modula3.swg revision 15560bb32cdb9b47db48eb4865b736df9708a8fe
1/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 * modula3.swg
3 *
4 * Modula3 typemaps
5 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
7%include <modula3head.swg>
9/* The ctype, m3rawtype and m3wraptype typemaps work together and so there should be one of each.
10 * The ctype typemap contains the C type used in the signature of C wrappers for C++ functions.
11 * The m3rawtype typemap contains the M3 type used in the raw interface.
12 * The m3rawintype typemap contains the M3 type used as function argument.
13 * The m3rawrettype typemap contains the M3 type used as return value.
14 * The m3wraptype typemap contains the M3 type used in the M3 type wrapper classes and module class. */
16/* Primitive types */
17%typemap(ctype) bool,               const bool &               "bool"
18%typemap(ctype) char,               const char &               "char"
19%typemap(ctype) signed char,        const signed char &        "signed char"
20%typemap(ctype) unsigned char,      const unsigned char &      "unsigned short"
21%typemap(ctype) short,              const short &              "short"
22%typemap(ctype) unsigned short,     const unsigned short &     "unsigned short"
23%typemap(ctype) int,                const int &                "int"
24%typemap(ctype) unsigned int,       const unsigned int &       "unsigned int"
25%typemap(ctype) long,               const long &               "long"
26%typemap(ctype) unsigned long,      const unsigned long &      "unsigned long"
27%typemap(ctype) long long,          const long long &          "long long"
28%typemap(ctype) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & "unsigned long long"
29%typemap(ctype) float,              const float &              "float"
30%typemap(ctype) double,             const double &             "double"
31%typemap(ctype) char *                                         "char *"
32%typemap(ctype) void                                           "void"
34%typemap(m3rawtype) bool,               const bool &               "BOOLEAN"
35%typemap(m3rawtype) char,               const char &               "C.char"
36%typemap(m3rawtype) signed char,        const signed char &        "C.signed_char"
37%typemap(m3rawtype) unsigned char,      const unsigned char &      "C.unsigned_char"
38%typemap(m3rawtype) short,              const short &              "C.short"
39%typemap(m3rawtype) unsigned short,     const unsigned short &     "C.unsigned_short"
40%typemap(m3rawtype) int,                const int &                ""
41%typemap(m3rawtype) unsigned int,       const unsigned int &       "C.unsigned_int"
42%typemap(m3rawtype) long,               const long &               "C.long"
43%typemap(m3rawtype) unsigned long,      const unsigned long &      "C.unsigned_long"
44%typemap(m3rawtype) long long,          const long long &          "C.long_long"
45%typemap(m3rawtype) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & "C.unsigned_long_long"
46%typemap(m3rawtype) float,              const float &              "C.float"
47%typemap(m3rawtype) double,             const double &             "C.double"
48%typemap(m3rawtype) long double,        const long double &        "C.long_double"
49%typemap(m3rawtype) char *                                         "C.char_star"
50%typemap(m3rawtype) void                                           ""
51%typemap(m3rawtype) FILE                                           "Cstdio.FILE";
52%typemap(m3rawtype) FILE *                                         "Cstdio.FILE_star";
55%typemap(m3rawintype) bool *,               bool &,               bool               "BOOLEAN"
56%typemap(m3rawintype) char *,               char &,               char               "C.char"
57%typemap(m3rawintype) signed char *,        signed char &,        signed char        "C.signed_char"
58%typemap(m3rawintype) unsigned char *,      unsigned char &,      unsigned char      "C.unsigned_char"
59%typemap(m3rawintype) short *,              short &,              short              "C.short"
60%typemap(m3rawintype) unsigned short *,     unsigned short &,     unsigned short     "C.unsigned_short"
61%typemap(m3rawintype) int *,                int &,                int                ""
62%typemap(m3rawintype) unsigned int *,       unsigned int &,       unsigned int       "C.unsigned_int"
