2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20#include <unistd.h>
22#include <functional>
23#include <memory>
24#include <mutex>
25#include <string>
26#include <vector>
28#include <android-base/logging.h>
30#include "IOEventLoop.h"
31#include "utils.h"
33// Class wrappers for unix socket communication operations.
35class UnixSocketConnection;
37// UnixSocketMessage is the message structure used for communication.
38struct UnixSocketMessage {
39  uint32_t len;
40  uint32_t type;
41  char data[0];
44// We want to avoid memory copy by being able to cast from char array
45// to UnixSocketMessage* directly (See the implementation in
46// UnixSocketConnection::ConsumeDataInReadBuffer()). To access members
47// of UnixSocketMessage and its extensions without causing alignment problems
48// (On arm, some instructions (like LDRD) don't support unaligned address),
49// we make sure all messages are stored at 8-bytes aligned addresses. Namely,
50// each message will be padded to 8-bytes aligned size.
51static constexpr uint32_t UnixSocketMessageAlignment = 8u;
53// UnixSocketMessageBuffer is a circular buffer used to store
54// UnixSocketMessages.
55class UnixSocketMessageBuffer {
56 public:
57  explicit UnixSocketMessageBuffer(size_t capacity)
58      : data_(capacity), read_head_(0), valid_bytes_(0) {}
60  bool Empty() const { return valid_bytes_ == 0; }
62  bool HalfFull() const { return valid_bytes_ * 2 >= data_.size(); }
64  bool StoreMessage(const UnixSocketMessage& message) {
65    uint32_t aligned_len = Align(message.len, UnixSocketMessageAlignment);
66    if (data_.size() - valid_bytes_ < aligned_len) {
67      return false;
68    }
69    uint32_t write_head = (read_head_ + valid_bytes_) % data_.size();
70    if (message.len <= data_.size() - write_head) {
71      memcpy(data_.data() + write_head, &message, message.len);
72    } else {
73      uint32_t len1 = data_.size() - write_head;
74      memcpy(data_.data() + write_head, &message, len1);
75      memcpy(data_.data(), reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&message) + len1,
76             message.len - len1);
77    }
78    valid_bytes_ += aligned_len;
79    return true;
80  }
82  size_t PeekData(const char** pdata) {
83    *pdata = &data_[read_head_];
84    if (read_head_ + valid_bytes_ <= data_.size()) {
85      return valid_bytes_;
86    }
87    return data_.size() - read_head_;
88  }
90  void CommitData(size_t size) {
91    CHECK_GE(valid_bytes_, size);
92    read_head_ = (read_head_ + size) % data_.size();
93    valid_bytes_ -= size;
94  }
96 private:
97  std::vector<char> data_;
98  uint32_t read_head_;
99  uint32_t valid_bytes_;
102// UnixSocketServer creates a unix socket server listening on a unix file path.
103class UnixSocketServer {
104 public:
105  static std::unique_ptr<UnixSocketServer> Create(
106      const std::string& server_path, bool is_abstract);
108  ~UnixSocketServer();
109  const std::string& GetPath() const { return path_; }
110  std::unique_ptr<UnixSocketConnection> AcceptConnection();
112 private:
113  UnixSocketServer(int server_fd, const std::string& path)
114      : server_fd_(server_fd), path_(path) {}
115  const int server_fd_;
116  const std::string path_;
119// UnixSocketConnection is used to communicate between server and client.
120// It is either created by accepting a connection in UnixSocketServer, or by
121// connecting to a UnixSocketServer.
122// UnixSocketConnection binds to a IOEventLoop, so it writes messages to fd
123// when it is writable, and read messages from fd when it is readable. To send
124// messages, UnixSocketConnection uses a buffer to store to-be-sent messages.
125// And whenever it receives a complete message from fd, it calls the callback
126// function.
