revision 47f3c98d3c706c02c898cd15fbe6ee19d840c2c6
2 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package java.util.logging;
29import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
30import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
34 * Simple file logging <tt>Handler</tt>.
35 * <p>
36 * The <tt>FileHandler</tt> can either write to a specified file,
37 * or it can write to a rotating set of files.
38 * <p>
39 * For a rotating set of files, as each file reaches a given size
40 * limit, it is closed, rotated out, and a new file opened.
41 * Successively older files are named by adding "0", "1", "2",
42 * etc. into the base filename.
43 * <p>
44 * By default buffering is enabled in the IO libraries but each log
45 * record is flushed out when it is complete.
46 * <p>
47 * By default the <tt>XMLFormatter</tt> class is used for formatting.
48 * <p>
49 * <b>Configuration:</b>
50 * By default each <tt>FileHandler</tt> is initialized using the following
51 * <tt>LogManager</tt> configuration properties.  If properties are not defined
52 * (or have invalid values) then the specified default values are used.
53 * <ul>
54 * <li>   java.util.logging.FileHandler.level
55 *        specifies the default level for the <tt>Handler</tt>
56 *        (defaults to <tt>Level.ALL</tt>).
57 * <li>   java.util.logging.FileHandler.filter
58 *        specifies the name of a <tt>Filter</tt> class to use
59 *        (defaults to no <tt>Filter</tt>).
60 * <li>   java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter
61 *        specifies the name of a <tt>Formatter</tt> class to use
62 *        (defaults to <tt>java.util.logging.XMLFormatter</tt>)
63 * <li>   java.util.logging.FileHandler.encoding
64 *        the name of the character set encoding to use (defaults to
65 *        the default platform encoding).
66 * <li>   java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit
67 *        specifies an approximate maximum amount to write (in bytes)
68 *        to any one file.  If this is zero, then there is no limit.
69 *        (Defaults to no limit).
70 * <li>   java.util.logging.FileHandler.count
71 *        specifies how many output files to cycle through (defaults to 1).
72 * <li>   java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern
73 *        specifies a pattern for generating the output file name.  See
74 *        below for details. (Defaults to "%h/java%u.log").
75 * <li>   java.util.logging.FileHandler.append
76 *        specifies whether the FileHandler should append onto
77 *        any existing files (defaults to false).
78 * </ul>
79 * <p>
80 * <p>
81 * A pattern consists of a string that includes the following special
82 * components that will be replaced at runtime:
83 * <ul>
84 * <li>    "/"    the local pathname separator
85 * <li>     "%t"   the system temporary directory
86 * <li>     "%h"   the value of the "user.home" system property
87 * <li>     "%g"   the generation number to distinguish rotated logs
88 * <li>     "%u"   a unique number to resolve conflicts
89 * <li>     "%%"   translates to a single percent sign "%"
90 * </ul>
91 * If no "%g" field has been specified and the file count is greater
92 * than one, then the generation number will be added to the end of
93 * the generated filename, after a dot.
94 * <p>
95 * Thus for example a pattern of "%t/java%g.log" with a count of 2
96 * would typically cause log files to be written on Solaris to
97 * /var/tmp/java0.log and /var/tmp/java1.log whereas on Windows 95 they
98 * would be typically written to C:\TEMP\java0.log and C:\TEMP\java1.log
99 * <p>
100 * Generation numbers follow the sequence 0, 1, 2, etc.
101 * <p>
102 * Normally the "%u" unique field is set to 0.  However, if the <tt>FileHandler</tt>
103 * tries to open the filename and finds the file is currently in use by
104 * another process it will increment the unique number field and try
105 * again.  This will be repeated until <tt>FileHandler</tt> finds a file name that
106 * is  not currently in use. If there is a conflict and no "%u" field has
107 * been specified, it will be added at the end of the filename after a dot.
108 * (This will be after any automatically added generation number.)