63%typemap(m3rawintype) long *,               long &,               long               "C.long"
64%typemap(m3rawintype) unsigned long *,      unsigned long &,      unsigned long      "C.unsigned_long"
65%typemap(m3rawintype) long long *,          long long &,          long long          "C.long_long"
66%typemap(m3rawintype) unsigned long long *, unsigned long long &, unsigned long long "C.unsigned_long_long"
67%typemap(m3rawintype) float *,              float &,              float              "C.float"
68%typemap(m3rawintype) double *,             double &,             double             "C.double"
69%typemap(m3rawintype) long double *,        long double &,        long double        "C.long_double"
70%typemap(m3rawintype) char *                                                         "C.char_star"
71%typemap(m3rawintype) void                                                           ""
72%typemap(m3rawintype) void *                                                         "ADDRESS"
73%typemap(m3rawintype) FILE                                                           "Cstdio.FILE";
74%typemap(m3rawintype) FILE *                                                         "Cstdio.FILE_star";
76%typemap(m3rawinmode) char *, void *, FILE *  ""
79%typemap(m3rawrettype) bool,               const bool &               "BOOLEAN"
80%typemap(m3rawrettype) char,               const char &               "C.char"
81%typemap(m3rawrettype) signed char,        const signed char &        "C.signed_char"
82%typemap(m3rawrettype) unsigned char,      const unsigned char &      "C.unsigned_char"
83%typemap(m3rawrettype) short,              const short &              "C.short"
84%typemap(m3rawrettype) unsigned short,     const unsigned short &     "C.unsigned_short"
85%typemap(m3rawrettype) int,                const int &                ""
86%typemap(m3rawrettype) unsigned int,       const unsigned int &       "C.unsigned_int"
87%typemap(m3rawrettype) long,               const long &               "C.long"
88%typemap(m3rawrettype) unsigned long,      const unsigned long &      "C.unsigned_long"
89%typemap(m3rawrettype) long long,          const long long &          "C.long_long"
90%typemap(m3rawrettype) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & "C.unsigned_long_long"
91%typemap(m3rawrettype) float,              const float &              "C.float"
92%typemap(m3rawrettype) double,             const double &             "C.double"
93%typemap(m3rawrettype) long double,        const long double &        "C.long_double"
94%typemap(m3rawrettype) char *                                         "C.char_star"
95%typemap(m3rawrettype) void                                           ""
96%typemap(m3rawrettype) void *                                         "ADDRESS"
97%typemap(m3rawrettype) FILE                                           "Cstdio.FILE";
98%typemap(m3rawrettype) FILE *                                         "Cstdio.FILE_star";
102  char,               const char &,
103  signed char,        const signed char &,
104  unsigned char,      const unsigned char &,
105  short,              const short &,
106  unsigned short,     const unsigned short &,
107  int,                const int &,
108  unsigned int,       const unsigned int &,
109  long,               const long &,
110  unsigned long,      const unsigned long &,
111  long long,          const long long &,
112  unsigned long long, const unsigned long long &,
113  float,              const float &,
114  double,             const double &,
115  long double,        const long double &,
116  char *
117    "Ctypes AS C"
120  char,               const char &,
121  signed char,        const signed char &,
122  unsigned char,      const unsigned char &,
123  short,              const short &,
124  unsigned short,     const unsigned short &,
125  int,                const int &,
126  unsigned int,       const unsigned int &,
127  long,               const long &,
128  unsigned long,      const unsigned long &,
129  long long,          const long long &,
130  unsigned long long, const unsigned long long &,
131  float,              const float &,
132  double,             const double &,
133  long double,        const long double &,
134  char *
135    "Ctypes AS C"
138  char,               const char &,
139  signed char,        const signed char &,
140  unsigned char,      const unsigned char &,
141  short,              const short &,