127// In UnixSocketConnection, although user can send messages concurrently from
128// different threads, only the thread running IOEventLoop::RunLoop() can
129// do IO operations, calling WriteData() and ReadData(). To make it work
130// properly, the thread creating/destroying UnixSocketConnection should be
131// the same thread running IOEventLoop::RunLoop().
132class UnixSocketConnection {
133 private:
134  static constexpr size_t SEND_BUFFER_SIZE = 512 * 1024;
135  static constexpr size_t READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
137 public:
138  explicit UnixSocketConnection(int fd)
139      : fd_(fd),
140        read_buffer_(READ_BUFFER_SIZE),
141        read_buffer_size_(0),
142        read_event_(nullptr),
143        send_buffer_(SEND_BUFFER_SIZE),
144        write_event_enabled_(true),
145        write_event_(nullptr),
146        no_more_message_(false) {}
148  static std::unique_ptr<UnixSocketConnection> Connect(
149      const std::string& server_path, bool is_abstract);
151  ~UnixSocketConnection();
153  bool IsClosed() {
154    return fd_ == -1;
155  }
157  bool PrepareForIO(IOEventLoop& loop,
158                    const std::function<bool(const UnixSocketMessage&)>&
159                        receive_message_callback,
160                    const std::function<bool()>& close_connection_callback);
162  // Thread-safe function, can be called from signal handler.
163  // The message is put into the send buffer. If [undelayed] is true, messages
164  // in the send buffer are sent immediately, otherwise they will be sent
165  // when the buffer is half full.
166  bool SendMessage(const UnixSocketMessage& message, bool undelayed) {
167    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(send_buffer_and_write_event_mtx_);
168    if (no_more_message_ || !send_buffer_.StoreMessage(message)) {
169      return false;
170    }
171    // By buffering messages, we can effectively decrease context-switch times.
172    if (undelayed || send_buffer_.HalfFull()) {
173      return EnableWriteEventWithLock();
174    }
175    return true;
176  }
178  // Thread-safe function.
179  // After NoMoreMessage(), the connection will not accept more messages
180  // in SendMessage(), and it will be closed after sending existing messages
181  // in send buffer.
182  bool NoMoreMessage() {
183    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(send_buffer_and_write_event_mtx_);
184    if (!no_more_message_) {
185      no_more_message_ = true;
186      return EnableWriteEventWithLock();
187    }
188    return true;
189  }
191 private:
192  // The caller should have send_buffer_and_write_event_mtx_ locked.
193  bool EnableWriteEventWithLock() {
194    if (!write_event_enabled_) {
195      if (!IOEventLoop::EnableEvent(write_event_)) {
196        return false;
197      }
198      write_event_enabled_ = true;
199    }
200    return true;
201  }
202  // The caller should have send_buffer_and_write_event_mtx_ locked.
203  bool DisableWriteEventWithLock() {
204    if (write_event_enabled_) {
205      if (!IOEventLoop::DisableEvent(write_event_)) {
206        return false;
207      }
208      write_event_enabled_ = false;
209    }
210    return true;
211  }
213  // Below functions are only called in the thread running IO operations.
214  bool WriteData();
215  bool GetDataFromSendBuffer(const char** pdata, size_t* pdata_size);
216  bool ReadData();
217  bool ConsumeDataInReadBuffer();
218  bool CloseConnection();
220  // Below members can only be accessed in the thread running IO operations.
221  int fd_;
222  std::function<bool(const UnixSocketMessage&)> read_callback_;
223  std::function<bool()> close_callback_;
224  // read_buffer_ is used to cache data read from the other end.
225  // read_buffer_size_ is the number of valid bytes in read_buffer_.
226  std::vector<char> read_buffer_;
227  size_t read_buffer_size_;
228  IOEventRef read_event_;
230  // send_buffer_and_write_event_mtx_ protects following members, which can be
231  // accessed in multiple threads.
232  std::mutex send_buffer_and_write_event_mtx_;
233  UnixSocketMessageBuffer send_buffer_;
234  bool write_event_enabled_;
235  IOEventRef write_event_;
236  bool no_more_message_;