revision b94079a704ef9ca144ca94885d655b2befabcf45
2 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20import android.content.Context;
22import android.content.res.Resources;
23import android.os.Bundle;
24import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
25import android.os.RemoteException;
26import android.os.ServiceManager;
27import android.os.SystemClock;
28import android.os.UserManager;
29import android.preference.Preference;
30import android.preference.PreferenceFragment;
31import android.preference.PreferenceGroup;
32import android.preference.PreferenceScreen;
33import android.text.format.Formatter;
34import android.util.Log;
35import android.util.SparseArray;
36import android.util.TimeUtils;
37import android.view.Menu;
38import android.view.MenuInflater;
39import android.view.MenuItem;
40import android.view.SubMenu;
51import java.util.ArrayList;
52import java.util.Collections;
53import java.util.Comparator;
54import java.util.HashMap;
56public class ProcessStatsUi extends PreferenceFragment
57        implements LinearColorBar.OnRegionTappedListener {
58    static final String TAG = "ProcessStatsUi";
59    static final boolean DEBUG = false;
61    private static final String KEY_APP_LIST = "app_list";
62    private static final String KEY_MEM_STATUS = "mem_status";
64    private static final int NUM_DURATIONS = 4;
66    private static final int MENU_STATS_REFRESH = Menu.FIRST;
67    private static final int MENU_DURATION = Menu.FIRST + 1;
68    private static final int MENU_SHOW_SYSTEM = MENU_DURATION + NUM_DURATIONS;
69    private static final int MENU_USE_USS = MENU_SHOW_SYSTEM + 1;
70    private static final int MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND = MENU_USE_USS + 1;
71    private static final int MENU_TYPE_FOREGROUND = MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND + 1;
72    private static final int MENU_TYPE_CACHED = MENU_TYPE_FOREGROUND + 1;
73    private static final int MENU_HELP = MENU_TYPE_CACHED + 1;
75    static final int MAX_ITEMS_TO_LIST = 60;
77    final static Comparator<ProcStatsEntry> sEntryCompare = new Comparator<ProcStatsEntry>() {
78        @Override
79        public int compare(ProcStatsEntry lhs, ProcStatsEntry rhs) {
80            if (lhs.mRunWeight < rhs.mRunWeight) {
81                return 1;
82            } else if (lhs.mRunWeight > rhs.mRunWeight) {
83                return -1;
84            } else if (lhs.mRunDuration < rhs.mRunDuration) {
85                return 1;
86            } else if (lhs.mRunDuration > rhs.mRunDuration) {
87                return -1;
88            }
89            return 0;
90        }
91    };
93    final static Comparator<ProcStatsPackageEntry> sPackageEntryCompare
94            = new Comparator<ProcStatsPackageEntry>() {
95        @Override
96        public int compare(ProcStatsPackageEntry lhs, ProcStatsPackageEntry rhs) {
97            if (lhs.mRunWeight < rhs.mRunWeight) {
98                return 1;
99            } else if (lhs.mRunWeight > rhs.mRunWeight) {
100                return -1;
101            } else if (lhs.mRunDuration < rhs.mRunDuration) {
102                return 1;
103            } else if (lhs.mRunDuration > rhs.mRunDuration) {
104                return -1;
105            }
106            return 0;
107        }
108    };
110    private static ProcessStats sStatsXfer;
112    IProcessStats mProcessStats;
113    UserManager mUm;
114    ProcessStats mStats;
115    int mMemState;
117    private long mDuration;
118    private long mLastDuration;
119    private boolean mShowSystem;
120    private boolean mUseUss;
121    private int mStatsType;
122    private int mMemRegion;
124    private MenuItem[] mDurationMenus = new MenuItem[NUM_DURATIONS];
125    private MenuItem mShowSystemMenu;
126    private MenuItem mUseUssMenu;
127    private MenuItem mTypeBackgroundMenu;
128    private MenuItem mTypeForegroundMenu;
129    private MenuItem mTypeCachedMenu;
131    private PreferenceGroup mAppListGroup;
132    private Preference mMemStatusPref;
134    double mMaxWeight;
135    long mTotalTime;
137    long[] mMemTimes = new long[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_COUNT];
138    double[] mMemStateWeights = new double[ProcessStats.STATE_COUNT];
139    double mMemCachedWeight;
140    double mMemFreeWeight;
141    double mMemZRamWeight;
142    double mMemKernelWeight;
143    double mMemNativeWeight;
144    double mMemTotalWeight;
145    double mWeightToRam;
147    // The actual duration value to use for each duration option.  Note these
148    // are lower than the actual duration, since our durations are computed in
149    // batches of 3 hours so we want to allow the time we use to be slightly
150    // smaller than the actual time selected instead of bumping up to 3 hours
151    // beyond it.