142  unsigned short,     const unsigned short &,
143  int,                const int &,
144  unsigned int,       const unsigned int &,
145  long,               const long &,
146  unsigned long,      const unsigned long &,
147  long long,          const long long &,
148  unsigned long long, const unsigned long long &,
149  float,              const float &,
150  double,             const double &,
151  long double,        const long double &,
152  char *
153    "Ctypes AS C"
156  FILE,   FILE *
157    "Cstdio";
160  FILE,   FILE *
161    "Cstdio";
164  FILE,   FILE *
165    "Cstdio";
167%typemap(m3wraptype) bool,               const bool &               "BOOLEAN"
168%typemap(m3wraptype) char,               const char &               "CHAR"
169%typemap(m3wraptype) signed char,        const signed char &        "CHAR"
170%typemap(m3wraptype) unsigned char,      const unsigned char &      "CHAR"
171%typemap(m3wraptype) short,              const short &              "Integer16.T"
172%typemap(m3wraptype) unsigned short,     const unsigned short &     "Cardinal16.T"
173%typemap(m3wraptype) int,                const int &                "INTEGER"
174%typemap(m3wraptype) unsigned int,       const unsigned int &       "CARDINAL"
175%typemap(m3wraptype) long,               const long &               "Integer32.T"
176%typemap(m3wraptype) unsigned long,      const unsigned long &      "Cardinal32.T"
177%typemap(m3wraptype) long long,          const long long &          "Integer64.T"
178%typemap(m3wraptype) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & "Cardinal64.T"
179%typemap(m3wraptype) float,              const float &              "REAL"
180%typemap(m3wraptype) double,             const double &             "LONGREAL"
181%typemap(m3wraptype) long double,        const long double &        "EXTENDED"
182%typemap(m3wraptype) char *                                         "TEXT"
183%typemap(m3wraptype) void                                           ""
184%typemap(m3wraptype) FILE                                           "Cstdio.FILE";
185%typemap(m3wraptype) FILE *                                         "Cstdio.FILE_star";
187%typemap(m3wrapintype) bool,               const bool *,               const bool &               "BOOLEAN"
188%typemap(m3wrapintype) char,               const char *,               const char &               "CHAR"
189%typemap(m3wrapintype) signed char,        const signed char *,        const signed char &        "CHAR"
190%typemap(m3wrapintype) unsigned char,      const unsigned char *,      const unsigned char &      "CHAR"
191%typemap(m3wrapintype) short,              const short *,              const short &              "INTEGER"
192%typemap(m3wrapintype) unsigned short,     const unsigned short *,     const unsigned short &     "CARDINAL"
193%typemap(m3wrapintype) int,                const int *,                const int &                "INTEGER"
194%typemap(m3wrapintype) unsigned int,       const unsigned int *,       const unsigned int &       "CARDINAL"
195%typemap(m3wrapintype) long,               const long *,               const long &               "INTEGER"
196%typemap(m3wrapintype) unsigned long,      const unsigned long *,      const unsigned long &      "CARDINAL"
197%typemap(m3wrapintype) long long,          const long long *,          const long long &          "INTEGER"
198%typemap(m3wrapintype) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long *, const unsigned long long & "CARDINAL"
199%typemap(m3wrapintype) float,              const float *,              const float &              "REAL"
200%typemap(m3wrapintype) double,             const double *,             const double &             "LONGREAL"
201%typemap(m3wrapintype) long double,        const long double *,        const long double &        "EXTENDED"
202%typemap(m3wrapintype) const char *, const char []   "TEXT"
203%typemap(m3wrapintype,numinputs=0) void              ""
204%typemap(m3wrapintype) FILE            "Cstdio.FILE";
205%typemap(m3wrapintype) FILE *          "Cstdio.FILE_star";
208%typemap(m3wrapouttype) bool,               bool *,               bool &                  "BOOLEAN"
209%typemap(m3wrapouttype) char,               char *,               char &                  "CHAR"
210%typemap(m3wrapouttype) signed char,        signed char *,        signed char &           "CHAR"