109 * <p>
110 * Thus if three processes were all trying to log to fred%u.%g.txt then
111 * they  might end up using fred0.0.txt, fred1.0.txt, fred2.0.txt as
112 * the first file in their rotating sequences.
113 * <p>
114 * Note that the use of unique ids to avoid conflicts is only guaranteed
115 * to work reliably when using a local disk file system.
116 *
117 * @since 1.4
118 */
120public class FileHandler extends StreamHandler {
121    private MeteredStream meter;
122    private boolean append;
123    private int limit;       // zero => no limit.
124    private int count;
125    private String pattern;
126    private String lockFileName;
127    private FileOutputStream lockStream;
128    private File files[];
129    private static final int MAX_LOCKS = 100;
130    private static java.util.HashMap<String, String> locks = new java.util.HashMap<>();
132    // A metered stream is a subclass of OutputStream that
133    //   (a) forwards all its output to a target stream
134    //   (b) keeps track of how many bytes have been written
135    private class MeteredStream extends OutputStream {
136        OutputStream out;
137        int written;
139        MeteredStream(OutputStream out, int written) {
140            this.out = out;
141            this.written = written;
142        }
144        public void write(int b) throws IOException {
145            out.write(b);
146            written++;
147        }
149        public void write(byte buff[]) throws IOException {
150            out.write(buff);
151            written += buff.length;
152        }
154        public void write(byte buff[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
155            out.write(buff,off,len);
156            written += len;
157        }
159        public void flush() throws IOException {
160            out.flush();
161        }
163        public void close() throws IOException {
164            out.close();
165        }
166    }
168    private void open(File fname, boolean append) throws IOException {
169        int len = 0;
170        if (append) {
171            len = (int)fname.length();
172        }
173        FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(fname.toString(), append);
174        BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
175        meter = new MeteredStream(bout, len);
176        setOutputStream(meter);
177    }
179    // Private method to configure a FileHandler from LogManager
180    // properties and/or default values as specified in the class
181    // javadoc.
182    private void configure() {
183        LogManager manager = LogManager.getLogManager();
185        String cname = getClass().getName();
187        pattern = manager.getStringProperty(cname + ".pattern", "%h/java%u.log");
188        limit = manager.getIntProperty(cname + ".limit", 0);
189        if (limit < 0) {
190            limit = 0;
191        }
192        count = manager.getIntProperty(cname + ".count", 1);
193        if (count <= 0) {
194            count = 1;
195        }
196        append = manager.getBooleanProperty(cname + ".append", false);
197        setLevel(manager.getLevelProperty(cname + ".level", Level.ALL));
198        setFilter(manager.getFilterProperty(cname + ".filter", null));
199        setFormatter(manager.getFormatterProperty(cname + ".formatter", new XMLFormatter()));
200        try {
201            setEncoding(manager.getStringProperty(cname +".encoding", null));
202        } catch (Exception ex) {
203            try {
204                setEncoding(null);
205            } catch (Exception ex2) {
206                // doing a setEncoding with null should always work.
207                // assert false;
208            }
209        }
210    }
213    /**
214     * Construct a default <tt>FileHandler</tt>.  This will be configured
215     * entirely from <tt>LogManager</tt> properties (or their default values).
216     * <p>
217     * @exception  IOException if there are IO problems opening the files.
218     * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
219     *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control"))</tt>.
220     * @exception  NullPointerException if pattern property is an empty String.
221     */
222    public FileHandler() throws IOException, SecurityException {
223        checkPermission();
224        configure();
225        openFiles();
226    }
228    /**
229     * Initialize a <tt>FileHandler</tt> to write to the given filename.
230     * <p>
231     * The <tt>FileHandler</tt> is configured based on <tt>LogManager</tt>
232     * properties (or their default values) except that the given pattern
233     * argument is used as the filename pattern, the file limit is
234     * set to no limit, and the file count is set to one.
235     * <p>
236     * There is no limit on the amount of data that may be written,
237     * so use this with care.