152    private static final long DURATION_QUANTUM = ProcessStats.COMMIT_PERIOD;
153    private static long[] sDurations = new long[] {
154        3*60*60*1000 - DURATION_QUANTUM/2, 6*60*60*1000 - DURATION_QUANTUM/2,
155        12*60*60*1000 - DURATION_QUANTUM/2, 24*60*60*1000 - DURATION_QUANTUM/2
156    };
157    private static int[] sDurationLabels = new int[] {
158            R.string.menu_duration_3h, R.string.menu_duration_6h,
159            R.string.menu_duration_12h, R.string.menu_duration_1d
160    };
162    @Override
163    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
164        super.onCreate(icicle);
166        if (icicle != null) {
167            mStats = sStatsXfer;
168        }
170        addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.process_stats_summary);
171        mProcessStats = IProcessStats.Stub.asInterface(
172                ServiceManager.getService(ProcessStats.SERVICE_NAME));
173        mUm = (UserManager)getActivity().getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE);
174        mAppListGroup = (PreferenceGroup) findPreference(KEY_APP_LIST);
175        mMemStatusPref = mAppListGroup.findPreference(KEY_MEM_STATUS);
176        mDuration = icicle != null ? icicle.getLong("duration", sDurations[0]) : sDurations[0];
177        mShowSystem = icicle != null ? icicle.getBoolean("show_system") : false;
178        mUseUss = icicle != null ? icicle.getBoolean("use_uss") : false;
179        mStatsType = icicle != null ? icicle.getInt("stats_type", MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND)
180                : MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND;
181        mMemRegion = icicle != null ? icicle.getInt("mem_region", LinearColorBar.REGION_GREEN)
182                : LinearColorBar.REGION_GREEN;
183        setHasOptionsMenu(true);
184    }
186    @Override
187    public void onResume() {
188        super.onResume();
189        refreshStats();
190    }
192    @Override
193    public void onPause() {
194        super.onPause();
195    }
197    @Override
198    public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
199        super.onSaveInstanceState(outState);
200        outState.putLong("duration", mDuration);
201        outState.putBoolean("show_system", mShowSystem);
202        outState.putBoolean("use_uss", mUseUss);
203        outState.putInt("stats_type", mStatsType);
204        outState.putInt("mem_region", mMemRegion);
205    }
207    @Override
208    public void onDestroy() {
209        super.onDestroy();
210        if (getActivity().isChangingConfigurations()) {
211            sStatsXfer = mStats;
212        }
213    }
215    @Override
216    public boolean onPreferenceTreeClick(PreferenceScreen preferenceScreen, Preference preference) {
217        if (preference instanceof LinearColorPreference) {
218            Bundle args = new Bundle();
219            args.putLongArray(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_MEM_TIMES, mMemTimes);
220            args.putDoubleArray(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_MEM_STATE_WEIGHTS, mMemStateWeights);
221            args.putDouble(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_MEM_CACHED_WEIGHT, mMemCachedWeight);
222            args.putDouble(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_MEM_FREE_WEIGHT, mMemFreeWeight);
223            args.putDouble(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_MEM_ZRAM_WEIGHT, mMemZRamWeight);
224            args.putDouble(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_MEM_KERNEL_WEIGHT, mMemKernelWeight);
225            args.putDouble(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_MEM_NATIVE_WEIGHT, mMemNativeWeight);
226            args.putDouble(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_MEM_TOTAL_WEIGHT, mMemTotalWeight);
227            args.putBoolean(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_USE_USS, mUseUss);
228            args.putLong(ProcessStatsMemDetail.EXTRA_TOTAL_TIME, mTotalTime);
229            ((SettingsActivity) getActivity()).startPreferencePanel(
230                    ProcessStatsMemDetail.class.getName(), args, R.string.mem_details_title,
231                    null, null, 0);
232            return true;
233        }
235        if (!(preference instanceof ProcessStatsPreference)) {
236            return false;
237        }
239        ProcessStatsPreference pgp = (ProcessStatsPreference) preference;
240        Bundle args = new Bundle();
241        args.putParcelable(ProcessStatsDetail.EXTRA_PACKAGE_ENTRY, pgp.getEntry());
242        args.putBoolean(ProcessStatsDetail.EXTRA_USE_USS, mUseUss);
243        args.putDouble(ProcessStatsDetail.EXTRA_MAX_WEIGHT, mMaxWeight);
244        args.putDouble(ProcessStatsDetail.EXTRA_WEIGHT_TO_RAM, mWeightToRam);
245        args.putLong(ProcessStatsDetail.EXTRA_TOTAL_TIME, mTotalTime);
246        ((SettingsActivity) getActivity()).startPreferencePanel(