211%typemap(m3wrapouttype) unsigned char,      unsigned char *,      unsigned char &         "CHAR"
212%typemap(m3wrapouttype) short,              short *,              short &                 "INTEGER"
213%typemap(m3wrapouttype) unsigned short,     unsigned short *,     unsigned short &        "CARDINAL"
214%typemap(m3wrapouttype) int,                int *,                int &                   "INTEGER"
215%typemap(m3wrapouttype) unsigned int,       unsigned int *,       unsigned int &          "CARDINAL"
216%typemap(m3wrapouttype) long,               long *,               long &                  "INTEGER"
217%typemap(m3wrapouttype) unsigned long,      unsigned long *,      unsigned long &         "CARDINAL"
218%typemap(m3wrapouttype) long long,          long long *,          long long &             "INTEGER"
219%typemap(m3wrapouttype) unsigned long long, unsigned long long *, unsigned long long &    "CARDINAL"
220%typemap(m3wrapouttype) float,              float *,              float &                 "REAL"
221%typemap(m3wrapouttype) double,             double *,             double &                "LONGREAL"
222%typemap(m3wrapouttype) long double,        long double *,        long double &           "EXTENDED"
223%typemap(m3wrapouttype) char *, char []    "TEXT"
224%typemap(m3wrapouttype,numinputs=0) void   ""
226%typemap(m3wraprettype) bool,               const bool &               "BOOLEAN"
227%typemap(m3wraprettype) char,               const char &               "CHAR"
228%typemap(m3wraprettype) signed char,        const signed char &        "CHAR"
229%typemap(m3wraprettype) unsigned char,      const unsigned char &      "CHAR"
230%typemap(m3wraprettype) short,              const short &              "INTEGER"
231%typemap(m3wraprettype) unsigned short,     const unsigned short &     "CARDINAL"
232%typemap(m3wraprettype) int,                const int &                "INTEGER"
233%typemap(m3wraprettype) unsigned int,       const unsigned int &       "CARDINAL"
234%typemap(m3wraprettype) long,               const long &               "INTEGER"
235%typemap(m3wraprettype) unsigned long,      const unsigned long &      "CARDINAL"
236%typemap(m3wraprettype) long long,          const long long &          "INTEGER"
237%typemap(m3wraprettype) unsigned long long, const unsigned long long & "CARDINAL"
238%typemap(m3wraprettype) float,              const float &              "REAL"
239%typemap(m3wraprettype) double,             const double &             "LONGREAL"
240%typemap(m3wraprettype) long double,        const long double &        "EXTENDED"
241%typemap(m3wraprettype) char *                                         "TEXT"
242%typemap(m3wraprettype) void                                           ""
243%typemap(m3wraprettype) FILE            "Cstdio.FILE";
244%typemap(m3wraprettype) FILE *          "Cstdio.FILE_star";
247%typemap(ctype)          char[ANY]               "char *"
248%typemap(m3rawtype)      char[ANY]               "C.char_star"
249%typemap(m3rawintype)    char[ANY]               "C.char_star"
250%typemap(m3rawrettype)   char[ANY]               "C.char_star"
251%typemap(m3wraptype)     char[ANY]               "TEXT"
252%typemap(m3wrapintype)   char[ANY]               "TEXT"
253%typemap(m3wrapouttype)  char[ANY]               "TEXT"
254%typemap(m3wraprettype)  char[ANY]               "TEXT"
256%typemap(m3wrapinmode)  const char * %{%}
257%typemap(m3wrapargvar)  const char * %{$1 : C.char_star;%}
258%typemap(m3wrapinconv)  const char * %{$1 := M3toC.SharedTtoS($1_name);%}
259%typemap(m3wrapfreearg) const char * %{M3toC.FreeSharedS($1_name,$1);%}
260%typemap(m3wrapargraw)  const char * %{$1%}
261%typemap("m3wrapargvar:import")  const char * "Ctypes AS C"
262%typemap("m3wrapinconv:import")  const char * "M3toC"
263%typemap("m3wrapfreearg:import") const char * "M3toC"
265%typemap(m3wrapretvar)  char * %{result : C.char_star;%}
266%typemap(m3wrapretraw)  char * %{result%}
267%typemap(m3wrapretconv) char * %{M3toC.CopyStoT(result)%}
268%typemap("m3wrapretvar:import")  char * "Ctypes AS C"
269%typemap("m3wrapretconv:import") char * "M3toC"
271%typemap(m3wrapinmode)  FILE * %{%}
275  FILE,   FILE *
276    "Cstdio";
279  FILE,   FILE *
280    "Cstdio";
283  FILE,   FILE *
284    "Cstdio";
287/* Composed types */
288%typemap(ctype)                SWIGTYPE "$1_type"
289%typemap(m3rawtype)            SWIGTYPE "$1_basetype"
