2 * Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10 *
11 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15 * accompanied this code).
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 *
21 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23 * questions.
24 */
26package sun.util.locale;
28import java.util.ArrayList;
29import java.util.Collection;
30import java.util.HashMap;
31import java.util.Iterator;
32import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
33import java.util.LinkedList;
34import java.util.List;
35import java.util.Locale;
36import java.util.Locale.*;
37import static java.util.Locale.FilteringMode.*;
38import static java.util.Locale.LanguageRange.*;
39import java.util.Map;
40import java.util.Set;
43 * Implementation for BCP47 Locale matching
44 *
45 */
46public final class LocaleMatcher {
48    public static List<Locale> filter(List<LanguageRange> priorityList,
49                                      Collection<Locale> locales,
50                                      FilteringMode mode) {
51        if (priorityList.isEmpty() || locales.isEmpty()) {
52            return new ArrayList<>(); // need to return a empty mutable List
53        }
55        // Create a list of language tags to be matched.
56        List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>();
57        for (Locale locale : locales) {
58            tags.add(locale.toLanguageTag());
59        }
61        // Filter language tags.
62        List<String> filteredTags = filterTags(priorityList, tags, mode);
64        // Create a list of matching locales.
65        List<Locale> filteredLocales = new ArrayList<>(filteredTags.size());
66        for (String tag : filteredTags) {
67              filteredLocales.add(Locale.forLanguageTag(tag));
68        }
70        return filteredLocales;
71    }
73    public static List<String> filterTags(List<LanguageRange> priorityList,
74                                          Collection<String> tags,
75                                          FilteringMode mode) {
76        if (priorityList.isEmpty() || tags.isEmpty()) {
77            return new ArrayList<>(); // need to return a empty mutable List
78        }
80        ArrayList<LanguageRange> list;
81        if (mode == EXTENDED_FILTERING) {
82            return filterExtended(priorityList, tags);
83        } else {
84            list = new ArrayList<>();
85            for (LanguageRange lr : priorityList) {
86                String range = lr.getRange();
87                if (range.startsWith("*-")
88                    || range.indexOf("-*") != -1) { // Extended range
89                    if (mode == AUTOSELECT_FILTERING) {
90                        return filterExtended(priorityList, tags);
91                    } else if (mode == MAP_EXTENDED_RANGES) {
92                        if (range.charAt(0) == '*') {
93                            range = "*";
94                        } else {
95                            range = range.replaceAll("-[*]", "");
96                        }
97                        list.add(new LanguageRange(range, lr.getWeight()));
98                    } else if (mode == REJECT_EXTENDED_RANGES) {
99                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("An extended range \""
100                                      + range
101                                      + "\" found in REJECT_EXTENDED_RANGES mode.");
102                    }
103                } else { // Basic range
104                    list.add(lr);
105                }
106            }
108            return filterBasic(list, tags);
109        }
110    }
112    private static List<String> filterBasic(List<LanguageRange> priorityList,
113                                            Collection<String> tags) {
114        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
115        for (LanguageRange lr : priorityList) {
116            String range = lr.getRange();
117            if (range.equals("*")) {
118                return new ArrayList<String>(tags);
119            } else {
120                for (String tag : tags) {
121                    tag = tag.toLowerCase();
122                    if (tag.startsWith(range)) {
123                        int len = range.length();
124                        if ((tag.length() == len || tag.charAt(len) == '-')
125                            && !list.contains(tag)) {
126                            list.add(tag);
127                        }
128                    }
129                }
130            }
131        }
133        return list;
134    }
136    private static List<String> filterExtended(List<LanguageRange> priorityList,
137                                               Collection<String> tags) {
138        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
139        for (LanguageRange lr : priorityList) {
140            String range = lr.getRange();
141            if (range.equals("*")) {
142                return new ArrayList<String>(tags);
143            }
144            String[] rangeSubtags = range.split("-");
145            for (String tag : tags) {
146                tag = tag.toLowerCase();
147                String[] tagSubtags = tag.split("-");
148                if (!rangeSubtags[0].equals(tagSubtags[0])
149                    && !rangeSubtags[0].equals("*")) {
150                    continue;
151                }
153                int rangeIndex = 1;
154                int tagIndex = 1;
156                while (rangeIndex < rangeSubtags.length
157                       && tagIndex < tagSubtags.length) {
158                   if (rangeSubtags[rangeIndex].equals("*")) {
159                       rangeIndex++;
160                   } else if (rangeSubtags[rangeIndex].equals(tagSubtags[tagIndex])) {
161                       rangeIndex++;
162                       tagIndex++;
163                   } else if (tagSubtags[tagIndex].length() == 1
164                              && !tagSubtags[tagIndex].equals("*")) {
165                       break;
166                   } else {
167                       tagIndex++;
168                   }
169               }
171               if (rangeSubtags.length == rangeIndex && !list.contains(tag)) {
172                   list.add(tag);
173               }
174            }
175        }
177        return list;
178    }
180    public static Locale lookup(List<LanguageRange> priorityList,
181                                Collection<Locale> locales) {
182        if (priorityList.isEmpty() || locales.isEmpty()) {
183            return null;
184        }
186        // Create a list of language tags to be matched.