247                ProcessStatsDetail.class.getName(), args, R.string.details_title, null, null, 0);
249        return super.onPreferenceTreeClick(preferenceScreen, preference);
250    }
252    @Override
253    public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
254        MenuItem refresh = menu.add(0, MENU_STATS_REFRESH, 0, R.string.menu_stats_refresh)
255                .setIcon(R.drawable.ic_menu_refresh_holo_dark)
256                .setAlphabeticShortcut('r');
257        refresh.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM |
258                MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_WITH_TEXT);
259        SubMenu subMenu = menu.addSubMenu(R.string.menu_proc_stats_duration);
260        for (int i=0; i<NUM_DURATIONS; i++) {
261            mDurationMenus[i] = subMenu.add(0, MENU_DURATION+i, 0, sDurationLabels[i])
262                            .setCheckable(true);
263        }
264        mShowSystemMenu = menu.add(0, MENU_SHOW_SYSTEM, 0, R.string.menu_show_system)
265                .setAlphabeticShortcut('s')
266                .setCheckable(true);
267        mUseUssMenu = menu.add(0, MENU_USE_USS, 0, R.string.menu_use_uss)
268                .setAlphabeticShortcut('u')
269                .setCheckable(true);
270        subMenu = menu.addSubMenu(R.string.menu_proc_stats_type);
271        mTypeBackgroundMenu = subMenu.add(0, MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND, 0,
272                R.string.menu_proc_stats_type_background)
273                .setAlphabeticShortcut('b')
274                .setCheckable(true);
275        mTypeForegroundMenu = subMenu.add(0, MENU_TYPE_FOREGROUND, 0,
276                R.string.menu_proc_stats_type_foreground)
277                .setAlphabeticShortcut('f')
278                .setCheckable(true);
279        mTypeCachedMenu = subMenu.add(0, MENU_TYPE_CACHED, 0,
280                R.string.menu_proc_stats_type_cached)
281                .setCheckable(true);
283        updateMenus();
285        /*
286        String helpUrl;
287        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(helpUrl = getResources().getString(R.string.help_url_battery))) {
288            final MenuItem help = menu.add(0, MENU_HELP, 0, R.string.help_label);
289            HelpUtils.prepareHelpMenuItem(getActivity(), help, helpUrl);
290        }
291        */
292    }
294    void updateMenus() {
295        int closestIndex = 0;
296        long closestDelta = Math.abs(sDurations[0]-mDuration);
297        for (int i=1; i<NUM_DURATIONS; i++) {
298            long delta = Math.abs(sDurations[i]-mDuration);
299            if (delta < closestDelta) {
300                closestDelta = delta;
301                closestIndex = i;
302            }
303        }
304        for (int i=0; i<NUM_DURATIONS; i++) {
305            if (mDurationMenus[i] != null) {
306                mDurationMenus[i].setChecked(i == closestIndex);
307            }
308        }
309        mDuration = sDurations[closestIndex];
310        if (mShowSystemMenu != null) {
311            mShowSystemMenu.setChecked(mShowSystem);
312            mShowSystemMenu.setEnabled(mStatsType == MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND);
313        }
314        if (mUseUssMenu != null) {
315            mUseUssMenu.setChecked(mUseUss);
316        }
317        if (mTypeBackgroundMenu != null) {
318            mTypeBackgroundMenu.setChecked(mStatsType == MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND);
319        }
320        if (mTypeForegroundMenu != null) {
321            mTypeForegroundMenu.setChecked(mStatsType == MENU_TYPE_FOREGROUND);
322        }
323        if (mTypeCachedMenu != null) {
324            mTypeCachedMenu.setChecked(mStatsType == MENU_TYPE_CACHED);
325        }
326    }
328    @Override
329    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
330        final int id = item.getItemId();
331        switch (id) {
332            case MENU_STATS_REFRESH:
333                mStats = null;
334                refreshStats();
335                return true;
336            case MENU_SHOW_SYSTEM:
337                mShowSystem = !mShowSystem;
338                refreshStats();
339                return true;
340            case MENU_USE_USS:
341                mUseUss = !mUseUss;
342                refreshStats();
343                return true;
344            case MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND:
345            case MENU_TYPE_FOREGROUND:
346            case MENU_TYPE_CACHED:
347                mStatsType = item.getItemId();
348                refreshStats();
349                return true;
350            default:
351                if (id >= MENU_DURATION && id < (MENU_DURATION+NUM_DURATIONS)) {
352                    mDuration = sDurations[id-MENU_DURATION];
353                    refreshStats();
354                }
355                return false;