238     *
239     * @param pattern  the name of the output file
240     * @exception  IOException if there are IO problems opening the files.
241     * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
242     *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
243     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException if pattern is an empty string
244     */
245    public FileHandler(String pattern) throws IOException, SecurityException {
246        if (pattern.length() < 1 ) {
247            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
248        }
249        checkPermission();
250        configure();
251        this.pattern = pattern;
252        this.limit = 0;
253        this.count = 1;
254        openFiles();
255    }
257    /**
258     * Initialize a <tt>FileHandler</tt> to write to the given filename,
259     * with optional append.
260     * <p>
261     * The <tt>FileHandler</tt> is configured based on <tt>LogManager</tt>
262     * properties (or their default values) except that the given pattern
263     * argument is used as the filename pattern, the file limit is
264     * set to no limit, the file count is set to one, and the append
265     * mode is set to the given <tt>append</tt> argument.
266     * <p>
267     * There is no limit on the amount of data that may be written,
268     * so use this with care.
269     *
270     * @param pattern  the name of the output file
271     * @param append  specifies append mode
272     * @exception  IOException if there are IO problems opening the files.
273     * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
274     *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
275     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException if pattern is an empty string
276     */
277    public FileHandler(String pattern, boolean append) throws IOException, SecurityException {
278        if (pattern.length() < 1 ) {
279            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
280        }
281        checkPermission();
282        configure();
283        this.pattern = pattern;
284        this.limit = 0;
285        this.count = 1;
286        this.append = append;
287        openFiles();
288    }
290    /**
291     * Initialize a <tt>FileHandler</tt> to write to a set of files.  When
292     * (approximately) the given limit has been written to one file,
293     * another file will be opened.  The output will cycle through a set
294     * of count files.
295     * <p>
296     * The <tt>FileHandler</tt> is configured based on <tt>LogManager</tt>
297     * properties (or their default values) except that the given pattern
298     * argument is used as the filename pattern, the file limit is
299     * set to the limit argument, and the file count is set to the
300     * given count argument.
301     * <p>
302     * The count must be at least 1.
303     *
304     * @param pattern  the pattern for naming the output file
305     * @param limit  the maximum number of bytes to write to any one file
306     * @param count  the number of files to use
307     * @exception  IOException if there are IO problems opening the files.
308     * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
309     *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
310     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if limit < 0, or count < 1.
311     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException if pattern is an empty string
312     */
313    public FileHandler(String pattern, int limit, int count)
314                                        throws IOException, SecurityException {
315        if (limit < 0 || count < 1 || pattern.length() < 1) {
316            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
317        }
318        checkPermission();
319        configure();
320        this.pattern = pattern;
321        this.limit = limit;
322        this.count = count;
323        openFiles();
324    }
326    /**
327     * Initialize a <tt>FileHandler</tt> to write to a set of files
328     * with optional append.  When (approximately) the given limit has
329     * been written to one file, another file will be opened.  The
330     * output will cycle through a set of count files.
331     * <p>
332     * The <tt>FileHandler</tt> is configured based on <tt>LogManager</tt>
333     * properties (or their default values) except that the given pattern
334     * argument is used as the filename pattern, the file limit is
335     * set to the limit argument, and the file count is set to the
336     * given count argument, and the append mode is set to the given
337     * <tt>append</tt> argument.
338     * <p>
339     * The count must be at least 1.
340     *
341     * @param pattern  the pattern for naming the output file
342     * @param limit  the maximum number of bytes to write to any one file
343     * @param count  the number of files to use
344     * @param append  specifies append mode
345     * @exception  IOException if there are IO problems opening the files.
346     * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
347     *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
348     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if limit < 0, or count < 1.