290%typemap(m3rawrettype)         SWIGTYPE "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
291%typemap(m3wraptype)           SWIGTYPE "$1_basetype"
292%typemap(m3wrapintype)         SWIGTYPE "$1_basetype"
293%typemap(m3wrapouttype)        SWIGTYPE "$1_basetype"
294%typemap(m3wraprettype)        SWIGTYPE "$1_basetype"
296%typemap(ctype)                SWIGTYPE [] "$1_type"
297%typemap(m3rawtype)      const SWIGTYPE [] "UNTRACED REF ARRAY INTEGER OF $1_basetype"
298%typemap(m3rawtype)            SWIGTYPE [] "UNTRACED REF ARRAY INTEGER OF $1_basetype"
299%typemap(m3rawintype)    const SWIGTYPE [] "(*ARRAY OF*) $1_basetype"
300%typemap(m3rawinmode)    const SWIGTYPE [] "READONLY"
301%typemap(m3rawintype)          SWIGTYPE [] "(*ARRAY OF*) $1_basetype"
302%typemap(m3rawinmode)          SWIGTYPE [] "VAR"
303%typemap(m3rawrettype)   const SWIGTYPE [] "UNTRACED REF ARRAY INTEGER OF $1_basetype"
304%typemap(m3rawrettype)         SWIGTYPE [] "UNTRACED REF ARRAY INTEGER OF $1_basetype"
305%typemap(m3wraptype)           SWIGTYPE [] "$1_basetype"
306%typemap(m3wrapintype)   const SWIGTYPE [] "ARRAY OF $1_basetype"
307%typemap(m3wrapinmode)   const SWIGTYPE [] "READONLY"
308%typemap(m3wrapintype)         SWIGTYPE [] "ARRAY OF $1_basetype"
309%typemap(m3wrapinmode)         SWIGTYPE [] "VAR"
310%typemap(m3wrapouttype)        SWIGTYPE [] "ARRAY OF $1_basetype"
311%typemap(m3wraprettype)        SWIGTYPE [] "REF ARRAY OF $1_basetype"
313%typemap(ctype)                SWIGTYPE * "$1_type"
314%typemap(m3rawtype)      const SWIGTYPE * "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
315%typemap(m3rawtype)            SWIGTYPE * "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
316%typemap(m3rawintype)    const SWIGTYPE * "$1_basetype"
317%typemap(m3rawinmode)    const SWIGTYPE * "READONLY"
318%typemap(m3rawintype)          SWIGTYPE * "$1_basetype"
319%typemap(m3rawinmode)          SWIGTYPE * "VAR"
320%typemap(m3rawrettype)   const SWIGTYPE * "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
321%typemap(m3rawrettype)         SWIGTYPE * "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
322%typemap(m3wraptype)           SWIGTYPE * "$1_basetype"
323%typemap(m3wrapintype)   const SWIGTYPE * "$1_basetype"
324%typemap(m3wrapinmode)   const SWIGTYPE * "READONLY"
325%typemap(m3wrapintype)         SWIGTYPE * "$1_basetype"
326%typemap(m3wrapinmode)         SWIGTYPE * "VAR"
327%typemap(m3wrapouttype)        SWIGTYPE * "$1_basetype"
328%typemap(m3wraprettype)        SWIGTYPE * "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
330%typemap(ctype)                SWIGTYPE & "$1_type"
331%typemap(m3rawtype)      const SWIGTYPE & "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
332%typemap(m3rawtype)            SWIGTYPE & "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
333%typemap(m3rawintype)    const SWIGTYPE & "$1_basetype"
334%typemap(m3rawinmode)    const SWIGTYPE & "READONLY"
335%typemap(m3rawintype)          SWIGTYPE & "$1_basetype"
336%typemap(m3rawinmode)          SWIGTYPE & "VAR"
337%typemap(m3rawrettype)   const SWIGTYPE & "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
338%typemap(m3rawrettype)         SWIGTYPE & "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
339%typemap(m3wraptype)           SWIGTYPE & "$1_basetype"
340%typemap(m3wrapintype)   const SWIGTYPE & "$1_basetype"
341%typemap(m3wrapinmode)   const SWIGTYPE & "READONLY"
342%typemap(m3wrapintype)         SWIGTYPE & "$1_basetype"
343%typemap(m3wrapinmode)         SWIGTYPE & "VAR"
344%typemap(m3wrapouttype)        SWIGTYPE & "$1_basetype"
345%typemap(m3wraprettype)        SWIGTYPE & "UNTRACED REF $1_basetype"
347%typemap(ctype)           enum SWIGTYPE "$1_type"
348%typemap(m3rawtype)       enum SWIGTYPE ""
349%typemap(m3rawintype)     enum SWIGTYPE " (* $1_type *)"
350%typemap(m3rawrettype)    enum SWIGTYPE ""
351%typemap(m3wraptype)      enum SWIGTYPE "$*1_type"
352%typemap(m3wrapintype)    enum SWIGTYPE "$1_type"
353%typemap(m3wrapouttype)   enum SWIGTYPE "$1_type"
354%typemap(m3wraprettype)   enum SWIGTYPE "$*1_type"
356/* pointer to a class member */
357%typemap(ctype)      SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "$1_type"
358%typemap(m3rawtype)  SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "REFANY"
359%typemap(m3wraptype) SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "$1_basetype"
361/* The following are the in, out, freearg, argout typemaps.