356        }
357    }
359    @Override
360    public void onRegionTapped(int region) {
361        if (mMemRegion != region) {
362            mMemRegion = region;
363            refreshStats();
364        }
365    }
367    private void addNotAvailableMessage() {
368        Preference notAvailable = new Preference(getActivity());
369        notAvailable.setTitle(R.string.power_usage_not_available);
370        mAppListGroup.addPreference(notAvailable);
371    }
373    public static final int[] BACKGROUND_AND_SYSTEM_PROC_STATES = new int[] {
374            ProcessStats.STATE_PERSISTENT, ProcessStats.STATE_IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND,
375            ProcessStats.STATE_IMPORTANT_BACKGROUND, ProcessStats.STATE_BACKUP,
376            ProcessStats.STATE_HEAVY_WEIGHT, ProcessStats.STATE_SERVICE,
377            ProcessStats.STATE_SERVICE_RESTARTING, ProcessStats.STATE_RECEIVER
378    };
380    public static final int[] FOREGROUND_PROC_STATES = new int[] {
381            ProcessStats.STATE_TOP
382    };
384    public static final int[] CACHED_PROC_STATES = new int[] {
386            ProcessStats.STATE_CACHED_EMPTY
387    };
389    public static final int[] RED_MEM_STATES = new int[] {
390            ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL
391    };
393    public static final int[] YELLOW_MEM_STATES = new int[] {
394            ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL, ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW,
395            ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_MODERATE
396    };
398    private String makeDuration(long time) {
399        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
400        TimeUtils.formatDuration(time, sb);
401        return sb.toString();
402    }
404    private void refreshStats() {
405        updateMenus();
407        if (mStats == null || mLastDuration != mDuration) {
408            load();
409        }
411        int[] stats;
412        int statsLabel;
413        if (mStatsType == MENU_TYPE_FOREGROUND) {
414            stats = FOREGROUND_PROC_STATES;
415            statsLabel = R.string.process_stats_type_foreground;
416        } else if (mStatsType == MENU_TYPE_CACHED) {
417            stats = CACHED_PROC_STATES;
418            statsLabel = R.string.process_stats_type_cached;
419        } else {
420            stats = mShowSystem ? BACKGROUND_AND_SYSTEM_PROC_STATES
421                    : ProcessStats.BACKGROUND_PROC_STATES;
422            statsLabel = R.string.process_stats_type_background;
423        }
425        mAppListGroup.removeAll();
426        mAppListGroup.setOrderingAsAdded(false);
428        final long elapsedTime = mStats.mTimePeriodEndRealtime-mStats.mTimePeriodStartRealtime;
430        long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
432        final PackageManager pm = getActivity().getPackageManager();
434        mTotalTime = ProcessStats.dumpSingleTime(null, null, mStats.mMemFactorDurations,
435                mStats.mMemFactor, mStats.mStartTime, now);
436        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Total time of stats: " + makeDuration(mTotalTime));
438        for (int i=0; i<mMemTimes.length; i++) {
439            mMemTimes[i] = 0;
440        }
441        for (int iscreen=0; iscreen<ProcessStats.ADJ_COUNT; iscreen+=ProcessStats.ADJ_SCREEN_MOD) {
442            for (int imem=0; imem<ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_COUNT; imem++) {
443                int state = imem+iscreen;
444                mMemTimes[imem] += mStats.mMemFactorDurations[state];
445            }
446        }
448        long memTotalTime;
449        int[] memStates;
451        LinearColorPreference colors = new LinearColorPreference(getActivity());
452        colors.setOrder(-1);
453        switch (mMemRegion) {
454            case LinearColorBar.REGION_RED:
455                memTotalTime = mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL];
456                memStates = RED_MEM_STATES;
457                break;
458            case LinearColorBar.REGION_YELLOW:
459                memTotalTime = mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL]
460                        + mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW]
461                        + mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_MODERATE];
462                memStates = YELLOW_MEM_STATES;
463                break;
464            default:
465                memTotalTime = mTotalTime;
466                memStates = ProcessStats.ALL_MEM_ADJ;
467                break;
468        }
469        Resources res = getResources();
470        colors.setColors(res.getColor(R.color.running_processes_apps_ram),
471                res.getColor(R.color.running_processes_apps_ram),
472                res.getColor(R.color.running_processes_free_ram));
474        // Compute memory badness for chart color.