187        List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>();
188        for (Locale locale : locales) {
189            tags.add(locale.toLanguageTag());
190        }
192        // Look up a language tags.
193        String lookedUpTag = lookupTag(priorityList, tags);
195        if (lookedUpTag == null) {
196            return null;
197        } else {
198            return Locale.forLanguageTag(lookedUpTag);
199        }
200    }
202    public static String lookupTag(List<LanguageRange> priorityList,
203                                   Collection<String> tags) {
204        if (priorityList.isEmpty() || tags.isEmpty()) {
205            return null;
206        }
208        for (LanguageRange lr : priorityList) {
209            String range = lr.getRange();
211            // Special language range ("*") is ignored in lookup.
212            if (range.equals("*")) {
213                continue;
214            }
215            // Android-changed: backport OpenJDK 9 fix for JDK-8166994
216            String rangeForRegex = range.replace("*", "\\p{Alnum}*");
217            while (rangeForRegex.length() > 0) {
218                for (String tag : tags) {
219                    tag = tag.toLowerCase();
220                    if (tag.matches(rangeForRegex)) {
221                        return tag;
222                    }
223                }
225                // Truncate from the end....
226                int index = rangeForRegex.lastIndexOf('-');
227                if (index >= 0) {
228                    rangeForRegex = rangeForRegex.substring(0, index);
230                    // if range ends with an extension key, truncate it.
231                    if (rangeForRegex.lastIndexOf('-') == rangeForRegex.length()-2) {
232                        rangeForRegex =
233                            rangeForRegex.substring(0, rangeForRegex.length()-2);
234                    }
235                } else {
236                    rangeForRegex = "";
237                }
238            }
239        }
241        return null;
242    }
244    public static List<LanguageRange> parse(String ranges) {
245        // Android-changed: backport OpenJDK 9 fix for JDK-8166994
246        ranges = ranges.replace(" ", "").toLowerCase();
247        if (ranges.startsWith("accept-language:")) {
248            ranges = ranges.substring(16); // delete unnecessary prefix
249        }
251        String[] langRanges = ranges.split(",");
252        List<LanguageRange> list = new ArrayList<>(langRanges.length);
253        List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<>();
254        int numOfRanges = 0;
256        for (String range : langRanges) {
257            int index;
258            String r;
259            double w;
261            if ((index = range.indexOf(";q=")) == -1) {
262                r = range;
263                w = MAX_WEIGHT;
264            } else {
265                r = range.substring(0, index);
266                index += 3;
267                try {
268                    w = Double.parseDouble(range.substring(index));
269                }
270                catch (Exception e) {
271                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("weight=\""
272                                  + range.substring(index)
273                                  + "\" for language range \"" + r + "\"");
274                }
276                if (w < MIN_WEIGHT || w > MAX_WEIGHT) {
277                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("weight=" + w
278                                  + " for language range \"" + r
279                                  + "\". It must be between " + MIN_WEIGHT
280                                  + " and " + MAX_WEIGHT + ".");
281                }
282            }
284            if (!tempList.contains(r)) {
285                LanguageRange lr = new LanguageRange(r, w);
286                index = numOfRanges;
287                for (int j = 0; j < numOfRanges; j++) {
288                    if (list.get(j).getWeight() < w) {
289                        index = j;
290                        break;
291                    }
292                }
293                list.add(index, lr);
294                numOfRanges++;
295                tempList.add(r);
297                // Check if the range has an equivalent using IANA LSR data.
298                // If yes, add it to the User's Language Priority List as well.
300                // aa-XX -> aa-YY
301                String equivalent;
302                if ((equivalent = getEquivalentForRegionAndVariant(r)) != null
303                    && !tempList.contains(equivalent)) {
304                    list.add(index+1, new LanguageRange(equivalent, w));
305                    numOfRanges++;
306                    tempList.add(equivalent);
307                }
309                String[] equivalents;
310                if ((equivalents = getEquivalentsForLanguage(r)) != null) {
311                    for (String equiv: equivalents) {
312                        // aa-XX -> bb-XX(, cc-XX)
313                        if (!tempList.contains(equiv)) {
314                            list.add(index+1, new LanguageRange(equiv, w));
315                            numOfRanges++;
316                            tempList.add(equiv);
317                        }
319                        // bb-XX -> bb-YY(, cc-YY)
320                        equivalent = getEquivalentForRegionAndVariant(equiv);
321                        if (equivalent != null
322                            && !tempList.contains(equivalent)) {
323                            list.add(index+1, new LanguageRange(equivalent, w));
324                            numOfRanges++;
325                            tempList.add(equivalent);
326                        }
327                    }
328                }
329            }
330        }
332        return list;
333    }
335    // BEGIN Android-added: backport OpenJDK 9 fix for JDK-8166994
336    /**
337     * A faster alternative approach to String.replaceFirst(), if the given
338     * string is a literal String, not a regex.