349     * @exception  IllegalArgumentException if pattern is an empty string
350     *
351     */
352    public FileHandler(String pattern, int limit, int count, boolean append)
353                                        throws IOException, SecurityException {
354        if (limit < 0 || count < 1 || pattern.length() < 1) {
355            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
356        }
357        checkPermission();
358        configure();
359        this.pattern = pattern;
360        this.limit = limit;
361        this.count = count;
362        this.append = append;
363        openFiles();
364    }
366    // Private method to open the set of output files, based on the
367    // configured instance variables.
368    private void openFiles() throws IOException {
369        LogManager manager = LogManager.getLogManager();
370        manager.checkPermission();
371        if (count < 1) {
372           throw new IllegalArgumentException("file count = " + count);
373        }
374        if (limit < 0) {
375            limit = 0;
376        }
378        // We register our own ErrorManager during initialization
379        // so we can record exceptions.
380        InitializationErrorManager em = new InitializationErrorManager();
381        setErrorManager(em);
383        // Create a lock file.  This grants us exclusive access
384        // to our set of output files, as long as we are alive.
385        int unique = -1;
386        for (;;) {
387            unique++;
388            if (unique > MAX_LOCKS) {
389                throw new IOException("Couldn't get lock for " + pattern);
390            }
391            // Generate a lock file name from the "unique" int.
392            lockFileName = generate(pattern, 0, unique).toString() + ".lck";
393            // Now try to lock that filename.
394            // Because some systems (e.g., Solaris) can only do file locks
395            // between processes (and not within a process), we first check
396            // if we ourself already have the file locked.
397            synchronized(locks) {
398                if (locks.get(lockFileName) != null) {
399                    // We already own this lock, for a different FileHandler
400                    // object.  Try again.
401                    continue;
402                }
403                FileChannel fc;
404                try {
405                    lockStream = new FileOutputStream(lockFileName);
406                    fc = lockStream.getChannel();
407                } catch (IOException ix) {
408                    // We got an IOException while trying to open the file.
409                    // Try the next file.
410                    continue;
411                }
412                boolean available;
413                try {
414                    available = fc.tryLock() != null;
415                    // We got the lock OK.
416                } catch (IOException ix) {
417                    // We got an IOException while trying to get the lock.
418                    // This normally indicates that locking is not supported
419                    // on the target directory.  We have to proceed without
420                    // getting a lock.   Drop through.
421                    available = true;
422                }
423                if (available) {
424                    // We got the lock.  Remember it.
425                    locks.put(lockFileName, lockFileName);
426                    break;
427                }
429                // We failed to get the lock.  Try next file.
430                fc.close();
431            }
432        }
434        files = new File[count];
435        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
436            files[i] = generate(pattern, i, unique);
437        }
439        // Create the initial log file.
440        if (append) {
441            open(files[0], true);
442        } else {
443            rotate();
444        }
446        // Did we detect any exceptions during initialization?
447        Exception ex = em.lastException;
448        if (ex != null) {
449            if (ex instanceof IOException) {
450                throw (IOException) ex;
451            } else if (ex instanceof SecurityException) {
452                throw (SecurityException) ex;
453            } else {
454                throw new IOException("Exception: " + ex);
455            }
456        }
458        // Install the normal default ErrorManager.
459        setErrorManager(new ErrorManager());
460    }
462    // Generate a filename from a pattern.
463    private File generate(String pattern, int generation, int unique) throws IOException {
464        File file = null;
465        String word = "";
466        int ix = 0;
467        boolean sawg = false;
468        boolean sawu = false;
469        while (ix < pattern.length()) {
470            char ch = pattern.charAt(ix);
471            ix++;
472            char ch2 = 0;
473            if (ix < pattern.length()) {
474                ch2 = Character.toLowerCase(pattern.charAt(ix));
475            }
476            if (ch == '/') {
477                if (file == null) {
478                    file = new File(word);
479                } else {
480                    file = new File(file, word);
481                }
482                word = "";
483                continue;
484            } else  if (ch == '%') {
485                if (ch2 == 't') {
486                    String tmpDir = System.getProperty("");
487                    if (tmpDir == null) {
488                        tmpDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
489                    }
490                    file = new File(tmpDir);
491                    ix++;
492                    word = "";
493                    continue;
494                } else if (ch2 == 'h') {
495                    file = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"));
496                    // Android-changed: Don't make a special exemption for setuid programs.