475        /*
476        int[] badColors =;
477        long timeGood = mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_NORMAL];
478        timeGood += (mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_MODERATE]*2)/3;
479        timeGood += mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW]/3;
480        float memBadness = ((float)timeGood)/mTotalTime;
481        int badnessColor = badColors[1 + Math.round(memBadness*(badColors.length-2))];
482        colors.setColors(badnessColor, badnessColor, badnessColor);
483        */
485        // We are now going to scale the mMemTimes to match the total elapsed time.
486        // These are in uptime, so they will often be smaller than the elapsed time,
487        // but if the user taps on the bar we want to show the times to them.  It is confusing
488        // to see them be smaller than what we told them the measured duration is, so just
489        // scaling them up with make things look reasonable with them none the wiser.
490        for (int i=0; i<ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_COUNT; i++) {
491            mMemTimes[i] = (long)((mMemTimes[i]*(double)elapsedTime)/mTotalTime);
492        }
494        ProcessStats.TotalMemoryUseCollection totalMem = new ProcessStats.TotalMemoryUseCollection(
495                ProcessStats.ALL_SCREEN_ADJ, memStates);
496        mStats.computeTotalMemoryUse(totalMem, now);
497        double freeWeight = totalMem.sysMemFreeWeight + totalMem.sysMemCachedWeight;
498        double usedWeight = totalMem.sysMemKernelWeight + totalMem.sysMemNativeWeight
499                + totalMem.sysMemZRamWeight;
500        double backgroundWeight = 0, persBackgroundWeight = 0;
501        mMemCachedWeight = totalMem.sysMemCachedWeight;
502        mMemFreeWeight = totalMem.sysMemFreeWeight;
503        mMemZRamWeight = totalMem.sysMemZRamWeight;
504        mMemKernelWeight = totalMem.sysMemKernelWeight;
505        mMemNativeWeight = totalMem.sysMemNativeWeight;
506        for (int i=0; i<ProcessStats.STATE_COUNT; i++) {
507            if (i == ProcessStats.STATE_SERVICE_RESTARTING) {
508                // These don't really run.
509                mMemStateWeights[i] = 0;
510            } else {
511                mMemStateWeights[i] = totalMem.processStateWeight[i];
512                if (i >= ProcessStats.STATE_HOME) {
513                    freeWeight += totalMem.processStateWeight[i];
514                } else {
515                    usedWeight += totalMem.processStateWeight[i];
516                }
517                if (i >= ProcessStats.STATE_IMPORTANT_FOREGROUND) {
518                    backgroundWeight += totalMem.processStateWeight[i];
519                    persBackgroundWeight += totalMem.processStateWeight[i];
520                }
521                if (i == ProcessStats.STATE_PERSISTENT) {
522                    persBackgroundWeight += totalMem.processStateWeight[i];
523                }
524            }
525        }
526        if (DEBUG) {
527            Log.i(TAG, "Used RAM: " + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
528                    (long)((usedWeight * 1024) / memTotalTime)));
529            Log.i(TAG, "Free RAM: " + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
530                    (long)((freeWeight * 1024) / memTotalTime)));
531            Log.i(TAG, "Total RAM: " + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
532                    (long)(((freeWeight+usedWeight) * 1024) / memTotalTime)));
533            Log.i(TAG, "Background+Cached RAM: " + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
534                    (long)((backgroundWeight * 1024) / memTotalTime)));
535        }
536        mMemTotalWeight = freeWeight + usedWeight;
538        // For computing the ratio to show, we want to count the baseline cached RAM we
539        // need (at which point we start killing processes) as used RAM, so that if we
540        // reach the point of thrashing due to no RAM for any background processes we
541        // report that as RAM being full.  To do this, we need to first convert the weights
542        // back to actual RAM...  and since the RAM values we compute here won't exactly
543        // match the real physical RAM, scale those to the actual physical RAM.  No problem!