339     */
340    private static String replaceFirstSubStringMatch(String range,
341            String substr, String replacement) {
342        int pos = range.indexOf(substr);
343        if (pos == -1) {
344            return range;
345        } else {
346            return range.substring(0, pos) + replacement
347                    + range.substring(pos + substr.length());
348        }
349    }
350    // END Android-added: backport OpenJDK 9 fix for JDK-8166994
352    private static String[] getEquivalentsForLanguage(String range) {
353        String r = range;
355        while (r.length() > 0) {
356            if (LocaleEquivalentMaps.singleEquivMap.containsKey(r)) {
357                String equiv = LocaleEquivalentMaps.singleEquivMap.get(r);
358                // Return immediately for performance if the first matching
359                // subtag is found.
360// BEGIN Android-added: backport OpenJDK 9 fix for JDK-8166994
361// Upstream bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8166994
362// Upstream fix: http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/rev/60837db5d445
363                return new String[]{replaceFirstSubStringMatch(range,
364                    r, equiv)};
365            } else if (LocaleEquivalentMaps.multiEquivsMap.containsKey(r)) {
366                String[] equivs = LocaleEquivalentMaps.multiEquivsMap.get(r);
367                String[] result = new String[equivs.length];
368                for (int i = 0; i < equivs.length; i++) {
369                    result[i] = replaceFirstSubStringMatch(range,
370                            r, equivs[i]);
371                }
372                return result;
373// END Android-added: backport OpenJDK 9 fix for JDK-8166994
374            }
376            // Truncate the last subtag simply.
377            int index = r.lastIndexOf('-');
378            if (index == -1) {
379                break;
380            }
381            r = r.substring(0, index);
382        }
384        return null;
385    }
387    private static String getEquivalentForRegionAndVariant(String range) {
388        int extensionKeyIndex = getExtentionKeyIndex(range);
390        for (String subtag : LocaleEquivalentMaps.regionVariantEquivMap.keySet()) {
391            int index;
392            if ((index = range.indexOf(subtag)) != -1) {
393                // Check if the matching text is a valid region or variant.
394                if (extensionKeyIndex != Integer.MIN_VALUE
395                    && index > extensionKeyIndex) {
396                    continue;
397                }
399                int len = index + subtag.length();
400                if (range.length() == len || range.charAt(len) == '-') {
401                    return replaceFirstSubStringMatch(range, subtag,
402                            LocaleEquivalentMaps.regionVariantEquivMap
403                                    .get(subtag));
404                }
405            }
406        }
408        return null;
409    }
411    private static int getExtentionKeyIndex(String s) {
412        char[] c = s.toCharArray();
413        int index = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
414        for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) {
415            if (c[i] == '-') {
416                if (i - index == 2) {
417                    return index;
418                } else {
419                    index = i;
420                }
421            }
422        }
423        return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
424    }
426    public static List<LanguageRange> mapEquivalents(
427                                          List<LanguageRange>priorityList,
428                                          Map<String, List<String>> map) {
429        if (priorityList.isEmpty()) {
430            return new ArrayList<>(); // need to return a empty mutable List
431        }
432        if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
433            return new ArrayList<LanguageRange>(priorityList);
434        }
436        // Create a map, key=originalKey.toLowerCaes(), value=originalKey
437        Map<String, String> keyMap = new HashMap<>();
438        for (String key : map.keySet()) {
439            keyMap.put(key.toLowerCase(), key);
440        }
442        List<LanguageRange> list = new ArrayList<>();
443        for (LanguageRange lr : priorityList) {
444            String range = lr.getRange();
445            String r = range;
446            boolean hasEquivalent = false;
448            while (r.length() > 0) {
449                if (keyMap.containsKey(r)) {
450                    hasEquivalent = true;
451                    List<String> equivalents = map.get(keyMap.get(r));
452                    if (equivalents != null) {
453                        int len = r.length();
454                        for (String equivalent : equivalents) {
455                            list.add(new LanguageRange(equivalent.toLowerCase()
456                                     + range.substring(len),
457                                     lr.getWeight()));
458                        }
459                    }
460                    // Return immediately if the first matching subtag is found.
461                    break;
462                }
464                // Truncate the last subtag simply.
465                int index = r.lastIndexOf('-');
466                if (index == -1) {
467                    break;
468                }
469                r = r.substring(0, index);
470            }
472            if (!hasEquivalent) {
473                list.add(lr);
474            }
475        }
477        return list;
478    }
480    private LocaleMatcher() {}