362   These are the PInvoke code generating typemaps for converting from C# to C and visa versa. */
364/* primitive types */
365%typemap(in) bool
366%{ $1 = $input ? true : false; %}
368%typemap(in) char,
369             signed char,
370             unsigned char,
371             short,
372             unsigned short,
373             int,
374             unsigned int,
375             long,
376             unsigned long,
377             long long,
378             unsigned long long,
379             float,
380             double,
381             enum SWIGTYPE
382%{ $1 = ($1_ltype)$input; %}
384%typemap(out) bool               %{ $result = $1; %}
385%typemap(out) char               %{ $result = $1; %}
386%typemap(out) signed char        %{ $result = $1; %}
387%typemap(out) unsigned char      %{ $result = $1; %}
388%typemap(out) short              %{ $result = $1; %}
389%typemap(out) unsigned short     %{ $result = $1; %}
390%typemap(out) int                %{ $result = $1; %}
391%typemap(out) unsigned int       %{ $result = $1; %}
392%typemap(out) long               %{ $result = $1; %}
393%typemap(out) unsigned long      %{ $result = $1; %}
394%typemap(out) long long          %{ $result = $1; %}
395%typemap(out) unsigned long long %{ $result = $1; %}
396%typemap(out) float              %{ $result = $1; %}
397%typemap(out) double             %{ $result = $1; %}
398%typemap(out) enum SWIGTYPE      %{ $result = $1; %}
400/* char * - treat as String */
401%typemap(in) char * {
402  $1 = $input;
404//%typemap(freearg) char * { if ($1) JCALL2(ReleaseStringUTFChars, jenv, $input, $1); }
405//%typemap(out) char * { if($1) $result = JCALL1(NewStringUTF, jenv, $1); }
407%typemap(out) void ""
409/* primitive types by const reference */
410%typemap(in) const bool & (bool temp)
411%{ temp = $input ? true : false;
412   $1 = &temp; %}
414%typemap(in) const char & (char temp),
415             const signed char & (signed char temp),
416             const unsigned char & (unsigned char temp),
417             const short & (short temp),
418             const unsigned short & (unsigned short temp),
419             const int & (int temp),
420             const unsigned int & (unsigned int temp),
421             const long & (long temp),
422             const unsigned long & (unsigned long temp),
423             const long long & ($*1_ltype temp),
424             const unsigned long long & ($*1_ltype temp),
425             const float & (float temp),
426             const double & (double temp)
427%{ temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;
428$1 = &temp; %}
430%typemap(out) const bool &               %{ $result = *$1; %}
431%typemap(out) const char &               %{ $result = *$1; %}
432%typemap(out) const signed char &        %{ $result = *$1; %}
433%typemap(out) const unsigned char &      %{ $result = *$1; %}
434%typemap(out) const short &              %{ $result = *$1; %}
435%typemap(out) const unsigned short &     %{ $result = *$1; %}
436%typemap(out) const int &                %{ $result = *$1; %}
437%typemap(out) const unsigned int &       %{ $result = *$1; %}
438%typemap(out) const long &               %{ $result = *$1; %}
439%typemap(out) const unsigned long &      %{ $result = *$1; %}
440%typemap(out) const long long &          %{ $result = *$1; %}
441%typemap(out) const unsigned long long & %{ $result = *$1; %}
442%typemap(out) const float &              %{ $result = *$1; %}
443%typemap(out) const double &             %{ $result = *$1; %}
445/* Default handling. Object passed by value. Convert to a pointer */
446%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE ($&1_type argp)
447%{ argp = *($&1_ltype*)&$input;
448   if (!argp) {
449//     SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "Attempt to dereference null $1_type");
450     RETURN $null;
451   }
452   $1 = *argp; %}
453%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE
454#ifdef __cplusplus
455%{*($&1_ltype*)&$result = new $1_ltype((const $1_ltype &)$1); %}
458  $&1_ltype $1ptr = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_ltype));
459  memmove($1ptr, &$1, sizeof($1_type));
460  *($&1_ltype*)&$result = $1ptr;
464/* Generic pointers and references */
465%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{ $1 = *($&1_ltype)&$input; %}
466%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE & %{ $1 = *($&1_ltype)&$input;
467  if(!$1) {
468    //SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "$1_type reference is null");
469    RETURN $null;
470  } %}
471%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{ *($&1_ltype)&$result = $1; %}
474/* Default array handling */
475%typemap(in) SWIGTYPE [] %{ $1 = *($&1_ltype)&$input; %}
476%typemap(out) SWIGTYPE [] %{ *($&1_ltype)&$result = $1; %}
478/* char[ANY] - treat as String */