497                    //
498                    // if (isSetUID()) {
499                    //     // Ok, we are in a set UID program.  For safety's sake
500                    //     // we disallow attempts to open files relative to %h.
501                    //     throw new IOException("can't use %h in set UID program");
502                    // }
503                    ix++;
504                    word = "";
505                    continue;
506                } else if (ch2 == 'g') {
507                    word = word + generation;
508                    sawg = true;
509                    ix++;
510                    continue;
511                } else if (ch2 == 'u') {
512                    word = word + unique;
513                    sawu = true;
514                    ix++;
515                    continue;
516                } else if (ch2 == '%') {
517                    word = word + "%";
518                    ix++;
519                    continue;
520                }
521            }
522            word = word + ch;
523        }
524        if (count > 1 && !sawg) {
525            word = word + "." + generation;
526        }
527        if (unique > 0 && !sawu) {
528            word = word + "." + unique;
529        }
530        if (word.length() > 0) {
531            if (file == null) {
532                file = new File(word);
533            } else {
534                file = new File(file, word);
535            }
536        }
537        return file;
538    }
540    // Rotate the set of output files
541    private synchronized void rotate() {
542        Level oldLevel = getLevel();
543        setLevel(Level.OFF);
545        super.close();
546        for (int i = count-2; i >= 0; i--) {
547            File f1 = files[i];
548            File f2 = files[i+1];
549            if (f1.exists()) {
550                if (f2.exists()) {
551                    f2.delete();
552                }
553                f1.renameTo(f2);
554            }
555        }
556        try {
557            open(files[0], false);
558        } catch (IOException ix) {
559            // We don't want to throw an exception here, but we
560            // report the exception to any registered ErrorManager.
561            reportError(null, ix, ErrorManager.OPEN_FAILURE);
563        }
564        setLevel(oldLevel);
565    }
567    /**
568     * Format and publish a <tt>LogRecord</tt>.
569     *
570     * @param  record  description of the log event. A null record is
571     *                 silently ignored and is not published
572     */
573    public synchronized void publish(LogRecord record) {
574        if (!isLoggable(record)) {
575            return;
576        }
577        super.publish(record);
578        flush();
579        if (limit > 0 && meter.written >= limit) {
580            // We performed access checks in the "init" method to make sure
581            // we are only initialized from trusted code.  So we assume
582            // it is OK to write the target files, even if we are
583            // currently being called from untrusted code.
584            // So it is safe to raise privilege here.
585            AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
586                public Object run() {
587                    rotate();
588                    return null;
589                }
590            });
591        }
592    }
594    /**
595     * Close all the files.
596     *
597     * @exception  SecurityException  if a security manager exists and if
598     *             the caller does not have <tt>LoggingPermission("control")</tt>.
599     */
600    public synchronized void close() throws SecurityException {
601        super.close();
602        // Unlock any lock file.
603        if (lockFileName == null) {
604            return;
605        }
606        try {
607            // Closing the lock file's FileOutputStream will close
608            // the underlying channel and free any locks.
609            lockStream.close();
610        } catch (Exception ex) {
611            // Problems closing the stream.  Punt.
612        }
613        synchronized(locks) {
614            locks.remove(lockFileName);
615        }
616        new File(lockFileName).delete();
617        lockFileName = null;
618        lockStream = null;
619    }
621    private static class InitializationErrorManager extends ErrorManager {
622        Exception lastException;
623        public void error(String msg, Exception ex, int code) {
624            lastException = ex;
625        }
626    }
628    // Private native method to check if we are in a set UID program.
629    // Android-changed: Not required.
630    // private static native boolean isSetUID();