544        double usedRam = (usedWeight*1024)/memTotalTime;
545        double freeRam = (freeWeight*1024)/memTotalTime;
546        double totalRam = usedRam + freeRam;
547        MemInfoReader memReader = new MemInfoReader();
548        memReader.readMemInfo();
549        double realTotalRam = memReader.getTotalSize();
550        double totalScale = realTotalRam / totalRam;
551        mWeightToRam = totalScale / memTotalTime * 1024;
552        mMaxWeight = totalRam / mWeightToRam;
553        double realUsedRam = usedRam * totalScale;
554        double realFreeRam = freeRam * totalScale;
555        if (DEBUG) {
556            Log.i(TAG, "Scaled Used RAM: " + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
557                    (long)realUsedRam));
558            Log.i(TAG, "Scaled Free RAM: " + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
559                    (long)realFreeRam));
560        }
561        ActivityManager.MemoryInfo memInfo = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo();
562        ((ActivityManager)getActivity().getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE)).getMemoryInfo(
563                memInfo);
564        long baseCacheRam;
565        if (memInfo.hiddenAppThreshold >= realFreeRam) {
566            realUsedRam = realFreeRam;
567            realFreeRam = 0;
568            baseCacheRam = (long)realFreeRam;
569        } else {
570            realUsedRam += memInfo.hiddenAppThreshold;
571            realFreeRam -= memInfo.hiddenAppThreshold;
572            baseCacheRam = memInfo.hiddenAppThreshold;
573        }
574        if (DEBUG) {
575            Log.i(TAG, "Adj Scaled Used RAM: " + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
576                    (long)realUsedRam));
577            Log.i(TAG, "Adj Scaled Free RAM: " + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
578                    (long)realFreeRam));
579        }
581        mMemStatusPref.setOrder(-2);
582        mAppListGroup.addPreference(mMemStatusPref);
583        String durationString = Utils.formatElapsedTime(getActivity(), elapsedTime, false);
584        String usedString = Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(), (long) realUsedRam);
585        String totalString = Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(), (long)realTotalRam);
586        CharSequence memString;
587        CharSequence[] memStatesStr = getResources().getTextArray(R.array.ram_states);
588        if (mMemState >= 0 && mMemState < memStatesStr.length) {
589            memString = memStatesStr[mMemState];
590        } else {
591            memString = "?";
592        }
593        mMemStatusPref.setTitle(getActivity().getString(R.string.process_stats_total_duration,
594                usedString, totalString, durationString));
595        mMemStatusPref.setSummary(getActivity().getString(R.string.process_stats_memory_status,
596                        memString));
597        float usedRatio = (float)(realUsedRam/(realFreeRam+realUsedRam));
598        colors.setRatios(usedRatio, 0, 1-usedRatio);
600        if (false) {
601            colors.setOnRegionTappedListener(this);
602            switch (mMemRegion) {
603                case LinearColorBar.REGION_RED:
604                    colors.setColoredRegions(LinearColorBar.REGION_RED);
605                    memTotalTime = mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL];
606                    memStates = RED_MEM_STATES;
607                    break;
608                case LinearColorBar.REGION_YELLOW:
609                    colors.setColoredRegions(LinearColorBar.REGION_RED
610                            | LinearColorBar.REGION_YELLOW);
611                    memTotalTime = mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL]
612                            + mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW]
613                            + mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_MODERATE];
614                    memStates = YELLOW_MEM_STATES;
615                    break;
616                default:
617                    colors.setColoredRegions(LinearColorBar.REGION_ALL);
618                    memTotalTime = mTotalTime;
619                    memStates = ProcessStats.ALL_MEM_ADJ;
620                    break;
621            }
622            colors.setRatios(mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_CRITICAL] / (float)mTotalTime,
623                    (mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_LOW]
624                            + mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_MODERATE]) / (float)mTotalTime,
625                    mMemTimes[ProcessStats.ADJ_MEM_FACTOR_NORMAL] / (float)mTotalTime);
626        }
628        mAppListGroup.addPreference(colors);
630        ProcessStats.ProcessDataCollection bgTotals = new ProcessStats.ProcessDataCollection(
631                ProcessStats.ALL_SCREEN_ADJ, memStates, stats);
632        ProcessStats.ProcessDataCollection runTotals = new ProcessStats.ProcessDataCollection(
633                ProcessStats.ALL_SCREEN_ADJ, memStates, ProcessStats.NON_CACHED_PROC_STATES);
635        final ArrayList<ProcStatsEntry> procEntries = new ArrayList<>();
636        final ArrayList<ProcStatsPackageEntry> pkgEntries = new ArrayList<>();
638        /*
639        ArrayList<ProcessStats.ProcessState> rawProcs = mStats.collectProcessesLocked(
640                ProcessStats.ALL_SCREEN_ADJ, ProcessStats.ALL_MEM_ADJ,
