc->count_ > 0) {
1538    // set duration of the last frame to be avg of durations of previous frames.
1539    const double delta_time =
1540        (uint32_t)enc->prev_timestamp_ - enc->first_timestamp_;
1541    const int average_duration = (int)(delta_time / (enc->in_frame_count_ - 1));
1542    if (!IncreasePreviousDuration(enc, average_duration)) {
1543      return 0;
1544    }
1545  }
1547  // Flush any remaining frames.
1548  enc->flush_count_ = enc->count_;
1549  if (!FlushFrames(enc)) {
1550    return 0;
1551  }
1553  // Set definitive canvas size.
1554  mux = enc->mux_;
1555  err = WebPMuxSetCanvasSize(mux, enc->canvas_width_, enc->canvas_height_);
1556  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
1558  err = WebPMuxSetAnimationParams(mux, &enc->options_.anim_params);
1559  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
1561  // Assemble into a WebP bitstream.
1562  err = WebPMuxAssemble(mux, webp_data);
1563  if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
1565  if (enc->out_frame_count_ == 1) {
1566    err = OptimizeSingleFrame(enc, webp_data);
1567    if (err != WEBP_MUX_OK) goto Err;
1568  }
1569  return 1;
1571 Err:
1572  MarkError2(enc, "ERROR assembling WebP", err);
1573  return 0;
1576const char* WebPAnimEncoderGetError(WebPAnimEncoder* enc) {
1577  if (enc == NULL) return NULL;
1578  return enc->error_str_;
1581// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------