479%typemap(in) char[ANY] {
480    $1 = $input;
483%typemap(argout) char[ANY] ""
484%typemap(freearg) char[ANY] ""//{ if ($1) JCALL2(ReleaseStringUTFChars, jenv, $input, $1); }
485%typemap(out) char[ANY] { if($1) $result = $1; }
488/* Typecheck typemaps - The purpose of these is merely to issue a warning for overloaded C++ functions
489 * that cannot be overloaded in C# as more than one C++ type maps to a single C# type */
491%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL) /* Java boolean */
492    bool,
493    const bool &
494    ""
496%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR) /* Java char */
497    char,
498    const char &
499    ""
501%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT8) /* Java byte */
502    signed char,
503    const signed char &
504    ""
506%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT16) /* Java short */
507    unsigned char,
508    short,
509    const unsigned char &,
510    const short &
511    ""
513%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32) /* Java int */
514    unsigned short,
515    int,
516    long,
517    const unsigned short &,
518    const int &,
519    const long &,
520    enum SWIGTYPE
521    ""
523%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT64) /* Java long */
524    unsigned int,
525    unsigned long,
526    long long,
527    const unsigned int &,
528    const unsigned long &,
529    const long long &
530    ""
532%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT128) /* Java BigInteger */
533    unsigned long long
534    ""
536%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT) /* Java float */
537    float,
538    const float &
539    ""
541%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE) /* Java double */
542    double,
543    const double &
544    ""
546%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING) /* Java String */
547    char *,
548    char[ANY]
549    ""
551%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_POINTER) /* Default */
552    SWIGTYPE,
553    SWIGTYPE *,
554    SWIGTYPE &,
555    SWIGTYPE [],
556    SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*)
557    ""
559/* Exception handling */
561%typemap(throws) int,
562                 long,
563                 short,
564                 unsigned int,
565                 unsigned long,
566                 unsigned short {
567  char error_msg[256];
568  sprintf(error_msg, "C++ $1_type exception thrown, value: %d", $1);
569  SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, error_msg);
570  RETURN $null;
573%typemap(throws) SWIGTYPE {
574  (void)$1;
575  SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown");
576  RETURN $null;
579%typemap(throws) char * {
580  SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, $1);
581  RETURN $null;
585/* Typemaps for code generation in proxy classes and C# type wrapper classes */
587/* The in typemap is used for converting function parameter types from the type
588 * used in the proxy, module or type wrapper class to the type used in the PInvoke class. */
589%typemap(m3in)     bool,               const bool &,
590                 char,               const char &,
591                 signed char,        const signed char &,
592                 unsigned char,      const unsigned char &,
593                 short,              const short &,
594                 unsigned short,     const unsigned short &,
595                 int,                const int &,
596                 unsigned int,       const unsigned int &,
597                 long,               const long &,
598                 unsigned long,      const unsigned long &,
599                 long long,          const long long &,
600                 unsigned long long, const unsigned long long &,
601                 float,              const float &,
602                 double,             const double &,
603                 char *,
604                 char[ANY],
605                 enum SWIGTYPE
606    "$input"
607%typemap(m3in) SWIGTYPE "$&*1_type.getCPtr($input)"
608%typemap(m3in) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "$1_basetype.getCPtr($input)"
610/* The m3out typemap is used for converting function return types from the return type
611 * used in the PInvoke class to the type returned by the proxy, module or type wrapper class. */
612%typemap(m3out)   bool,               const bool &,
613                  char,               const char &,
614                  signed char,        const signed char &,
615                  unsigned char,      const unsigned char &,
616                  short,              const short &,
617                  unsigned short,     const unsigned short &,
618                  int,                const int &,
619                  unsigned int,       const unsigned int &,