641                ProcessStats.BACKGROUND_PROC_STATES, now, null);
642        for (int i=0, N=(rawProcs != null ? rawProcs.size() : 0); i<N; i++) {
643            procs.add(new ProcStatsEntry(rawProcs.get(i), bgTotals));
644        }
645        */
647        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "-------------------- PULLING PROCESSES");
649        final ProcessMap<ProcStatsEntry> entriesMap = new ProcessMap<ProcStatsEntry>();
650        for (int ipkg=0, N=mStats.mPackages.getMap().size(); ipkg<N; ipkg++) {
651            final SparseArray<SparseArray<ProcessStats.PackageState>> pkgUids
652                    = mStats.mPackages.getMap().valueAt(ipkg);
653            for (int iu=0; iu<pkgUids.size(); iu++) {
654                final SparseArray<ProcessStats.PackageState> vpkgs = pkgUids.valueAt(iu);
655                for (int iv=0; iv<vpkgs.size(); iv++) {
656                    final ProcessStats.PackageState st = vpkgs.valueAt(iv);
657                    for (int iproc=0; iproc<st.mProcesses.size(); iproc++) {
658                        final ProcessStats.ProcessState pkgProc = st.mProcesses.valueAt(iproc);
659                        final ProcessStats.ProcessState proc = mStats.mProcesses.get(pkgProc.mName,
660                                pkgProc.mUid);
661                        if (proc == null) {
662                            Log.w(TAG, "No process found for pkg " + st.mPackageName
663                                    + "/" + st.mUid + " proc name " + pkgProc.mName);
664                            continue;
665                        }
666                        ProcStatsEntry ent = entriesMap.get(proc.mName, proc.mUid);
667                        if (ent == null) {
668                            ent = new ProcStatsEntry(proc, st.mPackageName, bgTotals, runTotals,
669                                    mUseUss);
670                            if (ent.mRunWeight > 0) {
671                                if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Adding proc " + proc.mName + "/"
672                                        + proc.mUid + ": time=" + makeDuration(ent.mRunDuration) + " ("
673                                        + ((((double)ent.mRunDuration) / memTotalTime) * 100) + "%)"
674                                        + " pss=" + ent.mAvgRunMem);
675                                entriesMap.put(proc.mName, proc.mUid, ent);
676                                procEntries.add(ent);
677                            }
678                        }  else {
679                            ent.addPackage(st.mPackageName);
680                        }
681                    }
682                }
683            }
684        }
686        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "-------------------- MAPPING SERVICES");
688        // Add in service info.
689        if (mStatsType == MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND) {
690            for (int ip=0, N=mStats.mPackages.getMap().size(); ip<N; ip++) {
691                SparseArray<SparseArray<ProcessStats.PackageState>> uids
692                        = mStats.mPackages.getMap().valueAt(ip);
693                for (int iu=0; iu<uids.size(); iu++) {
694                    SparseArray<ProcessStats.PackageState> vpkgs = uids.valueAt(iu);
695                    for (int iv=0; iv<vpkgs.size(); iv++) {
696                        ProcessStats.PackageState ps = vpkgs.valueAt(iv);
697                        for (int is=0, NS=ps.mServices.size(); is<NS; is++) {
698                            ProcessStats.ServiceState ss = ps.mServices.valueAt(is);
699                            if (ss.mProcessName != null) {
700                                ProcStatsEntry ent = entriesMap.get(ss.mProcessName,
701                                        uids.keyAt(iu));
702                                if (ent != null) {
703                                    if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Adding service " + ps.mPackageName
704                                            + "/" + ss.mName + "/" + uids.keyAt(iu) + " to proc "
705                                            + ss.mProcessName);
706                                    ent.addService(ss);
707                                } else {
708                                    Log.w(TAG, "No process " + ss.mProcessName + "/" + uids.keyAt(iu)
709                                            + " for service " + ss.mName);
710                                }
711                            }
712                        }
713                    }
714                }
715            }
716        }
718        // Combine processes into packages.
719        HashMap<String, ProcStatsPackageEntry> pkgMap = new HashMap<>();
720        for (int i=procEntries.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
721            ProcStatsEntry proc = procEntries.get(i);
722            proc.evaluateTargetPackage(pm, mStats, bgTotals, runTotals, sEntryCompare, mUseUss);
723            ProcStatsPackageEntry pkg = pkgMap.get(proc.mBestTargetPackage);
724            if (pkg == null) {
725                pkg = new ProcStatsPackageEntry(proc.mBestTargetPackage);
726                pkgMap.put(proc.mBestTargetPackage, pkg);
727                pkgEntries.add(pkg);
728            }
729            pkg.addEntry(proc);
730        }
732        // Add in fake entry representing the OS itself.
733        ProcStatsPackageEntry osPkg = new ProcStatsPackageEntry("os");
734        pkgMap.put("os", osPkg);
735        pkgEntries.add(osPkg);
736        ProcStatsEntry osEntry;
737        if (totalMem.sysMemNativeWeight > 0) {
738            osEntry = new ProcStatsEntry("os", 0,
739                    getString(R.string.process_stats_os_native), memTotalTime,
740                    (long)(totalMem.sysMemNativeWeight/memTotalTime));
741            osEntry.evaluateTargetPackage(pm, mStats, bgTotals, runTotals, sEntryCompare, mUseUss);
742            osPkg.addEntry(osEntry);
743        }
744        if (totalMem.sysMemKernelWeight > 0) {
745            osEntry = new ProcStatsEntry("os", 0,
746                    getString(R.string.process_stats_os_kernel), memTotalTime,
747                    (long)(totalMem.sysMemKernelWeight/memTotalTime));
748            osEntry.evaluateTargetPackage(pm, mStats, bgTotals, runTotals, sEntryCompare, mUseUss);
749            osPkg.addEntry(osEntry);
750        }
751        if (totalMem.sysMemZRamWeight > 0) {
752            osEntry = new ProcStatsEntry("os", 0,
753                    getString(R.string.process_stats_os_zram), memTotalTime,
754                    (long)(totalMem.sysMemZRamWeight/memTotalTime));
755            osEntry.evaluateTargetPackage(pm, mStats, bgTotals, runTotals, sEntryCompare, mUseUss);
756            osPkg.addEntry(osEntry);
757        }
758        if (baseCacheRam > 0) {
759            osEntry = new ProcStatsEntry("os", 0,
760                    getString(R.string.process_stats_os_cache), memTotalTime, baseCacheRam/1024);
761            osEntry.evaluateTargetPackage(pm, mStats, bgTotals, runTotals, sEntryCompare, mUseUss);
762            osPkg.addEntry(osEntry);
763        }
765        for (int i=0, N=pkgEntries.size(); i<N; i++) {
766            ProcStatsPackageEntry pkg = pkgEntries.get(i);
767            pkg.updateMetrics();
768        }
770        Collections.sort(pkgEntries, sPackageEntryCompare);
772        // Now collect the per-process information into applications, so that applications
773        // running as multiple processes will have only one entry representing all of them.
775        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "-------------------- BUILDING UI");
777        // Find where we should stop.  Because we have two properties we are looking at,
778        // we need to go from the back looking for the first place either holds.
779        int end = pkgEntries.size()-1;
780        while (end >= 0) {
781            ProcStatsPackageEntry pkg = pkgEntries.get(end);
782            final double percentOfWeight = (pkg.mRunWeight / mMaxWeight) * 100;
783            final double percentOfTime = (((double)pkg.mRunDuration) / memTotalTime) * 100;
784            if (percentOfWeight >= .01 || percentOfTime >= 25) {
785                break;
786            }
787            end--;
788        }
789        for (int i=0; i<=end; i++) {
790            ProcStatsPackageEntry pkg = pkgEntries.get(i);
791            final double percentOfWeight = (pkg.mRunWeight / mMaxWeight) * 100;
792            final double percentOfTime = (((double)pkg.mRunDuration) / memTotalTime) * 100;
793            ProcessStatsPreference pref = new ProcessStatsPreference(getActivity());
794            pref.init(null, pkg);
795            pkg.retrieveUiData(getActivity(), pm);
796            pref.setTitle(pkg.mUiLabel);
797            if (pkg.mUiTargetApp != null) {
798                pref.setIcon(pkg.mUiTargetApp.loadIcon(pm));
799            }
800            pref.setOrder(i);
801            pref.setPercent(percentOfWeight, percentOfTime,
802                    (long)(pkg.mRunWeight * mWeightToRam));
803            mAppListGroup.addPreference(pref);
804            if (mStatsType == MENU_TYPE_BACKGROUND) {
805                if (DEBUG) {
806                    Log.i(TAG, "App " + pkg.mUiLabel + ": weightedRam="
807                            + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
808                                    (long)((pkg.mRunWeight * 1024) / memTotalTime))
809                            + ", avgRam=" + Formatter.formatShortFileSize(getActivity(),
810                                    (pkg.mAvgRunMem *1024)));
811                }
813            }
814            if (mAppListGroup.getPreferenceCount() > (MAX_ITEMS_TO_LIST+1)) {
815                if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Done with UI, hit item limit!");
816                break;
817            }
818        }
819    }
821    private void load() {
822        try {
823            mLastDuration = mDuration;
824            mMemState = mProcessStats.getCurrentMemoryState();
825            ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = mProcessStats.getStatsOverTime(mDuration);
826            mStats = new ProcessStats(false);
827            InputStream is = new ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream(pfd);
828  ;
829            try {
830                is.close();
831            } catch (IOException e) {
832            }
833            if (mStats.mReadError != null) {
834                Log.w(TAG, "Failure reading process stats: " + mStats.mReadError);
835            }
836        } catch (RemoteException e) {
837            Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException:", e);
838        }
839    }