620                  long,               const long &,
621                  unsigned long,      const unsigned long &,
622                  long long,          const long long &,
623                  unsigned long long, const unsigned long long &,
624                  float,              const float &,
625                  double,             const double &,
626                  char *,
627                  char[ANY],
628                  enum SWIGTYPE
631%typemap(m3out) void %{$imcall%}
633%typemap(m3out) SWIGTYPE %{
634    RETURN NEW(REF $1_basetype, $imcall);
636%typemap(m3out) SWIGTYPE & %{
637    RETURN NEW($1_basetype, $imcall, $owner);
639%typemap(m3out) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{
640    cPtr := $imcall;
641    RETURN (cPtr = IntPtr.Zero) ? null : NEW($1_basetype, cPtr, $owner);
644/* Properties */
645%typemap(m3varin) SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{
646PROCEDURE Set$var (value: $vartype) =
647  BEGIN
648    $imcall;
649  END Set$var;
652%typemap(m3varout) bool,               const bool &,
653                   char,               const char &,
654                   signed char,        const signed char &,
655                   unsigned char,      const unsigned char &,
656                   short,              const short &,
657                   unsigned short,     const unsigned short &,
658                   int,                const int &,
659                   unsigned int,       const unsigned int &,
660                   long,               const long &,
661                   unsigned long,      const unsigned long &,
662                   long long,          const long long &,
663                   unsigned long long, const unsigned long long &,
664                   float,              const float &,
665                   double,             const double &,
666                   char *,
667                   char[ANY],
668                   enum SWIGTYPE %{
669PROCEDURE Get$var (): $vartype =
670  BEGIN
671    RETURN $imcall;
672  END Get$var;
675%typemap(m3varout) void %{
676    get {
677      $imcall;
678    } %}
679%typemap(m3varout) SWIGTYPE %{
680    get {
681      RETURN new $&*1_mangle($imcall, true);
682    } %}
683%typemap(m3varout) SWIGTYPE & %{
684    get {
685      RETURN new $1_basetype($imcall, $owner);
686    } %}
687%typemap(m3varout) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{
688    get {
689      IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
690      RETURN (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new $1_basetype(cPtr, $owner);
691    } %}
693/* Typemaps used for the generation of proxy and type wrapper class code */
694%typemap(m3base)                      SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) ""
695%typemap(m3classmodifiers)            SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "public"
696%typemap(m3code)                      SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) ""
697%typemap(m3imports)                   SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "using System;"
698%typemap(m3interfaces)                SWIGTYPE "IDisposable"
699%typemap(m3interfaces_derived)                  SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) ""
700%typemap(m3ptrconstructormodifiers) SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) "internal"
702%typemap(m3finalize) SWIGTYPE %{
703  ~$1_basetype() {
704    Dispose();
705  }
708%typemap(m3destruct, methodname="Dispose") SWIGTYPE {
709    if(swigCPtr != IntPtr.Zero && swigCMemOwn) {
710      $imcall;
711      swigCMemOwn = false;
712    }
713    swigCPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
714    GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
715  }
717%typemap(m3destruct_derived, methodname="Dispose") SWIGTYPE {
718    if(swigCPtr != IntPtr.Zero && swigCMemOwn) {
719      $imcall;
720      swigCMemOwn = false;
721    }
722    swigCPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
723    GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
724    base.Dispose();
725  }
727%typemap(m3getcptr) SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE [], SWIGTYPE (CLASS::*) %{
728  internal static IntPtr getCPtr($1_basetype obj) {
729    RETURN (obj == null) ? IntPtr.Zero : obj.swigCPtr;
730  }
733/* M3 specific directives */
734#define %m3multiretval        %feature("modula3:multiretval")
735#define %constnumeric(num)    %feature("constnumeric","num")
737%pragma(modula3) moduleimports=%{
738IMPORT BlaBla;
741%pragma(modula3) imclassimports=%{
742FROM BlaBla IMPORT Bla;
745/* Some ANSI C typemaps */
747%apply unsigned long { size_t };
749/* Array reference typemaps */
750%apply SWIGTYPE & { SWIGTYPE ((&)[ANY]) }
752/* const pointers */
753%apply SWIGTYPE * { SWIGTYPE *const }